
How to disable the Children's Package option on MTS. Secure Internet for children: MTS offers, MegaFon and Bilain. Parental Control Cost

In addition to services related directly to cellular communication, MTS operator makes it enough a large number of Other proposals related to the company's main activity is only indirectly. From the list of such proposals should be allocated service parental control At MTS "Child under the supervision", which became an excellent tool for any parent who wants to be aware of where his child is located. And in this article we will try to figure out all the nuances of the application option.

More about parental location control from MTS

This offer from one of the largest telecom operators in Russia will allow subscribers more not to worry about where their child is, and not to call him every 5 minutes. From now on, parental control can be carried out using the Internet or the relevant commands provided for by MTS.

The service allows you to connect it to the child's phone, after which at any time from your smartphone, or by using the website on computers or laptops, track all its movements around the city.

However, this is not all possibility of the option, since its functionality is quite wide. If you use a smartphone as their primary communications device, with the option to "Child Monitor" you will open the following features:

  • Access to current information about the actual balance of your own account account;
  • Access to the geo-position data provided according to the signal from the operator substations;
  • Obtaining data on all subscriber movements;
  • Providing more accurate location data related to information readable with GPS / Glouncing satellites;
  • Informing about the charge of the battery installed in the child's phone.

It is worth noting that in case of use by the parent of a regular mobile phone, only the first three functions of the parental control option on the MTS telephone will be available.

Parental Control Cost

As for the directly financial issues related to the connection and further use of the "Child under control" option. The cost of using this service is 100 rubles per month. As part of this proposal, customers have the ability to systematically monitor position up to 3 subscribers in unlimited mode. If you use the option for more than 4 subscribers, each next number will be charged when checking the location of 5 rubles.

It is also worth emphasizing that in the first 14 days from the moment of activation, the service with subscribers is not written off by the subscription, as MTS offers its customers a test period for understanding the rationality of using the option.

How to connect parental control on MTS

The connection of the "Child under the supervision" option is simply simply carried out, but, given the fact that activation is not for one number, but for a whole bundle, for a family, it is impossible to perform it into one action. In general, the connection procedure is carried out according to such a scheme:

  1. The first thing the service is activated for the parents' phone, and for this you need to send a text message to the number 7788 . The message needs to specify the text "Mom" or "Dad". So, for example, a message may contain the text "Valeria Mom" \u200b\u200bor "Pope Stepan".
  2. Get in response to the mission, within which your family identifier will be contained in the form of code. Be sure to save this messenger, because the code is necessary tool For further service setting.
  3. If necessary, add a second parent service by sending to the number 7788 His name and code identifier of the family. For example, a message may look like this: "Dad Stepan A89U3".
  4. Configure a child's phone service. To do this, you need from your (Parental) phone to send a message in the format Child "Name" "Phone" on the already familiar number 7788 . For example, a message may look like this: "Sasha's child 791617654321" (without quotes).
  5. On the phone of the child, it is necessary to consent to tracking location. To do this, you need to get an SMS message with the query and give it an affirmative answer.

How to use parental control service

Successfully connecting the service, as well as performing the procedure for its setting, you can go to direct use. And the child's location data can be obtained in several ways. We are considering them below:

  • Using SMS codes. Through sending commands to the number 7788 , You can get information about the location of the child or parents. Teams are sent in the format "Where Mom / Dad / Child Name". For example, a message may contain the text "Where Sasha" or "Where Mom". In response message, subscribers come about the location of the subscriber;
  • Through the service website. Using the site, authorization on which occurs on the subscriber number, you can convenient interface On the interactive map, watch the location of the child and other members of your family.
  • Through optimized applications. Installing the appropriate application on your mobile device, you can track the location of loved ones in an even more convenient form than on the service site. To date, the application "where children" from MTS is available for download for iOS and Android devices. It should be noted that applications work correctly on android devices with a version operating system From 2.3, and on iOS-devices with version of OS from 6.0 and higher.

How to disable parental control on MTS

If the service "child under the supervision" will lose the relevance for you, it can always be turned off. In addition, subscribers are offered and the possibility of temporary suspension of the option, thanks to which the write-off of the subscription is stopped. This "freezing" is carried out by sending a message to the number 7788 which indicates the text "Stop".

The direct shutdown of the service is also carried out using an SMS request to number 7788, but in the message text you must specify "Delete".

Choose the MTS Children's tariff is not so easy. The operator has many proposals. Have to make a comparison to decide on optimal decision.

In Belarus, there is a special rate for children. It is suitable for parents who wish to provide a child with a link with minor costs. Main conditions in 2019:

  • Subscription fee - 1.05 p from the fourth month.
  • It is proposed to connect two favorite rooms.
  • Call cost inside the network - 0.0815 p.
  • On other rooms - 0.125 p.
  • Calls to your favorite rooms - 0.057 p.
  • 50 MB of traffic is provided.
  • There is a call function at the expense of parents. If the child has no money on the phone, he will still be able to contact you.

For today for subscribers of the Republic of Belarus the best decision. You can save money and provide a child with communication.

MTS tariffs for a child without internet and with the Internet

There is no special children's tariff in Russia. You can explore the super package and other operator suggestions. But in order not to view all the programs, it is worth identifying the most balanced solutions.

Among the plans without the Internet will suit the "perception." We list the conditions:

  1. Call cost to all numbers - 0.05 r per second.
  2. The program is provided without a subscription fee.
  3. The cost of one SMS is 1.5p.

What are the advantages of the tariff?

  • He is very economical. Payment occurs for the services used.
  • There is no subscription fee.
  • The child will be ensured by communication.
  • You do not need to constantly make large payments once a month before removing the up.

Solve the problem with the Internet on this tariff is possible with the help of the superbit service. It provides 3 GB of traffic at maximum speed. The subscription fee for the option is 300 rubles per month.

What is the tariff MTS to choose for a child?

For adolescents who are actively used by the Internet, the HIGE tariff plan is suitable. Today is special offerrequested among subscribers.


  1. The traffic is not charged for popular services, social networks, messengers and games.
  2. For visits to sites is offered 7 GB per month.
  3. Unlimited inside the network.
  4. 100 minutes are issued to other rooms.
  5. There is a package of 200 sms.
  6. Subscription fee - 370 rubles per month.

Among the services for which traffic is not charged:

  • YouTube.
  • Telegrams.
  • Official app stores.
  • Apple Music and similar service from Google.
  • Some popular games, etc.

In fact, this tariff provides unlimited Internet access. It is the specified services that consume maximum traffic and are used most often. If you need to visit other sites, that is, another 7 GB of the Internet.

The advantages are obvious. It is possible to communicate freely, view video, listen to streaming music, play, enjoy all the possibilities of the Internet. The tariff is suitable for both adolescents and adults.

Attention! Specified parameters According to programs are common. In the regions, the subscription fee and filling may differ. On the Operator's website you can view the conditions for a particular city.

MTS tariff for baby

You can connect the cheapest batch tariff MTS for children. Smart - balanced offer. Conditions for the program:

  1. The subscription fee is 300 rubles.
  2. Provided unlimited calls within the network.
  3. There are 400 minutes to other phones.
  4. The package is 400 sms.
  5. There are 1 GB of traffic to visit the Internet.

In this embodiment, the emphasis is on calls. It will be relevant if you need to make calls to numbers of other operators.

The difference in the AP with Haip is not so great. Considering that children are now actively used by the Internet, it is better for your child. new plan Tariffs from the operator.

Children's package

Subscribers from Russia are invited to connect children's package. It will allow:

  • To prohibit challenges to short numbers and take messages from them.
  • You can create a black list, protect the child from unwanted calls.
  • It is proposed to cancel the advertising newsletter from the operator for Chad.
  • It is possible to find out the current balance for timely replenishment.
  • The second line is automatically activated when parents call.
  • When the balance approaches, a notification will come to zero.
  • You can determine the location in the special service on the map.
  • The child is able to independently transfer the geometric to parents.

The package is activated as an additional option. It can be included on almost any tariff. The exception is corporate plans.

"Children's Package" is useful set Services for children and their parents, helping parents take care of the child.
With the "Children's Package" option, the MTS tariff plan can become nursery.

From September 3, 2014, a new version of the "Children's Pack" option with an extended functionality is available for connectivity.
Now parents will be even easier to look at their children!

    How to connect

    STEP 1. Connection.

    To connect, you must dial on mobile phone Child * 111 * 1112 # and Next Select the section "1\u003e Connect".
    After connecting the "Children's package" to the child's phone, SMS confirmation of the successful connection of the option, as well as SMS with an invitation to add parents to the "Children's Package".

    Step 2. Adding parent numbers.

    Adding parent numbers is necessary so that parents can determine the location of the child and the child's balance sheet. Two parent numbers can be added (the subscriber can add one or two numbers, at will).

    • To add the number of the first parent, send from the phone of the child to short number 1112 SMS with text of the form: PARENT 8kodyyyyyy ( through the gap), where 8kodyyyyyy is a parent number.
    • To add a second parent number, send a child from the phone to a short number 1112 SMS with text of the form: PARENT 8kodzzzzzzz ( through the gap), where 8codzzzzzzz is a parent number.

    Sending SMS to the room 1112 In the Moscow region and Moscow region - free. If the phone does not support Cyrillic, the text can be shipped on the Latin.

    Example: Roditel 8kodzzzzzzz ( through the gap)

    After successfully adding parents to the "Children's Package" to the child's phone and parent phone phones will arrive SMS confirmations and parents will be able to request the SMS location of the child and the balance of the child who enjoys the child .

    What useful opportunities are offered

    How much is

    Connection / Disable Options - 0 rub.
    Monthly fee for the "Children's Package" option - 100 rubles.
    The cost of SMS queries on number 1112 while in Moscow and the Moscow region - 0 rubles.
    Dispute funds are made monthly from the number to which the "Children's Package" option is connected.

    All prices are subject to VAT.

    Who can connect

    The "Children's Package" connects to the MTS number, which the child uses, to any tariff plan (with the exception of corporate tariff plans).

    The new version of the "Children's Pack" option is available for new users options. For users, the "Children's Package 2013" option (i.e., for subscribers who have connected the "Children's Package" option until September 3, 2014), the conditions of service and tariffing are saved unchanged. If the subscriber is connected to the "Children's Package 2013", then to connect new version The "Children's Package" options to the subscriber must first disable the "Children's Package 2013" option, and then connect the "Children's Package" option.

    Child on his phone you need to type a free command *211# . In response to a child's request for the parents' phone will receive SMS with an indication of the child's location and reference to the card.

    To use the service, it is necessary that the parents' phone numbers are added to the "Children's Package" option as Parental (see step 2 of the section How to connect). Otherwise, SMS with the coordinates of the child will not be delivered to parents.

    How to set up rules and manage calls and sms baby

    Rules for managing calls and SMS child can be installed directly from the child's number.

    To configure the rules you need:

    1. Go to your personal account service at BL.MTS.RU.
      To access your personal account, type the login and password from your personal Cabinet MTS (for the room that uses the child). Personal account does not require installation special applications And works independently of the model of the telephone.
    2. Next in your account you can:
      • set the numbers to which prohibitions are installed (i.e., form a blacklist forbidden for a child's numbers). In the "black list" you can apply any numbers (mobile, international, urban). Rooms are entered in international format, starting from the country's code. For example, Russian numbers need to be made in format 79161234567;
      • set the type of prohibitions for the numbers included in the "Black List" (for all numbers or selectively):
        - ban on outgoing calls;
        - ban on incoming calls;
        - Ban on outgoing / incoming SMS (if necessary, set a limit on SMS, you need to connect the SMS Pro service to the child number. The service is free for the users of the Children's Package..
      • determine the schedule of prohibitions (i.e. choose the time to which the prohibitions will act).

    After saving all settings installed restrictions Will be applied to the child's number.

    If parents want to configure call management and SMS child from their number, for this you need to perform additional settings For parent numbers and then configure the rules to the child through the personal account of the parent.

    Important! Connecting the "Black List (Child" service "During the settings, you do not need to do - the" Black List "service (child) is connected automatically as part of the Children's Package option on the child's room.
    After all the settings, the parent will be able to establish rules for calls and an SMS of the child from its number through the personal account of the Services at BL.MTS.RU.

    How to find out where the child is

    To find out where the child is located, the parent from his mobile phone needs to be sent to a short number 1112 SMS with text of the form:
    WHERE 8kodhxxxxxxh ( through the gap), where 8kodhhhhhhh is the number of the child.

    If the phone does not support Cyrillic, the request can be sent on Latin:
    GDE 8kodhxxxxxxh ( through the gap).

    Sending SMS to the room 1112 In the Moscow region and Moscow region - free.
    After sending an SMS, the parent SMS will receive a response SMS with the address of the child's address and a reference to the card.
    View the location of a child on the Internet link you can on your mobile phone that completed the request. In a month, the parents are available for a total of 50 requests for determining the location of the child.
    To be able to determine the parents of the baby's location when connecting a "children's package", do not forget to add parents to it. Otherwise, the data on the location of the child will not be provided to parents. If the numbers of parents have been added immediately when connected "Child Package" option, you can do so later (see. "STEP 2" under "How to Connect").

    Determining the location of the child's parents is available only when a child staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe MTS network is not available and if there is a lock on the child's phone or on the phone parent. You can view the online link to the location of a child if the parent number is connected gPRS service And the phone is configured GPRS / WAP. When the GPRS / WAP traffic link transfers is charged according to the subscriber's tariff plan (parent). When in the region, Moscow and the Moscow region include incoming and outgoing SMS on the number 1112 Not charged. If the parents have been exceeded by the available limit in the number of child location requests, the child's location data in the current calendar month is no longer available, requests in the Moscow region and the Moscow region are also not charged. If you find outside Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of sending SMS to a short number 1112 Determined by roaming tariff.

    How to find out the balance of the room that the child enjoys

    The parent from its MTS number must be sent to a short number 1112 SMS with the text of the type:
    Balance 8kodhkhhhhhwhere 8kodhhhhhh is the MTS number that the child enjoys.
    After sending SMS-request to phone the parent who made the request, receive an SMS with a balance of numbers, which uses child.

    To use the service, it is necessary that the parents' phone numbers are added to the "Children's Package" option as Parental (see step 2 of the section How to connect). Otherwise, SMS with a child's balance sheet will not be delivered to the parent.

    When finding in Moscow and the Moscow region, incoming and outgoing SMS are not charged to number 1112. If you find outside of Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of sending SMS to the short number 1112 is determined by the roaming tariff.

    If the phone of a child or parent does not support Cyrillic, then to send SMS requests, you can use similar teams on the Latin, given in the "List of SMS commands to control the option".

    How to set up the definition of the baby's location and the child's number

    For convenience, the commission requests that parents are also given the opportunity to make inquiries on behalf of the child's location and balance.
    To establish the name of the child, the parent is necessary from his phone MTS Send SMS to a short number 1112 with text:
    NAME<НОМЕР_РЕБЕНКА> <ИМЯ_РЕБЕНКА> (All data is indicated via space)where
    <НОМЕР_РЕБЕНКА> - MTS number, which enjoys a child in 8codexxxxxx format.
    < ИМЯ_РЕБЕНКА > - The child's name chosen by the parent, which will be used in the service. The name can contain from 3 to 20 Russian and / or letters, and should not contain any spaces.
    After the name is installed, the parent can make location and balance requests in a more convenient format where<ИМЯ_РЕБЕНКА> or balance<ИМЯ_РЕБЕНКА>. For example, after setting the name of the command name 8kodHHHHHHH Vanya can make calls to the number 1112 in the form of:
    Where Vanya
    Balance Vanya
    If both parents are connected to the "children's package", and one of them set the name of the child, the second parent will automatically be able to determine the balance of the child according to the established name.

    When in the region, Moscow incoming and outgoing SMS are not charged to the number 1112. When in the region, Moscow, the cost of sending SMS to a short number 1112 is determined by the roaming tariff.

    If a child or parent's phone does not support Cyrillic, the sending of SMS-requests you can use the same commands in the Latin alphabet, listed in the "List of SMS-commands to control the option."

    How to disable

    To prevent an independent shutdown of the "children's package" by a child, only the owner of the number can be disabled the option that the child uses. To do this, he must personally contact the MTS Salon store, presenting a confirmation document.

    List of SMS commands option

    The "Children's Package" option is controlled by SMS commands to a short number 1112.

    SMS commands departed from the child's phone:

    Team on 1112 from child phone Options Short description
    Roditel NUMBER
    Parent. NUMBER
    Adding parent number,
    where the number is the parent number in the 8codexxxxxx format.
    For example:
    Parent 8Kodxxxxxxx
    Roditel 8Kodxxxxxxx
    Parent 8Kodxxxxxxx
    Getting a list of the parents' room phones, which can determine the position and the balance of numbers of child
    YES DA
    Issuance of permits for the definition of a parent of the child balance (necessary only in case of connection to the parent's room option "Kids Package," the child until 25 December 2013).
    HELP Help.
    USSD request for service "Mom, I'm here!" (recruited on the phone's phone)
    *211# After sending a child this request Parent phones comes SMS with a child's location and reference to the map.

    SMS commands parent sent from phone:

    Team on 1112 from parent phone Options Short description
    WHERE Child number
    WHERE Name Rebawn
    Where. NUMBER
    Request a child's location

    For example:
    Where 8Kodxxxxxxx.
    Where 8codexxxxxxx
    Whom KOGO.
    Request a list of phone numbers of children, location and status of the number of numbers of which can determine the parent
    Delete NUMBER Del, udalit. Disable parent from the "Children's Package",
    where the number is the child's number in the 8codexxxxxx format.
    For example:
    Remove 8codexxxxxxx
    Del 8Kodxxxxxxx
    Udalit 8Kodxxxxxxx
    LIMIT Limit. Getting information about how many requests for determining the location of the child is available to parent / parents in the current calendar month.
    NAME Related number_name_Benka name Name. Establishing the child's behalf for the possibility of a location request and balance the child's name, without specifying a phone number.
    BALANCEName Rebawn
    Request for the status of the number of the child who enjoys the child
    HELP Help. Inquiry reference information About the teams of the "Children's package"
  • Useful advice

    MTS provides opportunities that can be useful to children and their parents and which we recommend using with the "Children's Package" option so that the connection is convenient:

    To save costs:

    • We recommend to the parents to check which paid entertainment and information services were connected on the child's phone to the connection of the Children's Package. To do this, you must dial on your baby's mobile phone.

    To be in touch:

    • To be connected even at zero or negative balance:
    • wORK WORK - allows you to call another MTS subscriber at its expense.
      We recommend Save B. phone book child request for a call at the expense of the parent:
      0880Kodxxxxxxx, where codeXXXXXXX is a parent number.

      To send a query you need to dial 0880Kodxxxxxxx
    • service "Call Me Back" - allows you to send an SMS to another subscriber of any mobile operator in Russia with a request to call back.
      We recommend to keep the request "call me back" in the child's telephone book for parents:
      * 110 * # 8kodHHHHHHH where 8kodHHHHHHH - parent number.

      To send a request you need to dial * 110 * 8kodhxxxxxxx
    • the "Positive Zero" service - allows you to receive calls, receive SMS and call free service numbers MTS. You can also dial the subscriber number of any cellular operator Communications of the Russian Federation in the usual format ( 8kodhhhhhh), And the SMS notification with the following text will be automatically sent to this number: "This subscriber called you. Now only incoming calls are available to him. "

    The connection of the "Children's Package" is not a prerequisite for the provision of "Positive 0" services, "cut out", "call me back" and does not guarantee their provision. Detailed description These services and the conditions for their provision must be viewed in the relevant information sections of the MTS website.

    In order not to enter:

    • the service "Check on me" - allows you to send a request to replenish the account to the Subscriber of any mobile operator in Russia.
      We recommend keeping in the child's phone book a request to parents for account replenishment.
      * 116 * 8Codexxxxxxx #, or, where 8codexxxxxx is a parent number.

      To send a query you need to dial * 116 * 8codxxxxxxx # or * 116 * 8codexxxxxxx * Payment amount # .
      After sending the specified request, the parent will receive an SMS with the text: "Please replenish me the bill."

      We recommend parents to replenish your child's account right from your mobile phone with the help of the "Direct Transfer" service. Parents will be able to quickly replenish the score on the child's phone, as well as configure regular account replenishment from their account.

    The connection of the "Children's Package" is not a prerequisite for the provision of services "Check on me" and "Direct Transfer" and does not guarantee their provision. A detailed description of these services and conditions for their provision must be viewed in the relevant information sections of the MTS website.

  • Restrictions

    1. When the "Children's Package" option is connected to the subscriber only the following services are connected: "The monthly fee for the Children's Package option" (service, the target "Children's Package" option), "Prohibition of reception of information SMS and SMS / MMS from the MTS site", "Prohibition of content" , "Hold / Waiting for Call", "Autoinformation about Balance", "Definition of the Baby Location by Parents."
    2. The use of the services "Positive 0", "Writing", "Call me back" and "Check on me", "Direct Transfer" is recommended in conjunction with the "Children's Package" option to obtain the subscriber of all the services offered by MTS. However, the connection of the "Children's Package" is not a necessary condition for providing these services and does not guarantee their provision. The description of these services and the conditions for their provision to the Subscriber can be viewed in the relevant information sections of the MTS website.
    3. By section "Safe Communication"
      • See the description of the "Ban of reception of information SMS and SMS / MMS from the MTS website".
      • See Description of the Control Service.
    1. By section "Comfortable Communication".
      • Balance information The child's number is not provided when the parent number is in blocking.
        Automatic informing when the personal account balance approaches zero:
      • See the description of the service "Autoinformation about Balance".
        The ability to take a second call during a conversation:
      • See the description of the service "Waiting / Hold Call".
      And also, if you decide to use the services of "Positive 0", "Writing", "Call me back" and "Check on me", "Direct Transfer" - Read the terms of their provision in the relevant information section of the MTS website.
    2. By section "Determining the location of the child"
      • Determining the location of the child with parents is available only when the child is in the territory of the Russian Federation, in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe MTS network.
      • One parent can be maximally connected to the 3rd different "child packages" (i.e., one parent can determine the location of the most three children).
      • One child can be connected to determine the location of the maximum 2 parent (to the "Children's Package" may be added as much as possible 2 rooms of parents).
      • In a month, the parents connected to the Children's "Children's Package" are available for a total of 50 requests for the definition of a child's location. If only one parent is connected to the option, 50 requests for the location of the child also available.
      • When finding in Moscow and the Moscow region, incoming and outgoing SMS are not charged to number 1112.
      • If the parents have exceeded the available limit by the number of child location requests, the child's location data is no longer available to parents in the current calendar month, inquiries in Moscow and the Moscow region are also not charged.
      • If you find outside of Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost SMS request for a short number 1112 is determined by the roaming tariff.
      • For the correct positioning of the location, the SMS service must be connected from the subscriber (child). Also, when determining the location problems, you need to check the presence of forwarding from the subscriber defined (child), since the MTS phone can be turned off, and calls can be redirected to another number.
      • The disconnection of the "Children's Package" is possible only when contacting the MTS Salon store (upon presentation of a confirmation document by the owner of the room, which the child enjoys). Access to information about the "Children's Package" also has also the owner of the room who enjoys a child.
      • The service is not provided in the presence of lock on the child's phone or on the parent phone.
      • View the location of the child on the map is possible in the mobile phone of the parent who fulfilled the request. You can view the Internet link to the location of a child if the GPRS service is connected on the parent number and the GPRS / WAP is configured on the phone. When the GPRS / WAP traffic link transfers is charged according to the subscriber's tariff plan (parent).
      • To control the calls and SMS of the child within the framework of the "Children's package" on the number of the child, the "Black List (Child" service "service is connected.
        Connections This service is enough to install the rules on the number of the child.
        If the parent wants to manage calls and an SMS of a child from its number, then the parent number must be additionally connected to the free "Black List" service (parent) and configured on the binding of the child's numbers and the parent. Before connecting the service "Black list (parent)" you need to make sure that the parent number and the number that the child uses is decorated for one individual. .

Many parents are faced with the problem of choosing a tariff plan for a child. Their main requirements are the optimal cost of communication services, protection against visiting prohibited sites. Are there any such proposals among those present mobile operators on the this moment? In this article we will tell about what MTS company offers tariff for children.

common data

MTS has a mass option of tariff plans. They, as a rule, allow you to meet the needs of certain groups of people: for example, for Internet surfers there is a whole line of TP "Smart", which, among other things, include packages of services: for economical ("per second"), for subscribers who Prefer communication within the network (tariff " Super MTS"). Any subscriber B. this list Can choose the tariff "MTS". Child in this case can be protected from visiting unwanted portals with a special option. She, to all of the time, provides a number of useful features that will define parents. At the same time, if the mother with dad wants to connect the tariff for a child without the Internet to the MTS number, then you can do the following: to establish any like-liked tariff plan, which will be arranged by conditions and rates, and then deactivate the Internet service on it. This feature is available through contact center specialists.

How to make a tariff for children at MTS?

Operator cellular communication MTS has developed a special option by activating which on the basic tariff Plan, You can get a children's tariff. It is available on any TP this operator (The exception is only corporate tariffs). "Children's Package" does not affect the cost of communication services: Charging will be carried out by the main TP. At the same time, parents, by connecting this option, will receive a number of unique opportunities for a ridiculous subscription.

Description "Children's Package" option

Do not know, choose which tariff "MTS" for a child? Pay attention to the "Children's Package" option. It allows you to:

  • provide blocking forbidden sites (categories +18, drugs, propaganda, paid content, etc.);
  • eliminate the possibility of waste of funds on the balance of the child's number to purchase paid content (Sending text messages on short paid rooms will not be available);
  • protect the child from receiving various information, including an advertising nature, from MTS company (any incoming messages of this category are blocked);
  • exclude communication with unwanted numbers (adding them to the blacklist, you can stop the receipt of calls and messages from subscribers).

In addition, the subscription fee, which is 100 rubles / month, includes 50 queries for the definition of location. Parents from their numbers can receive information at any time about where their child is. It is enough to send the appropriate text in the message and wait for the response notice. The message from the operator will contain the address, as well as the link by passing which you can see the position of the child on the map). Such requests are not charged (within the framework of the established limit - 50 requests). Also, the child can independently send information about his position to mom and dad.

Informing about the balance of the child's number

By connecting the tariff for children to MTS (activating the "children's package"), parents will also be able to control the balance of the child's number. What is meant by this? First, at any time you can see the state of the balance sheet. This is enough useful feature. After all, the child will not be able to contact you if he does not have enough money for this (underestimated, all options, such as "call me", "twisted the score" will be available). Secondly, whenever the balance will reach specified value Parents will know about it. Relevant notifications will come to their numbers.

How to connect "children's package"

If you are interested in a proposal from MTS - a tariff for children (with a "baby package"), and you are interested in how this option can be connected, then we suggest pre-read the following information.

  • connection is free;
  • after activating the service, add two parent numbers (one) to the list of those who can get information about the balance of the child's number and form requests for the definition of its location;
  • every month is written off 100 rubles (subscription fee);
  • per month provides for fifty nitrified requests for determining the location of the child;
  • the option is available on any MTS TP (except corporate TP).

You can activate it on the number by entering the request * 111 * 1112 * 2 #, and then selecting the "Connect" item. As alternative option can be used personal assistant On the portal of the telecom operator (logged on it, follows the subscriber, on which the connection should be connected). In the Personal Accaster it follows the list available to activate the options to find the "Children's Package" option and activate it.

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