
Antenna diagram for digital television with their own hands. Decimeter antenna for T2 with your own hands. Types of television receptions antennas

In the process of arranging the country area, each owner tries to turn it into the most comfortable territory not only for gardening and garden work, but also rest, and often for seasonal residence. To implement this, it is enough to spend the usual communications on the site - water supply, heating and electricity, as well as to equip life, creating a comfort in the house. Despite the widespread distribution of the Internet, an integral attribute and symbol of comfort (especially for older people), a TV, adequate operation of which is ensured by an antenna. If you at least once asked questions: "What to do, if, in view of the high cost of such devices, the budget does not provide for the purchase of antenna for the cottage?" And "what to do if the outdoor dacha antenna suddenly failed?", This article will be useful for you.

Basics of electronics and organization TV broadcasting

Some time ago, when the factory antennas were a scarce product, and their service life left much to be desired, an interest in such self-making devices arose. It does not fade to this day, despite the fact that the market situation has changed. The development of innovative technologies contributed to a fundamental change in the conditions for receiving a TV signal, however, the principle of manufacture and work of the antennas has not changed significantly, and it is unlikely to change, since the main feature of the antennas still remains the ability to interact with the signal that extends to the ether.

Changes in the sphere of TV broadcasting:

  • Virtually the entire volume of TV broadcasting is carried out in the decimeter range, which allows not only to simplify, but also to reduce the antenna-feeder economy of transmitting stations;
  • The territorial boundaries of the coating of television sensors were significantly expanded, the signal of which is distributed in almost every corner more or less inhabited territory;
  • The conditions for the spread of radio waves in urban areas have changed, built up with reinforced concrete high-rise buildings. Despite the fact that industrial interference does not affect the quality of TV broadcasting, multi-storey structures act as mirrors, repeatedly reflecting even a confident signal up to its complete attenuation;

Requirements for giving antennas

  • To catch a television signal on any terrain, it is necessary to know that the coefficients of the protective and directional antenna, and its own gain, has a defining value as a signal reception, and its own gain. This suggests that an antenna viewing the ether, and not a small power range, creates a small supply of power range;
  • By carrying out independent installation of the street antenna for the cottage, do not resort to engineering tricks, which will preserve its electrical parameters in natural form. Antennas, the electrical parameters of which are preserved naturally, are called bands;
  • On the clarity of the signal received by the antenna, an important influence has its amplitude-frequency characteristic. The more it is smooth, the stronger will be the received signal. Significant emissions and failures contribute to phase distortions;
  • The approval of the television antenna and the cable should be carried out in the operating range, without the use of auxiliary devices of matching and symmetry.

KND television antenna

The last three requirements are due to the principle of receiving digital signals. The range of configured antennas, from the point of view of the theory operating at one frequency, can be expanded by artificially, so that they will capture from the 21st to the 40th channel. To carry out this, they must be coordinated with the feeder. However, it is used in conjunction with approval and symmetrization devices, some of which can significantly absorb the signal (ferritic), or disrupt the phase characteristic on the edges of the range (configured). This will lead to a deterioration in the reception of a digital signal antenna, effectively operating on the "analogue".

Varieties of television antennas: brief description

Given the above, there are a large number of types of television antennas, some of which are available for self-making. They will be discussed in this article and, having familiarized themselves with their characteristics, you can decide which antenna to choose for the cottage.

  • Vesvolnaya (frequency) antenna - Budget version, which is distinguished by ease and speed of installation. Despite the fact that it does not boast of high parameters, outside the urban area, where the air is quite clean, it will be able to effectively take a digital or powerful analog signal provided nearby television center;
  • Logoeriodic range antennawhich is often compared with the fishing network, sorting production in the calculation process, is also characterized by ease of manufacture. Ideally consistent with the feeder in the entire range, it saves its parameters in it unchanged. In view of the average technical parameters, the logoeriodic antenna will ensure effective reception of the signal outside the urban area, and in the city can be used as a room antenna;
  • Decimeter zigzag antenna - Significantly simplified modification of the zigzag or z-antenna, working in almost any conditions of receiving the signal.

DMV zigzag antenna for giving

Threaded Tweed Antennas for Dacha

  • Remember that the structural elements of the antenna conducting the currents of the useful signal in all cases without exception must be combined with soldering or welding. Specialists recommend not to neglect the indicated recommendation, since electrical contacts in any premium node placed in the open air, soon oxidize, which will determine the antenna parameters up to its fullentity.
  • If you preferred a self-made antenna for a TV in the country, the desire to achieve ideal contacts will be superfluous - if they are subject to corrosion, then it will take a sufficiently long period of time. However, to ensure quite clean and, at the same time, a stable reception, it is necessary to minimize the number of compounds in the antenna design.
  • For braid and manufacture of coaccular cable veins, it is customary to use inexpensive alloys that are distinguished by corrosion resistance. Unlike traditionally used copper, they are poorly soldered, in connection with which, during work with them, it is necessary to control the entire process of soldering under control to eliminate the exaggeration of the cable.

Coaxcal (Antenna) Cable

Manufacturing cable antenna and its connection is recommended to be carried out using the following materials and tools:

  • Soldering iron whose power does not exceed 40 W;
  • Flux paste, which successfully replaces rosin;
  • Lightweight solder.

Important!In the process of manufacturing outdoor television antennas for summer cottages, experts are recommended to refuse to use aluminum wire, as it will soon oxidize and subjected to corrosion, as a result of which will lose the ability to carry out an electric current. The most suitable materials that are recommended to use for the manufacture of outdoor television antennas are copper or cheaper brass.

Important! Take into account that one of the important parameters of the television antenna that determines the quality of its work is the reception area. To ensure efficient signal reception, it must be maximum. To achieve this, to the frame-frame designed to screen noise and essential garbage, symmetrically attach several rods made from the same metal.

  • If you encountered a problem with a weak and dirty signal, it is necessary to get an amplifier for the TV antenna to the cottage, connected directly to the antenna. To ensure the normal power of the reception, take the antenna to the roof of the country house and direct in the side of the nearest television tower.

Production of frenesenevial \u200b\u200bantenna from beer cans with their own hands

The described version of the self-made television antenna is one of the simplest and rapid in the manufacture. The maximum number of channels provided for viewing in this case is 7, however, it may vary depending on the region.

Important! The simplest variant of the overwhelming antenna is a construction representing two metal plates that are fixed on a wooden rail and are connected by several coils of copper wire of various diameters. In the process of installing such an antenna, specialists are recommended to observe certain parameters, namely, the width of the antenna is equal to its height, and the angle of disclosure of the canvas is 90 degrees. To achieve the optimal functioning of the antenna, it suffices to ensure reliable fastening of the wire at the point of zero potential. In this case, it can not be soldered.

To make a frenesependent antenna from beer cans, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • 2 small self-pressing, in professional circles, called "clouds";
  • 2 Beer jars, pre-washed and dried;
  • A television cable length from 3 to 5 meters (you can take from the device that has failed);
  • Soldering iron and tin (recommended for use, as it improves the quality of fixing contacts, but you can do without it);
  • Wooden trempel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Scotch or tape.

Almost all listed materials are found in each house, so in the process of their preparation there will be no difficulty, and therefore, you can immediately begin the case.

Technology manufacturing homemade antenna from beer cans:

  • Prepare a cable and, making an incision at a distance of 10 cm from the edge, remove part of the upper insulating layer, which will allow you to open access to the screen. After that, roll it into one turn. Then it is necessary to cut the middle insulating layer, talking with a thin copper cable vein. At the second end of the conductor, there must be a regular plug;

  • Prepare banks that will act as a signal receiver. Usually it does not arise with difficulties, since the main thing is the selection of optimal dimensions of beer containers. Specialists are advised to give preference to liter banks, but if they are missing, it can be used and 0.5, and 0.75 liter containers, which will also perfectly cope with the task;
  • The next step is to summarize the contacts. It implies attaching a twisted cable to one of the cans. The copper spent itself is supplied to the opposite bank. Lock them using the screwdriver and the knop screws. To improve the quality of the signal transmission, thereby making the picture quality on the screen higher, experts recommend to fix the wire not only by self-draws, but also a soldering iron, with which it is necessary to "grab" them;

  • After you have prepared a signal receiver, proceed to assembling the supporting structure, which is used by trempel. Using the isolent, fix the containers to the trempel (in accordance with the presented pattern). Fixing metal containers, remember that they must be strictly on one straight line, as otherwise, the signal receiver will not work effectively;

  • Final stage - setting the antenna for the TV. In the process, it is recommended to experiment with the optimal distance between beer banks, as well as pick up the most effective place to hang antenna in which it will most effectively catch the signal.
  • After reviewing the instructions presented, you probably came to the conclusion that the manufacture and installation of an antenna in the country is a fairly simple and fast process. The optimal distance between the ends of the cans, according to specialists, should be 75 mm, and the best place for its location is at the window. In exceptional cases, the distance between banks can be reduced or enlarged.

Production of antenna for giving with wire amplifier

In this section, we will tell about another embodiment of an antenna that is suitable for use in the country or in the village.

To implement this idea, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Two pieces of copper wire 1.8 m long;
  • A piece of a metal or wooden plate measuring 15 x 15 cm;
  • Amplifier (you can use any, even from the old device);
  • Welding machine or electric drill with drill set;
  • Television cable required length;
  • Cut iron pipe;
  • Small bolts;
  • A hammer.

Copper Wire Television Antenna Production Technology:

  • The first stage is to prepare a trap. For its manufacture, it is necessary to bend a copper wire in such a way that it acquires the shape of Rhombick, all sides of which are 45 cm. According to masters who have experience making such devices, this size is the most suitable for efficient operation of the device;

  • Prepare the plate and fix the wire to it. To do this, it is necessary to break the veins in the places of fastening, drill holes and tighten the bolts. If there is a welding machine, you will handle the task much faster, since in this case it is enough just to grab the resulting signal trap to the plate (if it is made of metal). At the same stage, the amplifier is connected (the connection principle is displayed in the photo shown below);

  • Connect the cable - to do this, it is enough to insert the plug into the connector;
  • The next stage is the manufacture of mast. To do this, use the iron pipe of the appropriate height, which is firmly bought into the ground. By installing the mast, proceed to setting up the channels.

Important! At the presented photo, it can be seen that the copper wire, reflector, and the amplifier is covered with paint, which will protect the design from the effects of adverse external factors and prevent the development of corrosion processes, the service life of the television antenna, manufactured by their own hands, is noticeably extended.

Universal television antenna: manufacturing procedure

After examining the instructions below, you can make a powerful antenna for a TV from undergraduate materials, which can be used not only in the country, but also in the apartment.

To do this, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Copper wire 4 meter long and 4 square meter cross section. mm;
  • Board of any thickness of 7 cm wide and 55 cm long;
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Soldering iron;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Line or roulette;
  • Simple pencil.

In accordance with the drawing presented below, drill holes in the board;

Transfer the data specified in the drawing to the board and in the required places searcate the holes;

Copper wire cut into 8 parts, the length of each of which will be 37.5 cm;

In the middle part of each of the resulting segments of the wire, remove the insulating layer, as shown in the figure;

Cut another two piece of copper wire with a length of 22 cm and conventionally divide them into 3 equal parts and at the irregular points, remove the insulating layer in the same way;

Bend the wire in the prepared (bare) places. Please note that the distance between the ends of the wire flexible by pressure should be 7.5 cm, since this value is optimal to receive a television antenna signal generated by independently.

Prepare a self-made design, attach the plug to it, then attach a television cable to it. This stage was the last in the manufacture of antenna, following it, you can search for the most suitable place to install it.

Following the proposed instructions, you can quickly make the simplest design of television antennas from affordable materials, without spending a whole evening. In addition to the presented options, there are other types of antennas that can be made independently. These include wave, and frame, and even the most simple satellite antennas. However, whatever option you choose, it is necessary to produce a competent calculation of the parameters. You can familiarize yourself with the method of calculation in specialized technical literature.

In our life actively includes digital television T2. To date, at many homes are installed antennas for receiving such a signal. But what to do those who live in the suburbs or on a removable apartment? The output is quite simple - this is a homemade antenna for T2, which can become an inexpensive and reliable alternative to the factory.

TV antennas do it yourself

In order to catch digital broadcasting, first of all, you must have a supportive new digital format TV, and then you do not have to buy a special console.

In addition, a room or outer decimeter antenna is needed. Do not believe those who say that the device must be digital or some more. It is enough just a TV antenna with your own hands from the girlfriend, having received a powerful device that will be exceeded to receive a signal.

Simple decimeter antenna do it yourself

Before preparing materials for the manufacture of the device, it is necessary to calculate its future length. To do this, you need to know the frequency on which digital broadcasting is coming, and apply a special formula: 7500 to divide into the frequency in megahertz and the result is rounded.

It is made of a decimeter antenna for TV from the usual television 75-ohm coaxial Cable and Standard Connector.

After all the correct steps, the channel search will begin. If the repeater is located in the area of \u200b\u200bup to fifteen kilometers from the house, the signal will be accepted well and the amplifier will not need. If the distance will be larger, then the use of the amplifier is necessary.

Digital Antenna "Eight" with his own hands

In order for the quality of the signal to be exactly good, you can make a more complex homemade television antenna for TV.

For its manufacture, you will need to prepare:

  • television cable;
  • box;
  • roulette;
  • foil;
  • glue;
  • scotch.

The bottom of the box (for example, from under the shoes) will need to be well missed with glue and completely close the foil. At the same time it is necessary to follow so that the foil does not rise anywhere.

While the foil is glued, you need to cut two pieces from the cable of 50 centimeters each, and clean the tips of the insulation, gently cutting off the outer shell gently. Bending the braid to the side at all ends, the segments bend into the circle so that they are not closed to the end. The distance between them should be about 1 centimeter.

The resulting eight consolidate with scotch tape to the lid of the box. It must be traced that the stripped ends are located near each other. The cable on the box should be kept well, so do not regret the scotch. The frame of the antenna is ready.

Now it follows prepare the main cablewhich will connect to the TV.

It remains only to mount the TV connector. To do this, on the remaining end of the television cable, you need to remove the insulation, squeeze and cut the braid, remove the foil. Then, retreating from the collapse of the half auntimeter to remove the inner insulation of the veins.

On the prepared cable, the television connector should be turned so that in a wide part of the insulation lived. After that, from the edge of the connector follows retreat half acetimeter And bite the extra part of the vein, to put the second part of the connector and fasten it.

Cable and antenna are ready. By installing the device in a convenient location, it must be sent towards the TV shows, connect the cable and turn on the TV. The antenna should work well, and the TV is shown without interference.

Homemade antenna from cans

Antenna that will catch not one or two channels, but as many as seven or eight can be made of the most simple tin cans. For its manufacture, you will need to prepare:

First of all it follows prepare cableBy removing the top layer from it on the segment of 10 centimeters from the beginning. Inside, the wiring cable must be broken, removed from under them foil, cut one centimeter stripped layer. To the other end of the wire you need to wear a plug.

Now it follows prepare banks. To the ringlets of one of them to attach the cable core, and to another part of the pollen wires. If there are no rings, you can screw the screws and wind the wires on them by processing the surface with a soldering iron.

After that, the banks need to be needed by scotch attach to the hanger. The distance between them should be 75 millimeters, the banks should be placed on one straight line.

Homemade television antenna is ready. Now it is necessary using the plug to connect to the TV and find a place for it, where the signal will be best.

Room antenna for TV "Romble"

This design is a frame in the form of a rhombus, is made quickly and easily, and digital television signals take confidently and easily. For her, it will be necessary to prepare a copper or aluminum twist with a length of about 180 centimeters.

Rhombus should turn out two. One will perform the role of the reflector, and the second is the vibrator. The side of the frame should be approximately 14 centimeters, and the distance between them is about 10 centimeters.

After the rhombus is made, between the two ends of the rod it is necessary to mount dielectric. Its dimensions and shape can be arbitrary. The main thing is to ensure that the distance between the rods was about two centimeters.

Now the upper parts of the framework must be connected, and to connect the cable to the antenna and brass the antenna with copper or brass petals.

If the repeater is located far or using the resulting device will be caught a weak signal quality, then it will be possible add amplifier. As a result, the active decimeter antenna for TV, which can be used not only in the city, but also at the cottage.

Of course, such devices for receiving a television signal will not be distinguished by an exquisite design, but with their help you can enjoy your favorite gears.

Despite the continuous development of television broadcast (the transition to a digital format, the ability to install satellite or cable television, Internet TV), the use of antennas still remains relevant. This is especially true of suburbs and rural areas. Sometimes Telantenna fails, and there is no place nearby where it can be purchased. Therefore, the information you can make an antenna for the TV with your own hands can be useful.

Antenna is a device that can receive or transmit radio waves. Types of essential teleconnenne (that is, those that take the signal from the tap or repeaters) can be divided at the location of the location on:

  • External;
  • Indoor.

Room antennas for the TV makes sense to use only with a good signal, and external applications are used in the country or in the distance from televisers. In addition to location, television signal receivers are divided into:

  • Passive - perform the receipt of the signal only at the expense of its form;
  • Active - the signal passes through converters.

The quality of the signal from passive teleconnenna will directly depend on its size - than it is more, the better.

Of the advantages can be noted:

  • Ease of manufacture;
  • Small costs: it is possible to make from undergraduate materials;
  • No need separate meals.

Nevertheless, the disadvantages are pretty weighty:

  • Instability to interference: It is very important to choose the location for a good signal;
  • Need a high height for installation, you need to use additional fortifications;
  • Burous, are not suitable due to dimensions to install the house, are mainly used for outdoor installation.

In active antennas, various decoders and amplifiers are additionally used that allow you to make a signal more powerful. Therefore, their advantages are as follows:

  • Can be used anywhere, even with low signal level;
  • May be of various sizes and shapes;
  • You can adjust the level of amplification and suppression of noise;
  • Low effect on the quality of the line of relief, weather, various buildings.

From minuses can be noted:

  • Complex device;
  • Need a power source;
  • Higher cost;
  • Less reliable due to the presence of electronics.

Radio waves, which are transmitted on the air (wave transmission medium), have a certain size and frequency. The television channel is in the range of meter and decimeter frequencies:

  • Meter waves (MV) have a length of 1 to 10 m and frequency from 30 to 300 MHz;
  • Decimeter waves (DMV) have a length of 0.1 to 1 m and frequency from 300 to 3000 MHz.

In the frequencies of the received signals of Teleantenna can be divided into such types:

  • Messenger. Capable and analog, and digital signal, but the reception distance is small.
  • Logoperiodic. Can take waves of a meter and decimeter range.
  • Decimeter. Designed only for short waves.

Multivore, otherwise they are called frequency-dependent, appliance techniques are extremely simple, so they can be made. The most famous of them: "Butterfly", from beer cans, from two petals. Most often used at a short distance from the repeater and with a small level of interference.

Logoeriodic receiving devices consist of the main rod and transverse crossbar with an increasing length. The manufacture is much more complex than previous ones. For the correct design, it requires knowledge of all used frequencies, as well as the orientation to the relay. But if the design calculations are made correctly, the antenna will be very efficiently transmitting the signal.

Decimeter can have both very simple and very complex structures. The most famous: "Eight", ring, frame.

Broadcast most channels, including digital, occurs in the DMB range. The design of such repeaters is easier. But overtaking obstacles to the waves of such a length is worse, and reflections and distortion play a strong role on the quality of the signal.

Based on these features, you need to figure out how TV antennas can be made on their own.

In addition to typing on wave, arrangement, as well as the presence of electronic elements, teleconnentes differ in all sorts of constructive implementation: a wave canal, a running wave, zigzag, frame, and the like.

Principle assembly

To make the TV antenna work properly, you need to adhere to some principles.

First you need to decide where the design will be used: in the garage, at the cottage, in the house, in the apartment, etc. Based on this, select the type of receiving device and from which you can collect an antenna.

The main elements that may need is a television cable, metal strips, wires, insulating materials, adhesive tape, soldering iron, self-tapping screw.

Elements of the receiving device, especially through which the beneficial signal will be held, it is better to combine soldering \u003e E.

The best transmission of the signal will be if the distance from the TV can not bargain to the receiver will bargain buildings, trees and other interference. In this case, in order to catch the signal, there will be a simple wire. And room teleconnena in such a situation will be very easy to manufacture and will not require an amplifier.

Street antennas can be in design similar to indoor, but must be made from more durable materials that can withstand weather conditions. It should be placed directly near the windows or on the roof.

With a too weak signal, an amplifier may be required.

So, how the television antenna should be made with their own hands:

  • The device must be taken carefully and with the smallest connections to reduce the loss of the signal;
  • Teleantenna need to be located along the axis of the electromagnetic wave for the best capture by its composite elements;
  • Must be protected from interference;
  • It is important to know the frequency of television broadcasting, from which the size of the receiving device will depend.

Antennas options do it yourself

A simple TV antenna can be made from materials that are usually available in any house.

For example, from foil, metal cans, umbrella and wires, you can even make a satellite antenna.

With the help of foil, you can make such a receiver:

  1. At the bottom of the box, the foil is moving and glued.
  2. Of the 2 pieces of television cable, you need to remove the insulation by 2.5 cm.
  3. Cable shape twist into separate contact.
  4. From cable pieces to make an "eight", while contacts should not be sealed in the middle and located 1 cm.
  5. Locate the cable from the outdoor side of the box (without foil).
  6. An even cable is taken, which will connect the antenna with the receiver.
  7. Its end is preparing, the pole also twists separately.
  8. In one place there are 3 central cores and 3 cable strips.
  9. Teleantenna have a place at the best reception.

Consider simple and popular versions of Teleantenn: from beer cans, coaxial cable and zigzag.

From coaxial cable

This is the most elementary version of teleconnense from the cable for receiving a digital or analog signal. Alone such a design can be performed for half an hour.

Coaxial cable is an electrical wire for transmitting radio frequency signals. Comprises:

  • Outer shell;
  • External conductor, which otherwise is called a screen or laptop;
  • Isolation that separates the central custody from the old man;
  • Internal conductor (central veins).

Such a cable can be a resistance of 50 or 75 ohms. For the manufacture of homemade antennas it is recommended to take 75 ohms.

You will need a piece of cable with a length of no less than 0.5 meters. On the one hand, we remove the upper insulation and the insulation of the central core by 5 cm. The core with braid should be twisted. Now from this end you need to retreat for 20-22 cm and remove everything before the insulation of the central core. The length of this plot will be about 2 cm. Then the same distance is measured as it was before this site, that is, 20-22 cm. From a portion of 1 cm, only the upper insulation is removed. Now the loop is done: the curtain end to the gap without external isolation is screwed.

Talled places are better wrapped with a tape, especially if the antenna will be used on the street\u003e E.

The device must be sent towards the tower.

You can make an antenna from copper wire.

For this, the ends are cleaned with isolation. One end is attached to the TV, and the other to the heating tube, which will perform the role of the amplifier. Such an antenna from the wire can take about 5 channels.

From the wire it is possible to make a receiving looper for receiving a digital signal. To do this, you will need to calculate the length of the loop. You need to know the average signal frequency. And 300 divided into this frequency. The resulting value will be a loop long. A piece of wire closes into the ring, and the cable is soldered to the ends. Instead of wire, you can use coaxial. Then the annular antenna will be similar to the option described above.

Despite the simplicity of the design, this method under the correct calculations reduces interference and confidently receives a signal.

To improve the signal, you can try to enjoy an antenna.

Consider options how to strengthen teleconnen with your own hands:

  • Place the receiving device as close as possible to the window, eliminating obstacles;
  • Adjust the position;
  • You can lengthen the antenna with a piece of wire;
  • Add a signal amplifier to the design;
  • External positioning as high as possible.

From beer cans

The simplest way to replace the failed TV antenna is the creation of such from beer cans.

We will describe with the method of manufacturing a simple antenna for digital TV, made of submitted means, namely from metal cans.

Supports such materials:

  • Beer cans with a smooth surface (pre-relent and dry), in the simplest version - 2 pcs;
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • A piece of television cable;
  • Plug;
  • Tape or tape;
  • A stick from a material that does not conduct electricity (you can use trempel).

Stages of work Such:

  1. The cable must be taken in such a size so that it is enough for that height on which the antenna is planned. If there is no plug on a piece of cable, it will betented on one side of the winding and the plug is satisfied with it.
  2. The second end is also cleaned by the winding. Inside there is central lives and a patch (screen).
  3. In banks from the same sides, holes are done. It does not matter, it will be the top or bottom of the bank.
  4. The central lived is attached to one bank with the help of self-drawing, and to another period. At the same time you need to make a loop that worst sores. And he his hat when screwed must hold it well.
  5. Instead of self-samples, you can ship contacts.
  6. To the stick you need to climb banks so that they are on the same axis. The distance between the banks is usually from 7 to 10 cm.
  7. When the optimal distance is selected, the banks are reliably fixed with sticky tape.

Better first banks fix with a rubber band so that it is convenient to adjust the distance

When you made such an antenna with your own hands, when used on the street it is desirable to build a protective cap, for example, from a plastic bottle. When moisture getting, contacts will be oxidized and the signal will deteriorate. Street option can be improved by adding several sections with banks.


This Teleantenna has another name "Eight" or Antenna Kharchenko. Shows one of the best receptions of the device among devices that can be made independently. Its scheme has the form:

DVB T2 is the newest digital television format. The digital format has many advantages over analog: big resistance to interference, the signal will be more widely available, and its quality is better. The digital format requires a smaller size of the antennas and the lower power of the transmitting devices.

Make an antenna for receiving DVB T2 is quite simple. It should be noted that digital TV is transmitted to DMV.

Now we will analyze how an antenna can be made for digital TV with your own hands:

Need any material that conducts electric current. It can be a tube, wire, corner, etc. The easiest way to use wire from aluminum, brass or copper (better than these 2 options), a thickness of 2 to 5 mm thick. It will be necessary to make 2 rhombus material, as in the figure. Welding electrodes can be used, each of which will be a side of the rhombus.

For this scheme there are dimensions:

- B1 \u003d 14 cm;

- B2 \u003d 13 cm;

- Corners are desirable about 90 0.

External side should be a little longer. This is done so that the diamonds in the middle are not connected.

But the specified parameters are more suitable for home use. More often you can meet the recommendation to take the part of the rhombus 45 cm.

You can make an independent calculation of the size of the antenna for digital TV. To do this, you need to know the wave wave wavelength and divided by 4. It will be the parties of rhombuses

Calculators exist for calculating the parameters of "bi-square" antennas that can be found in Internet resources.

When the length of the wire is measured, you need to take a stock of 1-2 cm for a loop that closes the contour. You can simply twist or solder the remaining end.

After that, a coaxial cable is taken, which is being cleaned. Contacts will need to solder the central corners of the rhombus that do not climb. The central live is soldered to one corner, and the neglep to the other. The central part can be placed in the plastic case and pour glue for reliability.

To reduce third-party interference, you can set the screen behind the receiver. It can be just a foil stretched on the fane or a grid of metal tubes or wire. The screen should be located in the opposite side of the tower and not in contact with the antenna.

If the antenna is used outside, you can collect it with an amplifier. The amplifier can be the simplest fee that is attached to an antenna oss or a more overall device that requires power from the network.

In the case of an amplifier "Eight" is attached to the plate, while the wire can be flattened at the fastening site, and at the central part immediately attach the amplifier.

You can improve the design of the "eight", adding symmetrically more diamonds.

Consider some more more complex devices of Teleantenn.

Double and Triple Square

This option is a narrow-band telemanny, that is, you can get only a few channels, but with high-quality transmission. It can be used for receiving a weak signal or if the signal is suppressed by other, more powerful signals. But an accurate orientation on the source of televisions is important.

For the manufacture, you will need tubes or wire. To obtain up to 5 channels in a meter range, the thickness should be 10-20 mm. For more - 8-15 mm. For dmv, only 3-6 mm.

Two squares are made in a double square of the material, and one slightly more than the other. The smaller is called the vibrator, and the larger is the reflector (reflector). The vibrator is present in general in each antenna and is a system for obtaining oscillations.

Frames are attached parallel to each other. From above and below the centers, they are fixed with arrows, which, in turn, are attached to the vertical support. The lower arrow must be made of non-conductive material. The centers of both frames must be on the same line and are directed to the TV shows. An even smaller square is added to the three-hand design.

Another design for DMV - frame.

In the country areas, the television signal is rarely taken without amplification: too far from the repeater, the relief is usually heterogeneous, and the trees interfere. For the normal quality of "pictures", you need antennas .To, who at least a little to handle a soldering iron, can make an antenna for giving with your own hands. Aesthetics outside the city is not like that of great importance, the main - quality of reception, simple design, low cost and reliability. You can experiment and do yourself.

Simple television antenna

If the repeater is within 30 km from your cottage, you can make the most simple on the design part. These are two identical tubes interconnected by cable. The cable output is fed to the appropriate television input.

The design of the antenna for the TV in the country: do it yourself very simple (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with left mouse button)

What is needed for the manufacture of this TV antenna

First of all, you need to know at what frequency the nearest television is broadcast. The frequency depends the length of the "Usov". The broadcast band is in the range of 50-230 MHz. It is divided into 12 channels. For each needed its length tubes. The list of channels of essential television, their frequencies and the parameters of the television antenna for self-making will lead in the table.

Canal number Channel Frequency Length of the vibrator - from one to the other end of the tubes, see Length of cables for a matching device, L1 / L2 cm
1 50 MHz 271-276 cm 286 cm / 95 cm
2 59.25 MHz 229-234 cm 242 cm / 80 cm
3 77.25 MHz 177-179 cm 187 cm / 62 cm
4 85.25 MHz 162-163 cm 170 cm / 57 cm
5 93.25 MHz 147-150 cm 166 cm / 52 cm
6 175,25 MHz 85 cm 84 cm / 28 cm
7 183.25 MHz 80 cm 80 cm / 27 cm
8 191.25 MHz 77 cm 77 cm / 26 cm
9 199.25 MHz 75 cm 74 cm / 25 cm
10 207.25 MHz 71 cm 71 cm / 24 cm
11 215.25 MHz 69 cm 68 cm / 23 cm
12 223.25 MHz 66 cm 66 cm / 22 cm

So, in order to make an antenna for the TV with your own hands, you need the following materials:

It would be nice to have a soldering iron, a flux for soldering copper and solder: All connections of central conductors are preferably disappearing: the image quality will be better and the antenna will work longer. Places of pieces then need to be protected from oxidation: it is best to pour the silicone layer, it is possible - epoxy resin, etc. As a last resort - take it with a tape, but it is very unreliable.

This homemade antenna for the TV, even at home, will make a child. You need to cut off the tube of that length, which corresponds to the frequency of broadcasting the nearby repeater, then cut it exactly in half.

Order assembly

The resulting tubes are discussed on one side. These ends are attached to the holder - a piece of hetinaks or textolite with a thickness of 4-6 mm (see the picture). The tubes are located at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, their long-distance ends must be on the distance specified with the table. They are fixed to the holder, they should be kept firmly.

The installed vibrator is fixed on the mast. Now you need to connect two "usa" through the matching device. This is a cable loop with a resistance of 75 ohms (type RK-1, 3, 4). Its parameters are indicated in the extreme right column of the table, and how it is done - in the right side of the photo.

The average cable veins are screwed (soldered) to the discharged ends of the tubes, their braid is connected by a piece of the same conductor. Get the wire simply: cut off a piece of slope slightly more than the desired size and free from all the shells. Ends Clean and fasten to cable wiring (better supay).

Then the central conductors are connected from two pieces of matching the loop and the cable that goes to the TV. Their braid is also connected by a copper wire.

Last Action: The loop in the middle is fixed to the rod, it is also screwed down to the cable going down. The bar is raised to the desired height and there "set up". For configuration, two people need: one turns the antenna, the second is watching TV and evaluates the picture quality. Having determined where the signal is best received, the antenna made by its own hands is fixed in this position. To do not suffer for a long time with "setup", see where the receivers of neighbors (essential antennas) are directed. The simplest antenna for giving with his own hands is made. Install and "catch" the direction by turning it along its axis.

About how to cut a coaxial cable Watch the video.


Pipe loop

This antenna for giving with your own hands is slightly harder in the manufacture: you need pipe bender, but the radius of reception is more - up to 40 km. The source materials are practically the same: metal tube, cable and rod.

The radius of the bend pipe is notable. It is necessary that the pipe has the desired length, and the distance between the ends was 65-70 mm. Both "wings" should be the same long, and the ends should be symmetrical about the center.

Homemade TV antenna: a television receiver with a radius of receiving up to 40 km from a piece of pipe and cable (to increase image sizes, click on the left key of the mouse)

The length of the pipe and cable is indicated in the table. Learn, at what frequency broadcasts the relay closest to you, choose the appropriate string. Screw the pipe of the desired size (diameter is desirable 12-18 mm, the parameters of the matching loop are given).

Canal number Channel Frequency Length of the vibrator - from one to the other end, see Length of the cable for a matching device, see
1 50 MHz 276 cm 190 cm
2 59.25 MHz 234 cm 160 cm
3 77.25 MHz 178 cm 125 cm
4 85.25 MHz 163 cm 113 cm
5 93.25 MHz 151 cm 104 cm
6 175,25 MHz 81 cm 56 cm
7 183.25 MHz 77 cm 53 cm
8 191.25 MHz 74 cm 51 cm
9 199.25 MHz 71 cm 49 cm
10 207.25 MHz 69 cm 47 cm
11 215.25 MHz 66 cm 45 cm
12 223.25 MHz 66 cm 44 cm


The tube of the required length bend, making it absolutely symmetrical relative to the center. One edge is flattened and brewed / seal. Fill the sands, and close up the second side. If there is no welding, you can drown the ends, just put the plugs on good glue or silicone.

The resulting vibrator is fixed on the mast (rod). It is screwed to the ends of the pipe, and then the central conductors of the coordination loop and the cable, which goes to the TV is puzzled. The next step is to connect a piece of copper wire without insulation of the braid cables. The assembly is completed - you can start "configuration".

If you want to do it yourself, read how to choose an antenna for giving here.

Basket Antenna

Despite the fact that it looks out seriously, the image becomes much better. Verified repeatedly. Try!

Outdoor antenna from beer cans

We collect like this:

  1. In the bottom of the banks strictly centered hole (5-6 mm in diameter).
  2. Through this hole, stretch the cable, output it through the hole in the lid.
  3. This bank is fixing the left on the holder so that the cable is sent to the middle.
  4. I pull out the cable from the bank approximately 5-6 cm, remove the insulation about 3 cm, we disassemble the braid.
  5. Cutting the braid, its length should be about 1.5 cm.
  6. It is distributed over the surface of the can and solder.
  7. The central conductor sticking on 3 cm must be soldered to the bottom of the second bank.
  8. The distance between two banks needs to be made as small as possible and fix in any way. One of the options is sticky tape or tape.
  9. All, homemade antenna DMV is ready.

The second end of the cable is finished with a suitable plug, turn on the TV jack. This design, by the way, can be used to receive digital television. Fir your TV supports this signal format (DVB T2) or there is a special console to the old TV, you can catch a signal from the nearest repeater. You only need to know where it is located and there to send your television antenna, made with your hands from tin cans.

Simple homemade antennas can be made from tin cans (from under beer or drinks). Despite the frivolousness of the "components" it works very well, and it is very simply made

The same design can be adapted to receive a meter channel channels. Instead of 0.5 liter cans, put on 1 liter. Will take MV range.

Another option: if there is no soldering iron, or you do not know how to solder, you can make it easier. Two banks are tied at a distance of several centimeters to the holder. The end of the cable is cleaned by 4-5 centimeters (carefully remove the insulation). The braid is separated, you are tied to the harness, you make a ring on it, in which the self-sustain is. From the central conductor, make the second ring and through it the second self-tapping screw. Now at the bottom of one cans we clean the speck, to which the screws are screwed.

In fact, for better contact need a soldering: braid carriage is better to post and sob, like a place of contact with metal cans. But also on self-drawing, it turns out not bad, however, the contact periodically oxidizes and it needs to be cleaned. How will "snow" you will know why ...

Perhaps you are wondering how to make a brazier from a balloon or barrels, you can read about it here.

Antenna for digital TV do it yourself

Antenna design - frame. For this option of the receiving device you will need a crosstorn from wooden boards and a television cable. We also need a tape, several nails. Everything.

We have already said that for receiving a digital signal, only a decimeter ether antenna is needed and the corresponding decoder. It can be built into televisions (new generation) or made in the form of a hotel device. If the signal reception function in the DVB T2 code on the TV is there, connect the antenna immediately to the TV. If there is no decoder in the TV, you will need to purchase a digital prefix and connect from the antenna to it, and it is to the telly.

How to decide on the channel and calculate the perimeter of the frame

In Russia, a program was adopted, on which the towers are constantly being built. By the end of 2019, the whole territory should be covered by repeaters. On the official website http: //xn--p1aadc.xn--p1ai/when/ Find your tower nearest to you. There is a broadcast frequency and channel number. The perimeter of the antenna frame is depends on the channel number.

This looks like a digital television number

For example, on the 37 channel broadcasting is carried out at a frequency of 602 MHz. Long wave is considered as follows: 300/602 \u003d 50 cm. This will be the perimeter of the frame. Calculate similarly to another channel. Let it be 22 channels. Frequency 482 MHz, wavelength 300/482 \u003d 62 cm.

Since this antenna consists of two frames, then the length of the conductor should be equal to the double wavelength, plus 5 cm on the connection:

  • for 37 channels, we take 105 cm of copper wire (50 cm * 2 + 5 cm \u003d 105 cm);
  • for 22 channels need 129 cm (62 cm * 2 + 5 cm \u003d 129 cm).

Maybe you are more interesting to work with a tree? How to make a birdhouse is written here and about the manufacture of a dog booth - in this article.


The copper wire is best used from the cable, which will continue to receive a receiver. That is, take the cable and remove the shell and braid from it, freeing the central conductor of the desired length. Act carefully it can not be damaged.

  • for 37 channels: 50 cm / 4 \u003d 12.5 cm;
  • for 22 channels: 62 cm / 4 \u003d 15.5 cm.

The distance from one nail to another must match these parameters. The laying of copper wire begins to the right, from the middle, moving down and then on all points. Only in the place where the frames are suitable close one to the other, do not shorterate the conductors. They should be at some distance (2-4 cm).

Homemade Antenna for Digital Television

When the entire perimeter is laid, the braid from the cable long in several centimeters is twisted into the harness and solder (primed, if it does not work out) to the opposite edge of the frame. Further, the cable is laid as shown in the figure, priming it with a tape (can be more often, but the laying track cannot be changed). Then the cable goes to the decoder (separate or built-in). All antenna for giving with your own hands for accepting digital television is ready.

How to make an antenna for digital television with your own hands - another design is shown in the video.

Despite the rapid development of satellite and cable television, the reception of airtal television is still relevant, for example, for seasonal accommodations. It is not necessary for this purpose to buy a finished product, home decimeter (DMV) antenna can be collected with your own hands. Before moving to the consideration of the structures, we briefly tell me why this particular range of the television signal is selected.

Why exactly DMV?

There are two weighty reasons to stop their choice on the designs of this type:

  1. The fact is that most channels are broadcast in this range, since the design of repeaters is simplified, and this makes it possible to establish a larger number of unpaired low-power transmitters and thereby expand the coating zone.
  2. To broadcast "Figures" This range is selected.

Room antenna for TV "Romble"

This simple, but, at the same time, a reliable design was one of the most common flourishing broadcasting era.

Fig. 1. The simplest homemade Z-antenna, known as the names: "Rhombus", "Square" and "People's Zigzag"

As can be seen from the sketch (B Fig. 1), the device is a simplified version of the classic zigzag (Z-structures). To increase the sensitivity, it is recommended to equip it with capacitive inserts ("1" and "2"), as well as a reflector ("A" in Fig. 1). If the signal level is quite acceptable, it is not necessary to do this.

Aluminum, copper, as well as brass tubes or strips of 10-15 mm wide, can be used as a material. If you plan to install the design on the street, it is better to abandon aluminum, since it is subject to corrosion. Capacitive inserts are made of foil, tin or metal mesh. After installation, they are disappeared along the contour.

The cable is stacked as demonstrated in the figure, namely: did not have sharp bends and did not leave the side insert limits.

Alarm Decimeter Antenna

In places where a powerful relay tower is not located in relative proximity, you can raise the signal level to an acceptable value using the amplifier. Below is a schematic diagram of a device that can be used almost with any antenna.

Fig. 2. Scheme of an antenna amplifier for DMB range

List of items:

  • Resistors: R1 - 150 com; R2 - 1 com; R3 - 680 ohms; R4 - 75 com.
  • Condenters: C1 - 3.3 PF; C2 - 15 PF; C3 - 6800 PF; C4, C5, C6 - 100 PF.
  • Transistors: VT1, VT2 - GT311D (can be replaced by: KT3101, KT3115 and KT3132).

Inductance: L1 - It is a frameless coil with a diameter of 4 mm, wounded with a copper wire Ø 0.8 mm (2.5 turns must be made); L2 and L3 - high-frequency chokes 25 microns and 100 μg, respectively.

If the scheme is assembled correct, we get an amplifier with the following characteristics:

  • bandwidth from 470 to 790 MHz;
  • gain and noise coefficients - 30 and 3 dB, respectively;
  • the magnitude of the output and input resistance of the device corresponds to the RG6 - 75 Ohm cable;
  • the device consumes about 12-14 mA.

Pay attention to the method of supplying power, it is carried out directly through the cable.

This amplifier can work with the most simple structures made from undergraduates.

Peduced antenna from beer cans

Despite the unusual design, it is quite efficient, since it is a classic dipole, especially since the size of the standard banks is excellent for the shoulders of the decimeter vibrator. If the device is installed in the room, then in this case it is not even necessary to match the cable, provided that it will not be longer than two meters.


  • A - two banks with a volume of 500 mg (if you take tin, not aluminum, then the cable can be soldered, and not to use the screws).
  • B - places of attachment of the shielding braid cable.
  • C - central lived.
  • D - the place of fixing of the central core
  • E - cable coming from the TV.

The shoulders of this exotic dipole must be fixed on the holder made from any insulating material. As such, you can use healthy things, for example, a plastic hanger for clothes, a mop crossbar or a piece of wooden bars of the corresponding sizes. The distance between the shoulders from 1 to 8 cm (selected empirically).

The main advantages of the design - fast production (10 - 20 minutes) and quite acceptable quality "pictures", subject to sufficient signal power.

We make an antenna from copper wire

There is a design, much easier than the previous version for which only a piece of copper wire will be required. We are talking about the Frame Loop Narrow Range Antenna. Such a solution has undoubted advantages, since in addition to its main purpose, the device plays the role of a selective filter that reduces interference, which allows you to confidently receive a signal.

Fig.4. Simple framework dmv loop-type antenna for receiving digital TV

For this design, you need to calculate the length of the loop to do this, you need to know the "Figures" frequency for your region. For example, in St. Petersburg, it is broadcast by 586 and 666 MHz. The calculation formula will be as follows: L r \u003d 300 / F, where L R is the length of the loop (the result is represented in meters), and F is averaged frequency range, for Peter, this value will be 626 (sum 586 and 666, divided by 2). Now we calculate L R, 300/626 \u003d 0.48, it means that the loop length should be 48 centimeters.

If you take a thick RG-6 cable, where there is a foil in the braid, then it can be used instead of copper wire for the manufacture of the loop.

Now let's tell how the design is going:

  • The slice of copper wire (or Rg6 cable) is measured and cut off) with a length of L R.
  • The loop of the suitable diameter is collapsed, after which the cable comes to the receiver is soldered to its ends. If the RG6 is used instead of copper wire, then the insulation from its ends is previously removed (it is not necessary to clean the central core, it does not participate in the process).
  • The loop is installed on the stand.
  • On the cable to the receiver, the f socket is screwed (plug).

Note, despite the simplicity of the design, it is most effective for receiving "numbers", provided that the calculations were performed correctly.

Room antenna MV and DMB do it yourself

If, in addition to DMV, there is a desire to take and MV, you can collect a simple multilologist, its drawing with dimensions is presented below.

To enhance the signal in this design, a ready-made SWA 9 unit is used if problems with its acquisition occurred, a self-made device can be used, the diagram of which was given above (see Fig. 2).

It is important to observe the angle between the petals, the output beyond the specified range is significantly reflected in the quality of the "picture".

Despite the fact that such a device is much easier than a speakeriodic design with a wave channel, however, it shows good results if the signal is sufficient power.

Eight antenna for digital tv do it yourself

Consider another common design option for receiving "numbers". A classic scheme for DMB range is based on, due to its form, the name "Eight" or Zigzag.

Fig. 6. Sketch and implementation of the digital eight

Design sizes:

  • the external sides of the rhombus (a) - 140 mm;
  • internal parties (B) - 130 mm;
  • distance to reflector (C) - from 110 to 130 mm;
  • width (D) - 300 mm;
  • step between rods (E) - from 8 to 25 mm.

The cable connection site at points 1 and 2. Requirements to the material are the same as the structure of the "rhombus", which was described at the beginning of the article.

Homemade Antenna for DBT T2

Actually, all the examples listed above are capable of receiving DBT T2, but for a diversity we present a sketch of another design, called the "Butterfly" people.

As a material, you can use plates from copper, brass, aluminum or duralia. If the design is planned to install on the street, the last two options are not suitable.

Outcome: What is the option to stop?

Oddly enough, but the easiest option is the most effective, so the "loop" is best suited for receiving "numbers" (Fig. 4). But if other channels in the decimeter range are required, it is better to stop at Zigzag (Fig. 6).

The antenna for the TV should be directed towards the nearest active repeater to select the desired position, the design should be rotated until the signal power becomes satisfactory.

If, despite the presence of an amplifier and a reflector, the quality of the "pictures" leaves much to be desired, you can try to set the design on the mast.

In this case, it is necessary to establish lightning protection, but this is already the topic of another article.

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