
What program configures a computer. Network settings. Turning off Parking nuclei - ParkControl

Free program To change network settings. The program is intended for non-commercial use and in free version Allows you to create up to six profiles containing different network configurations.

Menten the created profiles in NetSetman (abbreviated from Network Settings Manager) is very easy - just to select a tab with the desired settings and click the "Apply" button.

You make the necessary installations in some kind of profiles in advance, and then simply switches to the desired when changing the connection method!

Main features

NetSetman allows you to change:

IP. - The address of the computer on the Internet.

DNS. - System connecting domains with IP addresses.

Hosts. - text file With instructions for redirection.

  • IP addresses;
  • DNS-, WINS and SMTP server;
  • computer name and workgroup;
  • wi-Fi settings;
  • network printers;
  • entries in the HOSTS file;
  • some system properties (monitor mode, sound devices and power configurations).

In addition, NetSetMan can perform any BAT, JS or VB scripts, which allows you to change almost any settings available from the command line and / or thanks to third-party programs!

Comparison with analogue

NetSetman has a paid Pro version, however, the differences between them are minimal. In fact, paying € 18, you will receive:

Proxy. - Intermediate server between the computer and the Internet.
  • right to use NetSetman on a working PC;
  • activate an unlimited number of settings profiles;
  • proxy server shift functions, network domain and start page browser.

Therefore, it seems to me that it will successfully compare NetSetman with an application of third-party developers, called Winagents Hyperconf:

In fact, the Winagents Hyperconf program is a peculiar analog of NetSetman for sysadminov, because it is designed not only for the automated change of network settings, but also to maintain these settings in the working condition.

Yes, and the license for it is sold at least 10 cars. Therefore, for a regular user, working with NetSetMan will be preferable.

Program installation

NetSetman is installed, like all programs: You download the archive, open it and run the installer, and then follow the wizard prompts.

In the first stages of the installation, you will need to select the application language and accept the terms of the license agreement, after which you will get the following choice:

There are three here possible options Installations:

  1. Standard installation is a method in which NetSetMan will be implemented in a system, like all regular applications. That is, a directory with a program will be created in the Program Files folder (by default), in which all the files need will be located. At the same time, the utility settings will be saved in the system registry.
  2. Update - allows you to install more new copy Programs over the already installed with you. This method It will only be available if you used NetSetman.
  3. Extract files. This method allows you to simply unpack all program files to the directory you specified. At the same time, nothing is written to the registry, and you can use NetSetman as a portable application.

Perhaps we will finish the installation program in a standard way, although if you are a lover of portable software, you can finish the installation by the third way :).

Creating a first profile

After completing the installation of the program, it will appear its working window:

It consists of a menu bar (at the top), a number of buttons (to the right of the program name) and six tabs on which, in fact, all possible settings are collected.

In order to create the first settings profile, you need to call the context menu of the required tab (for example, SET 1):

First of all, we rename our tab in something comfortable and understandable. To do this, click "Rename" and in the window that opens, we introduce a suitable name, for example, let's call the tab - "Houses" :).

After that, we will need to once again go to the context menu of the tabs and activate the item "Get All Current Settings".

This action will automatically fill in all fields with the settings that are applied to you to connect to the Internet at the moment:

In addition, you can automatically fill in the desired fields by pressing the button with the arrow located to the right of the desired field (see the screenshot above).

Working with the program

So, our first profile is ready - it's time to create another one that you can switch between them.

I have a house connection from the city local network, so as an example I will give the settings that I have to use if I want to connect to the network from my parents:

DNS server. - A program processing DNS requests.

As you can see, for the work of the Internet, we usually have enough to know your IP address and IP of our DNS server (which in this case protrudes the modem). However, more complex cases happen with which NetSetman will help us cope.

MAC address (eng. Media Access Control) - Unique device number on the network.

The first such case is the problem of changing the MAC address of the network card.

Usually this need does not arise, however, if you have to work in several local networks, where the distribution of traffic is carried out in physical addresses network devices, then without this feature you can do anything.

Officially, there is no such possibility in NetSetman (although the author declared its implementation in the nearest beta version), but it is possible to carry out almost any scripts, which significantly increases the functionality of the program!

The script can be created in advance (and then just open), but you can write directly in the Special Built-in Editor window, to access that you need to activate the checkbox "Script" in the desired tab of the program and click on the button to the right of the point name:

Consider work with scripts on specific example. Default B. Command line There is no MAC address shift function, but it can be implemented using a third-party console program - Macshift.

This utility you will find in the archive with the NetSetman program. All you need to do is unpack files. "Validmacs.h" and "Macshift.exe" (third file - optional) in the root of the disk C: \\ or in the folder C: \\ Windows.

Console (eng. console.) - Window for entering text commands.

Thus, you have the ability to change the MAC address of the network card through the console. Now it's small - you need to write scripts.

Macshift command syntax - Very simple: Macshift -i "Connection name" 2889-82-002B (desired address).

Drive a string (with the MAC address you need) to any notepad type editor and save as a BAT file.

Now it remains only to open the created file in the NetSetman script editor (see Screenshot above). Moreover, the execution time of the script can be set both "to" changes in settings and "after".

Hosts file management

Next to the item "Script" is the item "HOSTS". Its activation allows us to make changes to the same system file.which is responsible for permission and forwarding the addresses specified in it.

One of the options for using the edit function this file There may be a restriction of access to some sites from your PC.

For example, I propose to "ban" site :).

You can achieve this by speaking the site of the local host address (default ). Activate the "hosts" item in NetSetMan and using the button on the right (with a detachment image), call the system host file editing window:

Now, by observing the syntax, on each new line, we prescribe the local host address at the beginning, and then through the spacel address of the site to which you want to close access.

After the list is generated, click the "Finish" button.

The most important thing is that NetSetman does not touch the standard host file entries, but can both add and delete added via the site address program.

Thus, you can create a profile, for example, for your children, in which to limit their access to certain sites!

Management of system properties

The last feature on which I would like to draw your attention is the "system properties". By activating this item in the NetSetman window, you will be able to use the profile, change not only network settings, but also some monitor settings, sound and power supply:

We dealt with NetSetman's capabilities, so it's time to try to apply the profiles created by us. To do this, it is enough to go to the desired tab (profile) and click the "Application" button. In the upper right part of the program window:

This opens the window in which all actions performed by the program will be displayed.

Above the list of actions is a line of progress for the application of new installations, and the "Cancel" button, which, upon completion of the network configuration, is replaced by the "Finish" button.

We press the last and get at your disposal a completely reconfigured connection to the Internet!

Additional tools and program settings

So, we have already dealt with the principle of work NetSetman and considered some of its possibilities. Now it's time to get acquainted with some non-core, but sometimes necessary functions. It will be about the buttons on the toolbar. There are three of them there:

  1. Profiles. This button Calls the profile management window. Unfortunately, in a free version, we cannot remove any of the six profiles, but we can rename them.
  2. The note. This button allows you to leave short records (up to 256 characters) with comments to the active profile. Here you, for example, can insert the text of the script to be able to restore it if the file loss (see the screenshot above).
  3. Auto deduction. This button opens the window in which we can configure automatic switching On a Wi-Fi profile when the open network signal is detected.

Without due attention, we have only a menu line.

The first item is "Profile" - activates the menu similar to the context menu described at the beginning of the section about the creation of the first profile. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe it separately, and we go to the second item - "Options":

Here we have three subparagraphs:

  • import;
  • export profiles;
  • and actually "Settings".

For example, if you forgot to put the Russian language interface or want to disable NetSetman autorun, you can do it here.

Also pay your attention to the Administration tab. With it, you can activate the encryption of all stored in the data program!

In the third menu item - "Tools" - some standard links to the network connections built into the system are assembled and not only:

Last, what I want to tell, is the ability to work with NetSetman in "Compact mode":

To switch to this mode, it is sufficient to click on the appropriate inscription in the upper right corner. It is worth noting that the profile settings can be edited in this mode, but to switch the network configuration is much more convenient (at least in my opinion) :).

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • easy interface;
  • convenient profile shift system;
  • expansion of the program functionality by performing scripts;
  • the ability to quickly automatically receive current settings;
  • access to the most demanded embedded Windows features.


  • there is no built-in function of changing the MAC address of the network card;
  • no built-in task scheduler.


If you are a modern laptop owner and often use it on trips to access the Internet, NetSetman is an indispensable tool for you, which will forever forget about inconvenience associated with changes in network settings.

If you yourself do not speak very well the configuration skills network InstallationsYou can always ask for friends or colleagues (for example, an office sysadmina :)) to do it just once, and then always rejoice at uninterrupted Internet access!


In the modern world, probably, there are practically no people left, who may not use anyway computer equipment. Most at home today is not even one PC ... and the second computer is most often a laptop.

Still, when modern opportunities Practically ubiquitous network access, laptops are still the most successful solutions to replace the full office (and even multimedia) PC.

However, in a variety of options for connecting the Internet there is one (and sometimes very significant) minus - the need to change the connection settings every time.

Suppose you use a laptop as a working machine at home, in the office and friends. At the same time, you are "sitting" at home on ADSL connection, at work in Lokalka, and friends on the "dedication". And in your laptop there are Wi-Fi, which can be used for surfing in open networks ...

And for each case you have to climb each time to network connections and shame with the settings! Scary? It would be more :) But today we learned how to get rid of yourself once and for all of this nightmare with a fairly simple, but almost indispensable utility NetSetman.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article if you specify an open active reference to the source and maintaining the authorship of Ruslana TRADER.

From computers supported by the program.

Collection of information

  • Timeout connections (specified in seconds) - the time during which the connection with the remote computer is expected (by default 30 seconds).
  • Timeout survey - Time limiting the duration of information collection for the data group. The option is specified in order to prevent information for collecting information on any of the groups. If the computer is low productive or has a slow network connection, then the value must be increased.
  • Number of streams- The number of simultaneous streams, with which the remote computers are a survey with WMI. To speed up the process of collecting information, you can increase the number of streams up to 50 or 100 to reduce the load on the server, on the contrary, reduce up to - 5-10.
  • Schedule -this setting allows you to automate the process of collecting information. Enable the "Collection of Scheduled Data Collection" option and configure the survey schedule.

  • Licensed information

    To receive information about the serial number of products, click on the link " Customize the receipt of serial numbers from the registry"This option is possible only for products that store serial numbers in the registry in unencrypted form. . The information obtained from the registry allows you to control the licensed cleanliness of the programs and operating systems installed on the network computers. For adding The new template requires to enter the path and name of the registry key responsible for keeping licensed information (for example, serial number). Using the buttons " Change"And" Copy"You can adjust the existing templates, as well as create new templates based on old.

    Button " Import"Allows you to import information about templates from the CFG file. We plan to post on our website template files to account for some popular programs. Using imports, you can download downloaded templates to the program.

    Button " Save to file ..."You can unload templates to a CFG file. With the help of export, you can send us information about useful programs To enable template file licenses.cfg.supplied with the default program.

    Button " Send to developers"Allows you to send to developers a path configuration file.

    Option " Taking into account the licenses, despite the lack of products in the list installed programs ".

    In case of incorrect removal of the product information about serial number The registry may be preserved. Therefore, the program usually checks the presence of a key in the registry with the list of installed programs. The option above allows you to detect all keys in the registry if necessary (to detect copied and not installed products).

  • Settings agents
  • This section is set settings for collecting information using a remote agent. Read the use of agents.

    To ensure the safety of information when working with agents provided the following settings:

    • The change TCP ports of agents The default allows you to improve the safety of work with agents.
    • Using a password. Set the password if necessary. Passwords of the administrator and agents module must match for successful work.
    • Using IP filter. Turn on the filtering and add to the list of computers with the Main Program installed "10-Strike: Computer Inventory", from which the agent is allowed to receive commands and provide information.

    After installing the agents on the network computers, you must specify computers, where the collection of information will be carried out using the agent. Click the button " Set a list of computers on which agents are used". In the dialog that appears, tick computers.

  • Custom data from the registry

The registry contains information about the settings of the OS and programs, security parameters, etc. Learning the path to the values \u200b\u200bof these parameters in the registry, you can customize them in the inventory program. In this section, you can specify such parameters. Click " Add"And specify the name of the parameter, its path in the registry and the value of the parameter.
The data collected in this section are displayed in the node of the Data Groups "Computer Card".

  • SSH Collection

SSH protocol is used to collect information from Linux and MacOS. Use this section to configure the SSH connection. Specify the username, password and port. You can choose computers for which the survey will be used via SSH.
For each computer, if necessary, you can specify your connection settings (option " Set your SSH port and account for each computer").

Data imports

This type of setting allows you to use a way to collect information from customers through open on general access folder. When using the component 10-Strike Network Inventory Client (Further " client") On the network computers configured to reset information in this folder, when loading the program, imports collected data into a common database of computers are imported. Along with the use of agents, data collection with customers is also an alternative to a survey via WMI.
Attention! Data import folder with customers and data database folderx (see the following parameter) should vary! When you import data from clients, the program transfers data files from the import folder to the database folder. If option is enabled "Lead a change log", the program analyzes the difference between new and old files. Therefore, directly clients drop data files into the database folder (see the following parameter) Cannot! The program may simply not see new data.

  • Import data from FTP

Customers located in other networks can collect information locally using the client and reset it to the FTP server. This section sets the data import settings from the FTP server.

Import data from FTP". The program will connect to the FTP server and read client files. Set the connection settings with the FTP server. In the corresponding fields, specify the server address, port, username, password, and directory. To check the correctness of the settings, click" Test connection".

  • Import data with e-mail

Customers located in other networks may reset collected information and on e-mail. This section sets the data import settings from E-mail.

To configure imports, turn on the option " Import customer data from mailbox ". In the appropriate fields, specify the ROR server address, port, username and password. To check the correctness of the settings, click" Test connection".

Custom fields

In this section of the settings, you can enter fields with for more information About computer (for example, responsible or its phone number, date of last repair or warranty service). Entering data to added fields occurs in the window " Computer properties ".

Data filter

In the list of installed programs, programs can be displayed, the presence of which in the reports is undesirable. For example, system updates or MS Office can climb the list. By default, the program is trying to filter system updates According to certain features stored in the registry. However, some updates are still displayed in the list of programs. To disable the display of these unwanted packages, use " Filter installed programs"In the program settings.

Click the button " Add"Enter the program name masks for which you want to disable the mapping. For example," * Update *" or " * (KB *".

Web interface

Watching data programs can be performed on remote computers via a web browser by connecting to the program web server.

Enable the option " Enable web interface", Specify the port and authorization parameters (login and password).

To do this, in the program you need to set the web server settings: specify the port and authorization parameters (login and password). The default port can be busy any other service or web interface program. In this case, select another unoccupied port. To verify the functionality of the web server and the settings settings correctly, open the webpage. After that, you can save the settings by clicking " Apply Settings".

Report settings

In this section, you can set individual parameters for the generated reports: configure footers, the layout of the text in the speakers, insert the company's logo.

Background check

This section of the settings is designed to specify the methods of background definition of computers. According to the results of the test, the computer status is displayed in the list (gray-colored computers - inactive, blue - on). The background check helps to avoid connecting to computers off, loading the program and computer when collecting information, saves the administration time.

  • Background survey interval, in minutes - time interval between computer status checks (default 5 minutes).
  • Time-Out to connect to remote computer (MS) - The time of determining the status of a computer (by default is 500 ms).
  • Checking with Ping (Sending ICMP Packages) - Use the protocol for the ICMP scan.
  • Check connection to TCP port - Use a TCP protocol with a specified port for the background check. The drop-down list shows ports for standard protocols. When using firewalls on the Ping network (ICMP protocol) can be disconnected on network computers. TCP port check allows you to quickly determine the status of the computer. Examples of open TCP ports on corporate computers local networks: 135 (DCOM), 139 (NetBIOS).


This section allows you to set up reserve copy All inventory database and configuration files. This measure is needed to avoid loss of data collected as a result of various reasons.

To configure the backup, specify a place on a computer or other physical media, where the program will save copies of inventory databases in ZIP format (field " Save in the catalog").

To automatically save the configuration files or the entire inventory database, turn on the option " Keep backup Configuration files automatically"And" Save the base entirely automatically". Set backup frequency.

Program "10-Strike: Computer Inventory" - remote survey and inventory of a PC enterprise over the network. Creating reports on the "gland" and software, monitoring changes, detection of problems, administrator alert. Easy to install and configure. Take your Park Computers under control!

Download a free 30-day version right now and try.

Programs and utilities for thin setting The operating system, processor, graphics, memory, drives have always been popular. But now their relevance is growing. In the age of tablets and laptops, the desktop upgrade lost the urgent need.

Many use platforms 3-5 years ago. Such computers are perfectly coped with most tasks, but sometimes more: a new game is needed or another version of the resource-intensive program appears. Here and come to the rescue of twigs, eliminating the need to update the desktop PC.

How to increase processor performance?

The easiest, but most risky way to increase the performance of the central processor - overclocking. However, sometimes you can do without it. The fact is that without a small 10 years, the development of CPU is largely focused not to achieve maximum performance, but on the growth of efficiency.

As a result, for the sake of saving energy, OS and chips are configured in such a way as to minimize power consumption. One of the common ways is to park the cores. If the system considers the level of load low, only one kernel is activated. It is necessary to say that the algorithms are not always triggered perfectly. If you need high performance warranty, it is better to disable this feature.

Turning off Parking nuclei - ParkControl

  • License: Freeware.
  • Size: 1.35 MB.
  • OS: Windows.
  • From our catalog.

The ParkControl utility allows you to make a parking (shutdown) nuclei without immersion in the debris of the OS setting and rebooting the computer. The fact is that Windows does not allow you to control this function. By default, it is assumed that it is needed by everything. The utility allows you to select a power saving profile, as well as determine the conditions for parking the cores, or completely disable the function.

Single CPU Loader - Enable only one nucleus

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer:.
  • Size: 6 KB.
  • Requirements: .NET Framework.
  • From our catalog

Support for multi-core in software is far from ideal. Some programs and games are not supported at all, in the others it is not realized in the best way. It is necessary to consider that in modern processors there is a turbo, in which all the kernels are turned off, except for one, the frequency of which increases as much as possible. Sometimes there are cases when it is more profitable to run a program or a game in a single-core mode forcibly. Single CPU Loader comes to the rescue.

The utility works simply: the user is invited to specify the path to the executable program file that you want to run. It will work in a single-core mode. It should be noted that Single CPU Loader may have problems with the launch of old applications written in the era of single-core chips.

MZ CPU Accelerator - processor resource allocation

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: Michael Zacharias.
  • Size: 1.3 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

MZ CPU Accelerator also allows you to increase the performance of applications without increasing the frequency of the processor. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe program is simple: maximum computational resources Must receive an application whose window is actively. By what is performed in the background, it is highlighted by a minimum of resources. It is possible to configure exceptions by defining several programs that will have permanent priority.

Similarly, you can make a "black list" for programs whose optimization is prohibited. In addition, as the Single CPU Loader has the possibility of enforcing programs in one-or multi-core processor mode. The developer honestly warns that if the CPU is overloaded, you won't get a big effect from his brainchild.

And now we turn to solutions that, one way or another, use hardware to increase productivity. In the first place here are specialized programs.

AMD OVERDRIVE - Setup AMD processors

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: AMD.
  • Size: 30.3 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

AMD OVERDRIVE. - A very well-known solution to optimize the operation of the system based on aMD processors. His feature is ready-made profiles for overclocking, created on the basis of the settings of specialists on acceleration with world names. You can try multiple balanced options that include tuning as CPU itself and memory.

In addition, you can create your own profiles optimized for certain applications. For advanced users, access to the advanced system settings is provided.

The program features an integrated testing and monitoring system. After applying certain settings, it is possible to estimate what exactly it turned out in the end and how much it matches the task, whether the stability of the system ensures.

ClockGen - computer overclocking

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: CPUID.
  • Size: 30.3 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

The program, as well as SETFSB, allows you to overclock the computer using a PLL chip manipulation. This component is responsible for generating frequencies for the system tire, processor, random access memory, PCI.

The first thing to be done is to define the PLL installed on the system board. This can be performed by searching on the Internet, as well as considering the PLL frequency using the program.

After determining which generator is available in the computer, you need to select the desired profile. Next, you can set frequencies for the processor, memory, etc. ClockGen allows you to separately determine the parameters for the PCI Express operation, i.e. By changing the tire frequency for the graphics accelerator, the user will retain the remaining settings in immunity.

Conversely, overclocking the processor and memory, you can not touch the video card. It should be noted that it is often more profitable to use for dynamic acceleration using PLL branded manufacturers utilities motherboards. Already there they know exactly what kind of generator was installed. For example, ASUS AI Booster ,.

RAM optimization (RAM)

"Pills", improving computer memory, can be common action. For example, utilities for overclocking the system tire. By increasing its frequency, promote and increase the performance of RAM. But there are two more techniques that allow the use of RAM rational.

The first will suit almost everyone. It is to fully clean the memory from unused data and provide maximum capacity At the disposal of working programs.

The second is better to use on computers with a large RAM volume. Ramdisk technology creates a virtual part-use data storage in RAM. As a result, they are read faster, and the system and programs are working with greater productivity. This reception is similar to Intel technology for ultrabooks, when a small SSD is installed along with a rigid disk, which stores the data required to load the system.

Windows Memory Speed \u200b\u200bUp - How to Clean Return Memory

  • License: Demo / $ 11.95.
  • Developer: Potatoshare Software.
  • Size: 625 KB.
  • OS: Windows 2K / XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64 / 8 32-bit / 8 64-bit.
  • From our catalog.

Windows Memory. Speed \u200b\u200bUp allows you to implement the first memory management reception. The program tracks the memory load and when you click on the "Set Up Memory Now!" Button Clears it from unnecessary data. Capacity free RAM increases, which should be positively affected by PC performance.

In addition, you can configure automatic memory cleaning when a certain load level is reached, for example, 50%. You can configure cleaning after a certain period of time, for example, every 5 minutes.

Windows Memory Speed \u200b\u200bUp has an intuitive and very nice interface, but costs money. In demo mode, you can optimize RAM manually, the automation is disabled.

Wise Memory Optimizer - Free cleaning of RAM

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: WiseCleaner.
  • Size: 862 KB.
  • OS: Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / XP x64 / 2008 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64 / 8 32-bit / 8 64-bit.
  • From our catalog.

Wise Memory Optimizer also cleans the memory, but does it for free. You can do it manually and automatically. In the second case, the user sets the download level at which you need to make cleaning and the desired amount of the released memory. Another setting is the start of the cleaning process only during processor idle.

Memory Cleaner - Simple memory cleaning

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: Koshy John.
  • Size: 497 KB.
  • From our catalog.

Memory Cleaner browsing the memory from unused data and removes the system cache separately. The process starts manually and automatically when the RAM is defined or after a certain period of time. Regulate conditions automatic cleaning It is impossible. The download level is set to 80%, and the frequency is 5 minutes.

MemopTimizer - advanced operational memory cleaning

  • License: Trial / $ 19.95.
  • Developer: Pointstone Software.
  • Size: 1.9 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008/7.
  • From our catalog.

Memoptimizer has an advanced functionality compared to previous memory cleaning programs. First, the program allows you to track the use of not only RAM, but also virtual memory. Secondly, it helps to keep track of the load of the central processor.

Thirdly, with its help you can increase the priority of the executable application, allocating more processor resources for it. Fourthly, and this is the most interesting thing - the program makes it possible to create special shortcuts To start some applications, such as games. Running the game with such a shortcut, the user will simultaneously clean the memory and optimization of the processor operation.

Superram - Cleaning RAM in Windows 8 and 8.1

  • License: Trial / $ 11.99.
  • Developer: pgware.
  • Size: 4.9 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / XP x64 / 2008 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64 / 8 32-bit / 8 64-Bit / 8.1 32-bit / 8.1 64-bit.
  • From our catalog.

Superram allows automatically and in manual mode Clean the RAM. Automatic settings By default, it is assumed that when there is a free less than 18% RAM, the program will try to clean 40% of the container.

In addition, Superram has a memory test. It is possible to determine with what tasks it copes better, and with what worse, withdraw averaged assessment. Finally, RAM use statistics.

The strength of Superram is normal support for Windows 8 and 8.1.

RAMDISK - Virtual Disk in RAM

  • License: Demo / $ 18.99.
  • Developer: Dataram.
  • Size: 6.9 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / 2008/7/8 32-bit.
  • From our catalog.

And here is the second way to optimize the memory. RAMDISK - the kernel level driver that allows you to create virtual memory hDD. It can store the frequently used data, including programs. This significantly improves PC performance.

The program supports WDM standards, so RAM disks can be assigned any liteers, split them into several, formative, etc. - One word is the same as with ordinary hard drives.

The RAM drive can be turned on and off at any time. First of all, applications that are highly loading an I / O system are accelerated from this program, and to a lesser extent - processor and memory.

Download windows from the RAM disk will not work, but it can be used to place the system in virtual MachineFor example, VMware.

The free version of RAMDISK allows you to create virtual disks with a capacity of up to 4 GB, after payment - up to 32 GB. For the work of the foreground is required at least 512 MB of RAM and installing .NET Framework 4.0.

The same tasks with the same limitations can be solved with the help of Dataram Ramdisk.

How to overclock the video card

If the user needs a fine tuning or acceleration of the video card, in most cases it does not need to access Internet search engines. It is enough to look into the accelerator box and pull the disk with the drivers - as a rule, branded programs from the video card manufacturer are recorded.

If not a box version was bought, then you can see in the PC specification and go to the site of the accelerator or laptop manufacturer. All companies offer solutions with which you can increase the frequency of GPU and memory, optimize device settings and make it with a minimum risk.

Such programs often have a similar interface, since many of them lead their pedigree from. Their main disadvantage is a binding to the devices of a particular manufacturer and a spectacular brutal, but not very convenient design. One of these programs - MSI Afterburner..

MSI Afterburner - MSI video cards

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: MSI.
  • Size: 21.9 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64 / 8 32-bit / 8 64-bit.
  • From our catalog.

MSI AfterBurner is designed for MSI video sourcers based on graphic processors from AMD and NVIDIA. The main task of the application is to give the user the ability to change the video card settings: the memory frequency, processor, supply voltage, the speed of rotation of the cooler fans.

The program window is divided into two parts. The left is located, the sliders with which you can adjust the frequencies and other parameters. On the right side, a hardware monitor that allows real-time monitoring of the GPU load and using memory, as well as other data on the operation of the system.

There are five buttons for several presets. You can create them for individual games or other tasks.

At first glance, afterburner is reduced only to overclocking. In fact, it is not. Part of the functions are hidden in the program settings. Here, for example, you can assign hot keys to remove screenshots in some games, video recordings, profile activation. You can also configure the display of monitoring and updating drivers and BIOS.

ASUS GPU TWEAK - acceleration of ASUS video cards

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: ASUS.
  • Size: 21 MB.
  • OS: Windows Vista. / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

ASUS GPU TWEAK - similar program from asus. In the main window, you can change the frequency of the processor and memory, as well as control the speed of rotation of the fans. There are five buttons for 5 presets. Separately, you can configure the parameters for two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics.

The auxiliary monitoring window on the left contains information about the operation of the system. To obtain data on the installed video screen, you can use the branded version.

ASUS GPU TWEAK allows you to update the BIOS video cards and drivers via the Internet.

In the settings you can refuse to use the skin. According to acquire a familiar and understandable look, but will not be so beautiful. Along with the screenshots, you can configure video recording during the gameplay. This indicates the parameters of the roller and assigned hot key For "shooting". There are hot keys to activate overclocking profiles.

Similar programs have Gigabyte, Sapphire, Zotac and other video card brands. One of the most useful features is the possibility of creating game profiles with optimal settings For a particular game. However, the ASUS GPU Tweak and MSI Afterburner presets need to be selected on their own. It is easier to use Radit, however, the focus will work only with ATI accelerators.

Radit - AMD Catalyst Profiles

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: Mr. Lolman.
  • Size: 3.3 MB.
  • OS: Windows Vista / 7.
  • From our catalog.

A small utility allows you to select and activate AMD Catalyst game profiles. Everything works very simply: you need to specify the program folder where the game executable file is located and choose from the list profile, each of which is signed. Next, when you start the game, the selected settings will be applied.

Thanks to profiles, you can improve the quality of the picture by optimizing the anti-aliasing. The problem is one - the utility only works with AMD video cards.

PowerStrip - Advanced Video Card Setting

  • License: Trial / $ 29.95.
  • Developer: Entech Taiwan.
  • Size: 1.3 MB.
  • OS: Windows.
  • From our catalog.

PowerStrip is a powerful tool for controlling graphics of any platform.

The user can create profiles for each application. They assume settings, both the graph and some other computer functions. For example, you can enable or disable the forced shutdown of the picture into several monitors, cancel the settings of the power saving parameters, screensaver, etc.

PowerStrip Allows you to create a profile display settings: resolution, update frequency, color depth, etc. Color profiles make it possible to create presets with gamma, brightness, color temperatures.

Finally, PowerStrip also tool for accelerator accelerator. You can change the frequencies of graphics processor and memory, as well as timings of the latter, which occurs infrequently. It turns off the power management, control of frequencies from the system, etc.

ATI Tray Tools - Advanced Setup AMD Video Cards

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: Ray Adams.
  • Size: 2 MB.
  • OS: Windows 2K / XP / 2003 / Vista / XP x64 / 2008 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

ATI Tray Tools is another serious tool for obtaining maximum results. This time from aMD video cards. The program along with the acceleration of the graphics processor and memory, allows you to immerse yourself in the tribes of three-dimensional graphics, adjusting the parameters of anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, textures, shaders, etc. All settings can be saved to profiles and activate them using the desktop labels.

It is possible to automatically activate profiles. To form a particular preset, you can bind it to the application, and not only for three-dimensional games, but also for ordinary programs, such as graphic editors.

To verify the work of the video card after overclocking, benchmarks are provided.

There is the ability to set up the speed of rotation of the fans of the accelerator from its temperature.

And, of course, ATI Trays Tools will replace standard windows tools To manage the display settings. Switch between various permissions With their help more convenient than default tools.

NVIDIA System Tools - setting up video cards and NVIDIA chipsets

  • License: Freeware.
  • Developer: NVIDIA.
  • Size: 71.8 MB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

NVIDIA System Tools - a set of tools for controlling graphics and NVIDIA chipsets. The latter is less relevant, since for several years as a company has left this market, and the system logic itself is gradually integrated into the CPU and is less dependent on its settings.

With regard to the control of GPU, the utility allows you to configure various hardware profiles for the accelerator, including frequency characteristics processor and memory, as well as supply voltage and the cooling level of the video card.

The tool also allows you to automate the profile management according to customizable rules. For example, for download windows You can download the profile by default, in which the minimum frequencies for the accelerator are exhibited, as well as the most quiet control mode.

When the game starts, also automatically apply settings for maximum performance. As soon as the game application is closed, return to the default profile. A total of a pair of dozens of standard events and several reactions to them are offered.

The package also includes the PhysX settings utility, displaying system parameters and forced profile loading.

Optimization of hard disk (hard drive)

The best tweet for the disk subsystem is a hardware. There are two options. The first is to organize a RAID array that most will seem complex and expensive. The second is to establish an operating system on SSD, which in most cases faster than traditional hard drive. Semi-meter - Use a hybrid drive.

SSD TWEAKER - SSD Optimization

  • License: Freeware / $ 12.95.
  • Developer: ELPAMSOFT.
  • Size: 450 KB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

In the case of SSD, one of the main tasks of the twigher program does not so much to increase the performance of the drive, how much to help keep it as long as possible. Over time, the performance of SSD has a property of falling. This is due to the features of the memory itself Nand-Flash underlying solid-state drivesAnd so that the OS is still focused on hard drives, so by default, or do not support or do not perform some vital for SSD procedures. Need settings You can run in Windows and manually, but why do it, if there is a SSD Tweaker.

For SSD it is useful to reduce the number of appeals to the drive. This will have a positive effect on the speed of the system and save flash memory. If the RAM volume allows, the program makes it possible to turn off the cache, recording time of file, boot tracing, configure Windows Prefetcher, system recovery parameters and service windows indexing. All this is in the free version. By paying a few dollars, you can get additional features, such as the activation of the Trim cleaning algorithm, which can significantly reduce the SSD performance loss over time.

The same operations can be done with the help of branded utilities, such as other. They offer Trim activation for free.

HD TUNE PRO - Testing Hard Disk (Winchester)

  • License: Trial / $ 34.95.
  • Developer: EFD Software.
  • Size: 2145 KB.
  • OS: Windows XP / VISTA / XP x64 / Vista64 / 7/7 x64.
  • From our catalog.

HD TUNE PRO - a well-known utility for working with SSD, hard drives and USB drives. It is mainly intended for testing and monitoring drives. Here you can check the speed of reading and writing. You can also follow the technical condition of the hard drive, find out the number of errors, damaged sectors.

There are some tweaks in HD Tune Pro. With the help of the utility, you can increase the performance of the hard drive, raising its turnover, or on the contrary, optimize the operation of the drive so as to reduce the noise. Many may have a useful feature. safe deletion Information from the disk.

Trying to increase productivity individual components Computer and system as a whole, you need to understand that the main thing is not to obtain maximum results, but ensuring stability in accelerated mode. It does not do without such utilities such as GPU-Z, which allow you to view the current parameters of the central processor and the graphics accelerator. They also have built-in benchmarks, with the help of which the stability of work is checked. Finally, these utilities can also be used to overclock.

A modern man spends a lot of time at a computer, whether it is stationary equipment or laptop, because it is advisable to create for myself the most comfortable conditions when working for it.

In addition to external factors, such as indoor lighting, a big role in ensuring convenient and safe use Play device settings.

For the finest adjustment and may require a program for.


What is this program and what are they needed for? Such software suggests fast access All possible settings and computer screen parameters. With it, you can configure any monitor parameter optimally exactly "for yourself."

Of course, access to most functions provided by such a program can provide their own computer resources, for example, you can access them through Control Panel.

Nevertheless, do it through a special program, in fact, with one click is much more convenient.

The functionality of such programs is quite wide - they help change the chromaticity, brightness, screen resolution, control of them, configure the position of the buttons, panels and shortcuts, etc. That is, in such a software "collected" all the possibilities of changes in screen parameters to simplify access to them .

In addition, some software helps to configure and more complex parameters that cannot be changed using your own computer resources.

Why is it important to carry out a thorough subtle adjustment of the monitor parameters so important? This is due to the fact that the main load when working at the computer comes to the eye, and it creates the screen. Thus, with a thorough adjustment of the monitor, such a load can be reduced, which is potentially able to even help keep good vision.

Main characteristics

Choose the most optimal programOften, it is not easy enough, since it is necessary to simultaneously take into account the whole set of parameters.

To simplify and accelerate this process, in summary tableLocated below shows the main characteristics of the entire software included in the tops that may have the basic value when choosing.

NameLicenseMultimonitorRussificationInstallationReference materials
Nokia Monitor TestFreenotyesNot requiredPresent
Power Strip.PaidyesnotRequiredPresent
UD PixelFreenotyesRequiredAbsent
IS My LCD OKFreeyesNot requiredAbsent
InnjuredpixelsFreeNo, but is suitable for working with TVyesNot requiredAbsent
Actual Multipal Monitors.PaidyesyesRequiredAbsent

Accounting for these parameters will allow you to quickly choose the most suitable software for yourself.


The most functional I. simple program Of all presented in the top. It is easy to work in it and it helps to spend enough thin monitor settings, change in wide range Even the most minor parameters. It applies for a fee, but has a trial period.

Especially easy to work with - it allows you to copy and move the working tables of one monitor to another, copy them, stretch the taskbar into several monitors, etc. Also also allows you to conduct technical screen configuration - change chromaticity, resolution and other.

The advantages of such a software in the following:

  • "Sharpening" under multimenitics;
  • Simple control and understandable interface;
  • Wide functionality.
  • Paid license;
  • Quite narrow functionality technical parameters;
  • A large number of functions that do not require an ordinary PC user.

But what the users who have already worked in this program are saying: "I didn't find anything better than this program," "does not have some functions that are in Actual Multipal Monitors, but generally satisfied with software," "works stable, functional is sufficient to optimize Screen management.

Nokia Monitor Test

This is a small and light utility designed to configure monitor parameters (geometry, contrast and other) without changing its control systems. The name should not confuse you - the software is designed to work with the screens and.

It has high-quality Russification, and the help files installed in the utility will help you determine the settings depending on the nature of your work and load volumes.

This will reduce vision load when working at a computer.

  • Lack of need to establish a program;
  • Availability of reference materials on setting up;
  • Minimum load on hardware and device memory.
  • Narrow functionality;
  • No possibility of any adjustment, except for "technical";
  • Stably works on most systems.

The opinions of users who are already actively used by this program are: "It is a pity that it is impossible to run on Windows 8 x64. I tried everything and nothing happens, "" allows you to qualitatively configure the monitor and evaluate all the basic parameters of the picture. Set table set. Excellent program! "," Helped return the monitor to life. "

Power Strip.

Applications that allow you to configure technical parameters and controls as a single monitor, and at once. It applies for a fee due to its high complexity and widespread functional.

It is distinguished by the fact that it supports, including the old one.

It has 500 display settings, video cards, both the simplest and simple. There is an extensive and understandable reference for all complex and simple features and parameters.

  • Support Multi-Screen Mode;
  • Very wide functionality;
  • Equally convenient both in working with multi-screen systems and with simple.
  • Paid distribution of software;
  • The need for its installation;
  • A fairly significant load on the memory and hardware resources of the computer.

But what they say about the program by those who actively use it: "My favorite program", "This program will allow you to open new opportunities, so you download", "I use the program for a very long time, I consider the most valuable from the same."

UD Pixel

Computer performance depends on the power of hardware components, and from the correct operation of the operating system. Little benefit from increasing the volume of RAM, if it is clogged with useless programs. Powerful processor It will not speed up the work if it is limited to save battery charges. Thin setting up windows It may noticeably optimize the operation of the system without additional material costs.

What affects system performance

The performance of Windows 7 is determined by many factors, one part of which is the result of a compromise between the power, convenience and flow of the battery, and the other depends on the "well-keery" of the computer. Therefore, to increase speed, you must configure the system on maximum productivity And eliminate all obstacles to her normal work.

Perhaps an experienced user wants to independently debug each element of the system and customize the computer for their needs. For the rest of the best solution will take advantage special programs For thin system settings (twisers), which in a convenient and understandable form show problems and help them eliminate them.

Programs for optimization (free and paid)

Programs, the main purpose of which is the improvement windows work 7, a lot is represented on the market. There are universal large applications and small specialized utilities, programs with multiple custom options and with one "red button". Most programs have additional functions that are not directly related to speed, but also important for the user, for example, protecting personal data.


As a rule, universal programs have a large set of optimization utilities, but are paid. Free packets with limited functionality are distributed or outdated versions.

The computer accelerator program from the domestic developer AMS Software allows you to quickly and safely clean the computer from garbage, correct system errors, manage autorun, as well as ensure the safety of work on the Internet.

Computer accelerator works at all windows versions And is one of the leaders among programs to optimize the PC.

  • Full cleaning from garbage.Safely deletes unnecessary files that slow down the system.
  • Search and solve registry errors.The program scans the computer, quickly finds faults that interfer the functioning of the system, and solves the problem for one click. Removes the remains of old keys, incorrect extensions, missing DLL, etc.

  • Auto start control.Software allows you to quickly access the autoload list. Here you can disable the applications that start working together with launching WindowsThereby slowing down this process.

Removal of unnecessary software.Here you can completely uninstall applications that are not used for a long time or were established by chance, but at the same time occupy a disk space.

  • Monitoring system.Computer accelerator allows you to monitor the PC state and evaluate the degree of memory and processor load.
  • Fast and secure network work. With the help of the program, you can speed up the work of the browser, clearing the cache and cookies, as well as erase the history of visited sites.

The computer accelerator interface is as friendly friendly to the user. Even a beginner will not experience difficulties when working with the program.

  • computer accelerator design modern and attractive,
  • the location of all tools is convenient and visual,
  • most tasks are solved by pressing one button,
  • it is possible to configure the "Planner" so that the program itself performs the cleaning and optimization of the PC.

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