
Antenna for Yota: signal amplification options. Overview of external indoor and outdoor antennas for Yota 4 g modems yota modems for lte antenna

Operator Yota provides its subscribers with wireless Internet only. Most of the difficulties for users are associated with this. If wired technology allows you to achieve constant high speed and stability (only accidents at stations can be attributed to the exceptions), then many factors affect the wireless network.

Let's see if an antenna is needed for Yota, and how it can affect the speed and stability of the connection.

External antenna amplifier for the Yota LTE modem: is it necessary or not?

To understand the question posed, you need to evaluate the characteristics of the Internet at different points in time. In the event that the network is stable, the speed does not drop, then amplification by additional devices is not required. But in what cases, then, is it worth getting an amplifier?

Consider buying an amplifier or self-production in the following situations:

  • constant loss of signal at different points in the house;
  • speed drops;
  • using a large number of devices connected to the Internet through one router / modem.

Users have a choice: buy branded equipment, or try to amplify the signal with their own hands. Let's talk about each method in more detail.

Amplifier options

If your task is to provide the Internet a large number of devices, then the Yota b315 internet center with an external antenna will suit you. The device itself allows through Wi-Fi network, and the connected external amplifier will increase the stability and signal reception.

On the official website, you can purchase yota b315 for 6900 rubles (cost in Moscow and the region). If you do not need an Internet center, then you can do more with an external antenna connector - LU150 LiTE. To plug external antenna to the Yota modem is possible only if there is a special port or USB-connector.

Before buying, carefully study the characteristics of one and the second device - the presence of ports must match. The device is connected to the modem through a pigtail - adapter from a standard antenna socket to a specific connector.
If it is not sufficiently developed, and the modem is constantly switching to 3G, then when choosing an antenna, this point must also be taken into account. The device must support both technologies. Otherwise, you will have to buy two antennas.

Do-it-yourself signal amplification

External antennas for the Yota modem, 4g lte signal amplifiers cost a lot of money. Most users cannot afford to buy expensive devices. However, you should not despair in such a situation - you can try to make an antenna for Yota with your own hands.

You can make an amplifier from available tools. The most common example is a saucepan, aluminum bowl, foil. The modem is placed inside a saucepan or cardboard box covered with foil. Further, the structure is attached in the place where the signal reception is higher. If you are going to mount a homemade structure on the street, then take care of protecting the modem from external influences (rain, frost, and so on).

Also, to amplify the signal, the usual satellite antenna... You must attach the router to the converter, then direct the structure towards good signal reception. If you didn't have either one or the other, then use copper wire and foil textolite to create a Kharchenko antenna. More detailed instructions and the scheme for it you can freely download from the Internet. With the help of our tips, you can avoid spending a lot on amplifiers.

Externalyota antenna - a simple solution to a big problem

The Yota amplifier, as you might guess from the name, is nothing more than an external (installed outside the case) transceiver module, made in the form of a street or indoor antenna compatible with Yota-branded modems and routers. It takes over the functions of their regular low-power antennas, increasing the integrity and data rate.

Wireless Internet from Yota is such a thing ... often it does not reach the speeds promised by the operator. It is not surprising that Yota amplifiers are in such great demand among the population, which not only remains unchanged over the years - it is steadily increasing. Indeed, for many, Yota signal amplification has become a real "headache" - a problem that seems insurmountable.

However, exactly until they visit the e-shop site, where you can always buy an antenna for Yota, and not just buy it, but do it at the best price in the city! The solution to the long-term problem with the Internet, as practice shows, will certainly not take you not only a lot of time, but also money. This problem turned out to be not so serious, if you look ...

How not to be mistaken with the choice of antennaYota

However, you should not assume that absolutely any Yota antenna you purchased from the metro can solve it. Such purchases are rarely successful, and therefore you shouldn't pin high hopes on them.

What do we mean by good? This is such a signal amplifier for Yota, which will be equally effective in the city, where neighboring buildings block the radiation. base stations, and beyond, where base stations are far away. Usage problems wireless internet arise everywhere, but you no longer need to worry about them - they no longer concern you!

By giving preference to the online store site, you are guaranteed to receive an effective Yota signal amplifier, since there are simply no others in our range. All that remains for you to do is to decide on the technical characteristics, which directly depend on the technical characteristics of the Yota device you are using (modem or router).

Objective signs of a good antenna for Uota

Not the least important are the materials from which our amplifiers for Yota are made. An external antenna, even if it is used indoors, and if in an open space - so in particular, should be made of high-quality weather-resistant, but not interfering materials. Otherwise, the yota amplifier will not only not provide the proper efficiency, but it will not work for a long time either.

Distinctive features of antennas forYotaLTE

External antennas designed to amplify the Yota LTE signal (Yota 4G) have become widely demanded relatively recently. The fourth-generation wireless networks that came to the major cities of Russia did not do it to the full, which is why many subscribers were unable to enjoy the traffic and connection stability promised to them.

By its design and principle of operation, the antenna for Yota LTE does not differ at all from the antennas intended for use in networks of previous generations. The difference lies in the data transmission standards it supports, which are more demanding on both the receiving and the radiation capabilities of the antenna, as well as in the technologies and devices developed for them.

However, to the same extent as the external Yota antenna, this applies to cable products and connectors used to connect it to modems and routers of the same name. An LTE amplifier for Yota, if it was connected using low-quality cables and connectors, can lose up to 15% of received and transmitted signals, thereby negating all the advantages of its use ...

On the dangers of low prices for antennasYota 4G

But let's return directly to the Yota LTE signal amplifier. All of them are developed taking into account the most modern achievements in the field wireless and therefore do not cause any complaints. They are developed by many companies from the USA, China and some other countries, because according to international experts, LTE is the future, and its commercial use is of great benefit!

The situation is spoiled by small manufacturers who, wishing to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible (including Yota LTE antennas), use completely unsuitable materials that can turn any, even the most ingenious project into an "unviable monster". There are thousands of examples of this. The lion's share of them are antennas made in China, designed for use in conjunction with USB modems.

External antennas for Yota (to amplify the signal of the said operator) are very widely represented in Russia. It is not a problem to buy a Yota 4G amplifier today, it is different - in his choice! The latter is much complicated by the innumerable variety trade marks, among which there are very few trustworthy ones. Often the buyer has to choose between bad and ... bad, which in our opinion is unacceptable.

Amplifier for modemYota at a bargain price

Fortunately, you are on the site of an electronic store, a site whose customers who decided to purchase one or another device for Yota (signal amplifier, for example), with similar problems do not collide. The external Yota LTE antenna purchased here will certainly not let you down, providing perfect reception and transmission of data, regardless of the distance from the base station.

However, this is not the only strong point of our antennas for amplifying the 4G Yota signal - their favorable cost also worries many, attracting more and more new buyers to the site. It is profitable, but not underestimated; this, let me tell you, is not the same! We do not deal with cheap antennas manufactured by someone who knows who, and we do not advise you!

The same antennas for amplifying Yota LTE, which you can see in the catalog of this site, are sold at the best prices in Moscow, which we rightly call profitable! These antennas were not here by chance - they are made of high-quality metal alloys and modern polymers, with the strictest observance of the requirements LTE standard and related global standards.

Strengthening the modem signalYota by technologyMIMO

Antennas that support the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, which have recently appeared in the line, deserve a separate word. external devices for Yota. MIMO antennas differ more full use the bandwidth provided by the LTE standard, which became possible due to the division of the transceiver into two parts - receiving and transmitting.

The MIMO-compliant Internet signal booster for Yota, therefore, is not one, but two antennas that must be installed so that they do not interfere with each other, creating frequency correlations. Such antennas for the Yota LTE modem provide at least twice better speed data transmission, and this is without any changes at the level of standards.

To date, the MIMO signal amplifier for the Yota modem is the best solution problems when using radio frequency communication channels of the LTE standard. Its disadvantage, and even then a small one, is considered only the need to install two antennas instead of one, but it is also successfully eliminated thanks to the use of frequency selectivity technology (by connecting these antennas in one housing).

Your choice - antenna and modem (router) in one set

An antenna for a 4G Yota modem, as well as an antenna for another popular yota-device - a router, you can purchase from us not only separately from the modem (router) itself, but also together with it. After all, an electronic store site sells not only a variety of antennas, but also other devices designed to work in wireless network operator Yota, as well as accessories for them.

Buying a yota modem with an antenna is, without a doubt, the right decision. One way or another, you will have to purchase an antenna - not now, then later, having spent a certain amount of time selecting it for the characteristics of the modem, which is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. It is better to do this in advance by purchasing a Yota operator modem with an antenna included! This way, by the way, is not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Pay attention - antennas with a built-in Yota modem are also sold here. Such antennas are mainly indoor (intended for use in rooms with normal humidity and temperature); they are optimal for use with laptops and tablet computers, at home, at work, outside the city, on the road - there are no restrictions!

Sale of antennas for modemYota and not only

We are engaged not only in the sale, but also in the installation of Yota antennas. This service is one of our most demanded: it was used by more than 80% of those who bought these antennas from us at one time. Considering how well the specialists of the online store site understand Yota devices, installing antennas does not seem such a difficult task for them.

Here it is necessary to clarify that they are far from always compatible with each other - the Yota modem and an external antenna. Many modems of this brand, as well as many of its routers, do not have connectors for connecting such antennas at all, which pushes their owners to experiment with a soldering iron. How can all this turn out? Apart from losing the warranty for the device, nothing ...

You can not only purchase modems and routers from us, but also modify them by adding the ability to connect external Yota antennas. Buying a signal amplifier and not being able to connect it to a modem is, of course, unpleasant, but not enough to ruin your mood. Just contact us and we will fix this annoying mistake made by the modem manufacturers.

How to choose an antenna for Yota?

Yota communication belongs to the 4G generation, it uses a high-frequency signal of the LTE 2600 range, which by its nature (short propagation range, attenuation when passing through walls) is similar to WiFi signal 2400 MHz. The main advantage of Yota is the high speed of data reception and transmission, the main disadvantage is the short range of base stations (usually up to 5 km). Fortunately, LTE antennas for Yota are designed to eliminate this drawback.

The 4G standard implements the technology of diversity in the plane of reception and transmission of the signal, therefore, to amplify Yota, we recommend two-connector 4G MIMO antennas. MIMO antennas show speed gains (especially Upload) over single antennas. It should be noted that dual antennas more expensive to manufacture, and also require two cables to connect to a modem / router.

This section shows how single-connector LTE 2600 antennas are:,
And various dual MIMO antennas:, LUNA 3G / 4G BOX, MIMO

Many users who have acquired a 4G mobile connection have already noticed that the market does not particularly spoil the buyer with accessories for LTE devices. The lack of assortment of antennas for amplifying the signal of a portable modem is especially felt. However, a detailed study of products in the corporate segment reveals that the necessary devices are on sale, but their cost is several times higher than a decent 4G modem.

The focus of this article is a signal amplification system manufactured by Yota. The antenna is presented on the market in several modifications, which are present in different price segments... The reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting products, get to know them specifications, and also find out how you can create portable system to amplify the signal.

Market leader

Undoubtedly, among all the products of the manufacturer, there is a model that has been awarded the title of "Best Buy". Yota (antenna) Connect 2.0 is considered the sales leader in the domestic market, because the manufacturer managed to combine many useful functions... Firstly, we are talking about mobility - the portable antenna is not only small in size, but also foldable, allowing the user to transport the device in a backpack or laptop bag.

The convenience of connection also did not go unnoticed by the owners. For the LTE modem, there is a special USB slot on the antenna body, to which you need to connect a mobile network device... But the modem is connected to a laptop or computer through an extension cable, which already comes from the signal amplification system.

You have to pay for everything

It would seem that the Yota antenna with a built-in modem has no flaws - buy a kit and enjoy broadband Internet. However, in their reviews, users express dissatisfaction with the fact that the signal amplifier works only with the device of the same name. That is, it is impossible to buy such a convenient and portable antenna for other modems (ZTE, MTC, etc.), since the gadget will not work at the hardware level.

There is, of course, a way out of this situation. The USB receiver on the antenna can be disassembled and the Yota controller can be carefully removed with a soldering iron. Then it is necessary to connect the wire going to the controller with the antenna body with a copper cable. True, the signal strength after removing the microcircuit will deteriorate, but such a solution is still better than using a modem without an amplifier.

Directional system

Wireless Ethernet antennas have lost their relevance in the last decade, because many providers find it easier to stretch a cable over a distance of 30-60 kilometers than selling expensive directional equipment. But when faced with poor LTE coverage, the manufacturer had to take advantage of forgotten technologies. Yota with the strange name Hite Grid does an excellent job of amplifying the signal, being from the tower at a distance of up to 20 kilometers.

Yes, such a device is considered to be stationary, since it is bulky and bulky, and the structure is not suitable for transportation. But here it is up to the user to decide what is more important to him - a decent transfer rate or convenience. A feature of such an antenna is the fact that there is no binding either to the provider or to the manufacturer of 4G modems.

Higher, faster, stronger

But parabolic systems did not take root well in the domestic market. The thing is that Russian-speaking buyers are able to tell the difference between satellite signal and the work of the 4G network, in which the Yota modem works. The external dish-shaped antenna will undoubtedly attract attention appearance, but when it comes to signal quality, the device has nothing to surprise the user with.

Directional antennas in the form of parabolic dishes are offered by the Baltic, Polish and Chinese manufacturers... Outwardly, they are almost identical and differ only in the diameter of the disc and the name. In the domestic market, of the entire similar range, only the Sky Flex brand can be recommended, which is able to demonstrate signal amplification. When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the company logo is not made in the form of a sticker, but is painted on a plate. On the plate with serial number Sky Flex Yota lettering is duplicated by the imprint.

Installation features

All directional antennas have one unpleasant feature - the high-frequency cable from the receiver to the modem is very expensive. It is easy to guess that for all owners of the Yota gadget, connecting the antenna installed on the roof of the house will not be cheap. You can solve the problem by purchasing additional accessories for the signal amplification system.

If a pigtail communication cable is used to connect the modem, you can install the modem (securely fastened and protected from moisture) directly on the antenna body. And the connection to a mobile device or computer should be provided with an active one (10-30 meters). Alternatively, many users use it in the form of an extension cord.

Alternative from craftsmen

Many users assure in their reviews that they are using homemade antenna for Yota. The manufacturer himself forced them to create the device with his own hands, who set an overpriced price for their products. The role of the directional action system can be played by the usual TV antenna, popularly known as Polish. To do this, you need to disassemble the modem and, removing the wires from the built-in amplifier, connect them to the terminals of the television antenna.

In fact, you can replace the Yota accessory (antenna) with any handy device that can amplify the signal. Even an ordinary piece of armature or copper cable will work as an antenna. The only thing the owner needs to know is the principle of the receiver and the loop, which should not close the circuit.

From improvised means

An ordinary tin can or a colander will do quite well as an alternative. The directional antenna can be assembled in several ways: using an active circuit and according to the principle of line of sight. The most simple solution in extreme conditions for any owner mobile device and the modem can be the use of ordinary aluminum containers for soda water or beer. The jar is washed, its bottom is cut off with a knife and the modem connected via USB interface, is fixed in the hole on the back.

An advanced system using an active circuit requires the owner to disassemble the modem and remove two wires from the built-in amplifier. Also, the designer will need an empty cigarette pack, a nail or a large section. You need to pierce the cigarette pack with a nail and fix one end of the cable taken out from the amplifier to the metal head. The second cable connects to the can loop. The pack must be inserted into the can so that the metal does not come into contact with the contour of the can. Such a simple mechanism can receive a 4G signal even at a distance of up to 20-30 kilometers.


As practice shows, there are many options to solve the problem with signal amplification for an LTE device. For people with unlimited financial capabilities, a solution from the Yota manufacturer is suitable. The antenna will cope with all the tasks and will provide the owner with high-quality communication. Users with a limited budget should not be upset either - it is very easy to make a directional antenna from available tools, you only need a little knowledge of electrical engineering and desire.

There are times when the internet speed does not meet the needs of the customers. In this case, you should think about how to strengthen the Yota signal. But before you think about whether you need a Yota signal amplifier in this or that case First, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • the presence of obstacles in the room;
  • remoteness of the station;
  • weather;
  • network stability;
  • speed drops;
  • the number of devices used.

If none of the above appears, then nothing needs to be strengthened. Otherwise, you need to decide how to amplify the signal. Basically, an amplifier is required for the lu150 4G modem.

In the event that the Yota signal level is low, you need to use an external antenna, which will help increase the signal of the modem and make it more stable. To increase the Yota signal strength in an efficient way the use of antennas is considered. But there are situations when it is enough to place the connected Iota modem on the street.

You can buy an amplifier in a communication salon. Branded equipment for these purposes costs a lot of money and subscribers do not always have this amount available. If it is not possible to purchase an amplifier, you can do it yourself. Moreover, this can be done from improvised means. Amplifying the Yota signal with your own hands is much more effective than the one purchased in the store.

Do-it-yourself signal amplification

Antenna for Yota with your own hands can be made from the following items:

  • pots;
  • aluminum basin;
  • foil;
  • beer cans.

Before proceeding directly to creating an amplifier, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • screwdriwer set;
  • soldering iron;
  • glue gun.

In order for the external antenna for the Yota modem to justify the hopes for its construction, it is necessary to have a high-frequency antenna cable, copper wire, plastic pipe. Another important point which is worth knowing is the broadcasting frequency and the diagram of how to connect the antenna to the Yota modem. There is a lot of information on how to connect an antenna directly to a device on the Internet.

The most effective is a self-made antenna for LTE Yota from Kharchenko. It is a figure eight made of copper wire that needs to be connected to the reflector. When making a figure eight, you need to clearly maintain its size. The only disadvantage is that in this case it will be necessary to connect the cable to the connector located on the case. If there is no such connector, you will need to solder the cable to the internal board. As for the advantages, your signal amplifier for the Yota modem can be placed at a high altitude, which will help to enhance signal reception even more.

The Yota antenna can also be made from an old waste pot with a capacity of about three liters. In addition, an aluminum bowl or cardboard box may come up, which must first be pasted over with foil. The modem is located in the center. If necessary, you can change the orientation of the Yota 4G modem inside the reflector to the required values. It is not necessary to solder in this case. The device is attached with a glue gun or materials at hand.

Another option for designing an amplifier is to use an aluminum can. She needs to cut off the top, and make a side cut, stepping back 40 cm from the bottom. Place the modem in it and connect the external antenna to the computer. To check the indicators, you need to go to the page located at, And perform testing.

Now you know how to amplify the signal of a 4g modem and can easily and quickly independently use one of the methods described above to get the maximum speed of the Internet connection from Yota.

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