
"Develop your own operating system there is no reason." On the development of domestic operating systems Scientific articles on operating systems

The operating system (eng. Operating System, OS) is a complex of interconnected programs intended for managing computer resources and organizing interaction with the user.

When the development of a new operating system for computers begins, the domestic developers arises a huge number of tasks, the main of which are:

1. The operating system (OS) must operate on servers and workstations of Russian production.

2. Development of OS, which is capable of functioning not only on stationary, but also on mobile computers.

3. Creating workers and functional tools of virtualization under the OS.

4. Creation, development and support of the Russian development environment of various kinds of applications.

5. Development of new tools for installing and debugging created programs.

6. Creation of the Russian Application Store.

7. The Russian OS should provide its own work environment.

8. Creating a special cluster of programs for the business sector of the economy (for this it is necessary to analyze this sector).

9. The ability of the "painless" transition of companies, as well as ordinary users from previous versions of the OS.

10. Creating training courses to familiarize users with the Russian operating system for PCs, with its capabilities and prospects.

In addition to the tasks set before developers, there are also a number of requirements for the new operating system:

1. The relatively low price is not only the system itself, but also the device that supports it and allows you to work stably.

2. The possibilities of "cloud" work with documents.

3. Maximum information processing speed.

4. High degree of reliability and security, including protection against penetration of computer viruses in the system.

5. Creation, development and support of the OS should be carried out in accordance with modern trends in the computer technology market.

Currently, in the Russian Federation there are such domestic operating systems such as Kolibrios, Reactos, Xameleon, Alt Linux, Zarya, Elbrus, Synergy OS, etc. Consider the characteristics of the following OS: Rosa Linux, Astra Linux, Phantom OS;

The Rosa Linux operating system was created on the basis of the Mandriva distribution of the Linux OS family in 2011, but the actual version of the system was released later. Rosa Desktop Fresh has become new page Domestic analogs of Windows. Above this operating system was carried out a huge work of high-class specialists from different countries, changed and added about 1 million lines of code, almost 16 thousand packages were updated in the repositories. In addition, the server version is included in this system line - Rosa Server and the popular desktop version - Rosa Desktop, which in turn comes out in three editions:

FREE (free components);

EE (extended);

LTS (characterized by five-year support)

Unlike Windows Operating Systems (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10), the Russian operating system ROSA has several advantages:

ROSA OS is free, which leads to rapid distribution among users;

Ergonomic design;

High functionality that was able to achieve due to the selection of programs collected in OS;

Drivers come along with the OS, so it represents a complete set;

The ability to test OS without getting rid of the previous one. To do this, use the "guest regime";

ROSA is certified by FTEK, due to this it is great for organizations that safety is in the first place;

A clearly thought out interface (all the necessary tools are very easy to find, although they are slightly different from the usual tools of Windows);

ROSA allows you to experiment with the programs installed in "freezing mode", and after restarting the PC to return the system to the original state.

Astra Linux is a Russian special purpose based on the Linux kernel (initially was created on the Debian distribution unit) developed for special services, powerful departments and government agencies. The main versions of the Astra Linux are: Common Edition (general purpose) and its Special Edition modification (Special purpose). The publication of general purpose is intended for medium and small business, educational institutions, and special purpose - for automated systems in a secure execution processing information with the degree of secrecy "Top Secret" inclusive. The new version of this OS leaves periodicity once a year.

Advantages of Astra Linux:

High level of protection;

Certified in certification systems for the protection of information of the Ministry of Defense, FSTEC and FSB;

Provides the degree of protection of the processed information to the level of state secrets "Top Secret" inclusive;

Has a patented access to access system;

Has a number of data protection functions (for example, when deleting a file, it is completely removed and the place that this file occupied, filled with random disguise data sequences).

The above operating systems, unfortunately, are not entirely Russian developments, as largely are different variations of the kernel of the Linux OS. However, in the Russian Federation there is a Phantom OS, which was developed "from scratch" and can be referred to a completely Russian operating system.

Phantom OS is an operating system developed by the Russian company Digital Zone since 2010. This OS is focused on the managed code and aims to use in wearable and embedded computers.

One of the main features of Phantom OS is persistent (Persistent) - this means that applications work without stopping, and even at the moment when the computer turned off or rebooted - applications will continue exactly from the same moment as a few seconds before shutting down. This is something similar to the "hibernation" mode in other OS, but it is guaranteed without crashing drivers and programs, and everything happens automatically.

The Phantom OS does not relieve on the classic concepts of UNIX-like systems (as opposed to their concept "everything has a file", the phantom is based on the principle "everything is there is an object"), which allows you to write programs under this OS cheaper by 30% and the writing process itself Much easier.

The main advantages of this operating system are:

Reliability: Thanks to the innovative structure of preserving the state of the entire system, working with the Phantom OS can be confident that the data will not be lost in the sudden refusal of the computer or power supply. Unlike the other operating system, which, with each download, start their work with a "clean sheet", for PHANTOM OS Turning off PC (including sudden) - this is just a pause in work;

Protection against viruses: Phantom OS is more protected from viruses than existing operating systems, and allows for deep interaction of heterogeneous programs. Protection is not implemented at the level of the process, but at the level of the object (variable);

Instant start: Phantom is not started, but "wakes up." Is immediately in working condition and much faster than other OS;

Low development cost: programs under the Phantom OS can be significantly simplified due to the safeguards of the reliability provided by the system.

Currently, Russian operating systems are used only in separate areas, first of all, this use in military, power and a number of state structures. The course for import substitution, including in the field of information technology, gives a real chance to expand these boundaries.


  1. Nikolaev V.V. Features of the sale of a domain with thin clients based on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 // Technical sciences - from theory to practice. Sat Art. According to the materials of the LVII International. scientific study. conf. №4 (52). Novosibirsk: ed. ANS "SYBAK", 2016.- P. 70-77
  2. NTC IT ROSA. - [ electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  3. Astra Linux. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - Url:
  4. Operating system "Phantom". - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  5. Razumovsky S. Domestic operating systems. - [Electronic resource] - access mode. - URL: ITOPK.RF / WP-CONTENT / UPLOADS / 2017/05/88_91_tn_razumovskiy.pdf

Neither us nor in the West has a lack of talented programmers.
However, people in the status of Guru among them units - as, however, in any other
Areas. Such masters of their business need to know in the face (or at least by name),
Because they definitely deserve this. Today I imagine the brand
RUSSINOVICH, experts on the part of Windows and not only.

Who is Mister Russinovich?

In the process of working on the article, I was made a strange discovery -
It turned out that the name Mark Russinovich (Mark Russinovich) most people on
Today, a smooth account does not say anything. Most of all struck me two
Programmers who also have never heard about such. It is after communication with
they became clear what to write about Russian really needed, because
I am ashamed, gentlemen, just a shame!

So, Mark Russinovich is an American programmer and writer, an expert with
world name, one of the leading specialists in the field of architecture and design
operating systems, and in particular - internal windows devices. In 2006
He entered the TOP 5 Hackers of the Planet, according to EWeek magazine, along with Jeanne
Rutkovskaya and David Mineor.

Based on the listed, it is not difficult to guess that the formation of the brand is the most
that neither is profile (however, the story knows exceptions even in such
Spheres) - He is a graduate of Carnegie University - Mellon, winner of two degrees:
Bachelor and Doctors in the field of computing technology.

At the end of the University, Russenovich and did not think to turn with the brought
course, for some time worked in the IBM Research Center (in
Expert posts for operating systems). Long he was not delayed there and
Soon went to free swimming. In 1996, together with another
Bryce Cogswell Developer (Bryce Cogswell), Russenovich organized
Your company, which received the name Winternals Software LP. Mark activity
focused around the writing of various Freeware Tulse for administration and
MS Windows diagnostics. His company adhered to the same direction, with one
Only a small difference - the products of the company, where Russinovich has been occupied for many years
The post of the main architect of the software was already paid.

Its utilities Russinovich and colleagues distributed through the site
(previously - ntinternals), and since the disadvantage in the ideas they clearly did not experience - on
Today, more than 60 pieces are already useful for their authorship. IN
The quality of the most famous, perhaps, you can list the Process Monitor (formerly
- Filemon and RegMon), Process Explorer, Rootkitreveler and Utilities like NTFSDOS,
Helping in work and, in fact, the compensation of spaces in Windows (so, NTFSDOS
Makes all NTFS sections visible when working under MS-DOS). From the last utility
It follows that simple fact that Russinovich wrote the driver of the NTFS file system
under DOS. This, of course, is far from home from his merit, but not the last one.

You can download all these little pleasant things as separately and
Ready sets. For example, the package was once specially popular under
The uncomplicated name Winternals Administrator Pak. And what is especially interesting
The site has even been published even versions for Linux, about which Windows experts as
Not enough, not forgotten. And in later releases appeared versions for
64-bit systems. In a word, everything went well, while Microsoft did not appear on the horizon,
Great and terrible.

Just passing by such talented specialists "Melkigio" could not. TO
2006 Winenals Software's track record really instilled respect, and
On sysinternals it was possible to find utilities for all occasions. Site offered
So comfortable and practical things that even a brief acquaintance with them
It was enough to understand - in Windows really noticeably lacking all this.

The logical outcome of the interest, manifested by Microsoft, was the purchase
WINTERNALS SOFTWARE. After making a transaction holiday of life on sysinternals
slightly slowed down. For example, from the site disappeared the SORS code, previously free
Published for many software, disappeared versions for Linux, and immediately were
Removed utilities like NT Locksmith, which allowed you to restore the password from the system
Practically in any conditions. The rest of Microsoft had no objection
Against the existence of the site and methods of distribution of software. Anyway, immediately
After the merger, Russinovich assured the audience that SysiNternals will continue to work
"Almost as usual."

In Microsoft, Mark received a proud title of Technical Felow, which, in fact,
Means a member of the Technical Council of the Corporation. It takes this position
Day, working for the benefit of platform and services (Platform and Services
Division). In a new place in the duties of Russinovich, work was included on the problem
rootkit detection and the creation of appropriate means for this, as well as
Development of utilities to eliminate all sorts of malware programs. Can say
That Mark Russinovich since 2006 stands on the guard of our computers :).


The fact that today Mark is engaged in precisely questions of rootkits, quite
curious because the broad masses got acquainted with the word "rootkit" in
Much thanks to him. It happened in 2005, even before the transition of Russinovich in
Microsoft. Then our hero, during testing his kids with speaking
himself the name Rootkitreveler, discovered that on his own computer
There is some suspicious activity. Sincerely surprised, Mark later
wrote in his blog: "Considering that I am very careful when using
Internet and software I only install from reliable sources, I had no idea,
where he could pick up the real rootkit, and if there were no suspicious file names,
I would sin to errors in the RKR code. "

However, the case was not in the error Rootkitreveler, and in, which Russinovich is shortly before
purchased on Online store honestly warned that the disk
protected from copying using DRM (Digital Rights Management), but not
reported how specifically. Had to hold an independent investigation into
the course of which it became clear that Sony passes all the framework of reasonable, and remove
Rutkit is different as manually impossible - he climbed even in HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Safeboot,
That is, continued to function even in safe mode. Removed before
The depths of the soul Russeninovich, of course, in the end, managed to cope with the infection, but
Delivered about this episode did not, describing in detail what happened in his blog.
The IT community stirred up, and after reading the clock this information
She picked up half the Internet, and then the leading media. Later he is as
The expert performed on the legal process against Sony, gave numerous
Interview and comments Press and in general attracted an increased elevated problem
Attention. Mass due to this incident found out what rootkit and
As far as it is bad, and also learned about the existence of such a person as Mark
Russinovich. It turned out that Mark, unexpectedly even for himself, became famous.

Another commemorated Russian, who brought him certain fame, -
writer. Among other things, Mark is a co-author of several books, including such
Bestseller, as Microsoft Windows. INTERNALS ("Internal structure of Microsoft OS
Windows "). He wrote a lot of various articles and manuals, on regular
basis collaborating with TechNet Magazine and Windows IT Pro (former Windows
NT Magazine). Plus, Russian continues to blog, find which
You can link to the link Now for the third year blog brand
Holds the position of one of the top blogs among all Microsoft employees.

- despite excellent portability, ED need special storage and treatment tools;

There is no recognition - without special electronic devices it is impossible to easily and quickly determine what it is for the subject, sum, etc.;

Funds cryptographic protectionwhich are protected by electronic money systems yet have a long history of successful operation;

Theoretically, stakeholders may try to track personal data of payers and the appeal of electronic money outside the banking system;

To date, the following electronic payment systems exist in Russia: Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Rbkmoney, Moneymail, etc.

I believe that today ED is a very convenient storage system. With the help of them you can pay for the goods and without leaving the house or workplace.

List of sources used


UDC 004.451.9

R.R. Yuzbekov

Nizhnevartovsky Oil Technical Academy - branch of the Ugra State University of Nizhnevartovsk, Russia

Comparison of operating systems

The article contains a brief comparative characteristics of Microsoft operating systems. The advantages and disadvantages of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows XP are specified for both ordinary users and professionals.

Operating systems (OS) are different, but their meaning and functions are the same. The OS is the basic and necessary component of the computer software, without it, the computer cannot work in principle.

To date, when buying a computer, the question is: and which OS is worth installing? Many users want to install simple and reliable to use OS.

Three years have passed since the release of Windows Vista. This OS has been repeatedly postponed, it was devoted and reworked, presented exorbitant system requirements, I lost compatibility with some programs and many drivers, was the subject of countless disputes and proceedings - especially before the first service pack out of the first service pack, when even copying files, it was managed with "turtle" speed. To some extent it can forgive her, because Vista has become OS from Microsoft, providing ordinary users bright and convenient interface. But experienced users retained the loyalty of their XP, simple and reliable.

For comparison: under the control of XP, about two of the three cars on our planet are still working. Obviously, today Microsoft needs a more attractive modern OS, but can the upcoming Windows 7 be able to become? In this article, I will tell you about the new OS from the point of view of a regular user who is passionate about the computer games. Whether she deserves to change the usual XP

In Kralation I will remind you with history: Windows XP, was released in 2001, Vista in early 2007. And Windows 7 was on sale already in October 2009. It turns out that the development of Vista went twice as much time than on creating Windows 7.

Any user of the OS may seem strange. But in fact, everything is correct, it should be, because Windows 7 is not fully new, written from scratch system, but just the "Upgrade" Vista.

But here is the focus: it was not enough for us! In Windows 7, enhanced everything that Vista has been done well, and everything is fixed. By and large exactly - affordable and at the same time powerful - should have become Vista from the very beginning. But this did not.

When Vista is only - only appeared, its many newly minted users began to search for everything as in XP button: a new cute interface with a bunch of useless decorations

i did not like almost anyone. Moreover, even an experienced user, with all the desire, could not turn Vista into an exact copy of the predecessor: the menu was driving around, the windows were surprisingly slow. Now microsoft. No longer goes to compromises - "do everything as in XP" in Windows 7 is impossible, obsolete functions are simply removed from the system.

Classic menu "Start", as in Windows 95? The usual view of the windows from XP? Old Task - Bar with quick start buttons? Forget, they no longer exist. Another thing is that if the Vista "Simplification" was made by confusion and stupid, then in Windows 7 a new clear interface that functions as a Swiss watch. Working with windows has become more intuitive, local search is simpler, and Task-bar is more powerful. All changes have finally developed in a single picture - and although windows interface 7 became clearer, it does not mean that he became "dumber." Just the complex settings are hidden deep into the system, and frequently used and necessary for all - are made in a convenient menu.

As far as Windows Vista seemed difficult and not logical, the same Windows 7 is simple and easy to use. Created new OS with rich functionality And as close as possible to the requests of ordinary users.

And yet is it worth Windows 7 in order to switch to it from XP? I am sure that it is worth. Already in the beta version of Windows 7, it works faster and more reliable than Windows Vista, and also stable as Windows XP.

It is important to understand that with the advent of this new OS, the creators of computer games will begin to navigate no longer on users of XP and Vista, but on users Vista and Windows 7. In the foreseeable future, support for new versions of DirectX will be more important for developers than exploiting old DirectX 9. And although The coming games will still be launched by XP, the situation will be diametrically opposed: they will work faster and more stable on the new OS. Is this not a reason to think about acquiring a modern OS?

It is already clear now that Windows Vista will remain in history as a ridiculous intermediate release. But thanks to her Microsoft was able to build a significantly improved, modern and impressive Windows 7.

Natural science

UDC 524: 539: 530.145.6: 573.5

A.A. Alifs

Institute of Machine Science RAS Moscow, Russia

Unified State of Matter

Outlined in and other works of the author The general approach allows us to consider the laws of nature from a single position to consider many phenomena in the inanimate and living world. The author proposed the physically substantiated equations of the instant dynamic state of matter, representing the unified form of its state of its condition for all levels of movement and organization. Their consideration as a whole led to the formulation of the Regulations on the oscillatory principle of movement and the organization of the Universe.

The state (movement and interaction of elements) of the whole matter of the Universe can be described by mathematically some functional dependence (or their set), but a person is not known for her appearance. A specific, explicit type of function or set of interaction functions is very limited, depending on the depth of knowledge, the possibility and objectives of the study. All this, ultimately, is determined by the level of development of science as a whole, the intellectual level of a particular researcher in particular, the dimension of the object or their set, etc. So, in general, it is impossible to say how the elements of matter are in relation to each other (continuously, discretely, either both), then for the mathematical description of the dynamics of the elements, the equation neither discrete, nor solid systems that use in the theory of dynamic systems are not applicable. Although in practical terms, such equations have sufficient value, since it is allowed to describe the behavior of individual small subsystems of the universe.


1. Operating system

1.2 Structure and OS functions

1.3 OS Development History

2. Alternatives to Windows

2.1.1 Development History

2.1.3 Use

2.2.1. History of creation

2.2.3 Usage

2.3.1 Development History

2.3.3 Usage


List of used literature


Nowadays, information technologies are increasingly entering everyday life, and the computer has become the most familiar part. For most people who have experienced the experience with a computer, the words "icon", "Window", "Desktop", "Start" menu have become familiar and understandable, and the logo of the four-color flipping flag is not surprising. I want to say that many users of personal computers are so accustomed to Windows that sometimes they do not even know about the existence of other, alternative, operating systems, and even more so do not ask themselves the question: "What is the operating system and how does it work?" But the knowledge of all this will not only be useful in modern society, but can help in choosing the most convenient and productive "shell" for your computer. That is why I decided to make a brief overview of operating systems, which are used today instead of the usual Windows we all.

In my work, I used mostly three literary sources. In the textbook E. Tannebaum "Modern Operating Systems" I took information mainly on the history of the development of operating systems. Book "Operating systems, environments and shells", the authors of which Party T.L. and Popov I.I, I used to determine the concept of the operating system and the characteristics of the UNIX OS. Finally, the book of V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. "Network operating systems" helped me with the characteristics of the main functions of the operating system and its structure. Various Internet resources, such as Wikipedia encyclopedia, were also used.

My abstract consists of two main chapters: operating systems, where I tried to explain what the operating system is, how it works and for what is needed, and alternatives to Windows, where I consider directly operating systems that are used instead of Windows. It should be noted that not to load the text with repetitions and for simplicity of presentation, in my abstract I used the words "computer", "machine", "computer" as synonyms to designate a computer in our today's understanding. Footnotes to sources I considered it appropriate to do only in case of accurate copying or taking special information, such as definitions or classifications. In all other cases, I only relied on information from literary or Internet sources, retelling it in your own words and making certain conclusions.

In my abstract, the goal is not set to find out which of the operating systems is better. The purpose of my work is not a comparison, but an overview of operating systems. This is what I was guided by writing an abstract. With the characteristics of each operating system, I tried to pay attention to the main advantages and disadvantages, the scope of its use today and make a conclusion about competitiveness with Windows.

1. Operational system

1.1 What is the operating system?

First of all, it is worth understanding what operating system (OS) represents.

The operating system is a set of programs that ensures the organization of the computing process on the computer. Speaking simple languageThis is a program designed to hide from the user all the difficulties of "communication" with a computer. And difficulties arise much more than it seems at first glance. Without the help of the OS, even such a simple operation as a file entry on hDDThat we are accustomed to by pressing multiple keys on the keyboard, for the uninitiated person it seems impossible. Need to write to registers hard disk The address of the place we want to save our file, address in the main memory, the number of bytes to save, direction, in this case record. And it's just to write down one file!

I think it becomes clear of the whole importance of the invention even the very first OS, because they allowed to save a person from communicating with equipment directly by providing a programmer a more convenient system of commands.

The OS serves as a link between a person and a computer, providing the user a simple, job-oriented to the interface files. The file entry to the disk is then presented more simple than when you need to take care of moving the hard disk heads, wait until they are installed in the desired place, etc.

Here is given only general view about the operating system. Next, I suggest to consider OS in more detail.

1.2 Structure and OS functions

Most of the modern OS are modular systems (i.e. divided into separate functional parts). Of course, the Unified OS architecture does not exist, but there are universal approaches to the structuring of operating systems. The most common approach is the separation of all its modules into two groups:

· Core - modules that perform the basic functions of the OS;

· Modules performing auxiliary OS functions.

The kernel modules are controlled by processes, memory, I / O devices, etc. The functions performed by the kernel modules are the most commonly used, so the speed of their execution determines the performance of the entire system as a whole. To ensure high speed operation, most of the core modules are constantly in random access memory. are residents

The remaining OS modules (auxiliary) perform useful, but not so mandatory functions, such as checking the help of the computer blocks, detecting device failures, etc.

It is often very difficult to carry out the border between the programs included in the OS, and simple applications. It is believed that those programs that are started in the kernel mode (i.e., the user has no hardware access to them) are always part of the OS, the auxiliary programs are launched in user mode (i.e., the user may change them if desired).

The core is the driving force of all computing processes, and the collapse of the nucleus is equivalent to the collapse of the entire system, which is why the developers pay special attention to the reliability of the codes and protect them from the free intervention of the user.

Well, now let's turn to the main functions that performs the OS as a whole. In general, they can be divided into two most important, this is the relationship between man and machine and resource management of the machine itself. We have already disassembled the importance of the first function, but on the second one should stop in more detail.

Modern computers Consist from processor, memory, time sensors, disks, mice, network interface, printers and a huge number of other devices. So, the OS function and is an organized and controlled distribution of computer resources between various programs that compete for the right to use them. Indeed, imagine what would happen if three programs were working on one computer and all of them at the same time tried to print their data on the same printer. Most likely, the first few lines on the sheet would appear from the first program, the following several from the second, etc. As a result, the confusion is complete. OS suggests order in such situations. The operating system allows access to only one program first, and the output of the other saves in the temporary file and puts it in the print queue. At this time, the second program continues to work without noticing that in fact it does not send data to the printer. It turns out that the OS, as it were, "deceiving" the program. It was an example of a temporary distribution of resources. No less important is the spatial distribution. It lies in the fact that the OS will assign only a part of a particular resource to each program, and not the entire resource is entirely. The most striking example, in my opinion, is the distribution of several programs in the computer's RAM. It is difficult to even imagine how much time would go to the processing of commands, if every program was granted the entire amount of RAM, and everyone else would wait for their turn!

The presence of all these functions proves the need and the importance of operating systems. Without OS, a computer for the user is only a pile of metal to which it is impossible to approach.

Based on the basic functions of the OS, when it is developed, it is guided by certain requirements:

· Modularity;

· The possibility of developing a software system;

· Easy to master;

· Flexibility and adaptability;

· Compatibility of software of various computers within one hardware platform;

· Minimitivity of human intervention;

· Parametric versatility;

· Functional redundancy (the presence in the system of several programs that implement the same function);

· Functional selectivity (the ability to configure the system for a specific user).

You can easily imagine what a long and interesting path passed the OS in its development, and with what problems the developers faced to satisfy all the requirements that are presented above.

1.3 OS Development History

Of course, the development of the OS is closely associated with the development of the EUM themselves. Early computers did not provide for operating systems, so all the processes of launching and stopping programs, connecting external devices Manually produced. Programming was carried out exclusively on the engine. At that time, the machines were used rather for research purposes, and not to solve specific practical tasks. By the beginning of the 50s, the infrared cards - special cards were transferred to the execution algorithm - the situation has changed somewhat, but overall service and use of the computer remained unacceptable.

The first step towards facilitating communication with the machine was made in the late 50s with the invention of batch data processing. The idea was to collect a full package of tasks (a deck of perfoch-roll), transfer them to a magnetic tape, and then with special Program (Preview of the modern OS) to successively run them for execution without the participation of the operator. Such processing of tasks significantly reduced the time for the auxiliary actions of the organization of the calculation process itself. People now did not have to run around the hall to transmit data processing results: they were now displayed on the printer in offline mode (i.e. without communication with the main computer). However, there was a substantial minus: due to the fact that the programmers lost direct access to the computer, the time to correct errors in the programs went much more.

The next step towards the modern OS was the invention of the principle of multitasking. Previously, the main processor could simply stand up most of the time, waiting for the I / O command from a magnetic tape or another device. Naturally, it was very uncomfortable, and with commercial processing of information such a simple could take 80% of working time. The solution to the problem was the breakdown of memory into several parts, each of which was given a separate task. Now the processor did not wait for the completion of the I / O operation, and switching to the program already ready for execution.

Following the multitasking, the time separation mode appeared. This mode was designed for multi-terminal systems when each user could work at its terminal. For example, twenty users could be registered in the system and if seventeen of them think, drink coffee or engaged in their affairs, cPU Provided by three users wishing to work by car. However, in such systems, the efficiency of the use of equipment was lower, which was a fee for convenience.

All these innovations, naturally, they demanded the spelling of the OS, which could be used both on large and small cars as with large quantity peripheral devices and small, in the commercial field and in the field of scientific research. Observe all these requirements were very difficult. The mains written then contained millions of lines, were very complex and contained thousands of errors. However, they contributed to the development of OS: some technical techniques that were used in the first operating systems are still alive and are present in the modern OS.

By the mid-1970s, mini-computers receive widespread. Their architecture was significantly simplified, and resources are limited. All this is reflected in the OS for such computers. They have become more compact and significantly approached the concepts of modern OS. The most common operating system of that time was UNIX, the development history of which we will consider later.

The present revolution was the invention in the early 80s of silicon chips and as a result of the appearance of the first personal computers (PC). From the point of view of the PC architecture, they did not differ from mini-computers, but their value was much lower. This made it possible to acquire them not only to universities, enterprises or government structures, but also to ordinary people. Popular then UNIX was too difficult to use non-professional. There was a task of creating a friendly interface, i.e. Designed for the user nothing knows and does not want to know anything. This is where the famous MS-DOS appeared (MicrosoftDiskoperatingSystem). It should be noted that initially MS-DOS had a command line interface that was not very convenient. And already a lot later, a graphic environment for MS-DOS, named Windows, which was subsequently formed in an independent OS. She - that embodied the idea of \u200b\u200ba graphical interface consisting of windows, icons, various menus and mice.

From the history of the development of the OS, it is clear that the main task of the operating system has always remained providing convenient interaction of a person with the machine. It seems that modern OS copes with this task as much as possible. However, from year to year, all new versions of the OS, more advanced and with new features, and the history of the development of operating systems receives everything new and new continuation.

2. Alternatives to Windows


2.1.1 Development History

Initially, UNIX was developed by Ken Thompson - a BELLLABORATORIES officer in 1969 as a multitasking system for minicomputers and mainframes (huge computers size with a room).

The huge role is that UNIX has become so popular, I think I played the opportunity to transfer this system to various computers. Prior to that, for each specific machine, the programmers had to rewrite the systems again, which was, of course, the occupation of the unauthorized. In UNIX, this problem was solved. It was written in high-level language - C. This allowed to release only one version of the OS, which could then compile (translate) on various machines.

In 1974, UNIX was transferred to universities for "educational purposes." Moreover, it was provided with a complete set of source texts, which provided the opportunity to owners without entering it. So UNIX has found commercial use and turned into one of the most common OS. The only problem was that each manufacturer added its non-standard improvements, so very for a long time Could not write a software package for UNIX so that they can be launched in any version. The decision of this problem was the creation pOSIX standardwhich has absorbed the most common procedures inherent in the majority of UNIX versions. This somewhat simplified the situation and made some unity in the development of UNIX versions.

To date, there is a huge number of clones UNIX system, including Linux, Minix, Systemv, Solaries, Xenix, but in all these OS, the basic principles of implementing algorithms, data structures and system calls are preserved.

The most interesting from the listed Linux OS. A feature of this clone UNIX is its business model: it is freely distributed by software. Unlike Windows, Mac OS and commercial UNIX-like systems, Linux has no geographical development center. There is no organization that would have owned this system. Programs for Linux are the result of the work of thousands of projects. Many projects combine hackers from all over the world, who are familiar only by correspondence. Create your project or to join the already existing maybe anyone and, if successful, the results of work will be known to millions of users. Users take part in testing free programs, communicate with developers directly, which allows you to quickly find and correct errors and implement new features. This approach determines the economic efficiency and popularity of Linux. Today, this OS is used in many devices ranging from mobile phones, routers and ending with unmanned military vehicles.

Based on the manifold of this OS family, we can conclude what an important role played by UNIX in the development of operating systems and without exaggeration to call it historically one of the most important.

2.1.2 Main advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of UNIX were originally laid in the idea, which was followed by creating it. "The operating system should rely on a small number of non-specific concepts of concepts, together providing a mobile environment for developing and executing applications." Based on this, you can highlight two main "plus" OS UNIX: simplicity and mobility. This is perhaps the main thing that distinguishes it from other OS.

Under ease is the fact that UNIX, thanks to the compactness of the kernel, is undemanding to the computer resources (unlike the same Windows). In addition, UNIX contains a lot of other advantages.

First, a simplified file model that allows you to create an unlimited number of subdirectories on the hard disk.

Secondly, it uses only six major teams. Operation of the generation "Fork". Performing "Fork", the process creates its exact copy. So you get two identical copies. Generated copy most often performs another process - replaces itself new program. This is the second basic operation. The remaining four calls are Open (open), close (close), Read (read) and Write - are designed to access files. These six system challenges are simple operations from which UNIX consists. Of course, there is a huge number of other teams, but knowing these five, you can easily perform the basic operations in the UNIX environment.

Thirdly, a significant simplification of UNIX served the use of a fairly developed command language in the basic interface of the system. Even today, with the advent of numerous graphic shells (for example, XWindowsSystem), there are quite a few users who prefer the primary interface of the command line.

Under the mobility of UNIX it is understood that it can be used on different hardware platforms. In addition, there is a possibility of running programs at once with several users from one machine, which makes it easier to create networks. By the way, thanks to which this principle of multi-dimensionality, Unix range a large role in the development of the Internet.

Of course, the UNIX operating system is not ideal. You can find examples of tens of other OS, which are made more thoughtful, provide more powerful tools for programming, etc. The main disadvantages of the system include:

· Real-time mode is not supported (the type of multitasking, in which the operating system itself transmits control from one program being executed);

· Weak hardware failure;

· Reducing efficiency in solving the same type of tasks;

· Weakly developed means of interaction and synchronization processes.

In addition, in the latest versions of UNIX, excessive overload are noted.

However, despite all its shortcomings, the UNIX family remains one of the most sought-after markets and can continue to make good Windows competition.

2.1.3 Use

Originally created for mainframe service, today UNIX-like OS are mainly used to maintain servers, but exist versions are quite suitable for home or office use. Also UNIX, thanks to the powerful features of the combination of standard commands, is ideal for creating applications.

UNIX is good for a qualified user, because Requires the knowledge of the principles of the operation of the processes occurring in it. Therefore, it is unlikely to suit "novice". However, the real multitasking and strict memory separation ensure high reliability of the system functioning and, if you need a reliable, flexible OS, UNIX will suit you one hundred percent. That is why in our time the UNIX line is so popular. In terms of reliability, most modern OS can be compared with her. It is not randomly armed forces and government organizations often give their preference to UNIX-like operating systems.

So, originating practically as a toy project, today the family of operating systems UNIX is successfully implemented in a variety of areas of activity: from banks and government structures, to offices and supermarkets.

2.2 OS / 2

2.2.1 History of creation

OS / 2 operating system began both joint development IBM and Microsoft (1984). However, subsequently, the project collapsed, and Microsoft redested its version of OS / 2 in WindowsNT, and OS / 2 continued to be developed in IBM, which still did not pay such an operating system. In general, the leading competition in the OS market between these companies has greatly influenced the further development of operating systems developed both Microsoft and IBM.

Initially, OS / 2 was conceived as a replacement MS-DOS. Already then it was clear that MS-DOS had a number of significant disadvantages associated with limited memory and file systemand cannot use the full potential of computers of that time. The concepts according to which the new OS was developed were promising: OS / 2 was supposed to maintain displacing multitasking, virtual memory, graphic user interface and execute DOS applications. However, most of these ideas did not manage to work.

The first version of OS / 2 1.0, released in 1987, contained most of the properties necessary for multi-tasking OS. However, she did not have a graphical representation, as well as there were no drivers for many popular printers and other devices. In addition, it was quite demanding to the computer resources; The execution and interaction of DOS applications was performed very slowly, and sometimes it was impossible; At any time, the user could only work with one application, the remaining processes were performed in the background. All these shortcomings did not allow OS / 2 "blow up" the market of operating systems is similar to UNIX. Most users preferred to though not the perfect but familiar MS-DOS, or switched to Windows 3.1, released by Microsoft around the same time.

I believe that IBM just hurried with the release of the first versions of OS / 2. Otherwise, this operating system could make a worthy competition of the Windows line and MS-DOS.

Of course, with each new version of OS / 2, it became better and better. Already in OS / 2 V2.00 (1992) The main disadvantages of the first version were eliminated, besides, it was the first available and operating 32-bit operating system for personal computers, which undoubtedly attracted attention to the OS market. Then followed the release of sufficiently successful network versions of OS / 2 (for example, Warp 3, WarpConnect, Warp 4). From this point on, OS / 2-like operating systems began to be developed more as network.

In 1997 there were serious reasons to say that OS / 2 lives his age as an operating system. For example, IBM officially announces an OS / 2 withdrawal from the consumer market, the OS / 2 development department was disbanded, and the users were given to the Council to switch to other OS. However, seeing that the world is increasingly immersed in the field of business and the Internet, IBM still returns to support for OS / 2-like systems and in 1999 presents a new version: Warp4.5 ServerFore-Business (Aurora).

Thus, the OS / 2 family of systems traced quite real development prospects and talk about the disappearance of this OS from the market at least prematurely.

2.2.2 Basic advantages and disadvantages

It is enough difficult to identify some general advantages of the OS / 2 family systems, because Each version has its pros and cons that may be absent in subsequent upgrades. However, for all versions, I think you can consider the following:

· Powerful Internet support and networking (especially for network versions);

· stable work System kernels, which means reliability.

The main and largest disadvantage of OS / 2 is a very small amount of software and applications written for this operating system. From the part, I think it is due to the policy of the IBM itself. At the very beginning of development, OS / 2 IBM reacted to this system insufficiently carefully and practically did not cooperate with software developers. The fact that today the driver for this system is missing on the official IBM website. In addition, none of the versions of OS / 2 comes with primary codes, i.e. IBM, despite the numerous requests of users, deprive them of the opportunity to independently develop the system, as is done in the case of Linux. (Although fairness it is worth noting that the new version of OS / 2 is currently preparing for the exit, which is called Osfree, which just implies openness source code.) What is connected with such a strange IBM ratio to their creation for me remains a mystery.

The relative disadvantage of the system can be called a rather difficult and confusing process of installing OS on a computer. Although, for experienced users, it is unlikely to be a problem.

The rest of the OS / 2 is a stable system that confidently takes its (albeit a small) niche in the market of operating systems.

2.2.3 Usage

Today, many largest corporations in Europe trust OS / 2 computer networksHowever, it should be noted that in Russia OS / 2 was not widespread. It has never been particularly popular as a home operating system OS / 2, staying in the shade of Windows.

Of course, OS / 2 is used as a server, where it takes reliability and performance. Due to its stability OS / 2, used in the banking sector as an operating system for ATMs. Also OS / 2 is convenient for use where you need to process large arrays of information, for example on meteorological stations or in the field of scientific research. Less frequent this system Use to develop applications. It is interesting to note that OS / 2 has acquired some popularity among gamers, because The conflict of applications has it is much lower than that of the same line of Windows.

So, we got acquainted with another alternative to the Windows family. However, I doubt that the OS / 2 family can highlight Windows on the OS market, in any case today. First of all, this is due to the small amount of software for this OS, and therefore with low popularity among PC owners. However, it is not necessary to treat OS / 2 dismissively and throw it off from the scales, because It is IBM to pay sufficient attention to its development, as it immediately will reveal all its potential.

2.3 Macos.

2.3.1 Development History

It should be immediately evaluated that MacOS is designed to install on computers produced by Apple. A feature of these computers is that the software, and the "insides" of the computer itself are collected by one company, namely Apple. This approach allows to achieve maximum balance between software and equipment, which will be used with it, which, in turn, practically eliminates the possibility of the occurrence of hardware conflicts with which we often face when using IBMPC. However, such computers cannot be called perfect. The fact is that they are monolithic computers, i.e. They are almost impossible to connect new devices or upgrade old. This, I believe, can be a serious disadvantage for some users, especially those who are used to collecting their own computer.

It is important to note that Macintosh is that Apple computers are the first personal computers, and it is MacOS that is the first commercial operating system that suggested the user is not a command line interface, but such a familiar graphic today, with windows, folders, icons today and mouse pointer. The output of this operating system became a real revolution in the PC world, and many techniques used in it became the basis for the development of future operating systems. For example, the graphical interface of OcWindows is almost identical graphic interface MacOS. So it can be safe to say that MacOS is a kind of Windows progenitor.

The first version of MacOS was published in 1984 along with the first personal computer Macintosh from Apple. It occupied only 216 KB of disk space and worked even with the usual copying from one computer to another. But such a product was completely not protected from the fake, so the developers have further devoted not only to its technical improvement, expansion of functionality and stability, but also protection. The main disadvantage of the first version was that only one "hanging" the program led to the failure of the entire system, i.e. There was no principle of displacing multitasking. This disadvantage was corrected in the following versions of the OS. After the first version of MacOS, nine modifications came out. With each version of MacOS, it became more colorful, effectively, more convenient in circulation and reliable.

To date, the latest version of this operating system is MacOSX, which absorbed all the best from previous versionsAnd in my opinion can rightfully be called one of the most convenient OS.

2.3.2 Basic advantages and disadvantages

Disputes on the account of the fact that the best IBMPC platform or Macintosh has been conducted for a long time. From my point of view, the question of the advantages and disadvantages of Macintosh computers, which means the MacOS operating system is sufficiently relative.

Traditionally, the disadvantages of MacOS include a high price. Yes, really prices for Apple computers are almost twice the price of ordinary IBMPC. But for this money you get a beautiful, with your special personality computer of excellent quality and a modern operating system, designed to meet all newest technologies and achievements of science. At the same time, the MacOS was created specifically for Macintosh computers, which allows you to use iron opportunities a hundred percent, and not overpay money for new items that are unknown when and with what can be evaluated.

The second drawback is limited model Row Computers Macintosh. It turns out that Apple pounds the user in a certain framework: after all, to enjoy all the advantages of MacOS, he is simply obliged to buy a Macintosh. But on the other hand, coming to the store, you don't have to think long. Which of Macintosh is worth choosing, while the quality of each of them will be at the highest level.

Another unpleasant problem is the closeness of the MacOS OS, which primarily affects the lack of software for it from third-party developers. Until now, there are still no important software products written under Macintosh, and it will not work to get roaring, because games are being developed primarily for Windows, and then for MacOS, you will not find any toys. But the time does not stand still, and organizations that are developing software products under MacOS appear, and the well-known software developers are interested in working their product on Macintosh computers. But the most important Apple company in last version MAOS OS has included the Bootcamp application, which makes it easy to install the Windows operating system on the Macintosh computers and use any software on them.

Also to the undoubted advantages of MacOS, I think, should include the lack of software conflicts and hardwareThe same Windows does not boast the same Windows, and almost complete protection against viruses, worms and other uncleans, because the number of malicious programs capable of hitting MacOS is almost equal to zero. Therefore, I believe that this operating system contains more advantages than flaws.

Disputes that you can continue to continue indefinitely, but if you ask those who decided and acquired themselves to Macintosh, whether he agrees to change it to another, most likely you will get a negative answer. Those who work on Macintosh love their computers. This can be explained by the fact that Apple's management creates its products primarily for people. Their main strategy is beauty and convenience. In addition, all their developments keep up with the times, and even a little ahead of it. Buying a Macintosh computer with MacOS OS, you can be sure that it will not get out of six months, but will be relevant for a long time.

.3.3 Usage

If you take into account all the advantages of MacOS, then the question immediately arises, why it is still not as widespread as its main competitor to the well-known Windows OS. The answer to it flows from the disadvantages of the above: high price, lack of software, limited models, etc. Therefore, most users prefer the usual IBMPC configuration with it again the usual Windows.

However, despite this, MacOS still acquired considerable popularity in the business industry and among professionals engaged in computer graphics and printing.

Based on this, I think not far the time when Apple's computers with the MacOS operating system will become so popular (and they have all the prerequisites for this), which will make a worthy Competition of Microsoft with its Windows OS.


So, here we have completed the overview of Windows alternatives. Of course there are many other OS, except those present in my work that can replace Windows. I tried to consider only the most widely used. With accuracy, we can say that among them there are no "bad" or "good." Each of the reviewed operating systems has its pros and cons. Their use depends on the scope of application, and accordingly the tasks that are set in front of them. Some OS are ideal for processing large information arrays and distinguished by reliability, such as OS / 2 system ruler. Others are available accessibility, such as Linux. Third are happy with their colorful and efficiency, such as MacOS.

Of course, it is difficult to disagree that Microsoft's brainchild will long be a leader among software On the OS market, especially among the "home" operating systems. There are quite understandable reasons for this: massiness, availability, simplicity in use, etc. However, there are quite decent competitors, suitable and for home use, among other things. The brightest of such systems, I think is MacOS. This system has its drawbacks, but they are all lost against the background of its convenience and reliability. In addition, Windows is also not an ideal system. Some of the conflicts of applications are worth, and the Windows demandingness to hardware resources cannot be called low.

In any case, when the operating system is selected, you should not be guided by fashion trend. As I said, you must first of all proceed from the tasks that the OS should execute. After all, as we found out at the very beginning of work, the operating system is the main link in the work of a person with a computer. The success of this work can greatly depend on the choice of OS, and simply its convenience.

1. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. Network operating systems. - SPb.: Peter, 2002 -544 s.

2. - 400С.

3. Tannbaum E. Modern operating systems. 2nd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2002 - 1040С.

4. Kuznetsov S. "Unix Decks, and I Alive" - \u200b\u200ban article on the Internet (

5. Purpose and function of the operating system. - article on the Internet (


7. Wikipedia - free encyclopedia (

Party T.L., Popov I.I. Operating systems, media and shells: Tutorial. - M.: Forum: Infra - M, 2003.

V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer. Network operating systems. - SPb.: Peter, 2002

Tannbaum E. Modern operating systems. 2nd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2002

Party T.L., Popov I.I. Operating systems, environments and shells: Tutorial. - M.: Forum: Infra - M, 2003.

Kuznetsov S. "Unix is \u200b\u200bdead, and I'm still alive." - Article on the Internet. (

Wikipedia - free encyclopedia (

Purpose and function of the operating system. - article on the Internet (

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