
The best garbage cleaning applications for Android. Release, clean the internal drive, SD card on Android Lenovo, why not enough, the problem with the memory of the device Clear Cache of the built-in memory on Lenovo A319

The other day collided with the eternal problem of most users Android devices - how to clean system Memory On android. For example, on my phone Lenovo P780 it is 2 GB. I do not remember how much it was originally under user needs, but for the year she ended it left only 80 MB, and this is despite the fact that I sent a bunch of applications from internal memory, and there was no free space at the same time ... In the internet just tons of information on this score, everyone gives any tips, ranging from banal - to transfer applications to an SD card to cleaning system applicationsBut all this did not help me at all. Some even advise to make a common reset - but this is generally the hardest case. And while with this slip. So I had to thoroughly understand and taste and risk.

Immediately wanted to warn that I would in any way insist that everything that here will be written below is true in the last instance. I just shared my experience, and even apply it or not, this is just your choice and you are responsible for all your actions yourself.

First on first I made myself a root for full access To the memory of the device and began a business. Root access I received using a computer program - Root Genius.

How to get root rights to android with root genius

Everything is very simple and understandable - there will be absolutely any user.

How to Clean System Memory on Lenovo

During the use of the Lenovo device, there is a gradual accumulation of all sorts of files, various programs and applications, and the appearance of the "Memory is filled" - inevitably. It very much inhibits Android OS functionality.

So, almost in a month active use The smartphone will come to free up memory. Naturally, the simplest way to solve this problem is to remove unnecessary programs. You can clean your device by contacting Lenovo phone service or independently using our cleaning instructions.

Clear the built-in mismatch

Just go to a special conductor on your device, and already select the file category you need. After you have found the files and utilities you do not need, send them to the basket, and the memory is released again! True, if you delete an important program, you can only restore it if you have root access.

Transferring data to an SD card

In addition, you can transfer some applications on the memory SD card. To do this, go to the "Settings", click on the image with the image of the application and click on the "Transfer to Map" button. True, it helps only when you do not work on the system program in the Android, and the availability of the card is required.

Using special applications

On the other hand, almost always the user refers to special memory cleaning programs. Some of them require root rights, and some are paid, but these utilities greatly facilitate the process of cleaning the memory. For example, Smart Booster Pro is ideal for Lenovo smartphones. This program Allows you to clean the inner, external and, which is important, system memory.

You can set automatic cleaning of the smartphone or choose manually the programs you need.

You will be able to freely control the process of raminine files and clean the system memory if necessary.

By the way, even if you delete everyone unnecessary files And the programs did not manage to achieve the desired result, and the amount of memory did not change at all, then perhaps the virus on your device. In this case, you need to scan the device and delete all the faults found.

If you need to clear the phone's memory in a couple of minutes - this article is for you, especially as much as memory would not be in a mobile device - sooner or later it will end and have to get rid of old, unnecessary and simply trash files. Today we will tell you how to clear the phone on Android from the garbage and release as much memory as possible.


Types of memory on Android devices

In modern smartphones and tablets, there are several types of memory, each of which performs its functions:

  1. RAM memory or RAM. RAM is a memory type that provides the work of launched or already running processes. it buffer memoryenjoyed by any applications as installed and systemic. The data is quickly recorded and deleted. RAM memory is active when constantly connected to a power source. System information about RAM is available in Task Managers Manager - here you can see the amount of dedicated and free memory.
  2. ROM or ROM memory - View of memory that performs your functions constantly. ROM does not imply permanent source Energy - memory is not erased, even if the source is disabled. ROM in most cases required for storage operating platform Android. Data listed in this memory is difficult to subjected to any changes, in normal conditions, they are read only.
  3. Internal memory - Internal Phone Storage. This type of memory is provided to the owner of the smartphone so that it can store his data. This list includes files, programs, applications, media content, textual information and more. Information about the status, extensive and free memory available in the settings menu in the corresponding section.
  4. Exterior micro memory SD. On flash memory you can record any information, edit or delete separate files. The memory card makes it possible to transfer part of applications from the internal repository to it, released the place for system files. Manufacturers offer large amounts of external memory, up to 128 gigabytes.

The easiest and fastest way to clean the phone's memory

  • First simple way - Go to Gallery -\u003e Albums -\u003e Video or Photo from the Camera (if possible - then sort the files in size / weight), after which - delete the most "heavy" files.
  • Second simple way - Go to Settings -\u003e Storage -\u003e Cleaning and delete everything dour feedswho found on your phone using this feature.

As we have already found out at the beginning of the article - the memory in the phone is different (internal constant, operational and external-connected).

Devices with an operating system android almost constantly use RAM and internal memory. Quickly and just clean it can be like standard meansand resort to help third-party software. Device will work much faster if there is enough random access memory And her as much as possible. If the internal memory is almost incomprehensible, then the smartphone will often produce system errors, randomly restart, hang and show low performance.

Users who still do not know how to clean the phone, you need to use the following means:

  1. Its own functionality of the device;
  2. Third-party software intended for mobile device;
  3. Personal computer;
  4. Online services - cloud storage.

Any of the proposed methods can be considered fast enough, simple and efficient to clean the memory of the Android phone.

How to Clean Internal Memory on Android

To improve the performance of the device, it is necessary to clean not only internal memory, but also RAM.

To check the condition and clean RAM, you need:

  1. Activate the system key located on the left or right.
  2. View a list of open applications in the window that opens.
  3. View the volume of the filled RAM.
  4. Press the cross on the display and clear RAM, occupied by applications.

The system memory that the operating system uses is cannot be cleaned in this way.

If you understand the wisdom third-party programs There is no desire and opportunity, you can conduct a procedure manually, after which the device will work much faster. To manual cleaning methods:

  1. clearing cache applications and browser;
  2. removing messages;
  3. removing applications that are not used for a long time;
  4. cleaning the phone from files stored on it.

Manual Clearing the Android phone memory takes longer than automatic, but provides comparable results.

Deleting messages is relevant if the device is used for several years, and the amount of text content is calculated by thousands of files. Cleaning the phone from messages is done like this:

  1. Go to the message "Message" from the desktop.
  2. Press your finger one of the messages.
  3. In the menu that opens, activate the "Select All" item.
  4. Activate the "Delete" action.

Deleting applications in Android

Unnecessary applications occupying a place can be removed through the operating system menu or on the desktop if the device has branded firmware. For this, the application icon is clamped and eliminated from the desktop.

Tip: If in the shell android is full menu, Deleting from the desktop, the icon will not lead to the liquidation of the application. To delete the program, you need to go to the menu and already clamp the icon and remove it into the basket.

Deleting files in Android

Internal drive can also be cleaned using the embedded file manager - standard programwhich is on any device android. The removal algorithm may differ on devices of different manufacturers, but in general the actions need to perform the same.

On most devices, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Open desktop phone see application icons.
  2. Find the files "Files" and go to it.
  3. In the window that opens, the files will appear, information about the volume of occupied memory.
  4. Select a category.
  5. In the list of files opened, you note those that you want to delete or activate the "Select All" command.
  6. Delete files.

Transfer applications to a memory card, PC or cloud

  • To transfer files to the map you need to resort to the File Explorer application. Just run the application, find files in the phone's memory, mark them and indicate the place of the future location.
  • To transfer files to a PC - just connect the phone to the tools USB cable To the computer and copy the files as from the flash drive.
  • To transfer files to the cloud - install the application Google Disc, Enter the data from Google Account (log in), then click on the "Download" key and select those files you want to download to the cloud. After the download is completed in the cloud - you can delete them from a mobile phone.

Clean the memory automatically using android and third-party applications. Deleting cache and garbage in the browser.

The cache in the mobile device is an intermediate buffer containing information to which the user may appeal in the near future. Cache saves time on computing processes, provides fast access and improves productivity. But, if the file cache accumulates, it begins to slow down the system, occupying a lot of space in memory.

Clear cache in the following way:

  1. Open the device settings menu.
  2. Find the "All Applications" section.
  3. Open application manager.
  4. Alternately open each of the programs in the list and activate the Clear Cache key.

Clearing the phone from the garbage accumulated in the browser is performed as follows:

  1. Go to the browser.
  2. Open menu located on the side.
  3. Activate the "Clear Story" command.
  4. Install the necessary settings: what to delete and for what period of time.
  5. Activate the "Delete Data" command.

The outer memory also needs to be periodically cleaned. Cleaning can be soft (manual selective removal files) or radical (full formatting (deleting all files) from the memory card). Consider every way of more.

Manual deletion of files

The most productive in manual cleaning is to delete the most "heavy" files, as a rule, is video, audio files or high-resolution photos. To remove them, you need to go to the gallery and sort all files in size, after which you remove the most "heavy".

Tip: If in the gallery of your mobile device, you cannot sort files by their size - use the file manager. for example Total Commander..

Formatting the external memory of the device

Files from an external drive can be deleted by performing full formatting.

The formatting process consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Search and transition to the "Memory" section.
  3. Select the "Disable SD card" command.
  4. Exit the settings.
  5. Go back to the settings.
  6. Find and activate the "Clearing Memory Card" command.

We download applications and files immediately on the memory card from the Internet

Learning to download applications immediately on the memory card can be as follows:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Open a memory section.
  3. Find a subsection with approximate names: "Basic Memory" or "Demand Memory".
  4. Mark the memory card.

If all actions are correct, all applications will be downloaded to the memory card automatically.

Countless annoying advertising banners, slow work Devices are all signs of the presence of viral programs on the device. Remove viruses need immediately because malicious programs In addition to small, they give serious problems - they steal personal information, read the correspondence of users. So that this does not happen, you need to install on your smartphone antivirus program. Will suit any of the famous antiviruses presented on Play Market..

All you need to do is:

  1. Install from Play Market any antivirus.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Run the system check.
  4. Wait for scanning system.
  5. Delete malicious files if they were found by an antivirus program.

You can also remove viruses from the smartphone manually. Usually, users are resorted to this method when the antivirus scan does not give the desired results.

For sure to get rid of viruses, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings section.
  2. Find the Application Manager tab.
  3. Open the list of applications.
  4. Delete applications that have been installed shortly before the problems with the operation of the device began.
  5. Enter the application menu and activate the Delete command.

How to completely clean the phone on android, without the ability to restore personal files

The easiest way to fully clean the memory cannot restore files - reset to factory settings. The internal memory will be cleaned by 100 percent, and the user at the output will receive a pure android.
To reset to factory settings you need:

  • Go to the "Settings" section on the smartphone.
  • Open section "Restore and Reset".
  • Activate the "Restoring Factory Settings" command.

Applications for cleaning the phone memory

From the numerous list of applications for RAM cleaning and ROM, users speak good:

  1. . The application removes from memory unnecessary filesremaining from the work of trash programs, scans the device for malicious files. The program also helps speed up the phone by optimizing already running processes. The work of some applications is optimized to cool the overheat processor.
  2. Mobile Boost. This application is a find for the owners of smartphones, working for quite a while maintaining old version operating system. To start the cleaning process, you only need to enable the application and activate the "Clear" button.
  3. SD MAID. When starting, the program will immediately offer to scan, after which it will give a full memory status report separately for each section. The user can clear everything completely or make a selective deletion by partitions. The program also has a built-in file manager.

In order not to get confused in the device interface, it is recommended to clean the device's memory by simply and understandable software, such as the ES mobile file manager.
The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Go to Play Market.
  2. Find the application in the search bar.
  3. Download and install ES Explorer on your smartphone.
  4. Start the conductor. The program will analyze the amount of free space, provide a list of files that can be deleted.
  5. Go to the side menu of the program.
  6. Go to the "Local Storage" section.
  7. Activate the "Device" key.
  8. Open a window with folders that are located in the built-in storage. You can check the content of each of the folders and delete unnecessary files.

Similarly, libraries with media content are cleared. To go to the "Library" subsection, you need to select it in the side menu of the program.
Often, android users cannot see files that occupy a place in internal memory. In this case, you need to activate the "Show hidden files" function in the program.

"Droid" and speed up the operational

What if the phone began to slow down and hang? how

clear internal

memory "Android" and unload operational? Such questions are very burning, because today, many of course have a phone or tablet to "Android". However, the yield of steel is below.

Why not enough memory?

Memory on the phone and tablet, as on the computer, is divided into 2 types: for storing data and operational. How to Clean System Memory on Android with special programs. Several tips on how efficiently manage it to not. Do not confuse them because it is different types And they make various tasks.

RAM - temporary memory that stores temporary data and commands within itself. Effective methods How to clean the phone's memory. How to clear the memory on on android. If the device is disabled, then this information will be deleted. Also, the amount of data from immediately processed data depends on the RAM, or in a simple - speed. Each user probably noticed that the phone from time to time begins to think long and hung. This means that the RAM is overwhelmed, and it is not enough for normal operation. How to Clean System Memory on Android. That was not, it is necessary to clear the RAM. "Android" from this will work better.

Runs lack prerequisites. Subsequent:

  • there are many languid applications;
  • accumulated great amount untouched temporary files;
  • program programs that work in the background.

Memory for data storage is created to save information. At the physical level, it is represented as internal phone memory or as external. on flash card. The reason for the lack of such a thing is: a lot of info on the carrier (optionally suitable).

How to clean the inner and external phone memory?

The answer to this question is very ordinary: just to remove unreliable files, drawings, videos, music, etc. How to clean how to move files on android when connecting the phone or. But before

clear internal memory

"Android", you need to find these files. This will help us a file manager, for example ES conductor or Total Commander. We go, select files, delete. How to increase RAM on a laptop:. If there is no similar program, then it must certainly download it, because it will not be unnecessary. The easiest way to download with Play Market.

If the location of unnecessary data is unknown, and such a problem, how to clean the internal memory "Android", not going anywhere, then you can use the specialized program, for example, CCleaner. Include it, click "Analysis" and wait for the results, after which we remove everything unnecessary.

It will also be correct to move all the unimportants from the phone's memory to the memory card. We go into the settings \\ applications \\ downloaded, click on the options and sort the size. As on the smartphone or Tablet Lenovo on Android, move applications and games from internal memory to the memory card. Next, choose need app, Press "Move to the SD card."

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Clean the RAM

Such a problem how to clean the memory


Much more serious than cleaning the place on the flash drive, since the RAM is responsible for the speed of the system, and therefore for the normal operation of the device as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to clean much more often. In this article, you will learn how to copy contacts on Samsung from the phone to a SIM card or from a SIM card to the phone's memory or from a memory card or transfer to Google account and back to. You can do this in several ways:

Not enough free memory in the Lenovo smartphone

how clear internal memory in a smartphone Lenovo.. How to Clean RAM on Android. How to transfer information and previously installed applications.

Memory in Smartphone Lenovo

How to check the condition memory, total and free space. What is internal and external memory In Smaar.

  • First of all, you will need a specialized program, at least the same CCleaner. How to switch the android phone to the memory card. We will specify that in this case we consider the situation when the user needs to be done so that downloaded files and programs. The same order: We run, click "Analysis", after cleaning, but we do not note the data from the memory card. This program deletes cache and temporary files that interfere with normal operation.
  • We go to the settings \\ applications \\ all we sort the size. After that, select the application, click "Erase Data" and "Clear Cache". It is not necessary to clean everything, because after that not only temporary files are deleted, but also saved passwords, saving in games, etc.
  • Close unnecessary working programs. Click the house, after which a list of previously running and working programs appears. With a light movement of the finger towards close those that are not needed.

Cleaning programs

Programs that are intended to cope with such issues, how to clean the memory of the Android or smartphone tablet, optimize the device and speed up its work - a great set. The phone's memory is filled. How to clean the memory on how to clean your memory. As elsewhere, there are their favorites, here also have the most effective utilities.

A popular and very common program that needs to easily clear the garbage files, cache and data from internal memory. In addition, it has a very useful functionslike acceleration of games, cooling processor, finding viral and spyware and many others.

Already known to us app. Therefore, it is very important to know how to clear the RAM on Android. Error "The phone's memory is filled out how to clear how to free up the memory on android. If you know how it is done, you can fix everything quickly. In addition to cleaning, the following useful functions are: deleting SMS logs and calls, applications, optimization and unloading of RAM. Very simple to use.

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  • clear internal memory

    "Android". It will clearly clean the cache, unnecessary garbage, clean up RAM and increase the speed of the device. In addition, you can delete applications, clean the records in contacts and SMS.

    Close the background programs

    Quite a lot of RAM are eating the program running in the background. Special utilities will help to solve this problem, as special utilities will help to save the battery charge.

    Du Battery Saver.

    One of the most popular tools for saving battery. How to Lenovo Move applications to a memory card. How. It is useful in that it closes background programs that load the RAM and thereby brake the mobile device.

    The application with the same function is to preserve the battery charge by closing unnecessary background programs. It has a simple and pleasant widget, which, with pressing a silver circle with arrows, cleaning will be launched.

    However, these utilities are not covered by all unnecessary background processes, but if they are closed, then temporarily. There are such completely unnecessary pre-installed services like Facebook, Gmail, Navigators and others. But it is impossible to delete or disable them. It is required to clean the phone's memory on Android Lenovo, Sony PJ How to Clean Memory a. To do this, you need to obtain the rights of the Superministor, or rOOT rights. How to Clean Memory on Android: All Methods. But you should not break away from the place and run to get them. Because by negligence or by ignorance can be demolished important filesresponsible for the normal operation of the OS, after which only flashing or rollback will remain. Therefore, you need to be neat.

    POST Views: 22

With the problem of filling in the internal memory of the device, all owners of gadgets on the operating room are often faced android system. How to clean it and get rid of problems associated with the overflow of ROM. Let's deal with.

All manufacturers of smartphones, tablets and other mobile techniques declare in its characteristics the volume of internal memory. But, acquiring such a gadget, you need to understand that part of this memory will already be occupied by the operating system and system programs. This imposes certain problems when downloading the last series of an interesting series or discography of the favorite group. If you do not want to see the inscription " Internal memory Android is filled", I have to compromise and pump something one.

This can be avoided, if in addition to your own memory, purchase a bulk flash card for your device. But not all modern devices Support external drives. What to make owners of such devices, how to clean the phone's memory?

There are several solutions of this issue:

  • To transfer "heavy" files (pictures, audio and video) to a computer
  • Clear memory from unnecessary ("trash") files
  • Transfer files to "cloud"

Transfer files to a flash card

But, let's start with the solution of this issue for those devices that support SD cards. Want to know how to move files on android? There is nothing easier. In order not to fill in memory, you can save all possible files on a flash card. To do this, specify this feature in the settings:

  • Cameras
  • Dictaphona
  • Browser
  • Messengers
  • File bootloader

This list can be continued for a long time. Special attention should be paid to such applications that work with "heavy" files. For example, image editors, video or audio. When saving files to a memory card, create there (if it is not automatically done) folder for each application. Then problems with the overcrowded memory of their device can be avoided.


This method of cleaning the memory of the device cannot be used for system files. This can cause problems with the performance of the gadget and even to its failure.

Move files from the memory of the device to the card easier through the file manager. Play Market has a lot of applications in this category. The most popular today is.

Many consider this manager as the best for Android and it is not for nothing. With it, you can simultaneously move multiple folders and files, it is possible to save APK-FAL installed applications and much more.

How to move files on android using ES Explorer:

  1. to do this, you need to highlight them (long press on the same file),
  2. call the menu ("More" button)
  3. find the item "Move to"
  4. in the list you need to select "SDCARD"

How to move files on android using PC

Synchronization of the device with a computer has many advantages. You can share files and keep the amount of free memory at the required level. For example, it is possible before going to work "Pour" new chapters of audiobooks, music albums or videos. Such a procedure can be done every time you need to update such files.

Connect the smartphone or tablet on Android to the computer is very easy. It is enough to connect these devices using a USB cable. For this you do not need to download any programs or drivers. Modern oS Computers easily determine the type of connected device. You can enter its memory using standard conductors.

Today you can use more modern decisionAirdroid. With it, you can exchange files with your PC remotely. Being out of your home, you can download a music album or a film from your library and listen to it. No wires for this do not need. You only need a stable Internet. Which must be connected to both the PC and the mobile device.

Configure such synchronization with this service is very simple. Thanks to the friendly interface of the program, this will be able to make it even one who has never had the opportunity to share its files at a distance.

How to transfer applications to the memory card

Any application installed from the default Paly Market is installed in the device's memory. And there is an unreasonably much place. In order to transfer applications from the memory of a smartphone or a tablet on a flash card, a superadeministrator () and installation of special are needed. software Link2SD.


With incorrect root-rights procedure, your device can turn into brick. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure very carefully by controlling each step. But, even correctly, the ruting takes off the developer's warranty. Is it worth risking? Answer you.

Some applications can be transferred from the device's memory to the card without special rights and applications. To do this, go to "Settings" and select the "Applications" section. There you can find a poor toolkit for such a transfer.

There is another way to transfer applications to the memory card - program Android Assistant.. In essence, this is a whole package of small utilities that will help you implement all the necessary actions with your Android system.

This application can be found in Play Market. After you install and run it, you need to go to the "Toolkit" section. Among the lists of the provided tools you need to find "App2SD". When you click on this item, the menu will appear. Where you need to select "Application Information", and then "On the SD Memory Card" (if this item is active).

FROM using Android Assistant can be made batch removal unnecessary applications. And thereby clearing the memory of your device.

How to Clean the internal memory of android from garbage

Highly a large number of Memory of any device takes garbage. In order to keep the amount of free space under your control, it is necessary to periodically clean the system from such files. It is easiest to do this with the help of special software. Clean Master.

Under the "garbage" implies cache online pages, running applications And their remains after uninstalling. Over time, this garbage accumulates and not only becomes the cause of filling the internal memory of android, but also negatively affects the speed of tablets and smartphones.

Clean Master is a very convenient and multifunctional tool for cleaning the internal memory of android from garbage and optimizing the device. To use it, you need to install this application and select the menu item is "trash". Then click on the "Clear" button. The program algorithms will analyze the memory and find those files that can be deleted.

Storage of files on cloud services

Thanks to the high-speed Internet, today there is no need to download the files you need to smartphones or tablets. They can be downloaded to special services ("clouds") and enjoy if necessary. Almost all leading companies provide the opportunity free use cloud services. And if there is a little place that is provided for such a tariff, it can always be expanded for a separate cost.

The most popular cloud storage are:

Each of these solutions has an application for easy synchronization of files with remote service. It is enough to install such an application (or several), mark the files to be placed on the server and after their transfer to remove from the device. Then, when you need to use such a file, it is enough to go to the app and click on it.

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