
How to create a YouTube Channel: Utuba Stars and Secrets. How to Create a channel on YouTube: Detailed instructions and analysis of the main settings How to create a new channel on YouTube

Earnings on YouTube more interesting and easier than all other types of financial activities on the Internet. Who would not like to lead your video blog for which the site pays money? But in order to achieve this level, you must first gain popularity. How to create your own channel on YouTube, beautifully and correctly arrange it? Today I will tell you about the subtleties associated with this process.

Why do you need a channel on YouTube?

In order to become popular on the Internet, it is not enough just to leave comments and write posts. Real popularity in RuNet has video blocks that work mainly with Yutnub and Instagram. Creating a channel on YouTube is almost the first step to popularity and earnings.

The famous fact that after the monetization of the site owners of blogs, which have several hundred thousand views have been steadily, began to earn round sums in dollars, so the activities of the video unit not only adds popularity, but also justifies themselves financially.

How can you earn on video views, you ask. Income on YouTube Reaen for popular vlogov, the views of which reaches hundreds of thousands per day. If you achieve this level of fame, the channel may begin to bring good profits. At the same time, the connection of the monetization service is free, and the money is accrued not only for viewing, but also for affiliate advertising. Earnings of popular bloggers reaches tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Before proceeding to creating a channel, think about what content you wish to fill it. If you do not have any ideas and interests, then why write down meaningless video about anything? It is important to seriously approach this issue and from the very beginning to count on a certain spectator audience.

Popular topics on the Internet are Beauty Blogs, Baby Translations, Game Reviews, Digital Technology, etc. Among them there are high-quality and informative videos, there are options with content Lights. If you do not have the confidence that your offer on the same areas will be better and more interesting, think several times before you start shooting videos.

Often the creation of a channel on YouTube is relevant for owners of copyright blogs or shops. By writing a video with an overview of your products and services, you automatically expand the client base and inspire more confidence. Availability of own channel on YouTube - best view advertising. Combining sites, forums, channels on YouTube with social networks, you can achieve a wider coverage of the audience interested in the product.

Problem design

Channels with original design attract much more visitors than regular records. First of all, attention to:

  1. "Cap".
  2. Original intro (trailer). The more attractive intro, the greater the likelihood that the visitor will sign on you and will follow the updates. This is especially true for channels that only started activities.
  3. Information and video registration.
  4. Original installation and sound.
  5. Availability of information.

Excluding these moments, your channel is unlikely to become popular.

Registration and creation

So, you decided why you need a channel on YouTube, and that you will publish there. Below your attention is offered instructions, how to create a channel on the site right now. The first thing you need to do is create an account in Google.

YouTube account is associated with Google, and without availability email You will not be able to register.

It is not necessary to create mail, because if you already have an account on, you can simply enter the address and confirm it by clicking on the link in the letter.

Creating an account on YouTube takes place in several stages:

  1. Come visit
  2. Look at the right upper corner, there is a link "Log in".
  3. The login window has the "Create Account" section. Click on it.
  4. The site will prompt you to fill out the questionnaire. The information entered can be replaced later, but still take this seriously. Here you specify the phone number (will be needed later when connecting affiliates and monetization), email. Here it is just necessary electronic address Google.
  5. The site supports dual authentication system via SMS message to phone. If you install this application, the channel will be completely protected from fraudsters.

Create a channel

After registration, we return to main page Site. In the left column there is a section "My Channel". You can go here through the "YouTube Settings" section. We pay attention to the first tab called "Create". Click here, a window will open where you want to enter the channel name, and then put the consent mark with the terms of use and click on the "Finish" button.

There are three options in accordance with which the channel can be called:

  1. If you are a blog author, a well-known personality (even if in narrow circles), name by your name.
  2. If it is covered by the project (music group, shop), name the project name.
  3. The third option is to call the channel with a name aimed at the target audience. Here it will be necessary to think carefully, as the result may be very beneficial in terms of promotion.

If the name of the channel you will seem unsuccessful to you, you can replace it at any time. Successful and popular blogger usually does not change anything, as the name is associated in the audience with a blogger himself, and the unsuccessful shift can lead to partial loss of the audience.

Create a second channel on the same Google account

Multiple channels can act on one account. To create another one, just go to "YouTube Settings", where instead of the account creation button will be the section "Show all channels or create a new". Further act on a similar algorithm.

How to create a channel on YouTube

Since you have already decided to create your channel in YouTube, it means that the channel has determined. It is important that she liked not only to you. At the moment, the most popular topics on YouTube are the following:

  • games;
  • video clips and information videos;
  • fashion and beauty;
  • reviews of films, gadgets and games;
  • comedy and Standap;
  • music videos.

It is important to consider the filing format, "tasty" entitled your channel. But first-in-idle need to register.

How to register a channel on YouTube

First go to the site and click on the button To come in In the upper right corner on the page. If you already have an account on YouTube, then simply enter email and password, and then click To come in. If you do not have an account in Google services, you must first register. To do it, press the key Create an account And we introduce all the necessary data, after which we complete the registration. More on how to register in Google can read in the article about the creation - everything is well described with pictures.

The next stage - create your own channel. After entering the account on top in the left corner of the page you will see a button My channel.

After that, the form for creating a channel will open. It requires you to enter the name of your channel and other data. Fill in all fields, click on the button Create Channel. Now you have your own channel.

On YouTube there is an opportunity to have a non-one channel, but several on the same account: on top in the right corner there is an account icon, you need to click on it.

  • A menu appears in which you need to click on the gear icon near the button Creative Studio.
  • Choose at the bottom Create Channel.

On the next page, you must enter the name of the second channel and select the appropriate category. We accept the terms of use by putting a tick in the appropriate cell, and click Ready.

Change the design and configure your Youtube channel

After creating the channel, it is necessary to arrange it so that the interface attracted users. To do this, press the key Add canal decoration. Background can be selected from standard pictures or download the picture from your computer.

YouTube recommends to upload pictures with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels, but who is he so that you listen to him? Remember only that depending on the devices on which the channel will open, the background will look different. On smartphones and tablets, only a resolution of 1546x423 pixels is shown, while focusing goes to the center. It is worth ensiting that there is enough space for trimming.

Among the available options:

  • Show or No information about the video that you liked.
  • Show or not information about subscriptions.
  • Show or not stored playlists.
  • Setting the View View View (Allows you to download a channel trailer, recommend different rollers and distribute all videos by playlists).

More features available in extended settings. You only need to change the slider. When everything is configured, you must click on Save.

Final stage - adding a channel description. It is done very simple, first need to click on Add channel descriptionwhich is right under the banner.

We write everything that we wish and click Ready. This is completed on this.

After creating the channel, it is necessary to start promoting it to attract maximum amount subscribers. In short, you can do it like this:

  • Describe your video. Website based on descriptions defines the themes of your rollers, and also it decides whether to show them to users in the recommended video. A successful description also attracts users, forcing the video.
  • Add interesting pictures to the rollers. Images are shown reduced, so it is best to use a short text with a large font on them, it attracts attention.
  • Add links to pages in social networks on sites or on a channel subscription. They can be put in the description, so you will collect more subscribers. It is also appropriate to use the so-called annotations, active links directly to the video.
  • Call user to subscribe to your channel in your video. It makes almost all successful video blocks, see, not in vain.

Of course, these are not all tips, in fact, tricks that help to promote the canal, quite a lot. But it is necessary to start with something.

How to remove the channel on YouTube

Starting anything, you always need to know how to get rid of it. That is why at the stage of creating a channel, you need to know how to remove the channel on YouTube. There are two ways: removing an account attached to Google+ and to the + page.

First consider the first way. When you create mailbox On, you automatically appear on YouTube. Thus, to remove the channel on YouTube, you need to remove your Google+ account. You can do this by following several simple steps:

As soon as Google+ turns off, the channel on YouTube will also be turned off. It is worth noting that an email account is not deleted. If you want to remove everything, then you need to act somewhat differently. However, you will consider all Google Services, including disk and mail. If you decide on such a radical step, then follow the following instructions:

All, now your account is completely removed.

We will also consider the second removal method if the account is tied to the + page. The algorithm is very simple, you only need to perform the following steps:

  • First, choose the channel that we want to remove, for this you need to click on the top icon in the right corner.
  • Next, go to the section Extended Account Settings.
  • Click on Delete Channel.
  • I also introduce credentials, thereby confirming the removal.
  • Click on Further, after which the channel is removed.

It is worth noting that in this case the page + is not deleted, it must be deleted separately. If you do not want to delete the channel to YouTube, you can close it, that is, simply delete all the video on the channel. You can also restrict access to all video, make it easy to Video manager. So you save the channel and statistics, but other users will not be able to watch your video.

Channel restoration on YouTube

Removed? Now it's time to restore. To do this, please send an application for Google Administration. However, act very quickly. The process of final removal of the content of your channel takes about 2 weeks, so we advise you to change your mind during this period after the channel is removed. If Google did not have time to delete your data, everything will be easily restored. Otherwise, restore the channel will be impossible.

I think many have met sad "ports" of text on the Internet. Such that they are impossible to read without nausea. Sometimes they are complex for understanding, because of which they lead to fatigue, fatigue and whale in the head.

Another thing is video. In the Internet user environment, they are more popular than articles. They are more interesting and easier.

And where are the video materials are placed? The most popular video hosting in the world - YouTube site, which has several million channels and every day replenished with new materials. It is here that you can find a new audience looking for simple, understandable and interesting videos.

But before you start uploading videos, you need to learn how to create a channel on YouTube. I'll tell you about this further.

Creating an account in Google

Since video hosting is integrated with the most popular search area in the world, then you will need a Gmail account to register on YouTube. If you do not have it yet, then get it out.

Make it very simple: spend 2-3 minutes. First go to and find the "Login" button in the upper right corner.

Now you have a Gmail account, and therefore go to the next part of the article - how to register with YouTube and create a channel.

Channel registration on YouTube

I think with your google account, you have no problems. If so, I congratulate - the case is left for small: create a channel itself.

Go to the site and click on the profile of the little man in the right upper cornerA list of available actions will open below. Choose "My Channel" and click:

The menu will open to create a channel (in the screenshot below). Click on "Create Channel" (below, in the right corner) and go to the following action:

I want to pay attention to what exactly here you choose how to be called the channel. Options: your name and surname, project name, search queries or something else. In any case, the error is unstassed: after creating a channel on YouTube from the computer, you can change the name.

After 5-7 seconds, Youtube waiting will replace you with this page:

On this creation account YouTube ends. Congratulations: Now you have your own canal on the most popular video hosting of the world!

How to create a second channel?

Each of us is interested in different topics and manifests itself completely differently. "Mix" different topics from each other in one channel is not worth it: the audience will not understand such a step and slowly starts decreasing.

Exit from the situation is the second channel. Fortunately, you can create it on YouTube simply for free. Tell me how it is done.

On one google account, you can create multiple channels. To do this, you need to go to "YouTube Settings":

The window of your account will open, and at the bottom will find the "Show all channels or create a new" option. Next you do the same as when registering the first account.

How to set up an account?

To the channel function normally and issued what you want, it should be configured. This is also done very simple.

The first step is to transition to the account settings. I will take a screenshot from the previous section, the benefit of everything is the same:

A menu will open to help make various manipulations with account. Consider them in more detail.

general information

It is here that you get from the very beginning. The section is notable primarily by the "Advanced" button by clicking on which you can:

  • change the channel URL (in order for non-incomprehensible letters and numbers in the search line, and the keyword or project name)
  • tie a channel with a record in social network Google+
  • examine sites with access to the channel
  • delete Channel

Related accounts

Here you can bind to the channel on YouTube page on the social network Twitter. It is convenient and useful: when publishing a video, the news will automatically boot in the form of "tweet", and the entire audience will see it. Due to this, you, without applying almost no effort, increase the number of channel subscribers due to the Twitter audience.


YouTube makes it possible to change preferences shown by different groups of subscribers and users. In addition, information about your boots, downloads and subscriptions can also be made inaccessible:

For example, if some roller is intended only for part of the channels of the channel, it can be hidden for everyone else.


For each user action on the channel (subscription, comment) YouTube sends alert. There are many of them, and partially (either completely) the function can be disabled:

Using these tabs, configure your own youtube-channel under yourself and start laying out the videos.

What's next?

Registration of the account on YouTube is the first, but far from last step in . Further you will need to create playlists, place a channel, download videos on it, optimize them and make many other things. At first glance, it is quite difficult, but in fact everything is much easier.

Over time, master and mobile versions YouTube - applications are for iOS, Android and others operating systems. You may even need to find out how to create a channel on YouTube from the phone. In fact, this procedure does not differ from the registration from the computer, however, the design will be somewhat different.


The channel on YouTube is an excellent tool for site promotion, blog or. The wide opportunities for video processing and the numerous audience make it possible to increase the number of subscribers and users on other resources.

You can unwind the channel on video hosting and separately as an independent project. In this case, you should decide in advance, and also to understand what users will attract the channel.

On this I complete the manual on creating an account on YouTube. If you have any questions, then definitely ask them in the comments. Experience in registering channels is also welcome - you may be able to add an article by writing about what I missed.

Until soon meetings on the blog pages, dear readers!

I want to raise an interesting topic: how to create YouTube Channel and behave correctly. I think to explain that this is not a point. Everyone watches YouTube, and looks more than TV or in general instead of TV.

I want to say: do not doubt yourself, and also think that it makes no sense to make certain content for the reason that there is already there! For example, you can take yourself and see how you choose a roller: the first voice is opposite, the second submits information is not interesting, the third just time. The most interesting thing is that in three cases the same thing, but everyone has its audience.

I will try to maximize everything about everything you can encounter, so that you do not have any questions. If you still find such, I will gladly answer you in the comments.

How to create Google account

I doubt that you do not have a Google account, because It is used for all google services, including for Android smartphones. Still, I think there are such cases, so let's quickly create:

  1. Open the site - and click "Create Account". You will ask: "For yourself" or "for business", select the first option (for yourself).
  2. Fill in your data (name, surname, desired mail, password) and click "Next":
  1. Then fill your date of birth, the floor, and the phone number (phone is not necessary). Click "Next".
  2. Click "Accept" on the Agreement page.

Ready, you now have a Google account, and with it and the mailbox, access to Google Drive. and other services.

How to create a youtube channel

Now, since we have a Google account, we can create your youtube channel. It's just as simple as the previous item:

  1. Open the site - And in the upper right corner you have the "Account" menu, click on it and select "Create Channel":

  1. You will open "way to create a channel", where you can create a channel called your Google account or create a new one:

  1. We see a greeting "You created the channel" channel name "channel. The first step is made! "Now you need to complete the information (photo profile, description of the channel, links to social. Accounts (if any)) and click" Save and continue ":

Ready! YouTube Channel has been successfully created. Now you can download your video, proceed to setting up the appearance and open a creative studio to get acquainted with it:

Configure the appearance of the channel

After creating, click on "Set up appearance" If you missed this moment, you can open "Your Channel":

Then click on the large blue button "Set the Channel View":

Now, by clicking on the "pencil" of a certain element, you can edit it as you like:

After all the settings, you can proceed to filling the content of your channel.

How to add video to youtub

All you may need for this, we have already done higher in 3 minutes, it remains only to pour the video video itself. You can do this in the following way:

  1. In the Creative Studio at the top you have a camera icon, click on it and select "Add Video":

  1. Select a video file and wait for the download.
  2. Enter the name of the roller, description, preferably change the roller icon and click "Next":

  1. Optionally, it is advisable to fill the extended settings, then click "Next":

  1. We choose who is available to the roller and click "Ready":

That's all, everything is quite simple. If the video would shoot / mount it would be so easy ...

How best to drive

How to create and upload video to the most popular hosting dealt with, now I want to give a few lights beginners who will help in attracting subscribers and further retention of the audience and views.

Installation of rollers.Try to make it better. Yes, it takes not enough time, but it depends on your success. I do not mean special effects at the Hollywood level, but the quality of sound and cutting should be good. If you have a strange noise, or you made a reservation, it is better to cut.

Make an intro for your channel. If anyone does not know, Intro is a channel movie that begins before video. Thanks to him, users better remember the name of the channel and then return through the search. Make a good intro can be in a few minutes -

Optimize video headers. Try to make them attractive, so that the essence of the roller fit into the first 4 words. Also, do not mislead users. If the user does not see what is written in the title, there will be dysletes, negative comments, and in the investigation the roller will fall under the pessification of the service. In this case, there will be no longer a view, and the following videos will be less likely to become popular.

Fill the description and tags. The point is just a few minutes, but believe me when tags and description are filled, the video on little-known channels is much better looking in the search and more often is shown in the "Recommended" section.

Attractive video icon, one more chance to get higher clickability from the "Recommended" section. Pay attention to Channels million paintings, even they do not allow themselves to make it simple.

Never screw the subscribers.At best, YouTube will write them down, and in the worst channel will fall under the filter. Whatever quality would be promised different services - it does not work. You will spend time, money, nerves!

Regular addition. Not everyone, the more newcomer copes with it, but your subscribers are waiting for you, so remember this. Ideally, if the rollers will go to certain days.

Singriguite. Working piece, however. Catch your viewer what will be in the next video, but you do not need to say direct text what it will be. Do it so allegedly you were not going to talk it.

Stick the subject.Probably this is one of the most important points. For example, if you started telling about the technique and have already scored an audience, then fishing on your channel will not come. I checked personally - send replies and dropped viewed on new publications.

Do not be shy Forgive the audience about the likes and comments. Yes, it is annoying me too, but after I started talking: "Like pressed, the channel supported," "sign and put the like" etc. etc. The activity has grown in two, which respectively influenced the promotion of the channel.

Communicate with the viewer. At an early stage, this is especially important. Try to answer everyone and be polite. Ask questions to users and ask that they answered something / offered in the comments.

Let, this is a small part of your success, but I suggested you the most necessary to start. Next, when you already have a canal and audience, you yourself will understand what you need to do and what is not.

We all know the one and the most visited sites in the world - this is YouTube! And many have a question: "How to create a channel on YouTube and download the first video."
It is about this today and talk today.

The first thing you need to create a channel is to register a Google account. The fact is that now the Youtube service belongs google companies And to use any of their services, including YouTube, you need to have your account.

We go to the site and then click on the blue "Login" button, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser window. After that, YouTube will offer to choose an account from existing ones. Those. If you already have an account in Google, then you just choose it and move on. If you still do not have an account, then you need to click on the "Create Account" link.

How to create an account on Google.

So, you pressed the "Create Account" link and moved to a page with a registration form. There are two options here:
1. Create a Google account with your e-mail box or
2. Create together with the account new box on Gmail ( post service from Google).

Fill out neatly all fields and enter a pin (enter numbers from the picture)

Be sure to specify your number. mobile phoneIt will only be used for technical purposes, for example, to restore the password from your SMS account.

After that, Google may ask you to confirm the account. A window appears on the screenshot below:

If you do not specify your mobile phone number in the previous step, then you need to do it now, if notes that enter the number you need as shown in the example. After you enter the number and click the "Continue" button, you must come to the phone SMS message with the check code. Enter this code in a special field:

Note that sending code can occupy up to 15 minutes, so do not worry if the code has not come immediately.

Accordingly, instead of my name will be written there.

After that you need to add a profile photo. To do this, click on the "Add photo" link.
Select a pre-prepared photo on your computer and insert it. You can also take a snapshot from your webcam.

Note that at the edges of the selected photo there are special markers (white squares), which you can drag, holding the left mouse button. So You can more accurately adjust the photo of your profile in Google.

Press the "Install a photo profile" button and then button "Next".

Everything! Our account is created, with which, in fact, Google congratulates us :) Now click on the "Back to the YouTube service" button.

How to create a channel on YouTube

After creating an account in Google, we returned to the YouTube service and it offers several popular channels for subscriptions. Channels are divided into categories and you can choose to you and subscribe to it, after which you will be notified of the release of new video on this channel. If you do not want to subscribe yet, press the "Next" button.

After that, YouTube will offer some more popular channels:

Pay attention to the tick at the bottom - "I want to receive information about updates on YouTube, as well as advice and suggestions." If you do not want you to send you messages from YouTube's service, you did not climb you mail, you can remove this tick and click on the "Save" button.

The next step YouTube is "asks" as we want to use it: call our channel as well as the previously created profile in Google or come up with a new name specifically for the channel. Here is the choice for you. For example, if you are a representative of any campaign, then you register Google account to your name, and the channel call the name of the company. If the first option is suitable, just click the "OK" button.

If the second option suits you, then you need to click on the link "To use the company name or another name, click here."

After that, press the "OK" button. In this article, I will consider the second option when the channel name is different on behalf of google account. Those. My account is called "Alexander's guardian", and the name of the channel I ask another, for example, "Opekuntestchanel".

1. Indicate the name of the channel;

3. We put a tick, agreeing with the terms of the use of pages;

1. Make sure your country is selected, if not, select it from the list;

2. Specify your mobile number;

After that, you will forward you on this page:

We are written that the channel has been successfully added to our account. Pay attention to the blue square in the channel header, because I created a separate name for the channel, then the photo will need to be set separately. Those who have chosen to use their channel as well as a profile and name the channel name of the profile, the photos from the profile will substitute.

You can also notice small tips in the form of pop-up windows. You can read these tips and clicking the "Next" button, switch them.

How to add video on YouTube

The channel is created and now it remains to figure out how to add a video. In the upper right corner of the site there is a "Add video" button, press it.

After that, the window pops up in which we can add a video, but do not rush to do it. Because We have just created the channel, YouTube allows us to upload a video with a duration of no more than 15 minutes. To enlarge this limit, you need to click on the link "Increase your limit."

You need to make another account confirmation:

1. Choose your country

2. Select the "Send SMS with the code" item

3. Indicate your mobile phone number

Enter the verification code from the SMS message and click the "Send" button. Next YouTube congratulates us and reports that our account is confirmed. Press the "Continue" button. Now we have the opportunity to upload a video duration of more than 15 minutes!

After that, press the "Add video" button again. Next, click on the arrow indicated in the picture below:

Please note that when downloading the video in the video name (in the screenshot number 1), the name of the file itself is substituted. You can change the video title on YouTube, but I recommend to name your video files initially, as you plan to name the video on your channel on YouTube - this will increase its search results.

The next moment - you can choose to whom this video will be available:

1. For all - this means that your video can find through the search for any user Internet.

3. Personal - With this option, you can watch the video only you as the channel owner.

After you have chosen to whom your video is available, you can specify another description of the video and tags ( keywords) And then click the "Publish" button.

At the very top of the page, the progress of downloading and processing the video is displayed as soon as it will be written "Processing Completed", your video becomes available for viewing on YouTube if you clicked the "Publish" button. If processing is completed and you have not published a video, it is not yet available for viewing.

After the processing is completed, you will see the following window:

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