
Is it worth updating a pirated Windows 10. Pirated Windows assemblies: pros and cons. What does "pirate" mean

Microsoft today officially announced the release of Windows 10 in the summer, and also talked about strategic partnerships with Chinese companies, which should "help fight piracy", which is actively flourishing in the Middle Kingdom. Then it was said that Microsoft will even update pirated copies to Windows 10 for free, and now the head of Microsoft's Windows division, Terry Myerson, told how exactly updates would take place in the case of legal and pirated systems.

According to Microsoft's position, owners of legal copies of Windows 7 and 8.1 will receive the upgrade to Windows 10 absolutely free. Once updated, these users will receive all new features and security enhancements completely free of charge, "for as long as this device is supported." What exactly do the last words mean (until the device breaks down or, perhaps, for the warranty period?), He did not explain.

If Microsoft detects some kind of tampering with the system - simply discovers that a copy of Windows was obtained illegally - a watermark will appear on the desktop informing the buyer that he has an illegal copy installed. Terry Myerson asks users to be careful about this when buying new devices and avoid purchasing gadgets with Windows 10, where there is a watermark on the desktop.

Microsoft's "black mark" means a lack of support from the company and its partners, threatens not to receive updates, even critical security updates. Microsoft emphasizes that a free update will still not be available to users of illegal copies of the system, but the software giant, together with partners, promises to offer "very attractive" conditions for switching to a licensed version of Windows 10.

It seems that no additional measures will be taken. Microsoft probably decided that it makes no sense to restrict a copy of an OS that has been identified as pirated. This time, it looks like they won't even be deprived of the screensaver on the desktop.

A paid upgrade to Windows 10 is probably hidden behind the "very attractive" terms of the transition. The amount of money has not yet been announced, but it can be assumed that Microsoft will not ask for a lot of money. This idea is prompted by the recent announcement that Windows 10 will be the latest version of the OS and will be improved according to the principle of service. One of the likely options for monetizing Windows 10 is the introduction of a subscription, as previously hinted at by Microsoft COO Kevin Turner. This would be a logical step, given the plans to gradually improve the system. The amount of switching from a pirated copy will most likely be comparable to the amount of a short-term subscription, since the user will bring money constantly in the future - this is exactly what Microsoft is striving for.

Is it possible to update the illegal version of the operating Windows systems(also called pirate) to Windows 10.

Yes you can! I was convinced of this on personal experience when I managed to upgrade from Windows7 to Windows10.

True, I did not succeed in it right away, but only on the third attempt. How I managed to upgrade from the pirate Windows 7 to the official Windows 10, I want to tell you in this note.

To begin with, I’ll say that I don’t consider myself an inveterate pirate, it’s just that there were circumstances with my laptop, on which there was a licensed version of Windows 7. In short, I picked up a Trojan virus when I was looking for a free 3-D modeling program and my hoster blocked me by IP access to the server. I could not even connect via FTP, or even just browse any site located on this hosting.

The problem had to be solved quickly, and somehow a friend was immediately found who offered to completely remove everything from the computer (along with the virus) and put the same seven, but already a pirate. An hour for the floor, he made it a reality. So I became a pirate

But this note should be about Windows 10 and whether it is possible to upgrade to a dozen from unlicensed Windows. Therefore, I change my train of thought in this direction.

Upgrading to Windows 10

Recently, having visited the MSN website, I immediately got a message in the widget under the header: " Upgrade to Windows 10 - it's free". By clicking on the link, I got to the office. Site of microsoft, where it was proposed to install 10-ku.

Before that, I had already updated to a dozen on a Windows tablet, where version 8.1 was installed. After digging around the Internet a little, I found several reviews in which people said that they were updating from pirate without any problems. In short, it was-not-was, I decided to update.

By going to the site I pressed Update now , after which a window appeared where it was proposed to download a file of only 7.3 MB in size in EXE format. I downloaded this file- it turned out to be a program for automatic update up to Windows 10.

The update takes place automatically and does not require your participation, the main thing is that the Internet is working continuously at this time. To update, click on this program and it starts installation.

Difficulties and problems during the upgrade

I was not able to update the first time. Having gained 25 percent off complete installation, the program gave an error and deleted all the files it downloaded. I have been in this way three times and almost fell into despair. It was late at night and I went to bed. But then I remembered that I had the same problem on the tablet.

It turns out the problem was this. To upgrade to WINDOWS 10, it is necessary that there is enough space in the computer on the C drive. After cleaning up the space a little, I tried to upgrade again. The attempt was unsuccessful, but the process was already 70% complete. I didn't give up - I had to delete several large, heavy programs that took up a lot of space. In the end, I was able to free up almost 15 GB.

And now it is a miracle - now I have Windows 10 on my computer. Programs now, as they say, fly, and the laptop works much easier (you can hear it from the cooling fan).

So the only problem that can hinder the upgrade to WINDOWS 10 is the lack of space on the C drive. So don't give up and upgrade!

On this moment available FREE upgrade to dozens from any version of Windows.

And hurry up, as the following message hangs on the official website:

Yes, it's free! Upgrade means getting full, not trial Windows versions 10. The size of the downloaded files is 3 GB.

Like this, with little problems I upgraded from pirate to Windows 10.

Even before the release of Windows 10, Microsoft announced that even users with a pirated version of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will be able to install the OS update to the "dozen". However, there are several pitfalls here. The first feature: even after updating the "seven" or "eight" to Windows 10, the latter will be considered pirated. The second factor is the increased vulnerability of the system and into the hands of the corporation (history of Internet navigation, passwords from Wi-Fi, a list of installed applications, history of correspondence and calls, data from equipment sensors and much more with the right to transfer information to third parties). And the difference in stability between a license and a pirate will be significant.

Before you upgrade your operating system to Windows 10, you need to make sure that your computer meets the hardware requirements:

  • central processor with a frequency of 1 GHz or more or similar system-on-a-chip;
  • volume random access memory: from 1 GB for x86 and at least 2 GB for 64-bit edition;
  • volume disk space about 20 GB;
  • video adapter with support for DirectX 9;
  • monitor with a resolution not less than 800x600.

Windows 10 innovations:

  • system of total tracking of the user with the right to transfer personal data to unauthorized persons;
  • a new "Start" that combines classic menu and tiled interface;
  • optimization of functioning in multitasking mode;
  • redesigned Metro interface;
  • function biometric identification user;
  • voice assistant Cortana (not available in Russia);
  • work on mobile devices;
  • updating of numerous functions;
  • support for interactive notifications.

Installation of "tens" is possible while saving all installed applications, own data, program configuration parameters, games and system settings. There are several methods to upgrade to Windows 10, which we will consider in today's article.

Through participation in Windows Insider

After the release of the failed Windows 8 (as practice shows, every second operating system from Microsoft is a failure: it's corporate policy or an accident - it's hard to judge) the developers, in order not to lose user confidence, provide the opportunity to perform a free upgrade to the "ten", outdated Windows 7 and no one needs the G8. Even the release of edition 8.1 did not change the alignment, and the "seven" remains the most demanded operating system developed by Microsoft at the moment. Probably, in order to avoid repeating mistakes, the corporation has developed the Insider program, in which anyone can participate. The essence of the project is as follows: the user was provided with a functioning Windows 10, which it will actually see the light of. People taking part in the testing left comments or detailed reviews about their impressions, wishes, and noticed shortcomings. This is all done after installing the operating system in Windows application Feedback, integrated into the preliminary editions of the Tens.

Those who became participants of the program got a chance to install the update on their computers and laptops completely free of charge as a sequence of updates. There were no difficulties here. All the rest of the users who do not want to pay for the upgrade of the operating system to the "dozen" are forced to use one of the two proposed options:

  • update through the "Update Center";
  • download the official ISO image with the OS distribution.

In the second case, there will be clean install Windows 10 without saving user data.

Update center

I am glad that the developers provide an opportunity quickly and without much effort on the part of the user.

  • First, make sure the computer matches system requirements... However, if the 7th and 8th editions worked properly, there should be no problems here.
  • Note that Media Center will be removed if you use its functionality, and the new standard WMP does not support disc playback.
  • Windows 8 users cannot get the update, for this you need to have Windows 8.1 on your computer.
  • Without SP1 preinstalled, the owners of the "seven" will also not receive the update.

This applies to both pirates and licensed copies of the OS.

In the "seven" or a special icon in the tray, which will appear after installing the update KB3035583 on Win 8.1.

  • We click on the icon, as a result of which an information window will open.

  • In it, click: "Reserve a free update" and enter your email address.

  • It remains only to confirm the reservation.
  • After the arrival of the queue, the files will be downloaded to the computer at background, after which you will be prompted to install the update.
  • After completing the reservation, a similar information window will appear.

Due to the fact that hundreds and even thousands of computers are updated daily, the queue may not even reach you in a few hours, be patient.

How the update process works

Sometimes, after long waiting times, no notification about the completion of the download of files comes.

In this case, you will have to delete the "Download" directory from the "SoftwareDistribution" folder located in the "Windows" directory system partition... Then launches command line and execute in it: "wuauclt.exe / updatenow".

After that, the upgrade to Windows 10 will start. , if you click "Install".

The process of installing the update on pirates is accompanied by an answer to a few simple questions: you will have to confirm your intentions to get Windows 10 on your computer after rebooting and accept the terms of use of the new OS (pay attention to the collection of all personal information with the possibility of transferring it to third parties). After checking the system, a window will appear where you can perform one of the proposed actions:

  • update now;
  • postpone the update for the selected time;
  • cancel the operation and delete the downloaded files.

After a couple of computer restarts and the process of integrating new functions and capabilities, you will be prompted to perform the initial Windows customization 10. All personal files, application configuration settings, saved games, shortcuts remained intact.

What is noteworthy, within 30 days from the date of the upgrade to the "dozen", you can roll back the system if you did not delete the "Windows.old" directory located at the root of the system volume.

Installation Media Creation Tool

  • A utility is available on the Microsoft website that can help update Windows. Download the application of the appropriate bit depth and launch it.
  • We select "Update computer now".

  • We are waiting for the completion of the download of files and their verification.

Then the installation process will start Windows updates 10.

  • We accept the operating conditions of the OS by clicking "Accept".

  • We agree to the installation of an update of the operating system with the preservation of personal information by clicking "Install".

During the update, the PC will restart several times.


Upon completion of the update process, the installer sends data about the hardware configuration of the hardware to the Microsoft servers. If after reinstalling the OS the configuration is saved - Windows 10 is activated automatically when using a license. In pirates, the “top ten” will remain as unlicensed as its predecessor with all that it implies: low stability, global collection of user data, constant reminders of activation.


The update process promises the appearance of numerous errors and problems, the elimination of which may require considerable effort and nerves, and the operation of the long-awaited update will end in failure with a rollback of all actions. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to re-do Windows installation 10 sec bootable flash drive, where the original image with the tens distribution kit is written. The ISO file can also be backed up and downloaded from Microsoft servers or torrent trackers. The latter method is very popular among users in our country. But in this case, you will have to install all applications and transfer data manually or using special programs... A partial way out of this situation is to download an assembly based on a licensed copy of Win10 or download various assemblies from software installed in automatic mode.

Peripheral device does not work

The problem is caused by a missing driver or by using one outdated version... Go to the manufacturer or hardware support website and download latest version drivers for the problematic device. Alternatively, use programs like Snappy Driver Installer, which can automatically find and load a missing driver, even if it is not in the application's offline driver database.

Error code - 80246007

Go to the "Administrative Tools" menu "Control Panel", start "Services" and check if the "Background Intelligent Service" is active. If not, change the status to "Started" and activate its automatic launch.

Code 80073712

The file required by the "Update Center" is damaged or not found - you will have to download the update again.

Code 800F0923

A driver for at least one of the PC components or a key software incompatible with Windows 10.

"The update does not affect your computer"

The computer may not have installed SP1 for 7 or Windows 8.1 update

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The Windows 10 installation is actually a one-button installation. It is enough just to agree to the installation and wait, watch the interest run, wait again. The process takes from 10 minutes to several hours. At the last stage, the installer will ask about some settings, which mainly relate to the browser - you can leave nothing.

What is the price

Not at all. You can upgrade your current version of Windows to the Top Ten for free during the first year after release, that is, until July 29, 2016. There is time to think, especially since it is wise to wait until the most noticeable bugs are fixed in Windows 10, and this will take several weeks.

Boxed versions of Windows 10 and 10 Pro will cost 6900 and 11,900 rubles, respectively, but so far Microsoft itself does not sell disks and keys and only offers to buy a computer on Windows 8.1.

Windows as a service

The most common misconception about Windows 10 is that the system will run on paid subscription... Almost everyone took the words of Microsoft representatives about turning Windows into a service unequivocally: Microsoft will take money monthly / annually, and if you skip the payment, the system will turn into a pumpkin in Linux, it will stop running, and the free period will supposedly end in a year.

In reality, this is not the case. After upgrading to Windows 10, you will receive a full license that will be valid indefinitely. And by "service" is meant that Microsoft will maintain and update the system on your computer for its entire life. By the way, you will not be able to refuse updates: on regular Windows 10 they will come automatically, and on Windows 10 Pro their installation can be postponed only for a short time.

Updating pirated Windows 7/8

I wanted to answer: “Aha! We ran away ”- but, according to users, many of them manage to update their jailbroken copies of Windows 7 and 8 to the tenth version. In this case, the system after installation turns out to be activated, and a key is assigned to it, that is, later it can be installed on a "clean" computer. Others, however, write about unsuccessful attempts to install updates. Probably the success depends on the pirate activation method.

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