
MIUI unloads applications from memory. We disassemble ways to optimize MIUI system memory. Setting up applications "in the background". Permissions of applications

The operating system that controls the work of almost all Xiaomi phones is designed so that the device consumes the minimum amount of energy. This feature is taken into account when working by default equipment, but if you hold a number of specific operating settings, the energy saving indicators can be improved several times. When most of your comrades will be feverishly looking for a charger, you will freely use the phone for a long time.

Push notifications for applications

These cute pop-ups designed to report a person about work and events in the appendix are in fact very voracious energy consumers. And the disabling of these alerts will preserve a fair amount of energy.

It is easy to do, passing in the settings, then in the notifications further in the application.


This feature is actively using many applications, defining your location on the globe - even the banal clock use GPS navigation to decide on the time zone. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, this application eats a lot of precious electricity. This module can be freely disabled if necessary, closing another "crane" through which energy is dried.

Energy saving mode

This is a very useful feature that the MIUI 8 operating system developers prudently provided - thanks to it, it is possible to effectively increase the operating time of any Xiaomi phone. Enable the mode is easy - you need to go through the "Security" application, find the tab "Battery" and enable saving mode there, which provides for various user settings that you can choose yourself.

Display brightness

The smartphone has a colorful screen, which is even visible even in a bright sunny day. It is good, but for everything you have to pay, and in this case the board is excessive energy consumption. It can be reduced in two ways to automatic brightness calibration, depending on the illumination or manual reduction of the backlight to a possible minimum.

Vibrootklik lesson

In essence, this function is only needed to feel tactically, whether the sensor took your team or not. By and large, this moment can be monitored and visually. A little unusual, but the energy consumption is reduced. Vibromotor - the thing is very voracious.

Vibration Push notifications

The reason for the disconnection of the vibration is already described above - you can only add that this is one of the "swallmers" of any Xiaomi phone. It is logical to disable this feature when messages continue their work. You can do this in the Settings section, Sound tabs, in the vibration menu.

Wi-Fi Control Connection

This is another "trogging", which in constant search for available networks eats a lot of energy. Wi-Fi is better to include only when you need it. You also do not need to forget to turn this connection.

Synchronization with cloud

Autosynchronization with MI Cloud is a very useful thing. It is constant access to the information stored in the cloud, which may be needed at any second. Nevertheless, there are such moments when to keep the battery charge is much more important. In this case, the automatic synchronization is better disconnected by replacing it on the manual connection mode.

Automatic updates

The annoying and killing operational space of the phone update also eat electricity. They are very overall, and there is a lot of charge for their installation, which may disappear into the most inappropriate minute. Updates must be monitored completely and run only when they really have a reason.

Changing the screen illumination time

By default, the screen illumination turns off if the Xiaomi phone is inactive for one or two minutes, which also leads to an unnecessary battery charge flow. Turning off the backlight is better reduced to 30 seconds.

Remove an animated background from the screen

Wallpaper In terms of energy consumption can be very voracious - for example, animated screensavers eat a lot of battery life, and from their use, as it should not look beautiful, it is better to refuse. Believe me, on the workability of the smartphone, the absence of a bright and colorful screensaver will not affect - it is better to give preference to a one-photon version of the wallpaper.

Animation of the system

Disabling animation is to simplify the phone and at the same time reducing its power consumption. Simplification affects only on the form, but not on the functionality of the applications: less graphics - less energy consumption.

Last Fresh Miui version

Here everything is simple - like any program, the MIUI operating system is improved all the time, and all new and new options appear in it. Not exception is the economy regime that has recently, Xiaomi is paying more and more attention. The new version of the OS is always optimized energy consumption.

Mode "On the plane"

A very useful action at the moments when the smartphone is moving in search of available network connections and spends a lot of electrical energy. If you activate this mode, then the actions of the smartphone will become more accurate, and the energy consumption will decrease. For the city, this mode is not suitable, since the risk of missed an important call, increases several times.

3G or LTE

Yes, it is a high-speed Internet. Yes, it is a stable and constant connection. But, if we are talking about saving the battery, then such connections are better to turn off, as they differ in a very large appetite.

Naturally, all rendered events rendered at the same time will not be very correct - in such a situation, the Xiaomi phone simply will be a useless toy. You need to do everything wisely and disable options should be necessary as needed.

Many smartphones on Android have a common problem: you use the device a certain time and the system begins to slow down and its work is noticeably slowed down. There are several ways to solve this issue.

Cleaning cache

Apps that you use, often cache files from the Internet (save them). It loads the device and slows it. You need to clean the cache, for this we go into safety\u003e Cleaning.

Periodically make cache cleaning or configure the automatic mode at which it turns on independently when accumulating a certain amount of data.

Update the firmware to the latest version

Often after the update, many errors of previous firmware are corrected, which can speed up the system. This applies not only to MIUI, but also devices running on iOS.

Optimization of applications

As the gadget is used, you constantly install different applications. Many of them are not needed over time, but they continue to hang in memory dead cargo. Delete such applications or stop the process by passing along the way Settings\u003e All Applications\u003e Next, choose the one you want to stop and click "Close"

Optimization of the system

In MIUI, the default animation is enabled. It can be turned off, thus relieving the operation of the processor. For this we go along the way Settings\u003e Optional\u003e System Optimization.

You can also enable high performance mode, for this we go to Settings\u003e Optional\u003e Battery\u003e Power Mode. In this case, the processor will start working at a maximum, but it will affect energy consumption.

Automotive Apps

In order to free up the RAM, you can turn off the autorun of unnecessary applications. Leave only those programs that you constantly use.

Working system animation

System animation can be accelerated or completely disconnected. To do this, go to the Developer mode (Settings\u003e Advanced).


Well, the most radical method - resetting the settings with the cleaning of all data (WIPE). It usually helps when you tried all possible ways and nothing happens. Note that it is undesirable to discharge more often than 1-2 times a month.

But I somehow did not want to put up with his shortcomings. So there went a series of refreshments, all sorts of mods, ruts and other unnecessary labuda. That's very unnecessary - somehow for the years spent with the Android, I already played out, see, in this, that's all - I just want stable work, but the work is exactly how my inner requires (no, not fashionable perfectionist I am Back in childhood) Buka, which for some reason does not want to put up with the lack of the same increasing volume of the call ...

Here at some point in time I turned to the proven, beaten, the solution - Xposed. If someone else is not in the know - this is such a program that replaces the system resources with its own and, as a result, it allows you to make very many useful things with a phone, ranging from ordinary beautifulness and ending ... Although there is no, where the end of the opportunities offered - I I don't say, but the fact that almost any phone with its help gets a "new" life is the fact.

There are only two requirements: the phone should work on the native firmware and the "administrator rights" must be activated in the phone, the so-called Rut-access. Well, the moment: the program itself does nothing - it only produces a substitution, and all changes make modules that are written with a specific purpose and they already add all the necessary functionality, for example, GravityBox, for "ordinary" android devices (more -).

Fortunately, with the second point of problems I did not have - "without root and the life of bad", as my familiar owner of the service center spoke, taking a phone for recovery. But with the first, "normal" android, I did not seem: Xiaomi turned upside down in his firmware all down on the head. So I had to think, search, read. As it turned out, the assembly from Solarwarez, which can be downloaded from the 4pda forum works perfectly on the MIUI firmware.

But further disappointment I was waiting for me: absolutely all modules for MIUI paid! There are, of course, a couple of exceptions, but they do not do anything really useful. So accumulating several weeks, I accidentally stumbled upon a successful module with an interesting approach - XMIUI. That's about him and there will be a speech.

The module is paid. The paid and dot, hacked, cracked or still did not find, and there was no goal for the reason that it works absolutely fully (with the exception of one option only), but only before rebooting the phone - after all settings are knocked down and you need to configure everything -On. At the same time, no restrictions on the number of launches, a deadline for use or something else - just every time you need to configure everything from scratch.

But that's what he can do!

It all starts with a banal desktop configuration.

Start the gesture application? Easily! Hide unnecessary labels - please! Change the grid and the number of rows / columns - yes not the question!

Of Especially useful - the ability to change the size of any widget and the imposition of the shade on the signature and the label (especially useful when it is merged with the desktop background: the shadow allows you to highlight the icon).

Item Second - "Phone / Contacts" - corrects the ridiculous behavior of the phone book: adds Russian T9, Russian alphabet, advanced search ...

It looks like this (alphabet, in the sense):

From a very interesting - allows you to select a SIM card for each contact, but even more interesting - the volume of the challenge for each subscriber (here on the unimportant - hiding, and on the delivery of pizza - on the contrary, so that without lunch it is not).

Due to the fact that I use the call of third partner (as well as the Loncher, actually), most of this I do not need, but what it took me is - this is a ban of trimming photos when you call (now it is on the whole screen) and the most increasing volume, and Increasing time you can ask yourself.

Along the way, I set the daw on the "maximum brightness during a call" - it is useful when in a bright sunny afternoon it is not to consider a gentle-free screen (it is usually 40-50% the slider), and so - please - everything can be seen! Well, another interesting point - Correction of the Bitrate of the Recording - By default, the built-in voice recorder writes perfectively - whether the place is saved, or the safety standards, but the record is not suitable anywhere ... And with this dotnik everything becomes better.

In the "System Interface" item, as we understand, you can finely set up everything that we use every second: from the colors of the curtain to behavior when charging. So, the first thing I infoved in the native system is the inability to expand the notification in a logical way (I have not learned!); Here, when the option activated and chose the method, everything was settled: the notice came - the tap turned and looked, swipe - brushed, removed. It is logical behavior, and not that the Chinese are trying to shove.

And example:

Any beautifulness and setting up the number of shortcuts in the curtain - things are certainly necessary, but since something you can not be nervous, I do not change. But here I always move the clock to the right corner from the left - I used to I am so in 15 years ... In general, you can adjust the status string as you like. That's completely, that is.

I got such a horror rate (it was / became):

I have such a funny feature: the keyboard displays its notifications in random mode, very often interfering with normal operation. It prevents so much that you cut it, you delete, change ... And the notifications come - they say, turn on. Fortunately, one dawn this figs is disabled completely! And nearby, in the way, it turns off and awakening when connected / disconnect the charger. Yes, yes, I lie down, it means to sleep in the evening (per hour or two, as a rule), I connect food, and here the festive illumination from the lazed screen fun lightly illuminates the room and wakes up all its inhabitants. It is unpleasant and no longer a trifle, so - and with this misfortune coped.

There is one more thing that interfered with me: Xiaomi for some reason thinks that low battery charge is 25% (i.e. a quarter). I do not agree with them, for some reason, 18% were considered the norm on all my phones and accustomed to this figure and change the habits because of some distant developers do not intend. So I now install my favorite values.

In the "screen" group, there is nothing sensible for me. You can, of course, include branded rounded corners, but I do not like. True, you can choose the screen size in the control mode of one hand - this is yes, it is useful (in the standard settings there is only three sizes selection - here much more).

But the "lock screen" has become a discovery for me. So, first-invilitated to activate the promotion of notifications. Well, where it is possible that to remove notification from the lock screen - the phone must be unlocked. Heresy, yes? And how do you not display alarm clock on Lockskrin? Of course - he is not needed there. Sarcasm, if that ...

But the most important thing for me is hidden behind the modest inscription "Google Smart Lock".

Who does not know - in the stock firmware, the good feature has introduced an interesting feature: the phone is not blocked under certain conditions (I mean - the password protection function is not activated - the phone is unlocked with the screen button and shift): in your pocket, when binding to some blotuses-devices (in auto, for example), in certain geographic coordinates. So, I have a fingerprint (yes - not the most reliable, but for tritely take and see the mail enough), but at home I would be the opposite - no passwords - I often go busy, and other family members perform in the role of assistants, and In general, it's not a pity to call from my room for home, and every time you enter the password or bring to me for a finger - I'm tired (there were offers even a key chain ... from the finger ... aha). But Xiaomi, in turn, was considered unnecessary and removed this option ...

So, returning to XMIUI - yes, this chief is the most drank Xiaomy "Google Smart Lock" returns!

That's how it looks like:

"Volume" - all trite and boring. I do not describe this - pairs of pictures are quite enough to understand.


Here is such a decent module. Of the advantages - now the meow works almost as the normal system should work. It was not possible to defeat the screen shutdown time - it is still 10 seconds, but I somehow murly.

Of the minuses (if you can say so) - paid. Price - 200 rubles. The author asks so much. You can more. Not so much so much, but I haven't enough for $ 2 for a tablet for a tablet 2 dollars - I was sitting on the webmoney to drive quickly and calmly (the region of habitat restricts is superimposed), fortunately, literally 15 minutes after the beginning of the random (The coincidence!) Came a prize from the site, for which they have a huge thank you - that rare case, when $ 2 was enough for happiness.

But even the free version works fine, and I use her already for half a year as, good, I reload the phone very rarely, and without rebooting, as I said, only a pair of things is not working: the display of the onscreen buttons and the advanced reboot mode (recovery there are all sorts) .

Well, yes, it is worth knowing and remember that Xposed does not work with the 7th android (this is the main reason why I still have not been updated).

So, if you have Siaomi and there is a root - put, I think you will not regret!

This is a convenient, simple and simultaneous functional mobile operating system from Xiaomi. It has many functions that we regularly light on the pages of our community. Today we will tell about how to extend the work of your Mi-smartphone from one battery charge, below 15 tips from the site.

1 Disable Push notifications from unused applications

Today, almost all applications send us their push notifications, it is convenient on the one hand, and on the other hand, this process comes the batteries in our MI smartphones. To work longer your phone, we propose to disable notifications from unused or rarely used applications. Of course, it is not worth doing this for SMS, social networks, postal and other important things. But disable notifications from games, some editors and other things can have a positive effect on the work of the device.

To do this go to Settings\u003e Notifications\u003e Applications And disconnect too much. Here is such a simple advice.

2 Disconnect GPS.

Modern smartphones are no worse than special GPS navigators. But a constantly activated GPS module leads to excess waste of precious battery batteries of your phone.

If you do not use the constantly navigator, Google Maps and others, simply disconnect the GPS in the curtain in MIUI 8, your device will work longer.

3 Activate energy saving mode in MIUI 8

The function will allow your smartphone more rationally to use the battery charge. It is in the embedded application "Security". In the "Battery" deposit, you can activate the energy savings mode, as well as more subtly configure the activity of applications in manual mode.

Leave important applications, such as messages, messengers, work mail and others so that they continue to work and send you notifications about events.

4 Set the brightness of your display.

It's no secret that the screens of modern smartphones consume most of all energy. In MIUI 8 from the box, the automatic brightness adjustment mode is set. A special sensor analyzes the level of illumination and adapts the screen brightness for maximum comfort. It is undoubtedly convenient, but also at the same time expensive for your battery.

We offer you to disable automatic brightness adjustment and manually set the minimum comfortable display level of the display. So you will be able to significantly extend the operation of your smartphone.

5 Disconnect vibration when pressing

Some user is convenient to control the smartphone feeling tactile returns from the touch of the screen in the form of vibration. But if our goal is to use the battery as efficiently as possible - it is better to turn this feature in MIUI 8.

To do this go to Settings\u003e Sounds and Vibration\u003e Vibration When touching and disable the toggle switch.

6 Wi-Fi settings

Another costly element of any smartphone is a Wi-Fi reception and transmission module. Keep wi-fi on only when it is really necessary. The fact is that when the module is active, it is constantly looking for available networks and of course spends on this battery resources. Also in the settings, you can disable the permanent scanning option for Wi-Fi.

7 Disconnect synchronization

Another very convenient MIUI 8 chip is the synchronization of your photos, contacts, notes and other things in the Mi Cloud cloud. If you have a lot of new data to download to the cloud service, it is better to turn off automatic synchronization with MI Cloud. So you will be able to significantly extend the time of the MI smartphone.

8 Vibration at Push notifications

Another moment associated with vibration, which can be disabled and thereby keep the battery charge. When you have a new push-notification, your MI smartphone screen lights up, and the phone itself vibrates.

To disable it, go to Settings\u003e Notifications and Status Bar\u003e Application Notifications And leave those applications that you think should vibrate. Other disconnect. The battery will last longer.

9 Disable Auto Update Applications

Android smartphones today can update applications themselves, without user participation. This is all in the form with the active Wi-Fi or 3G / LTE internet connection. Such a process is very far the battery, as several applications can immediately download capacious updates, and then still install them, while the battery level can be in front of their eyes.

Disable this feature in Google Play and in the MI App Store, your smartphone will now live longer.

10 Display Activity Time

If you have noticed, the display backlight goes out after 1-2 minutes in inactive condition. But you can reduce the shutdown time to 30 or even 15 seconds in the settings of the lock screen.

Now the charge will save at each interval of your MI smartphone, again simple and comfortable lifehak.

11 Static wallpapers instead of dynamic

Working tables in MIUI support both static wallpapers and dynamic. Using standard or third-party fixed wallpapers for your smartphone, you can also save enough resources of your battery, which will have a positive effect on autonomy.

12 Update the latest version of MIUI OS

MIUI developers improve the firmware every day. Using the latest version of software guarantees not only the security of your personal data, but also the right, well-coordinated work of all smartphone systems and batteries in particular.

13 Activate the airline with a bad signal level

In your city, there may be places where the quality of communication leaves much to be desired if you are in such zones of weak coating for a long time, activate the airrest. The whole focus is that with a weak signal, the smartphone spends a lot of battery charge on the network search, and this in turn adversely affects autonomy.

14 Disconnect 3G / LTE if you do not use the Internet

For emergency energy savings, you can disable not only the above, but also the Internet. In the settings, click Disable Mobile Data (2G / 3G / LTE). In just one click on the shortcut in the shortcut curtain, your smartphone will last longer.

15 Disconnect system animations

Another chalk chip that will help save the charge of your smartphone is system animations. In MIUI, practical Each action is accompanied by animation: pressing the label, collapse of applications, work in the task manager.

In settings Battery and performance Disconnect system animations. MIUI will look easier without effects, but the phone will work longer than one charge.

The instruction is primarily aimed at disconnecting and drinking services from Xiaomi \\ Google, but on the daily use of the phone as the main device with all its charms and disadvantages. Disable those applications that will be in the instructions are not the consequences in the normal operation of the device, but only makes it possible to get rid of annoying services that are constantly trying to send logs and error reports (Device Using Reports), and also provide a choice of user "Disable" or "Do not disable" These services and their applications.

This instruction is posted as a test sample, on the basis of which you can optimize the operation of this device. The author of the article is not responsible for the consequences and inoperability of various versions of the firmware. All you do, you do at your own risk.

Setting MIUI 7, power optimization.

We will not go into the details of the firmware and installation of root rights, and imagine that we already have the right firmware with root with ROOT.
I have installed firmware from the command version On it, the latest version of SuperSU (root) is installed via TWRP, I was initially configured by the phone, one SIM card and the drive is installed on 32 GB.

Setup after firmware

  1. Mobile network
Mobile Network -\u003e Volte Included

Take a tick

Mobile network -\u003e always take MMS

I do not use, turn off.

SIM Card Information ---\u003e Network Type ---\u003e Only 2G (Energy Saving)

This setting is relevant for my use. The 2G network allows me to receive messages in the background from Viber, Mymail, WhatsApp and service messages from M-Banking. If the Internet is necessary quickly, then I am manually switching in 3G, since 4G in my city there is no, and I have enough of my head and 3G. Here are the preferences of each. Go ahead.

2. Wi-Fi

Additionally ---\u003e Wi-Fi in sleep mode ---\u003e enabled. (You can put another parameter for energy saving).

I have been using Wi-Fi for a destination, there is an affordable router - "turn on", there is no possibility - "turn off". Constantly does not make it Wi-Fi.

Scan Wi-Fi is always ---\u003e Disabled according to the standard.

And good. For this option, binding to Google services, begins to look for available Wi-Fi technology on technology, which is clear only by Google and safely loads the device battery.

3. back

VPN ---\u003e I take a daw with "Enable VPN".

In Titanium Backup, you can freeze this thing, but there is no need for this. It does not affect optimization.

Broadcast messages.

For the Russian Federation, this is not relevant - we remove the daws.

4. Notifications

Status Row ---\u003e I put a tick on "Notification Icons", "Network Speed", "Operator Name".

So more informative and promptly the parameters in the status bar look.

5. Topics
Many themes that can be installed are outdated for this version of the firmware. If on version, these versions of those are working without complaints, then on versions above 7.2.4, the effect of the processor load is manifested. So what happened to me. I installed my favorite topic, set up components in it, and after a few days in SystemPanel saw the activity of the processor in the night mode about 1-2%, which is no longer good. Therefore, it was necessary to re-conduct tests, for the previous ones were already inaccurate. At the moment set stock with icons from the Multirom team.

6. Screen

Brightness ---\u003e Avructure ---\u003e Tick stands.

On this device, the light sensor works very correctly. I really like how he chooses the level of illumination. And if the option works correctly, why not take advantage of it.

Tone and contrast ---\u003e Color background --- "Natural", contrast --- "increase in contrast".

With this parameter, the font in browsers becomes more black (more stringent outlines), which is pleasant for the eye. To calm the soul, you can install "according to the" Contrast Settings Standard "(less discharges the battery). Individually for everyone.

7. Lock screen

Information about the owner

Basically I write down my name here.

Turn on the screen when notifications ---\u003e Tick installed. Preventing random pressures ---\u003e removed a tick.

The difference was strong did not feel with random clicks, but the annoying message is about what the sensor is triggered and you need to clamp the key combination. I decided to remove it, for it was sometimes irritated.

8. Advanced

Privacy ---\u003e Unknown sources ---\u003e Tick installed.

Everything is clear here. Downloaded from a third-party source file (different from the market), we want to install, and the system swears.

Date and Time ---\u003e I remove the dwarf with the "Date and Time of Network" and "Network Time Zone".

Once again set the time through the network, there is no longer necessary. And the battery gives the load constant synchronization with the time server.

Language and input ---\u003e If a standard keyboard from Google is installed in the system, then we go to its settings ---\u003e Accounts ---\u003e Remove the checkbox with "Help Improve Google Keyboard"

Will not send logs.

If you need to synchronize a user dictionary, then set a tick to "synchronize the keyboard"

I have been removed. I keep the dictionary through Titanium Backup.

Manage one hand -\u003e turn off.

The phone is not big, I get a finger without problems. But the excess function hanging in the background I do not need.

Battery and productivity ---\u003e Power management ---\u003e I did not set anything.

However, I have noticed that the setting of these parameters has a positive effect on the autonomy of the phone. The chip from Xiaomi is relevant and it works. I helped to survive from the discharged phone half a day of work as a "dialer". Settings are individual for each. It makes no sense to stop. Later I will give tests with the configured profiles of this feature.

-\u003e System Optimization ---\u003e Disable System Animation.

Never used this function. Disabled according to the standard.

-\u003e Background mode ---\u003e Standard. And for applications ---\u003e Custom settings

We are needed in order to have alerts in the background. I will say that this option is very useful and solves the problem of "inactive" notifications in the background. We put here only necessary for this application, otherwise unnecessary applications will "recall" part of the RAM, which is not much free here.

-\u003e Memory ---\u003e At the bottom of the "Memory Settings" ---\u003e I exhibit "everything to the outer memory." For developers ---\u003e USB debugging ---\u003e Galka installed.

I need debugging for the correct work of TitaniumBackup.

-\u003e Display ---\u003e Here you can play with the parameters of animation and visual transitions

According to the standard, stand everywhere - 1x. By setting these parameters to the "Disabled" position or "0.5", you can visually increase the speed of the shell.

-\u003e Applications ---\u003e System Memory Optimization ---\u003e Average or high.

Allows you to create a swap file swap system. But about it can be found in the Internet.

-\u003e Include MIUI optimization ---\u003e Given.

Strong visual differences did not see. But the forum has slipped messages that the disconnection of this parameter slightly reduces the charge consumption of the MIUI shell.

9. Mi Account

Mi Cloud -\u003e I put a daws on the data that I need to be updated and could be restored on the new firmware.

These are contacts, SMS, call log, notes, Wi-Fi dots, calendar for holidays of your country, browser to restore tabs (if you use a standard browser from Xiaomi). I do not need the rest. If the tanks are removed, then this feature is not available for backup and calm down with access to the servers from Xiaomi.

10. Other accounts

At the bottom of the three points "more" ---\u003e I disable autosynchronization of data.

A very useful thing and a battery charge saves and not "wakes up" the device is vain.

11. Synchronization

Enable synchronization ---\u003e I remove the checkbox.

Manually synchronizing every other day or a couple of days. And the appeal to your servers limits this tab as it should. Soothes such services as "Xiaomi Micloud" and "Calendar Synchronization".

12. Systems

  • Mi Cloud - We have already disassembled.
  • Calls -\u003e Search T9 -\u003e alphabetical.

Useful option. Allows you to search for a subscriber on the first spells of the name.

  • Incoming Calls -\u003e Install the dwarf on the "flash notification" and the "approximation sensor" to turn off the screen when you drive the phone to the ear.

The sensor operates on this model correctly, which pleases.

  • I remove the daw with the "Unknown Call without Sound."
  • Reminders of missed calls -\u003e 1 time.
  • Vibration when answering the interlocutor -\u003e I put "vibrate".

Again, useful feature when answering the subscriber.

  • Call notification -\u003e "Play continuously".

Actually for function from the "Waiting Call" operator. You can enable a specific telecom operator via USSD.

  • SIP telephony - allows telephone calls using VoIP technology -\u003e everything is disabled.

I do not see the point in this option. And the charge consumption increases significantly when activated.

  • The remaining options according to the standard.
  • Contacts -\u003e "Photos in the contact list" and "Icon of contact without a photo" -\u003e I put a tick.

Contacts are beautifully displayed in the phone book.

  • "Contacts" -\u003e Import and Export

Allows you to copy contacts as a business card to an external drive and back to the phone book, as well as on SIM card

  • -\u003e Display -\u003e Sort and show contacts -\u003e I put "by last name".
  • -\u003e Filter of contacts -\u003e The option allows you to specify which account to display contacts in the phone book.

I have "MI Account". From Google were shoals when the latest contacts added by the phone book were not displayed after sync. Perhaps the server did not save them after synchronization. With the MI account, such problems were not observed.

  • -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Update the T9 index - relevant when the "Search by T9" option is enabled.

Allows you to rebuild the contact search database in the phone book on the first letter of the name.

  • Messages -\u003e Number of reminders -\u003e 1 time.
  • -\u003e Delivery Report -\u003e Included.
  • -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Turn off Options related to MMS -\u003e Allow WAP Push - I turn off.

Service messages through WAP messages as came and come. Perhaps these are messages from the operator. Then shutdown is relevant for energy saving.

  • Security -\u003e Let me access the Internet to update the antivirus bases. "Cleaning in blocked mode" -\u003e after 5 minutes.

In the background after five minutes, only those applications that are active in the "background", which we set up in "Batteries and Performance" remain

For other parameters, briefly:

  • -\u003e "Cleaning" -\u003e Standard.
  • —> "Traffic" -\u003e Customizing traffic, which operator gives me a month.
  • -\u003e "Traffic in the notifications panel" -\u003e Galka is active.
    In order to control the consumption.
  • "Network speed" -\u003e Included.
  • "Blacklist" -\u003e Disabled.

Not yet in demand. Works correctly. Always "busy" for the subscriber in the blacklist.

  • "Antivirus" -\u003e Install the AVL and Tencent anti-virus bases.

On this firmware, both versions of the database are updated correctly.
It's all here.

Camera -\u003e

Everything is clear here, the settings are elementary. I am a little twisted the saturation and sharpness of the photo.

  • Gallery -\u003e Auto-rotation -\u003e I put a tank.
  • "Cloud Albums" -\u003e Synchronize Disable.

I do everything manually, if required. I turn off access to the Internet and keep on the SD card.

Music -\u003e Standard settings.

  • Video -\u003e Disconnect "Mobile Internet" and "Push notifications about new video."
    I don't need to be closer to the Internet.
  • "Use an external drive" - \u200b\u200beverything is clear here.
    Save on the SD card.
  • Recorder -\u003e Installing the "On" position - "write indicator" and "Disable all sounds".
    The latter option allows the noise reduction. Restrictions extraneous noises when recording a voice recorder. Quality standard. There are high frequency distortions on high quality.

MIUI setup, power optimization -

For works above the instruction thanks


Hi, my name is Eugene. This site is conceived as my notebook, to which I will see from time to time to refresh my memory. I hope my notes will come to someone from you.

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