
Sufd ep is not refined. The reasons for the incorrect operation of the electronic signature and how to fix the problems. How to fix it

1. Contact information. 3

2. Technical requirements. 4

2.1 Checking the browser version. 4

2.2 Checking the JAVA version .. 5

2.3 Clearing the Java Cache. 6

2.4 Clearing Browsing History Mozilla Firefox. 7

2.5 Clearing Browsing History Internet Explorer 8

3. Problems entering the portal. ten

3.1 No connection to the server .. 10

3.2 The message "The user is blocked". ten

3.3 The message “New password setting is required”. eleven

3.4 The message "Form design error". eleven

3.5 Slow work SUFD .. 11

4. Problems when working with documents. 12

4.1 The document is not visible. 12

4.2 Windows of reference books and documents do not open. fourteen

5. Errors when signing documents. 15

5.2 Checking the installation of certificates. 15

5.3 Checking the work of the plugin. 17

5.4 The message “The certificate with the specified fingerprint was not found in the system”. eighteen

5.5 Error while signing the document: blocking the pop-up window. eighteen

5.6 Empty window "Cryptographic operations". twenty

5.7 The "Cryptographic Operations" window displays a long error message with a set of characters at the end. 21

5.8 Message " Digital signature is not refined. " 21

6. Sending arbitrary messages. 23

8.1 Organization selection list. 27

8.2 Setting the display of the list of documents. 27

8.3 Sorting by Column. 29

8.4 Filtering by Columns ... 29

1. Contact information

Free of charge hot line on the support of the remote financial document management system (SUFD): 8-800-100-16-19

Telephones of the dispatching service of the Information Systems Department(advice on setting up an automated workstation for work, advice on working in PPO EDMS and SUFD):

79-16-24, 79-16-19, 79-16-69, 79-16-17.

When contacting the OIP department, you need to know:

Attention! New Password should be different from the previous ones, otherwise the system will display a message that the password has already been used, a new one is required.

3.4 "Form design error" message

It is necessary to contact the dispatch service to bind organizations to the user's login by phone: 79-16-69, 79-16-24, 79-16-19, 79-16-17.

3.5 Slow operation of the SUFD

It is necessary to delete the browser history (especially in the Mozilla Firefox browser) and clear the Java cache (described in paragraphs 2.3 - 2.5).

Contact your provider for advice.

4. Problems when working with documents

4.1 Document is not visible

A filter may have been installed by the user

The list of documents (directory) displays only those documents (directory records) that meet the specified filtering parameters.

The filter panel is designed to filter records in the list of documents (reference book) according to the specified parameters:

To cancel filtering, click on the button "width =" 22 "height =" 22 "> (" Apply filter "). The figure shows an example using this type of document filtering. "width =" 492 "height =" 235 src = ">

Perhaps the record has been moved to the archive

Working with archival documents is carried out using the button: "width =" 623 height = 199 "height =" 199 ">

The table header will be highlighted when working with the archive in green... The transition to active documents is carried out in the same way: "width =" 558 "height =" 78 ">

To eliminate the error, the web client user should in the settings of the corresponding browser (MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) allow pop-up windows for the site from which the SUFMS web client is launched.

For example, in Mozilla Firefox, along with an error, a warning line about a locked window will appear at the top of the window with the option of making the necessary settings. Follow these steps: "width =" 521 "height =" 89 src = ">

Pop-up blocking options can be changed as needed. Mozilla settings Firefox. To do this, open the "Tools - Options ..." item in the main browser menu, go to the "Content" tab in the "Settings" window and change the values ​​of the corresponding parameters.

Addressee "href =" / text / category / adresat / "rel =" bookmark "> addressee.

To perform documentary control, you need to place the cursor in the list of documents on the document being checked and press the button "width =" 585 "height =" 259 ">

5.2 Checking the installation of certificates

Start button → All Programs → Crypto-Pro → Certificates.

By choosing personal certificate, you can check the installation of root certificates. When incorrect installation, the "Certificate" window will look like:

To sign documents with a qualified personal certificate (manufactured after 01/01/2014), you must install a root certificate valid until 06/28/2018

To sign documents with an unqualified personal certificate (manufactured before 01/01/2014), you must install a root certificate valid until 05.24.2016.

You can download the root certificate on the page:

http: // karelia. roskazna. ru / page / 26689

Instructions for installing certificates can be downloaded on the page:

http: // karelia. roskazna. ru / page / 26749

5.3 Checking if the plugin is working

5.4 The message "The certificate with the specified fingerprint was not found in the system"

When signing a document in the "Cryptographic operations" window, the "Certificate owner" field contains the value "The certificate with the specified fingerprint was not found in the system": "width =" 623 "height =" 267 src = ">

The error occurs if the browser settings are set to block pop-ups. To fix the error, you need to change the browser settings.

When using the Mozilla FireFox browser, follow these steps:

1. Click right key"Mouse" by the button "Settings". "width =" 521 "height =" 89 ">

For complete elimination this problem is necessary:

1. In the main browser menu, go to the following path "Tools - Options - Tab" Content "

2. Uncheck the box next to the "Block pop-up windows" setting. "width =" 294 "height =" 371 src = ">

5.6 Blank window "Cryptographic operations"

When signing a document, after clicking the "Signature" button, the "Cryptographic Operations" pop-up window remains blank.

DIV_ADBLOCK59 "> "width =" 502 "height =" 353 src = ">

If after restarting the browser and performing the actions, the error persists, then you need to contact the ORSBI department.

5.8 "Digital signature is not enhanced" message

It is necessary to check the already imposed signature on the document: select the document in the list of documents and press the button ("Signature check") on the toolbar. The result of the check will be displayed in the information window.

If the document does not pass the EDS authentication, the result column will be marked “ERROR” and its approval status will be defined as “Approval error”.

If a similar situation arises, it is necessary to remove the first signature and sign the document again. Only the user who put the signature can remove the signature on the document. To remove the signature of a document (if the document has not yet been sent), select the document in the list of documents, the signature of which is being removed and on the toolbar, click the button "width = "637" height = "305 src =">

The subscriber can view received information documents, attachments to them, as well as create documents.

By the button "Create new document»The document form opens.

The form fields are filled in as follows:

a) Leave the "Recipient" field (the top row of windows) unchanged.

b) Indicate the "Date of validity of the document".

c) The field "Name of the document" is selected from the reference book, for this in the field "Code" you must type "INF" and press the button ("Apply filter"). The field “Document name” will be filled with the value “information notifications”.

e) Fill in short description(Message subject).

f) Add attachments.

Attention! If the attachments exceed the specified amount, the document does NOT pass documentary control and is not saved, please control the amount of attachments: After filling in the form fields, the document is saved, controlled, signed and sent.

7. Working with statements

To work with statements, go to the menu item "Documents - Operational reporting - Reports - Reports". An electronic form of the list of documents will open, shown in the figure:

In order to print the statement, you can use the "Print reports" button on the toolbar. To print attachments, you must open a statement for viewing. The form is shown in the following figure:

By button 1, only the Statement will be printed. In order to print or save attachments to it (applications for cash expense, payment orders), it is best to do the following: put a tick in field 3, then press button 2 ("Print") located directly above the attachment table. As a result, a window for multiple selection of print templates will be displayed on the screen; from the drop-down list, you must select a format for printing each type of documents (pdf, xls, rtf) and click the "OK" button.

In the window that opens, select "Open" or "Save", click the "OK" button:

This will open a form with a list of documents. An extract / Appendix will be in one of the documents, all applications for cash flow will be in another, in the third file there will be all payment orders. Only the type of documents you want can be printed.

8.1 Organization selection list

The organization selection list serves to select the organization on behalf of which the documents will be processed. To call the list, you need to perform a single left-click on the "Magnifier" icon (or in the area to the left of the icon). To quickly go to the documents of the required organization, enter the UBP code or part of the organization's name in the search bar and press the "Enter" key: "width =" 480 "height =" 256 ">

8.2 Configuring the display of the list of documents

In the list of documents, you can easily configure which columns and in what sequence should be displayed for viewing. In order to configure which columns should be displayed, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Click the right mouse button anywhere in the line containing the column headings of the document list and select the "Settings" item in the menu that opens. "width =" 213 "height =" 187 ">

Among the available columns are the "Client" (organization name) columns and the "Personal account number" column. As a result of customization, the list of documents will contain only those columns that were selected during customization.

In order to configure the sequence in which the columns should be displayed in the list of documents, you must perform the following sequence:

1. Place the cursor on the heading of the column to be moved.

2. Press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move the column to the left or right to the desired position. "width =" 13 "height =" 16 ">).

If you click on the column header area again, the records will be sorted in descending order of values ​​in the selected column (the icon will appear to the right of the column name).

Clicking the column header area a third time will restore the default order of the entries in the list. Subsequent clicks on the column header area will alternate the sort order in the same way.

8.4 Filtering by Columns

For quick filtering of records, you can set filtering conditions in the top empty line list..gif "width =" 26 "height =" 26 src = ">“ Reset filter. ”The filter panel displays the value“ All records ”, and all records corresponding to it are restored in the list.

Filtering parameter values ​​must be case sensitive. The "%" sign replaces any number of any characters. To apply a filter, click on the "Apply filter" button on the filter panel, to reset the filter, click on the button "width =" 623 height = 247 "height = "247">

The signature window is a so-called pop-up window. The error occurs if the browser settings are set to block pop-ups. To fix the error, you need to change the browser settings. When using the Mozilla Firefox browser, do the following: In the main browser menu, go to the following path "Tools - Options - Content tab" Uncheck the "Block pop-up windows" line (Fig. 2). Figure 2.

Enter the address of the portal and click the "allow" button as shown in Figure 3. The address of the SUFMS portal you need to enter this address in the address of the line, which is highlighted in red. To save the setting, click the "close" and "OK" buttons. Figure 3. Adding a portal to exclusions.

To fix the problem, you need to perform the following sequence of actions: 1. Add a personal certificate to the "Personal" store using the certificate installation via "Crypto Pro 3.6". 2. Restart the browser, log in to the Portal (log in with your username and password to the SUFD Portal) and repeat the signing of the document. 3. If the error persists, then call the department information systems by phone and clarify whether it is installed this certificate on the UFC server. There are also mistakes with signing. One signature is affixed, and the second is not affixed, then it is necessary to remove the signature, which became famous. The signature is removed by the “remove signature” icon.

If a window appears as in Figure 6, then you need to check the "Always trust content from this publisher ”and click the“ Run ”button. If a window appears as in Figure 7, then press the "No" button so that the resource is not blocked. Figure 6. Warning window Figure 7. Lock window

If, when signing a document, a window appears as in Figure 8, then the necessary certificates are not installed in the system. If the string of characters in the error corresponds to the following line "8a a4 4f 36 e3 5b f 83 0f 00 4a 97 ab d5 09 2f", then the system does not have the UUC2011 root certificate installed. (ucc2011) and install it in the Trusted Root Store. Figure 8. Error window

The problem can arise for several reasons: 1. The document is not selected in the list of documents. 2. The document has not passed the "documentary control" - it is necessary to carry out documentary control or correct errors in the document, if it has already been carried out. 3. Signing certificates not installed - install certificates using "Crypto Pro 3.6". If clauses 1-3 did not help, contact the RSiBI department or the information systems department (tel).

When authorizing in the SUFD Portal, the error "HTTP 500 ERROR" appears This error means that the UBP code (code of the participant in the budgetary process) of the organization is not tied to user accounts. To solve the problem, you must contact the information systems department (tel).

When signing a document, an error "No certificates / No valid certificates found" appears. The error can occur for several reasons: 1. Valid certificates are not installed - you need to install the necessary certificates. 2. Incorrect date and time on the working machine - it is necessary to set correct date and time! For stable work Of the SUFD portal in operating system Windows 7 needs to run the Portal ( Mozilla browser Firefox) as administrator. To do this, perform the following steps: 1. Right-click on the desired shortcut(Mozilla Firefox browser shortcut) and select "Properties". 2. Go to the "Shortcut" tab, click "Advanced", check the "Run as administrator" box (Figure 9): Figure 9.

3. Or go to the Compatibility tab and check the Run this program as administrator box (Figure 10): Figure 10.

Many procurement participants, regardless of experience, face the problem of correct operation on an electronic trading platform. These errors can be detected at any time, including during electronic trading.

The consequences can be very different, namely:

  • Application for participation in the competition not submitted in time
  • Lost e-auction
  • State contract not signed in time

The three most common problems with electronic signatures

  1. The procurement participant certificate is not displayed on the electronic site
  2. Electronic signature does not sign documents

In fact, there can be much more errors, but we will analyze the main and their causes, and also designate possible ways troubleshoot problems.

The most important thing is to remember that for correct operation electronic signature nessesary to use Internet browser Explorer is not lower than 8 version and, preferably, not higher than 11 (with 11 version there is no guarantee of stable operation of the signature).

The signing key certificate is not visible on the site when trying to log in

In this case, the error was caused by several reasons at once, namely:

  • Incorrect configuration of the signing key certificate
  • Internet browser is incorrectly configured
  • Missing root certificate of the Certification Authority

How to solve the problem?

First of all, you need to make sure that you have correctly installed the open part of the certificate in the personal one through the cryptographic information protection tool (Crypto Pro). Moreover, the version installed program suitable for your operating system type.

Then, in the Internet Explorer browser settings, you must add site addresses to trusted sites and enable all ActiveX controls.

Electronic signature gives an error when signing documents

Typically, this error occurs in a number of cases:

  • The license of the CryptoPro program has expired
  • Media with different certificate inserted

How to fix it?

To do this, you need to obtain a new license by contacting the Certification Center. After the license has been successfully obtained, you need to launch CryptoPro and enter serial number licenses.

In the second case, you need to check all closed containers (media) inserted into the USB connector of the computer and check that the correct certificate was selected.

The system gives an error when entering the electronic platform

This error can be caused by a combination of the reasons indicated above. As practice shows, such an error first of all appears due to the incorrectly installed Capicom library. We recommend that you check for the installed library on your computer and pay attention to the need to copy 2 system files with the extension .dll into one of Windows folders when using a 64-bit system.

In order for you to avoid such errors, before installing an electronic signature, read on installing and configuring an electronic signature or order for the release and configuration of an electronic signature in our company.

Technical requirements

  • Java - Installation and Configuration

  • Mozilla Firefox - Installation

  • Connection to the SUFD-Portal

  • Creating and sending a document in the SUFD-Portal

  • Typical mistakes
  • Technical requirements

    To work with the AWP DUBP Portal, it is necessary that the following technical requirements are observed at the workplace:

    1. There is access to the Internet with an access speed of at least 128 kb / s, 512 kb / s or more is recommended for comfortable work.

    2. At the workplace from which the work with the Portal will be carried out, the operating system must be installed:

    2.1. Windows 2000

    3. At the workplace from which the work with the Portal will be carried out, an additional software

    3.1. SKZI "Continent-AP" (provided by the FC body)

    3.2. SKZI " CryptoPRO CSP»Version 3.0 or higher (provided by the FC authority)

    3.3. Antivirus protection tools

    3.4. Internet Explorer browser version 8 or higher or Mozilla Firefox versions 3.6 and higher, it is preferable to use the Mozilla Firefox browser, because using this browser fewer signing errors

    3.5. Java versions 7.67, 7.71, 7.75, etc. with disabled parameter Mixed code, but not higher than version 7.80

    3.6. The certificate of the certification center has been installed (provided by the FC authority)

    Java - Installation and Configuration

    Distribution version 7.67 : http: //java. com/ ru/ download/ manual. jsp# win

    Additionally, you may need to install:

    After Java installations be sure to disable the check:

    for this - go to “ Control Panel”And open Java,

    Set parameter: Medium.

    Only after that Java is ready to work !!!

    For information, "clear cache" - temporary files in Java:

    Go to tab: General ;

    Mozilla Firefox - Installation

    On latest versions Mozilla Firefox developers abandoned automatic start Java plugin as it has security issues. To enable the plugin, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the red plugin icon in the address bar and a message box will open.

    2. At the bottom of the message window, click on the drop-down menu to the right of the "Enable all plugins" button and select "Always enable plugins on this site".

    Connection to the SUFD-Portal

    To work in the SUFD Portal, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

    1. Establish a secure connection using the Continent-AP program.

    2. Launch Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browser.

    3. Enter the link in the address bar:

    The Registration window will open:

    In the Registration window, you must enter the username and password given in the Office, and click the OK button.

    Attention! If the username and password are entered incorrectly 3 times , then, the user will be blocked for 10 minutes.

    All work is done using the menu tree. In it, by opening branches, you need to select documents for work.

    All buttons may not fit on the screen, to access the hidden buttons, use the arrows to move to the desired side:

    Creating and sending a document in the SUFD-Portal

    Log in to the SUFD-Portal system using the link:

    For successful authorization you need

    establish a connection to the Continent-AP !!!

    Only after that you can start working in the SUFD-Portal.

    Before creating a document, you need to make sure the right choice the role of the organization. Changing the role of the organization is done by choosing from the pop-up list in the upper right corner of the working window.

    To create and send a document, you need to do the following:

    1. There are several ways to create a document in the system by clicking the corresponding button:
    - Import documents

    Create a new document

    Create a copy of the document

    After the completion of sending, you can control the passage of the document by tracking the status in the "Status (name)" column.

    Typical mistakes

    Question: How to view information from settlement documents in the SUFD?

    Information from the settlement documents in the SUFD is included in the statement, you can print it by opening the statement for viewing and select all files in the attachment container and press the "print" button.

    It is necessary to check the Continent-AP connection again, if it is successfully established, then the shield-shaped icon in the lower right corner next to the clock should turn blue.

    Question: My Account locked.

    If you entered your credentials incorrectly three times, your account will be blocked in accordance with the security policy within 10 minutes. After the expiration of this period of time, it is necessary to repeat the authorization.

    Question: If you get an error while opening the document:

    Internet Explorer (hereinafter IE) must be configured. Consider this setting using IE version 8 (recommended by the manufacturer) as an example.

    We go to the PPO "SUFD-Portal" by typing in the address bar:
    An authorization window will open. After that, you need to go to the IE browser menu item "Service" - "Internet Options".

    The "Internet Properties" window opens.

    Go to the "Security" tab, select "Trusted sites" and click the "Sites" button.

    The "Trusted sites" window will open, in which you must uncheck the box "For all sites in this zone, server verification is required (https :)"

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