
IPhone 6 model 1586 What does it mean. Buying iphone PCT Rostst - Is there any sense? The operating system is a system software, managing and coordinating hardware components in the device

What is interesting, the main differences between these two models lies in design and appearance. All other characteristics of iPhone phones 6 and 6 plus are almost identical.

Iphone 6 and iPhone 6 plus with photo models

In general, even the design of two models is slightly similar. A tangible difference is only in size - the screen diagonal of the iPhone 6 is 4.7 inches, and the version of the plus is 5.5 inches. Accordingly, the total dimensions will be different.

But if you look closely, it becomes noticeable that externally plus just repeats the design 6, with some changes. For example, different colors of the upper blocks with the camera and illumination.

In fact, many users noted too noticeable similarity of version 6 with a model of 2G iPhone. And indeed, there are similar elements.

Processor, RAM and Drive

By default, the iPhone comes with an Apple's own development processor, which, oddly enough, is called Apple A8.

In its depths there are two cores with a frequency of 1.4 GHz. And he is assembled on the architecture of a 64-bit type Armv8-a. RAM in the device is available 1 GB. The characteristics of the internal memory in iPhone 6 can be represented by values \u200b\u200bof 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB. Interestingly, Apple usually has a bigger space.

And the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus have the same set of iron.

Communication, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Navigation and NFC

As smartphones iPhone. Always keep up with the times, the relationship in them usually corresponds to current technological innovation. The same with the characteristics of the iPhone 6 version. Communication standards are supported up to 4G.

Wireless technologies are also represented by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC. Wi-Fi supports the latest standards, up to 802.11 AC. The device can operate in two frequency bands - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. It is very convenient and will allow you to increase the speed of receiving and sending data, especially in overloaded places.

Bluetooth is not highlighted. Normal version 4.0 interface. NFC serves to pay for purchases directly by the smartphone itself using Apple Pay technology.

Navigation technical characteristics of iPhones 6 and 6 Plus are represented by a module that can work in various systems - GPS and GLONASS. Separately, it is worth highlight A-GPS, which helps to adjust the data from the satellites using the Internet, thereby improving the quality and accuracy of the definition. And IBeacon technology is supported in the smartphone. With it, you can view the location of friends or special beacons installed in various parts of the world.

Screen diagonal and other display characteristics iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus

About the diagonal we told a little at the beginning of the article. Now a little more. The screen is made using IPS technology. The plus version has a resolution of 1920 for 1080 - that is, FullHD. The final pixel density is 401 ppi. Simple 6-ka has 1334 to 750 points. The density of the pixels of the latter is 326 ppi. In these gadgets, the so-called Retina display is used, which is mostly a marketing name for mostly. In fact, all screens that displays the pixel density are more than 300, Apple Retina is considered.

IOS 8 operating system, performance and battery life

The starting operating system, delivered to new devices - iOS 8. For 6 and 6 plus an update is available to version 11.3.1. As for overall performance, the gadget gave about 48,000 in the Antutu test, plus-minus 2-3 thousand - depending on the running applications. This is a very good indicator.

Since screens differ strongly, then the batteries were used in versions of different. In 6, a battery is used for 1810 mAh, and in the version plus - 2915 mAh. Despite the energy efficient processor, with active use, the smartphone has to be recharged during the day.

Fingerprint Scanner Touch ID, Basic and Front Camera iphone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

For the first time, the Touch ID was used on the predecessor of the 6 version - iPhone 5S.

Now it is installed in all other models of phones and tablets. Two generations of the sensor are known. Iphone 6 and 6 plus got the first, but the 6S and 6S Plus are already the second.

Both smartphones - the sixth and plus - have identical camera modules. There is only a small difference: the version of the version plus has optical image stabilization. However, it is almost impossible to detect a large difference between the pictures. It is likely that the camera 6 plus will show itself better in cases of shooting with shaking hands - provided the same background shaking.

Size and weight iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus

Naturally, the plus version is greater and, accordingly, harder. The width of gadgets at the same time has a difference of about 1 cm: in 6 - 67 mm. The length varies already in 2 cm: in 6 - 138 mm. The thickness changes slightly, only 0.2 mm: in 6 - 6.9 mm. It is quite difficult to detect it to her.

6 plus heavier than its fellow on 43 grams and weighs 172. The weight increased due to the use of a larger battery charge.

Overview of the characteristics of the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus

Versions with Litera s came out much later than simple "six" and were a more technological and innovative product.

In particular, in the characteristics of the phone iphone 6S, a new iron was used, a new software, the available color was changed. One of the main innovations was the 3D Touch screen, which reacted by the power of the touch. Fingerprint scanner received the second generation.

Memory, processor and operating system iOS 9

The processor, the main characteristic of the iPhone 6S, in both new items installed more modern - A9. It was also built on a 64-bit architecture, had two nuclei, but with a higher frequency - 1.8 GHz.

The number of RAM also increased to 2 GB. The gradation of its memory was mainly in two versions: 32 GB and 128 GB.

The full-time operating system when buying - iOS 9. It can be updated to 11.2.6.

Display and multimedia features

The ratio of dimensions and resolution of the screens of two 6S and 6S PLUS smartphones remains within the framework of the predecessor logic. Plus received a 5.5-inch screen and a resolution of 1920 to 1080, and the usual 6s is 4.7 inches and 1334 to 750. The technology applied in the screens remained the same - IPS.

Communication and interfaces iphone 6S and iPhone 6s plus

The S-modems received new modems and transmitters. Ranges of operating frequencies up to 4G remained at the same level of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. But LTE has already become noticeably faster. It uses 6 category of networks with 300 Mbps bandwidth.

Wi-Fi standards are represented by all known, up to 802.11 AC. The module can operate on two frequencies - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. You can select GPS, GLONASS and auxiliary A-GPS from the navigation.

Battery and other functions

S-ki accumulators received different, which is not surprising - after all, consumers are also different. In a simple version, a battery is installed at 1715 mAh, and in plus 2750 mAh. In fact, the developers only reduced batteries in new gadgets, which affected their autonomy. Stretching all day with a complete battery with the active use of most functions is almost impossible without additional recharging.

But the 3D Touch function pleased with the fans. The introduction of pressing force has opened new horizons to use all the functions of the smartphone. Now it became possible to make several different actions in essence with the same movement. There were so-called fast actions - that is, by clicking on the application icon, it is possible, without going into it, to use some functionality. It turned out to be a very convenient innovation, although it had to get used to him a little.

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of different models of iPhone phones

The whole line of iPhone 6 was divided into four different devices, each of which is something straightened from others.

Comparison of the characteristics of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

The most important difference between two models - sizes. Accordingly, the diagonals of screens and permissions are also different. A simple "six" has a diagonal of 4.7 inches, and Plus - 5.5. Internally, both the same processor is installed, the same graphic core, absolutely the same dimensions and type of RAM. Modems and types of supported networks are also exactly the same. Camera modules are similar, however Plus is also equipped with optical stabilization. In general, we can say that 6 plus is 6 large size.

Comparison iPhone 6S phones and iPhone 6s Plus

The analogy of the differences S series is completely inherited from a simple 6-ki. Iron, interfaces, possibilities - all the same. Only sizes differ. And just like 6: 6s has a 4.7 diagonal and a resolution of 1440 to 750, and 6s Plus - 1920 at 1080 at 5.5 inches. The remaining characteristics of the iPhone 6S plus are no different from 6s.

What is the difference iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S

And here the difference is already more noticeable. The dimensions are, of course, the same, but the inner decoration will vary greatly.

First, the A9 processor in 6S is declared as more efficient and productive compared to A8 in iPhone 6. The frequency with the same architecture above, the technical process is applied newer.

In addition to the fact that the S-KE increased operational memory, so also its type is more new technology - LPDDR4.

New modem and transmitter allowed to increase the speed in the 4 generation networks.

Changes touched both cameras. Their permissions were increased to 12 meters from the main and up to 5 megapixel at the frontal. Well, the presence of such new solutions, such as 3D Touch inclines the scales when choosing to 6S.

How much iPhone stand 6 / iPhone 6 plus and iPhone 6S / iPhone 6S plus - price review

All varieties of models of 6 line can still be purchased in stores.

The formation of prices for this line is rather strange. For example, 6 on 32 GB can be 21500 rubles, but version 6 plus with the same characteristics on 16 GB - already for 34,000 rubles. A little smaller scatter can be observed at the S series: you can take a junior model for 27,000 rubles, and plus - for 34,000 rubles.

To deal with PCT models for all and forever, collected differences for all topical iPhones in one place.

PCT devices - product officially imported to the territory of Russia with certificates of growth

This means that all the stated functions of the device will work on the territory of the country, and the manufacturer's official warranty will be distributed.

The so-called "gray" devices, which are brought from Europe or the United States, can work both fully and be unsuitable for some services. With a guarantee of such devices, problems may arise.

Before buying an iPhone with hands, in the online store and a specialized place for sale, always check the model of the device.

How to find out the model and country of origin iPhone

The model number is applied on the back cover of the device and on the box. Of course, codes must coincide. Sellers usually do not hide this information.

To find out where the specific device model come from, should look at the box or find data in the device itself on the way "Settings - basic - about this device". For information about the country, there are two last Latin letters in the code of your model.

With the country will be more complicated. Usually, this information is not advertised. View the iPhone region will most often get directly upon receipt of the device.

Below the list of codes of all regions for which iPhones are produced:

A. - Canada
AB - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt
AE - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar,
B. - United Kingdom and Ireland
BG. - Bulgaria
Br. - Brazil
Bt. - Great Britain
BZ. - Brazil
FROM - Canada
Ch - PRC
CI - Paraguay
Cm. - Hungary, Croatia
CR - Croatia
CS. - Slovakia, Czech Republic
CN. - Slovakia.
Cz. - Czech Republic
D, Dm. - Germany
DN. - Austria, Germany, Netherlands
E. - Mexico
EE - Estonia
El. - Estonia, Latvia
ER - Ireland
Et. - Estonia
F. - France
FB. - France, Luxembourg
FD. - Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
FN. - Indonesia
FS. - Finland
GB. - Greece
GH. - Hungary
GP. - Portugal
GR. - Greece
HB. - Israel
HC. - Hungary, Bulgaria
Hn. - India
IP - Italy
J, Jp. - Japan
IP - Portugal, Italy
Id - Indonesia
K. - Sweden
Kh. - South Korea, PRC
KN. - Denmark and Norway
Ks. - Finland and Sweden
LA - Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Salvador, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico
Le. - Argentina
LP. - Poland.
Lt. - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
LZ. - Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay
MG. - Hungary
Mm. - Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia
MY. - Malaysia
ND. - Netherlands
Nf. - Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal
PA - Indonesia
PK. - Poland, Finland
PL, PM. - Poland.
PO - Portugal
Pp. - Philippines
PY. - Spain
QN. - Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway
QL - Spain, Italy, Portugal
Ro. - Romania
RR - Russia, Moldova
RP, RS, RU - Russia
RM - Russia, Kazakhstan
RK. - Kazakhstan
SE - Serbia
SL. - Slovakia.
SO. - South Africa
SU. - Ukraine
T. - Italy
TA. - Taiwan
TH. - Thailand
Tu. - Turkey
TY. - Italy
VN. - Vietnam
X. - Australia, New Zealand
Y. - Spain
ZA. - Singapore
ZD. - Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium, Monaco, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland
ZG. - Denmark
Zo. - Great Britain
Zp. - Hong Kong and Macau
Zq. - Jamaica

When it was determined with the origin of the model, you can understand the distinctive features of the device.

iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

In addition to the specified models, you can meet models from Japan (A1779 and A1785). They do not turn off the shutter sound in the standard camera application, there is a Felica module for payments and translations through Apple Pay. Such models may incorrectly work with domestic payment terminals.

There are other minor differences for models from certain countries or regions, more about this.

Models A1660 and A1661 Have a faster LTE module. In ideal conditions, the difference in speed can be up to 30%.

Models A1778 and A1784 Officially served in Russia. They definitely will not be problems when contacting the service center.

iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus

Models certified for sale in the Russian Federation have codes: A1688 and A1687. Other models A1633, A1700 A1634, A1699 are designed for sales in the United States and in Asian countries.

There are some differences in supported frequencies, however, they are not as critical. There will be no real difference in the speed of mobile Internet, all models will work with domestic operators.

The difference only in the official warranty in the territory of the Russian Federation. Models A1688 and A1687 Will be served under warranty in any authorized service center, but in repairing or replacing other models may refuse.

iPhone SE

When buying this model you need maximum attention. It's all about supported LTE bands. Almost all domestic and many European operators operate at frequencies that are not supported by the American model.

In the iPhone SE model A1662. LTE will work only in some operators and not in all regions of the country. So that there are no problems with LTE in Russia, choose models A1723 and A1724.

Nobody canceled the situation with warranty service.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

PCT models have codes: A1586 and A1524. You can find such devices on sale: A1549, A1589, A1522, A1593.

The situation is similar to the iPhone SE. Models A1549 and A1522 do not support work in LTE BAND 38, MTS and MegaFon operators work at this frequency. Such devices can go to the network only 3G or have to change the operator.

iPhone 5S.

Here is the most variety of models. PCT devices have code A1457There are still such: A1453, A1518, A1528, A1530, A1533.

iPhone 5S. A1533 - This is a CDMA device. If you do not know why it is needed - bypass by such an iPhone.

A1530. - Universal model with support all possible frequencies. It will support LTE from all Russian operators, it will earn with 4G networks almost anywhere in the world.

A1528. - The device is intended for sale in China. The GSM device has a simplified module and does not work at all with 4G LTE.

A1518. - Another Asian model. From the necessary frequencies we need only Band 38. There will be problems with LTE in some operators.

A1453. Only Band 20 are supported from the LTE frequencies of interest to us, which means there may be problems with high-speed connection in most regions in almost all operators.

Just in case, once again about the guarantee:

1. PCT models purchased in Russia

Updated on Mar 21, 2019 by

New Generation of iPhone Has Been Officially Available and It Comes In Two Versions This Time, The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Apart from Considering Between A 4.7-inch and a 5.5-inch iPhone, Consumers Also Have to Deal With Choosing Among Different Models, Including A1549, A1586, A1589, A1522, A1524 and A1593.

I See A Lot of People BUY IPHONE 6 IN THE U.S. Or on ebay with global shipping But Many of Those Phones Couldn't Work in their Countries Because There Are Some iPhone Models Manufactured for Different Wireless Carriers and Markets. They Alf The Same Tech Specs But There Are Some Differences in Cellular Connectivity. The Situation IS MUCHONE 6/6 Plus Features New Volte (Voice Over LTE) Technology, Which Means You Can Buy A GSM Version and Still Can Use a Full Range of Services on CDMA Networks. For example, You can buy a SIM-Free T-Mobile Phone and Completely Avoid CDMA to Use It On Verizon. Some Carriers Offering Volte Are T-Mobile, AT & T and Verizon in the US; Hutchinson Telecom (3), CSL and Smartone in Hong Kong; SK Telecom, KT and LG U + in South Korea and Starhub in Singapore.

As Volte Hasn't Become Popular Worldwide Yet, I'd Recommend You to Check Carefully So That You Can Purchase The Most Compatible One. The Model Numbers of iPhones Can Easily Be Found on the Box Or on the Back Cover. The Amount of iPhone 6's Model Numbers Is, Then It Is Much Easier for US to Pick The Right One. So Differences Between Those iPhone Models? Let's Check Them Out.

The 4.7-Inch iPhone 6 Comes In 3 Model Numbers, Which Are iPhone A1549 (GSM), A1549 (CDMA) and A1586. Here Are Details of Those Models:

1. A1549 (GSM): This Model Is Compatible with 4G LTE Networks on Some Major Carriers in The US and Canada Like AT & T, T-Mobile, Rogers (FIDO). IT Supports Following LTE Bands: 1 (2100 MHz), 2 (1900 MHz), 3 (1800 MHz), 4 (AWS), 5 (850 MHz), 7 (2600 MHz), 8 (900 MHz), 13 (700c MHz), 17 (700b MHz), 18 (800 MHz), 19 (800 MHz), 20 (800 DD), 25 (1900 MHz), 26 (800 MHz), 28 (700 APT MHz) and 29 (700 de MHz). Besides, The GSM Version Also Works on UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz).

Below Are Some Part Numbers of the Model:

United States:

iPhone 6 16GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MG562LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MG5D2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MG592LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MG542LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MG5A2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MG572LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MG552LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MG5C2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MG582LL / A.

iPhone 6 16GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MG4Q2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MG502LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MG4V2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MG4N2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MG4W2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MG4R2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver (GSM) AT & T MG4P2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver (GSM) AT & T MG4X2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver (GSM) AT & T MG4U2LL / A.

iPhone 6 16GB Gold Unlocked MG3D2CL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold Unlocked MG3L2CL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB GOLD UNLOCKED Mg3G2CL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Space Grey Unlocked MG3A2CL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Space Grey Unlocked MG3H2CL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Space Grey Unlocked MG3E2CL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver Unlocked MG3C2CL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver Unlocked MG3K2CL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver Unlocked MG3F2CL / A.

2. A1549 (CDMA): This is Considered AS The World Phone Version. IT Supports All The Same Spectrum Frequencies AS The A1549 (GSM) And Also Includes CDMA EV-Do Rev. A and Rev. B (WITH 800, 1700/2100, 1900 and 2100 MHz Bands). Besides, It Works on UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz), GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz) and 4G LTE BANDS INCLUDE BANDS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 28, 29, 20, 25, 26, 28. 29. The Model IS Compatible with Verizon and Cricket in the US. However, If You BUY AN UNLOCKED VERIZON PHONE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE IT ON ANY OTHER GSM NETWORKS LIKE T-MOBILE AND AT & T AS WELL. Here Are Some Part Numbers of this Model:

United States:

iPhone 6 16GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG5Y2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG652LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG622LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG5W2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG632LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG602LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG5X2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MG642LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless Mg612LL / A.

3. A1586:This version is Sold Locked On Some CDMA Carriers in The US Like C Spire, Sprint and US Cellular. This Is The Most Versatile Version But You Won't Be Able to Unlock It Easily in the US. Theraefore, you have more chances to buy the factory unlocked A1586 in Asia or europe. The UNLOCKED VERSION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON AMAZON THROUGH SOME RETAILERS. The Model Works ON CDMA EV-Do Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz), GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A). Compatible 4G LTE BANDS ARE FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29) and TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41 Which Are CorreSponding to Frequencies 2600 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2300 MHz and 2500 MHz).

Along with the iPhone 6 Plus A1524, This Model Supports Both TD-SCDMA BANDS OF CHINA Mobile and Band 39 for TD-LTE. The Bands 38 and 40 Are Also Available, So You Absolutely CAN Use LTE in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The LTE Will Work on China Mobile Hong Kong, CSL, Hutchison, Smartone In Hong Kong, Deutsche Telekom, Optus (Virgin), Telstra, Vodafone in Australia, and 3, EE, O2 (Giffgaff), Vodafone in the uk. Below Are Part Numbers of This Model.

United States:

iPhone 6 16GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MG6C2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MG6J2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MG6F2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB SPACE GRAY (CDMA) Sprint MG692LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB SPACE GRAY (CDMA) Sprint MG6G2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB SPACE GRAY (CDMA) Sprint MG6D2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MG6A2LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MG6H2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MG6E2LL / A.

iPhone 6 16GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MG492LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4J2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4E2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked MG472LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4F2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4A2LL / A.
iPhone 6 16GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MG482LL / A.
iPhone 6 64GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4H2LL / A.
iPhone 6 128GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MG4C2LL / A.

4. A1589: This Version Is Available Exclusive ON China Mobile and You Should Only Buy It If You Don't Plan To Use It On Any Other Carrier. The iPhone 6 A1589 IS Compatible with TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (a) As well as TD-LTE BANDS 38, 39, 40, 41, AND GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz). Notably, The Model Also Supports UMTS (WCDMA) / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and FDD-LTE (Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29) But They Apply Only to International Roaming. That Means 3G and 4G LTE OF THIS Phone Won't Be Compatible with China Telecom and China Unicom.

iPhone 6 Plus.

AT The Moment, The 5.5-Inch iPhone 6 Plus HAS 3 Model Numbers, Which Are A1522 (GSM), A1522 (CDMA) and A1524. BasiCally, The A1522 (GSM) Bands Are The Same As iPhone A1549 (GSM), A1522 (CDMA) 's Bands Are The Same As A1549 (CDMA), A1593 IS The Same As A1589 and A1524 IS CRESPONDING TO THE A1586. Details Are Shown Below.

1. A1522 (GSM): This Is The Popular iPhone 6 Plus Version That Can Work Properly On Most GSM Carriers Over The World, Including United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. ITS Compatible Bands Are GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29).

Here Are Some Known Part Numbers of the Model:

United States:

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MGC12LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MGC72LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Gold (GSM) T-Mobile MGC42LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MGAX2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MGC52LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus128GB Space Gray (GSM) T-Mobile MGC22LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MGC02LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MGC62LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver (GSM) T-Mobile MGC32LL / A.

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MGAN2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MGAW2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Gold (GSM) AT & T MGAR2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MGAL2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MGAU2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Space Gray (GSM) AT & T MGAP2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver (GSM) AT & T Mgam2ll / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver (GSM) AT & T MGAV2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver (GSM) AT & T MGAQ2LL / A.

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold Unlocked MG9P2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB GOLD UNLOCKED MG9W2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB GOLD UNLOCKED MG9T2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Grey Unlocked MG9M2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Space Grey Unlocked MG9U2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Space Grey Unlocked MG9Q2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver Unlocked MG9N2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver Unlocked MG9V2CL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver Unlocked MG9R2CL / A.

2. A1522 (CDMA): This Is The World Phone Version of The iPhone 6 Plus, It Is The One You Get When You Buy It Through Verizon. AS ALL VERIZON IPHONES ARE FACTORY UNLOCKED, IT CAN WORK ON MOST CDMA AND GSM NETWORKS IN THE WORLD. To know if it is compatible with carriers in Your Country, Check Out Its Radio Frequencies: CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz), GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29). Some Known Part Numbers Are Listed Below:

United States:

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCM2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCU2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Gold (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCQ2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCK2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCR2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Space Gray (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCN2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MgCl2ll / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MgCT2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver (CDMA) Verizon Wireless MGCP2LL / A.

3. A1524:The Model Is Available Via Sprint in The US and IT is Sold Locked to the CDMA Carrier. HOWEVER, YOU CAN BUY THE UNLOCKED IPHONE 6 PLUS IN SOME COUNTRIES IN Asia and Europe Like Singapore, Hong Kong, or Japan. IT HAS A WIDE RANGE OF SPECTRUM FREQUENCIES AND TECHNICALLY IT IS COMPATIC WITH ANY GSM OPERATOR. However, The Problem IS That You Won't Be Able to Buy The Version Easily in the US. If you Want to BUY THE FACTORY UNLOCKED IPHONE 6 PLUS A1524 IN THE US, YOU CAN LOOK FOR IT ON AMAZON.

Fallowing Are Its Radio Frequencies: CDMA EV-Do Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz), TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A), GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz), FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 25, 25, 28, 29) And TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41). You Will Be Able to Use Lte In Europe and Asia Including Countries Like China, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Germany, Singapore, Australia and The UK. LISTED BELOW ARE SOME PART NUMBERS:

United States:

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MGCX2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MGD42LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Gold (CDMA) Sprint MGD12LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Gray (CDMA) Sprint MgCv2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB SPACE GRAY (CDMA) Sprint MGD22LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Space Gray (CDMA) Sprint MGCY2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MGCW2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MGD32LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver (CDMA) Sprint MGD02LL / A.

iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAA2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAK2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Gold Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAF2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked MGA82LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked Mgah2ll / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Space Gray Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAC2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MGA92LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAJ2LL / A.
iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Silver Sprint Factory Unlocked MGAE2LL / A.

4. A1593: This Version Is Distributed Exclusive by China Mobile, The Largest Carrier in China. Therefore, You Shouldn't BUY IT If You Want To Use On Other Carriers. IT Supports TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A), TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41) and GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz). Some Bands of UMTS (WCDMA) / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) and FDD-LTE (Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17 , 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29) ARE ALSO AVAILABLE BUT THEY CAN'T BE USED INSIDE MAINLAND CHINA, THEY WORK ONLY FOR INTERNATIONAL ROAMING PURPOSES.

Leave A Comment Below If You Have Any Issue Picking A Suitable iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s Model. I'd love to Help.

  • 128GB.

Weight and Dimensions 2

  • Height: 5.44 INCHES (138.1 mm)
  • Width: 2.64 INCHES (67.0 mm)
  • Depth: 0.27 Inch (6.9 mm)
  • Weight: 4.55 Ounces (129 GRAMS)


  • Retina HD Display.
  • 4.7-Inch (Diagonal) LED-Backlit Widescreen Multi-Touch Display With IPS Technology
  • Full Srgb Standard.
  • Dual-Domain Pixels for Wide Viewing Angles
  • FingerPrint-Resistant Oleophobic Coating On Front
  • Support for Display of Multiple Languages \u200b\u200band Characters Simultaneously
  • Display Zoom


  • A8 Chip WITH 64-bit Architecture
  • M8 Motion Coprocessor.

isight Camera.

  • 8-Megapixel Isight Camera WITH 1.5μ Pixels
  • Autofocus with Focus Pixels
  • ƒ / 2.2 aperture
  • Optical Image Stabilization (iPhone 6 Plus ONLY)
  • True Tone Flash.
  • Five-Element Lens
  • Hybrid Ir Filter.
  • Backside Illumination Sensor
  • AUTO Image Stabilization
  • Face Detection.
  • Exposure Control
  • Panorama (Up to 43 Megapixels)
  • Burst Mode.
  • Tap to Focus
  • Photo Geotagging.
  • Timer Mode.

Video Recording.

  • 1080p HD Video Recording (30 FPS OR 60 FPS)
  • True Tone Flash.
  • SLO-MO Video (120 FPS OR 240 FPS)
  • Time-Lapse Video with Stabilization
  • Cinematic Video Stabilization
  • Continuous Autofocus Video.
  • Take Still Photos While Recording Video
  • Improved Face Detection.
  • 3x zoom
  • Video geotagging.

Facetime HD Camera.

  • 1.2-Megapixel Photos
  • ƒ / 2.2 aperture
  • 720p HD Video Recording
  • Backside Illumination Sensor
  • Auto HDR for Photos and Videos
  • Face Detection.
  • Burst Mode.
  • Exposure Control
  • Timer Mode.

Touch ID

  • Fingerprint Identity Sensor Built Into The Home Button

Apple Pay.

  • Pay With Your iPhone Using Touch ID in Stores and in Apps

Cellular and Wireless.

  • Model A1549 (GSM) * / Model A1522 (GSM) *
  • Model A1549 (CDMA) * / Model A1522 (CDMA) *
    • UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)
    • GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
    • LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
    Model A1586 * / Model A1524 *
    • CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)
    • UMTS / HSPA + / DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)
    • TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)
    • GSM / EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
    • FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
    • TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41)
  • All Models
    • 802.11a / B / G / N / AC Wi-Fi
    • Bluetooth 4.2 Wireless TECHNOLOGY


  • Assisted GPS and Glonass
  • Digital Compass.
  • Wi-Fi
  • Cellular
  • ibeacon microLocation

Video Calling 3.

  • FaceTime Video.
  • Initiate Video Calls Over Wi-Fi or Cellular to Any Facetime-Enabled Device

Audio Calling 3.

  • Facetime Audio.
  • iPhone 6 to Any Facetime Audio-Enabled Device Over Wi-Fi Or Cellular
  • VOICE OVER LTE (Volte) 4
  • Wi-Fi Calling 4

Audio Playback

  • Audio Formats Supported: AAC (8 to 320 kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store.), He-AAC, MP3 (8 to 320 kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (Formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and aax +), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and wav

TV and Video

  • Airplay Mirroring, Photos, Audio, and Video Out to Apple TV (2nd Generation or Later)
  • Video Mirroring and Video Out Support: Up to 1080p Through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (Adapters Sold Separately)
  • Video Formats Supported: H.264 Video Up to 1080p, 60 Frames Per Second, High Profile Level 4.2 with AAC-LC Audio Up to 160 Kbps, 48Khz, Stereo Audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov File Formats; MPEG-4 Video Up to 2.5 MBPS, 640 by 480 Pixels, 30 Frames Per Second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC Audio Up to 160 Kbps Per Channel, 48Khz, Stereo Audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) Up to 35 MBPS, 1280 BY 720 PIXELS, 30 Frames Per Second, Audio in Ulaw, PCM STEREO Audio in .avi File Format

Siri 5.

  • Use Your Voice to Send Messages, Set Reminders and More
  • Get Proactive Suggestions
  • Use Hands-Free
  • Listen and Identify Songs

External Buttons and Connectors

  • Home / Touch ID SENSOR
  • Ring / Silent.
  • Microphone.
  • Lightning Connector


Built-in Apps

  • Camera.
  • Photos.
  • Health
  • Messages.
  • Phone
  • FaceTime.
  • Music.
  • Wallet
  • Safari.
  • Calendar
  • iTunes Store.
  • App Store.
  • Notes.
  • Contacts.
  • iBooks.
  • Game Center.
  • Weather.
  • Reminders.
  • Voice Memos.
  • CLOCK.
  • Videos.
  • Stocks.
  • Calculator
  • Compass.
  • Podcasts.
  • Watch
  • iCloud Drive.
  • Find My iPhone.
  • Find My Friends.

FREE Apps from Apple 7

  • iMovie.
  • Pages
  • Keynote.
  • Numbers.
  • iTunes U.
  • GarageBand.
  • Apple Store.
  • Trailers
  • Remote.


  • Storage and Travel Case

SIM card

  • Nano-Sim.

iPhone 6 is not compatible with existing micro-sim cards.


  • Lightning.

Rating for Hearing Aids

  • iPhone 6 (Model A1549, A1586): M3, T4

Mail Attachment Support

  • Viewable Document Types.
    .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (Web Pages); .Key (KeyNote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (Rich Text Format); .vcf (Contact Information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); .zip; .ics.

System Requirements.

  • Apple ID (Required for some Features)
  • Internet Access 8.

Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC Requires:

  • Mac: OS X v10.8.5 or Later
  • PC: Windows 7 or Later
  • iTunes 12.3 or Later (Free Download From

Environmental Requirements

  • Operating Ambient Temperature: 32 ° to 95 ° F (0 ° to 35 ° C)
  • Nonoperating Temperature: -4 ° to 113 ° F (-20 to 45 ° C)
  • Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% NonCondensing
  • Operating Altitude: Tested Up to 10,000 Feet (3000 m)


  • Language Support
    English (Australia, Canada, UK, US), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), FRENCH (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
  • QuickType Keyboard Support
    English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, US), ChinaSe - Simplified (handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke), Chinase - Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), FRENCH (Belgium, Canada, France , Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish (Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji , Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Transliteration), Hinglish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese
  • QuickType Keyboard Support WITH PREDICTIVE INPUT 9
    English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, US), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Korean, RUSSIAN, Spanish (Mexico, Spain), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Thai, Turkish
  • Siri Languages.
    English (Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, US), Spanish (Mexico, Spain, US), FRENCH (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (ITALY , Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China Mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (Hong Kong), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Norwegian (Norway), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Turkish, TURKISH (TURKEY), THAI (Thailand), Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Dictation Languages.
    English (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, UK, US), Spanish (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, US), FRENCH (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China Mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (Hong Kong), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew (Israel), Hungarian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian (Norway), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian (Russia), Slovakian, Swedish (Sweden), Turkish (Turkey), Thai (Thailand), Ukrainian, Vietnamese
  • Definition Dictionary Support
    English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish
  • Bilingual Dictionary Support
    Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
  • Spell Check.
    English (Australia, Canada, Uk, U.S.), FRENCH, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Turkish

In The Box

  • iPhone.
  • Apple Earpods With Remote and Mic
  • Lightning to USB Cable
  • USB Power Adapter.
  • Documentation

iPhone and the Environment

Apple Takes a Complete Product Life Cycle Approach to Determining Our Environmental Impact. Learn More.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Embody Apple's Continuing Environmental Progress. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE FOLLOWING FEATURES TO REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:

  • Mercury-Free Led-Backlit Display
  • Brominated Flame Retardant-Free
  • PVC-Free.
  • Beryllium-free
  • Recyclable aluminum enclosure
  • Power Adapter Outperforms Strictest Global Efficiency Standards
  • SPEAKER Enclosure With 30 Percent Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic
  1. 1GB \u003d 1 Billion Bytes; Actual Formatted Capacity Less. Requires a Plan (Which MAY INCLUDE RESTICTIONS ON SWITCHING SERVICE PROVIDERS AND ROAMING, EVEN AFTER CONTRACT EXPIRATION); Sold Separately to Qualified Customers. Credit Check Required; Must BE 18 or Older. Wireless Service Is Provided by And The Sole Responsibility of Your Wireless Service Provider. Some Capabilities Are Not Available in All Areas and Depend on Your Wireless Plan and Service Provider Network. Service May Not Be Available in All Are OR At The Signal Strength, Rates, Speeds, Or Bandwidth As Demonstrated. Some Features May Require Added Fees. Contact Your Wireless Service Provider For More Details. Customers WHO WANT TO UPGRADE from Another Phone Or Replace a Previous Generation iPhone Should Check with their Wireless Service Provider for Pricing Options. For Those WHO ARE NOT QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS, ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AN EARLY UPGRADE, ARE PURCHASING AN UNLOCKED IPHONE, OR WISH TO BUY AN IPHONE AS A GIFT, SEE Your Carrier, An Apple Retail Store Specialist, The Apple Online. Store, Or An Apple Authorized Reseller for Pricing. In Ca and Ri, Sales Tax Is Collected on the Unbundled Price of iPhone. Wi-Fi Internet Access Required for Some Features; Fees may apply. Use Constitutes Acceptance of Apple's Software License Agreement. Warranty Information Is Also Available At Unauthorized Modification Of Your iPhone Software Violates The Software License Agreement. INABILITY TO USE AN IPHONE DUE TO UNAUTHORIZED Modifications Is Not Covered Under Your Warranty.
  2. Size And Weight Vary by Configuration and Manufacturing Process.
  3. Facetime Calling Requires a FaceTime-Enabled Device for the Caller and Recipient and A Wi-Fi Connection. Availability Over A Cellular Network Depends on Carrier Policies; Data Charges May Apply.
  4. Data Plan Required. LTE, Volte, and Wi-Fi Calling Are Available in Select Markets and Through Select Carriers. Speeds Are Based on theoretic Throughput and Vary Based on Site Conditions. For details on LTE Support, Contact Your Carrier and See
  5. Siri May Not Be Available in All Languages \u200b\u200bor in All Area, And Features May Vary by Area. Internet Access Required. Cellular Data Charges May Apply.
  6. All Battery Claims Depend on Network Configuration and Many Other Factors; Actual Results Will Vary. Battery Has Limited Recharge Cycles and May Eventually Need to Be Replaced by Apple Service Provider. Battery Life and Charge Cycles Vary by Use and Settings. See and for more information.
  7. iMovie, Pages, Numbers, and KeyNote Are 9 Compatible Devices with Initial Activation On or After September 1, 2013. GarageBand IS Free On the App Store for Qualifying iOS 9 Compatible Devices with Initial Activation On or After September 1, 2014. See for iOS 9 Compatible Devices. Downloading Apps Requires An Apple ID.
  8. Wireless Broadband Recommended; Fees may apply.
  9. Customized Suggestions Based On Recipient and App Are Not Available for China (Simplified, Traditional), Japanese, Korean, and Thai.

Some Features May Not Be Available for All Countries or All Areas.
Application And Service Availability and Pricing Are Subject to Change.

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