
Disable the Children's Internet Megaphone option. "Children's Internet" from "MegaFon. Connection and cost of the service "Parental Control" MTS

MegaFon collects its own base of sites containing a certain level content. These include:

  • adult advertising goods;
  • containing informational materials for the adult target audience;
  • online casino and similar;
  • porn sites;
  • sites with obscene materials;
  • resources through which drug trafficking is carried out;
  • phishing sites.

The service allows the parent to block access from any mobile device that the child uses to the specified resources.

By connecting it, the parents may not worry that their child will fall on the porn site, or order a couple of kilograms of TNT.

The prohibitions are also sites on which you can buy drugs, or find the instructions for creating a hydrogen bomb at home. Agree, this greatly facilitates the task of parents who personally cannot constantly track all the resources visited by their Chad.

You may not worry about the fact that during the surfing process, your child will fall on portals that copy and save your credit card data, or passwords from the Internet bank. Protection of information and protection against viruses - additional bonuses that can be obtained by connecting this service.

Filtering of unwanted content is automatically performed after connecting the option. To work correctly with some sites running through the HTTPS protocol, on the device from which the network is exitted, you will need to download a special certificate from the MegaFon site.

The unconditional advantage of the "Children's Internet" is the fact that the child himself will not be able to delete this service - representatives of the company provided such an opportunity.

Connect service for free. The price for use is 2 rubles per day, The subscription fee is written off daily. If necessary, you can refuse it if it becomes irrelevant.

Will it be able to turn off the child himself?

This question is worried about many parents. As already mentioned, representatives of the company provided such an opportunity. But small risks still remain.

If the Internet with such a restriction enjoys a teenager, it may well be enough to see the smelts to find the passport data of the parent, on which the SIM card is issued, and with the help of the contact center, remove access to the "interesting" resources.

But far from all teenagers can think before Yes, and limitations of this kind are usually established for children aged 4-12 years. And they, as a rule, are not particularly disassembled in technical subtleties, so you can not worry.

The ability to failure using USSD commands or a simple SMS message for this option is not provided.

Methods of disconnection

Total representatives of the company offer three options for disconnecting options for parents. Let's look at each of them in detail. See which there are ways to disable mobile Internet on the megaphone on the phone you can.

Using an SMS message

In order to take advantage of this method, need PUK1 code Your SIM card. If it is not, then turn off this way will not work.

To service number 5187 Send a message with one of the text options to choose from: "OFF", "Disable", "Off", "0", "OTKL".

In response, get a message with the text: "Send to this number PUK1 command [SPACE] 00000000, where 00000000 is the number of your PUK code."

Enter the text in the response message in the specified format, not forgetting about the spaces. Carefully check the PUK1 code numbers before shipping.

You probably noticed that you should turn away how the child has already taken the phone and began to search on the internet cartoon. Unfortunately or fortunately, modern children learn to search on the Internet you need video or pictures before they start talking. This is the fact that we need to take. And not just take, but to adapt to it. The earlier the children get access to the Internet, the higher the likelihood that they will come across unwanted information. To reduce the likelihood of such an event or even reduce it, MegaFon has developed the "Children's Internet" option, which will help parents to protect their child from the possible harmful effects of the Internet. In this article we will tell about the service "Children's Internet", its value, ways to connect and disconnect.

Basic information

Children's Internet - a service that closes access to sites that are undesirable to enter children.It works on the basis of a database containing a constantly updated list of sites with safe content. All sites that are not included in this list - and their number has more than 500 million. Names - automatically not available to connect. Unwanted all sites containing materials for an adult audience, the implementation of illegal goods and services, gambling and other dangerous categories. Also include sites used to bypass filtration.

To close access to unwanted sites, the service uses a special security certificate that needs to be installed on the device where the service is connected.

The service is connected is free
Subscription fee - 2 rub / day.

"Children's Internet" works on all devices on which you can use the MegaFon SIM card, whether, a computer or laptop (through an Internet modem), a tablet or a smartphone. The main thing is the presence of a security certificate installed on the device. For each device, it is installed according to his own instruction.

The service is operating throughout Russia, where MegaFon service is valid.But the company does not guarantee the correct functioning in international roaming.

Also many concerns the question, will the child be able to accidentally turn this service? Answer: No, will not be ableBecause it is necessary to contact the communication salon with documents confirming the identity and request to disable it. In addition, it is recommended to install a code word for contacting the contact center.

It is also necessary to use standard browsers. That is, when you enter the Internet through the Opera Mini or Opera Turbo browsers, "Children's Internet will not work. It is better to use other browsers, such as Firefox.

How to connect

Connect "Children's Internet" in three ways:

  1. Enter the phone number in the section " To plug»On the service page on the official website" MegaFon "
  2. Send SMS With the text " ON.»On the room 5800
  3. Via USSD command *580*1 # .

How to disable

As already mentioned, you can disable

  1. Either by contacting the MegaFon Salon with Passport
  2. Either call the contact center by number 0500 from your mobile phone or by number 8-800-550-05-00 from someone else's phone.

Restrictions use

Connect the service is not available if you use the services

TeleSystem MegaFon constantly expands the range of its services. In the company's arsenal, new tariff plans, useful options and additional packages appear regularly. One of them became the option "Children's Internet" from MegaFon. Thanks to her, the child will be fenced from unwanted sites and "bad" content. However, he will be able to freely use Internet resources from the White List. We offer you to get acquainted in more detail with the option provided.


After activating the function "Children's Internet", parents will be able to protect their Chad from the flow of web garbage and "necnzuras" wandering on the unstashes of the World Wide Web. Parents can independently choose malicious sites and make them blacklisted. The base of unwanted sites is updated every day.

Immediately make a reservation that for the correct operation of the "Children's Internet" function, you need to start certificates to be installed on the phone chad, which can be downloaded on the official page of the mobile operator. And also on the site you will find a detailed description of the function and the algorithm of its activation.

The service under consideration is available for connecting on any MegaFon tariff plans. By activating the function, the subscriber will be able to use it throughout the country. However, beyond the boundaries of the Russian Federation will be inactive.

The option has some limitations, there are few them, but still the subscriber is about them to know:

  1. The "Children's Internet" package from MegaFon does not work with such browsers as Opera, Opera Turbo, Opera Mini, etc. For the correct operation of the service, it is necessary to use such browsers such as Mozilla, Firefox, etc.
  2. The child can not independently disable the service, since it does not exist for it to deactivate any special system queries or disabling options through the personal account. Nevertheless, parents still have to install a password for deactivating the service. A password can be any word invented by the parents.

How to connect "Children's Internet" to megaphone

Before connecting the package you need to know how to connect the service "Children's Internet" correctly. And the main rule of activation of the "Children's Internet" function on the MegaFon is that only persons who have reached 18 years and, respectively, having a passport can start the function.

As for activation methods, there are several of them:

  • one of the most sought-after can be called sending a system USSD command. To do this, you need to simply dial a numerical combination on a mobile numeric combination * 580 * 1 # and press the call key. Immediately after sending a request to the phone of an adult will receive a notification in the SMS format on the activation of the option;
  • you can also simply connect to the service and by sending a text message. To do this, throw a SMS to the number 5800 with the word on. If activation has been successful, a response SMS of the corresponding content will be received on a mobile parent;
  • include service is possible in the Personal Account. To do this, go to your page and choose the category "Services". After switching to the category, you will open the entire list of services available for connecting. You will only have to select the desired option and click the "Enable" button. By the way, if you have not registered in the LC TeleSystems, the registration itself does not take you much time, for authorization you only need to fill out several empty fields;
  • turn on the function is possible and using a call to technical support to the number 0500. After connecting to the operator, inform the company's employee about your desire and then proceed according to the instructions. However, in this case, you must be prepared for the fact that the service worker can request personal information. Therefore, it is better to be restrained and prepare a passport or at least remember the code word invented by you at the time of registration in the television system;
  • and the last way of activation is a trip to the nearest mobile operator office (with a passport). In this case, everything you need from you, it is to come to the office center MegaFon and ask for a network worker to help with your question.

How to disable the service "Children's Internet" MegaFon

As mentioned above, the service used to turn off on the phone independently the child will not be able. However, if the fidget is quite cuty and can enter your passport data into the desired graphs, you just need to come up with a code word for deactivation.

Mobile operator offers to select three ways to turn off the service. Below is a detailed algorithm of actions, how to disable "Children's Internet" MegaFon.

Mobile operator Megafon provides a choice of clients an extensive list of tariff plans with and accessing the network, among which you can choose a service that fully meets your requirements. Connect and turn off the tariff plans on the Megafon sim card is quite easy. And how to turn off the mobile Internet on the megaphone, and what ways can this be done?

Disconnect options

Depending on which device you use the service, you can choose a more appropriate disconnection method. For example, if you have only a mobile phone, then approach simple options with sending SMS. When using a tariff plan from a computer, the Internet turns off through the official website and personal account. Below is a complete list of methods:

  • SMS message;
  • USSD codes;
  • personal Area;
  • application for smartphones.

In each case, the procedure does not take more than a few minutes, so it is necessary to choose only on the basis of the possibilities and available on hand. Let's figure it out how to quickly disable unlimited Internet (by tariffs) on a megaphone, each of the ways.


After you refuse the tariff plan acting on your SIM card, you can still use the Internet. Since the 1MB tariff service is connected to each SIM card, the user will be able to access the network. However, in this case, it will be paid for each 1MB traffic, and not for the full package of services.

Through the LC or the application on the phone / tablet, turn off the mobile Internet megaphone without additional commands. To work with the LC, you log in to the official website and in the appropriate section, select your tariff plan, then press the shutdown button.

Mobile application is installed through the Play Market or App Store store, depending on the platform of your device. Authorization occurs automatically if you use Megafon sim card on the cell phone. The shutdown procedure is similar to the personal account.

Using USSD and SMS

For each tariff plan there is a unique command and code to send an SMS message. With their help, you can turn off the selected service. You can also find a full list of commands on the official website. The "All Inclusive" rates can be turned off using the following combinations:

  • XS (* 105 * 0095 # or SMS at 0500995);
  • S (* 105 * 0033 # or 0500933);
  • M (* 105 * 0034 # or 0500934);
  • L (* 105 * 0035 # or 0500935);
  • All enabled VIP (* 105 * 0040 # or SMS to number 0500940).

Messages must be sent with the text "Stop" to get rid of the service "All Inclusive". Now we'll figure it out how to disable your mobile Internet on a megaphone from another line:

  • disable the Internet option S is possible through the * 236 * 00 # command or SMS with the word STOP to number 05009122;
  • to disable the M package M, you must use the combination * 236 * 00 # or SMS to 05009123;
  • the LA Tariff Plan is turned off by the same command or message to the number 05009124;
  • XL turns off via SMS to number 05009125.

As you can see, the failure of options is carried out using a single command, but SMS is sent to different numbers. Now you know how to turn off the Internet S, M, L and XL on the megaphone.

Children's tariff

The refusal to the included children's tariff is performed slightly different. There are no special commands or numbers for it. We will figure it out how to disable children's Internet on the megaphone in several ways:

  • turning to the center of Megafon;
  • by calling 0505 if you use a single-card call to a SIM card;
  • to call a third-party SIM card, use the number 8-800-550-05-00.

Now you know how to disable the Internet S on the Megaphone, as well as many other packets with traffic, if you do not use them for destination.

On the Internet you can find a lot of useful information, but sometimes users come across the "garbage" and unwanted content. Parents are quite difficult to protect their children from adults-oriented information. To eliminate this problem, MegaFon has developed a "Children's Internet" service, providing access only to those sites that are suitable for the child.

To take advantage of the service, the client needs to pay 2 rubles daily. Rates are indicated for residents of the Moscow region. To clarify the cost of services in other regions, it is recommended to contact the operator.

Subscribers who used children's Internet get the opportunity to protect schoolchildren from information "garbage". The option blocks access to web resources containing unwanted content. The base of malicious sites is updated every day.

The service is provided on a fee basis. On a day, 2 rubles are written off. Additionally, subscribers need to pay traffic, the cost of which depends on the connected tariff.

The option can be used in the home region and beyond. When finding in international roaming, access to the function is blocked. The service can take advantage of subscribers of any tariff plans.

It should be noted that the package cannot work together with such services as:

  • "Static IP";
  • "Dedicated VPN";
  • "Office in your pocket";
  • "Managing remote objects."

Children's Internet can be used from iPhone, smartphone, tablet and computer, subject to the use of a 3G modem. As for the browsers, the Opera option is not available. Working with programs such as Vatsap, Viber and Skype are allowed. In case of problems with the microphone, you need to change the phone settings.

The package functionality is designed in such a way that children cannot bypass protection. At the same time, the option sets control not only by sites, but also video rollers.

How to connect

Connecting the children's Internet on the megaphone is performed in several ways. In order to enable the option you need:

  • Send SMS with the text "ON" to the number "5800";
  • Go to the official website of RU. On the page describing the servant to enter your phone;
  • Dial USSD code "* 580 * 1 #";
  • Contact the office of the company. Consultants will help activate the function;
  • Log in your personal account. In the "Parameters" section, activate the function of interest.

So that the child could not independently disable the package, it is recommended to come up with a code word that allows you to deactivate the service.

For connection, the Commission is not charged. Sometimes subscribers leave a review of the following content: "Activated the option, but the filter did not turn on. What did wrong? " This is due to the fact that the service begins to function only after installing an additional certificate.

Instructions for configuring a certificate on android

Immediately after activating the option, you need to download the certificate. This can be done by clicking on the link "". The file needs to be saved in the memory of the Android device. After downloading the certificate you need:

  1. Run the file downloaded to the phone.
  2. Enter the name of the certificate. You can specify any name.
  3. In the "Using Accounting" field, select "VPN and Applications".
  4. Press the "OK" button.

After that, all traffic restrictions will be included.

Installing the IOS certificate

Subscribers using gadgets with IOS operating system may also establish a certificate. For this you need:

  • Download certificate from the site RU;
  • Run the file to install;
  • After installing the installation, click the "Finish" button.

On this, the certificate installation ends. Now it remains only to start the browser and you can proceed to work.

How to disable

To disable the "Children's Internet" service on a megaphone, you need to perform one of the actions:

  1. Visit the communication salon or the office of the company, providing a passport to confirm the person. After that, the consultant deactivates the function.
  2. To seek help in the call center - "0500". The operator will help remove the option from the list of active services.

In other ways it is impossible to disable the package. Thanks to this, teens will not be able to turn off the filter on their own.

Who fits

The option will suit all subscribers who have children. Thanks to the package, schoolchildren will be fenced from unnecessary information. The advantage of the package is that only the owner of the number can turn it off. Those who want to know where the child is delayed after school, it is recommended to use.

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