
SEO for beginners - basics of search engine optimization. CEO for dummies or what to do if you do not know what CEO is? CEO in simple tongue

Optimization - search promotion and optimization or, briefly, SEO. This is a process, thanks to which resources are progressing in search results. Accordingly, they sees more users, and the site gets more profit. What is SEO and how to promote your site to promote your site? These questions today will be considered.

SEO indicators

SEO-Promotion is a system of actions aimed at increasing the position of the resource when issuing in the search engine. Site promotion directly depends on such indicators:

  • TIC - thematic citation index.
  • PR - page RANK Google.
  • Trust, or trust, site.

If we speak frankly, search engines are not able to assess how much the article is useful and important for the user. The robot is simply not able to read the post and understand its meaning. That is why it is necessary to conduct special procedures SEO optimizations that will help the search engine understand the importance of content and show the site in the list search results.

What useful optimization?

Now SEO-Promotion has already ceased to be simply technical phenomenon. It was transformed into a kind of analytical and mathematical and psychological effect, which:

  1. Helps protect the resources from search engine filters.
  2. Increases the target audience.
  3. Attracts visitors to low-frequency requests.
  4. Increases sales and increases conversion.
  5. Guarantees a high issuance of pages for the most important requests for the user.

It is worth noting that SEO-Promotion is not a one-time procedure. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, therefore it is impossible to be confident in the stability of the positions of its resource. It often happens that in the evening the site is in the top three on the main request, and the next morning it is already 20 in the search results list. But it is not terribly, to return the previous positions by competently conducted internal and external SEO-promotion.

Internal optimization

At the heart of each SEO-Promotion lies internal resource optimization, which is considered the main one. It is at the expense of it that the probability of automatic withdrawal of a resource on the first search results page increases significantly.

In general, internal optimization consists of such events:

  • SEO analysis of the resource regarding compliance with specifications. At this stage of the web master must carry out the so-called error work. The first thing to pay attention to the search robots is for the quality of the resource. Non-definamed sites with a multitude of flaws are immediately reduced in the ranking.
  • Finding errors, immediately need to fix them.
  • After fixing technical errors, the resource is necessary, that is, to choose a list of words and phrases, which most accurately characterize the subject of the site. IN lately For search engines there is a tendency to human-oriented, so it is necessary not to simply automatically generate sets of phrases, but to formulate them as if it asks for a living person.
  • Analyze and pick up keywords.
  • Based on the semantics created earlier, write meta tags, Keywords, Title and Description.
  • Adapt the menu items and create an internal overflow.
  • Optimize content according to the requirements of the search engines and wishes of visitors.

Full list

To carry out a full-fledged internal SEO-promotion of the site, you need to work out such positions:

  1. Dubl.
  2. Tags.
  3. Site map.
  4. Configure the robots.txt file.
  5. Create high-quality and unique SEO-texts.
  6. Make competent transfine.
  7. Work with microforms, microdata, usability and interface.

Each of these items should be considered in detail to have a complete view of what SEO is.

Dubl and Tags

The first, where to start promotion is to check the resource for the presence of a double. The fact is that some sites of sites create several versions of one web page, and they can be accessed by several addresses.

For instance, main page A specific site can be accessible to the addresses:


Check if there are duplicas in the pages of sites, you can independently adding in the address string index.html or index.php. If pages open on request, then you need to search and delete duplicate, if the resource knocks out the error 404, then everything is in order.

In the text, it is necessary to place the Meta Tags H1 - H6, they will also perform the function of subtitles. No need to forget about the tag alt, which applies to images. Such a need is caused by the fact that the search engines still have not learned to recognize the pictures, so they need to give short description. This will not only raise the site in search results, but also attract new users from search by images.

Special importance when setting up SEO have Title and Description tags. Title tag gives the name of the document, displaying in the header of the browser window. In the Description tag, you need to create a brief description of the page content, entering 1-2 key requests to it.

Index or not indexed?

Also, each self-respecting resource must have a site map. It can be generated automatically, and if not, then it should be done independently.

Sitemap.xml is a list of all the addresses of the resource pages that report where it is necessary to carry out indexing. In contrast to this map there is such a file. As robots.txt, it contains page addresses that do not need to index.

This file is not a prerequisite for promotion, but if there are pages on the resource, which may adversely affect promotion, then it is better to bring their addresses in robots.txt.

Content as a means of promotion

Technical work on the resource plays an important role, but you should not discount skillful SEO copyrighting. Quality content increases text relevance in the eyes of the search engine and reduces the dependence of the resource from the change of search engine algorithms.

Uniqueness, the presence of keywords and the lack of errors do not yet guarantee that the text will like the search engine. Recently, the requirements for texts have slightly tightened. Based on the wishes of the average user, the text should be logical, informative and have a clear structure (subtitles, lists, etc.).

Reviews of always come to one conclusion: they are needed that users find the main resource key requests. It is equally important to do and transfix between the site pages. In one text, you can place several keywords, the main thing when writing content is to adhere to such principles:

  1. Long texts like search engines, but not to users, so they should be wondering, briefly and concisely provide information.
  2. The uniqueness and literacy of the text above all.
  3. Keywords should meet no more than 1-2 times per 100 words. And in the first and last paragraph there must be accurate entry.

Usability and microformat

An important condition for internal optimization is the presence of a microformat - special tags that place the page and help search engines to understand what this is speech On the page.

As for usability, the site must have a simple, intuitive understandable interfaceSo that the user can quickly go to the page with the necessary information. The level of sales, registrations and other behavioral characteristics depends on the ease of use of the resource.

No less important is such a moment as the download speed. If the pages are "heavy", the user will be much easier to close this site and go to another, where you do not have to wait long. To increase the download speed, first you need to select high-quality hosting, reduce the size and quality of the pictures, remove extra resource appeals.

External optimization

In addition to the internal SEO-promotion aimed at improving content and navigation, there is a concept as external optimization. Its key meaning is to create a good reputation for the site among other resources. This is achieved by increasing the reference mass. Simply put, the base of sites with similar subjects, which refer to the main resource. This increases the level of confidence in the site and, accordingly, its position is raised in search results.

External optimization is a rather laborious process, because it consists not only from the selection good resources To create a reference database, but also from the compilation of reference ankors for each key query.

Tasks and goals

The main tasks of external optimization is the promotion on high-frequency and low-frequency requests. At the initial stage, external SEO-Promotion actively cooperates with internal. It depends on the selection of keywords and creating semantic kernel. The task of external optimization is to help with references from other resources to help these keywords to get to the first positions of the search results.

Methods, processes, analytics

Each experienced SEO specialist has its own optimization methods, but often for external promotion is simply bought references to the relevant stock exchanges. Each bought link is placed on Anchor. That is, a webmaster sets a purchased link to the keyword. Thus, the user can click on the keyword and go to another resource page.

It is important to pay attention to the rate of increasing links. Of course, you can once acquire the required number of links and no longer be distracted about this. But it is better to do everything gradually, smoothly and use different (eternal and rented). If you quickly supply the resource with reference mass, it can be under the penalty of the search engine, such actions will be regarded as black optimization.

Low-frequency promotion

As practice shows, without large capital investments, it is almost impossible to make a lot of search issuance on high-frequency requests, but if you have to add with low-frequency requests, you can get your place under the sun. Proper setting SEO compatibility with LF Promotion will allow:

  • Get a high percentage of the target audience.
  • Save budget on promotion.
  • Provide high positions in the issuance of search engines.

With such perspectives it is necessary to understand that the optimization of the resource on low-frequency requests is a time-consuming process, and if you make mistakes due to inexperience, you can lose part of the visitors. This type of SEO-promotion consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to find relevant pages with suitable low-frequency requests.
  2. Conduct their technical optimization for further promotion.
  3. Conduct an inner transfine.
  4. Pick the site to buy links.

In general, such a procedure is relevant for high-frequency queriesBut only there are two but. First, in the second case, the competition and get into the top is very difficult. Secondly, to buy external links will have to spend a large number of resources, but no one gives warranty that the resource will last in the first positions of issuing a long time. That's what SEO is - the real war of webmasters for the best position.

Help friend

Now it becomes clear what SEO is. It remains to solve only one question: to engage in this complex process independently or entrust work to professionals?

For promotion sites often use services of various resources. For example, SEO-MIX. According to managers, this is a unique project that not only helps in promotion, but also makes it possible to earn. Its essence is simple: the owner of the site orders advertising, and the resource spins it. Due to low prices, this project is very popular among advertisers. As for earnings, for each visit to the resource once every 20 minutes, the registered user can get up to 5 rubles, which can be displayed on the Internet wallet.

Similar methods promotes SEO-SPRINT project. Customers wish to increase the behavioral characteristics of resources, pay to the leaders of this project. Those, in turn, attract performers who are watching advertising for a modest remuneration, visit the pages, they write comments, etc.

That's all the secrets of website promotion. You can independently study the basics of SEO-promotion, you can order a promotion from professionals, and you can combine the two of these processes, by creating good content by independently adjusting the reference mass and buying several weeks of favorable behavioral characteristics. In any case, the choice always remains for the webmaster.

Good day, readers of my blog. Many of you have already understood that I was based on your blog on five whales, one of which is the Optimization and promotion of sites. But if you are new and never earned with this concept, it will be difficult to immediately delve into the written me. For this, this section I decided to start with the very basic. In this article, we will define what CEO is, for which CEO is a young blogger, and how to improve the site's position in the optimization search engines.

We recommend reading:

So let's start with the definition. SEO is an abbreviation from the English word Search Engine Optimization. Those who own English have already been able to understand the meaning of the phrase, and for all the others I will say that in translating it means optimization for search engines, or search engine optimization.

SEO definitions can be found many. I am sure that every web master and optimizer somehow will be able to interpret this concept, make your contribution and your understanding.

And what do we talk about Wikipedia about this? There you can find such a definition:

Search engine optimization (eng. Search Engine Optimization, SEO) - a set of measures to raise the position of the site in the results of issuing search engines for certain requests Users to promote the site.

We recommend reading:

The SEO definition can be found in the articles of popular bloggers, at the CEO forums, in different encyclopedias. All of them will be different, but at the same time the same. If you summarize, it can be said that the CEO is a certain process that includes a number of measures to work with the site, its internal optimization, improved content, code optimization, work with external factors that affect ranking and position in search engines.

What is CEO?

After reading the definitions search engine optimizationYou could have already guessed that it is very important for your site. If your plans are not just creating a site, and its development, filling an interesting and useful content that will attract visitors, then for the maximum effect it is necessary for CEO. Interesting articles, beautiful design, convenient navigation on the site is good, but little. If the site is not optimized, the articles are not properly executed, then to get into the top search will be almost unrealistic. Some will ask - "Why do I need this top?". When you look for information in the search engine, then often watch 2,3 or 4 pages? I am sure that everything ends on the first 10 and link, or even less. So, according to statistics, only 15% of users are watching sites that are on the 2nd page, and only 5% on the 3rd. It can be understood from this that 85% of people view exclusively top10 sites.

We recommend reading:

If you want to have many users on your site, you need to get into this top, and the higher the better.

But what to do if you do not understand anything in the CEO, and the site needs to be developed? There are two options:

1. Contact optimizers, which for a certain amount will lead your website in order and will give recommendations for the further development of the resource.

Outgoing links - good or bad?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Optimization) - This is a comprehensive development and promotion of the site to access it to the first positions in the results of issuing search engines (SERPS) on selected queries in order to increase attendance and further income generation.

The higher the position of the site in the search results, the more users go to it. Therefore, it is important for promotion results.

  • increase pages matching search queries (relevance),
  • optimization of structure and content,
  • improving commercial factors
  • page Optimization,
  • building external factors of the significance of the resource.

Optimization rules are set by search engines. Each of them uses and regularly updates its own ranking algorithms that fold from a variety of factors. And, although the formulas are in secret, experts know what factors have the greatest weight. By affecting them, you can improve positions by key requests in the search results.

The behavior of users, the convenience of the interface and the download speed of the site has extremely important for promotion results. With the development and complication of algorithms, the importance of the above factors is steadily growing, which in the end makes the search for a better. Search engines seek to produce the most useful material to the user's request. Consequently, the owners of the resource must be published as interesting as possible to its audience Content.

And if it works today, it is not a fact that it will work tomorrow. Services are constantly changing, rebuilt. At the same time, approaches are changing with them.

How does SEO develop?

SEO originated simultaneously with the emergence and development of search engines - in the mid-1990s. At that time search engines Selected resources on very simple principle: They took into account the words that were in the text of the pages. SEO until 1998 is spam keys. On the first search results, Internet resources with approximately texts were found: "Sneakers for sale Moscow. The search results were nightmarish. In the tops for the most part was spam.

In 1998, Google made the first SEO revolution, putting the beginning of the reference period. Search service Introduced the PageRank reference rank algorithm, which calculates the weight of the page by calculating the importance of references to it. The more references to the page, the more important. And in 1999, Yandex announced the use of its own citation index for ordering Yandex.Catalog. TIC determines the authority of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of references from other Internet resources.

Under these conditions, SEO begins to develop quite quickly. The first agencies that provide services for the optimization of sites are emerging, a reference business is emerging: link seller appear, automatic promotion services, logging scripts.

The dawn of the reference SEO is the period 2005-2009. It was the time of large reference budgets, one hundred percent guarantees. SEO becomes high-yield business.

In 2009, the second revolution was performed - the introduction of machine learning algorithms in search engines. One of the best machine learning algorithms invented in Yandex - Matrixnet. It is built with the formula for ranking the search engine of the same name. In fact, the formula writes the car. Therefore, since 2009, SEO requires knowledge and hard work.

2012 - the beginning of the unambiguous period. Search engines are fighting links. In April 2012, Google launches the Penguin algorithm. It blocks Internet resources for poor-quality references created by webmasters in order to influence positions. Following him, in March 2014, Yandex ceases to take into account the reference factor in ranking on commercial requests. And in May 2015 Yandex introduces Minusinsk algorithm, periodically revealing the leaders of the purchase of references and limits them in ranking. Promotion only by purchasing references became useless.

At this time, the company begins to attempt to study the ranking algorithms in order to understand what factors to focus their efforts. Designed various models Promotions are tested by new strategies and methods.

What represents
search for issuing today?

Site Optimization
or how does SEO work?

Search engines are constantly striving to improve the quality of issuing, so it is necessary to promote the Internet resource comprehensively. This is a work with the technical side, as a decisive factor, convenience, usability, right display on the various devices and attracting natural links.

Works are divided into two subspecies: internal and external optimization.

Hello, friends!

Today's post is intended for beginners. From this article you will learn about what is SEO.What types of optimization exist. Also, let's talk about for what is needed SEO optimization sites And why should not be neglected by search engine optimization and promotion of sites.

Although I say that the article is addressed primarily by novice, but many have long been not green bloggers (webmasters) often neglect the search engine optimization of their Internet resources.

I do not argue with numerous statements that in order to promote (unwind) the site on the Internet is necessary, first of all, create a high-quality, unique and author content, and that it is concaten that it is the basis of website promotion.

- elimination of technical errors (pupils,);

- continuous improvement and improvement of resource usability (convenience for users);

- Other events aimed at working with the site (for example, design, text formatting, etc.).

Today, all search engines are constantly striving to improve the quality of search results, so the internal optimization needs to be given close attention.

Your site should be high-quality, quick, user-friendly and fully provide users with the information for which they came to you.

Otherwise, the high attendance from search engines cannot be speech. By the way, I recommend you to read my post o, which can have a destructive impact on the promotable resource.

External optimization This is mainly actions aimed at obtaining a reference mass to the site. There are also other events, such as competitors' sites, but I will not affect this topic today.

A few years ago, the search engine optimization of the site was built mainly on acquisition with the necessary animals, which contained keywords for which the page was advanced. The optimizer was necessary to purchase links more than a competitor and with more authoritative sites and the promotable resource turned out to be in the top.

The reference mass can be increased both by free methods and in paid ways, for example, buying links to stock exchanges or. There are many other stock exchanges, but I use these. Links are temporary and eternal, personally, I use promotion only by eternal references.

I recommend novice to beginning an external optimization with free methods, for example, registration in the profiles of trust sites, the announcements of articles on other resources, exchange of posting, guest posts and other methods of obtaining reference mass.

In addition to the growth of positions in the issuance of search engines and, references help increase such indicators as, as well as the trust site.
The reference mass must be increased gradually, not allowing a sharp increase in the number of references.

In SEO, there are such concepts as which can define search engines, therefore, it should be very carefully approaching the issue of acquiring links. Before buying a link must be carefully analyzing the donor site. In principle, I wrote about this in my article "" I recommend you to read it.

Comprehensive promotion systems This is a kind of combines in which all are collected required tools For external and internal site optimization. It is convenient because you do not need to use different services, and only in one and immediately control the results. Perhaps the most famous and largest of a number of such systems - Seopult. There is also a superstructure over reference exchanges for the consistent purchase of high-quality rental and eternal references (no reference explosion and low-grade donors). In addition: the mass of tools for analyzing the sites of competitives, conducting an audit of your site, ordering content, posting posts with links in social networks, reputation monitoring and a lot of other - in one word, a full-fledged SEO agency, but for independent work Webmaster.

I have everything on it. What is your article?

    Search engines continue to be improved, and at one time we continue to resent inadequate actions of these systems. \u003d)

    Yeah, Victor. I have traffic from Yandex recently asked specifically. Well, nothing, everything will be fine for autumn! 🙂

    We are sometimes looking at some blogs and realize that the authors probably have no idea what SEO is. Well, or something read about it from the manuals of three years ago. Then I look at attendance, and it happens from 1000 to 3000.

    So it may be better and not to know about SEO :-)? By the way, most of the SEO topics are subject to attendance, they cannot boast (well-known and respected blogs are not counting).

    By the way, the search engines with their algorithms are also not perfect. Often, in the first place in the first places on non-competitive requests for a article with young blogs. The text is not more than 1000 characters and the topic is not at all disclosed, in general, you have to go around the top ten to find a standing and detailed answer.

    By the way, I have already heard more than once that Google has become better to perceive short, up to 2000, texts without scrolling.

    Interesting statistics "Approximately 60-70% of traffic on this request We account for sites located in the top 3 search issuance "

    And where did it come from?

    It must be promoted at least in the top - 5 to get good traffic.

    Thank you so much for the manual and statistics

    Alexander Bobrin

    Darwin, depending on what requests. I had good requests in the top 5 sense from them 0. Simply, one high-quality article is enough and get an answer.

    I agree with Oleg, I often view blogs-competitors. Content in 1000 characters; It is written "Damn your leg will be broken, and the traffic is rushing and rushing. Thus, SEO so boils "Down with interesting, volumetric articles! Write all nonsense! " But, I, Bratz, I do not give up I will wait for autumn! 🙂

    this is temporary, soon such blogs will smoke on the side)


    I would like to believe. For interest now I went to the site of Ktonanovsky. Everyone knows that he has no place to expand this articles, but everything is in detail and useful. Today, traffic is just over 9,000, and it was not so long ago more than 15,000. So think - seasonality, penguin or specifically long articles not in honor?

    I am just right to top far, especially on such requests.

    So I did a few articles "Seooptimized" on my blog. Low-frequency keyword in the title and 5-7% by text. As a result, in Google, everything was well indexed and fell into the issuance, and in Yandex, up to the opposite. Something in Yandex has changed and he tracks the overpower key words. And although there are no pages in the index, but there are no them in the extradition and in the first hundred, not to mention the top ten ...

    5-7% is too for LF. Now no more than 2%, and it happens just once to mention in the text. It seems of course what kind of LF. If VK, then also to purchase links.

    And I work in this direction. It comes to Alisher Otabayev. Everything is so difficult with this optimization.

    Yeah, optimization is not hukhry-flies)

    Thanks for the articles (and not only for this, because of the transfine I rush throughout the site :)) I like it so much as you write.

    I have already like long sites for a long time, but it turns out so much did not correctly do ashamed, I hope now to fix it without refinement.

    I try to apply all the knowledge gained on my last site, and then I will apply to the rest.

    in general, thanks again 🙂

    Oh, I dejauba. Do not be offended, please. Pay attention to "Do not place the same information on several pages, avoid repeating or excessive content." ( And after watching last pages It is such an impression that it seems: you choose all requests from Yandex and write on them very similar about the meaning of the article. Maybe the eyes are closed from these constant SEO (((

    Pro start of this article. In my opinion, it is necessary to translate to the right Russian language with the right American one: optimization for search engines, so there would be a book or the article would be called in Russian, or as Google in simple translating search engine optimization - the lecture or chapter in a large book would be so called. .. Then you do not need to pour water and explain what it is. It is necessary to read and make sense to understand, and not word in word in the word in the word.

    Thanks for the good and useful advice! I liked your article!

    "Search Engine Optimization" is not "search for promotion and optimization", but "Search engine optimization"

    What do you think SEO will ever become not relevant? (die?)

    Thanks for the useful and interesting information. The external optimization of the site consists in building a reference mass. In other words, this is a reference to your web resource from other Internet pages. This process directly affects the promotion of sites and raise their positions in the search results. It is responsible for the gaze of a web page from.

    While the Internet seo will not die.

Today will be a very interesting post for beginners, from it you will learn what SEO is. Many are horrified when they hear this terrible word "CEO" maybe you are one of these people. But I have fun to console you, because in this article I will talk about CEO simple words. And I hope that after reading you will no longer disturb this question.

What is SEO? SEO is search engine optimization, the English option sounds like this (Search Engine Optimization), and if simple words, this is a method to promote your page on any request. In other words, to make some page relevant inquiry.

But correctly - the optimized page still does not guarantee the exit to the top search engines. Top is the first ten in issuing. When you type a request to the search line of the browser, you Google or Yandex gives you 10 replies, plus millions of other pages, these are the first 10 replies and there is a top issue.

People who do cEO Promotionare divided into 2 types.

1) Optimizers who are promoted by any ways to their pages, despite the quality and need of users. Sophisticated - black SEO.

2) These are the usual webmasters and optimizers who naturally develop their resources, and try to make them more accessible to search engines to ultimately benefit people. In a scientific - white SEO.

It is for the second option that you need to navigate to you if you have a site for people and want to lead it for a long time.

Bully below, I will give examples that will make it easier to facilitate promotion, entrenched in search results, and get good target traffic. Algorithms and formulas We, of course, will not disassemble, firstly, I do not know them yourself, and secondly, they change a few per day. We will be guided, so to speak, the logic and perception of people.

What is SEO, simple CEO?

So, proceed. You always need to put yourself in place of a regular user and think about how it entered in one situation or another, going to your resource.

Take into account that you could look for people, gaining one or another request to keep them on the site.

The easiest example. Often, people ask the search engine questions you are interested in, phrases, phrases, and not just open the search engine to have fun and enter there it is not clear what. Although, and it happens: k

If there is a response to their request on some site, then most likely they will like the site, and they will want to add it to bookmarks.

This is the first step of simple CEO, try to make high-quality material that will help people, answer their questions and solve their problems.

After entering your page, the visitor must from the first seconds to understand what this page is about the "Word", which he thinks about.

Light example. Suppose you. When you walk on the Internet and look for necessary information, you do not reread everything from the crust to the crust, right? You filter information to the desired and unnecessary.

So do the usual visitors. They come to the site, quickly scroll through the article, pay attention to key points, headlines, dedicated words, and if it does not fit it, it closes the page and go far away, well, or goes to another page or it closes the browser.

Searching machines for this and developed such an algorithm that if in the article the keywords are highlighted in bold, italic, underlining, tags H1-H6, then this page is most relevant to this request.

The keyword must be: in the title of the page, that is, in (title), title, just in the text.

Title is prescribed in the All in One SEO Pack plugin to each article, and the Tistle must contain a keyword in the exact word form, for example, this page I promote on request " ", That's what I have written in the settings.

In any of the headers from H1 to H6, the COP should also be kept. Search robots are more preference given H1-H3 tags, then H4-H6, they have less importance with previous options.

Just in the text, you do not need to allocate every key word in fat, italics, underlining, etc., it will be enough to allocate these COP for 1 time, so that this word is like ordinary text - "What is SEO", without any discharge.

And then the attention, using these three rules, can be said that you know SEO. With the help of these knowledge you can optimize pages. Let's look at the headlines a little more detail.

Use the "H1" tag for headers, "h2" for subtitles and "h3" for under under headers, etc.

Very many newcomers allow such a mistake, they use the H1 tag several times on the page, you can not do. Remember once and for all, on the first level header page, only 1 time should occur.

To make the word noticeable on the page, start with it one of the first paragraphs.

This is such a small secret, many people do not use them, and I sometimes sometimes forget about it. You need to start a paragraph from the keyword in the exact word form, and the higher it will be located, the better. But have to introduce that it does not need to be separated by bold, italics, etc., simple, ordinary text.

Remember, I mentioned the visual and mental perception above?

I want to touch on the top issuance and talk about Title tags, because it is the most important element in promotion, so he needs to pay enough attention.

And again you need to assure the usual user to be clearer. Suppose I am an ordinary Internet user, I'm interested in the question "?". I open any search engine and drive this request, in response, I give 10 options.

How to create a blog
How to create a blog

And in the third version it will be like this: how to create a blog | Split it | And earn on it

The third option has a chance of getting a potential user, and even the client is much more.

And all due to what? Due to the proper compilation of Title. Visually, it stands out among others and clings the user.

I have something to be clone, your headers should be clinging and visually stand out among others, then, even if you are not in the first positions, and for example, 7-10, then the probability that the user will come exactly to you, increases several times!

Slightly below, I will give you some examples that will allocate you among others.

1. Use the vertical line | To divide words, it will allow you to attract the attention of the visitor and allocate you among others. Here you also need to be careful and not overdo it.

2. Use "quotes". Our subconsciousness perceives quotes like something important, so show the user clearly that your tartl has importance, and it costs.

3. Use the selection of words where it is appropriate.

How to promote the site? - Quick, free, from scratch

At this, perhaps, I will complete my advice to you:

Plow to the atmosphere of the usual user, think over what and how it should be better you will write 1 high-quality article that will work for years than 10 crapping ...

And finally, several tips:

- Do not allow grammatical errors in headlines;

- Do not list just keywords in headlines;

- Do not make too long headlines, try to accommodate in 65 characters;

- Make a trust calling header;

- Call the visitor to click.

From this article, you understood what SEO is? Waiting for your comments, questions.

When you learn to write optimized articles, you may need to promote in search engines links, about how to do it correctly, so as not to harm the site, I will still write, subscribe to blog updates to not miss.

Sincerely, Middle Alexander.

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