
How to make a password for a removable hard drive. Install the password on the hard disk. How to put a reliable password for your computer folder

All important information is stored on the hard disk. To protect the device from unauthorized access, it is recommended to install a password on it. You can do this with the built-in windows or special software.

Install the password you can hDD or its separate sections. It is convenient if the user wants to protect only certain files, folders. To secure the entire computer enough to use standard means administration and install password for account. To protect an external or stationary hard disk, you will have to use a special software.

Method 1: Disk Password Protection

The trial version of the program is available for free download from the official site. Allows you to install a password when entering separate discs and HDD sections. At the same time, for different logical volumes, blocking codes may differ. How to set protection to the physical disk of the computer:

After that, all files on the hard disk of the computer are encrypted, and you can only receive access to them only after entering the password. The utility allows you to establish stationary disks, separate sections and external USB devices.

Tip: To protect the data on the inner disk, it is not necessary to put a password on it. If other people have access to the computer, then restrict them access via administration or configure the hidden display of files and folders.

Method 2: TrueCrypt

The program is distributed free of charge and can be used without installing on a computer (in portable mode). TrueCrypt is suitable for protection separate sections Hard disk or any other media. Additionally allows you to create encrypted container files.

TrueCrypt supports work only with hard disks of the MBR structure. If you use the HDD with GPT, then put the password will fail.

To put a protective code on a hard disk through TrueCrypt, follow these steps:

  1. Run the program and in the menu "Volumes" Click "CREATE NEW VOLUME".
  2. The file encryption wizard opens. Choose "ENCRYPT THE SYSTEM PARTITION OR ENTIRE SYSTEM DRIVE"If you want to set a password to a disk where Windows is installed. After that click "Next".
  3. Specify the type of encryption (normal or hidden). We recommend using the first option - "STANDARD TRUCHRYPT VOLUME". After that click "Next".
  4. Next, the program will propose to choose whether to encrypt only the system partition or the entire disk. Select the desired option and click "Next". Use "ENCRYPT THE WHOLE DRIVE"to put a protective code on all hard disk.
  5. Specify the number of operating systems installed on the disk. For PC from one OS, choose "Single-Boot" and press "Next".
  6. In the drop-down list, select the desired encryption algorithm. We recommend using "AES" Together with hashing "RIPMED-160". But you can specify any other. Click "Next"to go to the next stage.
  7. Come up with a password and confirm its input in the box below. It is desirable that it consists of random combinations of numbers, Latin letters (uppercase, lowercase) and special characters. Length should not exceed 64 characters.
  8. After that, data collection will begin to create cryptoclut.
  9. When the system receives a sufficient amount of information, the key will be generated. On this, creating a password for a hard disk ends.

Additionally, the software will propose to specify the place on the computer where the disk image will be recorded for recovery (in case of loss protective code or TrueCrypt damage). The stage is not mandatory and can be made at any other time.

Method 3: BIOS

The method allows you to set a password on an HDD or computer. Not suitable for all models motherboards, And the individual settings may differ depending on the features of the PC assembly. Procedure:

After that, to access the HDD information (at the entrance and download windows) You will have to constantly enter the specified in Bios Password. You can cancel it here. If there is no such parameter in the BIOS, then try using methods 1 and 2.

Password can be put on an external or stationary hard disk, removable USB storage media. You can do this through the BIOS or special software. After that, other users will not be able to access files and folders stored on it.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Nowadays, few people keep important data in paper - mostly used computers, laptops, flash drives and other media.

Losing all this good will be incredibly sorry (backup to us to help), but still more problems It may arise from your own, stored as a sense of data, in bad hands. And u, there is always something to get used. So, for example, I had when Troyan took the passwords from my FTP client and.

Many, in this regard, the question arises - and how to pass the folder with important data or put a password for the entire computer or at least on the flash drive, so that no one can get access to the contents. Well, in fact, solutions for this problem are a lot and even Windows itself (in the form of Bit Locker) offers options for encryption data, but all this is usually half character and does not guarantee that if necessary, the bypass will not be found.

TrueCrypt program features, reliability and setup

However, there exists (and for a very long time) almost one hundred percently reliable way to pass through anything in the folder, on your computer, flash drive or external hard disk. This program is called. You can deliver a password even to the Windows itself and it will not be able to bypass even if the attacker (or power-holding representatives) will post your hard disk, for absolutely all the information will be securely encrypted.

True, you will need a little more actions than when, but it is worth it, because it will be possible to hack the encrypted data, perhaps only by the method of thermostal cryptoanalysis (soldering iron inserted into one interesting place) who will apply as you understand only in very rare cases.

Yes, and not so everything is difficult - TrueCrypt has a simple, intuitive and, which is noteworthy, a fully Russified interface. The main thing will not forget the password from it (or key files), because there are no mechanisms for their recovery.

And the guarantee that there is no "master keys" to the Troopt, gives openness source code (also applies to a little earlier) - for fifteen years of its existence, all vulnerabilities and "black moves" would have already been identified and eliminated.

What is noteworthy, you will not need to put a password for individual folders. The most convenient way to work with TrueCrypt It is to create a container from any file available on your computer with any extension (it will be possible to create it and specifically, for example, info.txt). This is a container and will serve you the most reliable folder in the world, and the complexity of access to it you will determine yourself.

All data within this container will be encrypted and, which is wonderful, they will not be possible to associate with this program - the usual stream of random data. There is an opportunity to create another (secret) container inside this container, then the thermostal cryptanalysis may not give the result. But this will already be relevant only for the narrow circle of users of this program.

In addition, it will be possible using a truck, fully encrypt the entire logical disk (they can be a flash drive) on your computer and put a complex password on it, and to guarantee you still add and key files (choose any objects on the hard disk or media, without specifying the path to which the container or the folder will not succeed).

Well, the most serious way is complete encryption of the entire operating system (or the entire physical hard disk with it). After that, when booting a computer, you will first boot the TrueCrypt manager with a suggestion to enter the password you set.

Although you can confuse potential attackers and do not output any invitations about entering Password or write that an incorrigible error has arisen so that you don't even try to dig further.

And for particularly serious cases, it is even possible to download the secret operating system, which will be hidden inside the fake OS. Which one will boot - will depend on the password entered at the start of the computer. Maybe it looks paranoid, but there are cases when only this option can guarantee the security of data storage. If you do not have paranoia, then this does not mean that you do not follow.

One important moment. Trucript program does not just allow you to put a password to the file, folder or full PC - it on the fly encrypts all the data, And with the correct input of Password or specify key files - on the summer, this data decrypts.

At the same time, cryptostic encryption algorithms are used, which can even be combined (double and even triple). Yes, it can slightly slow down your work with data (it is not noticeable on modern PC), but it will make them at the present confidential.

Last time, the TrueCrypt version has 7.1a number and can be installed on operating systems with Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. Download It was used to be from the official site before, but now the developers have moved under the BitLocker wing (microsoft) and the download link disappeared. I use the version 7.1a now, which you can download on this link.

Wizard will allow you to select the type of installation of two program options: Install and Extract ( normal or portableWhen all the distribution files simply unpack the folder you specify).

In the case of a portable installation of the Trupport, you can avoid advertising that you use the encryption program on your computer and can be saved folders, files or partitions:

The portable version of the program can be completely stored on the flash drive, so that you absolutely do not leave any traces. However, only full version allow you to fully encrypt computer logic disks (including flash drives) or put reliable password On a computer by encrypting the system section.

Personally, I am pleased to using encrypted container files, so I do not need to carry out full installation TrueCrypt. If you are going to pass the system partition with the operating system, use the Install installation option, but before the encryption is started, without relying on any, be sure to remove the image from the system, for example, the same acronis.

Russifier for Trojpt. You can take from this page and unpack the files enclosed in the archive to the directory with the program. Run the program and select "SETTINGS" - "LANGUAGE" from the top menu to select the Russian language in the window that opens:

What is noteworthy, Russification affects not only the program interface, but also translates to russian language TrueCrypt Guidewhich will be available to you from the top menu (Help - user manual). The information in it is set out extremely in detail and comprehensively, so I will not describe all the possibilities in this article (and I could not at all desires), but I just move you to this remarkably folio.

I will tell only about how to put a password to the folder or, in other words, create a file container (encrypted folder), where it is possible to ponaky all sorts of hard, which will preferably hide from prying eye. Well, as well as how to put a password for a flash drive so that this program will automatically start with it to automatically start with it and offered to enter the password to the encrypted container (folder).

In TrueCrypt settingsIn which you can get from the top menu by selecting "Settings" - "Parameters", you can set the parameters of automatic unmounting containers (encrypted folders), through a certain time Or on a specific event, as well as ask to cleanse password cache when leaving:

Setting, forcing the Trucript in background modeIt allows you to work with auto-by-catching, as well as allows you to use hotkeys when working with this program that can be configured in the corresponding menu item (settings - hotkeys).

If your activity implies the need for instant unmounting all open pasteral foldersYou can hang this action on hot keys:

Let's first answer the question - how to create an encrypted folder (File container) to which we will deliver a complex password (and in the incoming the key file, so for sure) and we can connect it as an ordinary logical disk in your operating system. Not quite clear? Well, then let's in order.

How to put a reliable password for your computer folder

In the TrueCRYPT window, find the "Create Tom" button or select Tomas from the top menu - "Create a New". As a result, you will come to the first step of the Wizard of creating a new volume (a sauna folder that will live within the noticeable file you have chosen for this purpose):

Actually, this is the first option. The second one will allow you to encrypt any logical disk, both stationary and removable (pass the flash drive or external carrier). Well, and the third option is for those who want, for example, put one big greasy password on your computer. Probably it will be a good option for a laptop that can be lost or stolen much more likely than a stationary computer.

The second version of the program offered to us the TrojipT may need, probably, few users, but nevertheless. We simply complicate nothing at the "Next", as a result of which we are puzzled by the problem creating or searching for a future container (encrypted folder):

The best file that will then serve as a container for Tom, create yourself. To do this, you can register the path to a non-existent object and it will be created, and it will be possible to create a file-pacifier in advance or nadubat somewhere unnecessary trash.

It is important to understand one moment - this file will already cease to be such in its general understanding, because in fact it will turn into a folder on which we will deliver a difficult password and will be ready to fill it with super secretal data. File is best to hide deeper among the likes.

Now it came to turn decide with the encryption mechanismwhich will be applied on the fly to the saved folder (encrypt and decrypt its content when entering the correct password):

For our needs, the option proposed by default is quite suitable, but you are free to choose any of the available encryption types, including even double and triple, for when working with containers (volumes or other words, pallproof folders), the reduction of the speed you will not feel.

But in case of encryption of the entire system disk of your laptop with using TrueCrypt. (settings for access to the password computer), encryption rate on the fly May be critical. Try to estimate it by pressing the "Test" button on the above screenshot and feel the drop in the speed when encryption type complicates:

Without the need to complicate not worth it, especially when passing section hard Windows disk on a weak computer. In most cases, we leave everything by default and click "Next".

At this step, the wizard in the Trojipte offer you set the size of your future folder with password (container) Based on the most accessible place available for this:

I think the size is worth choosing with a margin. Next you will be offered to come up with the main password to access this very folder. For those who use Keepass, it will be better to use the generator of the complex sequences of the symbols built into it, which will be almost impossible to hack by the generation method.

It will not be superfluous to add one or more (in case of exacerbation of the beginning of paranoia) key files. For this purpose, absolutely any objects on your computer, flash drive or any other external carrier can be used. You can use the key to key, but these are still rare cases.

The key objects themselves will not be damaged (will remain readable), however, it is best to choose among the many other similar (for example, a graphic file from the folder with your photos in jPG format) so that the enemy does not guessed. Then be sure to copy these key objects to another hard disk or flash drive, so as not to remain at the broken trough in case of their failure, damage or accidental removal or change.

Personally, I have chosen for myself as the main place reserve copyonline services (File Hosting). For example, or. This repeatedly reduces the likelihood of loss and immediately. Data of such programs as a Trojipte and Cypas I keep in them necessarily. IMHO.

If you are too lazy to memorize a difficult password, then its field can be left empty, but select only key file (or a few pieces), the location of which on your computer or flash drive will be easy to remember. However, it will weaken the protection of your inquired folders in TrueCrypt, but it will increase the convenience of using them.

In the next step of the Wizard for creating a password folder you will be prompted to choose type file System In this container (if you plan to store objects of more than four gigs there, choose NTFS):

There you can put a tick in the "dynamic" field so that the size of this container would change as it is filling. However, if there is no free space on the hard disk, then your container may be damaged, so I prefer not to use this feature, but create an encrypted folder of fixed size.

Next, drive the mouse on this window, thereby increasing the cryptoposticity of encrypting the future-in-safe and click on the "Position" button. The markup will take some time depending on the size you specified to him and from the speed of your computer.

All so we created a secret folder and put on it the most reliable password (and key file) as a lock. Now it remains just learn to use it.

How to open a soldered in TrueCrypt folder

In the main window of the program you will see all the letters logical diskswho are on your computer in this moment Not involved. You can connect our secret folder with a password on any letter to you. To do this, click the mouse in this letter, and then click on the button "File":

Find the container that we with the help of magic and the capabilities of the Trojipte turned into a secret folder. The path to it will appear in the area "Tom", after which we will need to enter it by clicking on the button "Mount":

In the window that opens, enter the Passvord (and specify the key file using the corresponding button, if you used it), and then click OK:

As a result of these shamans in the main window TrueCrypt, opposite the letter you have chosen logical diskThe record will appear, meaning that the entire contents of the folder to which we put the password are open for viewing and working with it:

Now it remains only to open this disc in the conductor or to get started with the objects in this secret directory:

When to work with documents and files from the secret folder, do not apply press the button "Unmount" In the Trucripte program window:

Well, and also do this text to the top to make the necessary settings for automatic unmounting (including with hot keys) in case you forget to do it manually. I would not constantly keep a salary folder, I would not, because in this case the whole point of its creation is lost.

How to put a reliable password for a computer in the Trojip

Now let's see how you can put a password for a computer under windows control With our wonderful program. As I mentioned, the Trojipte allows you to encrypt either only a logical partition where you have the operating system installed, or the entire hard disk is entirely (from which the OS is loaded).

You can also deliver an additional password to download the secret operating system, but you already read about it in the program guide, which after Russification, by the way, will also be opened in Russian.

Attention! Before you implement the system partition encryption described below, be sure to do backup Your OS, for example, with the help of acronis, for I do not want to see your curses in the comments and read various curses in my address. The program works reliably (encrypts in the background), but no one is insured against the circumstances.

Encrypt the entire system partition from a fixed computer may be useful if you use great amount Counterfeit software and at the same time you have risks to check the competent authorities.

Well, and if you have a laptop that you constantly carry with you, then it will be very desirable to fully encrypt his hard disk to ensure that if you lose or theft, do not worry about possible leaks of your confidential information.

TrueCrypt not only allows put a reliable password on your computer, but also completely encrypses (turn into digital garbage) all the data on it (on system diskAnd the remaining logical disks can be encoded separately, if necessary).

If the ordinary chest with the lock can be opened by knocking down this very castle or breaking through its wall, then encryption will be similar to magical act, which will turn the chest with all its contents in nothing, and then after entering the key (spell-off) will return everything to "how it was" .

So, proceed. To begin with, as usual, you will need to click the " Create volume"Or choose from the top menu Points" Toma "-" Create a new one ":

However, now we choose the last option, allowing you to pass our computer. By the way, so that this action becomes available to you, TrueCrypt must be fully installed, not just unpacked in the folder as the version of the version (read about it at the beginning of the article).

In the next wizard step, we will be offered to choose from: either encrypt the system section or the entire hard disk on which it lives, or go rummage and try to create a hidden OS. We will choose the first option, for the second one for the present it is useful for a very small number of users with a real or imaginary threat to the application of the thermostal method of cryptoanalysis:

Next, you ask the question: Do you want to encrypt only one logical partition on which the OS is installed, or you wish to encrypt the entire hard disk (if there are still logical partitions except the partition from the OS):

If on your laptop, for example, just one hard disk and it is not divided into logical partitions at all (there is only a C drive), you can safely choose the second option (thus you put the password immediately to the entire computer).

If on laptop hard The disk is one, but it is divided into partitions, it would be better to choose again the second option so that no data gets a stranger when the larger or the edge of the laptop. Well, if your computer is stationary, with a bunch hard disks, I don't even know what to advise. Think yourself.

After loading the bios, but before starting the operating system, the bootloader will be booked, created by the Trucripte, and it can assume the role of the download manager so that you can choose which OS download. When choosing a salary Operation, you will need to enter a password from the computer.

In the next step of the castle layer on your computer, you will be asked about the encryption type that you want to choose (see screenshots above B).

As I mentioned just above the text - be careful with the choice of double and special triple encryption on weak computers And in any case, click on the "Test" button and check that it is on your hardware:

Further in the same way as when the folder is passing through the TrueCrypt, we must come up with a password to access the computer and, if you wish, this case can be enhanced by key files (read more likely above the text):

Now you will need to take the mouse within the windows that opened to increase the cryptic resistance of the encryption method used, after which you will show part of the code created by cryptoclides:

The following is a very important point - choosing a place on your computer, where it will be recorded disk image to restore the damaged truck loader. You will have to later (preferably not postponing in a long box, and in the next step of the master you will learn about it) record a disk from this image, which can help you launch a computer in case of force majeure circumstances:

After recording the recovery disk on a suitable blank can go to next step Masters. True, TrueCrypt will definitely check the correct recovery disk recording (it will need to be inserted into the drive, although you can deceive the master using the drive emulation program) and will not allow you to perform further actions at your own risk.

Now it will be necessary to decide how important everything is for you will be eliminated possible methods Restoring your system partition data, for such an opportunity always exists, if it is for business, the specialists will be taken and torture your hard disk. True, if he recruit all the BelibraD for several times in a row, thereby lost all the remnants of unencrypted information, then the specialists will remain with anything.

In most cases, it will be redundant and you can leave the default option:

Next you will be asked check the bootloader (Press the "Test" button created by the Trucripte, but still without password and encryption partition. When this pre-testing is completed, you will be offered to go to the real encryption of the system partition, which will be performed in the background until you use a computer for the purpose.

Although, in order to avoid excesses, it will be better to do it at night or at any time when a PC is not needed for several hours. Now with each boot of the OS to you you have to enter a passwordwhich you put on guard of the security of your computer:

All other information on working with encrypted system section Read B. detailed manual A user who, as I repeatedly mentioned, was quite well translated into Russian. There you will find a lot of nuances and useful trifles that have not found a place in this publication.

How to pass the USB flash drive and add TrueCrypt to autorun

There are two options to put a reliable and complex password on the media using a turboript. First, it will be possible encrypt the entire flash drive as a computer logical diskUsing the second option (encode the unwatching section / disk) from the first step of the "Wizard of creating new volumes":

However, this option has one essential drawback - it will not be possible set up TrueCrypt autorun when inserting a flash drive to a computer. But this is very convenient when the encryption program itself is recorded on the media, and at the same time it will start in the insertion of the device in the PC, and also mounts the desired volume (saved folder) from the same flash drive, but you will only just enter the password in the open window.

We simply add a file to a USB flash drive, which will serve us as described slightly above the container, that is, in the "Master of New Tov" window, select the first option and follow all the steps in detail described in the second section of this article:

So uncomply create a saved folder on our flash drive. If its size is less than the size of the carrier, then you can add something to it to distract attention. Although, if you do the autorun program of the Truppt from Flashki, then all these precautions will already be anything.

Now we need register TrueCrypt in autoload And so that the program is automatically mounted (encrypted folder with super secret data). To do this, select "Service" - "Setting up a portable disk" from the top menu of the TrojipT

In the window that opens, click the top button "Overview" and find your flash drive, the path to which is registered in the next form:

Just below rearrange a tick in the field "Tom Automotion in TrueCrypt", And even lower, using the "Browse" button, specify the path to the container file (Pastened directory on the media) and click on the "Create" button. After some thought, you will pay a message about successful creation Portable Disc:

Unfortunately, due to the dominance of viruses on computers and their bad habits, spread by prescribing themselves in the flash drive, this very autoloading on many computers simply turn off.

Therefore, for mounting the volume, which is stored on the carrier, and autorun from it Trucripte It can be created in the root of the flash drive file with extension. CMD (for example, SMONT.CMD) and add the following contents to it:

TrueCrypt \\ TrueCrypt.exe / Q Background / E / M RM / V "TEXT.TXT"

Where instead of text.txt you need to specify the name of the container file (encrypted secret folder on the flash drive) or to it. When you start this file from a flash drive (double click) you will see a black window command line And the TrueCrypt window with the invitation to enter the password:

If you enter it correctly, the main program window will open with information that the grooved folder from the flash drive has been successfully mounted on the first of the free letters of logical disks in your OS.

At the same time, the Windows Explorer window opens with the contents of this newly mounted logical disk or, in other words, with our super secret data wears on the flash drive:

Well, you can also add a razmont.cmd file to the media with the following content:

TrueCrypt \\ TrueCrypt.exe / Q / D

He may need you when you want to remove the USB flash drive. The start of this file is unmounted (will extell) the secret data from the grooved folder from the flash drive and you can quietly pull out this flasher itself from the computer. Well, as if, on this and that's it. Skullo it happened ...

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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In many cases, modern users personal computers There is a need to protect personal data - if access to the computer has several people and access to it is open if there is outdoor hard Disc with your data. In these cases, it will be a good way out - put a password. In this article, we will consider in detail how to put a password on a hard disk.

Consider work in Windows 7 operating systems maximum, professional and higher.

The first thing you can use if necessary to protect your data - this is used by the built-in Windows feature BitLocker, which reliably protect your disk. To do this, perform a few simple actions:

  • Go to the control panel and find the button "BitLocker disk encryption".
  • In the window that appears, opposite the disk icons that we want to protect, press the "Enable BitLocker" button.
  • In the next window, carefully choose the password removal methods. The simplest is the first - "Using a password to remove the disc lock."
  • You need to select the option of saving a special restoring key that will need to be used if the password suddenly be lost. Maybe, optimal decision It will "save a password to a file" and storing the recovery key, for example, in your cloud.
  • If you have installed operating windows system 8 and above, there will be a choice of several more points: "Specify a part of the disk for encryption" and "Select encryption mode for use."

The disk encryption will begin and after it is completed, access to the disk can only be obtained after entering the password you specified. An image of the lock appears on the image of the encrypted disk in the conductor.

When using the BitLocker function, you need to be extremely attentive, since losing the password and the restoration key, you can work with this disk only after it full formattingAt which, accordingly, all data will be deleted. Still need to remember that when reinstallation Operating systems In the event that you have not decrypted the disc before starting reinstallation or did not copy the certificate in advance reminted hard Disk, you can no longer be able to access your data!

Disk protection using third-party applications

In addition to the BitLocker function, which really encrypts data on the disk, there are applications third-party developersthat can be encrypted your disk and close the disk without real encryption, but using the password function.

You can use programs such as Disk Password Protection, LockNGO or Folder Lock.

With the help of various programs and utilities, access is fully closed for third-party users to the disk or to part of the data. The main thing, when choosing and using such programs, carefully refer to the preservation of your passwords and explore all the possible proposed disk unlocking capabilities, so that it does not lose access to them.

Disk protection using archiver

There is also the ability to close your data using any archiver that can archive not only part of the data, but also a fully hard drive. For example, WinRAR will perfectly cope with this task. To do this, in the Explorer menu, click on the icon of the disk with the right mouse button, then in the drop-down menu, find the "Add to Archive" item.

Before starting archiving, click on the Set Password button and enter the password in a new window. Then start archiving. After the data is laid in the archive, closed by password, source files You can delete, and then all new data add to the archive under password. But you need to consider that with such closing data, file lists and folders are visible, as they are shown in the archiver window before entering the password.

What happens in the end? If a hard disk with personal data really needs to be closed from prying eyes, then the firmware is the firmware encryption system BitLocker. And once again - when working with passwords and encryption, you need to be extremely attentive, since it is possible to loss of all your own data. Do not lose your passwords!

In this article, I will tell you about how to put a password on a hard disk or flash drive. In this instruction, we will not use some third-party programs, everything will be done using the built-in windows tools. And this circumstance will instill hope about the reliability of the method.

How to put a password on a hard disk / USB flash drive using BitLocker

BitLocker is a utility that is included in Windows 7 and older. With it, you can protect sections hard disk or flash drive. If you set the password to the method described, access to the data on the media cannot be obtained, even if it is extracted from the computer and is rearranged in another. That is, even outside your system, your information will be protected if there is, of course, a reliable password.

BitLocker protects information on the hard disk / flash drive and sets the password to access it. The data will remain protected, even if the device is connected to another computer.

To put a password on a hard disk / USB flash drive, do the following:

  • Right-click on the Hard Drive / USB flash drive section, and go to the "Enable BitLocker" line.

Check on "Use a password to remove the lock." Below write your password, and repeat it. Come up with a reliable password, and do not forget it. After that, click the Next button.

If you put a tick "Automatically remove the disc lock of this computer", then you will not have to enter a password to view the sections of the hard disk. Password will be needed only when installing the media to another computer. This means that if you want to protect your data from curious eyes that live at your home, you do not need to install there. If you have no such eyes at home, but you fear that someone can remove a hard disk and read it elsewhere, then put this check mark. However, for this, first of all, it is necessary to protect with the BitLocker section on which Windows is installed.

  • The next step is to save data to restore the password, if suddenly you forgotten it. I recommend not missing this stage, since you risk in this case. Before put a password on a hard disk, come up with how you store data for its recovery. They can be printed, save to the file on a computer or on a flash drive. Select the Next and click the Next button.

Store the file to restore the password on the same computer will be stupid. Therefore, it is better to write it down on the USB flash drive or save on another computer. Take care of this file from strangers and loss.

  • Click the Start Encryption button and wait for the process. If the disk is large in volume, then it can delay for a long time. At the end, the disk icon will acquire a view with the lock.

Now you know how to put a password on a hard disk. Try to open an encrypted partition to make sure everything works as it should.

Now cover the remaining types of data: how to put a password for a folder, file or disk in Windows? Here is the very simple wayswho do not require the installation of unfamiliar programs.

Method One: Access Rights in Windows

This way you can restrict access to a folder, any file and even a whole disk section. If you have multiple user accounts on your computer, and you are an administrator of a computer, you can close access to necessary information For everyone, besides yourself. This is done like this:

After that, the file, a folder or disk partition will be not available to all users you disable access. They will not be able to open it - for this you will need to enter a password from the administrator account, that is, yours. Do not forget to give a file or folder of an inconspicuous name, since file names will still be visible to everyone.

Method Second: We use the archiver

This method allows you to put a password to a folder or file. Surely you have at least one archiver on your computer, for example, WinRar. Then you can hide the secret file or folder to the archive and set the password on it. To do this, do the following:

  1. Right-click on a file or folder and select Add to archive(Add to Archive).
  2. In the displayed window in the field Compression method(Compression Method) Select Without compression(Store). So you do not have to spend time on unpacking the file when opening the archive.
  3. Then click on the button Set passwordSET PASSWORD.
  4. In the displayed window, enter the password and confirmation and click OK.
  5. Click OK Basic window. A file or folder will be created.
  6. Delete the original file or folder.

Now, to access a file or folder, you must first open the archive. And when opening the archive, enter the password you specified. Do not forget about inconspicuous names. In the same way, you can put a password for any new Archive In Windows.

Method 3: BitLocker

This method is for disks. It is available if you have Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise, Windows 8 / 8.1 or Windows 10. You can read more about the use of BitLocker in our article about. And in order to encrypt a disk section or flash drive, do the following:

Now, when you try to access the disk, the system will require enter the password.

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