
MTS tariff "Smart Business M": description. Corporate MTS tariff "Smart Business L MTS Corporation Smart Business

MTS offers its customers many favorable tariffs, among which MTS tariff "Smart Business M". The conditions for using mobile communications allow you to significantly save on calls in different directions. It is possible to connect additional options and packages of services that allow you to save.

Terms of use of tariff

When using the presented tariff plan, a certain cost and volume of services are provided.

  1. No connection fee.
  2. Advance payment is 20 rubles.
  3. A month is given 1000 minutes and SMS to the rooms of the home region and other Russian operators.
  4. When making calls to MTS numbers within the region and Russia, the fee is not charged.
  5. After using minutes, the fee for calls to other operators and urban numbers in the edges of the region is 2 rubles.
  6. The cost of calls to other Russian operators after the end of minutes is 10 rubles.

As for the cost of calls outside of Russia, the corporate tariff from MTS "Smart Business M" provides for such a payment:

  1. CIS countries - 35 rubles per minute.
  2. Calls to Europe and Asia - 49 rubles per minute.
  3. Outgoing calls to other countries - 70 rubles per minute.
  4. Calls to MTS numbers, having code 883140 - 10 rubles per minute.

Corp Tariff from MTS "Smart Business M" also enables profitable use of the Internet. The subscription includes 10239 KB of the Internet. After spending volume, the fee is charged 9.90 rubles. SMS messages are also included in the rate of subscription to 1000, if the volume is exceeded, 2 rubles is charged for each sent message within the region. If the shipment is carried out beyond the region, the cost will be 3.80 rubles, abroad - 5.90 rubles.

Corp Tariff from MTS "Smart Business M" SS has a subscription fee of 600 rubles per month. Recently, the tariff was updated and the number of minutes increased significantly, which is very convenient for corporate clients, which can always be in touch and solve important issues. The "Smart Business M" tariff from MTS can be studied in detail in one of the operator's mobile communication salons. Experts will tell what advantages has a presented rate and what opportunities opens. Additional options, packages of minutes, SMS and the Internet can be connected to the main volume of services. To learn more detail about the connection details, you can call the operator and consult.

For individuals, made the Upgrade and the corporate line of "smart business." New tariffs began to mainly give more services (packages), but the minimum planning of expenses with a conditionally zero to 400 rubles per month. Consider options for Moscow.

"Smart Business Start"

  • Subscription fee: 400/900 rub. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number)
  • Included minutes: 400 (on all home regions and MTS of Russia)
  • Included SMS: 400 (on all home areas)
  • Included Internet: 3 GB
  • Action area: Moscow and MO.

Previous version of the tariff "Smart Business Start "made it possible to use it with both the subscription, and without it by turning off the Option" Monthly Fee for the tariff ". Without a monthly fee, the calls were paid for a minute (local 2 rubles, inside the contract 0.10 rubles, MTS Dr. Regions - 5 rubles). In the new version of TP "Smart Business Start »Service"The monthly fee for the tariff is mandatory.

Earlier for the subscription 300/800 rubles. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number) was given 200 minutes to all local rooms and MTS of Russia, followed by unlimited inside the network, 100SMS and 0.5 GB of traffic.

"Smart Business M"

  • Subscription fee: 600/900 rub. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number)
  • Included minutes: 1000 (on all rooms of Russia)
  • Calls inside the contract: unlimited (separately from the package)
  • Included SMS: 1000 (on all home areas)
  • Included Internet: 10 GB
  • Action area: Moscow and MO.

Previous version of the tariff "Smart businessM."It cost a month 500/1000 rubles. (Fed. / Mountains. Number) and included only 700 minutes, and not all of Russia, but to local rooms and MTS of Russia.SMS. it was also 1000 pcs., Internet - 4 GB (2.5 times less). New tariff even for "extra" 100 rubles. Before it was definitely better.

"Smart Business L"

  • Subscription fee: 1000/1500 rub. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number)
  • Included minutes: 2000 (on all rooms of Russia)
  • Calls inside the contract: unlimited (separately from the package)
  • Included SMS: 2000 (on all home areas)
  • Included Internet: 15 GB
  • Action area: Moscow and MO.

Previous version of the tariff "Smart businessL."Corp did. clients in the same 1000/1500 rubles, but the same package from 2000 minutes was not spent on the whole of Russia, but for local numbers and MTS of Russia, the number ofSMS. not changed, the traffic package rose 1.5 times - from 10 to 15 GB. The tariff was better than the predecessor.

"Smart Business XL"

  • Subscription fee: 1500/2000 rub. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number)
  • Included minutes: 4000 (for all rooms of Russia)
  • Calls inside the contract: unlimited (separately from the package)
  • In international roaming: 0 rub. For incoming calls in foreign trips from the 1st to 10 minute of each call (from the 11th to 25 rubles / minute)
  • Included SMS: 3000 (on all home areas)
  • Included Internet: 20 GB
  • Action area: All Russia.

Previous version of the tariff "Smart businessXL"It cost a month the same 1500/2000 rubles. It consisted more of 10 minutes - 5,000, but all local numbers and MTS of Russia, other intercity did not turn on. PackageSMS. not changed, the Internet has become 5 GB more - 20 instead of 15. Also in the tariff without an additional fee within the framework of the Basic Package Options "The whole world" appeared the opportunity to receive free ongoing roaming in the world. Previously, it had to pay for an additional approx. Objectively, despite the difference in minutes, the tariff also became better.

"Smart Business Unlimited"

  • Subscription fee: 3500/4000 rub. per month (Fed. / Mountains. number)
  • Included minutes: unlimited (on all rooms of Russia) with a limitation of up to 5000 minutes / month based on statistics for the last 3 months
  • In international roaming: 0 rub. For incoming calls in foreign trips from the 1st to 10 minute of each call (from the 11th to 25 rubles / minute) + 100 MB of Internet per month in 64 popular countries
  • Included SMS: 5000 (on all home areas)
  • Included Internet: Unlimited (with speed limit in Torrent networks up to 128 kbps)
  • Action area: All Russia.

The tariff "Smart Business Unlimited" is a new in the "Smart Business" line (with old archival "Business Unlimited" to compare it I will not be). I want to say one thing: very expensive. Especially in comparison withXL.

Minus all MTS tariffs "Smart Business", except for "unlimited" - after the package of the Package of Minor (except MTS) becomes 10 rubles per minute. Involuntarily can be paid for money. Also, the younger tariffs operate in their form only in the home region. However, earlier the option "All Russia" (for interhortean and intranet roaming, allowing the packages of minutes, SMS and the Internet to act on long-distance calls and on trips across Russia) was provided only for an additional subscription, starting from the M. Tariff

The tariffs "Smart Business" are not for modems. In them, the SIM card can not give the Internet.

After the Internet exhaustion, it is possible to connect an additional traffic at maximum speed, including 4G, "turbocons".

The monthly fee for the first month is in full at the time of connecting or transition to the tariff plan. In the following months, write-off the monthly fee is carried out in full at the same date - the date of connection or transition to the tariff plane, regardless of the number of funds on the account. If the number is blocked at the time of write-off (at the time of write-off the monthly fee is in a financial or administrative lock, voluntary blocking), the fee will be written off at the time of exiting the lock. In the case when the next calendar month does not have a similar connection date - the board is debited on the last day of the calendar month (i.e., if the subscriber connected / moved to the tariff of the 31st, and next month there is no 31st number, monthly The board is written off the 30th). For a full period of service provision in which the subscriber was actually in blocking - the fee is not charged. The number of minutes / SMS / Internet traffic in the first month is provided in full at the time of connecting or transition to the tariff plan. In the following months, the package accrual is carried out in full at the same date - the date of connection or transition to the tariff plan. For the estimated period of minutes / SMS / GB of Internet traffic, which is not transferred to the package, are not transferred to the next month. When moving to another tariff plan, unused minutes and SMS are reset and not provided.
Packages act when founding in Moscow and Moscow region

On the tariff plan "Smart Business Start" is possible to disable the option "Monthly fee for tariff". Packages minutes, SMS, Internet traffic When you turn off the "Monthly fee for tariff" Options are reset.
Tariffing for outgoing calls, SMS and Internet traffic is carried out according to the basic tariff conditions:
Outgoing calls to MTS mobile phones employees companies2 - 0.10 rubles / min
MTS MTS mobile phones in Moscow and Moscow region - 2 rubles / min
On the phones of other cellular operators and all fixed telecom operators in Moscow and the Moscow region - 2 rubles / min
On mobile phones of MTS of Russia subscribers (with the exception of calls to MTS mobile phones, Moscow and Moscow region) - 5 rubles / min
Outgoing SMS on mobile phones of subscribers in Moscow and Moscow region - 2.05 rubles for the message
1 MB of transmitted / received Internet traffic without Internet options (Access points:, - 9,90 rub
According to the conditions of the "Smart Business Start" tariff plan, when connecting and switching to this tariff plan, the "Minibit" option is automatically connected, the option is maintained when changing the tariff plan, subject to action on the new selected tariff plan.
When the "Minibit" option is disconnected and the absence of other Internet options, the cost of 1 MB of Internet traffic will be 9.90 rubles. Terms of granting and cost of the "Minibit" option. Watch the site

Currently, the solution is largely facilitated by monitoring in real time. Without proper analysis, the data are simple numbers. Analysis tables can be saved and updated so that they do not resume frequently used operations. Tables can be copied by performing several versions of the analysis simultaneously taking into account the settings of different parameters.

Thanks to the above functions, managers will be able to "see in the future", even a few versions. Before the main decision, the manager should always look at the opportunity. The system processes this data, and then re-transmits them to the user to analyze.

You can disable / connect the option "Monthly Fee for Tariff" using a virtual manager, Internet-pieces or using the command: * 111 * 875 #.

Annual service is paid at the expiration of 1 (one) year of the tariff. When leaving the corporation, in addition to paying from the corporation (owner's change), payment of annual service is made according to the number of tariff uses.

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Prices and tariffs are indicated in rubles, taking into account VAT. Payment is made in rubles.

Any business needs high quality cellular at competitive prices. All this contains tariff "Smart Business" from MTS, which is a whole "family" of profitable packages.

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Many young entrepreneurs want to balance work with their personal life. It seems that women can work efficiently and in parallel with a wide range of events: from marketing, shopping for the next two weeks, development proposals and weekly children's programs.

The company specially developed several products so that every business person could choose the best option and thereby make a connection for himself for himself and colleagues, partners.

Tariff plans "Smart Business M" and "Smart Business L"

These corporate communication packages are created for those who need unlimited calls and inexpensive high-speed Internet.

If you can not be flexible, skip the possibilities and competitive advantages. Dexterity involves the ability of the leader to maintain its motivated and warning team to act quickly in a changing environment. High-performance organizations quickly reveal opportunities and eliminate any barriers that impede the rapid implementation of strategies and plans. Women work well in a team. In the literature there are numerous evidence that women tend more often reach consensus than men.

Package "Smart Business M" tariff from MTS It costs from 400 rubles a month depending on your region. For this money you will receive:

  1. Not tarifable unlimited calls within the company (between subscribers of their office).
  2. Infinite calls to MTS cellular operator numbers within their region.
  3. 1000 minutes to the rooms of all operators within the country.
  4. 10 GB of high-speed Internet.
  5. 1000 sms on all rooms within the Russian Federation.

This product is executed in two versions: federal and urban. The cost of the subscription fee also depends on this. For example, in Moscow and the region, the federal package will cost 600 rubles per month, and urban - 1100 rubles.

High-performance teams have a common goal and leave the ego aside so that they can achieve the desired results. Apparently, women are easier to focus on what a colleague wants than on individual wishes. Women, however, have better self-consciousness than men. They invest time in hearing and empathy to others. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings and meaning of the experiences of other people, as well as transfer it so that others feel understandable. Men often offer assistance in solving, not paying too much time to understand the situation and involved people.

The MTS tariff "Smart Business L" costs from 800 rubles per month of use, depending on the region and the selected number (urban or federal). Package provides:

  1. An unlimited number of minutes for conversations within the company (between subscribers of his office).
  2. Unlimited minutes of conversations to the number of MTS cellular operator inside their region.
  3. 2000 minutes on conversations with subscribers of any telecom operators in Russia.
  4. 15 GB of Internet traffic.
  5. 2000 sms on all rooms within Russia.

To go to this tariff from its current, you need to contact the company's office, a company salon or via the Internet by filling out the form. You can also change the tariff by sending the command to the number *111*529# . The cost of the transition will be 100 rubles. Provide the initial contribution of 3 rubles. Monthly fee for using a data packet - 5.3 rubles.

The package includes 250 minutes to calls inside the MTS network, InternetMB Internet and VPN traffic, unlimited calls to MTS subscriber numbers inside the corporate network.

"Smart Business 2" MTS tariff - Analogue of the previous one. It has a magnificent number of minutes to 750, traffic - up to 750 MB. You will be available 50 free SMS and MMS. Unlimited calls to the numbers of the closed group subscribers. The monthly fee for the package will be 9.7 rubles.

Please note that each of the packages of the family mTS tariffs "Smart Business Start" It has its own features of connection and use, which can be clarified by the provider. In addition, the provider will help in choosing an optimal data packet based on the detail of your calls over the past few months.

Note that both packages have a pleasant bonus in the form of a reduced value for some international calls: Russia (MTS) - 0.392 rubles / minutes, Russia, CIS, Georgia - 0,4685 rubles / minute, Europe - 0,5775 p / minute, all Other countries - 1.09 p / minute. For calls to satellite numbers will have to pay 5.45 p / minute.

The main goal of any business is to receive profits. It is possible to influence the growth of profits not only by increasing the level of income, but also to optimizing the costs of the organization. It is important enough to reduce costs to choose a favorable tariff plan for corporate communications of managers and employees of the company with colleagues and with clients. Especially for business customers, MTS mobile operator has created a convenient and functional family of tariffs Smart business, which includes volumetric packages of services that allow employees to always remain in touch. In this article we will present a description of the tariff smart business MTS.

Tariff smart business mts. Description

The intelligent business tariff in 2020 is intended for subscribers with their business, and for subscribers interested in unlimited communication in their home region. As part of this plan, MTS customers receive unlimited inside the home network on MTS number and message packages, as well as large Internet traffic. If you think to go to the tariff smart business m or not, it will be useful to carefully read the advantages of corporate communications:

  • you can communicate with colleagues with colleagues - with numbers included in one contract;
  • there is a separate service center with a telephone 88002500990;
  • methods for making payments may be credit and advances;
  • a variety of additional options are designed to better optimize communication costs;
  • there is a flexible system of discounts;
  • you can buy MTS equipment with good discounts.

Whether not used moments and traffic on tariff smart business m

The balance of the tariff smart business MTS is not preserved for the next month. That is, even if you even have several gigabytes of traffic or folds unused SMS, then from the next month all these remnants are reset and new ones will be accrued.

Cost of tariff smart business m

The tariff intelligent business M is paid by the subscription fee, which is written off monthly. For the federal number, the cost of the subscription fee is 700 rub. per month in Moscow and the region, for the city number 1,200 rubles. The tariff intelligent business M includes:

The tariff has been operating in Moscow and the area for other regions, the volume and amount of payment may vary.

What the cost of communication services expects the client after the exhaustion of all service packages within one month:

When traffic is exhausted, the subscribers are connected to the additional package with a traffic volume of 1 GB for 150 rubles. At this price, you can connect no more than 15 packages within a month.

The cost of the tariff in the regions

Connecting the tariff and the transition to it from another tariff is free. As for the subscription fee, it differs in the regions:

City Federal number Landline phone number
Moscow 700 rub. 1 200 rub.
Ryazan 500 rub. 670 rub.
Ufa 600 rubles. 750 rub.
Kirov 600 rubles. 750 rub.
Krasnodar 600 rubles.
Samara 450 rub. 550 rub.

Additional facilities of the tariff

To optimize the tariff in some regions, it is possible to connect additional options.

The service is the whole world

For example, when traveling around the world, the whole world can be connected, then incoming calls with the 1st to the 10th min. Each call will be free. On trips around Russia, there are free calls to MTS home area number, all incoming and traffic packages. The option is connected to * 111 * 724 #.

How to connect tariff smart business m

Connect the tariff Smart Business M can be in several ways. The main option to do everything quickly and without problems is to contact the operator's salon with business documents, passport and INN. You can also:

  • call by phone. 88002502000 and ask for a tariff plan;
  • you can fill out an application for connecting on the official website of the operator;
  • an application in arbitrary form can be sent an electronic application for [Email Protected] The manager after receiving the application itself will contact the client;
  • you can go to the tariff by typing * 111 * 509 #.

How to disable the tariff smart business m

Turning off the tariff by connecting the next selected automatically. If you decide to change the tariff in the middle of the month, consider that neither the remnants of traffic do not go to the new tariff or the remaining time of calls. All data is reset.

How to find out the residue of traffic and minutes on MTS

To get the most complete information about the tariff's smart business mts about your traffic residue and the minutes you need to dial the * 100 * 1 command to call. In addition, it is useful to know several more teams:

  • * 152 # - find out the cost of each of the 5 recent paid actions;
  • * 111 * 123 # - service promised payment: the ability to instantly replenish the bill;
  • * 110 * interlocutor number # - the service call me back;
  • * 111 * 919 # - Management of subscriptions for content;
  • * 115 # - replenish your account from a bank card.

Business Tariffs MTS will help significantly reduce the costs of communication and the Internet organization. MTS tariff plans for Jurlitz are distinguished by a flexible tariff system, convenient and competitive prices, lack of hidden surcharges.

Every year cellular operators improve the diversity of available services and tariff plans. Due to the availability of more attractive services, the services of communication increases. Adjusting existing parameters and profitability for the client is the main goal of creating new tariff plans. In addition to ordinary citizens, MTS also provides services and corporate clients. For the needs of legal entities, the MTS operator was created a set of tariffs, which has a common name "Smart Business". Thanks to the wide range of services included in it, you will always be connected. One of the favorable and attractive tariffs is the intelligent business tariff, which has a less well-known name smart business M (SS).

Details about the tariff smart business m

MTS tariff smart business M is corporate, and therefore its use is perfect for customers who have their own business. Also, the tariff will be satisfied with those who need nothing limited communication within the home network. Subscribers of this tariff plan will also receive individual internet traffic. The main advantages of communication in the corporate tariff include:

  1. Corporation can be connected from one or more numbers.
  2. The corporate tariff has its own center, which is possible through a special number 8 800 250 09 90.
  3. Each client guaranteed a personal approach - a separate operator that works only with it is attributed to the subscriber.
  4. Support for advanced and credit methods of payment.
  5. Thanks to special options, optimization of cellular costs is available.
  6. The number of conversations and their intensity directly affects the discount system provided.
  7. Also, discounts are available for equipment produced by MTS.

MTS tariff intelligent business m, its value and services provided

The cost of the tariff is a smart business M - six hundred rubles. The subscription fee is made monthly. The list of accessories available for this fee includes:

  1. Unlimited communication with MTS operator subscribers located in the home network.
  2. A certain number of minutes of free communication to communicate with subscribers of other operators throughout Russia.
  3. Mobile Internet, Limited by Traffic Ten Gigabytes.
  4. Free shipment of one thousand messages across the country.

Since this corporate tariff is timed to work in the Moscow region, customers from other regions will be required to learn more about it, before you begin to use it. Subscription fee and services provided by the tariff can be different in different parts of the country.

In the event that the available limits are exceeded, there are separate conditions for the payment for communication:

  1. The connection to the mobile numbers of the MTS operator will remain available after the exhaust thousands of minutes.
  2. Tariffing outgoing calls to the numbers of subscribers of other operators in the local region is two rubles per minute.
  3. Tariffing of long-distance calls after one thousand minutes is ten rubles per minute.
  4. In roaming, incoming challenges will cost a subscriber in 10.9 rubles per minute.
  5. Outgoing calls in roaming will also cost 10.9 rubles per minute, provided that the call occurs the MTS subscriber. At the same cost, calls and other operators are made, but only in the home area.
  6. Communication with subscribers of the CIS countries will cost thirty-five rubles per minute.
  7. Communication with European subscribers is forty-nine rubles per minute.
  8. Communication with the rest of the countries - seventy rubles per minute.
  9. If the subscriber spends the available mobile Internet traffic in the amount of ten gigabytes, it will be connected to an additional, in the amount of one gigabyte. The cost of the service will be one hundred and fifty rubles, and the limit of additional connections will be fifteen times a month.

How to connect tariff

Connecting the MTS Tariff Smart Business M is carried out in the MTS communication salon, the client will need to bring with them the documents relating to its business, as well as their passport. In addition, the tariff connection is possible by number 8 800 250 20 00. The consultant with which communication will be associated will help connect the tariff.

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