
After installing the drivers, sound disappeared. After updating the drivers gave the sound: reasons and what to do. Reinstall drivers on a sound card

Q: Disappears Sound After updating Drivers (Realtek)

Good day!
  • Windows 7 SP1. Regularly put up updates
  • MB: Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 (Last BIOS F8)
  • Built-in sound card: REALTEK ALC887. Equipment ID:
    HDAUDIO \\ Func_01 & Ven_10ec & Dev_0892 & Subsys_1458A002 & Rev_1003
    HDAUDIO \\ FUNC_01 & VEN_10EC & DEV_0892 & SUBSYS_1458A002
It all started with the fact that I wanted to turn on the stereo mixer:
  1. Right-click on Trete Volume Controllers -\u003e Recording Devices
  2. Right-click on an empty white field, I put both ticks (show disconnected devices, show disconnected devices)
  3. Right-click on the device stereo mixer -\u003e enable
  4. It should turn on, but nothing happens. Absolutely
Do not despair, climbed to the Gigabyte website for new firewood on the sound. I downloaded, set, everything went successfully, the computer rebooted twice (first time after removing the old driver, the second time after installing the new one).
As a result, on Windows, the volume of the volume in the tray is a red cross, no sound.
There are no yellow icons in the device dispatcher.
The Realtek HD Manager behaves not very adequately - when connecting headphones / microphone (I use only rear panel In the system system) - The Relatek HD Manager issues pop-up windows, where he asks to indicate what I connected. I specify. No effect.
I noticed the moment if in the settings of the microphone in the reality manager to set the playback volume, then in the headphones I hear my voice - that is, the sound card works (the fact that there is no doubt, see below)
After the drivers from a gigabyte, I tried a bunch of others - from the site of the realt - from different other sources, I was looking for an equipment ID.
With all the firewood, the picture is the same. And by the way, the stereo mixer is also not included.
Also updated the drivers for the chipset and everything is fine (I gone out all the firewood from the Gigabyte site)

Restored the system, the sound earned as before, but also to change the playback devices and I still can not write the device.

Here is such an ambush.

Answer: Found a solution!

In short, for incomprehensible reasons, the rights to the registry branches in which the info is stored about what is turned on and what is turned off is shown. Firewood is absolutely nothing.

Performed on behalf of administrators
NET Localgroup Administrators / Add NetworkService
NET Localgroup Administrators / Add LocalService
Rebatched the computer and everything became OK!

(In the English version it will be necessary to perform
NET Localgroup Administrators / Add NetworkService
Net Localgroup Administrators / Add Localservice)

Question: After updating the driver, a crack appeared in the speakers

During the viral attack sound disappeared. After updating the driver, a crash appeared in the speakers even when the sound sound is not played. Opened virus removed

Answer: Probably it was necessary to start, but now it's too late

Question: The video driver stopped responding and was restored after updating the drivers program Driver. Pack Solution

I have this happened after updating Driver Pack Solution drivers and a constant problem has begun when playing games. What to do? It fails to roll back.

Answer: vavun.Well, okay once you think so, I will not argue. I do not need anything to prove anyone

Question: Sound went after Windows update

After one of the updates sounded sound. Updates did not delete since I do not know which. I decided to reinstall Windows (from time to time, I do it like many), the sound appeared, but after the update disappeared. Question: how is it easier to learn after what? How to fix it? (Do not update the system at all - not the option). Or maybe it's not in updating?


Quote Charg.:

did not help. put the old, put new, sense zero. in safe mode also does not sing.

Question: Sound has been rummed after updating drivers

Good day!
Help, please, gentlemen programmers!

Windows 8.1 system. Updated firewood NVIDIA GeForce., Updating special for the Witcher 3. In all games, problems began with stereo - when you hover the cursor on the NPC speech practically not to hear + a small echo and a periodic interruption of sound. Made a rollback of firewood in the dispatcher, did not help. System rollback also did not help, one but - the only recovery point was the day of the update ... There is also a Beats Audio. Is it possible that the problem is in it?


Message from LUTICED

Also present Beats Audio. Is it possible that the problem is in it?

Question: Sound has disappeared after the update

After one of the updates sounded sound. Updates did not delete since I do not know which. I decided to reinstall Windows (from time to time, I do it like many), the sound appeared, but after the update disappeared. Question: how is it easier to learn after what? How to fix it? (Do not update the system at all - not the option)

Answer: In general, reinstalled Windows. All the firewood set from the site. Windows updates did not rock and did not put. There is no problem. So it was in updates. Thanks to all. The topic can be closed.

Question: Sound has disappeared after updating the system

After the system is updated, the sound disappears, completely when the AIMP is launched. It gives an error like the purity of 44000 Hz 32 sterio and so on. And phoney speaker when the driver is updated, when you roll back all the rules, it does not phoney, but the sound does not work

Answer: It is possible to update to iron, their first to exclude, because Updates to iron from the manufacturer's site should be downloaded

QUESTION: The sound disappears when launching applications running with DirectX

Maternally ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0, video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, aMD processor FX-8320.
Music and video is reproduced normally, that with hard drive, which is in the browser. I launch almost any toy or test video card - creature, hiss and disappears sound. After rebooting, everything is configured. Reinstalling Realtek drivers and old and new, deleted them at all. Also with video card drivers. Reinstalled the system. I tried another acoustics. Checked for viruses. I put Windows 10. DPC Latency Checker showed nothing. Aida loaded everything in turn, the problems are intelligent if you load vidyuhu. Unicnate clearance that if with a bare system there is a VGA-standard driver, then everything works .. and in one game if the video processing will change DirectX on OpenGL, then everything works. Unfortunately, an external sound card or another video card is neither to get .. what to attack this, help please!

Added after 14 minutes
Forgot to add. Windows 7 Ultimate X64 system. I tried to change the modes of operation in the BIOS, and turn off other devices .. The discharge and frequency of discredit .. put different ninth dyperses .. nothing helps ..


Message from Scrolllock

Message from demonalone
I have 5.1.
In the settings of the same digital put stereo?

I tried. Bestchart.

Added after 1 minute

Message from Scrolllock

In addition, leaning .. But to buy without sure that it will help meaningless ..

Added after 27 minutes

Message from Scrolllock

can you have something with YUM ... then, of course, a sound, knowingly worker, put ...

Added after 1 minute

Message from Demonalone.

But what is the connection with the video card then? FurMark does not work with sound at all ..

Added after 1 minute
Slots PCI-E tried to change, also to no avail .. Where in all this nonsense the dog is buried?

Added after 8 hours 6 minutes
I dropped the BIOS, took everything out of the corps and assembled on the table, to no avail. I hung out of the socket, inserted back, I changed the thermal accelerant ... and ... and everything earned it! ... if anyone would say it would not believe it ... Everything works. Pah-pah-pah. In any case, thanks to Scrollock for trying to help.

While I changed the driver, the computer managed to squeeze the black screen when restarted it. Since before that, he kept everything on the poor performance of the video card, I decided to buy a cheap alternative. But she did not help - the black screen still appeared. Clearing the whole computer from dust, I started it again. Again the black screen. Probably only from the tenth attempt I managed to revive him, but not for a long time. It hung on the elementary procedure for updating drivers. I had to turn it off and turn it back, however, when turned on, the black screen got out again. Again, after preventive procedures, he could turn on again, and immediately after that I climbed at the forum for help. What to do in this situation? He now, of course, works, but strange things can be observed here, for example:
With icons, it is clear something wrong.
Well, or for example, when starting, the first oncoming screen with the name motherboard, somewhere a third of the images are filled with some kind of pixel squares.

Answer: By the way, managed to run with an old video card. There are some lags in the form of incomprehensible pictures, which are parallel to each other stripes. And also increased courses in size than 2-3 times. I put a computer at night with viruses check. MB stretches until morning.

Added after 1 hour 15 minutes
He lifted the temperature of the old video card - the artifacts appeared approximately with a period of 5-10 seconds. Should I use it? Or already on the garbage? But still the problem is not in old vidyuh, even when new computer It does not always want to turn on.

At times when updating to Windows 10 or her clean installation, users face a malfunction sound system. It gives a failure or completely stops working. It happens that the sound disappears completely, sometimes its volume becomes quieter gradually. In some cases, it ceases to function normally enter the headphones in the front of the computer panel. The reason that after windows installations 10 disappeared sound, there may be a set of several factors. About how to get rid of it, and eliminate the effects of failure, in the continuation of this article.

Least effective method - Using the system troubleshooting of the OS sound playback. However, he should also pay attention. To do this, you need to find a dynamics label, open the menu and select "detect sound problems". There are no guarantees, which will work, but in this way the most obvious system malfunctions are excluded, implying the wear of the components of the computer and their replacement.

Second standard method - Using device manager. When the malfunction manifests itself with the next OS updates, by pressing the right mouse button on the "Start" menu, the sound card of the user is selected. Next, the menu opens with the right click, the Driver tab is located and click "roll back". Disconnection automatic update IT-products for sound card can also prevent problems with it in the future.

Negative effect of installing and updating OS on sound

The cause of the audio playback is not immediately manifested. Often, when the sound disappears, the dynamics label on the taskbar reacts with a delay. It continues to show that everything is normal, in the Device Manager, the message "The device works fine" is saved, and the OS update is not required.

The only hint for an experienced user - sound card designation in the form of a "device with HIGH support Definition Audio." This name is a reliable indicator of the absence of necessary IT products. ASUS and SONY laptop sound chips are subject to malfunction. Among them are Realtek, Conexant Smartaudio HD and VIA HD.

Installing a driver for sound in a new OS

There are some effective ways Eliminate malfunction. The most effective includes the following:

  1. The "Search" is entered by the model_Bextbook_Support or model_vash_materin_ pay_support. It is better not to look for an IT product on the resource of the chip manufacturer, in particular, Realtek. It is recommended to visit the manufacturer's Internet platform of the entire device.
  2. In the user support segment for download is the necessary software. IT products for Windows 7 and 8 are compatible with the latest version of the OS. Mandatory condition - compliance of the discharge (x64 or x86) of the driver and the currently installed system. Information on how to determine them are in open access.
  3. Next, the drivers are installed.

At first glance, simply, but in practice some difficulties arise. Part of the users reports that at the end of the procedure nothing has changed. The reason lies in the fact that the times is actually not loaded. In this case, the system does not signal about failure. It holds the user at all stages, completes the procedure, but, viewing the properties of the driver in the "Device Manager", the corresponding changes cannot be found.

The described incident is eliminated as follows:

The installer starts in compatibility mode with more early version OS. This measure is most effective. In particular, thus loaded on the Conexant Smartaudio and VIA HD laptop. In this case this method Apply, but does not guarantee success.

In more difficult situations, pre-removing sound card helps ("sound and game video devices"), as well as components and other things on the tab "Audio inputs and audio outputs". In the "Device Manager" with the right click element stands out and deleted. In the continuation, the installer launches in compatibility mode. When the driver is still not installed, "Action" and "Update Equipment Configuration" is selected in the Device Manager. In Realtek, this method works relatively more often.

If the previous driver is installed, it is necessary to select a sound card with the right click, and also sequentially press "Update the driver" and "perform search for drivers on this computer". Then you need to check if a new one? softwareCompatible with the system.

If the official IT component was not found submitted above the algorithm with the removal of the audio board in the device manager and the equipment configuration update still should be applied.

Troubleshooting sound or microphone

The method described further is suitable for many laptops, but is especially in demand with the owners of ASUS. The reason is that the VIA audio audio chip is more likely there are cases with playback in Windows 10, and using a microphone.

The following measures must be taken:

  1. Opened "Audio inputs and audio outputs". To do this, the "Start" is selected by the right click, and "Device Manager" is pressed.
  2. Each item that opened partition is deleted, including the driver, when the appropriate proposal is received from the system.
  3. Next, you need to go to the section "Sound and game video devices", and clean it in the same way (HDMI components need to be left).
  4. Then the Via Audio driver from ASUS is loaded. It can be found on the official resource. The choice is great, because for each laptop model, an appropriate software product is offered, separately for Windows 7 and 8.1.
  5. Next, in the compatibility mode, the driver is launched from the selected OS. This action is performed on behalf of the administrator.

It is worth noting that the choice previous version The driver is incomplete because it is often workable VIA, not its modern analogues.

Key Playl Device Settings

Most novice users do not attach the need to carefully verify the system. Special attention should be paid additional parameters Sound playback devices in the new OS. This is done as follows:

The right click is selected a dynamics label, located at the extreme bottom of the notification area. Press "Playback Devices".

After that, make sure that the default equipment is installed. If not, the necessary, and click "Use by default" is selected.

If headphones and speakers are relying, the default is needed, you must select them with right clicks, click "Properties" and go to section " Additional features"Or" Improvements ". It marks "Turning off all sound effects».

Upon completion of the described procedure, it is necessary to make sure whether the sound works.

Elimination of other faults

It happens that the recording is reproduced, but very quiet, and the volume is randomly declining. In this case, the user does not affect the dynamics of these changes. The sound can begin wheezing, and the volume is uncontrollab vary.

For this problem, the following actions algorithms:

In "Additional Features" or "Improvement", there is a "disconnection of all sound effects". Next, you must apply the settings, after which it returns to the list of playback devices.

After that, the "Communication" tab opens, and the "action is not required" is established. The option to reduce the volume or disconnect the sound must be removed.

  • Through the "Device Manager", the sound card is selected, then "Properties" and "Update Driver",
  • In the list installed drivers Selects "non-rigging" it-product. Prerequisite - compatibility with OS. The system can independently provide one of them.

It rarely, but it happens that the "non-" IT product is able to eliminate the malfunction that does not manifest itself.

In circumstances, when the above examples of solving sound reproduction problems did not help, it is worth trying one of the most popular IT products - driver-pack.

Another aspect of the question is the condition of the microphone, headphones and columns. It is necessary to check their performance because they are trite can be faulty. At times, the problem is not in the Windows 10 operating system, but in them. If a malfunction is detected, it should be transferred to one of the corresponding service centerswho are in abundance now both in megalopolis and in small settlements.

Many users face a problem that is that the sound is disappeared on Windows 10, after loading another update.

Before proceeding with some specific actions, it is worth finding out why the sound on a computer or on a laptop with Windows 10 installed on it after the update is missing. Causes may be different: from the need to install additional drivers to problems caused by incorrectly set audio equipment settings.

Common problems and their possible solution

If, after installing or updating Windows 10, the sound icon disappeared, how can you solve this problem? This icon is usually installed on the desktop taskbar and find it there is no work. Such a problem is solved by turning on the volume icon using the "Turn on and off" options in the "Notifications and Actions" section by opening "System Parameters".

After reinstalling or updating operating system Windows 10 common problem is such a situation when disappeared system sounds. This situation should be positively resolved after updating the drivers that are selected depending on specific model Your equipment is downloaded on the site of its manufacturer. You can learn about the availability of drivers on your hardware, going to the Device Manager section and looking at the tab with sound devices.

Sometimes before starting work with new software, you need to complete the current session of the equipment. After restarting the driver must start working correctly.

If the sound of a microphone or headphones disappeared literally for a second, in such cases also, as a rule, helps updating drivers. If the desired software is already installed and reflected in the device manager, click on it right-click and find this option there. The system will prompt you to update in automatic mode or manually: it is best to prefer the second option, and then choose to update the suitable software downloaded in advance in latest version From the manufacturer's site.

Sound check on various devices

Windows 10 can be installed competently and all the necessary drivers are in place, but sometimes it does not solve the problem. In this case, the problem may be caused incorrect settings Or a breakdown of the equipment you use:

  • stationary computer;
  • laptop;
  • smartphone;
  • headphones.

What should I do if a new laptop disappears with Windows 10 pre-installed on it? If you have just made a purchase, then you have the opportunity to require the diagnostics of your equipment and in case of malfunctions with sound devices require it to replace it.

Another common problem with which users periodically encounter is that the sound in headphones connected to the equipment with Windows 10 disappeared.

If you are a gamer, you know perfectly well that the sound in games is adjusted using your own settings of each such program. If everything is fine with the parameters of your operating system and the operation of your equipment, but the audio use in computer entertainment programs is still temporarily disappeared or constantly absent, check the settings that are specifically applied to this software.

Excellent day!

The latest version of Microsoft's operating system brought a large number of innovations in the daily use of PC hundreds of millions of users around the world. The optimization and stability of work were significantly improved, built-in antivirus and much more, but many have encountered a very unexpected problem: sometimes there is no sound on a computer with Windows 10. It may be the result of a shortage random access memory, for example (the most frequent cause), However, there are still many types of problems, each of which requires an individual approach.

Sound problems, options for their solutions

Problems with sound on Windows 10 have a spontaneous character and may arise in a variety of conditions. The universal recipe for their elimination does not exist, however there are several pattern behavior patterns, thanks to which you can accurately determine the cause of the problem. For example, quite often users notice that after the update, the sound does not work in Windows 10. Also, the sound may not work immediately after installing Windows 10, or not absent specifically in games. Each of these problems has its own solution, because of what the sound configuration on the computer with installed windows 10 has become a big problem. But do not rush to despair and call the master.

Banal reasons

This item would like to devote human inattention. Even the most meticulous PC user may not remember that he just turned off the sound or forgot to connect new columns or headphones. In addition, there are cases when the wire from the device loosely entered the connector, the latter malfunction is also possible. To cut off the inattention factors, we recommend to double-check the connection, the sound volume and the Mute mode on the speakers.

Another problem of this kind is a cable malfunction. It may be damaged by pets or just break (immediately noticeable), and it may be damaged inside that it is very difficult to determine. To make sure about the health of headphones or speakers, connect them to another PC or smartphone.

Also immediately check if you have the playback source. Click on the left button on the speaker icon in the lower right corner and check whether the sound appears on each of the options available.

Outdated or non-working drivers

If banal causes are not your case, then the first thing to think about updating software. Windows 10 provides automatic boot system actual versions Drivers that will help in most cases. In the remainder of the situations, you can download drivers from the official site of the sound card manufacturer. Both instructions we have placed below.

Driver Update with standard tools Windows.

If Windows has not updated the driver, then use manual load instructions.

  1. Find the official website of the manufacturer of your sound card. As a rule, this is REALTEK, the site of which is quite simple to find. If you doubt that you have opened the right resource, then see the address in the documentation from the sound card.
  2. Download drive driver.
  3. Start installation file. And follow the instructions.
  4. Restart PC.

If the installation does not pass, that is, the probability that old driver Not only works incorrectly, but also prevents the installation of the new one. This happens quite rarely, but is solved by removing the driver through the device manager followed by its reinstall.

Sound disappeared while computer

If you notice that the sound disappeared directly during the device operation, it may be a consequence of a shortage of RAM. For example, the launch of a modern video game or large number The tabs in the browser can cause RAM deficit. For unknown reasons, Win10 considers the sound of a less priority thing than 50 tabs in Google Chrome.. And the problem is that the audio is very difficult to turn on again.

The main signs of the lack of RAM:

  • The appearance of the black screen during the use of PC.
  • Reboot the browser tab when switching to them.
  • Automatic shutdown of any programs.
  • A warning of a shortage of memory. Since the message does not specify, which memory is not enough, inexperienced users begin to delete files with hard disk, not paying attention to the fact that the system asks to close some applications, and not delete them.
  • Warning of a shortage of memory in the browser.

  • Reduced application loading speed, locations in video games.
  • To solve problems with RAM, you can install an additional memory bar in the PC. For comfortable use of the browser, it is recommended to have at least 8 GB of RAM system. If you have a sound on the laptop, and the problem is in RAM, then everything is more complicated here, since the installation of new slats on laptops is either impossible at all, or is problematic, and the cost of it is significantly higher than that of the analogs for stationary PCs. But you can also observe simple rules Economy of RAM, which are also relevant for the above-mentioned stationary PCs.

    • Try to close unnecessary tabs in the browser. The most frequently visited pages can be added to the bookmarks.
    • Running modern video games, close the browser, or leave the minimum tab.
    • Create a paging file on one of hard disks or SSD.
    • In the tray (arrow up in the lower right corner of the screen) Turn off the programs that you in this moment Not needed. Very often, by pressing the cross, you send the program in the tray, and not close completely. Steam may be settled there, for example. If you do not know, for which you need any program, you should not touch it.

    Also, the sound may not disappear, but to start distorting. Often it happens with the video: the media file slows down, the sound becomes buzzing and unpleasant. It may also be associated with the insufficient PC power, but you can solve this problem without additional purchases. Solutions are somewhat.

    Disconnecting the monopoly mode.

    If the problem continues to appear, then try reinstalling the drivers. Instructions above.

    Sound disappeared after installing Windows 10

    Sound problems in this case may occur due to incompatibility of drivers and OS (rarely), or due to incorrect installation of the update. Unfortunately, the latter happens more often than might think. Suppose you stopped working sound, and without visible reasons. Of the good here, only the fact that this problem can be eliminated by regular windows tool. Not always, but in many cases. Click the PCM on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Troubleshooting Sound". Follow the instructions.

    You can also use a rollback version of the drivers to restore the sound.

    If the sound does not work on the newly installed Windows 10, then download the drivers manually from the site of the sound card manufacturer.

    Sound does not work in headphones

    Surprisingly, but the most common cause of the lack of sound in headphones is the installation of a minimum volume on the headphones themselves. Often, users do not notice that the volume control on the headset is at minimal value.

    Once pretty frame problem There was incompatibility. Some (as a rule, cheap) headphones simply did not know how to work with Windows 10. This problem is even rare, but it can happen. It is almost impossible to correct it if the headphones do not work on the PC, and play, for example on the phone or device with the past windows version, you will have to change them.

    It is impossible not to mention the banal lack of drivers. The solution is described above. If you purchased headphones that require the installation of our own drivers (I did not have any personally, but there are such among modern gamers), then install them.

    As a rule, the new device is automatically turned on, but sometimes there is no need to do it manually.

  1. Click the PCM on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Sounds.
  3. Playback - on the panel from above.
  4. PCM on empty space.
  5. Put the checkbox to show disabled devices.
  6. If your headphones appeared, then click on them PKM and choose to enable.

The same applies to any other source of sound, may not be activated or not selected as a source of playback not only headphones, but also acoustic system or built into the speaker screen.


Thus, most of the problems associated with incorrect work sound appear due to incorrect work Drivers or banal inattention users. Unfortunately, cover a full range of Errors are almost impossible, because with each windows update Empty old, but new ones appear. Universal Council - use the screening method. See the most likely reasons and descend to the least probable, in parallel, sacrificing yourself, how to configure the sound after the next problem update. So you have the highest chance to quickly eliminate the problem.

The article describes the instruction, what to do if realtek dispatcher HD is not in the control panel. Realtek HD is free to distribute software that contains drivers to interpret sound streams. This package is a follower of a number of editors of the AC'97 firmware, which were created in 2004 by Intel. The hardware that controls HD Audio reproduces 192 kg2 / 24-quality two-channel output and 96 kHz / 24-bit in multi-channel mode. Total supported up to 8 channels simultaneously. When operating Realtek HD Audio, such a phenomenon is often encountered when the sound drivers work stably, without failures, and there is no sound manager in the control panels. In this case, we cannot configure the sound scheme by the software method.

Search on computer audio manager Realtek HD

If you are going to edit a sound diagram or microphone, but there is no Realtek manager anywhere, no at the bottom in the tray, there is also no devices in the "Device Manager. No among installed programs - In this case, contact the "Control Panel", now click "Sound" - it should be displayed at this point. Check out additionally its presence in the Device Manager in the list of equipment, in the "Sound ... Devices" section.

Removing the old driver and installing new Realtek

If you can not find the Realtek Sound Manager in the control panel, try removing the old driver to the sound equipment of your computer. For this:

Download Realtek HD Driver from the Official Site

If you searched all services and the corresponding panels, and Realtek HD is nowhere - you need to download it. To do this, open the boot page by and specify from 3 necessary for your system.

Before downloading from the RealTek site, you will need to register an account and log in to it.

The problem occurs sometimes due to the current driver, which was not taken from the official site. If the Windows where the problem occurs is also not official, but downloaded from the torrent or installed from the left "duals", in this case, you cannot REALTEK HD work window on your computer. Install the original manager of the dispatcher and restart OS.

Other problems with Realtek HD

Problems with Realtek HD meet another kind, for example, sounded sound. In this case, you do not need to rush and blame the system. First check whether the columns, headphones are correctly connected. Check if you may confuse the socket on the panels (rear, front), it happens even with experienced users. Usually the color of the socket and plug manufacturers are indicated equally. Therefore, it will be not difficult to detect the problem.

What to do if the sound of headphones disappeared

Then run - "" on your system and check the audio tabs. Also open in the panel windows Applications And select "Sound" - Check the sound circuit, possibly the "Sound" checkbox is installed. Check also additional settings Sound.

It happens so when in Skype headphones start working after removing the tick " Automatic setting" Try to install, with the removal of the old, driver to sound.

You can download a special pack-pack, which has drivers for all occasions. Such a package is the "Driver Pack Solution". The advantage of such that this program itself scans your system and calculates old drivers and in the case of the outdated driver, downloads and installs new version Alone. Perhaps this particular package will help you to detect and install the desired version for audio devicewith which problems arise.

Sound setting in headphones

Take a check over your system for viruses, using your antivirus software. In the event of various kinds of problems and errors in the system - it is necessary to check the entire hDD On viruses in a deep way of checking, because viruses are capable of calling any kind of errors and failures in the system, even if the Realtek HD manager is not in the control panel.

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