
Sample letter for concluding a contract with mail. As an online store to work with "Russian Post. to provide postal services

In activity russian companies It is still difficult to abandon the services of Russian Post. Online stores send purchases, other firms send official letters and claims. The departments of the state company are open in the most remote settlements, in which there are even shops or offices of Sberbank. To legal entities to conclude an agreement with Russian Post - this means to significantly save and optimize your interaction with the monopolist organization.

Advantages for corporate clients

State monopoly offers firms to become her corporate clients. On the official website of the organization at there are conditions for concluding an agreement.

Side will be able to become both companies and individual entrepreneurs. You can also log in to your personal account and use the service management option.

The advantages in communicating with the organization, related citizens and the rhine relationship that gives up to the most deaf corners, for corporate clients become:

  • option for choosing a convenient place and time to send your correspondence. There is no need to stand in the queues. For legal entitieswho concluded a subscription service agreement, separate employees and racks are provided;
  • tariffs, due to the larger volume of services provided, more profitable than with one-time interaction;
  • more than competing courier services, experience with correspondence in international reports;
  • payment for services from the current account.

Help: All major state-owned companies systematically work in this way, sending the most urgent letters using express delivery.

How to conclude a service contract

To conclude an agreement with Russian Post, it will be necessary to provide the manager serving customers from the corporate sector and entrepreneurs, a certain package of documents in which:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of certificates;
  • fresh, no later than a month, extract from the register;
  • confirmation of powers of the executive body.

Employee Mail, most likely, demanded copies with notarization, and an extract with the Tax Printing. In coordination of the loyalty of all documents, except for extracting, it will be possible to confirm by putting a stamp "Copy of Verne", the printing of the enterprise and the signature of the company's head. So that the manager contacted for the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to leave an application at: You will need to enter:

  • details of the company;
  • type of ownership (private, state)
  • contact person data (telephone and email);
  • required services (postal departments, express letters - EMC, parcels);
  • need for promotional services;
  • the need for the abonation of boxes.

On the basis of the data entered, the draft treaty will be generated. The contract proposed by the Russian Post is not amenable to change. It is approved at the level of its corporate guidelines in the status of mandatory for use. It is impossible to contribute to it. Therefore, it should be borne in account, what advantages receive a new client, and what questions it is necessary to take the most carefully.

Interaction Order: Personal Cabinet

The conclusion of the contract immediately turns into a number of benefits for a company or entrepreneur. Personal office of Russian Post for legal entities allows you to track the track path of your letters online, without spending time on the transition to a special service. The company that signed an agreement with mail is able to use a number of services offered to it. Sending correspondence can occur not only in the offices of the monopolist, if it is provided for by the contract, the car with branded labeling directly from the client's building will take the letters and parcels.

Interesting: Payment of all services is made from the settlement account of the organization to the mail account, but some cases leaving the limits of monthly limits will be allowed to pay for exceeding with a corporate credit card.


When communicating with a monopolist, it is necessary to provide for the occurrence of standard difficulties. Letters sometimes go slower than it is expected, but this problem is easily solved by noting the need for express delivery services.

At the same time, the updated package of giant offers made it possible to take advantage of new interesting options, including:

  • verified shipment electronic messages. The text of the letter is saved as a PDF document that subscribes electronic signature. The report on its delivery is recorded by mail and may be evidence in court;
  • delivery of correspondence to offices Contracts are not in general rule, but by couriers. This allows you to significantly reduce the exchange time of official documents;
  • letters can receive on behalf of its representative without a power of attorney, if its data specifically listed in the contract;
  • within the framework of a single agreement, you can send a postal transfer or to promote the brand, and, if necessary, it is representatives of the mail to stamps on envelopes and parcels. The list of services will be corrected and supplemented after making an agreement.

Important: Services are paid only by advance, for each next month.

Russian Post for legal entities is not the only possibility of sending correspondence. Express mail, courier services and transport companies are working in the country, each of which can provide the same services faster and sometimes cheaper. But, as practice shows, such a solution is beneficial for one-time shipments. With mass and systematic mailing alternatives, the Russian Post does not exist.

Today, the main growth of the E-Commerce market in Russia is due to the regions. 30% of traffic online stores make it precisely regions, and this share is growing annually. As a result, before each online store, published on a certain level of development and coverage, the question of how and with the help of which operators will deliver. "Mail of Russia" still has no worthy coating competitor, but shops often refuse to work with it. There are many reasons: multi-stage preferred preparation, which involves content in a special person's store, which is engaged in this, the difficulty of monitoring the movement of the parcel, additional load on the call center, a large number of Returns. The Village asked the expert to tell how to cope with some typical problems Under cooperation with "Russian Post".

Julia Avdeeva

express Delivery Service
"Idea Lodzhik"

Choose the right compartment

The first thing you have to do is choose a convenient post office (OPS). Here you should pay attention to several factors that then will significantly simplify your life. First, see if employees work in this compartment. The more windows open, the better. Secondly, it is important that in this compartment there is a separate window for working with corporate clients, as well as a highlighted window for passing parcels. The worst option is when the services are paid in one window, and renting parcels, and sending letters. Thirdly, pay attention to how friendly in this place the team is possible with them to agree. Find in the department of Loyal to your company Employee "Mail" is half success.

In the offices located on the outskirts, the queue is usually less than in the central. The postal logistics in Moscow is well established, the parcels from all offices take away every day. Then they fall into the sorting center. Large online stores and companies that have the status of a federal client miss the first stage and have the right to choose an ops adjacent to the sorting center. If the online store decides to transfer the company's delivery features with federal status, this can be saved on one or two days.

Get used to independence

The next stage is the conclusion of the contract with the FSUE "Post of Russia". You can do this both in the communications department itself and in the main office. There is a typical contract for the provision of postal service and rely on whether some changes will make some changes for an ordinary online store. In this case, each contract passes several steps of internal coordination, and this process can delay. The Council is one - and suitable for any situations: you need to constantly remind yourself.

You should not count that "Mail" will "run" you, it is at all that you are responsible for constantly reminding your business. After signing the contract, you will need to put money on the deposit and constantly check how much you have left. Remember that the "Mail" works only on an advance payment. Personal Cabinet On the site or any ways to inform about the shortage of funds in your account they do not have, so, again, for everything they will have to follow the "manually".

Learn Rules

To work with "Mail", you will have to highlight a separate employee in the state, as it requires a lot of strength, time and attention. The main document for him should be the "Rules for the provision of postal service services". The main problem is many things in it are described very blurry (for example, packaging rules) and can be interpreted by various postal employees and in various post offices in different ways. Simply put, if they want to frit, it will be easy to do. Therefore, with postal workers it is better to be friends.

Select Right Packaging

Proper packaging will save you from many problems. 3% of all parcels are damaged and disappeared along the way, and it is often associated with the wrong packaging. Package departure to the package is cheaper than in the box, but the contents of the package are easier to damage. And unfortunately, there are unscrupulous workers in all areas. Despite the fact that "Mail" is actively fighting with it, there are cases when the craftsmen gently climb the edge of the package, take out the goods, put something close in weight and put the bag. In addition, the parcel is moving around the road so many times from place to place that if it is not provided with an additional level of protection in the form of a box, it will be too vulnerable. Do not necessarily use mail boxes. For example, our company buys ordinary boxes in bulk, so they cost cheaper. It is not necessary to make branded boxes, because they need to be pre-coordinated, otherwise they can refuse them to accept them. Often the eyes are closed at this rule, but they can and find fault.

Work correctly with claims

The term of consideration of claims from "Mail" is officially 60 days. But in fact, these deadlines are not always observed, and claims can be considered for several months. We'll have to remind much again. If you saw that the parcel is stuck at some stage, just figure out what is wrong with it. Be sure to inform your customers that if the parcel is damaged or there is a weight difference, the parcel needs to be opened and check its contents in the presence of post office staff. Only in this case can make claims to the contents of the parcel and, together with the staff of the post office, make an act. If you open the parcel, coming out of the mail building, you can't prevent any claims.

Take part of their work on yourself

Serious minus "Mail" is a large number of return shipments. The parcel comes to the compartment, and the notice does not reach the client. If he does not follow the movements of the parcel by number on the site, it may not know that she came. As a result, the parcel is sent back to you in this month, in this case the online store pays a double rate (back-trip), and it does not sell the goods. According to statistics, about 15-20% of parcels returns (depending on the specialization of the online store).

To this not happen, you must track the movement of the parcel yourself, and when it comes to the compartment, inform the client about it. If within a few days the client does not come to the mail, the call center must connect. Your employee calls the client to clarify whether he knows that his parcel came. Thanks to such a system, we reduced the return level of 5-10% in our company.

be patient

The regional client is often very convenient to pay cash, but for you it can turn into a headache. "Mail" can get money, but do not hurry to pass them out to you. Therefore, you must track separately, whether the cash on delivery is received from each shipment. If he is delayed - Bates anxious.

We had a case when the parcel came to a small branch of communication in Siberia, and to convey the money received for the parcel, the employee had to go to the district center. We persuaded him for a long time to find it for this time. Offices in which there is no Internet, a normal phenomenon for Russia. It happens very difficult to contact them. And delays in delivery are often associated not only with internal abrasions, but also with weather phenomena. For example, last winter was frozen the Lena River, through which local moved only on the ferry. As a result, it was impossible to deliver any month to the nearby bank.

You can establish work with "Russian Post" and you need! Just type patience.

For those who decide, below a small instruction
by work with "Mail":

Enter into a contract with "Russian Post".

Get in the department Postal Communication assigned to the contract, the range of barcode email identifiers (Spa) or ready-made spacing.

Pack postage According to postal requirements.

Proceed to accompanying documents To mailing.

Perform prepaid shipment mailings - transfer funds to the settlement account specified in the contract. Make sure that information on the receipt of funds entered the post office (place of delivery).

Deliver postal departures In the agreed agreement place and time of delivery. With yourself have two copies of the list f. 103 on paper and power attorney for delivery of mailing.

Get in the department Postal Communication Documents For Mail Reception: receipt of receipt of mail, the second copy of the list f. 103 Signed with an OPS officer and an affected calendar stamp.

In terms, agreed by the contract, get the act of work performed and invoice.

in the face acting on the basis of hereinafter referred to Customer", On the one hand, and in the face acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as" Expedition", On the other hand, hereinafter referred to as" Parties", Entered into this Agreement, in the future" contract ", as follows:

1.1. The individual parties determines the terms of use of the expedition by the customer with the customer.


2.1. The expedition undertakes:

2.1.1. Receive and store to demand incoming to the customer: correspondence - letters, parcels.

2.1.2. Inform the customer by phone about the incoming correspondence.

2.1.3. Do not disclose the information contained in the correspondence received and sent by the Customer.

2.2. The customer undertakes:

2.2.1. Deliver to the expedition sent to correspondence.

2.2.2. Receive an incoming correspondence.

2.2.3. Make a monthly payment of postal accounts exhibited by an expedition. Payment is made on the account.

2.2.4. Conduct on the period of payment of services for employees of the expedition in accordance with clause 3 of this Agreement.

3. Calculations of Party

3.1. The customer monthly makes it possible to pay for the work of expedition employees in the amount of rubles per month on the basis of an employment agreement concluded with employees (employee) of an expedition, which is an integral application of this Agreement.

3.2. Payment for the spent month should be made no later than the next month.

3.3. The amount of payment due to inflationary processes may vary by mutual agreement of the parties.

4. Change and termination of the contract

4.1. This Agreement may change, be supplemented and extended by a mutual additional agreement of the parties.

4.2. The contract may be discontinued:

  • by mutual agreement of the parties;
  • one-sided, after the preliminary (for) written notice of the interested party;
  • automatically, in case of violation of one of the parties to its obligations.

4.3. When terminating the contract, the Customer undertakes to pay the cost of the work completed by the expedition.

5. Other conditions

5.1. If disputes occur between the parties, they are permitted in accordance with applicable law.

5.2. The contract is made in two copies and is stored one by each of the parties.

5.3. The term of the contract with the "" year to the "year of the year.

6. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties


  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN / CAT:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • Beach:
  • Signature:


  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN / CAT:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • Beach:
  • Signature:

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