
Is it possible to put Jailbreak on an unactived iPhone. How to remove an Apple ID activation lock. Methods for bypassing an iPad activation location. Button "Start" gray

The device blocking the Apple ID feature appeared with the IOS7 presentation. The benefits of this function often causes doubts, since it does not use the users who are stolen (lost) devices themselves more often, and swindlers who are deception forcing the user to just run the inlet of the Apple ID, and then remotely block the gadget.

Immediately, it should be clarified that blocking the device made by Apple ID is not performed on the device itself, but on Apple servers. From this we can conclude that no refractive device will not allow access to it. But still there are ways that can help you unlock your device.

Method 1: Apple technical support

This method should be applied only in cases where the EPL device originally belonged to you, and not, for example, found on the street already in a blocked form. In this case, you must have a box from the device, a cash check, Apple ID information to which the device has been activated, as well as your identity document.

Method 2: Appeal to the person blocked your device

If your device was blocked by a fraudster, it is he who will be able to unlock it. In this case, with a high degree of probability, a message will be displayed on the screen with the requirement to transfer a certain amount of money to the specified bank card or payment system.

Minus this method It is that you go on scammers. Plus - you can be able to fully fully use your device.

Please note that if your device has been stolen and remotely blocked, you should immediately contact the service. apple supportas described in the first way. Contact this method only as a last resort, if in Apple, and in law enforcement agencies you could not help.

Method 3: Removing the blocking apple for security purposes

If your device was blocked by Apple, a message is displayed on the screen of your apple device. .

As a rule, a similar problem occurs if attempts to authorize in your account were made, as a result of which the password was incorrectly specified or given the wrong answers to the control questions.

As a result, Apple blocks access to the account in order to protect against fraudsters. The block can only be removed if you confirm your account to the account.

  1. When the message is displayed on the screen "Your Apple ID is blocked for security reasons", just click on the button "Unblock an account".
  2. You will be prompted to choose one of two options: "Unlock with e-mail" or "Reply to test questions".
  3. If you have chosen acknowledgment using email to your address email Enters the incoming message with the verification code, which must be entered on the device. In the second case, you will be given two arbitrary control Questionswhich you need to give necessarily the right answers.

Once the verification of one of the ways is executed, the block will be successfully removed from your account.

Note, if the security location has not been imposed on your fault, after restoring the access to the device, be sure to change the password.

When you are ready the box and check, confirming that you are the true owner of the iPhone, you need to take a photo. Take advantage of an inexpensive "soapy", lay out on the table near the iPhone back cover Up, check and box with a sticker, follow the three components in one frame! First letter to write on e-mail [Email Protected] In the event that the answer is that your iPhone is blocked through the function to find the iPhone or Find My iPhone, and for Apple it means that the device is stolen, then write to e-mail [Email Protected] In the subject line, specify Case 1281671. Activation Lock. PURCHASE VALIDATION. Where number 1281671 is the number of your primary contact with Apple support. How to get it? Come on the site Fill out the handle form, click Start, select the device. You set a request for maintenance and troubleshooting where you choose cannot be installed or removed the phone lock. Choose to schedule a call, specify serial number iPhone, your phone number, surname, name and e-mail, to duplicate the response to appeal. For a few minutes, you will receive a letter with the assigned CASE number, and will also receive a call to which you can answer, but it will not solve the problem with the Activation Lock. Apple letter template in order to untie the Activation Lock and change the Apple ID. Hello. Case 1281671. I Have A Problem with Activation My iPhone 5. I Have Bought the iPhone in A Shop One Week Ago and Update iOS 7.0.4 Yesterday. After Update iPhone Has An Activation Screen and Assks Previous Owner's Apple ID and Password. I DON'T KNOW APPLE ID AND PASSWORD; I Haven't Communication With Him. I can not use my iPhone 2 days. I Am So Disappointed This Situation. Can You Help Me to Disable This Function, Please? Serial No of My iPhone IS 82034F66A4T AND IMEI IS 013208054085611. I ATTACH Photos of the Box and The Sales Receipt. Best Regards, I Have Approblem. You will receive an answer in 3-7 days, depending on how much Apple support staff is loaded. The first answer will be a standard message that your problem is assigned a number system. You must wait for letters from Apple is the following Contents: Hello. Thanks for Sending The Proof of Purchase for this product. Product: iPhone 5 Serial Number: 82034F66A4T After Reviewing The Provided Documentation, We Unlocked The Product. If You Need Help, Use Contact Apple Support to Start Your Support Request Online and Get Connected to An Expert. After answering the Apple, you can activate the iPhone with the new Apple ID. If the answer did not come, then repeat the ruffle again on e-mail [Email Protected] If you have any questions how to activate the iPhone and change the Apple ID Join our VKontakte group and discuss the Activation Lock topic.

Blocking Apple ID account (EPL AIDI, APU AIDI) in most cases - a consequence of two reasons. The first - the security service of the "apple" giant recorded suspicious activity. The second - activation lock turned on.

In this article, we will tell you more about these reasons and will understand how you can unlock the Apple ID in the other situation.

For this "beautiful" phrase lies a number of reasons for blocking an Apple ID account.

Invalid password entry

The most common is a repeated commissioning of incorrect parameters for entering the account. In such a situation, the Security Department believes that the account is trying to hack fraudsters and block access to it. Usually in such cases, the user "attacked" recording Apple ID receives a message like "This accounting record Apple. The ID is disabled for security reasons. "

However, despite the severity of the wording, it is not difficult to unlock in this situation. As a rule, the account in the case of the specified warning is blocked temporarily, and it is reported for what time the attempts to access it are turned off. After the specified period, if you did not remember the account settings, simply refer to the special Apple iForGot service, reset the password with it and install the new one. If you managed to remember the necessary data, enter them as usual.

Please note that the iForGot service will help only if you forgot only password Apple. ID, and the login remember. Just in case, we recall - the Apple ID login is the default email address, which the identifier was fixed during registration. This box came the letter to complete the activation of the account.

If for some reason you cannot access the specified box, then you will have to go on more difficult path - Restore account will not work independently, you will need to contact Apple Support. However, its specialists are always glad to help you.

Appeal to support service will be required in the event that the cause apple locks ID has become ne. a large number of Invalid password input attempts, and suspicious activity of another nature.

Frequent return of content and programs

For example, you often buy paid applicationsAnd then try to return money for them. Yes, as you know, Apple allows returns to App in any other store. The company understands that the purchase may not satisfy the buyer. However, if such returns are abused, briefly get into the blacklist.

General Accounts

Often the reason for blocking the account becomes "Payback" for maintaining common accounts. You probably know that all purchases are content from iTunes Store., Apps from App Store, etc. Enchanting the Apple ID under which they were purchased. At the same time, you can directly download the purchased content and programs from the online stores an unlimited number of times.

Smalled users have learned to turn this feature in personal business. They start the account, buy applications, movies, music, and then begin to "beat" money, providing the data to the account for a symbolic fee. And, of course, it is more profitable to buy a program for the full cost, but for this very symbolic fee. Thus, gradually the money is fought off and begins to make a profit.

You may have inspired this simple earnings scheme, but do not share, such Apple accounts calculate and blocks.

And, as you understand, if in the case of forgotten password Apple's support will reacted as much as possible to your request and will help you with pleasure, but in situations with frequent returns and general accounts for the "warm welcome" should not be counting.

Activation lock

Well, now about the activation lock is perhaps worse reason Failing to access Apple ID. Let's figure it out what this option represents. IN menu icloud. ("Settings" / ICloud) The user of any iOS-device will find the item "Find iPhone / iPad / iPod". When it is activated, two possibilities will be included.

First, if you forget where the phone was put, you can enter the website, enter the Apple iD username / password, contact the "Find iPhone" section and select the "Play" function. sound". Even if the device is located in a silent mode, it will write out loudly and greatly facilitate you search. Option, you see, very comfortable and useful.

However, the second function "Find iPhone" is much more useful. In the same section of, the user can activate the "disappearance mode", if the device is lost, leaving someone who finds the device of an arbitrary character with its contacts. In the event that a person who has found a gadget is not honest, he, of course, does not want to return it and try to bypass the "missile mode" by connecting the device to iTunes and conducting the recovery procedure.

The procedure will be and, though, without problems, it was carried out, however, after its end, the device requested the parameters of the User's Apple, lost the gadget. This is the locking activation. It, by the way, is activated not only after recovery in the disappearance mode, but also in the usual mode of operation of the device after each update, discharge of data and settings, as well as after recovery. '

And, of course, blocking activation is excellent protection against thieves, but unfortunately, it often puts in a dead end and users honestly bought an IOS device with hands. If the previous owner has forgotten to disable "Find iPhone", then when the new update from the new user will require the Apple ID of the Former.

Real ways to bypass blocking

What to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, real outputs from the situation are not so much, otherwise a penny is the price of such protection against thieves. Of course, on the Web you can find a bunch of video and articles in which they promise to describe the unique method of accounting of the account and bypassing the activation blocking, but almost all of them are pacifiers. Yes, some of the proposed ways can work on old I-devices with certain versions of the platform on board, but if you have iOS 10, then the method of unlocking an account when the "Find the iPhone" option is turned on without referring to the previous owner or Apple support is simply no ! At least at the time of writing this article.

And, nevertheless, do not despair, if you are not an attacker, but the user who honestly acquired a used device, not everything is lost. First, you can try to contact the seller and ask for assistance. If the former Apple ID is no longer needed, he will tell you the data directly by phone, otherwise you can agree on a personal meeting. We hope you responsibly approached the seller's choice, and he will not refuse you.

In the event that the seller, for one reason or another, it is impossible to exit, then you should contact Apple Support. You will be helped to restore access if you can prove the fact of acquiring a device - if you guessed to take the box from the seller from the device and / or check from the first purchase - you are saved!

last hope

If you failed to contact the same owner, and convince Apple that the device belongs to you, too, then the situation turns out very sad. As we have said, you are very hard to find a reliable way to unlock the ape. However, in your position only it remains to take risks, because if you cannot bypass blocking, you will not be able to use the device at all.

In general, you have two ways - to look for ways yourself - here you have different techno-portals and video on YouTube to help, or you can contact special

Despite modern statistics, which states that the prevailing number of modern smartphones used by users around the world operates on Android OS, it is quite obvious that the iPhone is more desirable gadget for most people. And users make their choice in favor of Android devices only due to the very loyal characteristics of the cost, which are set by manufacturers of such gadgets.

That is why people are very often looking for ways to buy a used device, blocked or even stolen. But in the case of such operations, the probability stumble upon a blocked device is sufficient.

What is an Activation Request Apple ID

If you have included any gadget from the world-famous manufacturer of the EPL and detected a request for data entry to activate the identifier, this means that the device was blocked.

As you know, the company is very serious about security issues as its devices and directly user data that can be stored in their memory. It was for this purpose a unique cloud security system was introduced. It not only allows you to store these settings, contacts, calendars, in the cloud, synchronizing them with all your devices, but also block them in the case of theft / loss of the gadget.

At one time, it was a real security breakthrough that made the iPhone, iPad and iPod by those devices that it became practically pointless to try to steal. If the device "leaves" from the hands of the owner, it can quickly block it in remote mode, which will make it impossible to further use it, as well as the use of any information stored on it.

How to make an apple activation bypass

To begin with, let's say that the blocking on the modern gadgets from Apple is simply impossible. This is a fact, and look for any information on this occasion on the Internet there is no need, because it is really working, does not exist. All attempts that have shown any users, experienced hackers, today are vain.

IOS from Apple is


No wonder the Corporation invests huge funds in strengthening the safety of the devices sold, protecting them, and reducing the possibility of hacking is not just to a minimum, but to absolute zero.

Even if some hacker suddenly happen to hack any of modern devices Apple, the most rational and advantageous solution will not publish instructions on the network, as we would like millions of users, and send it directly to the corporation specialists. All because in Apple to such "craftsmen" refer to very loyal, offering enough solid financial remuneration for finding vulnerabilities in the security system.

However, there is information that some users have successfully managed to make an apple ID activation on already pretty old devices - iPhone 4.

Instructions for activation bypass for iPhone 4 owners

We offer you brief instructionswhich can help you "unlock" blocked / lost / stolen phone:

All information is provided only for familiarization and the site administration does not bear any responsibility for applying the following instructions in the action!
  1. Find and download the archive from the Internet from the Internet necessary files "" It can be found on the popular 4PDA forum, or on other similar services.
  2. Unpack the archive on your computer.
  3. Install Java from the official site if this software is not yet installed on your PC.
  4. In the folder with the files unpacked from the archive, locate the ssh.jar file and run it.
  5. When you see a message about entering the "root" login and the password "Alpine", run WinSCP.
  6. Write the following data in Winscp (not used points with a comma):
  • Host Name:;
  • PORT NUMBER: 2022;
  • UserName: root;
  • Password: Alpine.
  1. In the window that appears, press the black square symbol at the top.
  2. Enter B. top string The text, wait for the corresponding three rows to appear on the successful completion of the mount procedure.
  3. In the left window, open the unpacked archive, and on the right-hand side, click on the points before entering the root directory of the system.
  4. In the left window, open the BYPASS 3. folder (version number of your device from the back roof, for example - 3.1).
  5. Move the MNT folders to the right window and replace the "source".
  6. Restart the iPhone with clamping power and home keys.
  7. After turning on the smartphone in Recovery mode, run TUNYUMBELLA in which you select your device. Click "Exit Recovery".
  8. Adjust the Apple Apparatus without wi-Fi included and the installed SIM card.

It is quite possible that this method Let you get around the Activation of Apple ID on the iPhone. But, repeat, this method is not 100%. In addition, there are also cases when he had his own fruits, and the device worked correctly, however, it did not allow to use any SIM cards (regardless of the selected operator). Therefore, if you planned the purchase of a used device, always check it on the lack of blocking, as you can buy a "cat in the bag".

  • How to unlock an iPhone locked icloud?
  • How to make an ICLOUD activation bypass?
  • How to unlock iCloud on IMEI?
  • iCloud on iOS can be unlocked?
  • I bought an iPhone, dropped all the settings, turned on, and he asks for an Apple ID, what to do?
  • How to remove iCloud if you forgot your password?
  • How to bypass Activation Lock?
  • How to get around ICloud activation lock?
  • Bypass activation apple IDhow to make?
  • In the settings of my iPhone, someone else's Apple ID. What to do?

Let's start with what is Activation Lock (Activation Lock)?

After entering light operating system For iPhone - iOS 7, Apple has entered a new protective function Activation Lock.which allows you to check on or turned off on your iPhone Lock Activation. It serves to protect the iPhone and all the data of its owner in the event of theft or loss. For activated function The device cannot be used without entering the ICLOUD account data - in other words, Apple ID.

Check the Activation Lock Status here is here Activation Lock. After entering IMEI or serial iphone numberswhich can be found in the "On Device" section of the main settings of the smartphone, as well as check letters and numbers, you will find out, included this feature or not.

an iPhone attached to Apple IDs, after resetting the settings or update, you can activate only the owner by entering the data of the last active account. For buying iphone On the Internet on "eBay" or with hands, many users do not think to check whether the iPhone from the account of the previous owner is unto.

Therefore, when buying an iPhone with hands, you must make sure that the previous owner deleted its ICLOUD account. Go to the "Settings" menu - "Basic" - "Reset", select "Erase Content and Settings" item, then you need to confirm the reset. If you see the window for entering an Apple ID and password after reset - the device is tied to Apple ID and ICLOUD host's host or enabled "Find iPhone". In this case, this phone is not untied from iCloud and it is not recommended to buy it. Require the seller to confirm the Activation Lock entry e-mail and password, then in the phone settings, disconnect the "Find Iphone" function. And try reset to reset. Otherwise, when the reset occurred without a password request, the device is not tied to Apple ID and you can buy it.

What is iCloud and Apple ID?

icloud. - This is a repository of information from Apple, which allows users to access their music, photos, documents and other files from any device and also saves backups iPhone data And the iPad helps the owner find lost devices and allows you to share photos with other people.

Identifier Apple ID - this is an email address that is used as a name for internally in almost all apple services. With it, you can use iCloud to store content, buy songs, movies and TV shows in the iTunes Store, as well as download programs from the App Store.

ICloud activation blocking problem has become sad for users who unsuccessfully purchased the iPhone with hands. You need to know that neither the flashing nor the reset of settings will help remove the iPhone binding to Apple the former owner. Therefore, we decided to write general recommendations, how to unlock icloud for Apple phones not officially acquired. The problem of many people buying from the hands of the iPhone is that they are trying to save a thousand rubles on very important things. Need to buy used iPhone with complete set, which includes the iPhone itself, headset (microphone headphones), USB cable, charger (Block), a box with a sticker on which IMEI and the serial number coincide with the data in the phone and preferably a commercial check. In the event that the seller cannot offer you it, then the likelihood that your iPhone in the coming days will become unsuitable "brick", very great!

How to remove Activation Lock and change Apple ID?

1 . To make an Apple ID Owl from the previous owner of the phone, you need to make an official writing in Apple's support service, to add a photo of your iPhone as well as stickers from the box and commercial check. In the event that you have full set With a box and check, go to the next step 3 "Compilation of the letter". If you do not have, you need to make them yourself!

2 Corobka with Under iPhone, we need in any case. It is necessary, firstly scan the stickers from the box from the phone (you want to find a box from the iPhone model you need) and on the basis of these layouts, make stickers with your iPhone data (IMEI and serial number). At Apple are most of all at Serial No. We do not advise save, make stickers on high-quality paper and a good printer.

3 . Now we need to make a check about purchasing an iPhone. It can be made in the cash regulatory emulator and print on the printer, but remember that the check for fake you can be responsible. The first letter can be tried to write without a check, indicating that the previous owner did not save it. So, what should be indicated in our check: model iPhone. (iPhone 6S 16 GB Space Gray), IMEI (must contain 15 digits 353313071931976) and serial number (FK8QGSF0GRY5)

4 . After you prepared the box and check, which confirm that you are the owner of the iPhone, you need to take a photo. Put on the iPhone table back panel Up, box with a sticker and check, make a photo so that all components fit in one picture.

5 We write on e-mail: . If you come to answer that your iPhone was locked with the Find My iPhone feature (Apple regards it as stolen) in this case we write to the mail [Email Protected]

6 . In the column theme letter writing CASE 22153744. Activation Lock. Purchase Validation.. (Case 22153744 - Your first letter number in Apple support) How to find out Case? We go to the Apple Support Service website in Russia. Now you need to fill the form of the appeal, click "Start", then choose your device. You need to install "Request for Service and Troubleshooting", where you need to select - it is impossible to install or remove the phone lock. Further, select "Plan a call" by specifying the iPhone serial number (FK8QGSF0GRY5), the name, surname, phone number and your e-mail. In a couple of minutes you will receive a letter with the assigned CASE number, and can also come.

7 Example letter to Apple Support Support To make an Activation Lock and replace Apple ID.

Hello. Case. 22153744 . I Have a Problem with Activation My iPhone 6s. I Have Bought the iPhone in A Shop One Week Ago and Update iOS 11.1 Yesterday. After Update iPhone Has An Activation Screen and Assks Previous Owner's Apple ID and Password. I DON'T KNOW APPLE ID AND PASSWORD; I Haven't Communication With Him. I can not use my iPhone for 2 days. I Am So Disappointed This Situation. Can You Help Me to Disable This Function, Please? Serial No of My iPhone Is FK8QGSF0GRY5 AND IMEI IS 353313071931976. I attach photos of the Box and the Sales Receipt.

Best Regards
I have a problem.

8 . The answer will come within 5-10 days. The response will be written that your problem is assigned a system number and we need to wait for Apple letters about such a content:

Hello. Thanks for Sending The Proof of Purchase for this product.
Product: iPhone 6S
Serial Number: FK8QGSF0GRY5
After Reviewing The Provided Documentation, We Unlocked The Product.

If You Need Help, Use Contact Apple Support to Start Your Support Request Online and Get Connected to An Expert.

9 . After receiving an answer from Apple, you can safely activate the iPhone and make new Apple. ID. In case of non-receipt of the answer, we write a repeated letter to [Email Protected]

How to delete an ICloud account (Apple ID) not knowing the password?

If you have an iPhone or iPad that is tied to apple ID account And the function is turned on "Find iPhone" (Find My iPhone ON) . You do not remember the password from iCloud or became the victim of the unscrupulous seller and on the device in settings icloud. There is someone else's account, in which case should not be upset because we found a solution to delete an ICloud account account!
So, want to present you software iremove Tools.the best decision For unlocking ICloud (Apple ID) On any iOS device: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. (WiFi or GSM).

Why is the best solution for Apple iPhone, iPad tied to ICLOUD account?

  • The service is fully automated, you do not need to be "technically savings" the program itself will do everything for you!
  • Support for all versions iOS. (Samea latest version iOS 11.2.)
  • The program is suitable for all mobile devices Apple iPhone., iPad and iPod Touch
  • Support Windows 7 (x32 x64), 8, 10
  • To bypass / delete ICloud requires only a few minutes!

How to delete iCloud account if you forgot the password using the service iremove Tools.:

Step 1. Make sure that you are present on your device account icloud. You need to delete.
Step 2.. Download the program iremove Tools.
Step 3.. Run the program and connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer using USB cable Lightning.

Step 4.. Now it is necessary on the device itself to allow you to access the program to the iPhone or iPad by clicking on the warning "Trust this computer"
Step 5.. If you did everything correctly the program will determine the name, model, IMEI, serial number, iOS version and phone number of your device.

Note! In the event that on your Apple device (iPhone or iPad) is the Activation of Apple ID or activated "Load Mode" program iremove. It will not be able to delete an ICLOUD account. At the bottom you will see a message that this device Not supported "Unfortunately, Your Device Is Not Supported»

Step 6.. If you see a message "CONGRATULATION! Your Device Is Supported »this means that your iPhone or Ayped is supported by the IREMOVE Tools program and you can delete the Apple ID of the previous owner! Click on the button "Make PayMant" andactivate ICloud Removal Service Fill out the form and pay.
After IMEI payment and the serial number of the device will be automatically added to the iRemove Tools database and you can use the program!

Step 7.. Click "REMOVE ICLOUD ACCOUNT"to proceed with the Removal Process ICLOUD account (Apple ID). You will also see a warning that all photos, contacts, reminders, notes will be deleted from the device in addition to the iCloud account, etc. In one word, all the information associated with ICLOUD will be erased.

Step 8.. Now on the apple device itself you need to go to "Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Reset"select "Reset all settings." After resetting the device to overload and the removal process will begin, which lasts a few minutes, do not disconnect apple device from computer.

Step 9.. After completing the account deletion process iCloud (Apple ID) on the iPhone screen, iPad will appear greeting. The removal process is completed and you can configure the device as a new one, create your Apple ID account or enter the existing and use it without any.

So, in fact, everything is simple. Now you know how to remove iCloud from the iPhone or iPad, not knowing the password from the account.


After unlocking iCloud by IMEI, you can link the device to your account and enable the function "Find iPhone", Create an identifier Apple ID and download any applications on the iPhone / iPad, but you need to update the firmware only directly from the phone via Wi-Fi ( « update by air » ), in no case update the iPhone, iped via iTunes. Also not recommended make a full reset "Erase Content and Settings",as the program Iremove Tool.does not remove the device with apple Servers Fully! After full reset Apple's Apple Id Settings The previous owner appears again in the icloud settings.

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