
What does international mail export status mean. What do parcel statuses when tracking? Preparation for dispatch

Package Added to site
This means that the parcel has not yet has a single status either from the mail-sender country, nor from the postal of the recipient country.

Payment information Received in electronic form
The seller assigned the parcel track number and registered it on the post office. But before the post office, the parcel has not yet reported.
It can pass from 2 to 14 days before it starts tracking.

Received by mail
The parcel entered the post office, i.e. The seller brought it to the post office, there it was registered and sent to the recipient.

Transferred customs
Postal shipment transferred to the Customs Service of the Sender State for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs test successfully, it will be sent to the country of destination.

Customs clearance completed, issued customs
If the parcel passed the test of customs successfully, it will be sent to the country of destination.

Leave mail (export)
Export operation means that the shipment is transferred to the carrier. Delivery time from exports to imports, as a rule, the longest and before the postal shipment goes to the territory of the recipient country, a sufficient time can pass.
Causes: Transit routes of flights, a set of defined weight for shipping by cargo aircraft. For example, China and Singapore are transported by mail by cargo aircraft that can take weight from 50 to 100 tons. While departure in export, nor the country of the sender, nor the recipient's country cannot track departure on the Internet.
The deadlines for the delivery of international shipments between exports and imports are not established (not regulated by documents). The delivery route is determined by the departure country depending on the existing arrangements with air carriers and the presence of suction facilities. During delivery, transit flights are used, which leads to an increase in the terms of transportation and time between export and import operations.

The parcel is registered in the destination country. A period of 30 days between export and import is normal.

Transferred customs
Status means that the departure was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for registration. In MMPO, the departure is full cycle of processing functions, customs control and design. Mail containers come under the customs transit procedure. Next, they are sorted by types and are transmitted to various sections. Departures with product investment pass X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the postal departure may be uncovered for personal control, the cause of personal control can be violations of property rights, a commercial party, a batch orientation, where may be prohibited for the shipment of the substance. Mailing is revealed by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after that the act of customs inspection is drawn up and is attached to the departure.

Detained customs
This operation means that the postal departure is detained by the FCC staff for events to determine the purpose of mailing. When receiving in international postal sections during the calendar month of goods, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in part of such an exception, customs duties must be paid for, taxes with a single rate of 30% of the customs value of goods But at least 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about goods sent to MPO is missing or not correspond to the actual, it significantly increases the time spent on registration of shipments, as it is necessary to carry out customs inspection and documenting its results.

Customs clearance completed
This operation means that the customs checked the departure and returned it to Russian Post. In many MMPO customs works around the clock: only this way it is possible to check the colossal amount of mail from the turn of the mail. Each customer employee is helped by two postal operators.

Left MMPO (place of international postal exchange)
The departure left the place of international postal exchange and then goes to the sorting center. From the moment the departure came out of MMPO, the deadlines for the delivery of departures in Russia are beginning to operate, they depend on the type of departure

Arrived in the sorting center / left the sorting center
Leaving MMPO, departure through large sorting nodes postal service follow the territory of the recipient country to its destination. In the sorting center, the post office is distributed through the main routes of the country. The parcels are sealing again in the containers and are sent to the place of delivery, to the expectant to the recipient.

Arrived at the place of delivery
Departure arrived at the post office (OPS) of the recipient. As soon as the departure arrived in the department, the staff discover (notification) that the departure is in the department. Notice give the postman in delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day of arrival of departure to the department or the next day (for example, if the departments entered the office in the evening).

Dit. Failure.
Fasting - the parcel was sent not by the index.
District - found a mistake and redigible parcel at the right address.

The national mail operator of the Russian Federation "Mail of Russia" takes place, sending and delivery of postal shipments in the territory Russian Federation and other states. In the departments of this national postal operator, the departure and receipt of both internal and international parcels.

If sending parcels and mailing is made within Russia, the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit number identifier consisting of numbers, and during international shipment assigned an identification number of 13 characters (figures and letters of the Latin alphabet) similar to RA123456789.

Both numbers comply with the compliance with the World Mail Union S10 standard and the parcel tracking according to them can be carried out both the sender and the email recipient.

Russian Post Tracking mail

Russian Post Tracking works both for shipments within the country and for international parcels, including express EMS departure. Departures in Russia have a tracking number consisting of 14 digits, the first 6 of which is the sender's post office index. Outgoing international departures have a track number similar to AA123456789EN, where the first 2 letters denote the type of departure.

How to track the parcel in Russia?

In Russia, the parcel is easy to track. To do this, you need to know the track number. Only 14 internal parcel numbers and 13 digit numbers of international shipments can be tracked in Russian Post.

Enter your departure number in and our service will track your package in Russian Post through the official website, and also check all the necessary shipping services you need.

Russian postcard tracking parcels by mail identifier number

Mail identifiers are a special combination of letters and numbers that allow the postal service to uniquely identify the departure. There is a reserved set of postal identifiers, but Russian Post supports tracking only for two types, these are international administration of the international postal union, and tracking shipments within the country.

The identifiers of the parcels of the International Postal Union consist of 2 letters of the Latini alphabet, in which the type of departure is most often encoded, then 8 digits and last 9 digit are the checksum, in conclusion there are 2 more letters, and this is always the country of departure.

Sending within Russia is awarded 14 digital digital code, and the first 6 letters is the index of the mail separation from which the parcel or letter has been sent.

How to find a parcel at the tracking number of Russian Post

The parcel is easy to find on the postal identifier or tracking number. Domestic parcels consist of 14 digits and begin with a separation index from which the parcel has been sent and looks like 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing parcels can be traced at the special number adopted by the International Postal Union, it looks like RX0000000CN. The first 2 letters denote the type of departure - the recorded or not, the small package, the parcel, letter, then 9 digits and the last 2 letters denote the country code of departure.

Precision tracking ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK

Sending with tracking numbers ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified registered mail (Simplified Registered Mail) Mailing type created by Aliexpress in conjunction with Russian Post, to reduce cheap goods from Aliexpress.

Departures with track tracking numbers ZJ.000000000 Hk. - The type of mail, created by Joom Logistics, together with Russian Post, to reduce cheap goods with Joom.

Such parcels have only 3 status:

  • Accepted in the Communication Department
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received addressee

Parcels are not tracked at all stages of following, but all important information Present. It is important to buy the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and came to the post office, and at the number, Za..HK will find the parcel and will be issued in the mail.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvia Mail (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), but the goods themselves are in China, so it takes some time until the order is transported from the seller's warehouse to the post office of Latvia or Hong Kong.

Service Weekly collects information about the delivery time of 1,5 million shipments and use this statistics to predict the delivery time of the parcel through the cities of Russia with accuracy +/- 2-4 days.

How much parcel or letter is stored in the Russian Post office or storage time?

The shelf life of postal transfers and written correspondence, to which international minor packages also include 30 days. Other postage - 15 days, if a longer storage period is not provided for by the contract for the provision of postal service. Departure with the mark "Judicial" is stored 7 days.

The beginning of the storage period begins from the next working day of the post office following the day of receipt of departure or postal transfer to the place of delivery.

After the storage time of storage is the recorded departures (parcels, custom and valuable letters, custom and valuable parcels, custom postcards, express sending EMS) are sent over the reverse address at the expense of the sender. If the sender does not take the returned departure during the storage period - the departure is considered "unclaimed" and is stored for 6 months, after which it is destroyed

Receipt of shipments by SMS code in Russian Post without a passport

It is very convenient to receive departure without a passport and filling the postal notification, by SMS code. To do this, you just make a simple electronic signature, in any separation of Russian Post or through public services.

Thanks to this service, you will no longer have to fill paper notifications and show your passport. Upon receipt in the compartment of a custom letter or a parcel, it is enough to name your surname or send number, as well as the phone number specified during registration. This number will be sms with the code that you want to name the operator to get the departure.

Receipt of shipments by Russian Post

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels deliver to mailbox Recipient.

Custom letters The postman brings to the house and presents the addressee for painting upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not on the spot, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns a letter to the office.

Parcels and other registered departures can be obtained in the separation or order delivery to the house.

To get a departure in the department, you need to make a notice (it can be filled on the site) or a track number, as well as an identity card. Or connect a simplified receipt and confirm the identity of the SMS code.

If you do not have any notice, nor the track numbers, upon presentation of an identity card, you can ask the mail employee to find the name by name and the address to which it is sent.

Russian Post Search for Missing parcels

Check the status of your letter or parcel along the track number. If there is no information on the status of sending status, either the status has not been updated for a long time, your letter or package is not delivered, and the shipment time has expired, you can initiate the search for departure.

To start the search, it is necessary to apply on the page or provide in any compartment of Russian Post:

  • application for the search for departure in Russia or international shipment;
  • a check, issued with departure, or a copy of it (the check is issued at the time of sending);
  • identification.

Applications for the search for internal and international mailings are accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch. Applications on the search for international EMS-shipments are accepted within 4 months from the date of dispatch.

The application may be submitted both the recipient and the sender or trustee of one of them (upon presentation of power of attorney).

About the results of searching for Russian Post Russian reports by registered mail on the postal address or writing on electronic addressspecified in the application.

The term of consideration of the complaint or claim and the provision of a written response is:

  • 5 days on complaints about mailing and postal transfers sent (translated) within one settlement;
  • 30 days regarding all other internal mailing and postal transfers;
  • The term of consideration of complaints about international postal departments may be from 30 to 90 days

In the event that the departure failed to find, compensation is paid. The priority right to receive compensation has the sender, he also has the right to refuse to compensation in favor of the recipient either another confidant.

Tracking simple small packages

Small package - a small package abroad with unbreakable objects. For a customer small package, unlike a simple small package, there is a track number tracking. The track number of international shipments consists of 13 characters, it uses Latin capital letters and numbers.

Simple minor packages - those that accept from the sender without receipt and hand the addressee without receipt. Simple departures can be letters, postcards, parcels and "small packages" (parcels less than 2 kg abroad). Simple sections cannot be tracked. Simple letters in envelopes with stamps and postcards with stamps can be independently sent via the mailbox.

Duty-free import

Records mention the racing system in the 10th century AD. Early letters were sent in the form of a roll with wax or lead seal; The earliest of these seals dates back to 1079, and the governor is mentioned Ratibor Tmutarakan. The earliest preserved letter was sent in 1391 from La Tana (now Azov) to Venice

By the 16th century, the postal system included 1600 compartments, and the mail reached in Novgorod in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international postal route in Russia.

With the application of the sending application, in a few seconds you can find out the exact location of your parcel or postal shipment delivered by the company "Mail of Russia".

Full list of decryption statuses of international postal shipments on our website site

Parcel delivered

The record means that the recipient received a postal post.

Parcel Returns

Postal departure received by the sender. The main reason for the return - the expiration of the storage is also the reason for the incorrect address or the name of the recipient.

The parcel is returned to the sender

Mailing sent back to the sender. The reason may be an incorrect address or the name of the recipient, the expiration of the storage period, other circumstance.

Posted Information Received

The sender (Seller) assigned the number (track code) on the post office (courier service), but the parcel has not yet been accepted in the post office. From the moment of registration until the actual sending of postage can pass to 10-14 days.

Arrived at the destination

Mailing entered the post office (OPS) of the recipient. Next, the OPS sends a notification to the recipient address that the departure is in the department.
This status means that the recipient can independently contact the OPS to receive the shipment without waiting for the notice.

Arrived at customs

By decision of the Customs Inspector, the Mail Departure may be uncovered for personal control. The reason for personal control can be illegal transportation of prohibited substances or objects, a commercial party, the fact of the lack of a customs declaration (incorrectly filled). Mailing is opened by two operators in the presence of a customs inspector, after that the act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to departure.

Left customs

Parcel accepted

Mailing is accepted for processing in the local post office from the sender (or seller). He was assigned a unique identification number (track code, tracking number), which in the future you can track the location of the departure.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

This entry This means that the postal operator reported an attempt to present mail to the recipient and for some reason the presentation did not take place.
Upon receipt of such a status, you need to contact the post office that delivers departure and find out the reason for the inference, or contact the post office in the post office for receiving the shipment without waiting for the notice.

In the way - transit item

Mailing enrolled in one of the sorting centers of the transit country for processing and further sending towards the recipient.

Tracking resumed

For a long time, mail statuses were not updated, and after this interval there was a new tracking information.

Parcel tracking code has changed

Mailing assigned a new track code. This usually happens when sending the parcel to another post office for processing and further sending towards the recipient.

Delivery service is changed

Mailing transferred to another postal service for processing and further sending towards the recipient.

Arrived at customs country departure

After sorting, all parcels go to customs inspection, where they pass through the X-ray apparatus.

By decision of the Customs Inspector, the Mail Departure may be uncovered for personal control. The reason for personal control can be illegal transportation of prohibited substances or objects, a commercial party, the fact of the lack of a customs declaration (not fully filled). Mailing is opened by two operators in the presence of a customs inspector, after that the act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to departure.

Left parcel reception item

Such status means that the parcel went on the delivery route of the recipient.

Left customs of the country of departure

Customs checked the postal and returned his postal service.

The parcel is preparing to be sent to the country of destination

This entry means packing, labeling, loading into the container and other procedures necessary to send mail to the country of destination.

Transferred postal service

Mailing transferred to the local postal service for processing and further dispatch towards the recipient.

Parcel issued for delivery

Mailing enrolled in the post office department, the postman was transferred to send a shipment for delivery to the addressee.

The record may mean that the parcel is sent to the recipient to the house or the notification of the parcel is sent to its address.

Package prepares for delivery

Indicates the receipt of mail to the post office of the recipient, which should make a delivery of departure.

Information on further statuses is not provided

Postal shipment Sent with track code (tracking number), which is not tracked on the recipient.

Problems at customs

Mailing detained by customs authorities for events to determine the purpose of mailing.

When receiving in international postal sections during the calendar month of goods, the cost of which exceeds 1000 euros and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, it is necessary to pay customs duties, 30% of the customs value of goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight.

If information about goods sent in the post office is missing or does not correspond to the actual specified in the customs declaration, there is a need to carry out customs inspection and documenting its results, which significantly increases the time spent on the design of the shipments.

Error in the parcel route, the package will be redirected by the right address

The parcel was not sent by the index or address, they found a mistake and redigible parcel at the right address.

Parcel on the way

Status meaning that the mail is sent to the recipient.

The parcel is not yet received from the sender.

The seller registered a postal departure on the post office site (courier service), but actually the mail is not yet transmitted to the postal service.

Tracking suspended

After last update A lot of time has passed in tracking mailing. And because of this long interval, the track code will not be automatically tracked. Also, the delivery service could not report that further tracking of the postal shipment will be discontinued after it leaves the territory of the country's country and will go to the country of destination.

The generalized status that may imply a refund, leisure, temporary storage and other status.

On the way - left an intermediate paragraph

The mail is sent from the postal postal unit and heads to the recipient.

In the way - arrived at the intermediate point

Mailing entered an intermediate postal node for sorting, selecting a route and sending to the recipient.

Export from the country of departure

Indicates the actual sending of postal departure to the country of destination.

Postal shipment is transmitted to a foreign carrier, which by terrestrial or air traffic delivers it to the place of international postal exchange (MMPO) of the country of destination. The status "Export" is the longest and the transition to the "Import" status can take some time due to the choice and coordination of the most optimal (cheap) for the carrier of the route of delivery of your postal shipment. At this stage, no sender, nor the recipient can track the exact movement of the departure over the Internet.
There is an average of 7 to 14 days to export an export operation, but sometimes this operation can occupy up to 60 days.
If more than 2 months have passed since receipt of the status "Export", and there is no visible changes and the postal shipment did not receive the status of "import", then the sender needs to be applied to the post office and apply for the search.

In order not to make a mistake in the estimated delivery time of the parcel, you should know what one or another status means. On this page, we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not have difficulty when determining the location of the parcel.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status implies that the sender filled all the necessary forms, including the CN22 or CN23 form (Customs Declaration), and the parcel is adopted by an employee of a postal or courier service. Simultaneously with the receipt of departure is assigned an identification number for which in the future tracking takes place.

Arrival in MMPO.

MMPO - place of international postal exchange. At this stage, the parcel passes customs control and registration. After that, service staff prepare grouped international departure.


One of the longest periods in the delivery of postal shipments. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded aircraft is unprofitable, so you have to wait until a sufficient number of parcels go to one country will be checked.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, departures can deliver transit through other countries, and this also delays the delivery time.

It is impossible to call the exact duration of staying parcels in export. But on average it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may additionally increase. But if more than two months have passed since receipt of the "Export" status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service that deliver, with a statement of the search for departure.


This status is assigned to sending in the Russian AOPP (aviation department of mail transportation), where it falls from the board of the aircraft. Here, the passage service regulation is weighed, check the integrity of the packaging, scan the barcode to find out the place of departure, fix the flight number, determine which MMPO should send the parcel. The term of finding international departure to AOPP depends on the degree of workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

Transferred customs.

After sorting the parcels are sent to the customs inspection, where they pass through the X-ray scanner. In the event that employees customs Service There are suspicions about the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the departure is opened and examined in the presence of the inspector and the responsible operator. After that (if the fact of the transportation of prohibited goods was not confirmed) the parcel is reappearing again, attach an inspection act and sent along the path.

Detained customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to sending only in cases where customs officers reveal weight exceeding the permissible norm, the cost of more than 1000 euros and other disorders. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional duties. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel passes this status.

Customs clearance completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transmitted to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff. In some cases, this status can be replaced by "left MMP".

Arrived at the sorting center.

From MMPO, the departure comes to sorting. Postage sorting centers are in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the nearest to MMPO center, where employees of the logistics service are developing the optimal delivery route to the issue point.

Leave the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel went on the delivery route. The time that is required for its arrival to the recipient depends on several factors, in their number of transportation, the capital's remoteness, etc.

Sorting centers of Russian Post are in all major cities.

Arrived in the sorting center of N.

Upon arrival in the city of the recipient, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the cargo is distributed by post offices or other items of issuing orders. The speed of delivery is influenced: transportation of transport, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery in the city takes no more than 1-2 days, and the departure area can be delivered about a week.

Came to the place of delivery.

After the arrival of the departure to the nearest post office he is assigned this status. Further, mail employees are required to write a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be tightened a little, so it is better to use the tracking service "My Parcel". As soon as you saw the status "arrived at the place of delivery," you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for notifications, since mail employees are required to send a departure by the identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, with you, you need to have a passport.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after receiving it to the addressee and means the end of the path.

Internal Russian departures are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those relating to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, information will also be useful for those who make purchases in Russian online stores or expect a parcel from close people living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and you can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also approximately calculate the delivery time.

Cainiao is a popular Chinese logistics company, which is part of the Alibaba Group. Earlier, the organization was engaged in postal transportation within the country, now the leader in the departures of the economy class in any corners of the world. Cainiao is a way to deliver practically unqualified postal shipments, exceptions - to the border of China or before the customs of Yekaterinburg, there is a new unknown number. The basic delivery time is 30-70 days. Parcels sometimes come to the mailbox. When you see in Aliexpress the name of the Transport company Aliexpress Saver Shipping or Aliexpress Standard Shipping, then tracking is made through the Cainiao service. Admission can also be admitted by telephone from the local post office.

The advantage of this parcel provider is obvious - the low cost of sending, which gives us to receive goods ordered in online stores with free shipping. Disadvantages in the uncertainty of their location and low shipping speed. Do not forget to track the warranty period for the protection of the goods and on time to open a dispute if you did not wait for a small package in the allotted time. Take advantage of our free automatic service to track any domestic and international postal parcels and correspondence.

Tracking in Russian

We transferred all possible parcel statuses when tracking on In order for you to find out where your package is located and what is with it.

Parcels - an application for iOS and Android, with which you can track your postal shipment delivered Cainiao.

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