
1C background update. Background updating database configuration. Comparison of the configuration and database configuration

general description

Updating the database configuration, which is associated with the restructuring of the database, performed for the large volume information bases, can occupy a long time. During the execution of the update, it is not possible to work with the information base.

In order to reduce the loss of time for this minimum operation, exists special regimeperforming a database configuration update in background mode. The background update of the database configuration is characterized by the following features:

● Available only in the client-server version of the information base;

● Can be performed with a configurator closed.

● Most of the background update of the database configuration is performed without a database monopoly access (including the execution of the database restructuring operation).

● During background updates, the following operations are not available:

● Editing configuration.

● Debugging applied solutions.

● Perform the database configuration update operation.

● It is not allowed to use the methods of settings (), to establish the use of the units (), rebuild use of the airgrigtes ().

● Changing the contents of the account plan or plan of calculation species, if the associated accounting register or calculation register participates in the background update operation. Attempting to change the contents of such account plans or calculation option plans causes an error.

● The background update of the configuration can be put "pause" with a duration of not more than 48 hours. If "pause" lasts more than 48 hours - the background update will be canceled.

● The work of the background update is not supported for configurations in compatibility mode with version 8.1 (see here).

● The background update of the database configuration update is not supported when working on IBM DB2 9.1 DBMS.

The configuration background update process consists of several stages:

● Phase processing:

● Per for a long time.

● The launch of this phase can be performed in any way:

● Interactively, from the configurator;

● from the embedded language (using the appropriate methods);

● Using the packet configurator packet mode.

● Restructuring of the main amount of data for the following configuration objects is performed:

● References,

● Documents

● Document logs,

Registers of information,

● Accumulation registers,

● Accounting registers,

● calculation registers

● sequences

● account plans

● Business processes,

● Tasks.

● During the processing phase, the system records all modified data for the above objects, by analogy with the data exchange mechanisms.

● Phase actualization:

● It starts automatically after the processing phase is completed, with an interval of 1 minute.

● During phase execution, users can work with an information database.

● The phase consists of automatically repetitive iterations. Each iteration analyzes the changes accumulated since the previous iteration (or the completion of the processing phase) and performs the restructuring of accumulated changes.

● Iterations are completed at the time of transition to the next phase.

● Phase adoption of Amendments:

● Requires monopolized access to the information base.

● During phase, users not Can work with an information base.

● The first step of this phase is actualized data accumulated since the last, in front of the current phase, the iteration of the actualization phase.

● The restructuring of data not involved in the processing and updating phases is restructured. This data does not assume a large amount of change, and their restructuring is performed quickly.

● The next step is made by the adoption of all changes made in the database.

● After this, updating the database configuration is completed.

If the background update is running so that it is not required to perform a database restructuring, then in this case, all updates are performed in the making phase, the transition to which is possible immediately after the start of the background update.

During the background update, it is possible to stop the server's operation or put the background update process "pause".

After stopping the server or after an emergency completion of the workflow serving the system background task that performs the update, the creation of the first session will occur a few more time than usual. This is due to the recovery of the background update. However, the background update process itself is in suspended state. To continue work, it is necessary to resume the work of the background update. Such behavior is implemented so that the system does not occur in the event that the reason for the emergency completion of the workflow serving the background update is the opposite update itself.

After restoring the server's performance, the database configuration update continues to work as follows:

● If the work was interrupted in the processing phase, the process continues from the last configuration object, the processing of which was not completed.

● If the work was interrupted in the actualization phase - unfinished iteration begins again.

Council. It is recommended to cancel running process The background update of the database configuration in cases where it is not planned to complete the background update of the database configuration (for example, the process is supplied to an infinite pause). The execution of this recommendation will have a positive effect on the characteristics of the system, since the changes will not be registered to perform the actualization phase.

When performing the background restructuring operation, some features of the system work should be taken into account:

● If the accounting register or accumulation is added to the separator, this register is processed during the change phase.

● If the type of independent separator is changed (see here), then all objects included in this separator are processed during the change phase.

● If the measurement type is changed in the main selection of an independent information register, this register is processed during the change phase.

Similar information.

In the mobile application BPM'Online implemented a mechanism for synchronizing an application structure that can operate in an automatic background. To manage this process, it is necessary to use the system setting [the frequency of update check] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. - System Setup [Frequency of update check]

This setting indicates how time (in hours), the mobile application can request changes to the configuration from BPM'Online. If setting is set to 0, the application will always download configuration updates.

Working conditions

The application launches the structure synchronization in the background only if the following conditions are followed:

  • on the mobile device used iOS or Android platform;
  • synchronization was not previously launched;
  • since the last synchronization of the structure passed more time than indicated in system setting [Periodicity of update verification];
  • an application is run, or the application is activated (i.e., if it was previously rolled out or go to it from another application).

If the change in the update of the change structure was obtained, then to apply the changes received, the application will automatically restart when the user will turn it or go to another application.

Features of work on different platforms

    On the Android platform, the background mode is implemented through parallel to the running service. This approach ensures that running synchronization is guaranteed, even if you manually unload the application from the device's memory.

    On the iOS platform to start the synchronization in the background, the second is used webView.While the application itself works mainly webView.. This guarantees the user's normal operation in the application at the same time running structure synchronization.

    In contrast to the implementation on the Android platform, this does not guarantee the synchronization completion by 100%, since synchronization can be interrupted when you upload the application manually or if it does the IOS platform.

    On the windows platform 10 The application when starting checks (not in the background) availability on the update server.

    If updates, a page with the corresponding infomraction will be displayed.

The company "1C" has released the final version of 8.3 platform "1C: Enterprise". It is a significant development of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" for a variety of directions.

Development of "cloud" technologies and work via the Internet

Improved scalability and failover of server cluster, improved load distribution. A new server cluster load balancing architecture is implemented, which automatically loads the load between the cluster nodes based on the servers specified by the administrator of the fault tolerance criteria and the actual analysis of their available performance. It has the opportunity thin setting Loads on individual cluster nodes. It is possible to more accurately control the amount of memory spent by the workflow of the server, which makes it possible to increase the stability of the cluster to careless actions of users.

Licensing services I. external control sessions. The licensing service allows you to organize a centralized issuance of software client and server licenses, which greatly facilitates the tasks of deploying cluster of servers in a virtual environment and dynamically changed resources allocated to the server. The external session management service allows you to inform the external start and end of the session, receiving permission or ban on the launch of the session, which allows you to limit the number of users connected to a particular information base, keep track of the use of the database using the database by users. Interaction with the external system is carried out through a web service.

Automatic update of a thin client via the Internet.This feature will significantly reduce labor costs when updating the software from remote users. Earlier automatic update It was possible only when working within the local network.

Protected SSL connection and certificates provided supportfor all Internet protocols and based on the platform mechanisms based on them. For example, Web services and a thin client can work on a secure channel.

Restructuring information bases in the background. New opportunity Allows minimizing system downtime required to update applied solutions. If earlier I had to stop the work of users at all time restructuring the information base, now the bulk of the changes is performed in the background, and the termination of users is required only on the final short phase of restructuring. Such an approach allows to reduce system downtime, not even at times, but to orders, thereby increasing the level of availability of the system, which is especially relevant for cloud services and large-scale deployments with large-scale bases.

Background restructuring can be made incremental, with interruptions, which allows you to free computing power In periods of peak load on the working system, and restructuring to run when the system is not loaded, for example, at night and on weekends.

Safety profiles.If the service provider provides access via the Internet to Applied solutions "1C: Enterprise", developed by third-party suppliers, it cannot always monitor the reliability of such solutions. At the same time, it must ensure the smooth operation of the service as a whole and other applied solutions provided within this service. To do this, in the server cluster "1C: Enterprises" version 8.3, security profiles are implemented. They prohibit an application solution to perform actions that are potentially dangerous for the functioning of the server cluster and the entire service, such as:

  • appeal to file System servers;
  • running COM objects external treatments and reports, applications installed on the server;
  • using external components "1C: Enterprise";
  • appeal to Internet resources.

Platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 Corp - New licenses for corporate clients

For the version 8.3 platform, two were first implemented different options Deliveries and licensing - "Normal" and Corporate Level (Corp).

A number of the above innovations and capabilities required mainly large corporate users and providers providing access to "1C: Enterprises" applications in the Internet service mode, implemented only in the 64-bit server "1C: enterprises 8.3" level of the corps. Recommended retail price Licenses for this server amounts to 180,000 rubles. Compared to the "normal" 64-bit server 1C: Enterprises 8 (license retail price - 72 000 rubles), Corp Server Supports:

  • background update database configuration;
  • additional control of the distribution of cluster services and connections with information bases for cluster operating servers in the context of information bases, types of client applications and background tasks;
  • flexible load control in the cluster:
    • - safe memory consumption per challenge;
    • - the number of information bases on the process;
    • - the amount of memory of the workflows to which the server is considered productive;
    • - the maximum amount of workflow memory;
    • - Strategy balancing (memory, performance);
  • external session management;
  • security profiles;
  • the ability to update the thin client from the server;
  • ability to publish a list of databases and updates of a thin client through HTTP.

To use these possibilities, client licenses of the level of the corps are also needed, the price of which is calculated as a double price of "ordinary" client licenses on the same number of users. For example, the client license "of the usual" level per 100 jobs will cost 300,000 rubles, and the license for 100 parts of the corp - 600,000 rubles. At the same time, for 1C: enterprises 8.3 Corp for the first time, a client license for 1000 jobs was released, worth 5,906,000 rubles.

Details Licensing conditions 1C: enterprises 8.3 cm.
in the information letter №16773 (\u003d16733).

Mobile platform

"Mobile platform 1C: enterprises 8" is a technology that allows you to create applications running on various tablet PCs, smartphones and other mobile devices running operational android systems or iOS. It includes:

  • actually mobile platform (distribution), operating under the management of Android and iOS operating systems;
  • technology for creating and publishing mobile applications 1C: enterprises 8.

The mobile application installed on the device is a combination of a mobile platform and information base. The information base on the mobile device contains an analogue of the 1C file database and a mobile application ( program codePerformed on a mobile device).

The development of mobile applications is also underway as the development of traditional 1C applications, in the familiar hundreds of thousands of specialists, the environment, configurator 1c: enterprises - with the only difference that it is necessary to take into account the restrictions that the mobile platform imposes.

Creature mobile application In the 1C configurator: Enterprises

Due to the fact that traditional 1C development tools are used to create mobile applications, and the functional accessible to them is a subset of the 1C platform: an enterprise, development and debugging of applications is greatly simplified. You can use the existing code and business logic of applied solutions, use traditional integration mechanisms 1C. The same applications can function on desk computerslike under Microsoft Windows.and under Linux.

Mobile platform in the final version 8.3 also supports possibilities of geopositioning and working with multimedia - Right in the mobile application "1C: Enterprises 8" you can define and use the data on the geographical position of the mobile device and the mailing address corresponding to this location, to do and save in the information database photos, videos and audio recordings.

Mobile applications "1C: Enterprises 8" can work completely autonomously (data is stored on a mobile device), in offline mode (without connecting to the Internet). At the same time, the developed means of integration 1C: enterprises 8 allow you to organize their interaction with any central (back-office) system.

Screenshot of the mobile application "1C: ERP monitor"

Detail O. mobile platform 1C: Enterprises 8 cm. /OverView/Term_000000818.htm.

Development of cross-platform

Client applications for Linux

Previously, the work of users "1C: enterprises 8" in the operating room linux system It was possible only with a web client under one of the Internet browsers supported by Linux. Now for operating system Linux created client applications similar to those that exist for the operating room windows systems:

  • Subtle client providing users in a managed application mode;
  • A fat client, providing operation in a regular or managed application mode;
  • Configurator, to administer the information base and to change the configuration.

Client applications support file and client-server work options. They are implemented both for the X86 architecture and for the X86-64 architecture. In the Linux operating system, not only users of Applications 1C can now work: enterprises, but also developers of these applications, as well as information base administrators.

Cross-platform administration tools

IN previous versions Platforms 1C: Enterprises To administer the server cluster as part of the system, a computer operating under the control of the Windows operating system was required, because Cluster administration tools were based on its tools.

Now the cluster administration can be carried out from any computers working as under windows controland under control Linux. To do this, in 1C: the company has been implemented two tools:

Administration Server is a cross-platform application and is designed to transmit control commands to one cluster of 1C servers: enterprises. It can be launched as console applicationAs the Windows operating system service or the Linux operating system daemon.

To form commands to the administration server and to display the information received from it, the command line utility is intended. It is also a cross-platform application. This utility supports the entire set of commands required to administer the server cluster.

New User Interface and Other Upgrade Improvements

Platform version 8.3 received new interface Applications "Taxi", More comfortable and visual.
It implemented a number of new approaches to working with applied solutions, including:

  • The functions needed for convenient navigation by the application are implemented in several auxiliary panels: tools, favorites, history, etc.;
  • The applied solution developer can set some standard composition and location of these panels in accordance with the appointment and features of the application;
  • The user can independently design its workspace, having panels in different fields of the screen. For example, you can create "minimalistic" workplace, leaving on the screen only toolbar, while all the navigation functions on the application solution will remain available with its help. Or you can place several panels on the screen, ensuring a variety of and quick transition to various application functions.
  • Any partition, list, database object, report or processing as well as a command can be added to favorites to return to them if necessary.

Among the interface innovations of the new version of the platform can also be noted:

  • Option of the interface without using modal windows. In this mode, the new browser windows does not open, which improves the convenience, performance and stability through a web client, allows you to work with 1C applications: enterprises through a browser on any mobile devices;
  • simplify lists settings;
  • a new row input mechanism that significantly speeds up the search for data.

Two new platform interface languages \u200b\u200bare implemented:
chinese and Azerbaijani

An example of work in the Chinese interface 1C: Enterprises 8.3 - Creating a form of reference book.

Among other significant improvements:

  • Performance optimization.Improvements touched upon client jobs, server cluster, interaction mechanisms with various DBMS, memory work. On optimization of work with DBMS, the largest work was carried out for Microsoft SQL Server, including providing support for working with the newest version Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
  • Improving application development tools.The ability to download / unload the configurations 1C (structure and data) as a set of files. XML format is used to store unloaded data. The possibilities of organizing the program code through the allocation and grouping of arbitrary text areas in the module editor. The developer can give each area its own name, which makes the program code more readable. Improved contextual hint - Now it is also issued when sets the parameters of procedures and functions, indicating their types and possible options Syntax. Also, the contextual prompt is implemented automatic recognition and display of developer comments made in accordance with the development standards - when the procedure name or function is set, enhanced information on its purpose and use options, and when the parameter is set, on this particular parameter. To provide developers with a convenient tool for a quick contextual search for information on the topics of interest, references to the selection of methodological materials on the relevant topics are added, regularly updated on the specialized Internet resource 1C.
  • Automated testing. A new mechanism allows you to perform automated testing of applied solutions using the algorithms described in the embedded language. Also implemented the ability to record interactive user actions to a file for subsequent analysis, or to form an automated test based on them.
  • Enhanced functional and visual reporting capabilities, new presentation capabilities of business diagrams are implemented, additional statistical and aggregate functions, for example ABC.
  • Work with external data sourcessignificantly approximate in functionality and convenience to standard configuration objects. Data external sources You can be placed in temporary tables for use in complex queries, use as part of the dividers in "cloud" applications, you can programmatically override the forms to view them. Also appeared ability to connect multidimensional data sources, such as Microsoft Analysis Services, Oracle Essbase, IBM InfoSphere Warehouse.
  • A special information database compatibility mode is supported with previous versions.It allows, without additional processing, use applied solutions developed on the 1C: Enterprise platform 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2. Compatibility mode also allows you to do the platform from version 8.3 to 8.2 if necessary. In order to engage all the features of version 8.3, in solutions created on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform early versionsIt will be necessary to make minor changes.

Yandex.Browser is updated automatically. Without updating the browser will not be able to protect your data from new threats.

Browser update questions

Why is it important to have a fresh version of the browser?

In the Fresh Browser Version:

    Less errors, hangs and failures. Pages of sites, music and video are loaded faster.

    Added new features and other improvements.

What if the browser is not updated automatically? What if an error occurs when updating the browser?

If you use a proxy server or firewall, try to turn them off and update the browser. Also try turning off the antivirus and try again. If it does not help - update the browser manually.

Download and install. Delete former version not necessary.

How to disable auto-update?

Disable the automatic update in the browser is impossible. Only the most latest version The browser provides maximum protection against Internet threats.

How to disable browser update in the background?

Yandex.Browser is updated automatically, regardless of whether you use it or not. This is done for security reasons: new threats are constantly appearing on the Internet, and in the browser - new methods of protection.

After that, the automatic update in the background will be disabled. But as soon as you open the browser, he immediately checks the availability of updates and will continue to do it regularly during operation.

To call the database configuration update operation, select the menu item Configuration - Database Configuration - Background Updating Database Configuration.

Fig. 24. Dialog for database configuration update

Pressing the start button starts the processing phase. At the same time, the text is displayed in the service messages window:

The start of the database configuration background update has passed the SPECIABLE to edit. The database configuration update is performed.

After starting the background update, the configuration is blocked from change. During the execution of any phase, the work of the background update can be paused using the button to suspend. In order to continue the background update, the Continue button serves.

After the processing phase ended, the actualization phase begins, during the execution of which you can translate the system to execute the change phase using the button to complete or refuse the update using the button to cancel.

Council. It is recommended to cancel the running process of database configuration update process in cases where it is not planned to complete the background update of the database configuration (for example, the process is supplied to an infinite pause). The execution of this recommendation will have a positive effect on the characteristics of the system, since the changes will not be registered to perform the actualization phase.

Allify check box dynamic update It is used to determine if you need to start the button to try to try to perform a dynamic update instead of starting the database configuration update process. If this checkbox is set, immediately after clicking on the start button, you will be checked for the ability to perform a dynamic update of the configuration. In the case when the configuration allows such an opportunity, a dynamic update will be made instead of the background update of the database configuration.

The checkbox is performed on the server to determine where the start, completion and cancellation will be executed. If this checkbox is reset, then these actions will be executed on the side of the client application, and if installed on the server side "1C: Enterprise". In addition, if this check box is installed, you can update the configuration only if there is updated the rights of updates, without established right Administration.

Saving a database configuration to a file

To save the database configuration to a file to a disk, select the Configuration item - Database Configuration - save the database configuration to the file. The screen displays a standard file selection dialog. You must select a directory and specify the name of the file to which the database configuration will be recorded.

The saved database configuration file is necessary for the comparison operation and combining configurations (cm.

Comparison of the configuration and database configuration

If in the process of making changes to the configuration requires a report on the differences from the database configuration, you should select the configuration item - the database configuration - compare, combine with the database configuration.

If necessary, you can restore the modified objects.

Refusal of changes in configuration

To fail to change in the configuration, it is enough to choose the configuration item - the database configuration - return to the database configuration.

NOTE. Menu items Save the database configuration to a file ... and return to the database configuration is available even in the case of a closed editable configuration. The command back to the DB configuration is still unavailable when information base Connected to the configuration storage.

Run "1C: Enterprises"

The configurator provides the launch of the 1C mode: Enterprise. To do this, choose the service item - 1C: Enterprise. Often it is necessary to run "1C: Enterprise" in debug mode. For this, there is a command statement - to start debugging (for more details about the debugger, see here).

If the configuration has been modified (changes were made), the configurator displays the question: the editable configuration differs from the database configuration. Develop a database configuration update? For preservation made changes You should select the Yes button.

If the No button is selected, then Mode 1C: The company is launched without saving the configuration.

If the screen fails, the question is displayed: the database configuration does not match the saved configuration. Proceed? If the OK button is selected, the 1C mode is started: an enterprise with the former database configuration. If the Cancel button is selected, then the launch of the 1C mode: the company is not performed.

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