
New Frequency Channel Quarter TV. "Quarter TV" encoded a satellite signal

As we, in the second quarter of 2019, large Ukrainian media groups are going to encode satellite signals of their channels. One of the participants in the agreement, group 1 + 1 Media, has already ordered and delivered to Ukraine the first batch of settopboxes - the equipment required for receiving the encoded signal.

Supply was carried out by Ukrainian media groups and Strong, which is one of the largest importers in Ukraine and manufacturers of satellite receiving equipment. The first part of the settopbox was 45 thousand things, which, according to the participants, the agreement is enough to meet the first wave of demand for satellite reception subscribers. Further deliveries will be carried out in several stages.

Starting today, December 12, 2018, this equipment can be purchased in most Ukrainian wholesale and retail chains, in online stores and official operators. satellite television.

In particular, the satellite provider "Viasat" will sell settopbox at the recommended price of 1099 UAH per unit. Also, to support subscribers who, in connection with coding, it is necessary to purchase receivers, Viasat offers a special tariff package "National", including rating and national television channels for 29 UAH / month.

"Deliveries to Ukraine of Settopbox, without which the TV channels that are broadcast from the satellite will be impossible, is the second important step in this complex project to coding the satellite signal. The first step was to make changes in the license of the TV channels on replacing the type of satellite signal reception from the open on the closed.

The supply of settopboxes to the media group market actually confirm their decisive intention to encode the signal and show that not only they are involved in this process, but also importers, distributors and satellite providers. All participants actively cooperate among themselves.

I am sure that there is no road road, because all the obligations that we have already taken over and continue to take, will be implemented next year. The final coding of the satellite signal is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2019, and I am convinced that we will endure this term, "said Yaroslav Paholchuk, Executive Director and Director of Paul Television of Group 1 + 1 Media.

Note that Ukrainian media groups gathered to encode a satellite signal in Ukraine in order to limit the territory of the satellite cover in Ukraine to protect the rights of manufacturers and copyright holders of content.

According to them, this approach to the broadcast of the content is inherent in all developed European markets, so its adoption should allow Ukrainian telecommunications not only to protect content from piracy and illegal broadcasting without a license, but also to comply with international industrial standards.

Recall that yesterday for users of the service "1 + 1 International" and announced that the users of the service "1 + 1 Video" are next in the queue.

16:20 28.10.2016

So far, the "Quarter TV" encodes its satellite signal to the simplest BISS encoding, which did not like providers who prefer to work on a fee only with television channels whose signal is reliably protected. Therefore, the future coding of Malchevsky presented as a great achievement.

SHFIR spoke about his "reaching" - premium content. Since the right of the first display of the content of the studio - humorous programs, serials and films - enshrined for "1 + 1", exclusively for the "quarter TV" company will produce a "League of laughter" with the participation of regional teams: "On" 1 + 1 "you see the highest "League of Laughter", and in addition to it there are another 5-6 regional. Mi begin to shoot them, and all this you will see on the Quarter TV in the premiere show, "said Schief. As you know, the "League of Laugh" Studio "Quarter-95" takes off with "Drive Production".

The presentation of the channels was cheerfully - with a buffet and a full female. Schither and Malchevsky were responsible for the official part of five minutes. For unofficial - Evgeny Koshevoy. For example, when providers inquired, whether the channel "Quarter TV-2" can be launched, he missed, offering to pay at least the first.

I was interested in the "issue price", but the representatives of the channel flatly refused to talk about the price list for cablers. However, the rates were not ashamed to tell the cablers themselves. So, the pros and "quarter" are asked for the channel 2 UAH from the subscriber per month, but at the same time there is a flexible system of discounts for providers depending on the territory (city of 50 thousand + or city 50 thousand-) and the subscriber base (than it is more , the more discount). The maximum discount is 40%. To avoid Anderting, "Quarter TV", as well as international paid TV channels, introduced the concept minimum guaranteeBut it is individual for each subscriber. What is noteworthy: the TV channel still cannot come to an agreement with the largest provider - the company "Volya" (which, by the way, did not delegate its representatives to the event).

Why to secrete with the official price list, I did not understand. For example, four telegroups are asked 2.5 UAH from the subscriber for 22 of their essential channels. "Media Group Ukraine" officially (and openly) asks providers 4 UAH from the subscriber for sports channels "Football 1" and "Football 2". Continent TV group (Trophy, "Dacha", "Epoch", "Science", "Terra" and "Fauna"), according to the official price available on the site, - 80 kopecks. from the subscriber (90 kopecks for HD).

Let me remind you to the TV channel "Quarter TV" by Vladimir Zelensky, Andrei Yakovlev, Boris and Sergey Shehther (with some of 12.5% \u200b\u200bof everyone), and Alexander Tkachenko (16.67% ), Yaroslav Milfucheuk (16.66%) and businessman Timur Mindich (16.67%). And I think here: if you split these 2 UAH by 7 people, what will remain? However, given the good channel performance in the alternative system of the Lannet network ratings, all of the channel should be formed.

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To protect your content, the TV channel chose the Verimatrix system.

Today, January 20, TV channel "Quarter TV" stopped satellite broadcasting in open access And closed its signal to the conditional access system. To protect the content of the TV channel chose one of best decisions On the market - the VERIMATRIX system (VCAS 4.0 for DVB version).

Verimatrix conditional access system provides high level Advanced Security, a wide range of features, as well as tools to counteract the illegal use of content and piracy control.

In the selected TV channel "Quarter TV", the solution is used by the technology of a duplicate client - to decode the signal used Cam modules Without smart cards. To decode the signal of the TV channel, it is enough to get from the distributor of the Verimatrix module itself and install it in any satellite receiver with Ci / Ci + slot. The Verimatrix modules itself are also compatible with professional IRD satellite receivers.

The use of modules itself as a decoding device allows you to increase the security of the content, as well as ease of use for the provider, since the module itself can be immediately installed in a satellite receiver-decoder (main station) to obtain both analog and digital signals.

"Quarter TV" is a valuable and high-quality content that is now securely protected. Such a step was initially provided for by the channel development strategy. I am convinced that this decision will make a channel more attractive for providers, "noted director of the Direction of Paid Television 1 + 1 Media Yaroslav Paholchuk.

TV channel "Quarter TV" broadcasts its signal via an Astra4a 4.8 ⁰e satellite. The satellite coating card provides a stable and high-quality signal reception in all European countries. For satellite television subscribers, the TV channel "Quarter TV" is possible as part of Packets of satellite operators Viasat and Xtra TV.

Satellite reception parameters "Quarter TV" signal:

Satellite - Astra 4a;

Orbital position - 4.8 ° E

Frequency - 11766 MHz;

Symbolic speed - 27.5 msmv / s;

Polarization - horizontal (H)

Modulation - DVB-S (QPSK).

Recall that the TV channel "Quarter TV" began to broadcast in August 2016 and is a joint project of the Studio "Quarter 95" and "1 + 1 media". This entertainment canal focused on a young audience with a sense of humor leads an active lifestyle. The target audience of the channel - viewers aged 14-49 years. The channel grid is formed from popular in Ukraine and in the world of shows, films and TV shows, animation projects of the Quarter 95 studio, as well as specially acquired content of Western manufacturers.

Today, January 20, the TV channel "Quarter TV" stopped satellite broadcasting in open access. To protect the content and encoding the signal, the TV channel chose one of the best solutions on the market - the VERIMATRIX system (version VCAS 4.0 for DVB). This correspondent MediaSat reported in the press service "1 + 1 media".

Provides a high level of protection of the content (Advanced Security), a wide range of functions, as well as tools to counteract the illegal use of content and piracy.

In the selected TV channel "Quarter TV" solution, the technology of a duplicate client is used - CAM modules are used to decode the signal without smart cards. To decode the signal of the TV channel, it is enough to get from the VERIMATRIX self-distributor company and install it in any satellite receiver with Ci / Ci + slot. Verimatrix modules itself are also compatible with professional IRD satellite receivers.

"The Quarter TV is a valuable and high-quality content that is now securely protected. Such a step was initially provided for by the channel development strategy. I am convinced that this decision will make the channel more attractive for providers, "said Yaroslav Paholchuk, director of pay television" 1 + 1 media ".

The TV channel "Quarter TV" broadcasts its signal via the Astra 4a satellite. The satellite coating card provides a stable and high-quality signal reception in all European countries.

Recall, and is a joint project of the Studio "Quarter 95" and "1 + 1 media". This entertainment canal focused on a young audience with a sense of humor leads an active lifestyle. The target audience of the channel - viewers aged 14-49 years. The program grid of the channel is formed from popular in Ukraine and in the world of shows, films and serials, animation projects "Quarter 95" studio, as well as specially acquired content of Western manufacturers.

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