
The knowledge base is running the Kayako system. Manual Internet Access Adjustment Manual Wireless Network Setup

Immediately, I will say that the planet, in my opinion, the easiest to configure the provider, but it has 1 underwater stone, which can take a little from balance, if you do not know about it (details below)! I was engaged in the configuration from a friend where I was able to make a bunch of screenshots, and get a wonderful photo from! So, proceed (under the cut many pictures)!

Airport Time Capsule.

The first thing to be done is to enable the network access point, connect the cable from the provider to the WAN connector and run the Airport utility (Programs / Utilities). If the access point has already been configured on the previous provider, it is better to make a reset by pressing and holding 10 seconds to a special button on the rear AIRPORT panel, and adjust it from scratch. Note that the data on the disk (in the case of Time Capsule) is not deleted, only network settings are reset and WiFi!

After all the conditions from the previous paragraph were completed, proceed to the configuration. First, we must choose our access point from the list of available networks.

Select a new access point

Immediately after that, an Airport utility can be opened with a pre-configuration of Capsule. If this did not happen, boldly launch it!

The first inclusion of Airport
Automotive Airport.

The access point will be prepared for the configuration, and if you have ever configured other Airport from your computer, then the system will automatically move them to check the settings.

After the search for all previous options, the utility will give you the fields to enter the basic settings.

Enter the network name and password

Immediately make a reservation that I chose the item other parameters, as it will give a little more options for setting up. As a result, we see such a window:

Creating a new network

In this case, it was necessary to configure Time Capsule, as a new one, and I chose the first item. I think that you need the same. Boldly press further!

Enter the network name and password

Here we prescribe the basic parameters of the future network. The network name is how the network will be video from your devices, the name of the base station is the identifier of the access point itself (it will be displayed later in the Finder's side menu, when accessing a disk), password - password for which you will connect to Airport. The first and second name can be made the same. By the way, to access the network and the settings of it, you can make different passwords. It is necessary if you want to protect your network from unauthorized reconfiguration, for example, in an office or public place (café). After filling all the fields, we safely move forward.

Guest networking

In a new window, you can activate the guest network. She needs for example if you want to distribute the Internet and be on the same network with someone, but do not want someone to have access to the built-in disk (or to USB connected in the case of AirPort Time Capsule and Extreme ). If you skip this item and configure the guest network, it will be possible to activate it later, from the advanced AIRPORT utility settings. Go ahead.

Preservation of parameters

At this stage, the settings are applied and reboot the access point. After all that we did with a point of access, she should take it all.

After rebooting, we see the globe icons, personifying the Internet, and our AirPort Time Capsule. If you click on it, we will see a small menu where it will be possible to enter into a thin adjustment of the access point. To do this, click on changing.

Thin setting Time Capsule

The first tab allows you to configure the base station.

Base Station Tab

Here we see already familiar fields in which we will not change anything, if there is no sharp necessity. You can also configure using Apple ID if you press on the plus and enter your ID and password. Let us turn to the Internet tab.

Enter requisites

In this window, you will need to enter your internet details that provided you with the provider. I remembered several providers with which Airport - Planet works, ... maybe others, but so with the go I will not say. Why these providers? Yes, just because they do not use tunneling (VPN), which is not supported with apple access points. Cabinet,, MTS, Beeline, Akado use VPN, and to configure AirPort Express / Extreme, you will pre-need a VPN router that will connect to the provider, and only then distribute "clean" (by DHCP or statics) Internet apple Access point.

As for the underwater stone at the planet (Convex and Romsky) - they have a binding on the MAC address, and if you change the router, you will need to call the technical support service and ask to recoup the point (you may need passport data). After a successful conversation with TP, you can access the Internet.

By the way, if the provider automatically displays props, then leave to connect through, in the DHCP state. If some other parameters (static IP or PPPoE) are used, then choose it:

Select the type of connection

After selecting the type of connection and entering the details, you can go to the next tab.

Setting up a wireless network

At this stage, you can change the work of the access point itself, in case it is a continuation of an existing wireless network. In this case, in the Network Mode menu, you need to select rashes. Wireless network. To meet a similar case can in a large house or office, where the range of one point may not be enough.

Wireless Wireless Type

You can also change the WPA, WPA 2 network encryption method and others. By the way, if at the stage of the primary setting of Airport you did not create a guest network, then this can be done here.

If you press the Parameters button ..., then we will open another interesting field:

Network Activation 5 GHz

In this window, you can activate the 5GHz frequency network, as well as select a channel for a wireless network. Now you will not stop in detail on this, you can try to experiment yourself and decide which mode of work more suitable for you. If there are no questions here, click Save and go to the next tab - Network:

Thin setting network settings

I would be happy to tell in detail about all points, only you will not need them in most cases. And if you need, you can always 🙂

We turn to the last tab - disk.

Setting the built-in disk

In the case of setting up Tima Capsule, you will see the built-in disk, its volume and free space on it. Here you can clear the disk, or transfer all the data to the outer disk by clicking the Archive Disk button. You will not touch other settings - everything works like it!

If you have passed on all items and chose the settings suitable for you, then boldly click on update, and agree with the update. After rebooting AirPort, you can re-connect to it and enjoy the Internet!

Let me remind you once again that AirPort Express, Extreme and Time Capsule do not support VPN! I strongly recommend considering this fact when choosing a point of access to my home, or when choosing a provider! If you still hit the situation with the VPN, do not despair - a simple "gasket" between the provider and your airport can serve as TP-Link TL-WR841, for example. Personally, I have a similar router, exports all communication in the apartment 🙂

Remote access to Time Capsule and creating backups iPhone on Time Capsule

Dear readers, as an afterbirth, I would like to clarify something else. To me very often come messages to the post of the following character:

  • the ability to remotely access Time Capsule from the Internet (without using a permanent IP address);
  • interaction with the Time Capsule and iPhone / iPad disk. How to create a backup of the phone to the capsule.

AirPort Express / Extreme / Time Capsule - home, amateur devices! They are very easily adjusted, as you saw above, but they have a very scoop functionality! You can not roll the Padavan firmware, DD-WRT or something like that, thereby expanding the airport potential ... These access points are longer suitable for the home or small office, but in no way for guys who want to squeeze the maximum of all ...

Remote access to Time Capsule is carried out only through your Apple ID. In the first tab "Basic Station", you can introduce your Apple ID at the bottom and then your capsule will be video on your Mac from any point of the world, if only there was an Internet. No, it does not roll with Windows. And it does not matter what you have a way to connect to the network: DHCP, Static or PPPoE.

How to watch movies with Time Capsule with iPhone / iPad? No, without crutches ... This access point works well only with computers. Yes, you can install a type program or and to connect the Capsule disk on the iPhone / iPad. Honestly: I tried these solutions and everything works extremely not user-Fritthley. In short, after one place ...

How to create backups iPhone / iPad on Time Capsule? Almost no. That is, directly, so that by pressing one button, a copy was created or automatically created at all - in any way! There is a bypass method, but without a computer in any way: the most ordinary backup is created in iTunes, and then the ~ / library / Application Supplication Support / Mobile Sync / Backups folder is thrown on the capsule, or wait for the next update of the copy through Time Machine, so that the local copy From iTunes hit the capsule. And then go to iTunes settings and delete a backup that it does not occupy the place on the built-in disk ... I say that it is done through one place ...

By the way, at the expense of the photo, about which I wrote at the very beginning, here she:


Many thanks to Nikita Polosov, for such a cool frame and for providing access to your AirPort Time Capsule!

Good Internet routers do not happen. It seems that all these devices are sick of a nameless epidemic: for unpredictable reasons, the owner once a day / week is forced to reboot the modem. Unpredictability infuriates: today you have "Zixel" or "LONG" Everything is fine, and tomorrow some problem appears from nowhere. And you will not understand who is to blame - provider or router.

Dance with a tambourine around the next Taiwanese "crafts" brought me out of themselves, and on the same day I returned home with AirPort Express.. Since then, nothing else is recognized. Because airport is the only router that is just works. Stuck and really forgot!

Techinari in panic

Very important preface. I guarantee that there will be a lot of wrath in the comments. For some reason it seems to me that some readers are already overwhelmed! Owners of cool to the impossibility of "microdists" with twenty-five linux on board will long explain why AirPort Express is very bad. Economical Uzers Shaitan Boxes from D-Linkand Zyxel Will look for the advantages of your crafts according to features, specifications and other tinsel. I will not argue with them, but I will answer statistics.

I have two AirPort two different cities, on the lines of various providers. The first I bought and set up a year ago. Since then, he has not turned off and has not rebooted. NEVER. Twelve with more than months of continuous work. From such results, any "long-term" immediately explodes and burns, scattering the sparks of cheap plastic. The second modem was first connected three months ago - also lies with younger and reset does not require.

Each of the routers are connected from 7 to 12 absolutely different devices. All climb on the Internet at the same timeSomething is constantly swing, load the canal and so on. And everything is in order. If problems arose and there are problems, then only for two reasons: work on the provider line or turning off the electricity in the house. Everything else time - 100% return and smooth zero Problems.

AIRPORT stable work forced me to score at all on the router as a device. He "hung" on the outlet at the entrance to the apartment, and the rest did not worry me. I even forgot about reviewWhich planned to do last in spring :) Finally, there is no catchy.

What is airport and why he is good

The best quality AirPort Express. - Not a pretty glossy-white case, not convenient adjustment directly from iOS and not even "apple" on the back cover. Unlike most routers in the market, in this model, Apple has not traditionally stood on parts and installed very powerful components, including the "hardy" processor, normally withstanding fast load changes. In Apple obviously wanted to make such a router so that he brings a minimum headache to his owners - and, with the exception of a pair of moments, everything turns out this way.

Complete set At Airport Spartan: a pretty folded power cord - and a router. Neither external antenna, nor Ethernet cable. Apple expects that the latter has every self-respecting person, but I don't understand why the company cannot afford to add at least a half-one-meter lace, which is in the production of miserable prices. Anyway.

Airport in the freshest reincarnation became very similar to Apple TV, and this is simultaneously as good and not very. The previous version was more like a large adapter for charging the equipment and just stuck into the outlet. Here, we look at a pretty, low and small "damn" with an unexpectedly high weight. In size, it corresponds to a decrease in the body.

There are five ports from behind: for the power cord, the Ethernet input and output, the USB port for the printer (and nothing more), as well as the 3.5-mm audio input. The latter is a hidden and little-known feature of AirPort Express, which the elder brother "EXTREME cannot boast. If desired, this router can be used as audio signal AIRPLAY audio. By connecting the external speakers through the "minijack", you will turn any speakers in the wireless audio system. So if you have such an opportunity, plan to place Airport not far from your home theater. Kreate two hares with one shot.

Also pleases that the router does not have an external power supply. This allows you to place a device with much greater freedom: So, I was caught up to install my airport vertically using the EuroDapter from the original charger to the iPad. On my surprise, everything came up.

As I said, AirPort Express is distinguished by high quality "iron". Even under a powerful load (several computers with active downloads through torrent networks), the operation of other devices does not suffer much, and the router itself does not reboot from overheating and does not require emergency shutdown / inclusion.

Another interesting thing is: in Airport Express there is no remote antenna. It is installed inside the case. Celebration affects the freakue of the modem, but not as critical as I initially expected. Experience has shown that one AirPort Express can cover even a five-room, two-story apartment. In large and private houses, it makes sense to immediately place the "senior" model, Airport Extreme. - The power of its antennas is significantly higher.

How to set up and optimize airport

An important difference between the Apple router from others: there is no traditional "web interface" in it. Configuration and change it is available only through AirPort programs (available for iOS, Mac and Windows). Accordingly, for the initial setting it is necessary to own either the device on iOS or "Mac". In principle, an ordinary computer with "Windows" and a pre-loaded AirPort utility. AirPort manager is pre-installed on all Mac models, so you need to download anything in advance only to the owners of the PC on Windows.

Owners of iPhones and Ipads can conduct an initial configuration of the station without additional software. To do this, it is enough to open the Settings menu -\u003e Wi-Fi, which displays the Wi-Fi point from the Apple freshly replenished Modem. When you connect to it, the "Configure Airport Base Station" dialog will appear - you need it. The process there is a trivial, understandable person without broad knowledge of the topic: You just customize the parameters of the Wi-Fi signal to protect it from external access before full-fledged setup.

Regardless of the platform, with the help of the AirPort utility, all available functions and router parameters are changed. I draw the attention of the "Kulibins" and jailbreak lovers: Apple modem has no hidden functions, put the opportunity to put a body firmware or just dig in it. All you see is all that you get.

Configuring AirPort under a specific Internet provider - the task is not simple, and Apple is not to blame. In Russia, this equipment is not much complaining and often do not place notes on it in the technical support section. Accordingly, you may need to make yourself call on a hotline and shake out the instructions specifically for "Eirport" (example). Personally, I was lucky twice: two small regional providers provided fairly detailed instructions for setting up AirPort directly on the official website. But I heard about the opposite, so I warn in advance.

As soon as you enter the desired data and put the ticks where it is required, the LED on the router will light green along with the activation of Internet access. In principle, this whole process can be discontinued. But I recommend "finishing" the parameters and independently configure one specific parameter: Wi-Fi signal channels.

Having exhibit the "correct" channel, you will speed up the data transfer and increase the stability of the connection. To pick up the best option, making can find in Spotlight Wireless diagnostics. In the window that opens does not touch anything. In the upper context menu, select Window -\u003e Scan, then click Scan. In the side list, two the most free channels will be displayed - it is necessary to choose them in the AIRPORT settings. This is especially important for 2.4 GHz frequencies.

Capricious compatibility

A year ago, before buying the very first AirPort Express, I asked the seller. Like, will the router earn in networks specifically called the provider? Answer "is not a fact" Made to think about. At home, I began to study the question and found out: Apple modem is not always supported from the providers of Russia.

The easiest and best way to find out is to call your provider support and find out what difficulties or features of the setup are waiting for the owner of the AirPort Express or Extreme. The fact is that both devices do not support L2TP protocolwhich is the main in several rather large Russian providers. Among them - Beeline. Accordingly, it is impossible to use AirPort in its networks without additional equipment - and it in itself makes the entire idea meaningless. Other companies, including half-state Rostelecom, are more often used by PPOE, which is normally supported by the Apple router.

From other restrictions - no support for VPN and UPNP. For the year of use, I did not meet any situation when any device refused to work or go to the network via AirPort. But if you use complex network configurations in your own apartment, then Apple router may not really be a better solution. It was created with a completely different goal: provide uninterrupted and trouble-free, powerful and stable Internet connection within a small office or apartment - and is intended for those who want to forget about setting up network settings forever.

In any case, the alternatives at Airport as such not. This is exactly the same story as with an iPhone and Android smartphones in 2012. Want to dig and probably suffer, but get the maximum control over the router at the cost of its stable work? Then there are thousands of different models with a huge variety of characteristics. And if you want to enable, set up and forget, getting from the router stable, powerful and uninterrupted "Connect" - then you only need to choose an airport and point. Having moved to the capital, I chose not a router under the provider, but a provider under the router;)

What is the difference between AirPort Express and Airport Extreme

First, sizes. If the AirPort Express is a neat mini-prefix, then Extreme is a mega-tube that does not hide anywhere. Inside the "Extreme" there are components with a total weight of 1 kilogram! If anything, it is more than the 11-inch MacBook Air. The first acquaintance with the big version of my router made you think about it. With such sizes, maybe it's easier to immediately take Time Capsule? The price of the last, however, quickly forced to change their mind.

The AirPort Extreme has three Ethernet ports on the output, and Express has only one. For those who take a router as a transmitter Wi-Fi, Express will be more than enough. But if you are going to connect several computers on the cable, you will have to look at the older model. Extreme has gigabit Ethernet ports, and Express is only 100 megabit. For the "Internet" it is not important, but local networks will work through "Extreme" much faster.

Important moment for owners of the latest Apple devices. Airport Extreme supports 802.11ac networks, which theoretically can work 4 times faster than the current standard 802.11n. This feature is available in Russia with specific restrictions: only two can be used from four channel broadcast channels. According to the owners, it does not particularly change. All Mac from mid-2013 support standard 802.11ac, and compatible iOS-devices are not so much compatible: iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2 and iPad MINI 3.

One of the key features of AirPort Extreme in comparison with Express - much more Powerful internal antenna system. They not only provide greater coverage, but also support an extremely curious feature. adaptive formation of the beam. The router literally controls the location of gadgets connected according to the 802.11ac standard and sends a signal in their direction. As you already understand, for this you need to possess the appropriate laptop or smartphone, and there are few such.

The USB port in AirPort Express does not support the connection of external media, including hard drives. In general, nor under any "sauce". There you can only insert the cable from the printer to make the latest network. The ability to connect flash drives and HDD is only in the EXTREME model. But Express is able to receive an Airplay audio signal from any compatible device, withdrawing it through the "minijack" on the rear panel - for example, to ordinary home acoustics. There is no such possibility in Airport Extreme.

Finally, both devices cannot be full NAS.-server. Airport can only be supplemented, but do not replace NAS equipment for lovers of stacked downloads from torrent trackers;)

iPhone in the world of routers

AirPort Express. - One of my best purchases last year. Thanks to this router, I forgot about problems with access to the network and still did not remember. More do not Reboot anything. No need to call technical support and find out, on whose side there was a problem. If there is no Internet, it means that the problem is in the provider. If there is a dozen with more than a wide variety of devices in the house, at the same time uninterrupted.

AirPort Express. It is suitable for watching movies in higher quality through iTunes and any streaming services. It does not fail during the hot multiplayer battles anywhere - whether it is on PC or modern gaming consoles. Apple router does not require additional configuration, prevention and does not attract attention. Just how Jobs bequeathed, iT JUST Works.. Just works, as it should.

In choosing a specific model Airport You need to ask yourself the following questions. Do you have one Ethernet port enough, or do you want to make a home wired network for several computers? How big is your apartment or house, if you consider that 3-5 rooms definitely have one competently installed AirPort Express? Finally, do you need the opportunity to connect hard drives to the router? Answers to three of these questions will allow you to make a purchase correctly. Personally, I chose twice Express And I just can't complain about him. Hope he will facilitate life and you!

Official group VKontakte.

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To configure PPPOE, open the browser and in the address bar, enter Enter the authorization data: Username SuperUser Password Beeline $ MartB0x Click "Continue". Click the "Advanced Settings" button. . In the extended us ...

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To find out what a router you have, look at the model on the bottom of the case. Instructions for setting Rout ...

Some users of apple devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.) probably faced the problem of using the Internet, being on a business trip - namely, not everywhere there is wireless Wi-Fi Internet. LAN cable is there, but Wi-Fi is not: (

And how on evil grizzles can work with a network only on a wireless channel! What to do in such cases? For this, cunning apples came up with special devices - WiFi-routers.

Theoretically, you can use absolutely any router, ranging from cheap (from $ 30 worth) and very widespread ruters DLink DIR-300 and their modifications (DIR-320, etc.) and ending with expensive (from $ 100) and powerful models from ASUS or the same Dlink, right there in this segment Ruther Apple Airport Extrem..

But the use of such ruters is not very convenient. Firstly, relatively large size and mass do not allow them to often carry them with them, they were created primarily as stationary devices. Secondly, often an external antenna and a power supply with wires do not hint at the mobility of these ruters.

Apple went to meet his customers and offered a convenient mobile device - AirPort Express.

In a box of 150 * 140 * 70 mm, placed:

  • Ruther himself
  • Instructions in several languages \u200b\u200b(except Russian, because Officially, Apple does not carry these ruters to Russia)

From the experience of configuration, you can say with great confidence that the program Airport Utility.The disk on the disk bundled with a ruter is better not to use to configure - the high probability is that it will most likely be not competent.

Setup Wi-Fi Router Apple Airport Express

1. Connect to Ruther AirPort Express. Network cable (connector RJ45) and plug a ruter into a socket (~ 100-220V, 50-60Hz). On the ruter lights up yellow. Status indicator. For a while he will shine constantly, then starts flashing, it means that you can start setting up.

2. If you run the program Airport, it probably will not show anything and will constantly search for basic stations. This is possible, for example, if the routher firmware is older than the AirPort program installed on the iPad.

3. Open Settings -\u003e Wi-Fi. In chapter " Configure Basic Airport Station ..."Your router should be displayed - AirPort Express. 6C5637 (code can be any).

4. Tap on the string AirPort Express. 6C5637. After checking, the Ruther Setup Panel will appear:

5. Leave the option " Create a new network"Moreover, it is recommended.

6. Enter the name of the network, for example, My Web..

7. Ruther can be renamed by writing instead AirPort Express.any other name.

8. Enter the password twice (at least 8 characters!) In each field: " Password"And" Check".

10. Press " Ready"Now in the section" Wi-Fi network"Our network is displayed" My Web."And the iPad is connected to it:

11. Tapping on the string with the network, you can see the connection settings: the resulting IP address, mask, etc.

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