
Uninterruptible power supply ARS back UPS. APC uninterruptible power supplies for offices and home use. Calibration and repair UPS

ARS has long become almost a monopolist in the source market, almost every user who has UPS uses products of this company. This is an indication that the company produces really high-quality equipment. Strictly speaking, ARS is a subsidiary of the Giant Shneider Electric. So it is more correct to consider the manufacturer exactly this office.

As for the Production of ARS, it is traditionally high-quality and hardy. The company specializes in the production of uninterruptible food sources, and therefore, the main criterion in the product evaluation is the battery life and protection against voltage bursts. And with this product ARS is all right. Relatively recently, the company has released the UPS APC Back-UPS 650. It will be discussed.

A little about the device

APS Back-UPS 650 is a logical continuation of a series of linear interactive uninterruptible power sources. The device has all the necessary characteristics, while it is devoid of options completely unnecessary for such a device. Some top models are supplied with a miniature LCD screen, but for such a device it is not particularly necessary, since the power supply is also spent on the screen. And in terms of the duration of the autonomous work, this is not very good. Most UPSs are equipped with simple LED indicators that display the battery level and operation mode.

There are several modifications of this product with CS, RS and Pro prefixes. They all differ from each other, but slightly. The difference consists, as a rule, in some technical specifications. It is worth noting that the same output voltage is business card All uninterruptible power supply devices APC Back-UPS 650, 230 V is the limit for them. Even outwardly, these devices are almost the same. But you need to disassemble them all for completeness of the picture.

Version CS.

The CS rule is obtained almost the cheapest among the ARS 650-series devices. The battery is characterized by modest (relative) characteristics and standard for devices of this class by appearance. Nothing extra. All strictly in order to ensure uninterrupted nutrition of computer elements in case of stress disappearances.

APC Back-UPS CS 650 is available only in black. It is even good because black is universal color. It is in no way able to spoil appearance workplace. Asceticism UPS ARS CS version is even good. Since such devices should work, and not attract attention to a bright appearance. Now let's see that this "uninterrupted", so to speak, under the hood.

Specifications CS version

The main criteria for which it is customary to evaluate uninterruptible power sources are the battery capacity and the presence of protection against voltage jumps. Everything else is moving into the background. Now let's see what can offer us an APC Back-UPS CS 650. In principle, like all linear interactive uninterrupted power sources, the products from ARS have typical characteristics, and it is not particularly deepened in them. But there are still differences. Therefore, we can not evange from the analysis of these very differences. So let's go.

Power UPS

This parameter is responsible for the stable power to the computer components. If there is not enough tsiferok, the computer simply will not work. The power of this UPS is 650 VA. This is quite enough for the PC of the middle configuration. For the gaming car will have to look for something more powerful.

Battery capacity

In this UPS, the battery is installed with a capacity of 7.2 A / h with an operating voltage of 12 V.. It is enough for it to strictly speaking, it all depends on the configuration of the computer. The more powerful your car, the less time you have in order to turn off the PC correctly in case of a failure. However, the average time for computers of moderate configuration (koi most) is 1-3 minutes. Depending on the load on the computer components. Good result. The time of the full charge of the battery (after the first inclusion) is 22 hours. Multimito, but what to do? I have to sacrifice something in the name of stability.

Protection against voltage drops

This option is present in the UPS APC Back-UPS 650 version CS. And this component is coping with his own work. Numerous tests show that the uninterruptible power supply is able to level the voltage and serve it on the computer. Thus, all components of your computer turn out to be securely protected from voltage jumps.

CS connectors and interfaces

APS Back-UPS 650 versions CS has four connectors for the supply of the standard "Euro". Moreover, three of them serve to connect devices directly to the battery. They are needed primarily for devices that are critical for permanent nutrition ( system unit, monitor). Fourth connector - to connect a device that does not need constant diet (printer, scanner). The latter is equipped only with voltage stabilizer.

In addition, the UPS contains connectors to protect the telephone line and one more to connect the uninterruptible to the PC. The telephone line connectors are needed to those who want to protect their communication devices from voltage drops. Also, the UPS can be connected to a computer and configure the correct PC shutdown process when the power loss. To do this, the package includes a disk with the APC BACK-UPS CS 650 software software. The instruction that comes in the kit will help in performing this process. Despite the statements of some users about the fact that in our operating manual, nothing is clear, in our opinion, the instruction is very detailed. It very accurately describes techniques for working with the device and the features of the work of the device itself. There is even a scheme for the location of the components.

RS version

APC Back-UPS RS 650 is an almost complete clone version of CS. A minor difference is observed only in the specifications of both devices. In appearance, these two devices are indistinguishable as native brothers. Why is that? Apparently, the company decided to save on design. In principle, it is not important for such a device. The main thing is that the device well performs its work. And with this, the uninterruptible power supply version of the RS version copes no worse than his "twin brother."

If the CS version is designed to work with medium power computers, the RS pulls out that office PCs. For other power tasks, he is not enough. But this does not mean that it is worse. Just he is not done for this. If you need an uninterruptible power supply more powerful, that is, it makes sense to pay attention to the Pro version (about it just below). It turns out a good increase in power in almost the same money.

Specifications RS.

APC Back-UPS 650 version of RS has its own technical characteristics that, however, are not very different from the Version of the CS version inherent. So it should be, since these devices are in the same price niche. Therefore, there can be no significant differences between them. Let's see what the RS version represents.


The uninterruptible power supply version of the RS version has a full power of 650 VA, but it is short-term. The permanent is equal to 390 W. For office computers It's enough. But no more. And yet the UPS is able to provide professional protection against voltage jumps and sudden power outages.

Battery capacity

The battery here is set exactly the same as in the CS version. But for some reason, the battery life has greatly decreased. Now the user has only 1-1.5 minutes in order to turn its PC as required. This is due to the reduced power of the device. Be that as it may, but for office PCs and this is enough.

Protection against voltage drops. Strictly speaking, this option is in all uninterruptible power sources from ARS. And it works as needed. For without her, the uninterruptible would be just a battery. RS version has not exceeded. Protection is present and works well. Racing the tension is aligned, and a completely even momentum is sent to the PC.

RS version connectors and interfaces

There are no differences here. The same four EURO connectors with grounding, the same inputs to protect the telephone connection. The same classification with a division into important (with nutrition from the battery) and "not very" (only with the rectifier). The connector for connecting the UPS to the computer is also in place. And in the set of delivery - traditionally disk with branded software and instruction manual. And in the latter there is an adequate Russian language. This is another plus at the ARS piggy bank.

Battery key

In all versions of devices from ARS, there is also a so-called battery key. It is a plug with flat contacts. It is needed in order to activate the battery and start charging when the uninterruptible power supply is turned on to the network. When buying a UPS, it is removed. This is done in order to prevent the battery discharge cycle. So he will last longer. To activate the device, before turning on the uninterruptible power supply to the network, stick this plug into the connector there is immediately. After turning on the UPS, the battery charging process will begin.

Pro version

APC Back-UPS 650 BX650CI Pro version is designed specifically for those who want its computer longer to work from the battery when the electricity is stopped. Unlike versions of RS and CS, time autonomous power The Pro version is 5.5 minutes. And it is in full load mode. And in partial UPS mode, it is capable of providing PC power for 14-15 minutes. This is an absolute record among the devices of this price category.

Differences Pro from CS and RS

PRO version is identical to RS and CS. The same number of connectors and functions. The same stress rectifiers. Even the battery from the same manufacturer, only greater tank. It is clear that the UPS Pro version will cost somewhat more expensive, but the difference is not critical. Yes, and it can also be connected to the PC and perform synchronization. APC Back-UPS Pro 650 is an ideal linear interactive uninterruptible power supply for an average user. Plus, there is a wonderful price-quality balance.

APC is a global leader in the production of uninterruptible food sources for both personal computers and manufacturing equipment. Each new device from this company establishes new standards for protection against voltage surge, smoothing various interference of the electrical network and an increase in the work time of the UPS from batteries. This article discusses the UPS of APC Series BACK-UPS ES: Back-UPS ES 525, Back-Ups ES 550VA and Back-Ups ES 700VA. These models are focused on installing a house or in small offices to protect several personal computers and other devices from voltage bursts in the electrical network and provide autonomous battery life in the absence of voltage in the external network. It is worth noting that the software included in the package of most UPS significantly expands their functionality.

For Russian electricity consumers, it has always been relevant to ensure the continuity of its filing, since even a short-term power off or a voltage surge can lead to serious consequences of such equipment as computers, office equipment and devices with thin electronics. To ensure the backup power supply in homes and small offices, the sources of uninterrupted power supply (UPS) are most suitable, which in the absence of electricity supply the equipment connected to them from the built-in battery, and with an unexpected drop or increasing the input voltage, align it to normal. The UPS is divided into OFFLINE and ONLINE types. UPS type offline are two types: standby and line-interactive.

Online uninterruptible power supplies are designed to protect thin electronics and rarely apply at home. In such UPS, the entire electrical outlet alternating current (or its part in the UPS with Delta conversion) is first converted to a permanent, and then the reverse conversion for power supply is performed. Thus, accurate stabilization of the magnitude and shape of the output voltage and the protection of the connected equipment from any interference occurring in the power grid is provided.

In sources of type STANDBY and LINE-INTERACTIVE, the load is mainly due to the power supply network, and only with a very strong deviation of the input voltage from the nominal source turns to power from batteries. During nutrition from the network, the input voltage is filtered. Sources like Line-Interactive, as a rule, have better network analysis blocks, but their main feature is the presence of an automatic voltage control unit (Automatic Voltage Regulator, AVR), which stepped up the voltage at the output of the UPS in case of the input voltage deviation, due to What to some extent the output voltage is stabilized.

Testing technique

Given the possibilities of our stand and limited testing time, during which it is impossible to check such indicators such as reliability and resource, we have chosen the following parameters for testing:

  • maximum battery life without recharging;
  • operation of the automatic voltage control system;
  • voltage transition to batteries and back to the network;
  • switching time to work from batteries;
  • output voltage form when working from batteries;
  • the nature of the disconnection during the discharge of the batteries;
  • the possibility of a cold start;
  • automatic shutdown when the power is turned off.

To register the output voltage form at various modes of operation of the UPS, a stand was used to be made from the synchronization and computer device with a Bordo B-211A installed hardware complex, consisting of a PCI card and a set of software and a general-purpose digital oscilloscope with a range of measured signals from 0 to 50 MHz.

The synchronization device ensured the disconnection of the UPS from the network during the achievement of the top of the positive semiprition of the network voltage and the timely launch of the waiting sweep of the oscilloscope. The transition oscillogram from batteries was removed at the nominal (220 V) and lowered (180 V) input voltage.

Checking the operation of the automatic voltage control unit was carried out using the autotransformer (LATER). First, at the input of the UPS, a voltage of 250 V was installed, which smoothly decreased prior to the power of the UPS to power the load from the batteries. At the same time, all the response points of the automatic voltage regulator were recorded - by jumping voltage change in the load. For each point, the input and output voltage indicators were recorded - both installed immediately after switching and acting in front of the switch. Then an increase in the input voltage was carried out to 250 V. The limit value of the input voltage in 257-260 V was determined by the actual possibility of our power grid and the autotransformer (a higher voltage was not always possible).

As a load of the UPS, a computer was used pentium processor 4 3.0 GHz and LG Flatron 795FT ELT monitor with a diagonal of 17 inches. All power management capabilities on the computer were disabled. According to software APC Powerchute Personal Professional 2.0, which was included in the UPS tested, the average load was from 63 to 89 W (for the APC Back-UPS model ES525, the remaining two models do not support the function of determining the power consumed load). Before the start of testing of each UPS, it was charging its battery from the network for at least 12 hours.

Test results

For most new UPS models for the home and small office, the division of output sockets into two groups is characterized only to protect against various interference in the power grid and instantaneous voltage jumps and performs the functions of the network filter, and the second with filtration provides backup power supply at Low voltage on the network or in case of its absence.

All APC's UPS tested with the possibility of a cold start, and in situations requiring the user's attention, sound signals, the frequency and the duration of which depends on the model and varies depending on the circumstances.

All uninterruptible power sources have ports to connect to a computer and allow you to automatically complete the computer with the closing of applications and save the working files with long-term power off. Inbox of the control utility for monitoring the state of the power grid and power supply is quite accurately shown by voltage and is quite approximately the power connected to the UPS load (only for the APC Back-Ups ES 525 model).

All UPS models under standard load demonstrate a good job, however, when you purchase these devices, some of their features must be taken into account. In particular, APC Back-UPS ES 550VA and APC Back-UPS ES 700VA do not have automatic voltage adjustment functions (AVR), so they are recommended to be used only in places where long-term voltage reductions in the power supply.

An error in the APC Power Grinding Personal Professional 2.0 software, which manifested itself on all three tested devices should be noted. After full discharge Batteries due to the power supply during the resumption of nutrition from the external electrical network, the program shows the percentage of battery ratio incorrectly, since over time the charge percentage is always reduced, and does not increase. This error can be avoided by reconnecting the UPS to the computer.

Test participants

UPS APC Back-UPS ES 550VA refers to the STANDBY type with an output voltage of almost non-sinusoidal shape and has an output power of 550 V · A (330 W).

UPS APC Back-UPS ES 550VA is made in a plastic case unusual for uninterruptible power supplies. Outwardly, he resembles an ordinary extension cord - thickened "pilot". This model can either be installed on the floor, or attached to the wall - for this, there are special fastening holes below. On the top panel there are a power button, a multicolor LED indicator indicating the load power supply (network or battery), and eight Schuko outlet sockets. Connection cord to the external network is located on the side of the device and has a non-removable design. The first four sockets provide protection against the voltage drop down to its complete disappearance, and four more - the protection of electrical equipment only from voltage jumps. UPS sockets are divided into two segments that are separated in different directions. On the side of the UPS there is a special control connector for connecting APC Back-UPS ES 550VA to a computer that connects to the USB port to another end. Nearby are two RJ-45 connectors (input and output) for connecting the phone line or local networkFor them, filtering from jumps is also carried out. The UPS uses the rechargeable non-listed hermetic lead-acid battery with a thickened electrolyte APC RBC2 with a voltage of 12 V, the replacement of which the user can produce independently through the bottom panel, which closes on the latch. In order to improve the security of the UPS, it is transported to the disabled battery (the terminal "-" is disabled), respectively, before starting the operation, it must be connected.

Using the software, the UPS is configured under the specific electrical network, which makes it possible to reduce the number of switching and thereby increase the duration trouble-free work. The moment of operation of the first step of increasing and lowering the input voltage can be selected from the ranges 160-196 V and 256-276 in respectively (in step up to 4 V).

The delivery kit includes a control cable (USB), a telephone cable (RJ 11), a user manual and a software CD with APC Powerchute Personal 2.0.

Powerchute Personal Edition software (Fig. 1) allows you to control the operating parameters (input and output voltage, battery capacity, load level, etc.) and configure the UPS. The program can issue a warning user when the power failure occurs and correctly close the operating system in the event of power interruption. It is possible to manually specify the time through which you need to complete the operation of the system when the external power is turned off (using the battery), the default in the program is set to 5 minutes until the end of operation from the battery.

Fig. 1. Powerchute Personal Edition 2.0 Software

During testing, when the voltage drops to 185 in the UPS, it was automatically switched to work from the battery, and with an increase in voltage in the external network until 190 V - into operation mode from the external network. With an increase in the input voltage to 250 to the output voltage, it also rose to 250 V; At 257 V, the protection mode and the UPS moved to power from the battery, and when the external voltage is reduced power UPS switched to power from external source. In the battery mode during load, the output voltage was 185 V, and in the absence of load - 215 V.

Fig. 2. Switching to power from rechargeable battery

At the end of the battery charge, the output parameters practically did not change (Fig. 3), the shutdown was performed without bursts, and the return from the battery from the battery from the network occurred without delays.

Fig. 3. Power Mode from APC BACK-UPS ES 550VA

Opening hours until the battery is fully discharged when you load with one computer and a 17-inch monitor - 27 min 21 s, which is quite enough for the correct completion of the system.

It should be emphasized that this model has a low price and therefore is quite suitable for use at home UPS and in a small office. It is also necessary to note the excellent software supplied with the APC Smart-UPS ES 550VA, and in addition, the simplicity and convenience of changing the battery. The separation of sockets for various types of protection also simplifies operation and, which is important, extends the life to the built-in battery, since more than four devices when powering from the battery cannot be connected. This decision can be a good choice to protect desktop personal computers from splash electrical network.

The uninterruptible power supply APC Back-UPS ES 700VA belongs to the STANDBY type with an output voltage of almost sinusoidal shape and has an output power of 700 V · A (405 W). This UPS is made in the plastic case of the original form and is similar to the extension. In general, this model is no different from the previous Back-UPS ES 550VA. On the front panel there are the on and off button and the indicators indicating the power supply source (network or battery) and the need to replace the battery. Under the lid fixed on the latches, the bottom of the UPS is a niche for a battery. When transporting the plus terminal is disabled from the battery, and therefore, it must be connected before use. Compared to Back-UPS ES 550VA, this model has a higher output power and equipped with another battery model, due to which the battery life increases.

On the front part (top) of the UPS there are connectors for connecting the load - eight IEC sockets, which are divided into two segments, and the power on / off button. Four sockets provide filtering of voltage jumps without the possibility of transition to power from the battery. The remaining four support the transition to backup power from the battery. Such a separation allows you to separate the most important deviceswho need time to complete work, from those that need only protection against jumps and voltage drops.

The package includes a cable for connecting APC Back-UPS ES 700VA to a computer via a USB port, a telephone cable with RJ-11 connectors, an electronic version of the operating manual, as well as APC Powerchute Personal 2.0 Software . The package is not different from the kit, which goes with the younger BACK-UPS model ES 550VA.

POWERCHUTE PERSONAL EDITION 2.0 software (see Fig. 1) Allows you to control the operating parameters (input and output voltage, battery capacity, load level, etc.) and adjust the UPS. The program informs the user when the power failures occurs and correctly closes the operating system during power interruptions. At the same time, it is possible to manually specify the time through which it is necessary to complete the operation of the system in the absence of external power supply (when working from the battery), - by default, 5 minutes before the operation from the battery.

During testing, with a decrease in voltage in the external network until 183, the UPS automatically moved to work from the battery, and in case of increasing voltage up to 200, it started working on an external network. Increased input voltage up to 250 V led growth over the output voltage to 250 V, at a voltage of 266 V, the protection mode and the UPS moved to power from the battery, and when the voltage decreases, it began to work from an external source. In the battery mode during load, the output voltage was 176 V, and when it was turned off - 215 V.

Fig. 4. Switching to battery powered

At the end of the battery charge, the output parameters practically did not change (Fig. 5); Disconnection occurred without bursts; Returning from nutrition from the battery from the network has occurred without delays.

Fig. 5. Power supply from the APC BACK-UPS ES 700VA battery

The time of work until the battery is complete when you load with one computer and a 17-inch monitor amounted to 41 minutes 22 C - this is more than enough to complete the system to complete the system. Of all three APC Back-UPS models, ES 700VA has the longest battery life, so it can be recommended for use in places where external power is disconnected often and for a long time.

This model It is a little more expensive than the other two, but, nevertheless, it can be recommended for use at home and in a small office. In addition, it is also necessary to note that the UPS APC Back-UPS ES 700VA is equipped with excellent software, as well as the fact that the battery change easily and simply. The separation of sockets for various types of protection also facilitates operation and provides a longer operation of the built-in battery, since there is no connection to the battery with more than four devices. In general, this is an excellent solution to protect multiple desktop personal computers from voltage bursts in the electrical network.

The APC Back-UPS ES 525 model refers to the Line-Interactive UPS, has an output voltage of a non-sinusoidal shape and has an output power of 525 V · A (300 W). This model is made in the plastic case of the original form and is somewhat different from the other two models. The top panel has a UPS on / off button, four EIC sockets for connecting the load, as well as a light indicator signaling about the device status on this moment. Four load outlets are divided into two parts: three of them allow you to protect the connected equipment from voltage bursts and maintain its operation in the absence of external nutrition from the battery built into the UPS, and the fourth serves only to protect against voltage drops on the external network. The battery is located in a special niche at the bottom of the UPS under the lid, which is attached to the latches and does not differ from the design from the design in two other models. On the side of the UPS there are RJ-45 connectors (input and output) to protect against bursts in computer or telephone network. Next to them is another special connector (RJ-45 with ten contacts) to which the UPS control cable is connected. The other end of the cable connects to the computer via the USB port.

The device is supplied, in addition to the Back-UPS ES 525, enter a cable for connecting to a computer, a telephone cable (RJ-11), an instruction manual, as well as a CD-disk with software.

APC Powerchute Personal 2.0 software allows you to control the operating parameters (input and output voltage, the battery capacity (in percentage ratio), the level of load, etc.) and set up the UPS. Note that the BACK-UPS model ES 525, in contrast to the other two UPS tested, supports the mode of monitoring the power of the connected load (Fig. 6). In addition, it supports the self-diagnosis function (the test of the internal circuits of the UPS) and allows you to change the AVR parameters (automatic voltage adjustment). Optionally, the user can set the nominal output voltage when working on batteries, as well as AVR operation mode, by selecting the time of inclusion of the increase and lower voltage modes (step - 4 V). Changing these parameters makes it possible to adjust the UPS to work with the power supply network, which reduces the number of switching and extends the service life of both the UPS itself and the batteries. The remaining parameters do not differ in their settings from other tested models.

Fig. 6. Monitoring power load

In the process of testing the stage of increasing the voltage of the AVR block, it was turned on by lowering the input voltage to 200 and 185 V, the output voltage was 230 V. With an increase in the input voltage to 250 V output voltage, also grown to 250 V; At 255 V worked AVR, and the voltage dropped to 225 V. Switching to the power supply mode from the battery occurred by reducing the input voltage to 165 V. In the battery mode during the load, the output voltage was 176 V, and in its absence - 220 V. mode Power from the battery disconnected while increasing the input voltage to 190 V. It should be noted that the presence of an automatic control unit aVR voltage Very useful in the context of Russian power grids, where the voltage can very often "seek" or, on the contrary, to be very high compared to the face value. By the way, this model has output voltage higher than that of two other tested UPSs.

Switching to battery powered quickly (less than 6 ms) - Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Switching to nutrition
from the rechargeable battery APC Back-Ups ES 525

At the end of the battery charge, the output parameters practically did not change (Fig. 8), the shutdown was performed without bursts, the return to the power from the network occurred without delays.

Fig. 8. Power Mode from APC BACK-UPS ES 525 Rechargeable Battery

The time of work until the battery is completely discharged when the load with one computer and the 17-inch monitor was 27 minutes 36 s, which is quite enough for the correct completion of the system.

This model has a low price and is therefore quite suitable for use at home UPS and in a small office. Unlike two other models considered, it is equipped with a built-in AVR unit, which has a positive effect on operation in Russian power grids and gives it an advantage compared to other models. The APC Back-UPS ES 525 has excellent software and nearby. additional features By setting up, and besides, the battery is changed simply and conveniently. The separation of sockets for various types of protection also simplifies operation and lengthens the service life of the built-in battery.

The UPS APC Back-UPS ES 525 is marked by the "Editors recommends" a sign for its wide functionality, the stability of work in all modes and long-term battery work in the absence of nutrition.

Instead of imprisonment

Having considered the three models from the company APC, it is safe to say that these UPSs will be in demand in the market. Convenience and ease of operation, high reliability and pleasant appearance - all this should like to end users. Of the three models focused on the end user, it is worth paying attention to the APC BACK-UPS ES 525 model, which has a built-in output voltage automatic regulation unit (AVR), which is very relevant for Russian power grids, where the voltage can see how much "Like", so And suddenly jump above acceptable norms.

The editors are appreciated by APC for providing uninterruptible power sources APC Back-UPS ES 550VA, APC Back-UPS ES 700VA and APC Back-UPS ES 525.

The UPS well-known APC firm is again tested in our laboratory. Products of this company we are already. The conclusions were ambiguous. Today we will conduct the next testing of the products of this famous brand.


The UPS test belongs to the BACK-UPS ES series, according to the manufacturer, it is " Optimal for the price of battery reservation and power protection for home computers"And" l counting value for money for protection computer Systems At home ".

The manufacturer declares the following product characteristics:

Input voltage, frequency Nominal 230 V, 50/60 Hz
Output (when working from batteries) Voltage, frequency 230 V / 50 Hz
Automatic voltage regulator Not
output power 700 VA / 405 Watt
Output shape step approximation of sinusoids
Battery battery pack 50% / 100% download 15.1 / 3.9 minutes
Equipment startup function without connecting to the power supply there is
Type, Voltage and Battery Capacity RBC17 - Unattended Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Tight Electrolyte
Battery charging time to a level of 90% after discharge to a load of the load under half load. 16 hours
Indicators lED showing
- ON LINE (Networking)
- ON BATTERY (Batterywork)
- REPLACE BATTERY (Battery Replacement)
Sound alarm Transition signal to batteries mode, a special battery charge exhaustion signal, overload signal.
Self-Diagnosis when enabling and controlling software
Protection against overload when working from the network Permanent multi-voltage noise filter: residual voltage amplitude 0.5% according to IEEE standards: limiting voltage surge without a time delay: compliance with the requirements of UL 1449. Absorbed energy 310 Joule.
Data Transmission Lines Protection Protection of telephony, RJ-11 socket.
10/100 protection Base-T Ethernet, RJ-45 socket.
Interface USB
Monitoring software Supports Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
Mac OS X 10.2 / 10.3
Sizes sh × d × in 230 × 285 × 86 mm
Weight 6.8 kg
Output connectors 4 × Schuko Cee7 (Battery Reserve)
4 × Schuko Cee7 (protection against voltage bursts)
The level of acoustic noise at a distance of 1 meter from the surface of the device 45 DBA.
Compliance with the requirements CE, GOST, NEMKO
Working conditions

0-15000 meters
0-95% (without condensation)
from 0 to + 40 ° C

The UPS comes in a colorfully decorated box with a size of 132 × 300 × 366 mm, the weight of the passing kit is 7.3 kg. For ease of transportation, the box is equipped with a plastic handle. Judging by the sticution on the box, the test of the UPS is produced in the Philippines.

Delivery set includes:

  • instructions for use in Russian and English
  • map of warranty registration with envelope for postal mail
  • 3 sheets explaining conditions Lifetime Equipment Protection Programm *
  • safety Instructions in 18 languages, including Russian
  • quality Assurance Test
  • phones and addresses of APC representative offices in the world
  • interface Cable for PC (USB)
  • rJ-11 telephone cable (6p2c)
  • CD with POWERCHUTE Personal Edition ** software **

* — Lifetime Equipment Protection Program is lifelong insurance protected by APC equipment. In case of damage to the equipment through the power supply line, the APC undertakes to replace it or repair it. The amount of insurance compensation reaches $ 200,000 for Australia, and 100,000 euros - for a number of European countries. In the Russian market, insurance conditions do not apply.

The quality of the configuration can be estimated as satisfactory. The product has a standard warranty for three years from the UPS release date. The release date is determined by the serial number.

The EPS body is made entirely of plastic and consists of two halves - upper and lower. They are connected by the grooves and four screws. The quality of casting and plastic is very good, the rubber not detected. In the upper part of the UPS, there is a LED indicator, changing color depending on the mode of operation of the UPS - on Line (green), on Battery (flashing green), Replace Battery. To the right of the indicator is recessed to protect against accidental pressing POWER button. Also on the top panel there are two blocks of euro sockets for four pieces. One block is connected through the filter, and the second has a battery power. On the right, at the end of the UPS are the RJ-45 sockets, one to connect to the USB port of the PC, and the other two to protect telephony and computer network. The center is the power cord 1.83 meters long and a reusable automatic fuse at 10 A.

At the bottom of the UPS there is a battery compartment cover. The rear panel contains slots for screws. Suspension is possible both vertically and horizontally.

Internal organization

The UPS installed a replaceable Battery cartridge manufactured by APC.

Its capacity of 9 Ah, work voltage 12 V. The cartridge is a conventional CP 1290 Battery manufactured by the Chinese company Vision.

It should be noted that the CP series battery is calculated on the mode of 20 hours discharge. Upon hours of discharge, its capacity, according to the manufacturer, is only 5.8 Ah. A typical battery discharge time when working in the UPS is 10-30 minutes. In this mode, the container will be less than 4 Ah. Battery life of 200 cycles of 20 hour 100% discharge. With a more intense discharge, the resource may be less.

Battery replacement is possible by the user. The replacement procedure is described and shown in pictures in the instructions. No tools for this will not need, the battery cover is attached to the latch and easily shifts down.

The entire main electronics is located on one bilateral printed circuit board located at the top of the UPS hull. The battery compartment is separated from electronics by partition. The board itself and the installation of elements on it, at first glance, was performed qualitatively, the correspondence of the elements of the concept is signed. Planar components are widely used. Installation of unilateral elements.

The filter from the interference is made on a simplified scheme, two varistors and a condenser. Ferrite rings are attached to the network wires.

RJ-45 protection is full, for all four pairs of computer network and telephony.

Switching provides a relay, the maximum switching current is 12 A at a voltage of 250 V, which in this case allows you to connect the load with a maximum peak power up to 3000 VA.

The inverter on two transistors manufactured by the company forms a two-step approximation of sinus. The inverter is made on the usual, low-frequency scheme, with a transformer. What is strange, a high-frequency scheme is applied in a similar in the form and content of products. UPS power consumed, when working on batteries without a load was 7 W. Each transistor has a power of 330 W and operating temperature range up to 175 ° Celsius. Transistors are located on two massive radiators with an area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters. everyone. The view and quality of the generated signal at different loads are clearly visible on the oscillogram.

And again we observe pulses on the fronts of the signal. A completely different inverter, with an invariably unsatisfactory result. On the following oscillogram, a signal fragment is shown at 50% load.

This disadvantage of circuitry leads to increased power consumption, reduction in efficiency and the appearance of electromagnetic interference at the output of the UPS in the range of 15-17 kHz.


The test UPS is not equipped with a voltage autotransformer regulator. However, we give a graph of the dependency of the output voltage from the input. The hysteresis during switching is 5 V in the field of high voltage, and 10 V - under reduced voltage.

In the UPS APC Back-UPS ES 700, through the supplied PowerChute software, there is an opportunity to set the range of output voltages, from 188-208 and up to 252-272 V in increments of 1 V. The above schedule reflects the work of the UPS with the settings 208-244. Even in this, the minimum range of the UPS works unsatisfactory, issuing voltage to the output exceeding the nominal value by 14%, and reduced by 11% relative to the nominal. This may lead to the failure of the connected equipment and does not provide its uninterrupted operation.

When the voltage output in the supply network for the set range, the UPS goes to battery powers, notifying the user by the audio signal. When switching on the battery, the UPS gives a short signal with a periodicity of 40 seconds. The work of the UPS with a battery, discharged to a critical level, accompanies a signal from a periodicity of 0.6 seconds.

The battery transition time was determined by an oscillogram at a rated load of 405 W. The transition time for battery powered was 5 MC.

The UPS was tested during battery life at different levels of load. Synthetic tests were carried out on a load from resistors in 40%, 50%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the IPS nominal. The output voltage was measured by a digital multimeter. While working without load, it was 229 V.

Interest 50% 60% 80% 100%
160 W. 200 W. 240 W. 320 W. 400 W.

As you can see, in the entire range of loads, the UPS is stacked in GOST-13109-97 And it gives an average of 227 V. only at full load there was some decrease in voltage, not beyond the boundaries of the norm. Recommended by test results The power of the UPS is not more than 400 watts.

For tests on the real load, the following configuration test computer was used:

The total test computer configuration options were collected:

  1. INTEGRATED SIS MIRAGE, BP 400 W with passive PFC: DivX-Sis
  2. ATI X700, BP 400 W with passive PFC: DivX-ATI
  3. ATI X700, BP 400 W with Passive PFC: 3DM5-ATI
  4. ATI X700, BP 550 W with active PFC and bus sales: 3DM5-ATI-PFC

On the diagram from left to right:

DivX-SIS. - Configuration with video adapter built into the motherboard. Reproduction S. hard disk Shrek HD film (1280 × 720 × 24 × 1700 Kbps Video Bitrate, AC3 Track 384 Kbps). CPU load 17-25%.

DivX-ATI. - Play from the hard disk HD film Shrek (1280 × 720 × 24 × 1700 Kbps Video Bitrate, AC3 Track 384 Kbps). CPU load 17-25%.

3DM5-ATI. - 3DMark05 test package was performed v1.1.0, 1024 × 768 in GT1 mode, which should mimic the work of a modern toy.

3DM5-ATI-PFC - Configuration with a capacity of 550 W, Active PFC, Avtovolthod 127-230 V. The test package 3DMark05 v1.1.0 was performed, 1024? 768 in GT1 mode, which should mimic the work of a modern toy.

The battery charging parameters are one of the most important factors affecting the battery life, and, consequently, the UPS itself. For the CP 1290 batteries used in the CP 1290 cartridge, the maximum charging current of 2.8 A. Given the importance of the battery charging mode, two tests were made. In the first (yellow line), the UPS was discharged for a load of 100% (400 W) to autotrunction, in the second (red line) after discharge to a load of 50% (300 W), the UPS was consistently discharged to a smaller load until a full battery discharge.

Charge recovery after a deep discharge took 19 hours. Full battery charging demanded more than 30 hours, charge current at the beginning was 370 MA. For 19 hours, the charge current was an average of 350 mA. Another 10 hours was required to achieve charging currents in 50 Ma and voltage of 13.6 V. Recovery after intensive discharge occupied 9 hours. According to the measurement results, the work of the charging scheme is recognized as satisfactory. The disadvantages include a small charging current, to advantages - its stability at low power supply voltage.

To check the "Cold Start" system, the UPS was connected to the load without connecting to the network. The UPS turned on with a complete nominal load. To check compatibility with power supplies with active PFC and wide range Input voltages, the UPS was connected to a computer with a FSP550-60PLN power supply, equipped with an active PFC and having a range of input voltages 100-240 V. Problems during joint work did not occur. Determined the Battery UPS:

Thanks to the support of the Smart Battery standard, the basic power management functions are available in built-in tools. operating system.

The icon appears in the tray to all owners of laptops.

The kit comes the Power Ground Personal Edition 1.5 proprietary software. It provides wider power management and UPS settings.

Its installation occurred automatically and did not cause problems. More detailed this program is reviewed in a separate article.


The UPS test is a typical device for home Application. The most, in our opinion, a significant disadvantage, from the point of view of ergonomics, is the use of the RJ-45 connector for communication with PC uSB interface. And if in the UPS, allowing installation in the rack, it is still justified (you can start in the patch panel), then in the "home" UPS, this is unacceptable. The voltage adjustment, upon reaching which the UPS goes to battery power, is not sufficient to match the output voltage of GOST.


  • The stability of the output voltage when working from the battery
  • Ability to mount on the wall
  • Euro sockets provide convenience
  • Full Protection of Telephony and Local Network
  • SMART Battery Standard Support
  • Quality software included


  • Simplified network filter
  • Pulses on the fronts of the signal when working from the battery
  • RJ-45 USB connector.
  • Output voltage when operating from the network exceeds ± 10%

Uninterruptible power supply, or as in commoner, it is called Yups (Back UPS) is essentially an increase in the converter and charger In one case. The device is very useful, especially for PC owners. The device can autonomously feed the computer, if for some reason suddenly turned off the electricity. Unfortunately, the built-in battery does not allow to feed the computer for a long time, since its capacity is limited to 7 ampere (in some powerful models There is an AKB to 15-20A). Let's go to the battery itself.

In uninterruptible voltage sources, a closed helium or acid battery is used. The built-in battery is usually calculated on a capacity from 7 to 8 amps / hour, voltage - 12 volts. The battery is completely sealed, it allows you to use the device in any condition. In addition to the battery, inside you can see a huge transformer, in this case, 400-500 watts. The transformer works in two modes -

1) as an increases transformer for voltage converter.

2) as a lowering network transformer for charging the built-in battery.

When working in normal mode, the load is powered by a filtered network voltage. Filters are used to suppress electromagnetic and interference in the input circuits. If the input voltage becomes below or above the set value or disappears at all, the inverter is turned on, which in normal mode is in the disconnected state. Transforming constant pressure Batteries to the variable, the inverter carries out the load of the battery. BACK UPS class OFF-LINE is not economically operating in power grids with frequent and significant voltage deviations from the nominal value, since the frequent transition to work on batteries reduces the life of the latter. The power produced by the Back-UPS manufacturers is in the range of 250-1200 VA. Confirement voltage Back UPS is quite complex. In the archive you can download a large collection of schematic diagrams, and below are some reduced copies - click to enlarge.

Here you can find a special controller, which is responsible for proper work Devices. The controller activates the relay when the mains voltage is missing and if the uninterruptible is turned on, it will work as a voltage converter. If the voltage in the network appears again, the controller disables the converter and the device turns into a charger. Built-in battery capacity can be enough to 10 - 30 minutes, if, of course, the device feeds the computer. Read more to read about the work and purpose of uninterrupted knots can be read in this book.

Back UPS can be used as a backup power source, it is generally recommended to have every home via uninterrupted. If the uninterrupted IP is designed for household needs, it is desirable to fall from the board the alarm, it reminds that the device works as a converter, it makes a reminder to a peak at every 5 seconds, and it bothers it. At the output of the converter, clean 210-240 volts 50 hertz, but as for the shape of the pulses, there is clearly not pure sinus. Back Ups can feed any household appliances, Including active, of course, if the power of the device will allow it.

Surprises the complete absence of information on such common devices as uninterruptible power sources. We break through the information blockade and proceed to the publication of materials on their device and repair. From the article you will get a general idea of \u200b\u200bexisting types of uninterrupted and more detailed, at the level concept- On the most common Smart-UPS models.

The reliability of the computers is largely determined by the quality of the electrical network. The consequences of power interruptions such as jumps, lifts, decals and loss of voltage, can be blocked keyboard, data loss, damage system board etc. To protect costly computers from the troubles associated with the power network, use uninterrupted power supplies (UPS). The UPS allows you to get rid of the problems associated with poor power quality or its temporary absence, but is not a long-term alternative power source as a generator.

According to the SK Press Expert and Analytical Center, in 2000, the sales of UPS in the Russian market amounted to 582 thousand pcs. If you compare these assessments with data on sales of computers (1.78 million pieces), it turns out that in 2000 each third acquired computer is equipped with an individual UPS.

The overwhelming part of the Russian EPS market is covered by products of six companies: APC, Chloride, Invensys, IMV, Liebert, Powercom. APC products that year retains the leading position in the Russian UPS market.

The UPS is divided into three main classes: Off-Line (or Stand-BY), Line-Interactive and On-Line. These devices have various designs and characteristics.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of UPS class OFF-LINE

The UPS block diagram of the OFF-LINE class is shown in Fig. 1. When working in normal mode, the load is powered by a filtered voltage of the power grid. To suppress electromagnetic and radio frequency interference in the input circuits, filters EMI / RFI Noise are used on metal-oxide varistors. If the input voltage becomes below or above the set value or disappears at all, the inverter is turned on, which in normal mode is in the disconnected state. Converting the constant battery voltage into a variable, the inverter is powered by the load from the batteries. The shape of its output voltage is rectangular impulses of positive and negative polarity with an amplitude of 300 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. UPS class OFF-LINE is not economically operating in power grids with frequent and significant voltage deviations from the nominal value, since the frequent transition to the battery life reduces the life of the latter. The power of the ARS IPP class of the class OFF-LINE model Back-UPS is in the range of 250 ... 1250 VA, and the Back-Ups Pro model is 2S0 ... 1400 VA.

Fig. 2. Line-interactive class UPS block diagram

Line-interactive class UPS block diagram is shown in Fig. 2. Just like the UPS of the OFF-LINE class, they relay the variable voltage of the power grid to the load, absorbing relatively small voltage bursts and smoothing the interference. The input chains use the EMI / RFI Noise filter on metal-oxide varistors to suppress electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. If an accident occurred in the power grid, the UPS synchronously, without losing the oscillation phase, includes an inverter to power the load from the batteries, while the sinusoidal form of the output voltage is achieved by PWM-oscillation filtering. The scheme uses a special inverter to recharging the battery that works and during the hopping voltage jumps. The battery range without connecting the battery is expanded by using an autotransformer UPS input circuits with a switchable winding. The transition to power from the battery occurs when the voltage of the power grid is over the boundaries of the range. The power of the class Line-interactive model Smart-UPS produced by ARS UPS is 250 ... 5000 VA.

Fig. 3. ON-LINE class UPS flowchart

The ON-LINE class UPS block diagram is shown in Fig. 3. These UPS convert the variable input voltage to constant, which, then using the PWM inverter, is converted again into variables with stable parameters. Since the load always nourishes the inverter, then there is no need to switch from the external network to the inverter, and the switching time is zero. Due to the inertial DC link, which is the battery, it isolating the load from the network anomalies and is formed a very stable output voltage. Even with large deviations of the input voltage, the UPS continues to feed the load with a clean sinusoidal voltage with a deviation of no more than + 5% of the nominal value set by the user. UPS on-line class ARS firms have the following output power: Matrix UPS models - 3000 and 5000 VA, model Symmetra Power Array - 8000, 12000 and 16000 VA.

The Back-UPS models do not use a microprocessor, and in the Back-Ups Pro, Smart-UPS, Smart / VS, Matrix and Symmetna microprocessor models are used.

Devices obtained the greatest distribution: Back-ups, Back-Ups Pro, Smart-UPS, Smart-UPS / VS.

Devices such as Matrix and Symmetna are used mainly for banking systems.

In this article, consider the design and scheme of models of Smart-UPS 450VA ... 700VA used to feed personal computers (PCs) and servers. Their technical characteristics are shown in Table. one.

Table 1. Specifications SMART-UPS models of ARS

Model 450VA. 620VA. 700VA. 1400VA.
Permissible input voltage, in 0...320
Input voltage when operating from the network *, in 165...283
Output voltage *, in 208...253
Protection of the input chain from overload Returnable Automatic Switch Returnable
Range of frequency when working from the network, Hz 47...63
Switching time on the battery, MS 4
Maximum power in the load, VA (W) 450(280) 620(390) 700(450) 1400(950)
Output voltage when working from the battery, in 230
Frequency when working from the battery, Hz 50 ± 0.1.
Signal form when working from battery Sinusoid
Protection of the output chain from overload Protection against overload and short circuit, when overloading shutdown with fixation
Battery Type Lead hermetic, maintenanceable
Number of batteries x voltage, in, 2 x 12. 2 x 6. 2 x 12. 2 x 12.
Capacity batteries, Ah 4,5 10 7 17
Battery life, years 3...5
Time of full charge, h 2...5
The dimensions of the UPS (height x Width x Length), see 16.8x11.9x36,8 15.8x13.7x35,8 21.6x17x43,9
Net weight (gross), kg 7,30(9,12) 10,53(12,34) 13,1(14,5) 24,1(26,1)

* Adjusted by the user using the POWERCHUTE software.

The UPS Smart-UPS 450VA ... 700VA and SMART-UPS 1000VA ... 1400VA have the same electrical circuit and differ in batteries, the amount of output transistors in the inverter, power transformer and dimensions.

Consider the parameters characterizing the quality of electricity, as well as terminology and notation.

Power supply problems can be expressed as:

  • the complete absence of input voltage is blackout;
  • temporary absence or strong voltage drop caused by inclusion in a network of powerful load (electric motor, elevator, etc.) - SAG or BrownOUT;
  • instant and very powerful raising voltage, as when lightning strikes - Spike;
  • a periodic increase in the voltage that the share of a second, caused, as a rule, changes in the load on the network - SURGE.
  • In Russia, the failures, disappearance and jumps of stress both up and down are approximately 95% of deviations from the norm, the rest are noises, impulse interference (needles), high-frequency emissions.

    A volt-amps (WA, VA) and Watts (W, W) are used as power measurement units. They differ in power factor PF (POWER FACTOR):

    Power factor for computer equipment equal to 0.6 ... 0.7. The number in the designation of the ARS UPS models means the maximum power in the VA. For example, the Smart-UPS 600VA model has a capacity of 400 W, and the model 900VA is 630 W.

    The block diagram of SMART-UPS and Smart-UPS / VS models is shown in Fig. 4. The network voltage enters the EM / RFI input filter, which serves to suppress the power supply interference. At rated power supply voltage, the RY5, RY4, RY3 relay (contacts 1, 3), Ry2 are included (contacts 1, 3), Ry1, and the input voltage passes into the load. RY3 and RY2 relays are used for boost / trim output voltage adjustment mode. For example, if the network voltage has increased and overloaded the permissible limit, the RY3 and RY2 relay are connected to the additional W1 winding sequentially from the main W2. Avtotransformer forms with a transformation coefficient

    K \u003d w2 / (w2 + w1)

    less single, and output voltage drops. In the event of a reduction in the network voltage, the additional W1 winding is reversed by the contacts of the RY3 and RY2 relay. Transformation coefficient

    K \u003d W2 / (W2 - W1)

    it becomes more units, and the output voltage rises. The adjustment range is ± 12%, the magnitude of the hysteresis is selected by the Power Chute program.

    When the voltage is lost at the input, the RY2 ... RY5 relay turns off, the powerful PWM inverter is turned on, feeding from the battery, and the load is a sinusoidal voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz.

    The multi-power supply filter of the power supply interference consists of varistors MV1, MV3, MV4, throttle L1, capacitors C14 ... C16 (Fig. 5). Transformer St1 analyzes high-frequency components of the network voltage. The CT2 transformer is a load current sensor. Signals from these sensors, as well as the temperature sensor, the RTH1 comes to an analog-digital converter IC10 (ADC0838) (Fig. 6).

    Transformer T1 is the input voltage sensor. The command to turn on the device (AC-OK) is supplied from the 2-tier IC7 comparator to the Q6 base. T2 transformer - output voltage sensor for SMART Trim / Boost mode. From the conclusions 23 and 24 of the IC1 2 processor (Fig. 6), BOOST and TRIM signals are fed to the base of the transistors Q43 and Q49 to switch the RY3 and RY2 relay, respectively.

    The phase synchronization signal (PHAS-REF) from the output 5 of the transformer T1 enters the base of the transistor Q41 and from its collector to output 14 of the IC12 processor (Fig. 6).

    The Smart-UPS model uses the IC12 microprocessor (S87C654), which:

  • controls the presence of voltage in the power grid. If it disappears, the microprocessor connects a powerful inverter that runs from the battery;
  • includes sound signal To notify the user about power problems;
  • provides secure automatic closing of the operating system (NetWare, Windows NT, OS / 2, SCOUNIX, and UNIX WARE, Windows 95/98), while maintaining data through a bidirectional switching port in the presence of a installed Power Chute Plus program;
  • automatically adjusts the falls (SMART BOOST mode) and excess (SMART Trim mode) voltage of the power grid, bringing output voltage to safe level without going to work from the battery;
  • controls the battery charge, tests its real load and protects it from reloading, providing continuous charging;
  • provides battery replacement mode without turning off the power;
  • conducts self-test (every two weeks or by pressing the POWER button) and issues a warning about the need to replace the battery;
  • indicates the level of recharging the battery, voltage on the network, the load of the UPS (the number of equipment connected to the UPS), the power mode from the battery and the need to replace it.
  • In the EEPROM IC13 memory microcircuit, factory settings are stored, as well as calibrated installations of frequency, output voltage signals, transition boundaries, battery charging voltage.

    The digital-analog converter IC15 (DAC-08CN) generates 2 reference sinusoidal signal to output, which is used as support for IC17 (ARS2010).

    The PWM signal is formed by IC14 (ARS2020) together with IC17. Powerful field transistors Q9 ... Q14, Q19 ... Q24 form a bridge inverter. During the positive half-wave of the PWM signal, Q12 ... Q14 and Q22 ... Q24, A Q19 ... Q21 and Q9 ... Q11 are closed. During the negative half-wave, Q19 ... Q21 and Q9 ... Q11, A Q12 ... Q24 and Q22 ... Q24 are closed. The transistors q27 ... Q30, Q32, Q33, Q35, Q36 form a two-stroke drivers that form powerful field transistors that have a large inlet container. The inverter load is the transformer winding, it is connected by W5 wires (yellow) and W6 (black). On the secondary winding of the transformer, a sinusoidal voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz to power the connected equipment is formed.

    The operation of the inverter in the "reverse" mode is used to charge the battery with a pulsating current during the normal operation of the UPS.

    The UPS has a built-in SNMP slot that allows you to connect additional fees to expand the possibilities of the UPS:

  • pOWER NET SNMP adapter that supports a direct connection to the server in case of emergency closing system;
  • uPS interface extender, providing control to three servers;
  • remote control device Call-UPS, providing remote access via modem.
  • The UPS has several stresses required for normal operation of the device: 24 V, 12 V, 5 V and -8 V. To check, you can use the table. 2. Measure the resistance from the conclusions of the chip on the overall wire when the UPS is turned off and the discharged C22 condenser. Typical malfunctions UPS Smart-UPS 450VA ... 700VA and methods for eliminating are given in Table. 3.

    Table 3. Typical malfunctions UPS Smart-UPS 450VA ... 700VA

    Short description Defect Possible reason Method of finding and eliminating a malfunction
    The UPS does not turn on Batteries are not connected Connect batteries
    Bad or defective battery, small her container Replace the battery. The capacitance of the charged battery can be checked with a lamp of long beam from the car (12 V, 150 W)
    Powerful field inverter field transistors In this case, there is no voltage on the outputs of the battery connected to the UPS board. Check the ohmmeter and replace the transistors. Check the resistors in the chains of their shutters. Replace IC16
    Flexible Cable Connecting Display This malfunction can be caused by closing the flex cable conclusions on the UPS chassis. Replace the flexible cable connecting the display with the main UPS card. Check fit F3 fuse and transistor Q5
    Turn button on sale Replace the SW2 button
    UPS turns on only from the battery Fastened fuse fastened Replace F3. Check the serviceability of the transistors Q5 and Q6
    UPS does not start. Battery Replacement Indicator Glows If the battery is working, then the UPS incorrectly works out the program Make a battery voltage calibration using a corporate program from ARS
    UPS does not turn on in line Torn network cable Or disturbed contact Connect the network cable. Check the mob of the plug-machine. Check the connection of the hot-neutral cord
    Cold soldering elements board Check the health and quality of the lads of elements L1, L2 and especially T1
    Faulty varistors Check or replace varistors MV1 ... MV4
    When the UPS is turned on, the load is discharged Faulty voltage sensor T1 Replace T1. Check the health of items: D18 ... D20, C63 and C10
    Display indicators flash Reduced capacitor capacitor C17 Replace condenser C17.
    Probabible leakage condensers Replace C44 or C52
    Faulty Relay Contacts or Board Elements Replace relay. Replace IC3 and D20. Diode D20 is better replaced by 1N4937
    Overloading UPS The power of the connected equipment exceeds the nominal Reduce load
    Faulty transformer T2. Replace T2.
    Faulty current sensor ST1 Replace st1. Resistance more than 4 ohms indicates the fault of the current sensor
    Faulty IC15 Replace IC15. Check voltage -8 V and 5 V. Check and, if necessary, replace: IC12, IC8, IC17, IC14 and powerful field transistors inverter. Check the power transformer winding
    Battery does not charge The UPS program works incorrectly. Calibrate the battery voltage by the proprietary program from ARS. Check constants 4, 5, 6, 0. Constant 0 is critical for each UPS model. Check constant to do after replacing the battery
    Battery Charge Scheme Replace IC14. Check the stress 8 to the output. 9 IC14, if not, then replace C88 or IC17
    Faulty battery Replace the battery. Its capacity can be checked by a dies lamp from the car (12 V, 150 W)
    Faulty microprocessor IC12 Replace IC12.
    When you turn on the UPS, it does not start, click Faulty discharge scheme Check fit and replace faulty items: IC11, IC15, Q51 ... Q53, R115, C77
    Defect indicators Faulty indication scheme Check and replace faulty Q57 ... Q60 on the indicator board
    UPS does not work in ON-LINE mode Defect of board elements Replace Q56. Check the health of the items: Q55, Q54, IC12. Faulty IC13, or it will have to reprogram. The program can be taken with a good UPS
    When you go to work from the Battery, the UPS turns off and turns on spontaneously Breaks through the transistor Q3. Replace the transistor Q3.

    In the second part of the article will be considered uPS device ON-LINE class,

    Device UPS class OFF-LINE

    The ARS Off-Line Class UPS includes Back-UPS models. The UPS of this class is low cost and are intended to protect personal computers, workstations, network equipment, commercial and cash terminals. The power of the released back-up models from 250 to 1250 VA. The main technical data of the most common UPS models are presented in Table. 3.

    Table 3. Basic Technical Data UPS Class Back-UPS

    Model BK250I. BK400I. Bk600i.
    Nominal input voltage, in 220...240
    Nominal frequency network, Hz 50
    Energy of absorbed emissions, J 320
    Peak current emissions, and 6500
    Missed in the normal mode of voltage emissions over the IEEE 587 Cat test. A 6kva,% <1
    Switch voltage, in 166...196
    Output voltage when working from batteries, in 225 ± 5%
    Output frequency when working from batteries, Hz 50 ± 3%
    Maximum power, VA (W) 250(170) 400(250) 600(400)
    Power factor 0,5. ..1,0
    Peak factor <5
    Rated switching time, MS 5
    The number of batteries x voltage, in 2x6 1x12. 2x6
    Accumulators capacity, Ah 4 7 10
    90-% recharging time after discharge up to 50%, hour 6 7 10
    Acoustic noise at a distance of 91 cm from the device, dB <40
    UPS operation time at full power, min >5
    Maximum dimensions (in x x x g), mm 168x119x361
    Weight, kg 5,4 9,5 11,3

    The "I" index (International) in the names of the UPS models means that the models are designed for the input voltage of 230 V, the devices are installed with sealed lead-free batteries with a service life of 3 ... 5 years according to EURO BAT. All models are equipped with limit filters, overwhelming jumps and high-frequency interference of the network voltage. The devices are fed by the corresponding sound signals when the input voltage disappears, the discharge of batteries and overload. The threshold value of the network voltage, below which the UPS goes to work from batteries, is installed by the switches on the rear panel of the device. The BK400i and BK600i models have an interface port connected to a computer or server for automatic self-closing system, a test switch and a beep switch.

    The BACK-UPS 250i, 400i and 600i is shown in Fig. 8. Network voltage enters the input multi-stage filter through the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is made in the form of an automatic switch on the rear panel of the UPS. In the case of a significant overload, it turns off the device from the network, while the contact switch is pushed up. To turn on the UPS after overload, the contact column of the switch must be returned to the original position. LC-links and metal oxide varistors are used in the input limiter-limiter and radio frequency interference. When working in normal mode, contacts 3 and 5 RY1 relays are closed, and the UPS transfers the voltage of the power grid, filtering high-frequency interference. The charging current comes continuously until the network has a voltage. If the input voltage drops below the value set or disappears at all, and also if it is very rooted, contacts 3 and 4 relays are closed, and the UPS switches to work from the inverter, which converts the constant battery voltage into the variable. Switching time is about 5 ms, which is quite acceptable for modern pulsed computers power units. The output of the signal on the load is rectangular pulses of positive and negative polarity with a frequency of 50 Hz, a duration of 5 ms, amplitude 300 V, an effective voltage of 225 V. at idle the pulse duration is reduced, and the effective output voltage drops to 208 V. Unlike SMART models -UPS, in the back-ups there is no microprocessor, comparators and logical chips are used to control the device.

    The BACK-UPS 250i, 400i and 600i UPS and 600i concept is almost completely shown in Fig. 9 ... 11. The multi-power suppression filter of the power supply is consisting of varistors MOV2, MOV5, chokes L1 and L2, C38 and C40 capacitors (Fig. 9). Transformer T1 (Fig. 10) is the input voltage sensor. Its output voltage is used to charge batteries (in this chain D4 ... D8, IC1, R9 ... R11, C3 and VR1) and network voltage analysis are used.

    If it disappears, the diagram on IC2 ... IC4 and IC7 elements connects a powerful inverter that runs from the battery. The ACFAIL command inverter is generated by IC3 and IC4 chips. A diagram consisting of a comparator IC4 (conclusions 6, 7, 1) and an electronic key IC6 (conclusions 10, 11, 12) permits the operation of the inverter by the log signal. "1" entering the conclusions 1 and 13 IC2.

    The divider consisting of resistors R55, R122, R1 23 and switch SW1 (conclusions 2, 7 and 3, 6) located on the rear side of the UPS, determines the network voltage, below which the UPS switches to battery power. The factory setting of this voltage of 196 V. in areas characterized by frequent oscillations of the network voltage, leading to frequent switching of the UPS on battery power, the threshold voltage must be installed at a lower level. The accurate adjustment of the threshold voltage is performed by the VR2 resistor.

    During operation from the Battery, the IC7 microcircuit forms the excitation pulses of the Pushpl1 and PushPl2 inverter. In one shoulder of the inverter installed powerful field transistors Q4 ... Q6 and Q36, in another -Q1 ... Q3 and Q37. With their collectors, transistors are loaded at the output transformer. The secondary winding of the output transformer is formed a pulse voltage with an effective value of 225 V and a frequency of 50 Hz, which is used to power the equipment connected to the UPS. The pulse duration is regulated by the VR3 resistor, and the frequency is the VR4 resistor (Fig. 10). The inclusion and turning off the inverter is synchronized with the network voltage by the circuit on the IC3 elements (conclusions 3 ... 6), IC6 (conclusions 3 ... 5, 6, 8, 9) and IC5 (conclusions 1 ... 3 and 11 ... 13). Scheme on elements SW1 (conclusions 1 and 8), IC5 (conclusions 4 ... V and 8 ... 10), IC2 (conclusions 8 ... 10), IC3 (conclusions 1 and 2), IC10 (conclusions 12 and 13), D30, D31, D18, Q9, BZ1 (Fig. 11) includes a beep, a warning user about power supply problems. While working on the UPS battery, every 5 ° C issues a single beep indicating the need to save the user files, because Battery capacity is limited. When working on the Battery, the UPS monitors its capacity and during a certain time until its discharge supplies a continuous beep. If the outputs of the 4 and 5 switch switches are open, then this time is 2 minutes, if closed - 5 minutes. To turn off the beep, you need to close the outputs 1 and 8 of the switch SW1.

    All BACK-UPS models, with the exception of the BK250i, have a bidirectional communication port for communication with PCs. Power Chute Plus software allows the computer to carry out both the current UPS control and the secure automatic closing of the operating system (Novell, NetWare, Windows NT, IBM OS / 2, LAN Server, Scounix and Unixware, Windows 95/98), saving user files. In fig. 11 This port is indicated as J14. Purpose of its conclusions: 1 - UPS Shutdown. The UPS turns off if a log appears on this output. "1" for 0.5 s.
    2 - AC FAIL. When moving to power from batteries, the UPS generates a log on this output. "one".
    3 - SS AC FAIL. When switching to power from batteries, the UPS forms a log on this output. "0". Exit open collector.
    4, 9 - DB-9 Ground. Common wire for input / output signals. The conclusion has a resistance of 20 ohms relative to the general wire of the UPS.
    5 - SS Low Battery. In the case of the discharge of the Battery, the UPS forms a log on this output. "0". Exit open collector.
    6 - AC FAIL OS when switching to the power supply from the UPS batteries, forms a log on this output. "one". Exit open collector.
    7, 8 - not connected.

    Open collector outputs can be connected to TTL schemes. Their load capacity up to 50 mA, 40 V. If you need to connect the relay, then the winding should be covered with a diode.

    The usual "zero-modem" cable for communication with this port is not suitable, the corresponding RS-232 interface cable with a 9-pin connector comes with the software.

    Calibration and repair UPS

    Installing the output voltage frequency

    To set the output voltage frequency, connect an oscilloscope or frequency meter to output. Turn on the UPS into battery mode. Measuring the frequency at the output of the UPS, adjusting the VR4 resistor to set 50 ± 0.6 Hz.

    Setting the output voltage value

    Turn on the UPS to the battery mode without load. Connect to the output of the UPS voltmeter to measure the effective voltage value. Adjusting the VR3 resistor to set the voltage at the output of the UPS 208 ± 2 V.

    Installation of threshold voltage

    Switches 2 and 3 located on the rear side of the UPS, set to OFF. Connect the UPS to the LATR type transformer with a smooth adjustment of the output voltage. At the laser output, set the voltage of 196. V. Rotate the VR2 resistor counterclockwise until it stops, then slowly rotate the VR2 resistor clockwise until the UPS proceeds to battery powers.

    Setting the charge voltage

    Install at the input UPS voltage 230 V. Disconnect the red wire going to the positive output of the battery. Using a digital voltmeter, adjusting the VR1 resistor to set the voltage of 13.76 ± 0.2 in this wire with a relatively common scheme point, then restore the connection to the battery.

    Typical malfunctions

    Typical faults and removal methods are shown in Table. 4, and in table. 5 - Analogues of the most frequent components.

    Table 4. Typical malfunctions UPS Back-UPS 250i, 400i and 600i

    Manifestation of defect Possible reason The method of finding and eliminating a defect
    The smell of smoke, the UPS does not work Faulty input filter Check the health of the components MOV2, MOV5, L1, L2, C38, C40, as well as card guides connecting them
    The UPS does not turn on. The indicator does not shine Input protection machine (circuit breaker) UPS Reduce the load of the UPS by disconnecting the part of the equipment, and then turn on the automatic protection device by pressing the contact chart
    Forty batteries batteries Replace batteries
    Batteries are incorrectly connected Check correctly connecting batteries
    Faulty inverter Check the inverter service. To do this, disconnect the UPS from the AC network, disconnect the batteries and discharge the C3 capacity of the 100 Ohm resistor, ring the ommeter "stock source" channels of powerful field transistors Q1 ... Q6, Q37, Q36. If the resistance is several OM or less, then the transistors replace. Check the resistors in the shutters R1 ... R3, R6 ... R8, R147, R148. Check the health of the transistors Q30, Q31 and D36 ... D38 and D41 diodes. Check fuses F1 and F2
    Replace the IC2 chip
    When the UPS is turned on, turns off the load Faulty transformer T1 Check the serviceability of the T1 transformer windings. Check the paths on the board connecting the windings T1. Check fuse F3.
    UPS works from batteries despite the fact that there is a network voltage Voltage in the power grid is very low or distorted Check the input voltage using the indicator or measuring instrument. If this is permissible for the load, reduce the sensitivity of the UPS, i.e. Change the trigger border using the switches located on the rear wall of the device
    UPS turns on, but the voltage of the load does not come Faulty RY1 relay Check the repair of the RY1 relay and the transistor Q10 (BUZ71). Check the health of IC4 and IC3 and supply voltage on their outputs
    Check the paths on the board connecting the contacts relays
    UPS buzz and / or turns off the load without providing the expected backup power Faulty inverter or one of its elements See subparagraph "faulty inverter"
    UPS does not provide the expected backup power Rechargeable batteries are discharged or lost container Charge rechargeable batteries. They require recharging after long power outages. In addition, the batteries are quickly aging with frequent use or during operation in high temperature conditions. If the end of the battery life is approaching, it is advisable to replace them, even if the alarm sound signal is not allowed to replace the replacement batteries. Capacity of the charged battery Check automotive lamp of dance light 12 V, 150 W
    UPS overloaded Reduce the number of consumers at the output of the UPS
    After replacing the batteries, the UPS does not turn on Incorrect connection of batteries when replacing them Check that accumulator batteries
    When you turn on the UPS publishes a loud tone, sometimes with a decreased tone Faulty or highly discharged rechargeable batteries Charge rechargeable batteries for at least four hours. If after recharging the problem will not disappear, replace the batteries
    Rechargeable batteries do not charge Diode D8 is defective Check fit D8. Its reverse current should not exceed 10 μA
    Charge voltage below the required level Calibrate battery charge voltage

    Table 5. Analogs to replace faulty components

    Schemes Faulty component Possible replacement
    IC1 LM317T. LM117H, LM117K.
    IC2. CD4001. K561L5.
    IC3, IC10 74c14 Compiled from two K561TL1 chips, the conclusions of which are connected according to the Codo region on the microcircuit
    IC4 LM339. K1401S1
    IC5 CD4011. K561L7.
    IC6 CD4066. K561T3
    D4 ... D8, D47, D25 ... D28 1N4005. 1N4006, 1N4007, BY126, BY127, BY133, BY134, 1N5618 ... 1N5622, 1N4937
    Q10. Buz71 Buz10, 2sk673, 2sk971, Buk442 ... BUK450, BUK543 ... BUK550
    Q22. IRF743. IRF742, MTP10N35, MTP10N40, 2SK554, 2SK555
    Q8, Q21, Q15, Q31, Q12, Q9, Q27, Q28, Q32, Q33 PN2222. 2n2222, BS540, BS541, BSW61 ... BSW 64, 2N4014
    Q11, Q29, Q25, Q26, Q24 PN2907. 2n2907, 2n4026 ... 2n4029
    Q1 ... Q6, Q36, Q37 IRFZ42. Buz11, buz12, prfz42

    Gennady Apple
    "Repair of electronic technology"

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