
BIXBY: How does a smart voice assistant from Samsung work? Reassignment Button Bixby on Samsung: Simple Instruction! How to enable voice assistant bixby

Hello, dear readers. Not so long ago, the light saw the birth of a new, highly intelligent assistant. Samsung manufacturers specifically for quick access To him, even allocated a separate button on the left side of the smartphone.

This assistant has an advantage over the already famous Siri, in the language segment. While it has the ability to communicate in 21 languages, its opponent has them as much as 52!

It is worth noting that while they are equipped with only the models of Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus, but the developers made it clear that in the near future they will post it on other devices. Let's rather find out what Bixby Samsung is, as they use, and how it works, this artificial intelligence of the future.

With bixby you will not be boring

So far, Bixby in his arsenal has four main functions:

  • BIXBY VOICE. Voice recognition feature. The main advantage of this assistant, the ability not to touch the smartphone to manage its applications, run the camera, call mode and much more. The developers tried, and made it as much as possible. If you do not correctly prejudice the team, Bixby will still understand you, or will ask at worst additional information to be sure. Manufacturers put ambitious goals in front of him, and plan in the future to use a smartphone for a hundred percent through the assistant. Bixby, unlike its competitors who specialized in finding information on the Internet, is positioned as an internal assistant. Called to simplify work, directly on the Faltet itself.
  • BIXBY VISION. Activation additional reality. This feature allows you to identify various items in Live mode using the camera. BIXBY Samsung Galaxy It recognizes everything, various items, attractions, QR codes, and even location. And immediately gives everything about it, detailed information. This feature starts in the camera application, or Bixby Home.
  • BIXBY REMINDER. Intuitive reminders. One of useful features BIXBY, which allows you to program reminders at a certain moment of life. If you wish, she will remind you in which place you stopped when reading your beloved novel, or at what place, did not see the movies.
  • BIXBY HOME. Mix hot applications. All the very popular programs For the user, are located in a separate window appearing on the command on the command.

Let's open a little secret so that Bixby is more efficient to identify your voice appeal, chat with it more. SAMSUNG developers have thought out the system when for regular conversations with an assistant, you can get a remuneration in the form of bright colors for its interface.

Video: How Bixby works

How to enable Bixby on samsung galaxy s8

You can call on our assistant in two ways. You do not even know which one has more easy access. The first when it can be activated by simply pressing, specially designated for it to the left. Or, to activate the voice command, having called it by name, bixby!

How to turn off the bixby and set the button another application

To turn off, it is enough to touch the setting of its activation

Taste and color, no comrade, as they say. In principle, you can understand those users who wish to turn off BIXBY. After all, not all of his capabilities are still disclosed, and there are active work on the full disclosure of its potential. Recall that Samsung manufacturers themselves have been forbidden by the change of this key for other programs. However, in Google Play. Already are located for this specific applications.

So, we will need to download from Google Play Bixby RemaPper. After successful download and installation, we do the following:

  • Top in the tanking
  • Choose universal access
  • Click on service

To turn on universal access, we need the program to identify whether the BIXBY button is active. Then go to the BIXBY REMAPPER and activate the toggle switch on the right side of the screen. Now, when we turn on the BIXBY key, it will initially be opened, followed by immediately soaring with the subsequent opening of our desired application.

Write your reviews about BIXBY in the comments, do you like how it works?

Video: How to disable Bixby on Samsung Galaxy S8

Fans of mobile devices often have to hear about the benefits of voice assistants, which then and the case are rapidly developing with the emergence of new technologies and access to the market for revolutionary smartphones. Probably, some people find these technologies useless and think that they could not be able to use. We assure you, it is before the first use BIXBY.

Decent competitor Siri and Google

One of distinctive features The most recent, revolutionary device Galaxy S8. from the South Korean company Samsung An innovation was previously not met in a single solution from the giant. Meet it - BIXBY, voice assistantwhich will simplify the use of a smartphone and will help with solving problems that are associated with it.
Bixby was developed in Samsung not from scratch, but based on the technologies of the previous assistant. Probably you do not know about him, because they have few people used. But it was installed in almost all the "smart" devices from the company, even in hours. We can say that S Voice (This name was the first voice assistant on the devices of the South Korean company) became an excellent help for Bixby, which the world saw quite recently. However, this is not a continuation of the idea s Voice. With the old technology, only the help was taken, in fact, the novelty in everything surpasses it, and its competitors from Google.

Voice Assistant Features Bixby

Unlike analogs, the new project from Samsung will not be limited to habitat only smart devices, such as Android and watch. No, the South Korean company plans to go much long. In their ambitions, they see Bixby implemented in almost all household appliances, which in theory should simplify their use. The platform for the new voice assistant will be operating system Tizen, embedded in some refrigerators from the giant company.

These innovations will allow you to transmit technologies to a completely different level. If you can not imagine how it will be used, then here is an example: you are the owner of a smartphone with Bixby, at the same time at home you have a new refrigerator from Samsung. Instead of writing lists of products that you need to purchase, you can simply ask your smartphone about what is in the refrigerator there is no, what you usually buy and what to buy now. Also, a photo of the content will be provided. But, while it is only the theory.

BIXBY in smartphones

To activate the voice assistant, a separate button is highlighted. This makes it use as convenient as possible and quickly available. On the other hand, the wave of misunderstanding statements resulted on Samsung. Why highlight a separate button on the device under BIXBY if you can use a simple and affordable voice team? Probably, this is done to popularize new technology. It is difficult to disagree: if there is some button on your smartphone, then you will undoubtedly want to find out: what does it do? So more and more people will get acquainted with BIXBY. It is likely that the use of voice assistant will be the usual thing for owners of Samsung gadgets, the company will refuse a button to the pool of a convenient voice call. You should not pay back the opportunity to activate the Bixby to the usual gesture user.

Main functions

Its only function is to simplify the smartphone control as much as possible. It may come up to the fact that you do not have to use the screen - just tell me in the rumor that Bixby should do, and he will do it. Such possibilities, in the form of working with applications, menu items, photos and audio cannot offer not one competitor on the market. This makes a novelty from Samsung Interesting and popular. On the other hand while smartphone Galaxy S8, as well as the voice assistant itself is relatively new, it is impossible to judge until the end of the relevance of using Bixby functions in applications that are not standard. By the way, and the need for walks on the menu items is not so useful thingAfter all, faster to do everything with your fingers than to ask for help from Bixby out loud. On the other hand, an extremely useful thing for people with disabilities.

Bixby was endowed with a function that was previously introduced into applications from well-known trading platforms. Its essence is to scan a specific object, the product of its search on the Internet. Thus, the user of the smartphone with Bixby has the ability to view information about his interests you are interested in, and also find it on the expanses of Internet sites and shops, learn about the average price. But, unlike applications, the voice assistant perceives and searches not only the goods, but any object that turned out to be an interesting user of the smartphone. It may be a house, a monument, and anything.

Voice assistant perfectly understands natural speech. For example, take Siri - if you want to know something from it, then you need to contact it on a specific list of phrases. With Bixby, everything is much easier, at least to contact your smartphone on english language. And naturally, where without an instant translator. The novelty is equipped with this feature, so you can forget about third-party applications. Just dictate text, and Bixby will translate it to the desired language.

BIXBY is an extremely promising creation from Samsung, which just needs time for several things:

  • first, in the South Korean company must bring all the functions of Bixby to stable operation;
  • secondly, bother with their fans who will undoubtedly appear soon.

When both of these events occur, we will see this technology and on other Samsung brand devices, and so far, the ability to test it only from users S8 and S8.

The presence of a personal assistant remains for most people an uncomfortable dream. Nevertheless, Samsung offers owners phones Galaxy S8 (and series of adjacent models) an effective alternative in the face of a virtual assistant working on their phones. What is this Bixby Samsung and how does it work? Tell B. this material. Virtual Assistant "BIXBY" from Samsung has advanced artificial intelligenceWell, it recognizes a human speech, knows how to perform a number of consecutive commands, and may be an effective tool for simplifying everyday operations.

What is this BIXBY SAMSUNG?

Bixby (Bixby) is a digital assistant from Samsung's company, existing in the form of an application for telephones of the Galaxy S9 line (and a number of adjacent analogues). His vocation - make your life easier and more convenient, at the expense voice control and automation of multiple operations. Bixby allows you to quickly open applications necessary and perform various actions in them, work with social networks, calendar, exercise an effective network search and much more.

What does Bixby mean for other smartphone manufacturers? Bixby is a Samsung response to the emergence and introduction of such analogues as "Siri", "Google Assistant", "Cortana" and "Alexa", it has new advanced AI, which allows you to effectively promote on a rather rich market of device from Samsung. On the this moment The assistant supports working with three languages \u200b\u200b(English, Korean and Chinese Mandarin), and can speak three votes (two female and one men's). Assistant is available on Galaxy S9 phone phones models and a number of adjacent models, as well as on TVs, refrigerators, washing machinesah and other household devices from Samsung. Developers promise future work "Bixby" on mobile devices other manufacturers.

BIXBY allow you to use visual and voice capabilities of your device

Functional Bixby

After we have dealt with the fact that this is for the Bixby Samsung application, let's learn its capabilities and learn to use the assistant. Bixby work can be roughly divided into three main blocks:

How to set up a bixby assistant

Before you start fully working with bixby, the assistant will need to configure. You will need to start bixby by pressing a special button on the left side wall of the phone, and follow the commands appearing on the screen.

During the setup process, you will be offered to pronounce several phrases by adjusting the applications under the features of your voice.

In the application settings, you can also select a language and voice of your assistant by clicking on the Bixby Home, taping the button with three vertical buttons from above, then selecting Settings - Language and Speaking Style. Here you can choose both tongue and voice for pronunciation of phrases assistant.

How to use bikxby

Using bixby is very simple. You say "Hey Bixby" or click the appropriate callback button of the assistant, then say the desired command, the set of which supports the assistant (you can view their list in the assistant functionality). For example, after your words "Open Google Maps and Navigate to Red Square", the assistant will open the "Google Maps" application and will show how to get to Red Square.

To activate the helper, tell me "Hey, Bixby"

If Buxby did not disassemble your words, or you asked an incorrect question, the assistant will indicate that, and will offer to reformulate the request.

How to disable the bixby button

  1. If for any reason you want to disable the start of bixby by clicking on the appropriate button, then run "Bixby Home".
  2. Next, press the button with three vertical buttons to the right above.
  3. Select "SETTINGS", DROW down and tap on "Bixby Key".
  4. Then click on the "don't Open Anything" option.


Bixby Samsung is a convenient digital assistant from Samsung, which allows you to speed up and simplify work with various electron-digital equipment, from smartphones to washing machines. The continuous development of the application and the improvement of its AI promises that we will soon see "Bikxby" on the set of consumer electronics from Samsung. As far as bixby can withstand competition with similar assistants from other manufacturers - time will show.

It happens that the technologies or opportunities for which they first do not pay attention or just ignore, as it seems that they are not needed. In memory, the fact that for some reason (but rather without such) something did not come to you. So stretches from year to year, when a powerful tool is under hand, and you are looking for crutches, because you do not know anything about it. Let's try to reveal the capabilities of the Bixby camera so that you know exactly what she knows how and why it is interesting.

In any flagship Samsung last You can see the BIXBY button in the chamber, it is impossible to skip it, but when you first start, you need to accept the terms of the user agreement. Many people simply ignore this opportunity, lazy to climb and see what it is. In vain, since the Bixby camera gives a whole set of tools, each of which is interesting in itself, and together they are extremely helpful. For example, I have to search for some other images often, and it can be like goods and something else. The usual way for this can be uncomplicated: take a photo, download in the search by pictures and flipping lists until you can't hug something similar, further look a text description. To some extent it is yesterday, since the camera can immediately determine the subject you look at, a kind of AI algorithm, which defines in real time that in front of it. I am writing these lines and inject Bixby on a laptop, immediately the model name appeared on the screen, there were no pairs of seconds. The search is carried out using the Pinterest social network, the tag cloud is also selected. There are interesting discoveries that are completely non-obvious. In something this entertainment, but also this is a powerful tool that allows you to evaluate that there is in the public space and which associations causes the AI \u200b\u200balgorithms to which you look. Useful skill to filter things popular and not very.

Yes, very simple. You guide the camera on the text, take pictures, and then this text is recognized, and you can use it as you like. For example, copy to a letter or messenger, keep notes, this is an electronic copy of what you just saw. The text recognition is excellent, and for any of the world languages, as the engine from Google is used. Also available to anyone and from any language of those knowing Google Translate. Machine translation is not as good as the work of a live translator, but every year it improves.

On trips, for example, to Japan, the Bixby camera is a chopper, you instantly get a translation of the menu, ads, and anything. And exactly the same in all countries where you can visit, any printed text The camera swallows that immediately give an electronic version and translation. Conveniently? Not that word. For me, this is one of the chips that make the Bixby tool everyday use, the integration of familiar services with the Samsung camera gives a new quality that is pleasant and convenient to use. Of course, you can do everything exactly the same thing in the old way, but this is a bunch of extra televitations, and trying the Bixby chamber once, I don't want to live on the old man.

The next opportunity is interesting for those who often go to other cities or countries. I was forgotten when I used 4square for the last time, the service was forgotten, having lost its gaming component, however, in it a huge number interesting places. In the Bixby chamber, you can look at them, just to spend the camera and see separate points on the map. You can then see the description, see the distance to the point and so on. Of course, you can pave the route, the cards will immediately open.

For most it will be a toy, but it is interesting, since I already found the places that I missed. So, I found in London a house-museum of Dickens, although he lived several times near and he did not notice on the maps. Plus you can choose various filters, which makes the search for individual. Someone will say that this is not a very useful thing in everyday lifeAnd it will be right, for me it is always a trip, and it is in them that I look at the world through the lens of the BIXBY camera.

As in the old anecdote about the logic and Vasily Ivanich, you need to go to the next option, namely the estimate of the wine. Yes, the Bixby camera is integrated with Vivino, this is a service for wine fans, where you can keep your records, evaluate wine and save those varieties that you still want to try. In Vivino, I can find me easily, my name is Eldar Murtazin. But for those who have not joined this social network, it does not want to register, still the opportunity to search in Bixby a description of the wine, the search is easy, accurate and uncomplicit. And it is again the possibilities of the camera, which are completely unmarked, is the analysis of the picture and bind the labels found to a huge base, which is collected by the specialized service.

And there is also an important bookmark in the BIXBY chamber, where you can read QR codes. The thing is popular and useful, often in advertising such codes are used, for sure you have come across it. There are thousands of programs that can decipher codes, this is not surprised today. But there is little problemwith which users encounter inexpensive smartphonesThis is the quality of the camera.

When the QR code is ideal, made great, you are guaranteed to read it. And what to do, if for some reason the QR code is small? For example, in Spain, I got such a leaflet, the QR code is very small, and most of the phones / programs simply cannot count.

There is no such problem in my Samsung apparatus, there is a little longer for reading, but I read the code, the link immediately opened in the browser. This is the fact that the modern smartphone is important to a bunch of both iron and software, one without anything does not work.

Separately the function of the Bixby cameras may not be needed, someone is not interested in wine, someone is not looking for photos of items, and someone Sydney sits at home and does not prove any nose. But all together gives a tool that is useful to modern and active person, I think that it is such people in their mass of their flagships from Samsung, because this is a conscious purchase. It's nice that Samsung did not try to invent a bike and made the integration of the Bixby camera with already existing, popular social networks and services, alone in one shell all what people like. Great camera from Samsung Plus Popular Services is a win-win bunch.

In my surroundings, many those who purchased the flagships from Samsung and use the camera in everyday affairs, but extremely few of those who have mastered Bixby. The reason is that people simply do not get to this point, leave for later. But when you show how it works, or people see what you are doing on the phone, they are instantly immersed and start using the Bixby camera. Cause? It is a banal - it is comfortable and simple, and most importantly, it is useful. I advise you and you try to have your own opinion about the Bixby chamber and what she can.

Links on the topic

Today we have prepared a short review BIXBY On Samsung, a cheerful voice assistant, like Google Assist and Siri. We will tell about his capabilities, how Bixby works, and also make short review on this assistant.

The BIXBY button finally found the use in the S8 series smartphones and received an important function - voice support. At the moment, this feature has been officially launched in the United States as early version, and Samsung promise to work on updating Bixby a lot and release them often. And this is good - because on startup functionality Bixby has a lot of flaws.

In Russia, beta testing is not held, but we did it with the help of our American colleague @AndrewBon and today we will tell about his experience.

At the very beginning of the launch you will be shown tutorialwhich will tell how to run Funchy Bixby and that the program will learn to recognize your voice.

You can activate Bixby by saying "HI, BIXBY" (Hi, Bixby), well, or simply holding the Bixby button during a conversation, as if you are talking about the radio. Next, you can ask him the basics: Weather in London, alarm clock. And right here, on the simplest functions - bixby stumbled. No, he can tell about the weather, the problem is a bit different.

First, it is very slow and sluggish compared to Google Assistant. Ask Bixby about what time and first he will launch the application of the clock, and then read the answer. Identification of US President (a simple request for Siri and the USA) is a clearly difficult task for him. He just leads you to Google. And in general, he often sends a request to the search, as if there is no knowledge of knowledge from where the answers should be taken from.

Even a simple task in the form of SMS exchange here a little complicated. First, you must use applications " Samsung messages"As your default. And if you do not speak clearly "send a message to mom and ask" how are you doing ", then an option with a simple analogue of Siri in the form" Write your mother - how are you doing "here will not be available. You will send you to walk in Google.

What is well doing BIXBY, so it internal change Phone settings. Switching between a call modes, open the application in the split screen, go to the settings - all this it does on perfectly, the benefit of Samsung added about 3,000 commands for this part to the phone database. Own applications Samsung is better All work with BIXBY, also well-optimized Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Uber, Gmail, Google maps. The list is rather big and with all this voice assistant Bixby copes well.

We would say that in "agreed" applications - BIXBY somewhere exceeds our expectations. You can safely tell him - "Open Uber and appreciate my 5-star chauffeur" or "Open Instagramm and publish my last photo." Bixby will calmly make everything we described above. The only, Korean company still needs to work on the clarity of voice recognition, sometimes posts on twitter are added with inseparable krakoyar.

To help Bixby to define a voice, you need to talk more often with him. IN sAMSUNG. Even introduced the system of experience, receiving which for communication with the phone, you can raise the level and unlock new background colors for the assistant interface.

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