
Google Play gives the RH 01 error. What to do to correct the error. Setting the right date and time on the device

"Error When receiving data from the RH-01 server" occurs when you open the Play Market or attempt to download and update applications. This is a fairly widespread error, but it is possible to get rid of it.

How to get rid of the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server

There are several ways to solve this problem, but if you have installed proper date and time, and after the appearance of the error you rebooted Device, then consider that several ways you have already completed.

First method: Clearing the "Play Market" applications, "Google Play" and "Google Services Framework".

One way to get rid of the error is to clear the data and the PLAY MARKET cache. For this you need:

1) go to "Settings";

2) Press "Application Manager" and in the list of applications to choose "Play Market", then click "Memory" (for different versions of the Android OS, the actions may differ);

3) in the window that opens needs to be press "Clear data";

4) T. i need to do the operation with "Google Play services"and "Google Services Framework"(If the "Clear Data" buttons are not, you can use the Clear Cache button). Possible to find the Google Services Framework application you will need to go to "Options" and choose "Show system applications".

If the error is still highlighted, you can use other solutions to the problem. One of them is to delete and re-add a Google account.

The second way: delete and re-adding a Google account.

For this:

1) go to "Settings" and select "Accounts";

After that you need reboot Device I. ango Add Google account by entering an email address and password.

Third way: Enabling the disabled applications required for the Play Market.

In pursuit of additional free memory, users often disable some applications that they seem to them do not need. However, some of these "not needed" applications may be needed for Play Market. Due to the fact that one of these applications can be disabled "Error When receiving data from the RH-01 server". Therefore, check if you accidentally disabled one of these applications. Such applications include "Google Play" and Google Services Framework services. To view a list of disabled applications:

1) go to "Settings", Go to "Application Manager" and select tab "Disabled";

2) If the Google Play service and / or "Google Services Framework" services are disabled, select them and click "Enable";

Another effective way to get rid of the error is to download and install the "Play Market" applications and "Google Play" services from third-party sites through the browser. All you need to do is to open a browser and enter the appropriate request in the search string. Download applications from any site you trust. Use the well-known site for these purposes, for example, the site When you download these two applications, pay attention to the supported version of Android (it must match the one that is installed on your device), as well as the absence of viruses in the application.

Download and install the Play Market and Google Play Services.Perhaps for this you will need to allow installing applications from third-party sources.

Many owners of mobile devices based on Android operating systems are certainly known that the built-in PLAY MARKET applet often causes failures with the appearance of errors. One of these is the Play Market RH-01 error. On how to fix it with several simple ways, then it will be discussed. It is eliminated by completely simple actions performed directly on the device.

Play Market RH-01 Error on Phone or Tablet: Failure Nature

Actually, the sage description itself informs the user that the problem of obtaining data from the application itself has arisen.

However, it is impossible to blame this applet. In most cases, the Play Market RH-01 connection error has several other nature associated with the incorrect setting of Google Services and Services, Changing the Device "Garbage", making changes to the firmware, stop or removing the service-related services (for example, GS Framework) and etc. Based on these reasons, most users can offer several basic techniques that in most cases eliminate the problem.

How to fix the Play Market RH-01 error with the simplest way?

It is possible that the system has happened short-term failure at the program level due to internal conflicts in the operating system itself. Although the Play Market RH-01 error on the phone does not directly indicate this, it can also be.

Cleaning cache

But suppose that after rebooting when you try to access the specified service, the Play Market RH-01 error jumps again. What to do in such a situation?

It is possible that the user has not been cleaning temporary files and cache for a long time, which accumulate on the internal drive of the device with an incredible speed. In this case, you should use the settings, go to the application section, find the "Google Play" services, enter the parameters, and then tap the erasure buttons and clean the cache. After that, similar actions must be done with Framework and Play Market applets. For loyalty, the device can be rebooted, although it is not a prerequisite.

Time and Date Parameters

Now let's see how to correct the Play Market RH-01 error, if after the above actions it will appear again. Oddly enough, but one of the reasons for its appearance may be incorrect installation of the date and time parameters when they do not match the user device and the remote server (they are not synchronized).

To solve the problem, you must check the appropriate settings. Usually in the options installed synchronization over the network. If you see that the options do not correspond to reality, set the date and time manually and pay special attention to the time zone used, since its incorrect selection even at the correct installation and time will be able to trigger the reaping failure.

Actions with user registration data

Sometimes (and this is marked by many specialists and users) Play Market RH-01 error may occur due to the fact that the account registered for Google services is not recognized by the system. Why is this happening, it is unknown, but the fact, as they say, remains a fact.

The only correct solution in this situation will be removed from the existing account in the appropriate section, after which it will be necessary to reboot, in the process of which it will be proposed to re-enter existing data or create a new registration. In theory, if the main application is not damaged, it will work.

What if you have Freedom applet installed?

Another reason for the appearance of the Play MARKET RH-01 error is often called the Freedom applet situations (naturally, if it is installed on the device).

You must first open the menu of the application itself and select the stop command (STOP). After that, you need to remove the applet using the standard Android application partition. But, as practice shows, it is better to use any program-optimizer or a cleaner (Cleeter), in which there is a function of deleting user or system applications.

Note: If you do not use the application stop, it will be incorrectly deleted, after which it will be necessary to install it again and delete it correctly.

Cardinal method

Finally, the above-described effects of the effect may not give, but the Play Market RH-01 error will appear again. In such a situation, you can use the following method.

To begin with, get root-rights by installing, for example, the Kingo root program on a computer and mobile device. When connecting to a PC, run applets, after which the computer will be downloaded and installing the required driver, which will "roll the device".

After that, on the phone, use the deletion of system applications and get rid of Play Market. Then download the installation APK file from a trusted site, just in case, check it on the Viruses on the PC, copy to the mobile device and install the applet again.

The latest solution

If nothing does not help at all (and this can also be), you will have to take advantage of the recovery of the factory firmware. Use the reset to the factory state directly on the phone or tablet is not recommended, because the effect you need it can not give, and even after that the error will come out again.

It is best to take advantage of specialized utilities calculated on specific series of mobile devices. For example, the Sony Xperia line smartphones is best suited for Xperia Companion, installed on a stationary computer or laptop, which will be recovered. This method certainly gives one hundred percent guarantee that the described service will work again and without failures.

Note: Before starting the recovery, copy the necessary data to the removable card or on the PC, because during the installation of the factory firmware they will all be destroyed.

What decision to prefer?

Lategorous question. In general, it is necessary to advise not to apply the cardinal tools at once. It is better to try to eliminate the error using solutions just in the order in which they were shown in the above material. Removing the main applet and restoring the factory firmware - the most recent solutions, if, really, nothing helps (unfortunately, this is common enough). But usually cleaning the device and setting the correct time the result is given. It is more difficult with accounts, since and when you delete, important personal data may be lost.

Most modern smartphones operate on the Android operating system. All applications in it are installed using the built-in Play Market store. It is very convenient - it is enough to choose the desired program from thousands represented in the catalog, and immediately it downloads and is installed. However, it happens that the RH-01 error occurs when trying to open Play Market. When this happens, the application store becomes unavailable, and download nothing from it. These are many users in confusion, but everything is not as scary as it seems. The problem is usually solved by yourself.

Troubleshooting RH-01 errors in Play Market.

The RH-01 error appears when you receive data from the server where the store is located. This means that the smartphone or tablet cannot contact it and download the start page. The reasons why Play Market gives out such an error as RH-01, is somewhat:

  • Failures in the operating system or its incorrect setup.
  • Failures in Play Market.
  • Using root-access on the device, because of which some programs or services could be error deleted or disabled.
  • Incorrect Google Account Settings on the device.
  • Using third-party programs, to purchase a game currency for free on fictitious data. The freedom program is most common. It makes changes to the HOSTS system file, and because of this, different problems appear when connecting to the server. It must be removed.

All this is not scary and quite solved on its own. Screwdriver and soldering iron is not required for this.

How can I fix the error Rh-01

In each situation you need to do differently. But usually the reason is unclear, and it happens unexpectedly, literally "yesterday everything worked, and today - no." Therefore, you have to try different ways to solve the problem until it disappears. It is better to start with the simplest, which, by the way, usually help solve the problem with the elimination of RH-01.

Setting the right date and time

The first thing to do is necessarily when the RH-01 error appears in Play Market, - check the date and time. They may be faithful at first glance, but the time zone can be wrong. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Date and Time", and check there, and if necessary, set the correct parameters. On the time zone also pay attention. Sometimes such simple actions help, and the problem is solved. But if Play Market still reports about the problem, then try the following ways.

When the RH-01 error occurs on the phone while trying to go to Play Market, and the previous way did not help, you can simply try to restart it. When it is not done for a long time, errors are accumulated in the operating system, some background services can work incorrectly or disconnected. In addition, during operation, the system creates many different temporary files that brake its operation. As a result, different error codes appear, including RH-01 in Play Market. The usual reboot of the smartphone can solve a huge number of problems, including this. A newly started operating system clears the garbage accumulated in the previous session, re-starts all the necessary services. Therefore, the error may disappear by itself, since there are simply no program reasons for it.

Clearing Time Files Play Market

Sometimes Play Market gives the RH-01 error if there are too many "garbage" in the appendix, that is, temporary files. They are created when working almost any program, and upon completion it remains on the flash drive or in the internal memory. When this garbage accumulates a lot, it slows down the operation of the system as a whole, and the application can not work incorrectly or not to start. Therefore, these temporary files are periodically useful. To clear the Play Market temporary file folder, you need to go to "Settings" - "applications" and select "Google Play Market". On this screen, there is a noticeable button "Clear cache" - this is what you need. If temporary files have accumulated a lot, cleaning will take some time, so you have to wait. Also use the "Erase Data" button.

Spend the same interim file cleaning operation for Google Play and Google Services Framework. In different versions of the operating system and on different phones, some of them may be absent in the list of applications, so beware of those that are from the named. Restart your smartphone and see if the RH-01 error disappeared. It often helps this method.

Google Account Error

Sometimes the Fault Connection in Play Market with the RH-01 error occurs because of the wrong Google account. For example, you could change the password from it on the computer, and on the smartphone it remained old, so the application cannot access the store. To get to the account settings, go to "Settings" and at the bottom there are finding the "Accounts" section - you are interested in "Google", tap on this item, and it will reveal. You will see your Google account by the name of the Gmail mailbox. Tap the name of the mailbox and go to the settings of this account. Sometimes it helps to enable synchronization in the account settings, but not always. Reliable delete account completely from the device - use it for this item in the Delete Account menu.

Now, if you start Play Market, you will be asked to enter a login and password from Google account. Enter them correctly and see if the error has disappeared RH-01.

Reinstalling Google Play Market

Google Play Market may also be accompanied by an RH-01 error. If the previous methods did not help, you can try to reinstall the store application itself. To do this, you must first stop, and then delete it. Go to "Settings" - "Applications" - "Google Play Market". Next, use the "Stop" and "Disable" buttons. You will see a warning that shutdown Play Market can damage the work of other programs. However, show perseverance and the program will be stopped. After that, use the "Delete Updates" button. All, the application is disabled and deleted.

To install the store again, you need to go to "applications" again and find it in the list, and then just turn on. The application will be installed from the copy of Android, which was installed on the smartphone by the manufacturer, so the Play Market version will be the same that was originally. When connecting the Internet Play Market updated to the latest version. Usually reinstalling Play Market helps solve the problem with RH-01, if other, simpler methods do not help. The problem of solving the problem is usually enough. All of them are quite simple and do not require qualifications. But if nothing helps, you may need a smartphone or tablet firmware, and it is better to trust the specialist.

Tell us in the comments if you met the RH-01 error and what kind of solution helps it. Any your advice will help our readers in a similar situation.

Errors when receiving data from the Google Play server are quite common, especially the error RH-01. What is this mistake and how to say goodbye to it, read in this article.

What does the RH-01 error mean?

The RH-01 error most often occurs when various changes are made in the functionality of the gadget. This concerns incorrect setting up Google Play, poor quality custom firmware, installation of incorrect date and time or from the system of your device is deleted or frozen Google Services Framework. If you are frozen it yourself, I will not be able to defrost problems. But how to return Google Services to the place?

How to fix the RH-01 error without root and recovery?

1. First of all, restart your device if the error has not disappeared, then this is not a single insoluction of your device.

2. Make sure the date and time is correct and correct the desired, in case of failure

3. Clean the cache and data in the settings. This will help you with this.How to remove cache on android?.

4. If it does not help, delete your Google Account account, restart, go to Google Play (GP) and log in to your account. If problems arose, read the article.

Installing Google Services With ROOT Rights

If you yourself decided to delete the services, but they made a backup, then everything is simple, return the application to the place. If everything happened "in itself", then the conductor will help you and ROOT rightsSince these actions are produced at the root of the device's memory. How to get the root right you will learn in this.

If you have root rights, you can try to go to the section / System / App and check permissions Phonesky.apk. and GoogleServicesFramework.apk.must be " rW-R-R", Correct if necessary. If these files are not, you will have to install the GP manually.

Before downloading GP services, you need to know one important feature - this application is installed under the screen density ( DPI). If it is wrong to install, it will work badly, or it will not be at all.

Installing Google Play.:

  • Download the app Google Play services
  • Look for one of these.apk files: / Google Play or Services / Gmscore.. The name depends on the device model and the installed firmware. Search need B. system / App. or data / App.Sometimes found in both places.
  • The downloaded version of GP services is placed first in system / App.. Put the rights " rW-R-R" Restart the device.
  • If the previous item did not work, then do the same in the folder data / App..

Correct the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server using custom recovery

On some devices you can install

RH 01 Error appears in the playing market due to problems when receiving data from the server of the same name. You can eliminate malfunctions in different ways, from the usual Android reboot before removing custom information. Sometimes an error appears when you try to establish a connection to the dferh-01 server. You can fix this problem in the same way as RH error.

Error RH 01 in Play Market Appendix does not necessarily indicate the presence of serious problems in the work of the program. Sometimes a simple restart of the device helps to troubleshoot.

  1. Press and hold the off key.
  2. Select Reload.
  3. Wait for the system to restart and check the performance of the playmark.

You can not restart the phone, and turn it off and turn it back. There is no difference that the user did from this, the result will be one - restarting the system with a correction of minor errors in the device.

Changing date and time

If the reboot did not help and in the Play Market, the RH 01 error continues to appear, check the date and time set on the device. Pay special attention to the date. Time may be wrong, because there are different time zones, but the date must be accurate. The fact is that when communicating with the server, any system checks certificates that are issued for a certain period. If the date is incorrect, Android considers the certificate invalid and gives an error in Google Play and other applications.

To fix the date:

  1. Open the settings, the "Date and Time" submenu.
  2. Put the synchronization over the network.

If synchronization is enabled, but the data is displayed incorrectly, due to which the playing market does not work, configure the date manually. Disable the synchronization and use of the network time time, and then sequentially enter the correct date and time. Try to go to Google Play with the correct date and time parameters.

Cleaning data and cache

What if the date is installed correctly, but Play Market refuses to work? Clear cache and built-in programs that are responsible for contact with Google servers and application store operation.

After deleting temporary files of all embedded programs responsible for communication with Google Servers, try again to start the play market and install any application from it.

Re-adding account

When working with the application store, everything is tied to the user account in Google. If there are any problems with it, then errors will appear when connecting to the server and perform other actions. Eliminate the factors that interfer the normal operation of Play Market, you can only with one way that is to delete and re-add an account.

  1. Open the settings and locate the submenu or the "Accounts" field. It needs to select the "Google" section to get into the list of all accounts registered on this site.
  2. Select the profile in the list that you use in the play markete. Open its parameters.
  3. Call an additional menu and select "Delete".

IMPORTANT: When removing the account, data may be lost, which were not previously synchronized, so before washing the profile, be sure to make a backup with relevant information.

After deleting an account, restart the device. The next time you start the system, go to the settings and click "Add" in the Account field. Enter the e-mail and password from the former profile to add it to the device again. After adding an account, check whether Play Market works.

Troubleshooting After Removing Freedom

Freedom is an application that allows you to make in-game purchases through a fictitious card. The user receives the playing currency for free, but in return, he has to put up with some inconveniences - in particular, periodically emerging errors.

If it is wrong to use the Freedom program or incorrectly delete it, then the HOSTS will remain records that will interfere with the system to connect to the server. To troubleshoot the problem, you need root-rights, without them to the Hosts file it will not be possible to get.

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