
Windows 7 displays. How to see hidden folders. How to display invisible files in the explorer

Each file stored on the computer may have attributes that help to understand the operating system as you can work with this file. Usually this attributes are hidden, systemic and read-only.

If the file has attributes hidden or systemic, it will not be displayed in the program Explorer. True, this will happen if the Program establishes the corresponding option (the default is and is).

To change the file settings, you need to call the context menu on it by right-clicking, and select the item "Properties".

In the "Attributes" section of the properties window for users, two attributes are available - "read only" and "hidden".

The first of these allows you to prevent a random change in the document, the second - hide the file on the disk. If you select this option, the file "will disappear", but this does not mean that it will change its location or will be deleted. Just he will become invisible.

To do hidden files You must appreciate their display in the appropriate section of the program settings. In Windows XP and Windows 7, the procedure for changing the settings of the conductor is slightly different. Let's look at how it can be done.

If you have the Windows XP operating system installed, then start the conductor and go to the "Service" menu. Next, select the "Folder Properties ..." item.

Go to the "View" tab and looking for the "Show hidden files and folders" setting. If this parameter is not selected, then hidden files and folders are not displayed. Accordingly, in order to make hidden files visible, you need to activate this parameter and click OK.

If you need to hide files and folders with the "hidden" attribute, then you will need to do a reverse sequence of actions.

Are you interested in the question of how to see hidden files and folders in Windows 7?

If so, then you are on the right place. In this lesson, we will consider with you how to see hard disks everything hidden files and folders inWindows 7.. In fact, it is very simple, I already affected this topic once, I wrote. Well, today we will do all this in the seven.

So, let's go. Turn on the viewing of hidden files and folders in windows system 7.

Go to " Start - Control Panel».

In the folder that opens, change the view of the viewing on the "small badges".

Now find item " Folders settings" And open it.

In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab, then go down to the bottom and put the switch to the item " Show hidden files, folders and discs"Then we save by clicking" OK ".

Now check. I go to the disk (C :) And I see here, displays hidden folders.

Thus, by several clicks, we are in Windows 7 hidden folders and files made visible. But, in general, I recommend this feature only if necessary.

If we have some kind hidden folder B.Windows 7. And we need to access it, you included the ability to see hidden files and folders. As all your affairs did, and immediately turned off this opportunity.

I have everything!

On hidden folders, the attribute "hidden" is worth it, so they are not visible in the conductor. In order to see them, you will need to change some OS settings. The question is especially important to beginners in Windows 7, since the previous XP axis has significant differences. Solving the problem is simple and fast.

The article discusses the following four ways to show hidden objects in Windows7 explorer:

  1. Display invisible files using "folder parameters";
  2. View protected system objects;
  3. View invisible files using the registry editor;
  4. Enable display of protected system objects.

WINDOVS 7 developers took care of invisibility to users of some directories to protect the system from the users themselves.

But there are cases when seeing hidden OS data is necessary to ensure normal windows work 7, such an example is the operation when removing malicious programsinfected with a computer.

Method number 1.

To display invisible directory and files using "folder parameters", go through the following algorithm of action:

You can check the effectiveness of this reception, you can enter the "C" section and if the ProgramData directory is present, the procedure has been completed successfully and the user has hidden data. They will differ from the usual lighter shade.

Method number 2.

This technique helps to solve the question "How to see protected system objects? ". To do this, you need to do the following:

Method number 3.

To view the invisible using the "Registry Editor", you must follow the following (using the administrator rights):

Method number 4.

To enable the display of protected system objects using the registry editor, you must do the following (logging into the administrator system):

If you need to return Windows to the original state and hide the system data - this can be done using the same above techniques, but by installing or removing the corresponding marks or by changing the value using the registry editor.

In the operating system "Windows" by default, the display of system files is disabled, since the inexperienced user can accidentally delete them. In addition, they will distract you from the search the desired folder, Close the "Desktop". In general, it is better and more convenient when you do not see them.

However, in some cases there is a need to show hidden Windows 7 files so that you can, say, clean system folders "Temp" and "Prefetch" thereby increasing the speed of the operating system.

Include displaying such files can be very easily using one of the ways and this will be discussed below. In fact, in each method, only the sequence of actions required to access "folders" will be changed.

Through the "Service" menu

So, you have installed Windows 7. Show hidden files and folders in this operating system can be as follows:

  • Log in to "My Computer" and click on the "Alt" keyboard. A panel will appear where you need to choose "Service". By clicking on this button, the drop-down menu will open in which you want to go to "folder parameters".
  • Now select the "View" tab and go down to the end of the list. Here you will need to remove the checkbox near the "Hide system files" option and mark the function that is responsible for displaying the hidden folders.
  • Clicking "Apply", a warning will appear that the deletion of such files may be negatively affected by the operating system. If you are confident in your actions, click the "Yes" button.

That's all! Now you know how to show hidden Windows 7 files, so if necessary, you can use the knowledge gained.

Through the "Control Panel"

The second method is characterized by an algorithm of actions, as to open "folder parameters", you will need to enter the "Control Panel".

So, open the Start menu and go to PU. If you have a displayed display, select "Design and Personalization". In the "folder parameters" subsection, click on the "Show File Show".

Now at the bottom, mark the item, thanks to which you can see the intense folders, and remove the checkbox installed near the "Hide secure files" option. Last step - Button "Apply", and then in the window that opens, click "Yes."

If, by opening the Pu, you see that you have large or small icons, you just find the "folder parameters" element and go to it. A further algorithm of actions is absolutely identical to those whose discussed above.

Now you can show hidden and system files Windows 7, using the control panel.

Using the "Run" command

The third way to enable the display of such files is to use the "Run" command. To invoke this tool, press the "Win" and "R" buttons.

Now in the window that opens you will need to insert the "Control Folders" command and click OK. "Folder Settings" will open, where, by going to the "View" tab and performing the steps above, you can show the Windows 7 hidden files.

Someone this method Like most, since everything you need from you - remember one team or write it down. Although in the first two ways there is nothing complicated.


So, now you can show hidden Windows 7 files. If you need it, you can turn on the display of system folders at any time and correct their contents at your discretion.

With all this it is worth remembering that without need, and even more so without certain knowledge, it is not recommended to make any changes to these files.

Windows developers have provided many ways to protect OS from illiterate user actions - for example, hide from viewing important files, the removal of which can entail the need full reinstall Systems. However, in many cases, users still have the need to open hidden folders in Windows 7.

Purpose of hidden files

The hides of important elements appeared together with the first operating systems and was initially applied only by developers. In later windows versions and macos ability to remove your own files from general access It also appeared for users. Most often this option is used to:

  • hide personal information from colleagues having access to a computer;
  • protect children from unsuitable by age content;
  • make invisible folders that this moment Do not need that they do not interfere with work.

To protect important information, you can set the password to the folder, however, this method has two significant drawbacks: first, a closed directory can be hacked, and secondly, the presence of a password does not protect against the possibility of deletion.

Therefore, the hide of the folders is one of the most efficient data security methods.

System folders in the test holder

Beta testers are users who voluntarily participate in the tests early versions software and operating systems. In front of such users there is a task to identify the likely errors in the functioning of the test object and report them to developers. In the process of installing the tested software, created great amount Hidden folders whose contents are needed to conduct checks and generate reports:

View invisible directories

Information on how to see the hidden folders in Windows 7 can be useful not only to the tester, but also an ordinary user. You can view them in two ways: changing the corresponding system settings Either using special applications.

System settings

Enable the display of hidden files is the easiest way to menu "Folder Settings". To enter it, you need to perform the following operations:

You can also go to the parameter menu by opening any folder and pressing the ALT key.. After that, at the top of the screen, an additional panel will be displayed, where it will be necessary to select the "Service" item and open the corresponding category in the drop-down menu.

Sophisticated software

Show hidden folders in Windows 7, as in most operating systems of this family, can be using file Manager Total Commander.. To do this, you will need to produce very simple manipulations:

All described methods will allow you to see both hidden folders on Windows 7 and files created by the system or users on removable drives. However, it is necessary to remember that the mindless change in system information may entail the most unpleasant consequences, up to the need to complete OS.

Creating secret folders

As already mentioned, the creation of the directories invisible in the conductor - a practically a win-win way to protect confidential information from curious eyes. Therefore, it is very useful to know not only how to open hidden files on a flash drive or an HDD drive, but also how to hide them.

Most light way Make a folder invisible - this is to change its properties:

  1. Right-click on the directory that you are going to hide, and go to the "Properties" pop-up menu.
  2. In the window that opens, set the mark near the "Hidden" attribute.
  3. Click on the "Other" button and remove the checkbox from the "Allow indexes the contents of the files ...".
  4. Confirm the changes entered by pressing the "Apply" and "OK" keys.
  5. In any convenient way, enter the folder parameters menu, check the "Do not show hidden files ..." attribute and apply the settings.

After executing the described manipulations, the marked directory will stop displaying in the conductor. Of course, the method has the disadvantages - because to make the folder visible as easily as hidden.

Hide important information Special utilities can help - for example, free and easy to use Free. Hide Folder:

  1. Download, install and run the program, enter the password invented earlier and confirm it.
  2. Click the "Add" button and specify the path to the directory you want to hide.
  3. Click OK.

Information hidden in this way is impossible to find, even by including the display of invisible files in the system settings. The only way to restore access to it is to re-open the utility, enter right password, Select a hidden directory and click the "Unhide" button. Before hiding files in this way, you need to take care of creating backup - It is necessary in order to randomly delete the program you did not lose the data.

All ways to open hidden files on Windows 7 are extremely simple and understandable even for inexperienced users.

But you need to remember that important system folders are usually invisible, to work with which you need to clearly realize your actions and understand possible risks.

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