
Which means Pad and Tab on charging. Select the network charger. Cable in the kit

About how to charge the tablet correctly, walks such a number of diverse rumors and legends that it starts to resemble the lost secret knowledge of the Atlanta. All sorts of advisers and homegrown specialists to hoarseness in the voice and to numb fingers (from the gain of angry publications on the forums and blogs) assure a non-earnest user, what exactly they possess the only true information about proper method . As a result, we have a pile electronic gadgetsdischarged directly in the eyes and losing the capacity of their battery is one year after the acquisition.

There are a lot of versions on how to charge the battery

The emergence of such a situation was facilitated by the history of the development of power sources. As probably, many are known to some time as used nickel cadmium batteries. One of the characteristic features of these batteries was the so-called "memory effect". It is because of him the first mobile phones accounted for after purchasing (or installation new battery) "Rash" - completely discharge several times and regain up to 100% again.

Over time, lithium-ion has come to replace nickel-cadmium batteries - the technology is new and perfect, not suffering from the notorious "memory effect". Nevertheless, according to a rooted habit, many "experts" continue to mislead their relatives, friends and completely unfamiliar people on the Internet, always discharge the device to zero and charge up to 100%. They say, it will last longer, and in general, universal electronic happiness will come.

We dispel this myth - this method of operation of lithium-ion batteries will not only not give a positive result, but can also lead (and even, most likely, will lead) to sad consequences. The fact is that modern power sources in mobile devicesah (and besides the tablets, smartphones, laptops, digital photo and camcorders can also be attributed here, both the maximum charge and complete discharge are harmful and fraught with the ambulance loss of the tank. The right solution is to maintain from 40 to 80%.

Most electronic gadgets use lithium-ion batteries

Probably, many know that each rechargeable source of energy has such a parameter as the number of cycles "charge-discharge". This digit manufacturer informs you what exactly how many times you can charge and discharge your device without serious loss of tank. That's just few people know that this figure is not fixed and seriously depends on how discharged the battery was at the time of connecting it to the charger. The number of charging cycles with incorrect operation (that is, to the charger at the time when it desperately signs, which is about to turn off), not just at times, but almost an order of magnitude.

All of the above, of course, does not mean that if you are away from the outlet, and your favorite gadget is about to turn off, you urgently need to stop using them. In the same way, it is not a crime and the desire to charge it up to 100% before the far dear. You just should not make such modes of operation of the norm.

In addition, you can always charge the tablet, if, of course, the current forces that the USB ports of the PC or laptop are given, will be enough.

Another good advice will be the recommendation to observe the temperature regime. Lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive in operation in conditions of elevated or reduced temperatures. For example, in a hot, the battery capacity may be slightly increased and then it is categorically not recommended to bring the battery charge to 100%. After all, when the temperature is normalized, a phenomenon will occur as "reload", and this may be destructive for the power supply.

In hot weather it is better not to charge the battery to 100%

In addition, the question often arises how to charge. The catch lies in the fact that no special manipulations do not need to produce. Most modern electronic gadgets after purchase are calmly included and show the level of charge at the level of the same 40%. It is this figure that is recommended by manufacturers of lithium-ion power sources for long-term storage of batteries, and manufacturers of all kinds of electronics are aware of this.

Let's summarize: In order for your device last longer, you just need to observe:

  • maintain a permanent charge level within 40-80%;
  • prevent a full battery discharge;
  • do not charge the battery 100%;
  • always carry a cable from the device. Even if the outlet will not be at hand, you can always charge the tablet via USB;
  • do not use the device into severe heat or frost;
  • prefer short charging cycles long. Do not put a gadget for recharging for the night or use " smart sockets", Which themselves are disabled through a specified number of hours.

Video about how to charge the tablet correctly:

Observing these uncomplicated rules, you will provide your tablet battery for a long time and save your own money and nerves.

In all modern electronic devices (Smartphones, tablets, laptops) are mainly used by lithium-ion batteries. There are various opinions on how to charge them correctly. Someone believes that the device should always be charged by 40-80% and it must be regularly recharged, and someone thinks to wait full discharge Battery, and then charge it 100%.
This confusion is related to the fact that the nickel batteries were often used, which attended the memory effect. Such devices needed to be discharged to zero. Lithium-ion batteries do not have such a problem, but all the same cells of their service are measured for years, and in order to maximize their life, you need to know how to use them correctly.

1. Recharge the device regularly

Do not allow the device to be discharged to 0%. Better regularly recharge it. Below you can see the table of dependence of the number of charging cycles (battery life) from the discharge depth. Having considered this table, we will see that it is better not to even lower the charge up to 50%, and recharge each time the battery discharged percent by 10-20%.

2. Do not leave the device on charging

Lithium-ion batteries do not require permanent charging 100%. Better if your device is charged ranging from 40-80%. So, if possible, keep the charge within this framework. If you charged the device up to 100%, do not leave it connected to charging! Many do this, but it is precisely this leads to a reduction in battery life. If you put your device to charge for the night, then use special energy-saving outlets that turn off your charger Through a given number of hours. NB: Normal (not Chinese Nonim) Laptops and phone numbers have a built-in charge controller and independently disconnect the charge upon reaching 100% - some even report the completion of the charging signal. Such devices can be kept on the network all the time.

3. Once a month will completely discharge the battery, and then charge up to 100%

This statement may seem conflicting, given what we told at the beginning. But now we will explain everything. The full cycle of discharge-charge once a month is needed in order to calibrate the device. On your phone or laptop, the charge residue is usually indicated as a percentage or hours and minutes through which the device is completely discharged. After large number Small charges, this function begins to work incorrectly, and therefore it should be done once a month the device calibration (full cycle of discharge-charging) so that the readings remain accurate.

4. Do not overheat the device

High temperatures adversely affect the life of your battery. In the same table below, you can see the dependence of the battery loss from the temperature in which it was located. So take care of your devices from overheating and do not work with laptop on your knees.

Using these recommendations, you can noticeably extend the service life of your battery. However, you should not stop too much on this. If it happened so that at hand you did not have a charger, then nothing is terrible that your gadget is discharged to zero. And there is nothing terrible in ordering it completely, if you are going to a long way.

Lithium-ion battery will still serve no more than 2-3 years, no matter how you care about it, even if your device simply breakstens all this time on the shelf. In general, do not overdo it, use the device as it is convenient for you. But if you have the opportunity to apply these recommendations, then do not neglect them.

Each device: tablet, smartphone, electronic book Or the laptop is supplied with your chargers. At least it was until recently. Now most modern smartphones and tablets have a Micro USB connector, and it becomes the standard. Against this, the question appears: is it possible to charge all your gadgets through one charger?

Despite the fact that over time, more and more chargers are produced according to a single standard, several types of chargers are still widespread:

  • Lapp!. Unfortunately, still not invented a single standard for charging laptops and netbooks. There is no universal connector, which means that an individual charger needs for each device.
  • 8-pin connectors Lightning Connectors for Apple gadgets. Since 2012. years Apple. Standardized 8-pin connector, and now all devices released after this year: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch., iPad Nano, can be connected using a charger certified and designed by Apple.

Old apple devices have a 30-pin connector, and for those who have left, Apple launches adapters Lightning → 30 PIN.

  • Micro USB Charger. All new smartphones, including devices on android database and Windows Phone, are manufactured with a standard Micro USB connector, so it is not necessary to select individual chargers for them, as for old mobile phones. To meet this standard, Apple offers Lightning Connectors → Micro USB adapters.

Is it possible to charge any device with the connector Micro USB from any charger Micro USB.?

In theory, each Micro USB charger can be plugged into a device with such a connector, which means that it can be used in general for any device, whether it is a smartphone, a tablet or even a laptop. Very convenient - if you buy new smartphone or tablet, you can charge it with an old charger. The only difference is in the voltage and strength of the current, but this later.

Even through the adapter Micro USB → USB, you can easily charge the device from a laptop.

Dangerous charges

HP Chromebook 11 is the first laptop that the Micro USB connector is used for charging. Most laptops require more energy and cannot be charged in this way.

But this laptop was removed from sale because of messages about overheating the charger, which could cause a fire. The HP representative advised users who bought HP Chromebook 11, not to use the original chargers supplied with the device.

You can continue to use a laptop, charging it through one of Micro-USB chargers, proven underwriters Laboratories Inc. (The Company for Standardization and Certification of the United States), for example, from a tablet or smartphone.

You can easily recognize chargers, tested and approved underwriters Laboratories Inc. - They have a logo "UL LISTED".

This means that the charger is checked for security, will not cause a fire and will not hit you current. But in some cases, even proven chargers can deliver trouble, namely, when the battery is faulty. So the cause of the fire can be a non-original cheap charger, and the same cheap, not certified battery.

Voltage and current

All USB connectors are designed for voltage in 5V. This means that it is possible to connect a charger to the device via Micro USB.

Another thing is the current. To quickly charge the device, the chargers increase the strength of the current, which is measured in amperes (A). Charger supplied with android tablets, Current current is designed for a large current for similar devices for Android smartphones. For example, the charger for the tablet is designed for 2a, while the charger for the smartphone is only on 1a.

If you connect the charger from the smartphone to the tablet, the tablet will be charged very slowly, because current forces are not enough for normal charging. If you try to charge the smartphone through the charger for the tablet, nothing terrible will happen, and your smartphone will not explode and will not light up.

Most likely, the smartphone will not take the maximum possible amount of ampere, which provides the charger, so everything will be fine. Maybe the smartphone is just a little faster charges.

The technological process does not stand still, and modern phone manufacturers produce increasingly trimmed models with many new features. Active improvement of software and hardware functional leads to the fact that time autonomous work Devices are reduced. Big rAM, powerful processes, multime-free touch screens And strong cameras - all this contributes to the fact that the batteries are quickly discharged. That is why it is important to have a reliable memory. Excellent if the original charging is preserved, but what should I do if it is lost or broken? Then the purchase of a new question arises not only the safety of the telephone operability, but also its own comfort.

Everyone came across the discharge of a smartphone at the most inopportune moment. This is especially scary when time to recharge is not enough. At such minutes, the first charged charger enters the arm, it is connected and the time counting begins. Sometimes the process occurs quickly, and often treacherously long. The result of the cookie - after a while there is no connection again. Today we will deal with the difference between the memory and how to make the right choice.

Type of charger

Before buying, many are wondering what glance is better to choose: original, analog or universal? Many are bought by the original, which means they do not worry about the compatibility of the device with gadgets, speed and characteristics of charging, as well as different risks (cheap charging that are sold in tents in the markets may well lead to strong battery heating). But it is not always possible to buy an original device, then a qualitative analogue becomes the optimal option. It indicates a list of compatible models of devices, as well as specificationswhich are identical to the original data.

Power connector

Memory may have different connectors:
USB. Such devices are universal and suitable for most modern gadgets that support the USB standard.
USB x2. it optimal optionWhen there is a problem for accessing a power outlet. Using such charging, you can simultaneously charge the tablet and smartphone. The only minus is considered a small charge rate of the battery.
Micro USB and MINI USB. They are suitable for most smartphones, including Windows Phone, Android, as well as Android tablets. Micro USB was introduced into the EU as a single standard since 2011.
Lightning 8-Pin MFI. It is suitable for recharging the fifth generation devices from Apple: iPod Touch and iPhone 5.
Lightning 8-pin. It is compatible with most models. Apple iPad., iPhone and iPod.
DC Jack 3.5 mm. It is suitable for charging mobile nokia devices 1100, 3300, 5100, 6310, 6670, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7710, 8800, 9210, 9300, 9500, E60 and E70.
USB / LIGHTNING. Such chargers are suitable for Apple iPhone. 5 and 6.
Fast Port. It is compatible with phones Sony Ericsson. K750 and W800.
18-pin. Such a connector is designed to charge LG phones.
jack 3.5 MM, DC Jack 2.5 mm and DC Jack 2.0 mm. It is suitable for charging various mobile techniques: phones, headset, tablets, players. Using adapters, you can connect Apple technique.
M20pin. Such a connector is suitable for recharging Samsung C170, D800, E250, E900 and U600.
30 PIN. It is suitable for food under the Samsung brand name.

Output current

The memory with a maximum output current is suitable for servicing any gadgets. In this case, the current consumed rarely exceeds the figure of 2100 mA. Such charging are the most universal solution. In order not to guess with the purchase, pay attention to the parameters of the original memory to the device. To do this, it is enough to look at its body and the numbers next to the "output" or "Output". If there is no original memory, then it is possible that these data are referred to in the instructions with a tablet or smartphone.

The maximum charge current is determined by the controller of the charging device, so do not be afraid to connect the memory with a lot of current than the gadget requires. It will simply take as much as you need - nothing burns and will not break.

But on the contrary, if the memory gives less ampere, which requires the charging gadget, the charging will pass much slower.

If you do not know, and there is no possibility to find out which current consumes your gadget, then when choosing universal memory, buy charging with the highest output current.

There is a small trick - in order to speed up the charging, the smartphone is recommended to translate it into the "Airplane Mode" / "Flight Mode" / Autonomous Mode. In this case, all unnecessary modules and applications are disconnected, and the phone is charged by about 15% faster.

Number of standard USB connectors

Series have or 2 standard USB connectors. Second-type devices are sufficiently convenient - you can connect to one socket for charging several gadgets at once. Such devices are great for travel and travel. This will reduce the number of things in the luggage, and you will not have to look for several outlets at the hotel.

Cable in the kit

Depending on the model, the cable may be:
The most "weak" link in the charger is cable. If it is fixed, then when it breaks it, it is almost impossible to restore the performance of the device. If it is a removable, then the adapter itself, which is included in the network, can be used and further, simply by purchasing the wire.

When choosing a charger, it is better to give preference to proven brands. In dubious devices, the cable can reduce charging efficiency up to 75%. And this is not only loss of electricity, but also of your time. In addition, such cables can break, break away from the connector, which in the end remains in the device. This leads to a short circuit and the failure of the device.

Fast charge

Some models have fast charging. She may be:
Quick Charge 2.0;
Quick Charge 3.0;
Pump Express + 2.0.
According to the QUICK CHARGE technology, the battery charging can be accelerated up to 75%. For the first few minutes, smartphones that are compatible with Quick Charge are charged for several hours of operation. It is really comfortable in the modern rhythm of life - ran into the cafe, I connected the gadget to the outlet, drank a cup of coffee and go with a telephone with a decent battery charge.

The key difference of Quick CHARGE 3.0 technology from 2.0 is the presence of an Inov function or a smart definition of optimal voltage. Depending on the battery charge, there is a gradual decrease in the required current. This allows you to minimize useless energy costs during recharging.

Using a special adapter with the Pump Express + 2.0 function can be achieved. complete charge The battery of the smartphone is 1.5 times faster, compared with the full-time memory.

Price issue

Today, charging devices are presented in a wide price range. So spending:
from 65 to 300 rubles you can buy branded memory for devices of various brands (Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, Apple or Nokia). They can be without a wire, as well as with a removable or non-removable wire.
from 300 to 1000 rubles, you can purchase universal memory in a solid housing with two USB connectors. They will become an indispensable companion on travels and in everyday life.
more than 1000 rubles you will receive reliable and practical chargers of leading brands. A number of models has a quick charge function Quick Charge 2.0 or Quick Charge 3.0, in which the charge power increases due to the voltage, and not current. Which is absolutely safe for the gadget, because It does not overheat.

Unlike phones, requirements for charger for tablets and their characteristics differ in comparison with telephone are different. The fact is that not all tablets are supported by charging via USB.

Charging subtlety

for example charging Samsung Galaxy Tab has an outer diameter of 2.5 mm, and internal 0.7 mm is standard size. The tablet's charge can only be so, through the USB charge is simply impossible due to the features of the board of the board. Even if it were possible, it would take about six to seven hours of a full-fledged charger. But when used from the power grid, the time for charging will require two times less. Of course, in practicality, the owner of the tablet will not win, but in speed and charging and saving time - yes.

Charger samsung TAB is a regular power supply that provides not only charging, but also the work of the tablet from the mains. Distinctive features This device is reliability and practicality, nothing supernatural requires. All tasks assigned to it performs accurate and reliably. She can't cope with small current fluctuations in the power grid, this is enough. If there is a serious failure, then the charger drop Samsung Tab. Turn on, leaving the tablet safely and safety.

The characteristics of the device are not allocated among their colleagues, which are charged with tablets and phone numbers of other manufacturers. The cost is about 100-150 hryvnia, which is not so much for a lot for high-quality charging. Specialized online shopping offer a wide selection of various chargers, it can be both high-quality copies and cheap analogues that are also well coped with the responsibilities assigned to them.


Charging for samsung galaxy Tab. It should not creak, composite parts must be perfectly adjusted to each other, and the plug must be without visible defects. One of frequent breakdowns is the power cable, which is solved simple elimination Defect and cable fastening with the polarity of wires. In principle, the repair cable is a simple matter, unlike the repair of the charger itself. Therefore, try to buy a high-quality analog that will serve quite a few years. And in no case do not pay attention to the dying packaging, usually the device is used to be made from poor-quality plastics and cheap elements that will serve as a maximum of six months or a year at best.

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