
SSD caching review: OCZ REVODRIVE HYBRID and Intel Smart Response technology. Detailed Intel Smart Response Technology Study

In the second quarter of 2011, Intel brought a new chipset for system boards - Z68 Express. This chipset, possessing already tested P67 and H67 chipset technologies, became the first carrier of another technology. Already a long time ago, the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring frequently used blocks of information stored in the cache, from a hard disk to a faster carrier. The emergence of solid-state drives (SSD) opened the stunning possibilities of increasing the speed of the disk subsystem. Many users, reading reviews, were resolutely asked to a new device. However, noting the line of the price and the weight of the wallet, the people in most cases came to the well-known formula called "toad stitched". And so far IT analysts and companies manufacturers prophesy the bright future solid-state drives, Intel is an Intel® SMART RESPONSE Technology. This technology allows the user to accommodate in the hybrid system hDDin which a small volume will be used as a cache and price solid State Drive, and the data keeper is a bulk hard drive. At first glance, the prospect is tempting, but everything is known in comparison.

Intel, represented by his representative, organized for SSD 310 series tests, the "total" 80 gigabytes and the MSATA connection connector. And the company Gigabyte was first decided to use the new technology and provided some models of system boards on the chipset Z68 slot MSATA.

Below are given specifications SSD found on the manufacturer's website:

To feel the results of progress in practice, was assembled test stand.

Stand configuration:

Power Supply - ATX 750W Cooler Master GX 750 Bronze
CPU - Intel Core i5 2400, 3.1GHz / LGA-1155 / 32NM / Sandy Bridge
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3
System Memory - 2 x (DDR-3 DIMM 2GB / 1600MHZ PC12800 TRANSCEND)
Disk drive - 320 GB Seagate Barracuda (7200.12)
Video adapter - ATI Radeon. HD 5670 1024 MB
Operating system - Windows 7 home extended

Testing was conducted on the following drive configurations:

SSD. - SSD Drive Used as systemic (main), HDD for storing information
HDD + SSD (MAXIMIZED) - HDD is broken into two sections (system and file), SSD - caches maximum mode
HDD + SSD (Enhanced) - HDD is divided into two sections (system and file), SSD - caches advanced mode
HDD. - HDD is broken into two sections (system and file)

Activation Smart Response Technology

Before starting the Smart Response configuration in the operating system, you need to go to the BIOS and translate the SATA port operation mode to RAID. The raid itself is not necessary to collect, all further actions are made under the operating system.

SMART Response Technology support is implemented only in Windows Vista, 7 and Server 2008 operating systems. Therefore, the happy owners of XP will not be able to enjoy innovation. Setting up this sacrament is quite simple. First you need to install the Intel RST SSD driver.

Then turn on acceleration and select mode. Technology has two modes of operation - advanced (enhanced) and maximum (maximized).

In the extended mode, the recording of all data occurs simultaneously to the hard disk and to the SSD cache. As a result, the recording speed does not give any advantages, and "special effects" should be expected only from the read speed. But in cases of sudden failures, the information does not have to restore.

The maximum mode uses the back recording cache method. All data is written on SSD, and dropping data to HDD occurs at intervals in idle mode. Taking the risk of this algorithm - on a conscious user selection.

Intel engineers limited cache from 18.6 to 64 GB. Since the test drive is more than 64 GB, I was kindly suggested to use the remaining part of the use as an ordinary data warehouse. This fact did not cause much inspiration, since the remaining volume in modern conditions is small enough, but the quest with the search the required file It is complicated by another letter of the disk. Somewhere, deep in consciousness, a bony hand of marketing was visible.


First of all, I decided not to deny myself in pleasure and compare download time operating system. A window was placed in the startup, when the timer is drawing, stopped.

The result caused a slight surprise. Following logic - in the extended and maximum mode, the download time must be, well, at least approximately the same. In practice, it turned out that the advanced regime is loaded steadily faster than the maximum. The result can be written off only on the mysterious reverse record algorithm.

CrystalDiskMark 3.0.1

The following testing was performed using CrystalDiskMark 3.0.1. This is a synthetic test that allows you to measure the read speed and recording of random dimension block data data.

In this test, it is immediately noticeable how complicated is the task of reading random blocks with a decrease in their size. As well as the fatal cutting speed of the expanded mode recording.


Further results will be considered in IOMETER-1.1.0. IOMETER is also a completely synthetic test that was developed by Intel and transferred Open Source Development Lab for further development under Intel Open Source License. The test used recording / reading random blocks from 0 to 32K with increasing simultaneous appeal to 256 threads.

The results turned out sufficiently predicted along the trend. But on the values, the maximum mode was interested, the extended extended one.


Next to the queue - PCMark07. PCMark testing kit is known in that it uses not only synthetic tests, but also applied - trying to imitate full work User on a computer.

PCMark quite logically distributed prizes. But the difference in the results between the extended and maximum modes I would interpret as small.

Total Commander.

Well, finally, testing the speed of copying files was tested. For this folder with small files, a total size of 8.5GB, copied first from the file partition to the system, and then from the system, but again on the system. Copy was performed using Total Commander.

When the results were reduced to the table, it became noticeable how "carefully" copies the advanced mode from the file to the system partitions. Repeated testing only confirmed the trend. I did not think of explanations to this fact, but the installation of massive applications can slightly delay.

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Dedicated to Smart Response technology, gathered more than a hundred comment and, it seems, only a little less than polar opinions, whether this thing works and why it is needed at all. Watching such a chamber, we decided to spend our own SRT tests to try to answer the first, and, if it turns out, on the second question.
To check its preliminary hypotheses (they will be discussed below) we decided to use a typical home platform, which has become truly classic in the last year: Intel Z68 + Intel i5. In more detail, our test booth is described as follows:

  • Processor - Intel i5 2500K;
  • Motherboard - ASUS P8Z68-V LX;
  • System Hard Drive - Seagate ST500DM002;
  • SSD drive - Intel SSDSA2MH080G1GC;
  • RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333;
  • Operating system - Windows 7 x64.

As you can see, our test computer is not enough for any complaints in extremality; All its components are from the mass segment, closer to the budget.

Far from the latest model SSD. Intel, which we used in testing


First, it was necessary to connect the SSD drive to our computer as a caching device. To do this, we need (and you):

  • Directly SSD;
  • SRT support motherboard;
  • Drivers Intel Rapid. Storage (download from the Intel site).

We give a short instruction on the inclusion of Smart Response. In the BIOS of the SATA motherboard, the controller is translated into RAID mode. There is one nuance here: if IDE / AHCI IDE / AHCI mode has been used and there was already an installed Windows OS, it is most likely just no longer boot. In order not to rearrange Windows, you can use the advice here from this article - we helped us. We have nothing more to do in the BIOS - you load Windows and install the Rapid Storage driver. Note that the driver with the RAID driver is simply not included.

Configured Smart Response. Interior system Disk - "With acceleration." VOLUME_0001 - directly cache, Volume_0000 - the rest of the disk after subtracting 64 GB of Kesha. With him, the user can handle at its discretion.

On the first tab of the RAPID STORAGE control center, click "Enable Acceleration", select the necessary parameters (step by step this process is shown along the same link) - and voila! Keching is included. It can operate in two modes: an extended - simultaneous entry on HDD and SSD (in a certain sense of RAID1) and the maximum - an entry first to SSD (in the same way of RAID0). We were interested in the maximum speed gain, so we chose the second. Note, however, that in this case the SSD becomes part of the system partition and any of its emergency shutdown will have unpleasant consequences for the OS. To turn off the cache, use the rapid storage driver's standard procedure.


Since Smart Response - caching technology, it would be logical to check its effectiveness on "heavy" OS applications. The hardest windows ApplicationObviously, Windows itself is. Next, programs were chosen as the standards of "common severity" Adobe Photoshop. CS6 and Autodesk AutoCAD 2013. The download time of each program was measured three times, the system was rebooted between two calls. The averaged test results are shown in Table:

As they say, know the comments.
Other programs that were tested at hand were tested on a less scientific basis, say, Corel Draw X4 showed approximately two-time increase. I foresee a question why the system without caching was loaded for so long? For the experiment, Windows used was intentionally selected, installed several months ago and inserted during this time some applications, including with autoload. In order to avoid until the end of the influence of torrents on caching, distributions for the period of experiment were disabled.


So, we experimentally proved that Smart Response significantly diminishing Windows and its applications. However, the question remains, why use SSD for caching when you can simply place the system partition on it? The experiment confirmed a number of our assumptions.

Test computer on the background of the carpet - so that no one has doubts that we are talking about the usual home PC.

  1. Under caching, old or budget models SSD can be assigned, relatively slow and small volumes. Note, the figure figures shown above were obtained on SSD SATA2. The size also matters: say SSD 60 GB may be insufficient for home Computerespecially game.
  2. Smart Response can also be suitable for disposal of SSD confidence. The life of solid-state carriers is small; There is a moment when SSD is better to translate into less responsible work. SRT, especially in advanced mode - this is quite a suitable variety.
  3. Finally, SRT due to the simplicity of installation and settings can be viewed as an ideal solution to the problem when you need to quickly cheer up the computer to perform some unusual action to it. Let's say you do not show some great requirements for your PC and are quite satisfied with its productivity. But here it is unexpectedly the need to use AutoCAD (for coursework, for example). SSD can be taken or buying Zadevo on the flea market - and the budget acceleration is ready in 10 minutes.

In our opinion, the above arguments are quite enough for Smart Response technology at least have the right to life. Well, to use it or not - your choice, how to do it - we briefly told.

Dedicated to Smart Response technology, gathered more than a hundred comment and, it seems, only a little less than polar opinions, whether this thing works and why it is needed at all. Watching such a chamber, we decided to spend our own SRT tests to try to answer the first, and, if it turns out, on the second question.
To check its preliminary hypotheses (they will be discussed below) we decided to use a typical home platform, which has become truly classic in the last year: Intel Z68 + Intel i5. In more detail, our test booth is described as follows:

  • Processor - Intel i5 2500K;
  • Motherboard - ASUS P8Z68-V LX;
  • System Hard Drive - Seagate ST500DM002;
  • SSD drive - Intel SSDSA2MH080G1GC;
  • RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333;
  • Operating system - Windows 7 x64.
As you can see, our test computer is not enough for any complaints in extremality; All its components are from the mass segment, closer to the budget.

Far from the latest SSD Intel model, which we used in testing

First, it was necessary to connect the SSD drive to our computer as a caching device. To do this, we need (and you):
  • Directly SSD;
  • SRT support motherboard;
  • Intel Rapid Storage drivers (download from the Intel site).
We give a short instruction on the inclusion of Smart Response. In the BIOS of the SATA motherboard, the controller is translated into RAID mode. There is one nuance here: if IDE / AHCI IDE / AHCI mode has been used and there was already an installed Windows OS, it is most likely just no longer boot. In order not to rearrange Windows, you can use the advice here from this article - we helped us. We have nothing more to do in the BIOS - you load Windows and install the Rapid Storage driver. Note that the driver with the RAID driver is simply not included.

Configured Smart Response. Internal system disk - "with acceleration". VOLUME_0001 - directly cache, Volume_0000 - the rest of the disk after subtracting 64 GB of Kesha. With him, the user can handle at its discretion.

On the first tab of the RAPID STORAGE control center, click "Enable Acceleration", select the necessary parameters (step by step this process is shown along the same link) - and voila! Keching is included. It can operate in two modes: an extended - simultaneous entry on HDD and SSD (in a certain sense of RAID1) and the maximum - an entry first to SSD (in the same way of RAID0). We were interested in the maximum speed gain, so we chose the second. Note, however, that in this case the SSD becomes part of the system partition and any of its emergency shutdown will have unpleasant consequences for the OS. To turn off the cache, use the rapid storage driver's standard procedure.

Since Smart Response - caching technology, it would be logical to check its effectiveness on "heavy" OS applications. The easiest Windows application is obviously Windows itself. Next, Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 were selected as the standards of "common severity". The download time of each program was measured three times, the system was rebooted between two challenges. The averaged test results are shown in Table:
As they say, know the comments.
Other programs that were tested at hand were tested on a less scientific basis, say, Corel Draw X4 showed approximately two-time increase. I foresee a question why the system without caching was loaded for so long? For the experiment, Windows used was intentionally selected, installed several months ago and inserted during this time some applications, including with autoload. In order to avoid until the end of the influence of torrents on caching, distributions for the period of experiment were disabled.
So, we experimentally proved that Smart Response significantly diminishing Windows and its applications. However, the question remains, why use SSD for caching when you can simply place the system partition on it? The experiment confirmed a number of our assumptions.

Test computer on the background of the carpet - so that no one has doubts that we are talking about the usual home PC.
  1. Under caching, old or budget models SSD can be assigned, relatively slow and small volumes. Note, the figure figures shown above were obtained on SSD SATA2. The size also matters: say SSD 60 GB may be insufficient for a home computer, especially game.
  2. Smart Response can also be suitable for disposal of SSD confidence. The life of solid-state carriers is small; There is a moment when SSD is better to translate into less responsible work. SRT, especially in advanced mode - this is quite a suitable variety.
  3. Finally, SRT due to the simplicity of installation and settings can be viewed as an ideal solution to the problem when you need to quickly cheer up the computer to perform some unusual action to it. Let's say you do not show some great requirements for your PC and are quite satisfied with its productivity. But here it is unexpectedly the need to use AutoCAD (for coursework, for example). SSD can be taken or buying Zadevo on the flea market - and the budget acceleration is ready in 10 minutes.
In our opinion, the above arguments are quite enough for Smart Response technology at least have the right to life. Well, to use it or not - your choice, how to do it - we briefly told.

Detailed study of the effect of SSD caching for performance hard disks

Almost two years ago, the Intel Z68 chipset was released at that time, and the Smart Response technology was debuted with him. It would seem that new, but in fact having deep roots - the idea to combine in one system the strengths of traditional hard drives and solid-state drives have long twist in the air. What is needed for this? It is necessary to add some flashe amount as a cache buffer to the Winchesteer. In the perfect case, in time, the sectors should be hit over time to which the system is most often drawn, which will lead to a serious increase in productivity - access to SSD is faster. And on the Winchester will simply lie down the data and rarely executed code, the benefit of its container is enough, and the start-up speed of rarely used programs is not too critical. An even more ideal option, of course, is the use of SSD of a large capacity, but this solution is ideal only in terms of performance - the cost of storing information on solid-state drives at times higher than on hard drives. And hybridization allows you to do small quantity Flash, which is inexpensive and, ideally, almost as quickly as the use of SSD alone.

Winchester manufacturers approached the issue of the issue on their part, embedding the flash buffer directly into the Winchesters. With such decisions, we have already acquainted and, in general, we came to the conclusion that they are justified. True, until recently they met only among laptop models, which is a great meaning: to make a hybrid system with their own hands in a laptop (i.e. from several drives) is not always possible. Therefore, it is necessary to climb into one case, and such that fit in a laptop, which has always forced to make compromises. In particular, the same Seagate Momentus XT contained only 4 GB of flash memory in the first generation and 8 GB - in the second. But B. desktop computer Flexibility more. It is possible, in general, and simply put a SSD gigabyte for 240, so that all programs have got into, and a large hard drive for data. And you can take SSD smaller and use Smart Response. Moreover, a year ago, the number of "suitable" chipsets increased greatly: new Z77, H77 (somewhat cheaper), corporate Q77 and some laptop modifications were added to the Z68. In short, there is where to turn around.

Therefore, today we decided to explore the work of Smart Response technology in more detail. In short, we already met with her when Z68 was studied, but it was that in brief. But now - let's see in detail: what accelerates how speeds up, which slows down ...

What accelerate?

As a working fluid, we decided to take Western Digital. Green WD30EZRX already familiar to us on one of the previous articles. Very good, as it seems to us, the object is "green" series (therefore, not the highest performance), and in its framework the drive is not the most outstanding due to the use of plates low (from the point of view of modernity) density. In general, as we have already been convinced, the use of it in the role of the systemic and the only thing is not too justified. But maybe Smart Response allow us to turn the situation?

What accelerate?

The SSD producers gradually swore, and today produce a considerable number of special caching series of drives. Although, in principle, suitable and ordinary. Moreover, many enthusiasts remained the once purchased solid-state drives with a capacity of 32-64 GB (for which, it can very well, in Intel, were calculated, launching Z68). But we decided to approach the question "honestly" and took the caching SSD ADATA PREMIER PRO SP300. However, the orientation on such an application mainly produces only its capacity in 32 GB and the MSATA interface. And so - a very typical solid-state drive based on a slightly obsolete LSI Sandforce SF-2141 controller with a firmware version 5.0.2a. In general, if someone needs a small SSD with such an interface (for example, to such a pair of charge), then you can use. Today we use SP300 for direct purpose :)

How accelerate?

The technology requires a fee on the appropriate chipset, at least Windows Vista installed by the Intel Rapid Storage and RAID mode of the disk controller. Absolutely all these conditions are performed by our standard test. Including the RAID mode, which we always use (even for single drives) just for compatibility (i.e., suitability for comparison) results.

And then - everything is simple. Having found the availability of free SSD after downloading the computer, Intel Rapid Storage proposes to include "Acceleration of Work". Next, you need to select an SSD, cached drive (if there are several of them, as in our case), decide on the caching with a container (20 GB or the entire SSD volume, but not more than 64 GB is useful if you want to "bite off" a piece from a large drive , and the remaining part of using the "normal" way) and, most importantly, choose caching mode. The last two: enhanced and maximized, characterized by the approach to the record. The first (which is selected by default) it, in fact, does not cache - the data fall on SSD only by the driver solution: mainly by the criterion of the frequency of use. The second, in fact, embeds the SSD between the hard drive and the system: almost all write operations are redirected to the solid-state drive, and the hard drive is copied from it - large portions and after a certain period of time. It is clear that they must behave in different ways: in the first case there is more space for quickly launch Programs, but the second in theory should allow strong speed recording operations strongly. However, it is more likely to displace useful data than what was planned to simply "reset and forget", and besides there is a certain probability of losing the data: what if the SSD fails to be able to update the files on the hard drive? In general, Intel recommends using Enhanced, but we naturally checked both modes.

Testing technique

The technique is described in detail in a separate article . There you can get acquainted with the hardware and software used.


Buffered operations

The very case when nothing in principle cannot accelerate, but it can slow down: one thing - write something to the hard drive buffer, and completely different - chaotic throwing of the driver in attempts to understand whether these data on SSD (when reading) and that In general, you need to do (when recording). In general, as expected, nothing good.

Access time

Inquiries go through all 3 terabytes of Winchester, so there is nothing surprising that they do not find anything in SSD. But at least slowly does not become - and that is good.

It can be clearly seen the difference of Maximized mode from all others: recorded on SSD, they got an answer that the operation was completed successfully, and it is possible to switch to the following operations, and not wait for the answer from hard drives, which, as we see, requires 50 times more time .

In AS SSD the same picture. Only the record accelerated compared with Everest in "ordinary" modes, but not in maximized - there is nothing to improve there :)

Serial operations

From a certain point, you begin to read with SSD, and not from the Winchester, and we have the first to be launched (although not any model of "reactive" performance), so everything is accelerated. But in maximized everything is bad because of the complicated logic: first the driver checks if this data was not recently recorded on SSD, and then it turns to the Winchester, so the Porpsum slows down.

When recording a picture of the reverse - there is already MAXIMIZED mode capable of increasing productivity slightly. Especially in small blocks, which for SSD is a more convenient operation. But ENHANCED only slows down the process: after all, it is necessary not only to write data to the hard drive, but also to analyze whether they should not be placed in the cache.

In general, as you can see, sometimes Smart Response technology is able to increase both low-level operations, but can and lower it as soon as we move to the load of another type. Moreover, as expected, Enhanced and Maximized behavior differ dramatically.

Random access

What naturally, when reading the data, everyone behaves the same way: requests are directly to the Winchester. But there are nuances: As you can see, with a large number of requests, a hybrid drive due to overhead program expenses is slower than the actual hard drive. Not so that very - some 15%. But it should not be neglected.

And here it differs only MAXIMIZED mode due to too complex logic of the work: Quickly write data to the flash, we get the following request, carry it out, we get the following - and find out that it is time to write the previous data to the Winchester. In general, despite the fact that on a very low level, as we have seen above, this mode strongly accelerates the drive, in practice it is capable of not giveing \u200b\u200banything or even ensure a negative effect.

What is particularly clearly observed in database templates, where Enhanced does not give anything (almost nothing - a little, yet, the speed drops), and the maximized manages to slow down the hard drive (although it would seem to be further). However, with a large proportion of record operations, all options come to a common denominator, so this is a slightly different problem - too tangled algorithms.

Performance in applications

Here, in fact, that, for what everything was stood - the productivity grows in two or more times. Even VelociRaptor in PCMark7 dials only 2737 points, and this is the fastest hard drive in the desktop segment - so it would seem that it is happiness. But we will not hurry to open champagne - we still have a lot of tests.

On the "Defender" highway, the speed gain has already approached three times.

MAXIMIZED mode has played out for two previous cases and showed that when it comes to data recording, it can be the fastest.

And the Star Hour of Technology - Even the order of magnitude different. Single SSD, of course, a couple of times faster (if we talk about high-performance models), but these are already. And from "ordinary" hard drives a hybrid system separates the order of magnitude.

At the "gaming" track, the increase is more modest, but it is still there. And such that, again, even the fastest hard drive has nothing to catch next to the "green" model, accelerated when help Smart. RESPONSE.

We arrived. Even if you do not pay attention to the fact that the maximized "piled up" work on the contentcregation template (this is easily explained), the remaining results of optimism also do not cause. Why does the behavior of PCMark7 and NASPT differ so? And they work in different ways. In PCMark7 there are seven recorded trails that have no such large total volume. And they are driven three times, and the first is as slow as when using the hard drive. However, all the data is already on SSD, so we test it for the most part. Moreover, we note, the three tracks still failed to accelerate.

Naspt also uses multiple tests of tests, but all - Including and templates, "tushable" by 32 GB files. Thus, between the two executions of the "workers" patterns in both directions, a couple of hundred gigabytes has time to "fly". And no matter how smartly the driver, in a similar scenario, apparently, his mental abilities are not enough to figure out what to keep in the cache, and what "recorded and forgotten". If you change the testing technique, "running" several times only groups from the specified templates, thus getting up technology, everything becomes wonderful - starting from the second time the speed increases sharply. However, it is obvious that in real life there are anything: and "good" situations, and "bad", so it is not surprising that those and others were in testing.

We put this diagram, rather, from mischief, however, since we have results, why not see them? And an example is very indicative and open text hinting on what to try to speed up with Smart Response unwatching disks does not make sense. However, we will focus on this issue a little more detail.

Work with big files

As expected, no effect - caching using Smart Response technology is not proactive. Yes, the proactive will not be too much helped with a sequential (albeit multithreaded in one test) reading the amount of data equal to the total volume of the flash cache.

When writing data SMART Response, it slows greatly. To the maximum extent - when using the MAXIMIZED mode, it is clear: an attempt to implement a postponed record of 32 GB of data using a flash drive to the same 32 GB is initially doomed to failure. Well, in the enhanced mode there is no this problem, but there is another: the driver it is necessary for data not only to record, but also analyze for the subsequent (possible) use. So it is not surprising that the "direct record" turns out to be the fastest - there is no difficulties here.

This is how sometimes it can improve - this is the performance of the pseudo-random recording simultaneously with reading. And then - slightly. With the sequential access to Smart Response information, it slows down a bit. Also - slightly.

Total medium score

Despite everything seen above, we got a completely confident increase from Smart Response on average. Why? Well, as we have seen, in the same PCMark7, the winnings are very weighty, which turned out to be only partially compensated by the loss in other tests. In addition, low-level synthetics often behaves very interestingly, and far from all SR frills were shown above. For example, consider a pair of AS SSD templates that are actively used by us in sSD testsBut usually "hidden from the eye" when testing hard drives.

Everything is simple - the test works with a 1 GB file, which, naturally, instantly turns out to be on SSD, so in Enhanced mode, we, practically, SSD and measured. Maximized due to its specificity slowly works with one reading stream (overhead costs are comparable with the main), although even here "accelerates" the hard drive 4 times. Well, on 64 fluxes - all 20 times.

Recording almost does not give anything enhanced, as the data still has to write to the file on the hard drive, but if you select Maximized mode, we get confirmation of Smart Response advertising: Your HDD will work as SSD! :) Such results, of course, also affected the middle score, although, as we see, the general result is not so impressive.

With the detailed results of all tests, as we promised, you can get acquainted by downloading the table in Microsoft Excel format.


Announcement Z68 and Smart Response interested in many beauty ideas: we take a small and cheap SSD, capacious hard drive and ... We get a quick hybrid storage system that gathered in itself the advantages of both technologies. Many people liked that SSD seems to be cached the entire hard drive, which seemed an advantage compared to the use of SSD and HDD separately - when disk system Clearly divided into "fast" and "slow" parts. In a word, a solid profit. However, the real state of affairs was slightly more complex and ambiguous.

First, as we see from caching total Hard disk is more harm than good - many "typical hard drives" operation slows down, and not accelerated. Secondly, I gave the crack "Small and cheapest" concept, because prices for solid-state drives strongly fell. Working on Smart Response in Intel began about three years ago (maybe two and a half, but not less - two years ago, ready-made products appeared) when the cost of 1 GB of information on the solid-state drive was about 3 dollars. Now she fell below one dollar, and since the decline occurred mainly due to an increase in the density of new chips, the price of volume depends on a non-linear way - the more, the more relatively cheaper. In a practical sense, this leads to the fact that today the solid-state drives for 32 and 128 GB differ in price only twice, and in absolute figures, all the savings are bored to about 50 dollars. What is 128 GB? This is a tank sufficient for the operating system and large quantities applied software. Many users also have a place for storing the data. Well, for the information, the speed of access to which is not critical, in the desktop system you can simply use a large-volume hard drive. The most important thing is that this approach gives the predictability that Smart Response does not boast, that is, regardless of the work scenarios, the programs are always launched fast. And not as it turns out :) In the hybrid system, it can be almost as fast as with SSD, and maybe just as slowly as when using one hard drive. Speaking simple languageIf some gamer plays the day after day, he will receive such an increase from Smart Response, as we have seen the "Gaming" PCMark7 on the highway - acceleration into weighty two or three times. But if he has a dozen games, and every time he chooses one random one (which is called, "under the mood"), he will receive ... Shish with an oil that has demonstrated NASPT: data in flash cache will constantly change So loading levels, for example, will remain as slow as when using only Winchester: because, mostly it will work.

On the other hand, we also can't call the technology of useless - it all depends on the script of use. In the same game computer can be an interesting scheme with two SSD and Winchester. Just because modern games are large in volume, and keep them on the main solid-state drive is invoiced - too large and expensive. But problems can be avoided. For example, we install SSD to 128 GB - under the system and main applications. For games and other "heavy" programs that do not fit on the first drive, we use the fastest hard drive relative to a small capacity, additionally accelerated using SSD to 32 GB. And for storing all sorts of multimedia data, such as movies and other things (which now often "lives" in large quantities and on gaming computers) - Another hard drive. Large in terms of volume, low-robust (it became economical) and without any "boosters", which, with this scenario, use can only prevent, but not help. Complicated? Expensive? Yes, but quite realizable. And this method of use different technologies Just makes it possible to get the maximum on which they are capable.

In general, as you can see, despite the decline in prices for flash memory (and, accordingly, solid-state drives), Smart Response technology is still eligible for life, since in some use scenarios, the productivity of the data storage system increases. It is just important to take into account that she is not a panacea for all occasions: somewhere useful, and somewhere on the contrary - it is harmful. Thus, before using it, we should weigh all the PRO and Contra in advance, understand what exactly you are going to do and how it should work. However, this is true for all modern technologies.

Manufacturers of motherboards are trying to mostly diversify the product line based on chipsets. This is due to the fact that users are in no hurry to acquire more expensive motherboards on the chipset database. Users right before buying are determined with the choice and processors Intel Sandy. Bridge with a unlocked multiplier in the direction of increasing acquire motherboards on Intel P67 Express chipsets, and with a blocked multiplier on intel database H67 Express. The emergence of the Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3-ISSD motherboard on the market may awaken the interest of users to the Intel Z68 Express chipset.
In fact, the Intel Z68 EXPRESS chipset did not bring anything interesting to the market in the hardware. He did not improve the acceleration of Intel Sandy Bridge processors, as failed to improve the performance of the graphic subsystem by using the graphical block of processors. Manufacturers of motherboards are aware of this fact and focus the attention of users on the essence of Intel software technologies that have been stripped to the Intel Z68 Express chipset. We are talking About Intel Smart Response and LucidLogix Virtu technologies. Innovation in the form of Lucid Virtu
Virtu technology has pleased not many users, and its appearance did not attract potential buyers. This is due to this technology It was integrated into motherboards for top processors, which are not purchased by users not for use in a tandem with integrated graphics of Intel Sandy Bridge processors. If you use these graphic blocks in tandem with modern video cards, then the "incatch" to the graphics subsystem not only increases the performance of solutions, but also manages to reduce the overall system performance.

Intel Z68 EXPRRESS even more depressing for the owners of motherboards on the basis of chipsets that the motherboard is trying not to turn off graphic block processors, even when it is not used in any way. This circumstance does not only lead to a decrease in power consumption, but also increases it. Is it possible to justify this approach of the famous manufacturer?

Yes, indeed, integrated graphic blocks of Intel Sandy Bridge processors, although there are a mediocre graphic performance, they have a very significant plus that may be needed to some users. We are talking about Intel Quick Sync technology, which is integrated into the Intel HD Graphics 2000 graphics cores. This unit allows you to encode and decode video streams, thereby speeding up the video conversion in these systems. Recall, such a technology is available at NVIDIA and is called CUDA, AMD has a given technology to name Stream. The latest technologies are significantly losing Intel Quick Sync in performance, which is the strong side of the integrated Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000 processors Intel Sandy Bridge.

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Lucid Virtu technology for new motherboards based on Intel Z68 EXPRESS allows you to switch an active graphic system block - with integrated graphics to a discrete block and vice versa. In this case, the priority of the work is set up depending on the selected mode of operation. I-Mode mode makes a priority integrated graphic block, and the D-mode mode makes a priority discrete video card. According to the manufacturer, I-Mode allows you to significantly save electricity, and the D-MODE mode is not very losing in the level of system performance. In practice, I-Mode does not carry almost no savings or dubious savings due to a massive reduction in productivity.

No reduction in power consumption in mode i-MODE work It is due to the fact that in this mode the discrete video card is not completely disconnected from the eletropitanium, and simply the load is not supplied to it. And to use constantly integrated graphics with a living discrete video card - no one wants.

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In order to i-Mode mode The game started using discrete video card It needs to be made to a special list. At the same time, no problems do not cost - many games continue to run using integrated graphics. The new dubious Lucid Virtu technology does not give stability system. In I-Mode mode, a third of our games flew to your desktop, although when the Lucid Virtu technology is turned off, this is not observed.

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The practical value in this graphic technology has only D-MODE mode. This mode allows you to ensure stability of the system, but it does not turn off the integrated graphical processor unit, which is almost never involved. Thus, we have a double electricity consumption. Included Integrated Graphic Block is on the processor, thereby raises the load on the cooling system central processor. Lucid Virtu technology adversely affects performance in games anyway.

If in i-Mode mode, the performance reduction reaches 5-7%, then in the D-mode mode, this decrease does not exceed 2%. Nevertheless, the user will want to use new technologies in the form of a Lucid Virtu, which does not increase productivity, but manages to increase the power consumption of the system. The only strong side of the Lucid Virtu technology is video encoding. But modern users are in 24/7 mode sit and convert video, for this purchase discrete schedule not necessarily, therefore, it can be limited to motherboard Intel H67 Express. Innovation in the form of Intel Smart Response
Understanding the futility of Lucid Virtu technology, motherboard manufacturers rushed their gaze to Intel Smart Response technology, which is software refinement for hard drive caching due to faster solid storage. No one is secret that SSD drives are able to transform the performance of your system only due to their installation instead of hard drives. Indeed, over the years, over the years, we see the rapid increase in processor performance, video cards, RAM, and hard drives are increasing the performance of dubious pace or this growth is not visible at all. But modern users, even Western, cannot afford to replace hard drives SSD drives - their cost is high enough and not afford the majority of them. Intel realized this fact and invited users to Intel Smart Response technology for motherboards based on Intel Z68 Express chipset.

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Motherboard manufacturers quickly picked up this idea and decided to offer users the so-called MSATA connectors to install various drives, including SSD directly to the motherboard. This approach saves space in the system unit and save on the SSD housing of the drives. The manufacturer stipulates that the maximum volume of the solid-state drive can reach 64 GB. The caching is provided by turning on the Intel RST SSD driver, which disables the available SSD drive from the disk array and makes a cartal disk for caching from it.

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Gigabyte began supplying Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3-ISSD motherboards, which already have integrated MSATA solid-state drives manufactured by Intel on 20 GB. The choice on Intel fell not by chance, almost all solid-state drives of this manufacturer have high performance. But such a proposal has several minuses.

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First, MSATA port blocks the use of one standard SATA port on the motherboard. Secondly, the SSD drive can cache only the operation of one hard disk or the RAID array of them. That is, the user is offered, or acquire one large SSD drive and divide it into two parts for two hard drives, or acquire two separate solid-state drives.

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In the case of an integrated solid-state drive, divided it into several parts from the user will succeed. The drive installed in the MSATA Motherboard Slot Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3-ISSD has a minimally necessary amount of 20 GB. What is the advantage of caching information on a solid-state drive before caching in operational memory you ask?

An advantage is announced by one single fact - the non-volatile memory of solid-state drives saves information on themselves even when the power is turned off, thereby dealing with non-volatile cachem. This advantage It loses its meaning if we consider the fact that we have long learned how to achieve energy dependents, thanks to the increase in the stability of the Windows operating systems from Microsoft. More and more users do not complete the system work in a traditional way - most chooses waiting or sleep mode (hibernation). In the first case, the computer does not turn off completely and therefore is not entirely an alternative to Intel Smart Response, but with the hibernation all information from the RAM schedule is recorded on the hard disk and is quickly restored during startup. Thus, all information in the computer's cache remains saved. Modern motherboards allow you to install up to 32 GB of RAM-type RAM3, which has always been faster than solid-state drives. When using a 64-bit operating system Windows is bigger The volume of this memory is used precisely for caching goals, so why do we need Intel Smart Response technology? Apparently only to promote products based on the Intel Z68 Express chipset.

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It is more convinced of this when you study the system's work algorithm. The essence of the work of technology is simple. The information read by you from your hard drive is duplicated to a solid-state drive, and if you recover again this file - You get it with a faster SSD drive. Since the volume of the solid-state drive is less than the volume of your hard disk - information on the SSD drive is periodically updated. After all modern computers Equipped with hard disks with a volume of at least 1 TB, and in the case of the Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3-ISSD motherboard you have a total cache of 20 GB. The oldest information is removed from the cache solid-state drive. Thus, the effect you will receive in the event that you will periodically launch the same programs, games. If you start to engage in any erratic copying, or overwhelming video files - you're hardly get any productivity increase.

The disadvantage of the entire technology is that it is new enough. If the Windows operating system caching system develops from the time of the MS-DOS operating system and already in almost 90% of cases understands the need for caching and abandoning it, the Intel Smart Response caching algorithm has such intellectivity not in all cases.

Although the manufacturer says that the technology does not cache data when scanning for viruses, watch video streams, but it does not always understand what makes a program with a disk subsystem. And not caching - is not a panacea. After all, the Windows operating system cache algorithms have long have the possibility of proactive caching in the presence of free resources.

Like any caching algorithm, offers the user "stick at two ends." Firstly, this is an Enhanced algorithm that involves recording data on a hard disk immediately without waiting for the release of the rigid disk resources. Secondly, this is a Maximized algorithm that offers to record data on a solid-state drive, which will be recorded on the hard disk during its downtime. Naturally, MAXIMIZED technology has the greatest performance, but it will lead to data loss in the next hang or emergency completion. And considering the fact that Intel Smart Response more software technology - Risks are increased repeatedly. Enhanced mode allows you to avoid risk data, but you completely lose the capabilities of the data recording caching.

By completing our article, we would like to note that our opinion is such that using the SSD drive even on 20 GB, as in the case of maternity gigabyte payments Z68XP-UD3-ISSD, as a keeper of the operating system, software And the most frequently used documents or games - you get the highest performance. Hard drives have gained huge sizes of more than 1 TB only by the fact that we started to store audio and video connector on it, create huge file archives. These file archives We use very rarely, so they can be cached by the operating system itself. Moreover, modern prices do not interfere with the user to acquire 24 GB of RAM, most of which will be used to caching the data.

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