
Which buttons click to print. Keyboard keys combinations and their value! Hot keys to work with program windows

You still do not know how to set up hot keys on Windows 7, and why are they needed? Hot keys on Windows 7 are needed for ease of use. operating system. They help to quickly perform a variety of operations on the computer by pressing a specific combination.

The operating system contains a built-in database of such commands, they are used by default. Some of them can be changed software method Or appoint yourself.

How to find a list of hot keys

List of key combinations for quick control systems available in reference windows system. You can find out the entire list of hot keys Windows 7 by calling the Win + F1 keys by the MS Office Help window.

It should be remembered that the connected Internet will be needed to use the help.

Next, from the list that was issued a search engine, you can select an object of which, for example, "hot keys and combinations". The browser will open the site page on which there are descriptions of the combinations of frequently used keys.

The second way: to find hot keys on a laptop with Windows 7 using the built-in "help and support". In this case, no internet connection is required. Help is called in the "Main Menu". Then necessary information Selects from the list upon request "key combination".

If you select the "Handling of Key" section through "Help and Support", we get all necessary information. Descriptions of all possible combinations of hot buttons are distributed on topics, which facilitates the convenience of search.

Keys are designed for quick search And editing texts in MS Office, perform any operation on the desktop without using the mouse, call and closing the program and other commands specified by the user. All key shortcuts are configured by default.

Combinations of buttons by default allow you to control OS objects. Classified hot windows keys 7:

  • SHIFT + DELETE allows you to delete files from hard disk without a room in the "basket";
  • Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W closes an active program or file;
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ESC calls the task manager;
  • Win + F opens the search box;
  • Win + L blocks the computer;
  • Alt + Tab allows you to move from one open File or windows to another;
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel allows you to resize icons on the desktop;
  • Win + G places gadgets over open windows;
  • Win + Home allows you to minimize windows except active;
  • Ctrl + P applies to printing;
  • Win + X causes the Mobility Center on the laptop;
  • Win + M turns outdoor windows;
  • SHIFT + CTRL + N allows you to create an empty folder.

How to assign hot keys

Setting the Windows 7 hot keys is usually running for programs that are often used by the user. The destination of hot keys is performed through the "Main Menu" or Label to "".

Assign the Windows 7 hotkeys is not difficult, for this you need to go to the "Properties" section of the selected program via the shortcut on the "Desktop" or "Main Menu". The "Label" tab sets the cursor in the "Quick Challenge" string. With simultaneously pressing the Ctrl or Alt key and the desired letter of the Latin alphabet is set to a combination of Ctrl + Alt + the selected letter.

It should be remembered: if the combination used was assigned previously by default by the system, after executing this setting, you can change the Windows 7 hotkeys.

After pressing the designated key combination will open specified program Instead of the previously performed default action.

Good day.

You never thought why on the same operations in Windows Different Users spend different times? And the point here is not in the speed of ownership of the mouse - just some use, the so-called hotkeys (Replacing several mice actions), others, on the contrary, everything is done using the mouse (edit / copy, edit / insert, etc.).

Many users do not give values \u200b\u200bshortcuts (Note: Some keyboard keys pressed at the same time) Meanwhile, with their use - the speed of work can be raised at times! In general, various keyboard shortcuts in Windows - hundreds, all of them to memorize and consider no meaning, but the most convenient and necessary - I will give in this article. I recommend to use!

Note: In various key combinations, you will see the "+" sign - you do not need to press it. Plus, in this case shows that the keys must be pressed at the same time! The most useful hotkeys are marked green.

Keyboard shortcuts with alt:

  • Alt + Tab. or ALT + SHIFT + TAB - Window switching, i.e. Make the following window;
  • Alt + D. - selection of text in the address bar of the browser (usually, then a combination of Ctrl + C is used - copy the selected text);
  • Alt + Enter. - watch "object properties";
  • Alt + F4. - close the window with which this moment work;
  • Alt + Space (Space is a space key) - call system menu window;
  • Alt + Pratscr - Make a screenshot of the active window.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • SHIFT + LKM. (LKM \u003d. left button Mouses) - Selecting multiple files or pieces of text (just clash shift, put the cursor to the desired location and lead the mouse - files or part of the text you are highlighted. Very convenient!);
  • SHIFT + CTRL + HOME - allocate before the start of the text (from the cursor);
  • SHIFT + Ctrl + End - allocate to the end of the text (from the cursor);
  • Closed Shift button - CD-ROM autorun lock, the button must be retained until the drive reads the inserted disk;
  • SHIFT + DELETE. - delete a file, bypassing the basket (carefully with this :));
  • Shift + ← - text selection;
  • SHIFT + ↓ - selection of text (to highlight text, files - shift button You can combine with any arroges on the keyboard).

CTRL keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + LKM. (LKM \u003d Left Mouse Button) - Selection individual files, individual pieces of text;
  • Ctrl + A. - allocate the entire document, all files, in general, everything is on the screen;
  • Ctrl + C. - copy the selected text or files (similar to the Edit / Copy Explorer);
  • Ctrl + V. - insert copied files, text (in the same way as conductor Edit / Paste);
  • Ctrl + X. - cut a selected piece of text or selected files;
  • Ctrl + S. - Save the document;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete (or Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC) - Opening the "Task Manager" (for example, if you want to close the "not closed" application or see which application loads the processor);
  • Ctrl + Z. - cancel the operation (if you, for example, accidentally deleted a piece of text - just click this combination. In applications, in the menu of which this feature is not indicated - the mail is always supported);
  • Ctrl + Y. - cancellation of Ctrl + Z;
  • Ctrl + ESC - Opening / closing the Start menu;
  • Ctrl + W. - close the tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + T. - open a new tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + N. - open a new window in the browser (if it works in any other program - it will be created new document);
  • Ctrl + Tab. - Moving on browser / programs;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Reverse operation from Ctrl + Tab;
  • Ctrl + R. - update pages in the browser, or the program window;
  • Ctrl + Backspace. - removal of the word in the text (removes Swalleva);
  • Ctrl + Delete. - removal of the word (removes the right);
  • Ctrl + Home. - Move the cursor to the beginning of the text / window;
  • Ctrl + End. - move the cursor to the end of the text / window;
  • Ctrl + F. - search in the browser;
  • Ctrl + D. - Add page to Favorites (in browser);
  • Ctrl + I. - take out the panel of the chosen in the browser;
  • Ctrl + H. - Magazine visits in the browser;
  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up / Down - Increase or decrease the size of the items on the browser page / windows.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Win + D. - folding all windows, will be shown desktop;
  • Win + E. - Opening of "My Computer" (Explorer);
  • Win + R. - Opening the "Run ..." window is very useful for launching some programs (more details about the list of commands here :)
  • Win + F. - Opening a window for search;
  • Win + F1. - Opening the help window in Windows;
  • Win + L. - Blocking a computer (convenient when you need to move away from the computer, and nearby people can be seated and see your files, work);
  • Win + U. - Opening of the center special features (eg, screen Lup, keyboard);
  • Win + Tab. - Switching between applications in the taskbar.

Several other useful buttons:

  • PRTScr - Make a screenshot of the entire screen (All you see on the screen will be placed in the buffer. To obtain a screenshot - Open Paint and insert the image there: Ctrl + V buttons);
  • F1 - Help, manual for use (works in most programs);
  • F2. - renaming the selected file;
  • F5 - update window (for example, tabs in the browser);
  • F11 - full screen mode;
  • Del. - remove the selected object in the basket;
  • WIN. - open the Start menu;
  • Tab. - activates another element, moving to another tab;
  • ESC - Closing dialog boxes, output from the program.


Actually, I have everything. Reconduance useful keysmarked with green, remember and use everywhere in any programs. Thanks to this, imperide themselves how to work faster and more efficient!

By the way, the listed combinations work in all popular windows: 7, 8, 10 (most and in XP). For the additions of the article in advance grateful. Good luck to all!

Is it possible to use a laptop or computer without a touchpad or mouse? Is it possible to open the program without the help of the menu? At first glance it seems that it is impossible to do it. But nevertheless, it is possible to use a computer at full capacity without endless clicks. In such cases, combinations of keys on the keyboard come to the rescue. The correct use of their combinations allows you to noticeably save time.

What is needed by keyboard shortcuts

Hot keys or shortcuts - this is the ability to interact with a personal computer only using the keyboard. There is no doubt that for such "communication", not random keyboard combinations are used on the keyboard. The operational system is embedded actions that are called when defined keys are pressed.

Hot keys are used for more optimized work with a personal computer. Combination data is also called keys. quick access and keyboard accelerator.

Combinations are used most often in cases where you have to work a lot with a mouse or touchpad. It is much faster to choose an item from the drop-down menu by pressing one or two keys than constantly click on the file and search for the desired item.

The keyboard accelerator helps in working with text. The text editor "Word" recognizes several dozen combinations, pressing a certain action: copying, inserting, highlighting fat, underscore, page breaking and so on.

But combinations have a disadvantage. It lies in the amount of combinations. Remember them all very difficult. But even the use of the most popular will help optimize work with files, text, browser and dialog boxes.

Use keys modifiers

Any owner of a personal computer or laptop noticed that there are keys on the keyboard that independently perform any function. These include Ctrl, Shift and Alt. By pressing them, it is impossible to change anything in the system, the browser window or text editor. But they are the modifier keys that, thanks to which almost every combination of keys on or computer works.

Proper use of modifiers allows you to open quick access to the operating system settings. But such combinations work both globally and locally. With the right combination of buttons, you can create a new folder, rename the file or disable the keyboard at all.

Changing keyboard layout: change key combination

All owners personal computersworking on the basis of the Windows operating system, know about the keyboard key, which helps change the keyboard layout. Two combinations of Win + Space and Alt + Shift are used by default. However, not everyone suits this option, so users want to change the key combination to change the keyboard layout.

To change the method of changing the keyboard layout, you must:

  • Open "Parameters" through the Start menu.
  • Select "Time and Language".
  • Go to the "region and language".
  • In the click Click on " Extra options Dates and time, regional parameters. "
  • In the "Language" paragraph to select "Changing the Input Method".
  • In the menu located on the left side of the window, click on "Advanced Parameters".
  • In the "Switching Input Methods" group, select "Change the shortcuts of the language panel keys".
  • In the dialog box that appears, click on "Create a keyboard key" and enter new parameters.
  • Save settings.

After use, it is changed, and you can change the layout with a new combination.

Entering special characters using key combination

In some situations, it is necessary to introduce special symbolsthat does not provide standard keyboard Computer. Combinations of keys and modifier, it seemed to help not help.

What should I do if you urgently need to insert a copywriting sign, down, up, up or sideway, note, or paragraph? There are two ways to enter such characters.

The first way is to work with the Word Text Editor. In order to insert a special character, you will need to open a new document, go to the "Tab" menu and select the "Symbol" item. Among the list snapped by "Special Symbols".

Next will pop up the dialog box in which the list of all special characters will be presented. The user remains to choose the appropriate. For a more convenient search, special characters are grouped on topics: monetary units, punctuation marks, geometric shapes, technical signs, and so on.

To save time, the special symbol window can be caused by a Ctrl + Alt + "-" combination.

The second method is the keyboard key combinations for characters. To enter special characters from the keyboard, you will need to press the Alt button and to enter a set of numbers. For example, Alt + 0169 is the code.

All codes are shown below.

How to block the keyboard using a key combination

Unfortunately, there is no single key combination on windows keyboard 7, which would allow you to block only the keyboard. On some computers and laptops, a combination of F11 + ESC can work. Sometimes manufacturers are introduced into their products special combinations for such tasks. For example, all acer laptops Block the keyboard when pressing Fn + F7.

But still it is possible to partially lock the keyboard on the computer. The Win + L key combination blocks not so much the keyboard itself as the operating system. After pressing the keys, the user will be moved to the password input window from the system and shift account. Again, enter the system only one who knows the password.

Key combinations for work in "Word"

There is a whole list of keyboard keyboard combinations that allow you to optimize work with documents in the Word text editor.

To create a new document, it is enough to use the Ctrl + N keys.

Ctrl + O - opens a new file.

Ctrl + W - closes the file.

Alt + Ctrl + S - shares the file window.

Alt + SHIFT + C - removes separation.

Ctrl + S - Saves the document.

Alt + Left Arrow - Move to the next page.

Alt + Arrow Law - Move to the previous page.

Alt + Ctrl + i - preview.

Ctrl + P - print.

To go to read mode, you will need to sequentially press the ALT and E IE keys.

Ctrl + D - calls a window that allows you to change the type, cable and font properties.

SHIFT + F3 - changes the type of text: lowercase letters are replaced with uppercase.

Ctrl + Shift + F - replacement of uppercase letters on the line.

To make the text "fat", just press Ctrl + B.

Ctrl + I - selection of text by slope.

Ctrl + U - adds an underscore.

Ctrl + SHIFT + W - adds a double underline.

Ctrl + SHIFT + D - double underline.

Ctrl + Enter - Insert a page break.

  • C - copying a specific table, image or text.
  • V - transfer data from the clipboard to the document.
  • X - The data is entered into the clipboard and are deleted from the file.
  • A - data allocation.
  • Z - Cancel the latest data entry.

There are still many hot keys that allow you to optimize work with documents. But the list presented above includes the main and most popular combinations that use each user.

Work with dialog boxes

Combined multiple buttons on the keyboard allows you to quickly navigate dialog boxes operating system. Using the shooter helps move the focus to other buttons in the window. The Backspace button moves the user to a folder that is located one level above. Pressing the "Space" will remove the checkbox or check mark.

Tab button will move to the next active window area. To move in the opposite direction, it is enough to add the SHIFT button to the combination.

Quickly view everything open folders And the programs can be clogged Alt + Tab.

Key combinations and Windows button

The Windows or Win key for many is associated with the "Start" menu. But in combination with other buttons, it works globally.

Kipopka "WINDOVS" +:

  • A - call the "Support Center".
  • B - Allows you to minimize all the windows.
  • Alt + D - Includes or disables the appearance on the current date on the desktop.
  • E - quickly opens the conductor.

WINDOVS + K - instantly folds active windows.

Win + R - call the "Run" function.

Win + S - opens a window that allows you to search for files and programs on a personal computer.

Win + "+" / "-" - change the scale of the working surface.

Win and the input button allows you to start the screen speaker.

Win + Esc - closes the "Magnifier" application.

You can quickly open the "Center for Special Opportunities" by closing Windows and I.

Win combined with arrows up or down allows you to resize the dialog box.

Working with conductor

Pressing Alt + D allows you to move to the address bar.

Ctrl + E - activates the search field.

Ctrl + N is a universal combination that allows almost any program to open a new window.

Ctrl in combination with scrolling changes the size of files and folders in a specific window.

Ctrl + SHIFT + E - Displays a list of all folders that are preceded by active.

Ctrl + SHIFT + N - Creates a new folder.

If you press the F2 button after selecting a file or folder, you can immediately rename it. The F11 key activates the viewing. Repeated pressing deactivates it.

Win + Ctrl + D - allows you to create a new virtual desktop. To switch between them, you will need to press Win + Ctrl + left or right arrow.

We have already learned. Now it's time to study the keyboard. In order to write a letter, or request to search engine Internet, without the keyboard, we can not do. In addition, if you do not work the mouse, you can use the keyboard. Enough to know several simple commands. Real programmers and hackers do not work at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also ever work, but for now we will study the basics of work on the keyboard.

Location of keys

The entire keyboard, depending on the functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12) - Used to perform special tasks. If you re-press the same key, then the action is canceled. The F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are currently at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric - These are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HomeEnd,PageUp,PageDOWN,Delete. and Insert..
  • Control keys cursor- Used to move the cursor by documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (CtrlAlt,Caps.LockWINFN.) - Used in various combinations and separately.
  • Digital keys- For quick input numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete..

The keyboard layouts may differ slightly. Often there are still multimedia keys on modern keyboards. Such as the inclusion / disconnection of the sound, the volume control, transition to mailbox etc.

Keypad key destination

Each key performs a specific action:

  • SPACE KEY- The longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. In addition to its main function, do
    The gap between the words, it also removes the "dedicated" object.
  • ESC- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • PRINT SCREEN.- a "snapshot" of the screen. This screen snapshot can be inserted into Word or Paint. This screen of the screen is called a screenshot. As well as this key displays the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock.- Used, to scroll up-down information, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- Restore the current computer process, but also does not work on all computers.
  • Insert.- It serves to print the text over the already printed. If you click on this key, then new text Will printed erasing old. To cancel this action, you need to press the INSERT button again.
  • Delete.(on the keyboard is often designated abbreviated Del.) - Delete. Removes signs on the right side of the flashing cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • HOME- Go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End.- Go to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up. - turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase.- Removes signs to the left of the flashing cursor during text typing. And returns to the previous page in browsers and in the "Explorer" windows, replacing the arrow "Back", in the upper left corner.
  • Tab.- Tabulation fixes the cursor in a specific location of the line.
  • Caps Lock.- Switch of capital and uppercase letters.
  • Shift.- Short-term pressing of this key - gives a capital letter. In order to print the title, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down. the desired letter. The SHIFT key can be pressed both on the left, and to the left, as you are more convenient.
  • Alt.- To go to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - you need to press the Alt key and without releasing its SHIFT key. Pressing and holding the ALTGR key (right alt) is used to go to the second keyboard level.
  • Ctrl- Right and left. Opens additional features programs.
  • Nut Look- Includes an additional digital keyboard.
  • ENTER- The information entry key confirms the "Yes" command, or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). Using these arrows, you can move not only by text that you print, but also by open pages of sites and programs.


You probably heard such an expression. " Hot"They are called because when you click on a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some kind of program or menu.

Each program has its own set of such keys. It is not necessary to memorize them. If you are constantly working in some kind of program, then there is a sense to memorize them. Gradually, we with you many of these combinations will be studied.

In many program windows, when opening any menu, opposite this or that command, the shortcuts are specified to call the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated by the sign + (Plus). For example, Win + E.. This means that you must first press the key WIN.and then key E..

Letters mean Latin, regardless of which layout you have at the moment.

The most necessary steps on the keyboard

  • In order to switch to another language, you must click on the key simultaneously Shift. + Alt. or Shift. + Ctrl.
  • In order to print large (title) letterneed to hold the key Shift. And click on the desired letter.
  • To print all the text only in large letters, press the key. Caps. Lock And let go. And in order to go to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift. and comma key. They are usually located close to the right.
  • The point in the English layout is located near, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.
  • To quickly call the menu Start, you can press the key WIN.. It is usually drawn the window icon (Windows Logo).
  • Key FN. Designed for a laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F.1- F.10 You can enable or disable additional features. Usually on the keys F.1- F.10 A small icon is drawn, which shows that this particular key does.

While these knowledge of the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it in action.

Continuing the topic of work with the Windows 10 hot keys (the first part of the topic dedicated to the keyboard reduction list is), it is worth mentioning how you can change them to your manner. We assume that you are already familiar with the main of them and imagine what it is. For example, you, having familiarized yourself with the system keys of quick access to the functions, found for themselves that some of them are not quite comfortable to use. You have a desire to set up some functions as convenient to you.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. By default, a combination of buttons on the keyboard are installed in the system, allowing you to quickly perform some steps to switch to a multi-level context menu. The developer simply did not provide for a light way to reassign the Windows hotkeys 10 and older versions. In this article we will tell you possible options Change keys to quickly access some operating system operations.

How to find a list of hot keys

In fact, hot keys in Windows 10 enough to scare up inexperienced users. In the last article on this topic, we published the main list of abbreviations working in system applications. But the trouble is that in some third-party applications, for example, in Microsoft Office., browsers, or other products, can occur your own shortcut keys that do not match the system. How to be in this case?

There are several ways to get a certificate for each software product:

  1. Press the F1 key and read reference informationembedded in the app. But for this you need that the developer of the program takes care of this. In this case, to use the help section you do not need Internet connections. Practice shows that this option is not always available. Then you can go to the "Help" section in the program menu.
  2. No matter what application is running, you can press the Win + F1 key combination, after which the browser is started, which is installed as the main, with reference to the Microsoft website. Some programs can lead their own content on the web resource. Accordingly, in this case, you will need to connect to the World Wide Web, because all information is not built in program code, and stored on a remote server.
  3. Can be called most simple way; Using the context menu using the right mouse button, note that there is practically opposite each action information about which hotkeys are responsible for it. Usually, users in each program use the same functions and eventually you can remember keyboard reductions to speed up the workflow.

How to change the Windows Hot Keys

To prelealk, as already mentioned a little higher, Windows developers did not provide for the ability to change any system hotkeys using the built-in operating system functional. The only combination that can be changed is to switch languages \u200b\u200band keyboard layouts. This operation is possible in any version of Windows, so the newest 10 and the older 7 or 8.

After installing the operating system, the languages \u200b\u200bcan be switched by Alt + Shift combinations, and a combination of Win + space has been added to Windows 8 and 10. But the habit is a serious thing and many users are much more convenient to switch languages, for example, a combination of Ctrl + Shift or Ctrl + Alt. What is the configuration of your hot keys to switch the language?

  • Open the Control Panel - Languages \u200b\u200b- Advanced Options - Change the shortcuts of the language panel keys.
  • In the opened small window, select "Create a keyboard key" and select one option from a variety of proposed.
  • Save the changes and start using the usual combination of buttons.

Nothing difficult, right?

How to Assign Hot Application Start Keys

If you change the hot keys to execute systems It is impossible, then assign such for the launch of almost any application is very simple. To do this, you need to right-click on the program on the desktop after installing the program, select "Properties" - "Label" - "Quick Call" and click on the button or a combination that you will launch the program. Note that if the hot keys are already used by the system, they will be reset. Be careful!

Hot-keys managers

The simplest I. affordable way Changing hot keys on Windows 10 is to use special utilities for this. We will look at the two most popular of them.

Key Remapper.

A great program with rich functionality, allowing to reassign almost any button on the keyboard, the mouse using even the scroll wheel. Opportunities utilities:

  • Override almost any keyboard and mouse keys, as well as interception of the mouse wheel.
  • Override the existing keys to those that do not physically get.
  • Changing the location of the buttons.
  • Emulation of keyboard cuts, mouse pressing.
  • Restricting the program action by a specific application.
  • Ability to assign multiple keys profiles.

The program does not clog the registry of the computer and does not require a reboot to ensure that your new appointments take effect. You can download the program by reference


The initial purpose of this utility is to use additional keys on multimedia keyboards. These are the keyboards on which, in addition to alphabetic and digital buttons, there are many additional, to start some applications and functions. First of all, you can use them, but if you have a regular keyboard, without these all buttons, the program can also be used to reassign the conventional keys.


  1. Multimedia Management
  • Supports almost all the most popular audio and video players: start, playback, stop.
  • Volume adjustment, rewind music or video file.
  • Drive control for laser disks: Opening, closing, launching a disc playback.
  • Ability to run any application installed on your computer.
  • Run any conductor folders.
  • All functions with files and folders: insert, copy, move.
  • Control open windows: Collapse, deploy, close, move, block.
  • Power Management: Turn off, translate into sleep mode, restart, block; Installation timer.
  • Change the desktop background.
  • Changing the language and keyboard layouts.
  • Network control.
  1. Work with applications
  • Control any installed browser.
  • Document Management: Open, Save, Create New, Print, Cancel and Repeat Action.
  • Control email: Reply, send, send.
  • Emulation of almost any keys in the program windows.

  1. Additional functions
  • The finest setting, excellent customization possibilities.
  • Notifications in the system tray.
  • Insert text, dates and time on a given template.
  • Ability to create a screenshot.
  • 10 exchange buffers, expanded the ability to control their contents.
  • Multiple profiles of parameters, setting up each of them.
  • Creating your own combination in each individual application.
  • Emulation of absolutely any keyboard or mouse button.
  • Recording macros.
  • Additional external plugins.
  • Minimum use of resources.
  • No need to restart the device in order to change the changes.

Other programs to override keys

Of course, the assortment is not limited to the utilities. There are quite a lot of programs to override the keys. All of them are easy to use, as they are strictly limited. Here are also a couple of convenient and popular programs:

  • MapKeyboard. - After unpacking the archive, you need to run on behalf of the administrator and then on virtual keyboard Select keys to override. You can return the default settings by pressing one button.
  • Sharpkeys. - This utility can not only create new key combinations, but also turn off the old, if they are not needed at all.

Remember - Windows developers have been protected against inept actions and blocked some settings, the change in which can lead to system instability. Therefore, it is not possible to override all the key combinations. This is especially true for Windows 10, where such opportunities were even more restricted.


Initially, hot keys are thought out conveniently and use them by without changing. But if you still want to change them, use one of the Soviets in our article.

In the comments, we ask you to tell you whether you changed keyboard shortcuts on your Windows 10. If so, how.

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