
Calls via the Internet to mobile. How to call online at home numbers for free? Paid and free calls to any city in the world

Free calls via the Internet on the phone - this is no longer surprised. The development of IP telephony technologies has provided such an opportunity to each Internet user.

The company's leading market segment provides exceptionally paid services, but there are a number of programs and services that allow you to carry out some number of calls from the computer without the need for payment.

Next, consider the seven of the most common options with video link and without.


For the most part, a convenient service that allows you to send SMS and make calls via the Internet for free.

At the same time, the destination of the message or call should not have an account or downloaded program application.

In order to be able to register an account on the site, then get an individual phone number on the service.

After that, it will be needed to fill a few rather bulky forms.

Attention! There is a limit on free calls: Subscribers must be in the Free Connect zone - this is a special zone where there is a free WiFi connection.

To send SMS, you will need to install the application on. The remaining services of the service are implemented directly in the browser.

Account replenishment occurs by special cards, which is not entirely convenient.

Tariffs are within reasonable limits, specifications can be found right on the site, choosing countries from and to which the call will be performed.

Corporate clients of problems will not experience private, however, too.


The addressee does not need to be a user service;

Free SMS to any country;

Functioning from the browser.



Archaic payment system cards;

Complex registration process.


Easy in handling the VoIP service. To make a call, just go to the site and dial the number on. Two calls per day will even be free.

Call now easily and simply absolutely to any country by number of any operator.

The problem will not be the exhausted limit of free calls.

Tariffs here, in any case, are not as high as mobile operators and allow you to make calls to the internet in Ukraine for free.

Communication with the subscriber "At that end of the wire" can be like voice, so video. In addition, it is supported by sending SMS.

Payment is organized by many convenient ways, including the VISA card.

The distinctive feature of the Evaphone is an extremely simple interface. Even the most unprepared network users without any problems will understand "where to harm".

Companion sometimes causes the quality of communication, but this can be written off to the relative novelty of the idea and, therefore, a weak infrastructure.

With all the shortcomings, the service is perfect for quickly to quickly learn about the health of relatives and relatives, which are abroad.


Calls worldwide;

Free calls;

Friendly interface;

Many payment methods.


Short free conversations (2 minutes);

Not the best technical support.


FreeCall is a program, users of the utility, you can call anywhere in the globe.

You can download the service client for free, but the account you must always have at least 10 euros, otherwise it will be impossible to make a call.

Lack of Russian.


ICALL program provides to make five-minute free calls only in the United States or Canada.

Calls at other destinations are charged. The functionality of the software allows you to create conferences up to 10 people, share files and instant messages.

No wonder this software is made by Desktop Phone (telephone for desktop).

Considering that free calls can be made only in two directions, installing ICall makes sense only if there is a need for the United States or Canada.


The ability to exchange files;

12 free calls per day.


Russian interface language is not supported;

Free calls only in two directions.


Registration in the service allows you to carry out free calls worldwide. Using a special mobile phone application.

For a month give 50 free calls up to 10 minutes each. Subsequent calls are charged depending on the country in which you call.

You can find the tariffs here -\u003dru clicking on the "View Rates" button - a green vertical button.

With such useful functions, the program for some reason is not known enough "in our latitudes". What is strange, especially considering the interest of our people to free things.

In any case, using PoKetalk you can make free calls abroad, the main thing is not to forget about the Lyerite.


Calls worldwide;

Call support: both with PC and smartphone;

Good conditions for free communication;

Convenient interface with the support of the Russian language;

Free calls over the Internet for Android.


Insufficient fame.

Globe 7.

The program for calls around the world is characterized by cross-platform. Not only most stationary operating systems are supported, but also mobile platforms.

However, install the client is not necessary. Calls can be made directly from the site. In addition, the conditions of use are very beneficial.

Free calls are not provided, but a monthly rent for a service fluctuates about five dollars.


File transfer support;

Availability of video calls and conferences;

Low cost of services;

Many additional services.


Free calls via the Internet on mobile in Russia are not supported;

Often there are failures in connection.

Services of free calls

Test free calls. To call for free on the phone from the Internet, whatever for free!

In this review we will try to figure out how to call mobile over the Internet. To do this, we will use IP telephony services and popular messengers. IP telephony is convenient because it allows you to call any mobile phones, not even connected to the Internet. Messengers are notable for making it possible to call inside the service for free, and all over the world. Meet detailed instructions, recommendations and refinements to services.

How to call mobile over the Internet for free

IP telephony allows you to make calls via the Internet to mobile and stationary phones. It is not limited to Russia only - you can call anywhere in the world. For this, dozens of VoIP providers offering reasonable call prices. The cost of voice calls, depending on the direction, is from 0.3-0.5 rubles / min. It should be noted that calls to mobile phones are more expensive than in stationary. But you can call anywhere, even if it is a small african country.

Alternative to IP telephony are messengers. They allow you to share text messages, voice notes and files. Also supported free calls and video calls within the services themselves - for example, with WhatsApp on WhatsApp. To do this, the selected service should be used by both interlocutors. Separate messengers, such as Viber and Skype, allow you to make paid voice calls to any mobile and stationary phones throughout the country.

The use of messengers is justified if both interlocutors use the same service, and both are currently connected to the Internet. If the second interlocutor does not use the messenger or in general the Internet, it remains to call him on a mobile phone - for this uses IP telephony. Thus, each tool has its own advantages.

Calls through messengers using mobile Internet often lead to delays in voice transmission - it is recommended to connect via wired access.

Internet services for calls

Go to the study of existing IP telephony operators. They allow you to make calls to mobile phones via the Internet at low prices.

A placeNameRatingPrice
1 Zadarma.★★★★★ ★★★★★ 9.8 out of 10★★★★★
2 SiPnet★★★★★ ★★★★ ★ 9.3 out of 10★★★★ ★
3 Youmagic.★★★★★ ★★★★ ★ 8.7 out of 10★★★★ ★
4 Telphin.★★★★★ ★★★ ★★ 8.2 out of 10★★★★★
5 SIPLINK.★★★★★ ★★★ ★★ 7.5 out of 10★★★★ ★


The first place in our list is the Zadarma operator. It works in the Russian market since 2006, providing telephony of individuals and legal entities. Advantages of the service:

  • Low prices for calls to mobile phones - from 1.65 rubles / min. Also subscribers are offered batch tariff plans where whole packages are provided with a minimum price;
  • Ease of connection - account registration takes no more than two minutes, after which you can replenish the account and call mobile directly from the browser;
  • There is a branded application for calls - it is written for Windows operating systems, Android and iOS. The application does not load RAM and does not require complex settings;
  • Bonus when registering - register an account, get 20 bonus rubles at the expense, spend them on checking the quality of telephone from Change.

The cheapest and without a subscription fee is the "Economy" tariff plan, in it calls to Russian mobiles stand 1.65 rubles / min, regardless of the operator. Save funds will help the tariff "Unlimited" - it includes 2000 minutes in the 80 largest countries in the world and 500 minutes on Russian mobiles with a subscription fee of 790 rubles / 30 days.

The undoubted advantage of Zadar is a high quality voice - the company uses premium Internet channels on all tariff plans.


The next participant is the SIPNET statement, another long-time participant in the Russian IP telephony market. It offers two tariffs for calls to Russian mobile. The first is called "sociable", in it challenges in Russia cost 0.5 rubles / min, but the first and every tenth minutes are 3 rubles / min. The second is called "Standard", on it challenges to Russian mobiles stand 1.5 rubles / min, regardless of the operator. In addition, regional tariff plans not described on the official website are available to subscribers. Specialists of the operator will be ignited about the possibility of their connection - they will call the contact phone after the account is registered.


This operator will offer subscribers the "National" tariff plan. It is focused on calls to Russian mobile and stationary phones. The cost of calls to mobile phones across the Russian Federation will be 1.9 rubles / min, regardless of the operator. The subscription fee is 202 rubles / month, connection - 304 rubles. Odiurazovo, including the Russian telephone number.

If there is a need to call on international mobile phones, use the international tariff plan. It provides with a subscription fee of 208 rubles / month with free connected. The tariff includes an international number. The cost of calls to international mobile phones is from 1 rub / min. A free promotion is available to new subscribers, including a free Russian telephone number from a specific city and 5 minutes of free calls per day at the number of the selected city. The term of the tariff plan is only 7 days from the date of connection.


The Telphin VoIP provider works with individuals and legal entities by offering inexpensive mobile calls across the country. Subscribers are offered a commemorative tariff plan without a subscription fee with the cost of calls from 0.45 rubles / min. The cost of calls to Russian mobile phones is 1.95 rubles / min, on foreign ones - from 0.75 rubles / min, depending on the selected direction. Detailed price list for foreign calls is published.

Reduce the cost of calls to Russian mobile allows packets of minutes for the above-mentioned tariff. Package cost - 5000 minutes for 8000 rubles and 10,000 minutes for 14,500 rubles. Calls to Russian mobile over packages are $ 1.95 rubles / min.


Cheap calls to mobile phones via the Internet will help to make the SIPLINK VoIP provider. Here can be registered both legal and individuals. The tariff plan without virtual PBX services was called "Standard". It is provided without subscription fee and connection fees. Calls to Russian mobiles with a commemorative payment are $ 1.55 rubles / min, with percentage charges - 1.95 rubles / min.

This service impresses dying, despite the fact that it is in the first positions of search engines. It offers free anonymous calls to anywhere in the world, but on what conditions it is to do - it is not specified. It remains to guess that subscribers are periodically provided free destinations. In addition, when installing a branded application, each new subscriber receives 10 loans to make free calls around the world. After their exhaustion, the cost of calls to Russian mobiles will be 2.09 rubles / min. The service is not the most understandable, many pages do not work, it is impossible to recommend it to use.


Before us, overseas IP telephony service via the Internet. You can call via a mobile application, computer, SIP phones of various models and even through a mobile or urban phone (Callback is used). The English-language service, the balance is replenished in euros. According to the current course (at the time of writing), and it is about 70 rubles per 1 euro, the cost of the call to the Russian mobile will be more than 4 rubles / min - it is very expensive. When replenishing the account, subscribers can get bonus tools for free calls.


Once it was a service for making calls via the Internet, but today it does not work. As for the site with the same domain in, it leads to the site of the call service reviewed above. Online with all the ensuing consequences.

Feedback from our reader

For my company, IP-telephony was required, which would meet a number of requirements: the availability of PBXs, the ability to use numbers of different regions, adequate prices and the ability to quickly solve issues. He chose from several providers on the market, as a result he stopped at Zadar, she meets all our requirements.


Error how to perceive Flash2VoIP as an independent service of IP telephony. This is a SIP phone in the form of an online application that works with other IP telephony services, such as SiPNet. Online application is written on Outdated Flash and is not safe to use. The application site promotes the GTalk2VoIP service - a minute of communication with Russian mobile costs from 0.06 to 0.34 USD. New users are provided with 5 minutes of free calls.

Flash2VoIP disadvantage in combination with gtalk2voip:

  • Flash2Voip requires an outdated and unsafe Flash Player;
  • High cost of calls to mobile phones;
  • Fully English and outdated interface of both services.


Attempts to find a service with such a name were not crowned with special success. The network has information about the Windows application ICALL for calls via the Internet, but its download ends with a triggering of antivirus. There is also the same application in Google Play, but it is incompatible with any mobile devices. We recommend using proven services, and not subject your computer danger due to mythical free calls (it should be noted that in modern IP-telephony there is almost nothing free, except for bonuses from some operators).


On the Internet full of public information about the performance of this service. In fact, it does not work, but about the Russian version of PoKetalk you can forget. If you need reliable IP telephony - use working services from our review.

Globe 7.

We found the official website of this service, but besides the main page, nothing works. We draw conclusions that the service is not operational. Alternatives are described at the beginning of the review.


Free calls through JAXTR are no longer available - the service has lost its performance, although many users still seek it. According to available information, he allowed to call only 55 directions. Whether Russia was included in the list - unknown.

Applications for online call

Go to messengers - with their help you can make internal calls worldwide completely free. In addition, some messengers allow for external challenges to mobile and stationary numbers.

A placeNameRatingPrice
1 Viber★★★★★ ★★★★★ 9.7 out of 10★★★★★
2 Skype.★★★★★ ★★★★★ 9.5 out of 10★★★★ ★


Once Skype was the most popular messenger not only in Russia, but also in the world. They used millions of people, and cellular operators gnawed the elbows, counting the lost profits due to Internet calls and even trying to block them. With the advent of WhatsApp and Viber, Skype glory several went out. Also, the transition of the messenger under the wing of Microsoft was affected, as a result of which he became heavy and smoothly - millions of users instantly moved to alternative messengers.

Skype is a universal messenger - it allows you to call both within the network and mobile / stationary phones around the world. Tariffication of external calls is carried out in US dollars, so their cost depends on the current currency rate. For calls to Russian mobiles, a subscription is 100 minutes for 5.99 USD (6 cents / min) and 300 minutes for 15.99 USD (5.3 cents / min). It turns out that the minimum cost of the call to the mobile phone via the Internet will be about 3.36 rubles / min (based on the course at the time of writing).

Facebook Messenger.

This messenger is part of the Facebook social network. You can communicate both in the messenger, and on the social network website - there is no special difference. As part of this service, users are available to audiosiles, video calls, voice and text messaging. Call your mobile phone on which there is no messenger, it will not work. The disadvantage of the application is its demand for resources - it marks noticeably "weak" smartphones.


By analogy with Facebook Messenger, the following functions are available to WhatsApp:

  • Sharing text and voice messages;
  • Sharing files of any types;
  • Audiosiles and video calls.

The messenger enjoys a giant number of users - a monthly audience is 1.5 billion people. This means that literally every fifth resident of the planet (7.67 billion per January 2019) uses this application. Messenger uses not only young people, but also the elderly. To contact each other, you need to install the same application and register with your mobile phone number. External calls to mobile and stationary are not available.


Another popular messenger in Russia. It allows you to make calls within the service, as well as on mobile and stationary phones. At prices for Viber calls, Skype is somewhat cheaper, not inferior in quality of communication. The cost of one minute when choosing a tariff for 13.99 USD / month will be about 2.95 rubles / min, depending on the current course. However, if the called subscriber also uses Viber, the call will be free.

Sippoint and QIP.

QIP was an application with support for several messengers. Also, the built-in IP telephony client was implemented in it - nothing bothered to connect it to the same stamp and call mobile phones. Over time, the application has declined, today it is installed, but does not start. Technical support does not turn out from about 2013.

As for Sippoint, this is not a service and no messenger is an application for IP telephony from the SIPNET statement. Sign up to Sipnet, download the application, enter the SIP ID data and use. The cost of calls to mobile is indicated in the first part of our review.


Telegrams got mad popularity throughout the world, including in Russia - especially after attempts to block it from Roskomnadzor. It works in it with text and voice messages, video communications and files. Also supported voice calls between users worldwide. But calling an arbitrary mobile will not work - this functionality is not implemented.

Mail.Ru Agent

Once it was a popular messenger with built-in telephony. You could make calls worldwide, including mobile. Over time, the popularity of the messenger fell, the telephony function disappeared. Consider it as a tool for voice calls can not - today they are practically no one uses (the audience in several tens of thousands of people does not count).

How often it happens that it is urgent to make a call to a mobile phone, and in the account there is not enough funds! You can, of course, replenish the bill and call quietly, and you can use applications for free calls.. Most of them allow you to make calls not only on mobile phones, but also on ordinary, and even abroad. The famous Skype is not suitable for this, because it has internal tariffs. Let relatively low, but this is still paid calls.

Free dialer via the Internet to mobile - Today is not so rare. Moreover, you can always get up before choosing: which one to use. However, it should be noted that completely free call Anyway it will not work: the provider pay for the Internet will have anyway.

Ring there are software (so-called softphones) that require installation on the device and web services - Specialized sites. All that is required to make a call is the presence on the device of a sounding device, microphone and, of course, accessing the Internet.

Software dialer

  1. Fring - A very well-known program for Android, supports not only ordinary calls, but also sending SMS, chatting (provided, of course, that Fring is worth another subscriber), video calls.
  2. Nimbuzz - Also allows you to call for free, send SMS, communicate in social networks.
  3. Viber - Another application for mobile devices, with which you can call free of charge for any rooms. Works with SMS and email. If you need to scan the address book and include all contacts from the phone to your own address list.
  4. oovo. - An interesting application for free calls. Also can make calls in 3G and 4G networks, however, no longer free.

There is also a mass of applications, with which you can call mobile devices both by special internal tariffs and exclusively subscribers of this application.

Web services

The possibility of free to send SMS through the operator sites has appeared for a long time, but few knows that there are special sites from which you can call almost any number from a computer or a mobile device. Moreover, completely free. True, many of these resources have their limitations.

  1. Evaphone. ( - by typing the phone directly on the site page, you can call for some time completely free. True, there is an own limitation on the number of such calls. Next will have to pay.
  2. PoKetalk. ( - On this resource, the restriction costs 50 calls with a duration of no more than 10 minutes per month. Unsumed within a limit of minutes and calls are not transferred for the next month.
  3. FreeCall ( - To start using this service, you need to download a small application that is available for all known platforms, including Linux. Restriction - 300 minutes per week. After that, calls become paid. Using the service, you can also send SMS.
  4. Jaxtr. ( - the service on which you must first register, after which the user receives the phone number. Here is from this number and all calls will be made straight from the browser and free.

Some of the dialects require additional microphone connectivity (for a computer), some allow you to use a mobile phone directly.

In order to call through the Internet to mobile for free, there are different services online. They can be used from a computer or tablet, directly from the browser window. To use others requires the installation of a special program - a virtual phone. You can call directly on the phone to the subscriber, regardless of whether it is connected to the Internet or not. He does not even guess that he is called not from an ordinary phone, but via the Internet. To make a call, a telephone number in international format is entered in a special window and a call button is pressed.

The user can call for free at least on MTS or on the number of another Russian operator, at least to another country. It does not matter, cell phone is introduced or urban, IP telephony technology supports all formats.

Each network user can use IP telephony services. Many of them provide only paid services. But there are exceptions - some services give free minutes of conversations to any countries. This is mainly done on certain conditions and with hard restrictions. But you can still find a convenient service to quickly cope with the health of relatives abroad, without spending money on long-distance calls.

Online service stirring allows you to call from the computer to any part of the world to a mobile or landline phone. What will take this:

  • Internet speed - from 0.5 Mbps.
  • Headphones or columns.
  • Microphone.
  • Program for IP telephony.

The last item is optional to perform, you can call from the site. For this you need:

  • Register.
  • Go to your personal account.
  • Select the "Services" menu section - "Call from the site."

After registration on the site, the user receives 20 minutes for free calls to any of the 40 available countries of the world, for this you need to confirm your phone number. Automatically the service defines the "Standard" tariff, but subsequently you can go to a more profitable one tariff.


Service for calls and send SMS via the Internet jaxtr. The addressee does not need to be a user of this site or have the installed program. But to make a free call, there is a condition - the caller must be in a free Wi-Fi network.

To make a call, you need to register on the site. The account is attached to the virtual phone number. Then the user will open additional registration forms - they must be fill.

Send SMS only through a mobile application. The remaining functions of the service can be used in the browser window.

After registering on the PoKetalk website, calls to any part of the world become available. This requires an application for a smartphone. For a month, the user receives 50 calls. Their duration may not exceed 10 minutes.

This service is not widely popular in Russia, although has its advantages:

  • Convenient interface.
  • Support for Russian language.
  • You can call from the computer and through the application mobile.
  • Calls to any country.
  • Big limit for free calls.

In case of exhaustion of the limit, calls become paid. Tarification depends on the country to which you want to call.

IP telephony service "" offers users to make free on cellular and urban rooms without registration. Calls are made from the site, you do not need a special program to download. To call, you just need to enter the subscriber number in international format.

You can call the residents of Russia, the CIS and to the countries of far abroad - their list is constantly expanding. Register on the site and call megaphone or numbers of other operators. There are restrictions on the duration of free calls, but they are gradually decreasing with regular use of the service.

Users can call from a computer free online to any corner of the Earth. But for this, the program must be installed on the computer. It is provided free of charge on the service website. There is the possibility of free calls - 300 minutes a week is given. But to make a free call, an account should be at least 10 euros. For payment, Visa cards are accepted.

The program itself is similar to Skype - you can take video calls and create conferences, send messages. Quality of low quality communication. There are problems with technical support.

For the service, no additional programs are needed. After logging in to the site, the subscriber immediately sees a virtual telephone. Instructions for it only in English. But it is easy to figure it easily and without tips - it is simple and understandable. It can be opened in a separate window, if it is more convenient.

Calls are available in 30 directions. For a free conversation is given for 5 minutes. To get the opportunity to communicate without restrictions, you need to pay a monthly fee - $ 5 per month.

The service does not provide for the connection of the subscriber with technical support.


The ICALL program allows you to call for free in the United States and Canada. All other directions are paid. Call duration - up to 5 minutes. For a day, 12 free calls are given. Quality of video and voice calls at a high level.

The service has a conference feature for 10 people. You can send messages (text and voice) and send files.

From the shortcomings of the interface - there is no Russian language.

Applications for online call

To communicate two users through the application, it must be installed with both. Another condition is to connect the phone to the mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Most often, it is possible to find a person in the service in his mobile phone number - it is attached to his account.

Calls are completely free - there are no restrictions here, you do not need to have any money in the account. You can call both in Russia and in any part of the planet.


Skype people used before the appearance of smartphones. And now he does not lose popularity. This is a convenient service for video calls, sharing text messages and to make regular voice calls.

Suitable for use on a computer or mobile device. In addition, there is a browser version - open the online service page and call directly from it without installing the program to the computer.

Skype is convenient not only to communicate with one user, here you can create a conference with several participants.


Viber is one of the most popular services in Russia and the CIS countries. It is he who is associated with people with free calls over the Internet.

There are versions of the application for mobile phones and computers. Suitable for voice and video calls. The conference call function here is not yet provided. There is no online version for the browser.

Another popular service from Facebook developers. Created only the mobile version of Watsapp. Group calls cannot be performed here. Used only for voice or video communications between two users.

Sippoint and QIP.

SIPPOINT allows you to call voice and video links for free within the SIPNET network. Outside this network, calls are paid, with the exception of some directions. Current list of countries for free calls can be found on the SIPNET.RU website. After registration, a gift $ 1 is credited to the user's account, if in the profile settings it will indicate its cell number. So you can test calls around the world without our own costs. In addition, the user receives bonuses if a friend breaks into the network. They can also be spent on calls.

Network users can share text messages through the Sippoint service and in the Google Talk, QIP, Yandex, Jabber social networks - everything that works via the XMPP protocol.

Telephone communication is improved every year and provides all new customers. The range of services is expanding, as well as user costs. But at the same time there are free alternative applications and services that allow you to make calls online to your computer and on the phone via the Internet. Their capabilities are limited compared to paid services, but they often help save, - to call without the money agreed once, and in some cases constantly.

How to call on mobile and stationary phones via the Internet for free, through sites?

On the Internet there are many sites that allow users to call the phone not only within their own Internet network, but also subscribers of urban and cellular lines.

Thanks to Internet telephony, you can call in Russia and anywhere in the world.

To call online you need to prepare a computer or laptop, - in the presence of the dynamics and microphone. You should make sure that the speaker reproduces the sound, and the microphone receives the signal.

The Internet and telephony network work together on SIP technologies. The speech is encoded into information packages, transmitted through the "world web" in a compressed form, which reduces the load on the line and the cost of conversations.

IP telephony is available through sites that can be opened in various browsers on laptops, computers, tablets and smartphones.

It does not require installation on the user's device any additional programs. You just need to choose the appropriate service, register, find out the conditions and negotiate.

How to call for free over the Internet on a mobile or city phone using programs?

Call online from a computer for free on a mobile or urban phone, you can via common global network programs, such as WhatsApp or Skype.

They require installation as computer software or Android applications, Windows Mobile and iOS.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to download messengers from official sites or Google Play. The purpose of the software is to install the necessary connections to communicate network users who want to communicate using video and voice calls.

Calls to mobile and urban phones are more often paid, but the cost is less than on cell or stationary tariffs. There are options to make calls using the Internet without money, except for those that go to traffic.

Programs that support free calls in Russia and the world between users at the current time, at their base do not occupy a large amount of computer memory.


Evaphone - a convenient and simple communication service operating via IP protocol.

To call, you need to visit the page of this service and click on the "Call free from a computer for free" section. In the window that opens, you need to find the country's country, and enter the numbers of the phone number. Enter is carried out on the online keyboard. The service is paid, but you can call without money 2 times a day.

Even if you need to make more than 2 calls per day, the service rate is profitable. It is much lower than the cost of communication services through a mobile network. The call is available on video and voice communication, and it is also possible to send a text message.

It is possible to replenish a virtual account through service service in several ways, including transfer from a bank card.

In this service IP telephony, the user interface is created in the style of minimalism. Even the newcomer will understand where to push to move on, and how to enter numbers.

Evaphone's connection is not a quality, but the hardware complex of the service is developing. This is a good way to call close and friends at any end of the world.

Advantages of the service:

  1. Calls around the world.
  2. Free phone 2 times a day.
  3. Simple account replenishment.
  4. Understandable interface.


  1. Free conversations only within 2-3 minutes.
  2. It's hard to call.
  3. Support service staff is not always in touch.

Facebook Messenger.

To call through the messenger, you need:

  1. Download and install the application, specify the phone number to log in.
  2. Among the contacts, it is necessary to find the person with whom you need to contact.
  3. Button to call mobile, the application looks like a handset. You should click on it.
  4. If the Internet speed allows, right during the conversation you can click on the button with the camcorder icon, and the conversation will turn into a video call.

The best quality of the communication is the best versions of the application, so regular assembly should be updated regularly.

Even if there is no money on the balance sheet, you can call the Internet via Facebook Messenger. In addition, right during the conversation you can add contact and create a group call. To do this, the subscriber must be registered in the messenger.

Until 2015, to enjoy the connection, it was necessary to have an account in Facebook. But now this problem does not exist, there is enough phone number.


There are a number of VoIP programs that are created in order to send multimedia and voice over the IP protocol.

Worldwide on the number of mobile and stationary phones can be made from a cellular, tablet, computer. In addition, the program provides the ability to organize a conference link and send SMS messages. With proper configuration - up to 250 sms to different subscribers simultaneously.

To get a bonus in the form of free calls, you need to replenish the bill for 10 euros. In this case, the user becomes available for 90 days of free calls and messages.

At the end of the grace period for calls will be counted, according to the tariff grid. Bonuses are provided every time the account is replenished for 10 euros. They can be summarized, as unused minutes are transferred for a period of no more than 365 days.

The advantage of FreeCall is that it, in contrast,, for example, from Skype, does not require installation on another computer, but allows you to call any numbers.

To use it, you need to download a version suitable for the operating system of the device to which it will be installed. After that, the registration and purchase of a voucher will be required, together with which the package includes free minutes.


Flash2VoIP is a small site through which, after registration, you can call free on the SIP protocol for free. Install or download anything. Calls are carried out from the site page. In test mode (up to 5 minutes), the service is allowed without payment.

From the browser can be contacted by subscribers more than 30 countries. A small inconvenience is that the application is done on Adobe Flash. Therefore, when entering the site, the program will ask to upgrade to the latest version of the player.

If the user is not free of free test minutes, it can pay 4 € per month, and make calls through Flash2VoIP how much is required.

The application works well through the Internet for free even with those countries in which SIP / VoIP lock is performed.

To perform test calls:

  1. You need to use SIP account from any of the providers. If it is missing, you can register in the application itself. Only in this case, the demonstration loans will not be provided.
  2. After that you need to dial the phone number for the call. If the call is carried out in international format, then some providers need to add numbers 00 before the number.


This program is convenient to use those who are often associated with subscribers in Canada or the United States.

The service provides a computers with a computer or laptop with a duration of up to 5 minutes, and you can even organize conferences to 10 participants. For iPhone and iPad there are applications.

But more and more users complain about the entrance to the site providing the service.


Messenger is well optimized for users, convenient and easy to use. It applies to his advantages:

  1. The quality of calls in the video format is high.
  2. All calls are securely encrypted and safe.
  3. There is a possibility to shift the voice into the text.
  4. There is a function to create your own stickers.
  5. With video calls, you can use 3D masks with animation.
  6. The number of participants in group chats and canals is unlimited.
  7. On all devices that belong to the subscriber, synchronization is possible.
  8. Customers of the messenger does not annoy advertising.
  9. The system is free.

Among the disadvantages can be called: the periodic disappearance of some functions, such as sound or vibration alerts, notifications about chat messages. Most often it happens after the next application update.

ISQ is The most good quality over the Internet on mobile and reliable automatic encryption is available in the latest versions of the application.

ICQ has official releases for most operating systems: Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, IOS. You can work with the program from the browser.


With this online service, free calls via the Internet are made. The one who calls can not know anything about the application, and he does not need an account. But the initiator of the conversation should be a user who is registered in the system.

To make free call, it will be necessary to pass a long procedure for activating the profile, and filling out several forms. When the personal telephone number is provided, and the questionnaires are filled, it will be possible to call and send messages for free in 55 directions.

With free calls, a subscriber located on the other side of the line must be within the radius of the wireless Internet network.

You can call from the browser. But if you want to send messages, you will have to put a program on the device.

By cons application can be attributed:

  • the complexity of the registration procedure;
  • some inconvenience and urgent challenge form;
  • if there is a desire to use paying services, then not all habitual payment methods will be available.

Mail ru Agency

To use the messenger, you need an account in the mail. You can register on,,, The mailbox on any of these domains will give an opportunity through Mail.Ru Agent to send SMS, carry out video calls, or use IP voice telephony.

For business negotiations there is a binding an email address on Mail.Ru for business.

You can only call for challenges only to subscribers registered in the agent. If you need to call a person through the urban or cellular machine, the billing of conversations will be paid.

The program works for most operating systems: Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Android, Bada, Java, Simbian, IOS, Linux, Android.

Some users complain that the program is peculiar:

  • problem uninstall;
  • overly occupy the RAM device;
  • "Pull" with other applications without user permission;
  • transmit various information to the side, like viral software.


Last time page does not open. Vkontakte Group, which was created to discuss the work of the service, collecting wishes and suggestions, also stopped developing several years ago.


Once friendly for many users on the Russian-speaking space, the QIP portal, now is not closed officially, but unavailable.

According to some fragmentary information, the mail of is translated into Yandex. But there were no messages about the completion of the service. On Complaints and Comments VKontakte last tried to answer in the spring of 2013


Video calls are carried out through the SIP protocol. And XMPP is a protocol that the service uses to send messages. The program developer is SiPNet.

To use the service, you need to download from the official site and install the program on the device. Installation process standard.

To use the system will need:

  • access to the Internet;
  • headphones and microphone;
  • webcam for video calls.

Intuitively understandable, the simple program interface does not require an extra effort to get acquainted with the service.

Information about the status of the current account, the user's avatar and its name will be at the top of the window. Below on 3 tabs are contacts, the number dialing panel, call history.

In the settings, the program functionality allows you to personalize your business card, use the avatar from the kit on the site, or make your own snapshot using a webcam.

If you register your mobile phone number, the anti-Priodological function will additionally become available. To do this, go to the SIPNET website in your personal account. In addition, the Mobile Registration will give some more benefits:

  1. A test period will be provided. While the bill will not be replenished, the subscriber will be able to make calls to cellular and stationary phones in Russia and abroad for free.
  2. Screensavers from advertising messages for unregistered users will be disabled.
  3. You can participate in promotions, periodically providing the possibility of calls without payment.
  4. Works call service service via SMS.
  5. It will be more convenient to pay for services through terminals and electronic wallets.
  6. On the phone of the called subscriber will be displayed the number of the caller when he wants to be recognized.

After the end of the test period, you will need to make money on the account and use the company's tariffs program.


Free to communicate through the network provides the possibility of the most common global communication program - Skype. It allows you to make voice and video movies through a computer or a mobile phone inside the service.

Calls to stationary and mobile numbers will require boards that can be translated from a bank card, or deposit through the purchase of special vouchers.

With the help of the program, you can work in conference mode, up to 100 people, exchange files, pictures. In this case, the information will be securely protected by encryption.

The service provides paid functions:

  • the ability to unite with office PBX;
  • group video link;
  • integration with Office 365;
  • the ability to see 1 screen to all groups of the group (decaying).

Skype is Microsoft's products. T. K. Products of this company are often subjected to hacker attacks, many companies due to safety problems are afraid to work through this service. But it is widely applied to educational purposes and at home.

In the latest versions of Windows, the Skype program is pre-installed. For other operating systems you need to download from the official site. After installation, a window will appear before the user.

After all the information is entered, a letter containing a password and login will come to the mailbox to access the service. In order to start working in the program, you need to add the contacts of subscribers with which you need to establish communication.


Calls through this Messenger appeared first in mobile devices, then the call became possible through the computer.

The latest achievement of Telegram was the skill of the program communicates with several subscribers simultaneously.

In its Telegram technologies use the Peer-to-Peer connection, which allows to provide minimal traffic flow and good voice quality. The ability to get through to the subscriber has anyone who has not specifically blocked using the application settings.

Calls can be carried out through programs for Mac, Linux, Windows operating systems. In the service in the department "Calls", you can make a call to any of the existing contacts, the history of calls remains there.

Telegram allows using 4 emodi (codes from emoticons) to make sure that the conversation is encrypted. They see subscribers from both sides.

The telephone conversation function in Telegram appeared in 2017 in order to use the service, it was necessary to activate calls.

This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. When calling a contact that belongs to the user, its messenger itself automatically included the features of the call in the future.
  2. You could join the group through the @news_telegram link and call.

If the subscriber has set a new version of the program, then it is enough to choose the interlocutor to choose and "getting up" with him. Then open the menu (in the form of several points on the screen), and click on the "Call" button.

You can use another option. Click on the name of the interlocutor, and next - on the icon in the form of a phone tube.


Through this messenger, it is allowed to call Viber subscribers to a computer or smartphone, as well as people who have no viber.

For a free call to smartphone contacts from around the world, you need to download and install the application. It is necessary to register in it, enter and click on the call button (which has a phone tube shape).

Calls can be carried out in other ways:

  1. Use contacts whose list is connected through the filter. You should choose the desired interlocutor and click "Free Call". In this case, the call will be carried out via Viber.
  2. To make a call through a chat, you need to start it and use the call button to connect to the subscriber.
  3. Call via the call screen - you need to click on the name of the contact.
  4. You can use the standard set of numbers by calling the keyboard. The phone is introduced in international format.

For a computer, Viber also provides the ability to call for free. You will need a microphone and columns.

For a call to a person who has no messenger, you will have to use the paid Viber OUT tariff.

To do this, you need to create an account on the site. The registration procedure does not represent anything complicated: after the request you need to confirm that you are not a robot, and get a message with the access code.

After registration, you can make calls according to the tariff plan through chat, keyboard or contact list.


The service is inappropriate to use friends or relatives for several calls, since it is focused mainly on the business contingent.

The registration process is confused, the site pages are not displayed in Russian, the support service is also answered only in English.

If the user succeeds in going through all the difficulties, he will be able to get a 30 day test period and can make international challenges.

After graduating from 1 month, payment is accepted in US dollars.


With any point of earth, you can contact the Whatsapp messenger. The tariff plan of the cellular operator to which the subscriber's device is connected, do not play the role, since the Internet connection is used.

Subscriber will require other means of communication to call the emergency service. In some cases, additional payment may be required for transmitting large amounts of information.

Program use options:

  1. After installing the program and registering in the service by phone number, it is enough to enter the chat with the contact and click on the icon in the form of a phone tube.
  2. To accept an incoming call, it is enough to spend the green tube up screen that appears on the screen. To respond by message, you need to pull the top of the white icon. When you need to reject the call - the red button down.
  3. If during the conversation click on the picture with the image of the camcorder, the interlocutor at the other end of the line will see a request to go to the video format. At his request, he will dismiss or accept a proposal.
  4. To return to voice communication, click on the icon with a crossed chamber.

Whatsapp makes it possible to organize calls with a group of people up to 4 people. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Make a call to the group. Open it and click on the handset with a plus. A window will appear to select the contacts that can be added to the negotiation participants. Make a choice and click on the green tube.
  2. Call can be made from calls. It should be sequentially pressing the phone tube icon with a plus and to the "new group bell". And make a call.
  3. In order to add another interlocutor to the conversation, you need to click on the "Add Participants" button. Find the right person in contacts and attach to conversation.

In the group it is impossible to switch from the audio call to the video format. In addition, there is no possibility to remove the participant from the conversation. Anyone from the conference participants can add to it blocked by other contacts.


The service is designed for travelers and business people. By payment, it provides only 30 minutes after the registration procedure.

In Zadarma, there is a "free" tariff plan. In it, to get 400 minutes, which will not be paid within 2 months, you need to put 350 rubles for account.

Thus, calls will be carried out using the commemorative billing, taking into account the free time until the money runs on the balance sheet.

Change the tariff will turn out if the amount on the account becomes less than 66 rubles. Before that, calls are held in 40 countries, the list of which is located on the service website.

Calls can be done from the computer and from the smartphone. For business structures, it is possible to connect Zadarma cloud to your PBX. This will allow calling low rates in 90 countries of the world.

Calls can be done from devices on which Windows operating systems are, Android, iOS. To do this, install the application and connect the number.

The service does not provide any roaming. In addition, you can:

  • buy "sim card" at the place of stay;
  • use open Wi-Fi;
  • connect your permanent home number;
  • in the absence of the Internet, turn on redirection.

The service offers widgets for user sites, free connection to various CRM systems for operation, telephone numbers designed for many channels.

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