
How to put a password to the folder in the computer without programs. How to protect your data from prying eyes. How to protect the password folder using auxiliary programs

Many people use computers for work and personal communication. To fulfill its work, solutions of financial tasks set different utilities, text editors, applications. Most of these programs require authorization. To preserve the results of work, financial information, large number Logins and passwords need to restrict access to folders and files to other possible users of the computer. To do this, you need to know how to put a password to the folder or encode the archive tools by Windows or special programs.

What is the password for the folder

The task of restricting access can be divided into two subtasks. The first one closes access to your personal information on your computer or by local network For all, besides you. Second task - restricting access of other possible users of your computer to your account. A separate task is to archive data or the application of software to reduce files. If we talk in general about protection, the password for folders is necessary when restricting access to:

  • personal, accounting, tax or other confidential personal and business information;
  • login and secret codes from personal Accounts in online banking, postal utilities, social networks;
  • business secrets, technologies, inventions, developments in all spheres of human activity.

How to pass the folder on the computer

Calculate all confidential information can be in several ways. The most basic ones are:

  • the ability to set a password to the folder using the operating tools windows systems - Create a key password for a directory, a started BAT file with the PIN directory opens, create a document protection by means Microsoft Office.;
  • the use of specialized archiving utilities indicating the secret code for opening the archive;
  • protect the password folder using special utilities that make files and directories closed on secret code And invisible in file managers.

Windows tools

Windows operating systems of different issues have different ways to pass the folder on the desktop or disk. For computers on windows 7 that use file System NTFS is a way to protect data at the physical level. To do this, you need to create a file key with the PFX extension:

  • open the Properties tab required to close the directory;
  • in the top menu, go to the General tab-\u003e Attributes-\u003e Others;
  • in additional attributes, check the content encryption checkbox;
  • select "Encrypt content to protect data";
  • click "Archive Now", the encryption process will begin;
  • click "Next" will start automatically export certificates;
  • then you need to check the box on the extension of the file-key - PFX;
  • specify the code for the key file;
  • click "Overview", select the storage location on your computer or flash drive, the name of the key file, move the data to the key, clicking "Next";
  • after clicking "Finish", the folder will be encrypted;
  • to open it, you need to click on the key, enter the code.

The standard Microsoft Office 2010 facilities have the ability to encrypt the documents created. Using this tool, when you try to open any document created in Office, you will need to enter a specified password. For this:

  • select the "File" tab;
  • next - "Protect Document";
  • in the menu, specify - "encrypt password";
  • by entering the secret code twice, click OK-\u003e Save.

Archiving programs

At the dawn of the computer era, the archiving program was used mainly to compress folders in order to save space on the hard disk. Now these utilities are used for packaging information when it is sent by mail, download to hosting, storage, sales. Another important opportunity archivers have due to the presence of the installation function of the PIN code when archiving. In this case, any archived file can be opened only when entering the secret code. The most popular supported by many platforms and hosting are the WinRar, WinZip, 7-Zip archivers.

Using special programs

You can limit access to directories by applying special utilities created for this purpose. Graphic shells or sequence of operations in these programs are different, but all of them are made to block the folder on the computer, conveniently and quickly set the code word to open folders, hide them on the disk for any extraneous eye. Such utilities have paid and free. They make it possible to close access to directories with any content - texts, music, photos, video. The most popular on the market are:

  • PasswordProtect USB;
  • Lock-a-folder;
  • Folder Protector.

How to make a password folder using archiver

By creating an archive with the help of popular WinRAR or 7-zip archivers, it is possible not only to reduce the size involved in folders with any contents by 30-50%, but also to put the code for the opening of this archive. This practice is applied when selling information, lessons, etc. through the Internet. Downloading an archive from sites or torrents free, but for their discovery you need to purchase a secret code. By creating an archive, it is possible to allow adding new files and folders to it. Modern versions of these products have a number of additional features.

Winrar archiver

One of the very first and most common is the WinRar archiver. It has several settings before packaging - in speed, the degree of compression, work in the background, the task of the archive name, the location of its conservation and many others. To create an archive you need:

  • having selecting the archived objects, right-click the mouse button, select "Add to Archive" in the context menu;
  • create the name of the archive;
  • the drop-down list of the right provides the ability to select the update method. source files and in the archive;
  • if necessary, put a tick "Delete files after archiving";
  • if you need to block the archive, put a tick in the archiving parameters to "Block the Archive";
  • press the "Install Password" key, enter it twice;
  • it is recommended after entering the code words to select "Display password at the input" and "encrypt file names", then "OK";
  • to start the process, click "OK" at the bottom of the main menu.

Program for archiving files 7-zip

WinZip and 7-Zip utilities the latest version are paid for them full-fledged work Registration is needed on developer sites, payment and receipt of the activation key. If it is presented for anyone who uses archived work on creating an archive is the same simple as with WinRar. To create an archive you need:

  • having selecting the desired objects by pressing the right mouse button in the Select "7-Zip-Add to ZIP file" menu;
  • set the archive format, put a tick in the "Show password" option and "encrypt file names";
  • in the line "Enter the password" set the code word;
  • start archiving by pressing the "OK" button.

Protect and hide folder using a bat-file under password

One of the options for closing the directory code is the creation of an executable file or BAT file, which is created in any simple text editor, for example - notebook. This file is created in the folder you want to pass. The text of this utility is on many resources on the Internet. He looks like this:

title Folder Private.


iF Not Exist Private Goto MDLocker

echo Are You Sure You Want To Lock The Folder (Y / N)

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d Y GOTO LOCK

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d Y GOTO LOCK

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d N Goto End

iF% CHO% \u003d\u003d N Goto End

echo Invalid Choice.



echo Folder Locked.


if not% Pass% \u003d\u003d Your_pall Goto Fail



echo Folder Unlocked Successfully

echo Invalid Password.

echo Private Created SuccessFully

Your actions to create a closed secret code of the directory will be the following:

  • one of the items of the template of this small utility is the string of your_pall, instead of which you need to enter your PIN code;
  • save this file, rename it in Locker.Bat;
  • click on it, the Private folder is created;
  • it must be transferred to all the information you need;
  • then run the BAT file Locker.bat again, answer "Y » To the question "Are You Sure You Want to Lock The Folder", and directory with your information will become invisible;
  • to access it, you need to start the BAT file Locker.bat, enter your code.

Creating an account with access rights

Windows OS when installing creates an administrator account that is endowed with all configuration rights, settings. For other computer users or laptop, you need to create credentials with limited rights. This creates its profile with the type of desktop, running programs, documents, drawings, etc. If there are several people on the computer, it is possible to create such user profile For each of them. Each account you can endow your access rights to functions, applications, local network.

Creating a shared account

Created when installing an account with administrator rights will be the main on the computer. At the same time will be created system files And folders for saving documents, photos, videos, music. By default, all the file saved files will be placed in them. All users of the system that will enter this main account will have general access To all information. If you close the main account secret key and create your accounts for other users, no one can access this information.

Setting code

A reliable way to protect is the closing password account. For this you need:

  • press the Start- Buttons-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e User Accounts;
  • in the list of accounts, select the desired;
  • specify "Creating a Password", enter it twice, create a text prompt and save;
  • next, in the main menu, select "Change the order of user login in the system";
  • remove the tick to "use a welcome page", while when you turn on the classic login and pin code will be offered.

Closing the password folder

Limit access to the directory to other computer users or a local network can be simple procedures with its properties. To do this, you need to do the following steps:

  • having a mouse to the selected object, right-click select the properties-\u003e Security-\u003e Edit;
  • you must add to the list of local and network users for which you close access;
  • clicking "Add" We register in the Username window, click "OK";
  • allocate this user from the list, put the checkboxes in the "Prohibit" column;
  • click apply-\u003e OK.

How to encrypt the password folder using special programs

Programmers of different countries have created a lot third-party programsproducts that provide the ability to hide or simply restrict access to files, utilities and applications to different users or uninfloiled guests of your computer. These utilities are characterized by graphic shell, design and cost. There are free utilities and paid applications. The choice depends on your preferences. Paid utilities have regular updates that increase the degree of classiness stored with their help.

PasswordProtect USB.

The use of the PasswordProtect USB utility will provide the ability to quickly and easily hiding your confidential files and folders by selecting the item in the menu of their properties. For this, after downloading and installing on a computer of this program, which is compatible with Windows 10, you must do the following:

  • purge the mouse to the selected object and right-click open the menu;
  • press the Lock Wock Password Protect USB button;
  • in the window that opens, enter the code word twice, confirm your actions;
  • after that, the icon will be visible a sign indicating its protection;
  • when attempting to open the utility will offer to enter the code.

Folder Lock.

The Folder Lock utility is able to protect the directory with any information on the PC with Windows 7, 8, 10. To use its capabilities you need:

  • download, install and run the program;
  • enter the PIN code in the text field, click OK;
  • clicking "Add", select the desired folder, or drag it into the Utility window;
  • after that, it becomes blocked, you can open it only by code.


This is a free utility, easy to work, suitable for non-executive programmist user research (beginners). This utility hides the presence of a folder on the computer. By downloading, installing and running the utility:

  • the "Lock A Folder" option select the desired object;
  • option "Unlock Selected Folder" open a directory with passwords;
  • change the main PIN code - "CHANGE MASTER PASSWORD".
  • to open the hidden, launch Lock-A-Folder;
  • click "Unlock Selected Folder", enter the code.

Folder Lock Lite.

A paid version of the utility that can protect files, wheels is Folder Lock Lite. It has free trial period 30 days. Its cost is 39.95 USD. This utility works on the principle of installing a master password, which is entered twice when it is first started. After adding files or folders, the utility hides their finding on the disk. Detect their presence repeated Utilities and commissioning master password.

Folder Protector

Different from many other utilities, the Folder Protector program uses encryption folders to protect folders. It has a paid and free feature for users with different requirements. After downloading, installing and running the steps required to protect:

  • specify the directory to close the access;
  • twice write the secret code, click "Protect";
  • it will be encrypted, created executable file;
  • to decrypt it, you must run this file from the utility.


Question from the user


Tell me how to pass the folder in which I have my documents. The folder is on the flash drive, and it has to be worn with you and connect to different PCs and laptops. I would not want someone to see them or copied to myself.

Small adding: Password must be put on the folder, and not on the flash drive itself. Those. To see a specific folder - enter a password, and everything else is free and open to view. Thank you in advance!

Good day!

The task is quite executed, below I will give several options, how to put a password for your files (and on the basis of the advantages / minuses of each method - you can choose optimal option for yourself).

One moment!

Some users (especially beginners) put passwords for everything: movies, music, games, etc. As a rule, all these media files that you downloaded simply from the network - few people are interested in (except for you), and it is unlikely to protect them (unless you want someone to know about what you are interested in them) .

At the same time, it is necessary to observe how connivors refer to passwords, personal personal data, to scans of passports, Inn, and Ave. First of all, it is necessary to protect these documents!

On file (document, notepad)

The easiest, fast and effective method Put a password to your folders and files - it is to send them to a passionate (and encrypted) archive. When you need to access files and folders inside the archive - you need to enter a password for access, and canfully use them.

Of the advantages: You can protect any files in this way: Word / Excel documents, pictures, text files (notepads), scans, etc. Also, the archivers are on any PC / laptop, which means that you can open files on any computer!

There is, truth, cons: if you forget the password - then it is very difficult to open this archive (in some cases it is impossible); not convenient to work with big files (for example, with a video folder).

Below I will consider how to create such an encrypted archive in popular 7-zip and winrar archivers.


A very popular archiver, allowing to compress files stronger than its competitors: WinRAR, WinZip, etc. Archiver is free, convenient and made in the style of minimalism (there is nothing superfluous). In general, rightly occupies a leading position ...

After installing it, you have the menu of the same name: 7-Zip in the explorer. Now, to create a archive, you just click right-click on right file or folder and choose in the menu that appears "Add to archive ..." (See Screenshot below).

  1. (1) - need to ask name of your archive And the place where it will be saved. In general, the name of the archive can be any, and in the subsequent can be renamed, as well as the usual file;
  2. (2) - archive format. The best compression provides 7-zip format, it is it that recommended to choose;
  3. (3) - SFX archive - self-extracting archive. That is, if you tick the box opposite this item, an EXE file will be created (as a regular program), running which will be possible to extract files without using the archiver (a comfortable thing to remove files could be on any computer, even on those where there are no archivers in general);
  4. (4) Password introduction - password can be any, here the archiver does not establish any restrictions. However, remember that the password of the form "12345", "God", "Love", etc., related to your name and date of birth - are very easy! Set something more reliable (6-10 characters are recommended, with capital and lowercase letters, numbers and specials. Signs);
  5. (5) selecting the encryption method - I recommend left the default AES-256, and additionally put a checkbox "encrypt file names". Thanks to this, your files in the archive will not only be able to open, but even see what file names are hidden in the archive!
  6. (6) - Start archiving.

Creating an archive // \u200b\u200b7-Zip

After the archive is created - you can try to open it. This action, any archiver (even not 7-zip) - must ask you to enter to decrypt the password. If you do not know it or forgotten - then your files will remain unavailable!


One of the most famous archivers providing a good compression ratio. Allows you to open and remove files from all the most popular archive formats: ZIP, RAR, ACE, TAR, GZIP, etc.

To create an archive in WinRar - just click right-click on some file / folder, and in the Explorer menu that appears, select "WinRar / Add to Archive" (Approx.: Add to archive).

  1. (1) - Set the name for the archive (Archive Name) may be any;
  2. (2) - choose format archive (RAR recommended);
  3. (3) - Select the option "SET PASSWORD" (Password installation) for archive encryption.

Then specify the password itself (row "ENTER PASSWORD" . Password entry) and it is very desirable to put a tick in the string "Encrypt File Names" (i.e. encrypt file names).

After that, you can start archiving. In general, a password archive is ready - you can use ...

Word / Excel Password Protection and PR.

Documents created in Microsoft Office can be encrypted by regular means without additional programs. It is very convenient when you often need to work with an encrypted document. By the way, you can put pictures in such a document ...

To set the password: Open the menu File / information . Then click on the function "Document Protection" And select the desired: Encrypt using a password (By the way, in addition, the document can be, for example, to prohibit edit, restrict access, etc.). .

Note that the password entered (if you forget it or lose) - restore almost unreal! This, by the way, is warned by the office itself, with his task.

After the document is protected by entering the section "INTELLIGENCE" You will see that the key icon appears with the lock, and the note is written that you will need a password to open the file. Actually, everything, the document is protected!

On folder / catalog

It is not always convenient to put a password to a specific file. For example, you have a catalog with pictures, personal photos with which you often work (edit the old, download new, etc.), and which I would not want anyone to see without your permission. In this case, it is not convenient to create an archive every time, and you have to resort to other tools. About them below ...

Protected Folder.

A very convenient utility to protect and hide from foreign files and folders. To protect the password folder - it is enough to simply transfer it to the window (in "safe") - and everything that is in it will be securely protected by your password.


  1. allows you to protect personal and important information from theft of programs;
  2. there are several levels of protection;
  3. very convenient to use: Simple drag folding - and it is protected!
  4. fully in Russian;
  5. compatible with Windows 7 / 8/8.1 / 10 (32/64 Bits).

Very simple and at the same time a reliable program to protect the encryption and password protection of any folders: whether they are on the hard disk, flash drive or any other removable media. Each folder, by the way, can be protected by its separate password. The program is fully translated into Russian, supported by all popular versions of Windows.


  1. unnecessary to keep it constantly running;
  2. does not install any special. drivers in the system;
  3. a simple, understandable interface - even a completely novice PC user will figure out;
  4. there are hot keys;
  5. the program is compact and does not take a lot of disk space;
  6. free for home use.

I'll show you on the example, how easy it is to encrypt and close your folder from prying eyes. Install and run the program. Then add a folder (you can use the INS key).

Now, even if you close or delete the program - your folder will remain unavailable (attempt to enter it (if you remember its name and address) - End error like on the screen below).

By the way, the folder is not visible, even if you boot into safe mode. In general, hidden reliably!

To decrypt the folder and files in it - you need to start the utility again, click on the icon with open castle And enter the password.

On the flash drive

Method number 1.

The easiest way to put a password for the entire flash drive (or disk) is to use the ability that already exists in Windows - BitLocker. Allows you to securely and quickly protect information on the flash drive

Note! BitLocker encryption is not in all versions of Windows. If you have Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise, Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 - most likely you have it should be.

To protect the flash drive in this way - connect it to the USB port, open "My computer" (or "This computer") and right-click on it, in the menu that appears, select. Next, follow the instructions of the wizard to install the password.

When the password is set, try to remove the USB port from the USB port, and then connect it again - you will see that access to it is closed (and its icon has become closed lock). Until you enter a password to unlock, information on the carrier is securely protected!

Disk unlock / flash drive

Method number 2.

Very simple and convenient utility to protect flash drives (works in all versions of Windows). All you need to put protection on the USB flash drive is to download the utility and copy it to the USB carrier (see screen below).

Action number 1 - copied the program to the USB flash drive

Then you can install a password.

Action number 2 - launched a utility from the flash drive, formatted it and entered the password

EVERYTHING! Now when you connect a flash drive - it will seem empty (only the USB SAFeguard program file will be visible in it).

To see the files on it, you will need to run this file and enter the correct password. If you do it - then the disk appear Z.equal to the volume of your flash drive - precisely with it and you need to work (and it is on it that all your files added to encrypt) ...

In general, everything is simple, convenient and easy to work!

Analogue of this utility: Rohos Mini Drive.


You can also create a virtual encrypted disk (something like an image) for connecting and viewing which you need to enter a password correctly. Similar technology makes your files as securely protected from outsiders. In addition, on such a disk, you can store absolutely any types of files.

Sample examples: TrueCrypt, Cybersafe, Rohos Disk, etc.

PS: Do not forget passwords! Otherwise, so secure the files that you yourself can not see them ...

Everyone loves secrets, but not everyone know how to protect the password folder with files in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7. In some cases, a secure folder on a computer is a fairly necessary thing in which you can store passwords to very important accounts on the Internet, Working files that are not intended for others and much more.

A list of free third-party solutions to protect folders that can be at least somehow recommended, limited to those that were specified. But there is I. paid programs For these purposes. Perhaps something from them will seem more acceptable to your goals.

Hide Folders.

Hide Folders program - a functional solution to protect the password folders and files, their hide, which also includes Hide Folder EXT to install a password on external discs and flash drives. In addition, Hide Folders in Russian, which makes it use more simple.

The program supports multiple folder protection options - hide, password lock or combinations, is also supported. remote control Network protection, hiding traces of the program, call on hot keys and integration (or its absence, which can also be relevant) with Windows Explorer, export of protected file lists.

In my opinion, one of the best and most convenient solutions of such a plan, although paid. The official website of the program is (free trial is 30 days).

Iobit Protected Folder.

Iobit Protected Folder - very simple program To install a password on folders (similar to free Dirlock or Lock-A-Folder utilities), in Russian, but at the same time paid.

Understanding how to use the program, I think, you can just get in the screenshot above, and some explanations will not be needed. When blocking a folder, it disappears from windows Explorer. The program is compatible with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, and you can download it from the official website.

Folder Lock from

Folder Lock does not support the Russian language, but if this is not a problem for you, then, perhaps, this is the program that provides the greatest functionality when protecting folders to the password. In addition, in fact, setting the password to the folder, you can:

  • Create "safes" with encrypted files (it is more secure than a simple password to the folder).
  • Turn on automatic lock when exiting the program, from Windows or turn off the computer.
  • Securely delete folders and files.
  • Receive reports on incorrect passwords.
  • Enable the hidden operation of the program with the call to the hot keys.
  • Create backups encrypted files online.
  • Creating encrypted "safes" in the form of exe files with the ability to open on other computers where the Folder Lock program is not installed.

The same developer has additional tools to protect your files and folders - Folder Protect, USB BLOCK, USB Secure, slightly different features. For example, Folder Protect In addition to installing a password to files, it may prohibit their removal and change.

All developer programs are available for download (free trial versions) on the official website

Install the password to the file folder in Windows

All popular archivers - WinRAR, 7-Zip, WinZip support the installation of a password to archive and encrypt its contents. That is, you can add a folder to such an archive (especially if you rarely use it) with the password setting, and the folder itself is deleted (i.e. so that it remains just a pellets archive). Wherein, this method It will be more reliable than simply installing passwords on folders using the programs described above, since your files will be really encrypted.

Password on the folder without programs in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (only professional, maximum and corporate)

If you want to make a truly reliable protection for your files from outsiders in Windows and do without programs, while on your computer windows version With BitLocker support, I could recommend the following way to install a password on your folders and files:

From what the Windows can offer this, probably, the most reliable way to protect files and folders on the computer.

Another way without programs

This method is not too serious and does not protect little, but for general development I give it here. To begin with, create any folder that we will protect the password. Next - Create a text document in this folder with the following content:

Cls @echo off title folder under password if exist "locker" goto unlock if not exist private goto mdlocker: confirm echo are you going to block folder? (Y / n) set / p "cho \u003d\u003e" IF% cho% \u003d\u003d y goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d y Goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End If% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End Echo Incorrect selection. Goto Confirm: Lock Ren Private "Locker" ATTRIB + H + S "Locker" Echo Folder Blocked Goto End: Unlock Echo Enter the password to unlock the folder SET / P "PASS \u003d\u003e" If not% Pass% \u003d\u003d Your_pall Goto Fail Attrib -h -s "Locker" Ren "Locker" Private Echo Folder successfully unlocked Goto End: fail echo Incorrect password Goto End: MDLocker MD Private Echo Secret folder created Goto End: End

Save this file with extension.Bat and run it. After you run this file, the PRIVATE folder will automatically be created, where you should save all your super secret files. After all the files have been saved, start our.bat file again. When the question is asked if you want to block the folder, press Y - as a result, the folder will simply disappear. If you need to open the folder again - run the file.Bat, enter the password, and the folder appears.

The way, to put it mildly, unreliable - in this case, the folder is simply hiding, and when entering the password it is shown again. In addition, someone more or less courtested in computers can look into the contents of the BAT file and find out the password. But, the topic is no less, I think this way will be interesting to some novice users. Once I also studied at such simple examples.

How to put a password to the folder in MacOS X

Fortunately, on iMac or MacBook Installation The password on the file folder does not represent any difficulties at all.

That's how it can be done:

  1. Open the "disk utility" (Disk Utility), is in "Programs" - "Service Programs"
  2. In the menu, select "File" - "New" - "Create an image from the folder". You can also just click "New Image"
  3. Specify the name of the image, size ( large quantity data to save it will not work) and the type of encryption. Click "Create".
  4. At the next step, you will be prompted to enter a password and confirmation of the password.

That's all - now you have a disk image, mounted which (which means read or save files) only after entering the correct password. In this case, all your data is stored in an encrypted form, which increases safety.

That's all at today, they reviewed several ways to put a password to the folder in Windows and MacOS, as well as a couple of programs for this. I hope for someone this article will be useful.

Simple instructions for installing passwords on Windows folders. If you have the need to protect certain personal data, you, of course, can put a password during download operating system Or create new account With corrected rights. But often in defense needs only a small part of your information. Therefore, many users are looking for answers to questions about how to pass the folder on the computer.


The most obvious way will simply hide it, but this is not the most successful option. Once the settings will include the display function of all hidden files, the folder will immediately see. So it's not necessary to do that if you are valid for the safety of files.

Surprisingly, but in Windows there is no possibility to install passwords on folders. We have to use third-party software. It should be borne in mind that this approach will not protect the folders, for example, from removing or transfer, so be careful.

The most common options for installing the password are the programs of archivers, specially designed utilities and BAT scripts. To learn more about how to pass the folder in Windows, consider in communities each of these methods.

Initially, the archivers were created in order to pack one or more files to the archive could be packaged, while having the ability to compress the outcome of the information taken. But, in addition, these programs can be used to set the password to the required folder with the data. The most suitable options will be WinZip, WinRar, Hamster Free Zip Archiver and 7-Zip.
We will analyze the installation of the password in Windows on the example of the WinRar program:
1. Install the WinRAR program to your computer.
2. Using the right mouse button, open the context menu of the package you need and select the "Add to Archive" item.
3. Next, you will see the name "Name" and "archive parameters" window. Pasting various tabs, you can change the type of compression and many other parameters, but you should not spend time at this time, because we only need to install the password.
4. Find the "Install Password" button in the "Advanced" tab
5. In the Password Window, you can enter it. It is first recommended to click the "Show Password" checkbox so that you are sure that everything is correct. If you want the files to change after this name, you can install a tick in the "Encryption File Names" item. Next, click OK.
6. After these actions, the window will change the name on "Password Archiving". Click OK, and you will receive an archive for opening your password.
In turn, if you enter wrong passwordYou will not get access to files.

This kind of utilities are resorted to the use of encryption elements. Even if you delete these programs, the files will remain under the lock. In addition, you have the ability to set the password to the entrance directly to the program yourself, even more secure the data. Using Anvide Lock Folder or Flash Crypt applications, you can easily figure out how to pass the folder.

Consider the password setting on the example Flash Crypt:

1. Install flash program Crypt to your computer.
2. On the required folder, call the context menu, and select "ProtectWithFlashCrypt".
3. In the window that appears, you need to enter your password twice, which should be at least 4 characters. Do not change the remaining fields, then click "Protect".
4. After the encryption process, the Flash Crypt icon appears on the folder. When entering the correct password, the folder is decrypted and you will get access to the data.

Installing a password using a BAT script

This method is the most unsafe, as simply uses a simple hide folder in Windows. A user who understands how to enable watching hidden data, easy access to information. So this option will only suit those who are confident in the inexperience of who can search for hidden folders.

To start the encryption process, create a file in notepad and copy the script there:
: lable
SET / P DISK_FLASH \u003d "Vvesti Buky Flash Drive:"
CD / D% disk_flash%:
IF% Errorlevel% \u003d\u003d 1 Goto Lable
CD / D% disk_flash%:
Del * .lnk / Q / F
ATTRIB -S -H -R Autorun. *
Del Autorun. * / F
ATTRIB -H -R -S -A / D / S
RD Recycler / Q / s
Explorer.exe% disk_flash%:

After that, you need to change the type of file, for this, change the extension with the TXT to Bat, after which it will be ready for use. The essence of the work of the script is as follows:

  • During the first press, a folder will be created with the name "papka", where you will need to copy all the necessary data.
  • After the second clicking, the SECRETNO folder will be retrounted, which will immediately be hidden.
  • With the following click you will be prompted to enter a password. With incorrect input, the script closes, and you need to enter it again.
  • After entering the correct password, the folder will become visible and will be called as in the first paragraph.

Also keep in mind that instead of Moi-Parol, you can use any password according to your desire.
Thus, you have become known the main ways to install passwords. Now it remains only to choose the appropriate. The safest options will be archiving programs or special applications.

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There are many ways that you can use to create a password folder. Most of them require the application of any program, but we have a neat method, put a password to a file without third-party programs. The program can be inadvertently deleted, which will lead to data loss. Our method can be returned everything back, even if you have forgotten the password to the file and you cannot find your data. .

I advise you to see other ways:

Create a password folder on Windows 10 without programs

Before creating a folder with a password, create simple folder anywhere. It will be another folder with a protective password and your personal data you want to protect. Come up with any name, does not matter in this case.

Create a new text document within this folder by clicking on an empty place in the created folder with the right mouse button. Select Create\u003e Text Document.

Open the created new text document. Copy and paste the following code into this document:

cLS @ECHO OFF TITLE FOUCHO IF EXIST "HTG LOCKER" GOTO UNLOCK IF NOT EXIST Private Goto MDLocker: Confirm Echo Are You Sure You Want to Lock The Folder (Y / N) set / p "cho \u003d\u003e" IF% cho% \u003d\u003d y Goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d y Goto Lock IF% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End If% Cho% \u003d\u003d N Goto End Echo Invalid Choice. Goto Confirm: Lock Ren Private "HTG Locker" Attrib + H + S "HTG Locker" Echo Folder Locked Goto End: Unlock Echo Enter Password to Unlock Folder SET / P "PASS \u003d\u003e" IF NOT% PASS% \u003d\u003d website Goto Fail Attrib -H -S "HTG Locker" Ren "HTG Locker" Private Echo Folder Unlocked SuccessFully Goto End: Fail Echo Invalid Password Goto End: MDLocker MD Private Echo Private Created SuccessFully Goto End: End

Change the IF NOT% PASS% row website on your password you want to set where the value website password. Then you need to save the file as a batch file. In the "File" menu, select "Save As".

After the file is saved as a batch file, delete the source text file.

Run the file "Locker" by clicking 2 times on it. When you first start the script, it will create a folder with the name "Private" in the same folder where a batch file is located. In this PRIVATE folder you will store your personal data to protect with a password. Add your files to be protected by password in the Private folder.

After adding your personal files to the folder, run the file "Locker.bat" again. This time you will be offered, block your data with password protection. Click "Y" if you agree.

Note that your personal folder in which you add your personal files quickly disappears. Only a BAT file will remain.

After running the script another time, you will be prompted to enter a password that changed in the script. In this case, my password is the name of the site. With the wrong set, the script simply stops its work and closes, you will need to restart.

If something went wrong and you want to return your files that disappeared and protected by password, consider how to return them to simple ways.

How to see Perellenny hidden folders again

Most people do not know how to configure the display of hidden folders in Windows 10, those who know will understand quickly. Read the topic here how to enable on all views of Windows. All you need: Enable "Show hidden files"And remove the" Hide secure system files "checkbox.

Get out a warning that scares ordinary users. Press "Yes", do not be afraid. After you find your data return the settings back.

How to remove the password from the Bat folder if you forgot

Very simple way, but not safe for programmers. Users who know what they deal will quickly guess what is the matter and how to see your hidden files. For example, I would never have guessed to first consider a clear file "Locker", it attracts little attention. It is necessary to know purposefully that there is such a script on the computer, with such a BAT file, hidden folder and password. The batch file itself can be hidden in attributes and create a shortcut on it. The label, in turn, you can also hide assigning a shorter key to it.

Press the right mouse button on the bat file executable, select from the "Edit" drop-down menu. RU password.

In this way, you can create a folder with a password without programs, thereby secure your files. Passing the folder in Windows 10 it turned out to be easierless without third-party programs. If the program can be deleted inadvertently and all data under its password can not be found more, the above methods in the article are easily restored.

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