
What does it mean does not support activex. Turn ActiveX on and off in Internet Explorer. Enable or Disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

Today, if not everyone, then certainly the vast majority of users of modern computer systems know, or at least have heard, about the concept of ActiveX. What it is and what such technologies are used for, we will try to figure it out. Let's look at the most basic aspects without getting too technical.

ActiveX: what is it? The simplest concepts

In order not to load an unprepared user with unnecessary technical terms, we will consider ActiveX technologies in a way that is understandable to everyone. In fact, ActiveX controls are small programs from which a programmer or site creator can create many interesting constructions from blocks.

Initially, it was believed that such elements (also called add-ons) were used exclusively to add to certain resources of the World Wide Web a set additional opportunities and were supported only by "relatives" Windows browser entitled Internet Explorer(using programs on different languages in the same browser regardless of development environment).

This is partly true. However, nowadays a lot of other control elements can also be attributed to ActiveX technologies. What's this? The most simple example can be considered an add-on in the form of a Flash-player from the Macromedia corporation, which stood at the origins of its creation.

Today it is the most widespread plug-in Adobe ActiveX Player, more precisely Adobe flash Player, which is able to integrate into almost all browsers known today. In addition to the Adobe corporation, which took over from Macromedia, there are still many developers of similar plug-ins, but their products, in comparison with this unique player, does not go into any comparison, and therefore is simply unclaimed.

However, it is very difficult to call such elements programs in the usual sense, because it is simply impossible to launch them in the classical way (double click). Their built-in codes run in Internet browser environments.

The main area of ​​using ActiveX controls (Windows 7, 8, etc.)

To make it clearer, we will consider several main aspects of the application of such technologies. For example, they allow, as mentioned earlier, to integrate audio or video players into the site. In other words, you can listen to music or watch a video directly on the site.

Note, as a rule, the program itself with the shell is not shown on the resource. Instead, either audio redirection to the audio system is used. computer system, or a special window for viewing the video opens. It turns out that the element itself (add-on) works as if hidden from the eyes of the user or site visitor.

The same goes for online games. Here one of the key roles is played by the "Framework" platform (4th or any other version). Here it must be said that the .NET Framework is a unique development of the Microsoft corporation. However, Adobe ActiveX technologies in this case, as it were, complement the main platform and are responsible for opening or playing multimedia elements. Such a bundle allows you to use various elements that were originally written in different Delphi, Visual basic etc.).

In addition, the presence of the same "Framework 4" element (or higher - 4.5) is a prerequisite for the operation of many structural or control elements of sites, even in offline mode.

Differences between Java applets and ActiveX controls

Many people mistakenly classify Java applets as ActiveX controls. Yes, indeed, they are very similar, but there is one main difference.

The fact is that constructs created using the Java language work on any platform and on any operating system, while ActiveX has a narrow focus exclusively on software products Microsoft.

Carefully! Viruses!

Unfortunately, now on the Internet you can find a lot of viruses masquerading as elements such as Adobe Flash ActiveX. In this regard (since each element is loaded directly into the browser during use, and therefore onto the computer), it is recommended to take into account some security measures.

The fact is that most users never really read messages about the proposal to download and use this or that element and simply agree by clicking the "OK" button. This is fraught with consequences.

Separately, it should be said that in most cases, even standard antiviruses or Internet defenders are not always able to recognize such threats. So the installation of the same plugins in the form of Flash ActiveX should be done from official sources, roughly speaking, from the developer's site, which guarantees complete safety in the use of this or that supplement.

Enable or Disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

Now a few words about how to properly configure the use of such add-ins in Internet browser Explorer.

First, you need to call the menu from the Control Panel or the service section in the browser itself, and then go to the security settings. Below there is a button for the security level "Other". By clicking on it, we get to the ActiveX settings menu.

In order, God forbid, not to pick up any infection from the Internet, you need to disable the download of unsigned and the use of items marked unsafe. Ideally, you should use the item loading mode at the Suggest level.

General security settings

Do not forget about one more means of protection. This is a firewall, also called a firewall. As expected, it also has its own default security settings, however, for example, fans of online games can add some executable plugins to the so-called exclusion list. Again, only on condition of complete and absolute confidence in their safety, as well as the absence of viruses on the sites from where they are downloaded.

And disabling the firewall, as some developers recommend doing for the correct operation of this or that online application or game, is not recommended at all. And then, after all, many complain, they say, a conflict arises between the application and the firewall. And you turn it off, and the consequences cannot be avoided. In this case, no proactive anti-virus protection will help.

Using ActiveX Technologies in Other Browsers

The time when such add-ons were designed only for Internet Explorer is gone forever. Judge for yourself, today Adobe ActiveX technology in the form of a Flash-player is used in almost all browsers and even, so to speak, is their integral part.

Without this, it is impossible to imagine using the capabilities of any Internet resource in full, be it music, video, 3D graphics, games, online programs, etc.

However, if you look at it, by and large, of all the elements known today and downloaded ActiveX plugins, the most expedient is to use only the Flash player, since almost all other add-ons and elements, to put it mildly, are either simply unnecessary, or cause rather big doubts about them. security. After all, if you give permission to install a questionable element in the browser, you can only achieve that a security hole will immediately appear, and that is what worms will use. malicious codes or spyware.

And the saddest thing is that most browsers do not even have settings for controlling ActiveX controls, and used Windows options To third party browsers have absolutely nothing to do with it. In other words, they don't apply to browsers.


Here we briefly reviewed the topic "ActiveX: what is it?". I would like to hope that the above material explained at least a little the principle of the functioning and use of such add-ons. Apparently, now it is not difficult to guess how careful you need to be with these technologies, otherwise it’s not even an hour, and the consequences for the entire computer system can be the most dire. In the case of Internet Explorer, it is better to use security modes above average (or even maximum), but in browsers from other developers you will have to think a hundred times before agreeing to install and use the elements offered by the site. It's not just a potential threat, but also that the installation of completely unnecessary plugins and controls, as a rule, affects the performance of the browser itself, and not for the better.

ActiveX controls are a kind of small application that allows websites to display video content as well as games. On the one hand, they help the user to interact with such content of web pages, and on the other hand, ActiveX controls can be harmful, since sometimes they may not work entirely correctly, and other users can use them to collect information about your PC, to damage Your data and other harmful activities. Therefore, the use of ActiveX should be justified in any browser, including Internet Explorer.

ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7)

Control filtering in Internet Explorer 11 prevents the installation of suspicious applications and prevents sites from using those programs. To implement ActiveX filtering, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

It is worth noting that some interactive content on sites may not be displayed during ActiveX filtering.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11 and click the Gear icon on the right upper corner(or the keyboard shortcut Alt + X). Then, in the menu that will open, select the Security item, and click on the ActiveX Filtering item. If everything worked out, then a checkbox will appear next to this list item.

Accordingly, if you need to disable filtering of controls, this flag will need to be cleared.

You can also remove ActiveX filtering for specific sites only. To do this, you need to perform the following actions.

  • Open the site for which you want to enable ActiveX
  • In the address bar, click on the filter icon
  • Next, click the Disable ActiveX Filtering button

Configuring ActiveX Settings in Internet Explorer 11

  • In the Internet Explorer 11 browser, click the Service icon in the form of a gear in the upper right corner (or the Alt + X key combination) and select the Browser options

  • In the Internet Options window, go to the Security tab and click the Other ... button.

  • In the Options window, find the item ActiveX controls and their plugins

  • Make the settings as you see fit. For example, to enable the Automatic Prompts for ActiveX Controls option and click the Enable button

It is worth noting that if you are unable to change the settings of ActiveX controls, you must enter the PC administrator password.

For security reasons, Internet Explorer 11 does not allow ActiveX controls to run, but if you are confident about the site, you can always change these settings.

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How to install ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer

ActiveX controls are special components (programs, applications) that are used to create sites optimized for Internet Explorer. In fact, these are kind of programs that run directly in the browser.

Why do these items only work with Internet Explorer?

Internet browser Internet Explorer is a standard browser for Internet surfing, which comes "in the package" with operating system Windows. The peculiarity of his work is that he uses the same files as the OS itself, which means that IE and Windows OS are closely related to each other. All this allows you to speed up the work of the surfing tool and create minimal load on the system.

For correct work ActiveX requires the same files that IE uses in order for the component codes to be processed directly by the system. Yes, it is difficult to imagine, especially for novice users, but this is how this system works.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology


  • the ability to create programs in different languages;
  • software does not require installation, since all applications are launched directly in the browser;
  • a wide variety of components using this frame.


Since the elements involve the operating system to process their code, this component is not always considered safe.

As a result, very often this technology is used to create malicious code and this should be borne in mind.

How to install?

If the Internet resource contains ActiveX controls, a request will appear in the IE window (Site ... requires installation of ActiveX controls. Click here to install ...):

Detailed installation instructions

In order to install ActiveX controls, you need to perform a number of operations in Internet Explorer:

Internet Explorer, despite all the negative reviews about it, is a pretty good tool for surfing the Internet. However, be aware that it requires configuration and installation of additional components, including ActiveX.

Installing Activex in Internet Explorer

ActiveX are specialized components that are individual programs and applications that allow the consumer to create sites of any complexity. The control can only be embedded in one browser - Internet Explorer. More specifically, the component consists of many specific applications that can be run only in one, previously specified Internet browser. Despite the fact that most modern users of the World Wide Web complain about slow loading and not the best functionality of Explorer, embedded elements can provide many advantages in work, so you need to know how to enable

Program elements can be launched in the Internet browser itself

Internet Explorer is the only browser that does not require additional installation. A software product designed for Internet surfing is installed on the user's computer together with the Windows OS. Its advantage over other typical programs lies in the use of files at the time of operations, which are "taken" by the operating system. The joint work of Internet Explorer and Windows eliminates errors that may occur during the operation of other typical utilities. In fact, this relationship greatly speeds up the web browser while minimizing the load on the system.

Before you enable a custom component, you should know that certain files that are identical to those used by Internet Explorer 11 will help you eliminate or fix errors in the tool's operation. simple condition causes the operating system to directly process the codes of the embedded component.

Pros and cons of the product being introduced

If you install, the user of the software product will be able to:

The main disadvantage of the add-in is considered to be its main advantage, since the programs used in the process of processing the codes draw on the resources of the OS itself. In this case, various errors may appear, which are not always possible to fix in a safe way.

Before installing on their computer, a consumer should know that this component is often used by hackers and unscrupulous programmers to create viruses with malicious codes.

Installing the application

The component can be installed in Internet Explorer 11 in just a few minutes. To do this, first open the main window of the web browser, find the request "Site" in the list of tabs. The user will be notified of the need to additionally install program elements. To build on the software product, the user will be shown a place to click on. Then you have to carry out a few simple procedures.

V open window web browser, you need to find the main menu, which contains the word "Service", click on "Internet Options". After that, the corresponding window with properties will open. On the "Security" tab, press the "Other" button located at the very bottom of the list.

In the security settings window open to the user, a huge list with many different actions will be displayed. Find "ActiveX controls" in the list and enable them.

After agreeing to all the manipulations carried out by the system, you should confirm everything with the "Ok" button and restart the web browser. To correct possible mistakes a full reboot of the operating system will help.


Installing the Activex application in the browser is quite simple, even an inexperienced user who is just starting to understand the operating principle of the OS and embedded components can handle it. It should be noted that Explorer 11 is considered to be very effective remedy for internet surfing. The installation will help to optimize and establish its smooth operation. additional programs and applications.

Installing an ActiveX component on Windows 7

ActiveX module is included by default in Windows environment starting with "seven". However, it happens that for some reason it stops working and users have to look for how to install Activex on windows 7.

Internet Explorer

The most convenient way to activate the web page scripting module is to use the properties of the Internet Explorer browser. It is a standard Windows browser and performs a number of important functions, so the idea of ​​uninstalling Internet Explorer (if you have one) can hardly be called a good one.

Important! You must have administrator rights to install ActiveX, as this is an important component that has a serious impact on the system.

Confirm the execution of these actions by clicking "OK" in the window that appears, and then exit the Internet properties by applying new configuration security.

Group Policy Editor

Another way to activate the web page scripting engine is to use the editor group policies.

If you want to specify specific Internet pages where ActiveX components are allowed to run, right-click on "Allowed Websites for Installation" and select "Change".

Set it to Enable and then click the Show button in the URLs field.

Enter the URL of the resources and click "OK" to save them.

Download from the site

Sometimes the set controls are prompted by the specific site you visit. Make sure the page clearly states for what purpose you should add the required components.

If you doubt the decency of the site owners and are afraid that instead of controls you will install malicious applications, then it is better to immediately abandon this idea so that you do not have to remove viruses from your computer later.

Make sure the Active X components are provided to you on behalf of a trusted resource. Simply put, if a site requires the installation of controls for correct operation, then it is he who should act as the supplier of the program.

If you are sure that you are using a trusted portal that provides you with a correctly working software, then agree with the installation by clicking the "Install" button.

What is ActiveX? How do I install an ActiveX control?

Today, if not everyone, then certainly the vast majority of users of modern computer systems know, or at least have heard, about the concept of ActiveX. What it is and what such technologies are used for, we will try to figure it out. Let's look at the most basic aspects without getting too technical.

ActiveX: what is it? The simplest concepts

In order not to load an unprepared user with unnecessary technical terms, we will consider ActiveX technologies in a way that is understandable to everyone. In fact, ActiveX controls are small programs from which a programmer or site creator can create many interesting constructions from blocks.

Initially, it was believed that such elements (also called add-ons) were used exclusively to add many additional features to certain resources of the World Wide Web and were supported only by the "native" Windows browser called Internet Explorer (using programs in different languages ​​in one browser regardless of the development environment).

This is partly true. However, nowadays a lot of other control elements can also be attributed to ActiveX technologies. What's this? The simplest example is an add-on in the form of a Flash-player from the Macromedia corporation, which stood at the origins of its creation.

Today it is the most widespread plug-in Adobe ActiveX Player, more precisely Adobe Flash Player, which is able to integrate into almost all browsers known today. In addition to the Adobe corporation, which took over from Macromedia, there are still many developers of similar plug-ins, but their products, in comparison with this unique player, cannot be compared, and therefore are simply unclaimed.

However, it is very difficult to call such elements programs in the usual sense, because it is simply impossible to launch them in the classical way (double click). Their built-in codes run in Internet browser environments.

The main area of ​​using ActiveX controls (Windows 7, 8, etc.)

To make it clearer, we will consider several main aspects of the application of such technologies. For example, they allow, as mentioned earlier, to integrate audio or video players into the site. In other words, you can listen to music or watch a video directly on the site.

Note, as a rule, the program itself with the shell is not shown on the resource. Instead, either the audio is redirected to the audio system of the computer system, or a special window is opened to view the video. It turns out that the element itself (superstructure) works as if in background hidden from the eyes of the user or site visitor.

The same goes for online games. Here one of the key roles is played by the "Framework" platform (4th or any other version). Here it must be said that the .NET Framework is a unique development of the Microsoft corporation. However, Adobe ActiveX technologies in this case, as it were, complement the main platform and are responsible for opening or playing multimedia elements. Such a bundle allows you to use various elements that were originally written in different programming languages ​​(C ++, Delphi, Visual Basic, etc.).

In addition, the presence of the same "Framework 4" element (or higher - 4.5) is a prerequisite for the operation of many structural or control elements of sites, even in offline mode.

Differences between Java applets and ActiveX controls

Many people mistakenly classify Java applets as ActiveX controls. Yes, indeed, they are very similar, but there is one main difference.

The fact is that constructs created using the Java language work on any platform and on any operating system, while ActiveX has a narrow focus exclusively on Microsoft software products.

Carefully! Viruses!

Unfortunately, now on the Internet you can find a lot of viruses masquerading as elements such as Adobe Flash ActiveX. In this regard (since each element is loaded directly into the browser during use, and therefore onto the computer), it is recommended to take into account some security measures.

The fact is that most users never really read messages about the proposal to download and use this or that element and simply agree by clicking the "OK" button. This is fraught with consequences.

Separately, it should be said that in most cases, even standard antiviruses or Internet defenders are not always able to recognize such threats. So the installation of the same plug-ins in the form of Flash ActiveX should be done from official sources, roughly speaking, from the developer's site, which guarantees complete safety in using this or that add-on.

Enable or Disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

Now a few words about how to properly configure the use of such add-ons in the Internet Explorer browser.

First, you need to call the browser properties menu from the Control Panel or the service section in the browser itself, and then go to the security settings. Below there is a button for the security level "Other". By clicking on it, we get to the ActiveX settings menu.

In order, God forbid, not to pick up any infection from the Internet, you need to disable the download of unsigned and the use of items marked unsafe. Ideally, you should use the item loading mode at the Suggest level.

General security settings

Do not forget about one more means of protection. This is a firewall, also called a firewall. As expected, it also has its own default security settings, however, for example, fans of online games can add some executable plugins to the so-called exclusion list. Again, only on condition of complete and absolute confidence in their safety, as well as the absence of viruses on the sites from where they are downloaded.

And disabling the firewall, as some developers recommend doing for the correct operation of this or that online application or game, is not recommended at all. And then, after all, many complain, they say, a conflict arises between the application and the firewall. And you turn it off, and the consequences cannot be avoided. In this case, no proactive anti-virus protection will help.

Using ActiveX Technologies in Other Browsers

The time when such add-ons were designed only for Internet Explorer is gone forever. Judge for yourself, today Adobe ActiveX technology in the form of a Flash-player is used in almost all browsers and even, so to speak, is their integral part.

Without this, it is impossible to imagine using the capabilities of any Internet resource in full, be it music, video, 3D graphics, games, online programs, etc.

However, if you look at it, by and large, of all the elements known today and downloaded ActiveX plugins, the most expedient is to use only the Flash player, since almost all other add-ons and elements, to put it mildly, are either simply unnecessary, or cause rather big doubts about them. security. After all, if you give permission to install a questionable element in the browser, you can only achieve that an immediate hole in the security system will appear, and that it will be used by viruses, Trojans, worms, malicious codes or spyware.

And the saddest thing is that most browsers do not even have settings for controlling ActiveX controls, and the Windows settings used have absolutely nothing to do with third-party browsers. In other words, they don't apply to browsers.


Here we briefly reviewed the topic "ActiveX: what is it?". I would like to hope that the above material explained at least a little the principle of the functioning and use of such add-ons. Apparently, now it is not difficult to guess how careful you need to be with these technologies, otherwise it’s not even an hour, and the consequences for the entire computer system can be the most dire. In the case of Internet Explorer, it is better to use security modes above average (or even maximum), but in browsers from other developers you will have to think a hundred times before agreeing to install and use the elements offered by the site. It's not just a potential threat, but also that the installation of completely unnecessary plugins and controls, as a rule, affects the performance of the browser itself, and not for the better.

Users who are actively working on the Internet may encounter a problem when launching some applications in the browser - the error “The download of the ActiveX component was not completed”. Most often this problem appears in the Internet Explorer browser. Next, we will try to clearly explain what it is and how to fix the error loading this add-on.

What is this error?

For a general understanding of the matter, let's deal with the subject of the error itself - the ActiveX component. After understanding what it is, you can immediately guess about further actions.

ActiveX technology Is a set special applications which are required to play various multimedia files, plugins and flash components in Microsoft Internet Explorer. These components come by default when Windows installation(XP / 7/8/10)

Currently, this technology has already been abandoned even by Microsoft, and many popular browsers are actively switching to NPAPI technology. Still, there are still some devices, applications and web servers that request ActiveX activation.

ActiveX controls also provide security features that block the download of inappropriate content and applications that collect personal information. ActiveX filters track such websites and prohibit downloading data from them, after which the user sees an error notification - “The ActiveX component was not loaded”. This error is most relevant when visiting online banking sites that contain stock creepers, special toolbars and data entry forms.

How to fix component loading error?

So, there are several ways to get around the ban on loading web resources. We found the most simple solutions this problem, so try all of them point by point:


If all these options did not help, then you should contact the resource support. If these sites experience similar failures, then it is likely that there are their own solutions in this situation. I hope you understand what to do with the error “Loading the ActiveX component was not executed” and how you can fix it in simple ways.

You may have heard this name - "ActiveX Object" or "ActiveX Control".

Most likely, this concept slipped through when browsing the web on the Internet using the Internet Explorer browser that supports this technology. Or, perhaps, you were prompted to enable ActiveX, or perhaps an ActiveX error occurred. In any case, in this post I want to talk about what it is.

I will not go deep into detailed description, because, firstly, this concept is quite complex, and secondly, we, as end users, absolutely do not need to know all these "programming tricks" :) So, what is this ActiveX?

This is a special technology by which programs are created. But these are unusual programs that can be launched by double-clicking the left mouse button on the file. These programs are started and executed by the operating system.

The main components of ActiveX technology are the so-called ActiveX controls - these are small programs that are used to create web pages. These programs allow you to expand the functionality of the web page, for example, when ActiveX help a player is loaded in the browser, which allows you to play videos or music online, or open files of other formats right in the browser window. Also, using ActiveX controls, various buttons and dialog boxes on web pages, the animation plays. Many companies use ActiveX controls to install their programs directly from their website to your computer.

If the site was created using ActiveX technology, then when you visit the site, the browser will ask you to install an ActiveX control. If you agree with the request, the control is downloaded to your computer and run on it.

Now it is not difficult to guess what kind of danger lurks in this technology.

Since ActiveX control components are programs that run through a web browser, there is a very real threat to "pick up" some kind of infection in the form malware or a virus, since attackers can use ActiveX technology to create and distribute various viruses and spyware.

Officially, ActiveX technology is supported only by the Internet Explorer browser, but since this browser comes with the operating Windows system, then many novice users use it to work on the Internet.

Hence the biggest danger - since novice users are not particularly versed in their actions, there is a high probability of picking up a virus when simply browsing the web on the Internet.

By default, the browser asks users for permission to install ActiveX components, but, firstly, programs can change browser settings to bypass this check and automatically launch ActiveX controls, and secondly, even if a notification appears, then most people do not read program warnings, but prefer to answer "OK" to all questions.

Unfortunately, antivirus software are not very good at detecting and neutralizing such viruses. The fact is that, unlike ordinary viruses, malicious ActiveX elements are very difficult to recognize, since in operation it will not differ in any way from a completely, so to speak, benign module. As soon as the user agrees to install such an ActiveX control, the program runs on the computer and downloads Trojans, viruses, spyware, etc. without any warning. etc.

Here, of course, well-configured protection can help - antivirus and firewall. But do not forget that among virus writers there are professional programmers who are quite capable of bypassing computer protection, especially since the user himself allows the initial program to be launched on his computer, and this gives great advantages.

I think the dangers of ActiveX controls are understandable. Now let's talk about how to protect ourselves from this danger.

To date, the only useful module that makes sense to install on your computer is the Adobe Flash Player. It is used to decorate web pages - it allows you to create colorful special effects, embed interactive games on sites or play videos online.

All the other 99.99% of modules and plugins that try to install on your browser or download to your computer are either useless or pose a potential threat.

Yes, I also forgot about one useful and necessary plugin - Java. This technology also allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, view 3D images, and more.

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

Modern browsers are quite flexible programs that can be easily customized to the needs of the user. This is done using plugins - special routines that extend the capabilities of these same browsers. If you want your web browser to be able to play videos from the Internet and various flash elements, you need to install a special flash player. In the case of Internet Explorer, this role is assumed by the ActiveX plug-in, which will be discussed below.

Features of the ActiveX add-on

Flah Player ActiveX is an Internet Explorer (IE) browser extension that allows you to play video elements on the Internet. Main feature ActiveX technology is the presence of special controls that are actively used when creating web pages, which allows, if necessary, download a video or audio player to play media information.

Usually, ActiveX comes with the IE browser, but if the web browser does not have this extension, then when loading a web page that requires ActiveX, the user will be notified about it.

How do I install the plugin?

    1. Open Internet Explorer, go to the tab Service where choose Internet options.

    1. In the window that appears, click on Safety where click on Another.

    1. You will be presented with a list of the various components. Scroll through this list until you find a menu. ActiveX controls and plugins... Enter this menu.
    2. Next, set the triggers as shown in the screenshot.

  1. After these steps, confirm changes made and restart your computer.

Ready. The ActiveX control is configured and ready to use. Now you can safely watch videos and play music in your Internet Explorer.

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