
QR-business card - business card based on QR-code. QR-business card - Business card based on QR code Program for creating business cards with QR code

The tool creates a QR code online with a given text. Select the appropriate QR code type to specify the site address in it, telephone, email, contact information and other parameters. To specify arbitrary text information, select the type QR code "Text". Set the desired color and background, and also choose the best view for your QR code.

Create QR code online

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Help. Below is represented short description By creating a QR code. The main types of QR codes and their prefixes.

QR Code (QR code)

QR code is mainly intended for mobile devices And greatly simplifies the entry of various information into the phone or tablet. It is enough to scan the QR code of the camera of the mobile device and all recognized information will be on your display, then you can use it as you like, save and edit. To recognize the QR code you need to use special programwhich can be installed free from Google Play (for Android), Apple Store. (for iPhone and iPad) and Microsoft Store. (for Windows Phone) To do this, simply enter in the search bar "QR Code" or "QR code" and will be asked great amount options. The most interesting features include the QR Code from the Zxing Developer.

Color and Background QR-Code

The color and background of the QR code can be set any, but too light QR code cannot be recognized, this is recommended to specify a contrast combination of colors - a dark QR code and a light background.

QR-code smoothing level

This parameter will turn the pixel QR code into a smooth, beautiful and unusual drawing.

Which contains QR code

QR code can contain URL, phone number, e-mail, contact information, images, GPS coordinates, any text information and even parameters for automatic setting Wi-Fi network.

URL - Web site

Address of the Web site or Page. You can specify both from http: // and without. Right examples: ,. This type The QR code will allow you to go to the specified Web site page.


Normal text information. Maximum length 1450 characters of the Russian alphabet. Maximum amount Symbols depends on the content and can be:

  • 7089 only numbers;
  • 4296 Figures and letters of the Latin alphabet;
  • 1817 hieroglyphs;
  • 2953 binary code byte;
  • 2953 letters of the Russian alphabet in Windows-1251 encoding;
  • 1450 letters of the Russian alphabet in the UTF-8 encoding.


Phone number. Phone number format: +7900123456. This type of QR code will make it possible to call the specified phone number.


Telephone number for SMS and text message. Phone number format: +7900123456. This QR code type will create SMS or MMS with the already filled number and message.


E-mail address. This type of QR code will create an e-mail with an already completed address. email (field to :). You can also specify the subject of the message and the message text itself.


Contacts for address book. This type of QR code will add new record In the address book containing the name, phone number, e-mail, address, url and note. If you need to specify more than one phone number, list them through the comma.

Wi-Fi Network

Connection parameters to Wi-Fi network. This QR code type will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network. Very convenient for connecting to free Wi-Fi Networks in cafes, bars, restaurants and other networks in public places.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates for Google map. This type of QR code will display the location on the map corresponding to the specified coordinates.

Information. Adds the necessary prefixes automatically. Depending on special prefixes, information from the QR code can be automatically transmitted to other applications.

QR-code prefixes

If you specify the phone number as +79001234567, then the QR codes scanner recognizes the number as ordinary text (numbers), and if you specify a special TEL prefix: +79001234567, then the scanner will determine the phone number and will offer to call it.

URL prefix:

URL: - The QR-code prefix to specify Web sites and pages will allow you to go to the specified link. Prefix URL: indicated by capital letters. Note http: // not necessary.

  • Format: URL: [Address__Suit]
  • Examples: URL:

Tel prefix:

tel: - The QR-code prefix to specify the phone number will make it possible to call at the specified number.

  • Format: Tel: [telephone number]
  • Example: Tel: +79001234567

Prefix SMSTO:

sMSTO: - The QR-code prefix for sending SMS or MMS will allow you to send SMS at the specified number with the specified text.

  • Format: SMSTO: [Leephone number]: [Message]
  • Example: SMSTO: +79001234567: Text Messages:

MailTo prefix:

mailto: - The QR-code prefix to specify an e-mail address will allow you to send an e-mail at the specified address.

Prefix Matmsg:

Matmsg: - The QR-code prefix to specify an e-mail address will allow you to send an e-mail at the specified address with the message indicated and the text of the message. Prefix Matmsg: It is indicated by capital letters, and at the end you need two points with a comma.

  • Format: Matmsg: To :; Sub: [topic]; Body: [Message] ;;
  • Example: Matmsg: To: [Email Protected]; Sub: Message Subject; Body: Message Text ;;

Prefix GEO:

gEO: - QR-code prefix to specify GPS coordinates will allow you to open google map In the specified coordinates.

  • Format: GEO: [Width, longitude]
  • Example: Geo: 55.755768,37.617671

WiFi Prefix:

WiFi: - QR-code prefix for automatic connection to Wi-Fi network. Prefix WiFi:

  • Format: WiFi: T: [type type]; s: [WiFi__name_set]; P: [Password]; h: [hidden_set] ;; .
  • Examples: WiFi: T: WEP; S: HOMENET; P: ***** ;; , WiFi: T: WEP; S: HOMENET; P: *****; H: TRUE ;;

Mecard contacts:

Mecard: - QR-code prefix mecard To record contacts in the address book of the phone. Prefix Mecard: It is indicated by capital letters, at the end you need two points with a comma.

  • Format: Mecard: n: [Name, surname]; Sound: [transcription_name]; Tel: [phone]; Tel-Av: [number____Videophone]; email :; Note: [note]; BDay: [DAY]; ADR: [ address]; url :; nickname: [nickname] ;; .
  • Example: Mecard: N: Ivan, Petrov; Tel: +79001234567; email: [Email Protected]; Note: text with note; BDay: 20010205; ADR: Red Square, d.

QR code - what is it? Why is it generally needed? Should I create business cards with a QR code and which information should be transmitted with it? Answers to these and many other questions you will find in our article!

So, about the main thing.

QR code differs from the usual barcode by the fact that it is enough for its definition, enough smartphone and softwarewhich can be downloaded absolutely free.

The whole point of the QR code is that you can encrypt any information in it: video, images, links, text, and so on and read it quite quickly.

QR code - to be or not to be?

We say to be! We have for it, as in an unsvestigative song of a whole five reasons:

  1. Saving time. Scanned code - got all necessary information in a couple of seconds
  2. The ability to stand out. Yes, this is a weighty reason. Despite the fact that the QR code and its capabilities are known already that year, not everyone placed him on their business cards, and very in vain.
  3. Prudency. Yes, your business card has fallen into the field of view of a potential client or partner, but it is quite possible that he will not save it in his purse. Especially if, this is not a personal meeting, but for example, a mass event, where full-fully of your competitors! But you provided such a development of events and provided the opportunity to obtain all the necessary information immediately, in electronic form.
  4. More information. On business cards it is customary to post the most basic, moreover, the human eye viewing the business card is able to "snatch" not all that is necessary. Output? QR code!
  5. QR code is not lying! Incorrectly entered phones, email or site addresses, "Sew" information in QR code and minimize the likelihood of ridiculous errors.

How to make a business card with a QR code?

There are a great many services that allow you to generate QR code in counting seconds, but since we will soon talk about business cards, then there is nothing more convenient than online generator QR code to the site!

All that needs to be done is to go to and click on the icon in the lower right corner of "Add" QR code. Next, fill in the fields with details and click on "Create QR code". Voila, your unique QR code is ready!

You can change the size, location and even code design, to do this, use filters from the drop-down list at the top of the page. You can also play with the transparency of the picture, if the image seemed too intrusive and looks disharmonious against the background of a general design.


To create your own unique business card with QR code, use our free business card designer -

  • Determine your target audience.
  • Generate high-quality codes and test how they are read by various devices.
  • Make sure the codes are placed on a flat surface where they can be scanned.
  • Stretch customers scan QR codes by offering them discounts or bonuses.
  • Place QR codes in different places. Spend A / B testing and find out where more customers come from.

Application of QR codes in business

QR code - This is a two-dimensional barcode that consists of contrasting color (most often black and white) blocks and allows you to encode up to several hundred characters. The information saved in the code can be quickly recognized and viewed using a smartphone or tablet.

Every year, QR codes are gaining more and more popularity in various branches of business. Famous brands place QR codes on their goods and use them in advertising campaigns. Basically, the QR codes are used in order to:

  • increase customer loyalty to the brand;
  • carry out marketing research in various geographical points of sales;
  • increase website attendance or company page on social networks;
  • increase sales;
  • estimate the interest of buyers in the product;
  • protect your products from fakes;
  • increase brand awareness;
  • top up your client base.

5 examples of using QR codes:

  1. Print on products

  2. Accommodation on the site

  3. Outdoor advertising: Billboards, shop windows, advertising posters

  4. Placement in places of cluster of people: stops, metro, buses, etc.

    Place the QR code in places of cluster of people. Interest users with a unique offer and analyze their response. An analysis of the statistics of the code scans will determine the geographical location of the most interested audience.

  5. Viral Marketing and QR codes

    Be creative, do unique offers Users, create attractive banners with an unusual design and get a new audience. Creative use of QR codes will increase your brand awareness and attract new customers.

How to scan the QR code?

To decrypt QR code:

  1. Take a mobile phone or tablet with a camera.
  2. Cut and install the QR codes scanner. Depending on the operating system You select the QR-RIDER installation source. Below are references to applications from App Store., Google Play., Windows Phone Store and Amazon Apps.
  3. Run the application on your device, hover the camera lens to the QR code - get information.
note Moizon is not a developer of application data. Links to applications are given exclusively in information purposes. You can choose and install on your phone or tablet any other application you like. In case of problems with the operation of the application on your device, please contact the application developers.

Today, every person rummaged in his pockets or wallet will be able to find at least one business card. And truly business people calculate them with tens, and sometimes even hundreds. Is it convenient? Of course not. QR codes come to resolve this problem again. We learn what kind of QR business cards and how they appeared on the light. You can also create a QR business card right now using on our website.

For those who do not wait to try new opportunities:

Smartphones, Mobiles and Business Cards

Nowadays, any, even the oldest mobile phone has a built-in notebook, where telephone numbers and contact persons are stored. Gradually, with the development of mobile devices, the possibilities of such a notebook are constantly growing. In addition to telephone numberYou can make additional information about the contact person, such as E-mail, Skype, ICQ, Internet address of the site, addresses (home and workers), occupied position, place of work, photo and many others. Those. The possibilities of such a notebook are already significantly superior to the possibilities of a conventional paper business card, which usually contains only name, position, phone, e-mail and organization name. Also one of the main advantages of the "mobile" business card is its physical size, or rather its absence. Your smartphone can store thousands of contacts and it will not affect the thickness of your wallet. You do not need to sort out the stack of business cards in order to find a person whose contact details you need at the moment. Contact book mobile phone It is always equipped with a search function. By pressing multiple buttons you already see the phone you need a contact. Moreover, you do not need to call him in the phone - one click and you are in touch. But who wants to lose a few hours of time to transfer all the data from business cards into the phone's memory. For such purposes, the format of electronic visiting cards VCARD was invented.

Electronic visiting cards vcard

In accordance with Wikipedia materials, give a brief description of the VCard format.

vCARD - text format for exchanging electronic business cards. The vcard file consists of vcard records, each of which contains information of one business card. VCARD record may contain a name, address, phone numbers, URL, logo, video and audio fragments and other. Usually, the vcard file has an extension .vcf. The VCard or VersitCard format, as the English-speaking users are called, developed in 1995 the Versit Consortium, which includes Apple Computer, AT & T (later Lucent), IBM and Siemens. In December 1996, all rights to format moved to the Internet Mail Consortium.

The VCARD standard is currently supported by most control programs, mobile phones and smartphones. For example, having a list of phones with contact details you can easily transfer them to personal Computer Using various synchronization programs. Also possible and reverse operation, for example, you can unload electronic business cards from the Outlook program to your phone. All this allows you to flexibly manage contact information and maintain the relevance of data on various devices. And with the development of "cloud" technologies, all data can be published in the "cloud" and be available from anywhere from any device. In other words, they are stored on a web server that can be located in any corner of the world, you don't even need to think about it.


Above, we looked at the possibilities of electronic business cards and solving the problem of thick pockets and wallets, which are subject to the task with business cards. But the question of transferring data from ordinary paper business cards remains open to your smartphone or MS Outlook type accounting program. From one thought that it would have to see the day manually driven by data from business cards into a computer or a phone throws into a shiver. Solution - QR business cards. As mentioned above, VCARD business cards are text filesThat makes it easy. QR code, in turn, can easily be read by a mobile phone camera. Thus, the process of transferring a business card to your phone becomes disgraced by simple. Come on the camera on the QR business card - the contact details are already in written book Your phone. Thus, QR-business cards are useful not only to "consumers" of business cards, but also their issuers, i.e. distributors. For the first, this is an easy way to make data into a common contact database for the second - large quantity potential contacts. Over time, the duplication of information on a paper business card in the form of a QR code will be the standard de facto. And now you can just become a little more noticeable and higher in the eyes of your customers, placing a QR business card on your paper visiting card.

"I want to tell about information encryption technology using a QR code. I am sure you have already seen such a square with three small in the corners and very small squares, which, at first glance, is chaotically placed inside.

In a decade, total "smartphony" (the term even invented) is extremely convenient to receive information on the screen, which is always with you. As well as apply for various purposes. Let's look at where and how to create a QR code, and which information can be encrypted.

QR code

After the usual bar code was not enough, the Japanese came up with the QR code. And if a ray required to scan the first, then for the QR code you need a scanner or a regular smartphone camera.

A small information is encoded in a two-dimensional image. It can be any text, a business card, link to the site, SMS. I will not tire you technical characteristics, how many bits, etc. I just offer to consider use options.

Business card

In my opinion, the most comfortable thing. The QR code is encrypted information about you offered by the product, the company ...

IN standard variant The business card contains:

  • Telephone
  • E-mail
  • Organization
  • Position
  • Web site

On the paid Services There is an opportunity to add more:

  • Color business cards
  • QR-code color
  • Change the color of individual parts
  • Logo
  • Personal photo
  • Buttons of social networks

Where you can apply QR code

Then imagine how it will be convenient to the client using a smartphone to scan and read everything about you and your offer on the Internet!

After all, as a rule, most people are lazy to drive the site address to the browser with a business card or booklet. In addition, it can be done immediately, without departing from the cashier, as they say.

Strike while the iron is hot!

Considering through the application, for example, a business card code, the client gets the opportunity:

  1. Call owner
  2. Add contact address book
  3. Go to the site (Reference Active)
  4. View office location on map
  5. Write a letter
  6. Send SMS

How and where to create a QR code?

To create a QR code, you will need a web resource with such a service or an application for a smartphone.

You can independently find services and applications through the search, but we dare to recommend the following.

The easiest, without registration and free -, creates standard codes

More advanced service paid, but also more functional.

QR-code reading applications

Testing several popular applications for Android, stopped by QR Droid Privat.

An understandable interface, the ability not only to read, but also create QR codes. Menu in Russian. Moreover, it can read the usual barcode of goods.

For iPhone in the App Store there is an application QR Reader for iPhone, easy to install and use.


Using modern technologies And gadgets, it became much easier to convey information, promote the product, a company, service. Smartphone, like a mobile device, "excellent" copes with this task, and QR codes simplify it!

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