
Linpus Linux Lite Version on a laptop

Question: Removal Linpus Linux Subsequent windows installation 7

I know that the topic is old as the world, but nevertheless. I read a lot about this, but I didn't find anything intelligible unanimously.
Tie Such: Brought new Acer. ASPIRE V3 with pre-installed Linpus Linux. I decided to upload a laptop from the OS that there is, then, having understood what, to install a seven. But with the first point there was a problem. Loading passes normally, but then a message comes out, type type type on the command line, then something to read documents about copyrights and so on. I type, pops up this document And ... all. Further tips, what to do next how to continue the download.
Therefore, two questions:
1. How to upload normally to the end of Linpus.
2. How to remove it correctly without harm the computer and install a seven.
Please do not redirect to other topics on the forum, help to figure out, I ask you.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Answer: One topic is one question, and you have a topic in the subject and another question in question

Question: Acer under Linpus Linux, how to put windows7?

Created blood flash drive With Windows7, I turn on the laptop, and there Linpus, well, I dived into Bios, and it seems to be downloaded through the USB flash drive, anyway Linpus. Turned on the F12 bootman, poked on the flash drive and here such a picture appeared, guys help)


Message from persen27.

How to convert GPT to MBR command line if you do not put lienzion

In paragon just transformed the disc)
Thank you, everything was established, the firewood remains)

Question: How to remove Linux Linpus and install Windows 7

Good afternoon, please tell me how to remove Linpus and install Windows 7. In BIOS (System Bios V2.23, may Phoenix BIOS)
The 1st in the loading is CVD, then the flash and at the very end of the hard drive. Loading from disk does not occur, i.e. The disk begins to spin, but then a "Penguin" appears, for him a black screen, some text, at the end of each row OK and that's it. I tried to put in bios boot Mode. Lega and when rebooting pressed F8 and F10, because I did not know that from this it causes a boot menus in which you can select the download from the DVMER. I have:
2. Linpus Linux (3.6.0)
Nothing helps. Linux do not know at all (command line, etc.), so if anyone says step-by-step instructionsWhat to do to install Windows 7x64 will be very grateful.
Laptop Acer v3 771.

P.S. Types of type - Windows sucks, put Linux and you will do not fit happiness, because I work in Photoshop, Korele and Edius, i.e. Programs, CTR. There is no Linux, but I do not want to go to Linux analogs. Thank you.

Answer: Hello everyone, I ran into the same problem, bought Acer C Linux, I didn't get anything on the forum, nothing happened. I decided the problem with the presentation. In Bios, the only thing was loaded from the UEFI, C disk and flash drives did not want to boot.
To begin with, I put up the download from the flash drive, nothing, nothing from the disk, the whole joke was in the flash drive, when creating a boot flash drive, you only need to choose the UEFI module. Work with RUFUS program. After creating an image on a flash drive with a UEFI type, my Acer saw a flash drive and still rushed, you could do install Windows.

Question: Replace Linux on Windows 7 while saving files

The problem is what: on an additional work computer, used as a file, someone has long set Linux. And I put crookedly, how to run it - it is unclear, some dances with passwords begin. You need to go to Windows, at the same time try to save the files on the hard disk (actually because of them the entire need of the process and appeared).

Or maybe it will be better to reinstall Linux? It did not have to work with him at all, in this and the hitch


Message from sammerovsky.

I would do so:

  1. Boiled with a distruster. Mint | Ubuntu.
  2. Over the network pounded files to another computer | Network drive
  3. put Windows
  4. returned files
In a gigabit network, copying is smart. If there are a lot of files, you can sink into several computers.
If on computers with Windows is normally configured network accessThere will be no connection problems.
And play from under Windows with linux sections, the occupation is sturdy.

Q: When installing a seven on a laptop Acer EX2519 Series writes, you do not have a driver on an optical drive

Hello, when installing a seven on a laptop Acer EX2519 Series writes, they say, you do not have a driver on an optical drive, go walk.
How to install a seven? It is written on the Internet: change the hole 3.0 to 2.0 and there will be a trout, but the error comes out the same.

Answer: Andrey1224,

Message from Andrey1224

The same, what is it? Ways to install the system with hard disk, will be thrown from a dozen.

I loaded with Ubuntu Live-USB and thrown on the Windows railway just as on the USB flash drive (as well as did the loading USB flash drive) XD
Rebooted, the entrance to the installation began, and then the Batz: "drive the driver!". And that's it.
Before that, really tried to launch the installer through Wine, but said the same thing.

Message from Andrey1224

Some methods, errors with the lack of driver optical drive can not (or short percent on 99), because The system installer is not used.

We tell a miracle way

Added after 3 minutes
On the this moment I have no access to the laptop, but the solution options would be useful for the following problem generations. Therefore, did not report the closure of the topic.
Comrade resigned and put the eight: 3

Q: Win 8 on Acer Extensa 4220 - Error 0Ex0000100

I put Windows from the flash drive, it comes to choosing actions, it is easy to install. SETUP.EXE message gets out - application error. Exception, an unknown software exception (0Ex0000100) in the appendix at 0x75C30F63. How to deal with it. The question is still in that really at all on Acer Extensa 4220 put Windows 7, 8 or 10?

I bought in general a laptop myself. Performance is more than I have a simple computer, progress has already reached. Chose from a friend, he advised, take it with Linux, he and cheaper and you still sit on Linux. Well, I think, Windows is not Yuzayu, Linux will be by the way.
One small crawling when choosing - it is indicated that OS Linux. And that's it. What Linux is not written. Well, okay, I think, somehow stands, the identity is normal in principle, I'll see at least what you feel in it. They opened the box, there the laptop is all elegant, in stickers, they say, and the camera and even Cheto, in general, the dream of any Assocofloider. I thought so, nifiga, under Linuch, so much rattles were stuck.

Began to download. Linux was Linpus Linux Redflag 6 SP1. The first time I hear. A dister is good by the way, on Fedora made, it can still be found on mini-laptops, there is a seeming semi-performance, something mean between the PDA and the laptop. But it is convenient, all tasks are immediately displayed. With small laptops, everything is clear, there it is necessary to stick it easier, but on a normal laptop with 2 gigs of the opera and gifors 9600 you can also put it, it will not really tense it.
In general load. Unbelled root at the entrance. Cool. Startx says there are no screens either drivers, folders with dwarves and dodgers too. About the camera and other things already and I do not ask, so it is clear. Run in the documents, there is only a book, how to install this very Linux. There are still disks with firewood. They are proud of the inscription - compatible in Wist's windows! From this I became very joyful. And in the instructions for a laptop sequence - do not delete section Recovery.There are important data on the restoration of drivers and windows. Disabled FDISK, looked sections, / usr and / home, they about what interesting things were interested and how are they going to restore windows on a launch with Linux? Probably joked again.
Somewhere I read the article, on the seclub chtoli, that laptops with Linux are buying mainly to put Windows on them. Not surprising.
A familiar somehow brought a laptop, also with Linux. She was lucky more - she was put by Suzu. Jouser created. Password from him just to say forgot. I also had to demolish.
So I think, really you can not put any glamorous dister on the computer? Mandriva Thaw, Bubunty. Is there a little userfrendli distributions? They are all free, nafig then to install any distribution, if you can put a normal one, which from the box will pick it up and will work with it?
Hiking, long for long people will look at Linux as on x. Understand that.
Found here on the forum wonderful excuses of Acer, I think Asus adheres to the same policy:

Problem in OS.PrI download OS (installed manufacturer) Commands (Startx, KDE, / ETC / INITTAB, etc.) are not working. In the internet looked around almost all forums. Everyone who bought the laptops with Linpus Linux This OS is not incomprehensible. If anyone is interested, that I dug out from one Singapurta. He applied to Acer-y and Linpus-y. That's what Acer answered him (Translation from English Google and slightly edited by me) Dear we apologize for this misunderstanding. Please let me make clarity in this question. In the travelmate 2413nwlc that you bought is sold without the operating system. It helps to reduce the cost of a laptop computer for the customer who already has its own a copy of Windows XP. However, there is a resolution that all computers must be supplied with the operating system. Therefore, that this ruling worked, Acer, loaded the text version of Linpus Linux. This is similar to MS-DOS. It cannot join the GUI / KDE environment as we are talking Not O. full version Linpus Linux. Travelmate 2400 series, certified for Windows XP only. Customers are encouraged to purchase and install a copy of Windows XP on these laptops. Everything required drivers Windows XP is contained in Resource CD. Regards, Wah, Kok-Minvas, Technical Support Engineer Acer Computer (Singapore) PTE LTD so that you do not run Linpus on your Acer-ah. Pry, I, for my three dead days in the internet. Hooray!!!

Those. Linux put something if something stood. Would have been put then then, to delete it faster

In order to download Linux Linpus Lite, follow simple instructions.

  1. To download the installation file started, click on the blue button "Download from the server" located slightly higher.
  2. After that, the server will prepare and check the installation file for viruses.
  3. If the file is not infected and everything is in order with him, appear gray button "Download".
  4. By clicking on the "Download" button, download the file to your computer will begin.

We do not ask you to undergo a tedious registration process or send any SMS to confirm. Just download and use on health \u003d)

How to install Linux Linpus Lite for Linux

To install the program, follow the simple instructions that apply to most programs.

  1. Run the downloaded file by clicking on it double by pressing. Everything setup files taken from official site sites.Last update date linux file Linpus. Lite version 1.9.2 was 10 January 2017 at 7:50.
  2. In the window that appears, accept the license agreement. You can also familiarize yourself with the license agreement on the official website of the program developer.
  3. Select the desired components that you want to install. Remove ticks that can stand for installing additional programs.
  4. Select the folder on the computer where you want to install the program. In most cases, the program automatically selects the folder, for example, in Windows this C: \\ Program Files \\
  5. At the end of the program installation manager, you can create a "label on the desktop" or "folder in the start menu".
  6. After that, the installation process will begin. After completion, the installation manager may ask to restart the computer for more correct program.

The distribution is manufactured by Linpus Technologies, Inc. based on Taiwan. This is probably the only Minener who does not publish any definite graph of release releases. It's good, or bad, now I'm not going to discuss it.

This article describes my experience of installing and testing Linpus Lite 2.1 both on real glands and in a virtual environment. The problem that is repeated in each release Linpus Lite lies in the fact that the programs installed and available in the repository are usually lagging behind the last versions of at least three revisions. And in the latter release in this regard nothing has changed.

According to the official announcement, the LINPUS Lite 2.1 innovation includes dual boot support from Windows 8 on computers with UEFI and Secure BootNew Authorization Window and Native Support (GTK +) and HTML5 applications on the desktop, known as Icon Mode.

Like almost all Linux distributions, installation image It has a Live mode with a graphics installer that can be launched directly from the Live session.

Linux Lite 2.1 Installer:

the installer is a graphic application that is a modified version of a significantly older release of Anaconda (version 17.29), a graphics installer from Fedora. The screenshot below shows the installer options at the disc markup stage. Among the options automatic ("Use all Space" and "Use Free Space"), here is also an option ("Do You Want to Install Recovery?"), Which, when activated, allows you to create a section To restore the system. I do not remember that someday saw a similar option in some of the releases of Anaconda, or in the installer of any other distribution Linux. In one of my test attempts to install, I activated this option and as a result I received a section of restoration of about 2 GB. But whether it works as described, I did not check.

In this screenshot, the partitions created when choosing an automatic disk markup and the option to create a recovery partition. The last logical section (SDA6) is a recovery section.

The second option of the automatic disk markup indicates that the installer can release unused disk space On the section with the already stopped system, but in my case, with two-time testing of this option, it did not work as promised, although there was enough free space. The screenshot below shows an error message that appears when trying to install such an installation.

This screenshot below shows the manual markup of the disk. Declare RAID and LVM support, but when I tried to create new sectionThe options were available only to create a standard partition.

And on this screenshot is shown supported file Systems. BTRFS is not supported.

Automatic definition of the time zone is not supported (a function that has long become standard in the majority of popular distributions in the installers). In addition, it is not possible to set the host name and does not support the choice of the installation site of the bootloader. The latter is not a problem on computers with UEFI firmware, but can deliver trouble when organizing a double boot on computers with Legacy BIOS.

Adventure on the input screen: This screenshot shows the GRUB boot menu. The GRUB version is used 2. Flag in this menu - the recovery option that I wanted to test.

And this is a screenshot of the login screen, which in the announcement of the release it was stated that he was "easier to use." This is a false statement, since in all my test installations Linpus Lite 2.1 on the real gland and in the virtual environment attempt to enter the entrance installed system It was the most difficult stage. I just could not log in using the password that I was asked during the installation process.

And I was sure that I chose the right language and introduce the right password.

But I always saw the message "Incorrect Username or Password". And it did not matter whether Caps Lock was pressed.

To somehow get out of the position, I switched to one of the virtual consoles and tried to log in there. But it did not work out there, since I still received a message about an incorrect password. Note that all this is repeated with several installations. However, I was able to log in as root. After that I changed user passwordAnd finally, after that I could log in as a regular user.

Linpus Lite 2.1 desktop:

LINPUS Lite 2.1 desktop produces much best impressionthan the login screen. As already mentioned, the Cinnamon graphic shell is used as the desktop, but at first glance it looks like a modified GNOME 3. This is a really modified version of Cinnamon. However, like most of the programs installed and available in the repositories, it is very old version Cinnamon. How old is? How about cinnamon 1.6. Latest version This graphic shell is CINNAMON 2.0.

In the screenshot, the default desktop is. This is the easiest in the configuration desktop among all I have seen. The widget stack on the left side of the desktop can be disabled.

And the marking of the desktop can be switched from standard mode In the mode called icon mode.

At this screenshot, the default desktop.

And this is the same desktop in Icon mode. The widget stack on the left side of the screen is available regardless of the mode used.

The bottom and top left corners of the "hot" screen. When they are activated, left top corner Responsible for the EXPO function, with which you can see that we have activated two virtual desktops.

And the left lower angle in this case allows you to build everything open windows The current virtual desktop (Scale function). The problem with these "hot" corners is that the utility that in Cinnamon is responsible for their setting, I could not find it.

Wherein system settings Available in the descopa menu or in the user menu, like GNOME 3, which is strange, as it is positioned that Cinnamon is used in Linpus Lite 2.1, and not GNOME 3.

I found that the System Settings utility from CINNAMON (CINNAMON-SETTINGS) is installed, but it is necessary to run it from command line. Here I was able to set up "hot" angles. The screenshot shown below shows Cinnameon System Settings from Linpus Lite 2.1. If you used Cinnamon earlier, please note that many modules are missing. Therefore, we can conclude that the core of the graphical interface is still GNOME 3 with some additions from Cinnamon.

Regardless of the above, Linpus Lite 2.1 has a very beautiful desktop. The main problem here is that both the graphics shell itself and the programs installed and available in the repository are two - three releases are lagging behind.

Unlike most popular distributions, Linpus Lite 2.1 comes with a good collection preset games. Nothing special, but enough to interest users who are fond of computer games.

The task of managing all installed applications And installing new in Linpus Lite 2.1 is solved very simply using the graphics manager of the packages. It is called Application Center (or AppCenter), and is the best manager packages from those I saw (not counting Deepin Software Center from Linux Deepin), although, like any computer programHe has its drawbacks. The screenshot below shows its main interface. The tops displays the selected applications in the form of 3D-car services. AppCenter is designed to control only graphic applicationsTherefore, the search for command line applications will not give any results.

This means that the installation of applications without a graphical interface also needs to be performed from the command line (using YUM). AppCenter has an integrated utility to check for updates (default checks them once a day). But there is no possibility to check updates manually, so if you want to do this, you will also have to access the command prompt.

Physical and network security:

Due to the lack of support encrypting hard Disc in the installer, Linpus Lite 2.1 does not offer any solutions to ensure the physical security of the system. But the firewall is activated by default and provides network security, although network ports Open. In addition to the HTTP ports, the screenshot also shows open port Printer Demon (631). However, there is no in the system automatic setting Printers, it must be done manually even for HP printers.

Like other applications installed in the system, the firewall is not the last used in Fedora (Firewalld), but an older System-Config Firewall. In the screenshot is shown graphic interface To manage firewall.


I always believed that having sufficient resources for development and your target audience, Linpus Lite has good positions for gaining popularity. However, the released release brought his disappointment. However, Linpus Lite 2.1 release looks quite worthy. The only essential disappointment is the old releases of programs.

If you do not confuse the use of obsolete applications, Linpus Lite 2.1 is to try it. An unusual approach to the use of two desktop markings gives pleasure.

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