
Left an international exchange office in the destination country. Parcel status. Postal post statuses when tracking. Reception in the customs service of the country of destination

How to find out the parcel status with Aliexpress

To check the status of online order C need its track code - an identification number in a single base of international mailings. You can find it in the form of a decorated purchase that is in Personal Cabinet User.

Further algorithm for tracking postal statuses is the same for all tracker services, including state:

1. Copy or write down the track number of your order on.

2. Insert it or dial it manually into a special field on the tracking site.

3. Click "Track". Expect updates and download the status of your parcel (usually it takes no more than 30-40 sec.).

Why the statuses of sending Aliexpress are not tracked

Possible reasons for the statuses of sending Aliexpress are not monitored on tracker Services:

  • you made a mistake when entering the order track number;
  • the seller provided you a non-standard track code;
  • the seller told you a fake tracking number;
  • from the moment of registration of the sent order, another 5-10 days passed;
  • tracking on your chosen service is incorrect;
  • mail databases for technical reasons are temporarily unavailable.

Why long does not change the status of the parcel with Aliexpress

Did you get the track code sent to you from the order started to be tracked, but stopped for a long time in the status of "Reception"? Perhaps this is due to the fact that you made a purchase during the annual sales or for holidays. In such cases, tracking problems are most often explained by the overload of Chinese mail, and you need to wait a bit. If after 5-7 days the status will remain the same, it makes sense to report this to the seller or open a dispute.

If your parcel is in the status "Export" or "sent from the airport", and they do not change for a long time, it is also not worth worrying. If tracking stops for 10-20 days, it is quite normal. On the way to the country of destination, the majority of international postal shipments pass several intermediate transit points. Some selected from orders are tracked in detail at all stages of movement. Others can "disappear from sight" after crossing the border of the subway and reappear only after entering the place of international exchange in the recipient country.

We recommend to be patient, but do not forget to follow the order protection counters. If 5 days left before stopping protection, and your parcel is still not tracked, it makes sense to request the extension of the purchase time. You can do this by contacting the seller or by clicking on the "Extend Protection" key in the form of your order.

We wish you a good shopping and trouble-free delivery of your purchases!

In order not to make a mistake in the estimated delivery time of the parcel, you should know what one or another status means. On this page, we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not have difficulty when determining the location of the parcel.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status implies that the sender filled all the necessary forms, including the CN22 or CN23 form (Customs Declaration), and the parcel is adopted by an employee of a postal or courier service. Simultaneously with the receipt of departure is assigned an identification number for which in the future tracking takes place.

Arrival in MMPO.

MMPO - place of international postal exchange. At this stage, the parcel passes customs control and registration. After that, service staff prepare grouped international departure.


One of the longest periods in the delivery of postal shipments. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded aircraft is unprofitable, so you have to wait until a sufficient number of parcels go to one country will be checked.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, departures can deliver transit through other countries, and this also delays the delivery time.

It is impossible to call the exact duration of staying parcels in export. But on average it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may additionally increase. But if more than two months have passed since receipt of the "Export" status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service that deliver, with a statement of the search for departure.


This status is assigned to sending in the Russian AOPP (aviation department of mail transportation), where it falls from the board of the aircraft. Here, the passage service regulation is weighed, check the integrity of the packaging, scan the barcode to find out the place of departure, fix the flight number, determine which MMPO should send the parcel. Location of location international Departure The AOPP depends on the degree of workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

Transferred customs.

After sorting the parcels are sent to the customs inspection, where they pass through the X-ray scanner. In the event that customs officers have suspicions about the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the departure is opened and inspecting in the presence of an inspector and the responsible operator. After that (if the fact of the transportation of prohibited goods was not confirmed) the parcel is reappearing again, attach an inspection act and sent along the path.

Detained customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to sending only in cases where customs officers reveal weight exceeding the permissible norm, the cost of more than 1000 euros and other disorders. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional duties. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel passes this status.

Customs clearance completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transmitted to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff. In some cases, this status can be replaced by "left MMP".

Arrived at the sorting center.

From MMPO, the departure comes to sorting. Postage sorting centers are in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the nearest to MMPO center, where employees of the logistics service are developing the optimal delivery route to the issue point.

Leave the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel went on the delivery route. The time that is required for its arrival to the recipient depends on several factors, in their number of transportation, the capital's remoteness, etc.

Sorting centers of Russian Post are in all major cities.

Arrived in the sorting center of N.

Upon arrival in the city of the recipient, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the cargo is distributed by post offices or other items of issuing orders. The speed of delivery is influenced: transportation of transport, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery in the city takes no more than 1-2 days, and the departure area can be delivered about a week.

Came to the place of delivery.

After the arrival of the departure to the nearest post office he is assigned this status. Further, mail employees are required to write a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be tightened a little, so it is better to use the tracking service "My Parcel". As soon as you saw the status "arrived at the place of delivery," you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for notifications, since mail employees are required to send a departure by the identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, with you, you need to have a passport.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after receiving it to the addressee and means the end of the path.

Internal Russian departures are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those relating to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, information will also be useful for those who make purchases in Russian online stores or expect a parcel from close people living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and you can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also approximately calculate the delivery time.

Russians B. lately More often, products from other countries are ordered, especially on popular sites, such as Aliexpress, Buyincoins and Ebay. It also happens that someone has relatives or acquaintances abroad, and they send gifts or just sending you to Russia. Delivery of goods throughout our country is carried out by mail of Russia or other postal companies, and in the territory of the sender the goods are transported by local carriers. When approaching the recipient, the departure status changes, which is displayed in the online charge tracking service. In the article, we tell what the status of "exports from the country of departure" and all others, and what to do if the parcel disappeared or somewhere "stuck".

Through what services you can track postage

The most common and popular service was created by the Russian Post, it is also called "Russian Post. Track mail". There you need to enter the parcels and confirm that you are not a robot. The system will show where the parcel is currently. But, unfortunately, recently on the same "aliexpress", the administration numbers began to be drawn up in such a way that it is impossible to track them through the website of Russia. Instead, you can use others.

So, there are sites to track the goods from China, since the parcels from there now goes very a large number of. It is called Track24 and is located on the site of the same name, there is also 17Track and Alitrack. The last 3 does not request a robot check, and immediately seek the location of the parcel to the entered postal service number. The 17Track service also shows an approximate arrival date in the recipient's post office.

If the product disappeared from the tracking service or hung somewhere at one point for a long time, then it is possible that they forgot to make it in the program and you will not be able to track it to move it until you receive a notice that the parcel is delivered. In this case, you can write to the seller, attaching a screen from the service "Russian Post. Track mail" or any other where the problem is shown. Upon expiration of the delivery time, the seller with your consent or you yourself can extend the delivery time or return the money for a reasonable reason. Money is usually returned quickly (within 3-5 days) on the card or account from which payment was made, although not the first time. Sometimes the seller has to write several times to return money, either at all contact the support service, since the seller does not come to contact. It also happens that money is returned or the goods ordered again, and the one that has lost, comes.

Preparation for dispatch

This means that the parcel, consisting of one or more goods, is collected or has already been equipped and is preparing for shipment. The preparation process also includes paperwork and parcel marking. Also at this stage, the seller checks whether the purchase was made and passed the purchase.

"Export from the country of departure"

This is the second status that acquires the parcel during transport, unless otherwise provided by the seller or transport company. "Export from the country of departure" literally means exporting from this country. This means that there is a continuous delivery path in front of the parcel.

The time that is given to the delivery of goods to the buyer, usually begins to be counted from the status of "exports from the country of departure". How much do you wait for the parcel, often written when placing an order: some goods come within 30 days, and some - within 90. Therefore, it is worth reading the terms of delivery when executing and subsequent payment of the order. If the parcel sends your friend from another country, it is much less to wait, such usually reach for 10-20 days.

Arrival in the country of destination

When exports from the country of departure are completed, i.e. the goods left the seller's country and crossed the border, the status of the parcel is changing. There may be 2 options here: either the goods are immediately found in the metropolitan sorting center, or it will be in the border, but the Russian city is next to the border, which he crossed. One way or another, he will have the status "arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation" or "Import to the destination country" in tracking services.

Arrival in Sorting Center

Sorting centers are huge areas in a large city in a large city, which come to the parcels and letters to further distribute them and send to smaller points or by district post office. When the product is exported from the country of departure, it is already determined where it will go further, in what city, the sorting center and the post office.

In the sorting center, the parcel is processed automatically, since manually great amount Boxes and packages are practically unrealistic, so it is important that the index is written correctly (the address is not read here), otherwise the parcel will go to another place.

Arrival at the Issue

When the purchased goods passed all the stages of transportation, it enters the email branch coming to the buyer. For several days, mail employees discharge the receipt notice and bring to the recipient in mailbox. If during the week the addressee does not come, prescribe a re-notice. The parcel, which lasted without demand a month, is sent back.

If a person tracked the parcel through online services and saw that she was in place, he may not wait for notifications, but to come to mail with the departure number and, calling it and presenting a passport, get a box with a purchased product.

If he missed all the notices and did not follow a long time for the status, then when trying to understand where the parcel is, it can see the status of export from the country of departure again, but now this country will be Russia, and therefore the purchase went back. Here only a dialogue with the seller will help, it can stop the return shipment or send the goods re-on. But not all sellers agree to this, so if you are waiting for the parcel from abroad, do not hope for notifications from mail, and check the location of the goods yourself.

After you made an order for Aliexpress, the seller packs it and transfers to the post office or in the courier company. And in the tracking status track numbers will appear inscriptionCollection or Accept (reception).This means that the post has taken your package. Moreover, the first record in the tracking system will be available not earlier than 6-10 days, as mail staff need time to register it and make data to the database.

Further parcel will go to intermediate points, what will we say status Opening (arrived in the transit item).Some parcels go through several intermediate points. It is not normal and scared. For transit points there may be records in tracking when they did and when they left. The parcel can "hang" in transit points up to 10-14 days waiting for further dispatch.

Arrived at Sort Facility -the parcel arrived in the sorting point.

NULL-the parcel passes intermediate points in China.

After the parcel passes all intermediate items, it may appear status Dispatching.At this stage, the parcel came to MMPO, where the processing of departure and preparation for export occurs. Terms depend on the workload of the customs. But the standard is approximately 3-10 days. Not less.

If the goods have successfully passed all the customs procedures, we see the status pleasing of us Departure from Outward Office of Exchange (Export). This means that the parcel is sent to the country of destination. And it will take at least 10 days before the information appears in the database that the parcel arrived in the destination country. As soon as you saw this status, you can start tracking the parcel on the post office of the recipient's post.

As soon as the parcel comes to the country of destination, you will see the status Import ( Arrival At Inward Office of Exchange). Average dates between exports and imports: 2-3 weeks. If the deadlines longer - this means that your parcel simply lies and is waiting for its turn.

After importing the goods go to customs, what we learn from status Reception for customs, customs clearance ( Held by Customs). As soon as the parcel passes all necessary procedures, it will have status Issue or Customs Clearance processing Complete. . And further tracking status Left mmPo ( Departure From Inward Office Of Exchange) .

After she arrives in the desired post office, you will see the status Came to the place of delivery. This means that you need to take a passport with you and take your package by mail.

And the last entry that may be Awarded addressee. This means that the parcel was obtained.

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24 Today it seems that people practically do not shop in ordinary stores. After all, it is much cheaper, remove the "reply" from the chain "manufacturer - buyer", and save almost half the cost of goods. Yes, our resellers have a price tag, and almost twice, causing anger and irritation from ordinary people. Therefore, nothing remains to us how to go to bow online stores, or rather in Chinese supermarkets. In order for the product to be tracking, use a special track number that allows you to receive information that at the moment happens to your purchase. True, they have some "skimming" statuses that not everyone can properly decipher them. On our site site, we decided to explain the values \u200b\u200bof the most common of them. Add us to bookmarks if you have not done it yet. Today we will talk about this status as Arrived in the country of destinationWhat you can read a little lower.
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So, will continue what does it come to the country of destination?

Arrived in the country of destination - Means that your package was delivered to the place of international postal exchange in your country for subsequent export / import operations.

Many buyers are very worried that their status does not change for several days, i.e., as he was " Arrived in the country of destination", so a week remains the same. If you bought uSB cable For a dollar, it does not really strain it, and if the video card is 800 dollars, then goosebumps are walking around the body, and the hair begin to get up end.

What really happens? Cargo plane delivered bags with parcels and parcels from China or another intermediate country, and now they expect their own hours somewhere in the depths of Russia's postal, and they are waiting for imports. You probably noticed that there is some time between exports and imports, starting from several days, and ending with weeks or even months (oh, this post of Russia). Do you really think the plane is all this time in the air? In fact, your goods lies either in the country where you bought it, or where the plane flew there, and maybe there and there, in a couple of weeks a trip.
The fact is that not all postal services show the statuses of airlines. This is done in order for them to prevent claims for the delay in the parcels. That is why your parcel is already like three weeks in the Russian Federation, and importuntil now, it has not been.

From here we conclude that you should not tear the hair in one place, just sit and wait. For example, I often order, and there was practically no missing. The most expensive purchase is a video card for 50,000 rubles, which I ordered in Germany. Also I bought a lot of tools, also quite expensive, everyone came, but the truth had to revere, long statusesdid not change. The longest order, these are special spikes, walking on ice, bought last year at 11.11, and came in March of this year. In short, do not worry, the likelihood that your parcel will be lost minimal. You just have to wait patiently.
I wish you all the ordered things to come to you safely and preservation!

After reading this article, you learned what does it come to the country of destinationAnd now you can submit, "What Other", in this postal system. We will talk about other status the next time if I won't be lazy.

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