
Hush, privacy coin at the protocol level and a safe messenger based on ZCASH. Hush - what is this cryptocurrency, as her mathere and how much you can earn a hush wallet

In the world of mining for anyone for a long time ago not a new form of Bitcoin, Etherium and other "big" and popular cryptocurrency. However, the digital coin market is developing very rapidly and currencies that themselves have not been published so long, they will be seen by their own branches. Some of them, for obvious reasons, enter the deadlock and do not get much attention from cryptophos, and some are becoming quite popular and at certain points they can even argue with their progenitor.

A similar story occurred with the form known. As ZCASH's popularity increases, the first forces began to appear, among which Zdash was. The ZDASH coin used the same algorithm as its progenitor, that is, Equihash, but this cryptocurrency did not receive much success. However, after some time, the developers were attempted to improve Zdash, as a result of which a new cryptocurrency called Hush appeared on the light.

In this small article we will touch on this topic as Hush-mining. We'll tell you what you need to know in order to start working with this cryptocurrency, as well as a little talk about the main features of its production. Pleasant reading.

Briefly about cryptocurrency Hush

As mentioned above, Hush-cryptocurrency is a kind of forc from ZCASH cryptocurrency and has a lot of common with it, in particular, both coins use the Equihash algorithm. Hash is considered to be completely decentralized cryptocurrency and has a spike access code. Also in Hushcoin implemented Zerocash protocol, which provides the highest level of customer privacy.

At the moment, the complexity of the HUSH network is low, however the popularity of this coin among miners is growing with every day. In this regard, as well as recent, a slight increase in complexity is expected in parallel with the increase in the cost of the coin and its capitalization.

Hush develops rapid pace. Already, the developers are represented by the local Hush wallet for personal computers, and there are still many improvements and optimization work on the near future. Also, if you wish, you can always create a wallet hash on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Maine Pool Hush

Not so long ago, the Maiden Hush could be quite and in solo. However, with an increase in the popularity of the coin such a luxury can now afford only the owners of truly big mining riga. More small "farmers" no longer remains anything else, how to unite in the so-called Hush Pool.

Before today, Hush-pools are not so small. Some of them are very small, others occupy a very solid percentage of the total network capacity. Trust one or another pool is the case of individual preferences of every maneer. We will introduce you to the top three for today and the best, in our opinion, pools for mining hash:

Choosing a mining pool for HUSH, you should be guided by the same rules as when choosing a pool for any other cryptocurrency. Make sure you have a good ping with the nearest pool server and the connection is not broken, it is already half of the case. Next, pick up the pool with the most suitable method of distribution of remuneration, according to your current power. Thus, the owners of low-power farms it is more profitable to choose a pool, where the remuneration is distributed equally from the capacities provided. If your farm is capable of providing a high hashier, then you may be more profitable to you, where the remuneration is paid for the "balls" confirmed. Also before registering at one of the services, try to learn more about the rules, as well as the charged internal commission of the pool you chose.

Hush mining programs

If you specify a question - like Maja Hush on NVIDIA, you can be calm. Green Maps work very well with the Equihash algorithm, which is based on Hush cryptocurrency, in addition, several good mining programs have been developed for this coin.

First program for mining Hush on video nVIDIA cards - This is Mainer EWBF. This program is very popular when it comes to the Equihash algorithm, in addition, it behaves very stable on most systems and allows you to disable the Developer Commission. All you need is to download this Mainer to your computer, after which you download and configure the BAT file to work with HUSH on the pool you selected.

To set up, you need to open the file using standard program "Notebook". If you are using a ready-made "batch file" to work with the selected pool, you will need to just enter in the appropriate order number of your hash wallet, and also come up with a name for your farm to see its statistics in the system. If the batch file does not apply to a specific pool, then do not forget to also enter the address of the "swimming pool" you choose. How to do it, best look at the pool itself or contact their support service. After setting, simply launch the BAT file as a regular program, and it should start the coin mining work.

Also a few words about what a BAT file is needed. The fact is that the Mainer program does not have a visual interface and works directly from the console. As a result, each time to configure the program, you would have to enter all the parameters through the console, and this, you see, not very quickly and conveniently. Running the console via the BAT file, you automatically send the program already inscribed initial data on the mining pool, the address of your wallet, the Vorker name, as well as some other smaller parameters, which will undoubtedly saves a lot of time and effort.


The second, undoubtedly, very popular program for mining Hush on NVIDIA maps is Mainer DSTM. It is much the newest of our previous hero and provides an average of 5-10% higher cryptocurrency rate. However, in contrast to this, this miner is still worse than optimized and does not work on all systems sufficiently stable. Also using this program, you will also be forced to pay the Commission to the developer in the amount of 2% of your income.

Once again, we need:

Hive Os.

If you use your mining farm only for cryptocurrency mining, but do not use it like personal computerYou can establish a specialized Linux assembly called Hive OS. This system has a very simple interface, but in terms of convenience for mining and farm monitoring, it is much superior to Windows, which was created completely for other purposes.

With this system, Mainer Hush works much more stable. How specifically the advantages have this system and how to work with it, you can read in the Hive OS review.

Yining with mining Hush

As you know, the yield from mining of one or another cryptocurrency primarily depends on its price for one coin, as well as on the complexity of the network. Not so long ago, HUSH experienced a pamp of the cost, as a result of which its price increased greatly, but at the same time it attracted many new miners to the coin, which undoubtedly led to the growth and complexity of the network.

Today, the cost of Hush cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin is 0.0001662400 Bitcoin for one coin hash. As for the Hush course to the US dollar, then it is 1.5 USD for one coin. It is quite good, given that the currency is quite young and only recently appeared on the market. But as you understand, the parameters of the cost and complexity of the network only indirectly affect our potential income. We are also interested in more specific figures of the projected yield of mining. In this case, we can not do without the mining calculator Hush.

Now there are quite a few similar yield calculators in the network, but the most popular today is the Whattomine calculator. To calculate your yield when mining a hash currency with this calculator, it is enough to specify which video cards are installed in your Riga and what is their number. Or, if your cards are strongly dispersed, simply enter the value of the Hesrayite issued by them on the Equihash algorithm. Next, we enter the associated parameters like the cost of electricity and click on the button "Calculate". We are looking for the currency you are interested in and see which income it can bring us per day at current parameters.

As an example, take the Hush mining on NVIDIA. Suppose we have a rather standard home farm of four gTX video cards 1060 per 6 gigabyte video memory. Now such cards together produce about 1080 hams over a second at Equihash, respectively, with the current complexity of the Hush cryptocurrency network and its value in 1.5 USD, we can earn $ 3.3 daily, which is 99 dollars per month.

It is worth remembering that the mining Hush and, accordingly, the monthly income in dollars is the characteristics of non-permanent. This parameter varies very much depending on the change in all of the above characteristics, that is, from the cost of the coin and the complexity of the network. Therefore, planning, it is primarily to navigate for daily performance, since the forecast for a month is greater likely to be inaccurate.

Exchange trades hush

IN lately Hush course is constantly rising. But despite the rapid growth of the currency exchange rate to the dollar, it is still quite young to attract the attention of large cryptocurrency exchanges. To date, the only exchange of Hush exchange is known in miners. Almost all the existing cryptocurrencies are traded on this trading platform. Because of this specific, exchange courses on this exchange leave to desire the best. For example, the Hush rate to the ruble is only 91.77, although it could be significantly higher.

Of the advantages of this exchange, you can allocate what you can after registration is very easy to create a wallet for Hush. If you do not plan to accumulate large amounts of currency on such a bill, then this wallet will be very convenient, because not only quickly created, but also allows you to exchange cryptocurrency directly on the spot. It is worth it, however, add that the last time a message or a warning appeared on the stock exchange that it is not worth using this wallet for direct mining cryptocurrency. While all the mined coins came to the stock exchange on time and in full, nevertheless be careful and more often monitor your balance.

And mining.

Initially, Hush appeared like Fork, which has its own genesis block.

The initial name of this cryptocurrency is ZDASH.

But subsequently, the creators decided to rebranding, making an emphasis not only on anonymous transactions, but on a whole ecosystem that would allow clients to exchange encrypted messages.

The very cryptocurrency for the development team led by Duke Summer It turned out not enough.

Therefore, based on cryptocurrency technology, they are trying to create two anonymous communications programs - HushMessenger and Hushlist..


The team has not yet developed White Paper the very cryptocurrency, in which its principle of operation would be described in detail.

Now only the general data is known: Equihash algorithm, you can engage in mining, maximum amount - 21 million.

In this White Paper you can find some technical features of cryptocurrency.

Protected pass with the Note, which indicates the transfer amount and payment key.

This key is part of the address of the recipient cryptocurrency. The user in the blockchain chooses which type of transaction is suitable for it.

Counterparty. - Another feature of cryptocurrency. Counterparty technology Allows you to produce your own digital assets at different blocks, as well as collect funding for your projects. Moreover, this technology is supported by a variety of startups. And, with the help of smart contracts, they can exchange their assets. Hush wants to release and split separate tokens - HXCP.

As for Hushlist himself, this is not a traditional messenger. It looks more like a program for the postal correspondence.

Hushlist combines all the features of the cryptocurrency of the same name.

Accordingly, through it it will be possible not only to communicate, but also carry out transactions Hush..

Until Hushlist. Located at the test stage and is available only for developers.

But, the creators claim that now it is possible to send messages through it, as well as small attached files.

The only limitation - Their size should not exceed 512 bytes. At the same time, it is allowed to communicate with no more than 50 people.

In the future, the developers plan to combine their cryptocurrency wallet and messenger into a single platform - Hushng..

Also on it can be engaged in Hush mining. When it comes to - the developers do not reveal.

Price and Capitalization Hush

Each pool charges the commission for mining, and its size depends on each specific case.

Before starting to extract cryptocurrency, you need to conduct general settings of the Main BAT file. You can find out the introductory data on the pool site. For example, SUPRNOVA they look like this:

Where to store Hush.

Hush cryptocurrency on the official wallet.

There are currently two types of such: Local, which is installed on the PC. He works on operating systems Windows, Linux and MacOS.

There is also a web version to be used from any PC.

To create, for example, we go to the official website and scroll to the bottom. Next, click on Web Wallet.

After that, the wallet opens with standard functions: Sending, obtaining cryptocurrencies. Also here you can see the history of operations.

Integrate Counterparty and release your token was planned at the beginning of 2018. But this plan is also not embodied.

The Hush team says that it is constantly working on the project, and promises to submit all the promised functions soon. True, it does not call exact terms.

Hush, released on November 21, 2016, is a token, a secure platform for messaging and a fork code base ZCASH 1.0.9.

Hush and their own unique network of blockchas work not only as a repository for money, but also as a way of sharing funds for using a secure message platform.

The messaging function is also a mechanism for sending and receiving transactions.

Main statistics Hush

  • Symbol: Hush.
  • Algorithm: Equihash.
  • Block calculation time: 2.5 minutes.
  • Remuneration for the block: 12.5 Hush for each block calculated by miners.
  • Regulation of complexity: Each block, Digishield V3.
  • Decision of the award of two: Every 4 years (similar to Bitcoin).
  • Total Coin: 21 000 000 (similar to Bitcoin).
  • Pre-mining: 0.578% (121 475 HUSH).

Before we plunge into the Debresses of Hush, it is necessary to understand a very important concept that is often overlooked :.

Metadata is a valuable digital trace and a set of information that we generate in everyday digital activity.

Companies are transformed into real empires per billion dollars, using, for a minute, our personal data.

We don't even need to do anything to create this data (just live, as usual). Despite the seeming observability of this information, it is very in demand by corporations and some other actors who are willing to pay decent amounts for it.

But why do they need this information? The fact is that this is a real treasury of our thoughts, feelings and, most importantly, habits.

Think of how much it is useful to be aware of your habits relating to spending money.

Based on these companies, companies may pay our attention to products, services and other forms of advertising and engaged information, focusing on our hidden desires.

Hush seeks to ensure security by anonymization of metadata at the protocol level, protecting even the most inexperienced user using the built-in confidentiality system.

In HUSH built-in Hushlist, customizable secure protocol and confidential messenger, which allows you to create a list of an infinite number of recipients.

The Hushlist recipient should always have a ZADDR address (which provides anonymity). The user can also select sending a message from the pseudonym address TADDR.

Hush contacts are stored locally on your computer, and messages, such as Hushlist entry, are stored in the blockchain in an encrypted form, so that only the secret key of the recipient can decipher them.

In Hushlist, financial transactions are messages under pseudonym " user name"Or from a hidden anonymous participant.

Text and binary documents can be applied to these messages, which allows you to store information in a storage protected by censorship.

Using the ZCASH transaction protocol, you can protect or make transparent. The key difference is how Hush hides all metadata and interacts with forces.

Unique features Hush.

  • Compatibility with ZCASH forces, including ZCash, Zclassic, Zencoin, Komodo (any of the assets), Zerocoin and future forces. For some formations, small changes may be required, but overall HUSH is aimed at resolving unhindered interoperability.
  • New protection measures and integrated technologies, including TLS (transport level safety), as well as Tor and Bitcore nodes. This level of security initially borrowed from Zencash, but the modification has undergone, helps protect user identifiers (for example, IP addresses) and other data at the protocol level. This means that confidentiality is built into the most base system.
  • Port of the counterparty, which allows for private and public assets to insure. The use scenarios include support for EtherEUM developers that can easily create smart contracts on Hush.

Hush is considered a more honest project thanks to the openness of the community, in contrast to the closed approach to financing adopted in ZCASH.

The developers performed a very small preliminary mining (0.578% of the total), what they reported before the launch.

In addition, Hush retains its position for miners coins with Equihash algorithm. Ultimately, the experiment enjoys enormous support from ordinary community members.

I am a supporter of philosophy, according to which we need as much as possible cryptocurrency as possible to replace global credit card transactions. We can say that I am altkoin-maximalist. Therefore, I hope that Hush and Bitcoin Hush are among these "good cryptocurrencies", because our technology is better than any of their competitors, as well as we have a friendly and hospitable community. In addition, Hush is not controlled by any commercial or non-commercial company / organization“. – Jonathan summer , pseudonym Duke, the main developer Hush..

Criticism ZCASH and Trust Ceremony

In the worst case, the attacker can simply create a fake zcash token (or the corresponding fork, for example, Hush), but the user's confidentiality will still be untouched.

Duke Summer also notes:

All this actually means that there could potentially exist more HUSH, and people could make more Hushlist entries with these "toxic waste." No encrypted record Hashlist would be hacked, no records would not turn out of the secret to public. So yes, toxic waste is very important from the point of view of "invisible dilution", but from the point of view of a utilitarian coin, which makes it possible to confidential communication, toxic waste is not a very important problem. And for even greater clarity: if there were "toxic waste" for zcash, the attacker could use them to create coins in almost any modern ZCASH (everywhere, where Sprout Key is used), and not only in ZCASH itself“.

New and notable developments for HUSH

  • New web wallet Hush - Now you can access Hush in the cloud through any browser. Hush also combined the latest Bitcore technology and a transport level security system (TLS), which in the near future will support protected transactions in a web wallet.
  • Komodo (KMD) - Decentralized Exchange (DEX), built on the basis of ZCASH forka and includes a pending proof-of-work and assets chains. Also allows you to produce new tokens. Komodo and Hush are considered related coins with significant intersections in the communities of developers and miners. Instead of re-inventing the wheel by creating a new test and main network, Hush used KMD Asset Chains, automating the process to one simple command in the command line.

Hush Barterdex based on Komodo (KMD).

Where to buy Hush.

There are two main exchanges that offer Hush: Cryptopia, which is a centralized stock exchange from New Zealand, and Barterdex, a decentralized Komodo-based exchange (KMD).

Where to store Hush.

Hush has an impressive number of versions of wallets, including versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and a newly released web wallet.

Like Maja Hush.

One of the best moments in Hush his honesty and basic possibilities for miners. The HUSH team collected a fairly extensive guide for beginners on its forum.

Since Hush works on the ZCASH code base, Equihash is used for PROOF-OF-Work (POW), so that this algorithm has a lot of new data and improvements.


Ultimately, Hush is aimed at becoming more than just " clone"ZCASH, focusing on the community and implementing previously inaccessible security features at the protocol level, as well as secure messaging.

The possibility of binding to decentralized stock exchanges and the manufactured assets opens the doors to create additional reliable and useful features For users.

Hush (silence) justifies its name not only because it is a quiet sleep giant, but also because he tears us to more high level Privacy, built into our technology.

The Pools of These Coins Require a Lot of Resources. Due To the Shielding Mechanism The Wallets Are Growing to the Enormous Sizes Requiring More and More Server Capacity (Mostly Ram). We Were Even Forced To Change The Pool Wallets Recently. The Payouts Are Run With DeLays.

2miners Potential Profit From BTCP Pools is Just $ 15 / month.

Hush Pools Should Give A Little Bit More - $ 70 / month.

Please Note That We Do Have Now 15% of the Network Hashrate for BTCP and 45% for Hush.

WE WRITE "POTENTIAL" PROFIT BECAUSE WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM WITH THESE COIN EXCHANGING FOR MANY MONTHS. IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE / SELL THESE ASSETS. The Same Problem Is Experienced by Our Miners. Hush Is Now Traded Only On TradeSatoshi Exchange. However The Deposit and WithDrawal Has Been Closed A Long Ago. It Doesn't Seem Anybody Is Trying to Sort This Out.

The Current Price Of Hush Is $ 0.06. HOWEVER IT IS ALSO "VIRTUAL" Price AS 24H Trading Volume IS Zero.

BTCP 24h TRADING VOLUME IS EXPECTED TO BE ABOUT $ 10,000. Tradesatoshi Has Also Set Btcp to Maintenance Mode. Half of the Trading Volume IS Performed on the Altcoin Trader Cryptoeexchange Where BTCP IS TEDDED NOT TO BTC But to South African Tether (XZAR).

With Given Circumstances We Decided to Delist Hush and BTCP. The Pools Will Stop Receiving Shares On March, 22 AT 13:00 UTC. The NEXT 24 Hours We Will Perform The Pending Payouts. We Expect Them to Be Made Before 13:00 UTC, March, 23. Please Switch Your Mining Rigs to Other Coins.

New coins on 2miners

The Grin Pools Are ALMOST READY. Both PPLNS and SOLO. The Blocks Are Being Found, The Payouts Are Working. We Are Finalizing The Dashboards At The Moment to Release The Pools Officially In The Nearest Days. The Statistics Is Already Available Via Our API:

WE ARE IN A SLIGHT DELAY WITH RAVENCOIN (RVN) Pools. Although Them Were Announced to Be Ready In February Only in April. SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR RVN HAS ALREADY GROWN 3 TIMES. The Current Coinmarketcap Rank IS 61. 24h Volume IS Up to $ 12,000,000 and The Market Cap IS $ 94 293 707.

PUBLISHED: January 31, 2018 Views: 3028.

How Maja Hush? Is it worth the Major Hush in 2018?

Let's start a little about the cryptocurrency itself. Hush - coin on the Eqiuhash algorithm (ZEC, ZEN, ZCL, KMD, BTG), with good potential in 2018. At the end of January 2018, the yield was at the ZCLASSIC level, and more than ZCash. Even if the course wakes up, this coin makes sense to sink until spring-summer, or immediately sell the namaya Hush on the cryptocurrency exchange. In this article we will analyze such questions as:

  • how to create a wallet Hush, or where Maja;
  • where is the Major Hush? Pula Hush;
  • how to configure mining Hush.
  • how Maja Hush on NVIDIA and AMD.

Where Maja Hush, what stock exchange is trading.

To begin with, we need to start a hush wallet. Since this is a relatively new coin, a wallet for it is present on the same exchange - Cryptopia. To start Hush's wallet - go on the link and register on cryptopia. The advantage of this exchange is that for sale cryptocurrencies does not require additional account verification. So, after filling the simple form, confirm the registration in your mailbox.

After registration - authorized on the site. In order to generate the wallet number, on the site of cryptopia, in the right upper corner Go to the "Balances" section and looking for a hush wallet. To generate the number of the wallet, click on the "Deposit" button.

After pressing the "Deposit" button, the address of the wallet, which we need a little later to adjust the pool and miner is generated.

Where is the Major Hush? Pools Hush. Mining Hush Supernova.

After setting up the wallet, it is necessary to choose the pool from which funds will come to this very wallet. Here is a small list of pools for Hush:, since this is one of the most reliable pools, which truth has been lying a little after the fall of Nyshash, but it is in the past :) I can also recommend, because that it does not need to register and create wakers.

Setting Hush on Suprnova.

So, first, we have to register at the pool itself. To do this, in the upper right corner of the site under the "Guest" button, click on "Sign Up" And we are registered with the subsequent confirmation in your electronic mailbox.

  • Payment Address - Hush wallet address, created on cryptopia;
  • Donation Percentage is the percentage of Donate Pula (I recommend minimal - 1%);
  • Automatic Payout Threshold - automatic payment on your wallet.

After filling in these fields, we enter PIN specified when registering and click "Update Account".

Now you need to set up wakery (farms, riga, employees). To do this, go to the next menu item "My Workers". In the form of "Add New Worker" enter the name of our farm, such as "Woker1070", an arbitrary password and press the "Add New Worker" button. The full name of the workman should look like this: the name_name. Ishiga_Vorker. Necessarily through the point. For example, I will look like this: sashaloker.Woker1070. It will be necessary for us a little later, to configure the miner. On this, the supernova setting for HUSH is finished.

How Maja Hush on NVIDIA and AMD. Mainer setup.

So, after the pool settings, go to the maneer setting. Since Hush works on the Equihash algorithm, the EWBF and DSTM miners will be suitable for NVIDIA, and Claymore Zec Miner will be required for AMD.

Claymore Zec Miner AMD

Adjusting Hush Mainer on NVIDIA.

For example, I will use the DSTM-Mainer. EWBF configuration is practically no different. After downloading, we unpack Mainer at any convenient place on the computer. We open the folder and edit the file "start.bat" by pressing the right mouse button - change.

In the window that opens, we need to change the bat file string. Everything is simple here:

  • --server - address of the Hush Server Sufficon (;
  • --USER - the name of the Vorker1070;
  • --Pass - Password from Vorker (Password555);
  • --Port Pula Port (4048).

In my case, the string should look like this: zm --server --user sashaloker.worker1070 - Password555 --port 4048

After setting up the executable BAT file (fill it with its data), close and save it. If you are all right, then after launching "Start.Bat" will begin mining Hush on the SUPRNOVA pool. This window will appear:

EWBF-Mainer is configured by the same analogy.

Setting the Hush Mainer on AMD.

Now settings for red. Download Claymore Zec Miner and unpack it in any place on the computer (farm).

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