
Installing cards in Navitel Navigator for Android. How to download cards to the navigator how to download them and install how to score cards to navigator

Hello readers of our portal Gadgetmir. Today we will tell a little about GPS navigatore navitel, which can be downloaded from official Site., and for Android devices with Google Play Market.. Navitel is one of the most popular navigators, it can be installed almost on any device and any operating system. On the Android devices The number of installations is approximately 20,000,000. Unlike most navigation systems, this navigator can work without access to the Internet, that is, it is enough to download and install on the device.

Once, one of our acquaintances asked me how to add a map in GPS Navitel Navigator? Well, let's try to deal with this question.

In what cases do you need to add a map in the GPS Navitel Navigator?

Just installed program It does not have any cards, you need to independently download the map in the Navitel GPS Navigator, and it is correct. Maps occupy a lot of space, so there is no need for all cards, you only install the one you need.

Another case, this is when you threatened to travel abroad, then you need to add a map to the GPS Navitel Navigator.

Perhaps there are other cases, but we will not consider them, as an article about a friend.

Ways to add a map in GPS Navitel Navigator

Method 1. Well, you installed the navigator, and you are going to add a map to the GPS Navitel Navigator. Before adding a map, you must first start the navigator, it will create all the folders you need on the device memory. After startup, it will immediately ask to specify the path to the folder with the card lying in it. But in order not to accidentally delete the map, I propose to put it in the navigator folder, so press the "Exit" button.

Next with help file Manager We take the necessary card and apply it to its program at the following address: device memory (Phone Storage) / NavitelContent / Maps. There are cases of COGD to melt the phone is broken into two parts: internal and sdcard0. In this case, the address will be a little different: the memory of the device / SDCARD0 / NAVITELCONTENT / MAPS. Now launch your Navitel and rejoice in the application, it will not request the path to the folder.

Very often it is found that the memory of smartphones is very small, most often this occurs on budget versions Smartphones. In this case, this method is not suitable, then see method 2.

Did you know that?

Method 2. In cases where it is not enough space in the memory of the device to install the cards, then you need to put the map into any directory (so that you remembered and did not delete it). Then start the application and start adding a map to the Navitel GPS Navigator. If the navigator has no cards yet, the window shown in Figure 1 will open when starting, and click the Add Atlas button. But if you have a connected one, this window will not appear. In any case, add a map to the GPS Navitel Navigator, for this we go to the application settings.

- In the lower left corner of the window, press the "Menu" button

- Then click on the "Settings" button

- Choose "Other Maps"

- You hit the list of connected cards. Now to add a map in the GPS Navitel Navitel need to be tapped by the "Add Atlas" button

Here you need to specify the full path to the map. GPS Navitel Navigator sees all the memory of the device, including systemic, so some not experienced users may have difficulty, due to misunderstanding how to choose a smartphone memory or memory card. Once you have clicked the "Add Atlas" button, you will have a large list of folders in system Memory Devices. In order to get into the phone's memory or on a flash drive you should open the "MNT" folder there you will find the device memory and flash drive.

There were cases when the flash drive was not displayed in this folder, in such cases it should be returned to the level up and log in to the "Storage" folder. The "Storage" folder displays only the device memory and memory card.

That's actually all that concerns the addition of cards in the Navitel GPS navigator. If questions arise - write in the comments.

Stay with us, there is still a lot of interesting things.

The question of how to upload a map to the navigator may be irrelevant in certain cases. For example, if your device is already purchased with the presence of a navigation program. She paves the route to a predetermined manufacturer maps. The basic set depends on what exactly your navigator has. That is, cards designed to work with "Navitel" are not suitable for working with "Garmin", as the opposite.

With all the above, speaking about the basic set, one should understand some of its specifics. It may not have any maps of some regions needed. Then, of course, you should know how to download cards to the navigator additionally. You can do this in several ways. One of these ways is a buyer of licensed cards, and you can download them from the Internet for free.

Unofficial maps of different regions are mainly developed on the basis of existing ones. Make their advanced users of navigators and, as a rule, installing informal cards technical support and updates. In addition, they must be read by your navigation program, to approach it by format.

How to upload cards to the navigator, how best to take them. A good resource with which they are created is "OpenStreetMap". The following important note should be taken into account: the installation of unofficial cards to your navigator is associated with a certain risk share. Accordingly, you should first take care of creating backup copies of all available data to your personal computer. Confidence is that at workable and will not affect the device negatively, it can give the acquisition and installation of official cards.

How to download maps to the navigator, we will look at the example:

Step one: Connect the device to your personal computer. If the program is proposed as an example, the program on the flash card, it is precisely it should be removed from the navigator and open it to the PC. With her and we will work.

Step two:On the flash card, you must create a special folder in which third-party cards for the navigator will be placed. You can call it traditionally usermaps.

Step Three: In the created folder "Usermaps" you need to create a subfolder. A map of the corresponding region will be placed in it. She can give the name "Region".

Step four:The files of the required card are copied in the newly created "Region" folder.

Pitch Fifth: The flash card must be returned to the navigator and open the program "Navitel" on it. As a result of the manipulations of the manipulations, the menu will appear.

Step Six: In the menu that appears, in the Navitel program proposed for example, we are interested in the item that allows you to create a new atlas. At the bottom of the windows we find the icon with the image of the folder and click on it with the right mouse button.

Step seventh: After completing previous recommendations, you will see a new window. It will be necessary to find the "Region" folder if you gave her exactly the name. We are talking about the folder in which new cards are saved. Click on it, and then choose a command, with which the Atlas is created - "Create Atlas". Its creation will be executed automatically, and you will only stay press the button with a check mark. Almost that's all. In the list, choose the desired atlas and use new cards!

How to download maps to the navigator on the example of free "Garmin" (Garmin):

  • From, the MapSource program must be downloaded and installed on the PC.
  • You need to download the necessary "Garmin" cards and place them in special folders.
  • Each card should be individually installed using installation File "Install."
  • Mapsource starts, in which previously installed cards are detected.
  • Available visible at the top left. Selects all the necessary and sent to the "Garmin" device. Accordingly, it must be connected in advance.

Thus, we considered the installation of a number of cards in a navigator, which are popular today.

As a rule, most navigators come with already preset maps and a navigation program that paves the route over these cards. The navigation program works with specific cards created specifically for it. For example, there is a Navitel-Navigator navigation program that works with Navitel cards. She will not work with garmin cards and vice versa.

The basic card set in the navigator does not always contain maps of all necessary regions. Sometimes there is a need for additional maps. How to install a map into the navigator? There are two ways: buy the necessary licensed cards, download free cards from the Internet.

Installation of official cards on the navigator

Install official licensed cards are not a complex process, as well as update maps in the navigator, and each developer has on its website detailed instructions about this theme:

Installing informal maps

The complexity in the use of unofficial cards is the absence of any technical support and updates. How do they come from? They are made by the same users of navigators, like you, based on existing geographical maps of various regions.

To add such a map to your navigator, you also need the card format to come to your navigation program, as well as the navigation program supports the addition of your cards. Where to take cards? Maps created by the OpenStreetMap resource are very popular | 41.

Important note

Installing unofficial cards on the navigator, you do it at your own risk. Before installing it is recommended to make backup Data from the navigator to the computer. To fully be confident in performance and security by, acquire official cards.

How to install or update maps in Navitel Navigator

Step-by-step instruction of how to install a Navitel GPS card to the navigator. To begin, download Navitel card based on OpenStreetMap:

    Connect the navigator to the computer. If the Navitel program is located on a separate flash card, then remove it from the navigator and open it on the computer. In the future, we assume that we work with a flash card.

    Core Flash cards create a separate folder for third-party cardsFor example, usermaps. Do not touch other folders and do not keep anything in them to avoid possible conflicts between official and third-party cards.

    In the Usermaps folder, create a folder under the map of the region you want to add to atlas, for example Region1.

    Copy the files of the new card to the Region1 folder

    Insert the flash card into the navigator

    In the Navitel-navigator program, select the "Open Atlas" menu and click on the icon with the folder at the bottom of the window to create a new atlas.

    In the window that appears, we find the REGION1 folder where new cards are stored, click on it and choose the "Create Atlas" command

    We are waiting for the indexation and the atlas will be created. Press the button with the check mark.

    Now you can use new cardBy selecting the appropriate atlas on the list of atlases.

How to upload maps to Garmin navigator

Free Maps Garmin based on OpenStreetMap can be installed using the MapSource program. The following is described how to download maps to the navigator with it:

    Load the MapSource program from the official site of from the Support-\u003e Software site and then Mapping Programs.

    Unpack the archive into a separate folder and start the MSMAIN.MSI file from it and only then setup.exe. Wait until the installation is completed. Since there is no Garmin's card on your computer yet, then you don't have the point of launching the MapSource program.

    Download Garmin cards need

    Unpack the archives with maps into separate folders

    Run for each card file Installso that the computer registry entered the necessary information About maps.

    Run the MapSource program. Now in the program you can detect the cards installed on the computer through the service menu-\u003e control of cartographic products.

    In Levom upper corner Programs should appear a list of available maps (1). With it, or through the View-\u003e menu, select the product to use one of the cards, it will appear in the field (3).

    Use the button (4) Click on the map (3) and it will appear in the window (2). Do it with all the necessary cards.

    Press the (5) button to send cards to the device. The specified maps will be decorated in a file with an IMG extension and transferred to the Garmin to the device, which must be connected.

Since when downloading cards, a new GMapsupp.img file will be formed, then original file It will be lost, so if your device has preset maps in the GMapsupp.img file, then before downloading cards to the navigator, you should rename it to one of the allowed names, for example, Gmapprom.img.

Installation of autospaulous maps

Amateur cards for the OpenStreetMap-based autospaulum you can add to the program as the official, passing only the registration step. Just rewrite them into the Maps folder, pre-unpacked.

How to download other cards to the navigator

It happens that after purchase, the client decides that the navigation program or cards do not satisfy its requirements, and decides to change them. We have already told that each navigation program only works with cards intended for it. Is it possible to replace the navigation software in the automotive navigator? The answer, which suggests itself, "yes", but there is exceptions.

Position Garmin

In particular, Garmin navigators supplied with pre-installed by Garmin do not support the installation of any third-party manufacturers. Also does not apply to the Garmin navigation program separately from the device itself to install on navigators of other firms. Exception - software navigation package for PC. Transferring software and cards from one device to another is excluded because license key tightly tied to K. serial number Devices.

Position Navitel

A similar policy uses CJSC CST, the developer in Navitel. The automotive version of the program is only available as part of the navigator when buying and cannot be purchased separately. Therefore, if you have a navigator with an autospaid or any other product, then wishing to go to Navitel You will have to buy another navigator from Navitel in the kit. The rigid license also eliminates the transfer of the program and cards from one device to another when replacing the device. To use Navitel, but not buy a new navigator, you can purchase a version for PDA and mobile with a less strict license.

Motor spanning position

The most democratic in the question of replacing and transferring cards was the autospaulous. I once boring a license for the autospaulite program 5, you can use it even if you change the device to another. It is only required to go through the re-registration procedure on the manufacturer's website. Moreover, the Avtospace program always goes as a bonus to all purchased cards. The only restriction can be the model of the navigator supported by the auto slip device are listed on the site. Attracts the product price within 1000 rubles, it's two, and even three times less than Navitel. With this approach, it's not a pity to buy an autospace and, in which case it is painlessly abandoned.

Multiple programs on one device

Some navigator manufacturers went to meet their customers and gave them the opportunity to use several navigation systems on the navigator instead of one with the help of the so-called alternative shell.

Alternative shell copied to internal memory or flash card inserted into the navigator, and as if "pretending" pre-installed program Navigation, launching instead of her. IN separate file Alternative shell settings are prescribed paths to files of available navigation programs that can be called through the menu of the shell itself.

One of these shells for its navigators offers X-Device, about setting up and installing this component can be found on their forum. Also, the ability to use multiple navigation programs was provided by Lexand, the shell can be found here.

Many do not know how to set the map Navitel to Navigator. Most of the acquired navigation devices do not provide cards or there are only outdated data on major cities of Russia. What if you have a trip to another country? Installing new cards will help avoid many problems.

Loading via wireless interse

How to download new cards to the navigator? The answer to this question can prevent trips to the wrong route. Navitel's official website offers 2 boot methods - using the program and through a computer. You can download the necessary product packages only after easy registration and update to the latest version.

For the first method, wireless Internet is required, such actions should be performed when connected:

  1. When you first start the device, it is usually offered to download cards, you need to click on "Download".
  2. In the event that some product packages already have and need others, you should select a specific data packet in the "Download" section and click "Download".

Loading can take up to 30 minutes, sometimes more. You will immediately offer the downloaded file system, you should click on "yes". From this point on, the indexation of the established information will begin. Upon subsequent download set information will be used.

Tip! If you follow the charge of the gadget battery, you can avoid download failure when you have a sudden shutdown.

Download from the official site.

Through PC

Many do not know how to download cards to the navigator through the computer. Use a PC for download is not much more complicated than the gadget. The initial renewal condition to the latest version must also be respected in this case. It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Go to personal Area Navitel, select "Available updates".
  2. From the list to choose the necessary maps of the settlement or country.
  3. Connect the flash card from the device or the gadget itself via the USB cable to the computer.
  4. On the flash media, you need to create a NavitelContent folder, and in it the other - Maps. Creating a folder must be provided if it is not provided on the device initially.
  5. Start downloading the selected file in the selected (or created) folder.

The final action will turn off the device from the computer and its launch. After indexing, a new atlas will automatically be created.

Important! Additional packages Data that are not provided by the system when updating, paid. In order to shoggle them, you need to click "activate" in the appropriate section and enter the license key of the product.

Saving on a computer.

In most cases, problems with the download and further launch of new atlases do not occur. The main thing is to act according to the instructions. If new files do not open, or they can not download, you can contact service centerwhere the specialists will help for a small amount.

Nowadays, almost any car enthusiast uses the navigator. It is convenient to find the desired street and the address of the house, view traffic jams in the city, as well as lay the best route. Usually, navigators come with already pre-installed cities cards, however, these cards can be outraged or not accurate. Then motorists are looking for how to download new maps into the navigator, not only official, but also amateur.

Consider more, as you can independently download new official and unofficial cards in different navigators.

Installation of official maps

On Navigator Garmin

To install a free card update to the Navigator Garmin, you need

  1. Download and install the MapChecker program from the official site.
  2. Run the program and check the navigator for the presence of a version of maps. To do this, you need to connect the navigator via a USB wire to a computer or use a flash drive from the navigator.
  3. Then the program will give a link for which you need to go and download new maps to the navigator or flash drive.

After that, your navigator will have last version official cards.

On Navitel Navigator

To install Navitel cards to the navigator, you need

  1. Go to your personal account on the official website of Navitel. Go to subsection "My devices (updates)".
  2. Choose last update In the table and download it. It is necessary to take into account compatibility with your device.
  3. Connect the device or memory card to the computer.
  4. Before downloading cards, delete past versions from the \\ NavitelContent \\ Maps \\ folder.
  5. We download updated cards to the same folder and run the device so that it update the atlases.

You can download the update of the Navitel navigator cards. wireless networks On the device itself. We go to the menu to "My Navitel - Updates" item and select the maps that you need to update. After that, there will be downloaded files from the network.

On the autospaulous navigator

Installing informal maps

On Navigator Garmin

Installing unofficial free cards based on OpenStreetMap occurs

  1. Download and install the MapSource program from the official site of Garmin.
  2. Unpack the files and run the msmain.msi file, and then the setup.exe file. The program will be installed automatically.
  3. Download unofficial cards for Navigator Garmin. It is important that the files also have expansion as official.
  4. For each card file, you need to start the Install file to enter the data into the computer registry.
  5. Run Mapsource and in the "Service-\u003e Cartographic Management" section you will see all installed maps.

After the process is completed, you can view all the files in the program window and send them to the Garmin navigator, which is connected to the computer.

On Navitel Navigator

To install any cards to Navitel Navigator you need

  1. Download Amateur Cards from Rambler File Storage.
  2. Connect the navigator or flash drive from it to the computer.
  3. Create any separate folder for unofficial cards. The name can be any, but in English.
  4. In the new folder, create more folders for each new file that you will add.
  5. Transfer all downloaded files to folders.
  6. Disconnect the navigator from the computer or insert a flash drive to the navigator with cards.
  7. In the navigator menu, press the "Open Atlas" item and create a new atlas. To do this, pass along the way to new cards and click on them.
  8. We are waiting for the new Atlas will be created.

After that, you can use new maps on the Navitel device.

On the autospaulous navigator

Unofficial cards for the navigator of the autospaulum are also loaded as official, but with the pass point for registration. See how the process on this navigator occurs, you can at "Installing official cards (on the autospaulite navigator).

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