
The best programs for recording CD Audio. How to write files from a computer to disk

In this lesson, we will learn to record files and folders from the computer to empty disk. We will also talk about what drives are, and what they differ from each other.

In previous lessons, we learned to copy files and folders. Using copying, you can write files to a computer, on a USB flash drive, rewrite from a phone or camera. But only not to the disk. If we try to write something to an empty disk in such a way, it will still remain empty.

To properly record discs you need to use special programs. The most famous of them is called Nero, but it, unfortunately, paid. There are free options - CdBurnerXP, Burnaware and others. They are no worse, but such a program you need to find on the Internet, download to the computer, then install and learn how to use it.

All of these gestures make sense if the user needs to write information on the disks often. But there is another, easier way - without any programs.

He is good what is universal. That is, so you can burn files and folders with files on an empty disk without additional programs and settings, almost on any computer.

From the disadvantages it should be noted that on computers with the Windows XP system, in this way you can only be recorded on the CD disk - it is impossible to DVD.

What are the discs

Wheels are CD and DVD. Many people think that only films are recorded on DVD, and on CD everything else - music, documents, photos. In fact, it is not. They differ only in size.

On the DVD, the disk is placed in four, and even eight times more informationthan on CD. That is, if one film is placed on the CD, and not in very good qualityYou can record four films on a DVD disc and even more. Music, photos, documents and other files and folders can be recorded both on the CD drive and DVD.

Also wheels are R and RW. The difference between them is that on R can only write information once, and on RW - many times. They recorded, and then erased and recorded something else.

Well, and, to all, wheels can be conditionally divided into "full" and "empty." That is, those on which something is already recorded (films, music, etc.) and those on which there is nothing.

Recording disc

First you need to know which version of Windows is installed on the computer. To do this, open the "Start", right-click on the "Computer" inscription and in the list that opens, click on the "Properties" item.

A window will open, in which it will be written, which system is installed.

Recording disks in Windows XP

Highlight the files and folders you want to write on an empty CD disc:

Open the disk on the computer. To do this, open "My Computer":

Right-click on your empty place and click on "Paste".

Files and folders that you copied, get up to the disk. But this does not mean that they recorded it. To do this, you need to click on the right mouse button on an empty place and select "Record files to a CD" from the list.

The CD Wizard Wizard opens. You can print the name for the disk in the "CD name" field, but it is optional. Click the Next button and wait.

When the disk is recorded (the green strip will be filled and disappeared), the new window will open, in which you want to click the "Finish" button.

Even if such a window does not appear, the disk is still recorded.

Most likely, he himself put forward from the computer. Thus, the computer reports that the record has passed successfully, and the disk can already be used.

How to clean the disk in windows xp

Clear disc can only if it is reusable. To do this, it should be written on RW. If the letter R is written on the disk, then it is impossible to erase it, it is disposable.

Insert the RW disk into the drive.

Open it on the computer. To do this, open "My Computer":

And in it to open a CD / DVD drive:

After that, right-click on an empty place (on a white field) and from the list, select "Erase this CD-RW".

New window opens. Click on the "Next" button and wait until all the information is erased. When this happens, the "Finish" button will appear. Click on it. Everything, the disc is clean and you can write something again.

Windows 7 disk recording

Highlight the files and folders you want to write to the disk:

Copy them, that is, click the right mouse button on any of the selected files (folders) and in the list that appears, click on the "Copy" item.

Insert the empty disk into the drive.

Open the "Computer" (Start - Computer).

Open the CD / DVD drive. To do this, click on it twice the left mouse button.

A small window will appear. You need to choose a type of disk you are going to write. Two types are offered - "as a USB flash drive" and "with a CD / DVD player".

The first option is more convenient and modern: you will get a disk, very similar to a USB flash drive - you can record files and folders with ordinary copying, and wash it with simple removal. But these discs can not open on some computers.

The second option - "with a CD / DVD player" - classic, that is, the same as in Windows XP. It is suitable if you want to record music and plan to listen to it not only on the computer, but also on players (for example, in the car). This option is less convenient, but more reliable - a disc recorded in this mode will open on any computer.

Click on the type that suits you. Then click on the "Next" button.

If you have chosen Like USB flash driveThe warning will appear about what will have to wait until the disk is prepared for the record. By the way, it happens, it falls for a long time - more than ten minutes. Click the Yes button.

When everything is ready, the window will disappear, and a new one will appear. small window, in which the computer will "offer" open folder to view files.

But even if this window did not appear, nothing terrible, just open the "computer" again and open the "CD / DVD drive".

Opens empty folder. Right-click on your empty place and click on "Paste".

After some time, the previously copied files and folders will be added. That's all, the recording of the disk was successful!

If you chose the type With CD / DVD player, then a clean drive will open. Right-click on your empty place and click on "Paste".

Files and folders that you copied, get up to the disk. But this does not mean that they already recorded him. In order for this to happen, you need to right-click on an empty place and select "Write to disk" from the list.

A new window will appear. You can print a name for a disk in it, but it is optional. Click "Next".

Now you need to wait. When the disk is recorded (the green strip will be filled and disappeared), the new window will open, in which you want to click the "Finish" button.

But even if such a window did not appear, the disk is still recorded.

Most likely, he will promote independently. Thus, the computer "says" to us that the record has passed successfully, and the disk can already be used.

How to erase Windows 7

We can erase from the disk only if it is reusable and called RW. If the letter R is written on it, it means that the disk disk and can not be erased.

Insert the disk into the drive and open it on the computer (Start - Computer - CD / DVD Drive).

Try to delete a file or folder. To do this, right-click on the file (folder). The list opens. Look, if it is the item "Delete". If there is, delete information through this item.

And if there is no such inscription, then right-click on an empty place (white field) and select "Erase Disk" (or item with a similar name).

Although today disks are used less often, free programs for recording disks still remain as popular as a few years ago.

The fact is that not all today uses flash drives, many more convenient to use verified DVD and CD.

Therefore, it would be useful to figure out what programs are used to record disks most often.

To do this, you can carry out a small study on the forums, social networks And just sites where the entire software is distributed.

Actually, it was done. And the results of this study can be seen below.

Interestingly, most users of the same Windows 7 do not even know about the existence of such a program.

But it is not surprising, because such giants like nero very easily put on the market a small Small CD-Writer.

She, by the way, fully meets its name.

In this program, there is absolutely nothing superfluous, only the most basic functions are collected.

In addition, Small CD-Writer weighs very little and she does not need the ability to record any temporal information in the cache.

Thanks to this, the Small CD-Writer does not take much space and does not require a lot of computer memory resources for their work.

Plus, the whole Small CD-Writer is so easy to use that it is even easier to imagine something.

How to use

Using Small CD-Writer, as already mentioned above, very simple. For novice users, this program is optimal.

So, the process of writing files to disk, DVD or SD, is to simply drag the desired files from some folder into space, circled in Figure 1 with a green frame.

After that, you should click on the "Write" button in the area circled by the Red Frame on the same figure. As we see, absolutely nothing complicated about it. After clicking on the button, a small window will appear in which you will need to select the speed and click OK.

The process of erasing the disks is also very simple.

After the dwarf itself is inserted into the drive, you need to enter the "Extract / Insert Disk" button on the menu and select disc In the "Computer" menu ("This computer" on Windows 10 and My Computer on Windows 7 and earlier versions).

After that, you need to select the "Clear" button in the same area, then a menu will appear in which you will need to select the erase option - full or fast.

Tip: It is best to choose a complete erase so that no data and, in particular, garbage, do not remain on the disk and did not interfere in its future use.

Summing up the description of the Small CD-Writer program, we can say that it is one of the easiest to use.

This caused its huge popularity among users of Runet and the entire worldwide network.

Also on the site contains articles on such topics:

  • Free programs for recording CD-DVDs Discs in Russian: List of the best

Here we are talking about a full-fledged multifunction package, which includes great amount All sorts of features related to recording and erasing DVD, CD and Blu-Ray.

But, despite the abundance of functions, the program is also quite simple to use.

The main functions that AShampoo Burning Studio FREE performs are as follows:

  • Creating disk images (the most famous format of such a disk image - ISO, there is still CUE / BIN, ASHDISC and others);
  • Creating backup data copies;
  • Recording music, movies and other data on discs;
  • Conversion of music (for example, you can create Audio-CD, MP3, WMA and more);
  • Erase discs;
  • Recording films in Blu-ray format and other similar formats intended exclusively for watching movies;
  • Preparing covers for disks, as well as booklets and other publications to them.

The program has a full-fledged interface in Russian, which is a huge advantage over the same Small CD-Writer.

Of course, the most famous program that performs the same functions is Nero (full-fledged paid version) and the title of the best in this area ashampoo Burning Studio FREE does not even pretend.


To burn a disc using Ashampoo Burning Studio Free, you need to do the following:

  • Run the program using a shortcut on the desktop or from the Start menu.
  • In the program window, see the convenient menu on the left side, which indicates all possible actions related to the recording and erasing of the disks. To simply reset any data on a blank, you must select the item "Record Files and Folders".
    To do this, it is enough to hover the mouse cursor.

  • After that, select the "Create a new CD / DVD / Blu-Ray disk" item in the drop-down menu, consisting of two commands. The second is designed to update the existing disk, that is, its overwriting.

  • The following window appears, very similar to what we have already seen in Small CD-Writer. Here, too, you just need to transfer the desired files to the area circled by the green frame in Figure No. 4.
    When they are added, it remains to click on the "Next" button, located in the lower right corner of the program window (circled with a red frame).

  • The drive selection window now opens. If the user has already inserted an empty disk into his drive, the program will detect it in automatic mode. Here it remains only to click on the "Write CD" button and wait for the end of the record.

Note: Figure 5 shows the perfect option when a disk is inserted into the drive, on which there is no data, damage or something else, which could interfere with a normal record. In the opposite case, the program will display the appropriate message and the "Write CD" button will be inaccessible.

By the way, download AShampoo Burning Studio Free is best on the official page -

After installation, you will need to go through a short procedure for obtaining free key.

This is a free and very lightweight version of the present giant and heavyweight in the field of programs for writing files to discs.

The possibilities of this program are very limited and are as follows:

  • Recording data on CD and DVD;
  • Copying discs;
  • Record in Blu-ray format;
  • Cleaning disks.

That's all. But this has its undeniable advantages. For example, Nero Free works at times faster than full fellow.

If the usual nero can hang hard on weak computersAnd the recording process itself can last for a very long time, then in a simplified version, everything is much faster.

Interestingly, most users choose Nero Free due to the fact that this program is perfectly coping with its tasks on weak computers.

In addition, she has an interface in Russian.

But it is interesting to download Nero Free on the official site at the moment it is impossible. At the very least, users cannot find it there.

But on other sites, most often, pirated, Nero Free has in common access.

This is explained by the fact that, most likely, this product has spread some very short time, and then the Nero team has ceased to do it.

In any case, Nero Free works on all modern computers.

How to use

In many ways, the use of Nero Free is very similar to the small Small CD-Writer. But here a little more functions.

All of them are focused on two menus, one of which is located on top, and the second - in the left side of the program window.

To simply record some data on the disk, you need to select the "Data Record" item in the menu that is located on the left.

After that, the menu shown in Figure No. 7 will appear. Further, everything is done as in other similar applications.

There is a field where you need to insert all files designed to record on the disk (in Figure No. 7, it is also highlighted in green).

First you need to drag the files there. After that, click on the "Record" button (highlighted in red).

In the window, too, you can click on the "Record" button, after which it will remain waiting for the end of the recording process. We also see that there is nothing complicated in its use.

Still, often it takes a little more functions than just the ability to record information on the blank.

It is due to the lack of some of the Nero Free functions significantly loses to the same Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE.

But the results will be summarized later, but for now we consider another similar program, which also enjoys considerable popularity in RuNet.

Another program for recording discs, which is characterized by an unprecedented ease of use.

But its difference from the previous ones is that it supports simply unprecedented number of disk image formats.

No other program (even from paid) does not support such a number of formats.

Among them are usual ISO and DVDs, as well as Bin, UDI, CDI, FI, MDS, CDR, PDI, and many others.

In general, ImgBurn can rightly be called a real giant in terms of supported formats.

On the other hand, it often prevents the program to function normally. Some users write that it is often when working with some formats, the recording occurs for too long.

In other cases, ImgBurn stops working at all.

But such cases are extremely rare and can be due to the peculiarities of the drive or computer as a whole.

By and large, almost about all the problems associated with the work of Imgburn, people immediately write to the forums in their occurrence.

Therefore, it can be assumed that almost all cases incorrect work Imgburn is captured in posts on English-speaking and Russian-speaking forums (most often the first).

Mostly people are very satisfied with this program.

No wonder on various sites dedicated to software Users, ImgBurn estimate does not reach the mark below 4.5 out of 5.

The program interface is shown in Figure No. 8. To record some files on the disk, you need to select the appropriate item in the menu.

After that, almost the same entry menu will appear, as shown in Figures 4 and 7.

In it, the user will only need to drag the desired files into the space specifically allotted for this and click the record button.

In addition to the possibility of recording a wide variety of disk, users allocate the following IMGBURN benefits in front of other similar programs:

  • Recording to the music and movies in the most different formats, among which there are even OGG and WV.
  • Unicode support (after recording problems with file names and folders will not arise).
  • The ability to open and closes the drive through the program window.
  • Ability to change the image label.
  • Automatic online search new firmware For one or another drive.

There are no such features from other similar programs to record disks. True to make the Russian-language program, you need to download the desired file. On the Internet, and then throw it into the Language folder (Languages) installed program.


What to say about this program first of all is that it is not intended only for windows users XP.

It can be used absolutely everyone who downloads and install CdBurnerXP to your computer.

Although, of course, it was originally created exclusively for Windows XP.

Over time, when Microsoft stopped supporting the operating system, the CDBurnerXP interface has practically not changed.

The program copes perfectly with the recording of CD and DVDs, as well as Blu-ray.

It is also possible to create images in ISO format. The main advantage on which the developers pay attention is compatible with various versions of the drives.

The fact is that some programs simply cannot work, for example, with IDE and SCSI drives, while others do not write information to the drives connected via USB.

So, in the CdBurnerXP there is no this problem, which makes it almost optimal for recording information on discs.

As for formats, CDBurnerXP supports all the most common video, audio and other file formats. It is possible to create Audio-CD.

The main advantages allocated by users are as follows:

  • The ability to create covers for disks;
  • Creating boot disks (usually need additional utilities for this);
  • Fast work;
  • Error monitoring;
  • Automatic update.

It is also worth highlight the recording process itself. There is no longer the usual menu shown in Figures 5 and 7.

The CDBurnerXP creates a full-fledged conductor, similar to the one that can be seen in Total Commander. It is shown in Figure 10.

At the same time, this approach to the record does not complicate the recording process, but, on the contrary, simplifies it, and many times.


Summing up the foregoing, it can be said that each program has some of their advantages that all other such programs have.

For example, ImgBurn is the ability to create disk images in the most formats.

Small CD-Writer has a maximum simplicity to use.

But to choose the winner of our today's ranking, we will be repelled because the best among all programs for recording discs is Nero (not only among free).

Therefore, you need to choose the one that is closest to the functionality and other features to Nero.

According to this criterion, the undoubted leader is Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE. By the number of functions, this program is the leader.

Yes, and among the full versions of Ashampoo always fell on the heels of Nero, it was simply spent less money for advertising.

The simplified version of Nero, Nero Free and closely displaces the functionality that AShampoo Burning Studio Free.

So our today's winner is this program!

Overview Ashampoo Burning Studio FREE from one of the users can be seen below.

Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Free - Free Disk Recording Program

A free program for recording AShampoo Burning Studio 6 Free FREE has a simple interface and has all the necessary features for writing CD, DVD and BD discs.

Programs for recording CD, DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-Ray Disc Free: Nero, Ashampoo Burning Studio, Aburner, Usefulutils Discs Studio, True Burne, Small CD-Writer, Infrarecorder, Imgburn, FinalBurner Free, Free Easy Burner, DeepBurner, CDBURNERXP, Burnaware Free, Burnatonce, Burn4Free, AVS Disc Creator Free, Amok CD / DVD Burning, etc.

Nero Burning ROM is one of the most popular programs designed to record disks. The application is able to record any types of files on the CD, DVD, as well as Blue-Ray. Users can also copy any discs or creating images. Experienced users with Nero ...

Magicdisc Virtual DVD / CD-ROM - Simple Free Creation and Management Program virtual disks. MagicDisc is a simple free program that can create up to 15 virtual drives. You can mount disk images such as ISO, NRG, MDS, and TDs.

Any Video Converter is a universal program for converting video from one format to another. There are functions for downloading video from YouTube and convert it to any available format. The program also knows how to record video files on optical discs. Among the formats that support ...

Not everyone needs to convert your audio files, but if you do it, you can hardly find the best tool than Freemake Audio Converter. Of course, this is not the perfect solution to all problems, but the program offers an attractive and extremely easy-to-use interface, ...

If you need a program to record disks, and you are looking for something worthwhile among free applications, then stop your attention to Aburn. Its free Property Program is Usefulutils Discs Studio, you may have to hear reviews about this utility. Aburner saved ...

The free USEFULUTILS Discs Studio program can be used as a full-featured application for recording optical discs with data, as well as streaming audio under the control of most windows systems Starting from the 98th version. Taking into account the fact that this program is pretty ...

How can you judge from the name, the free Small CD-Writer program will be difficult to blame functionalityMeanwhile, it is thanks to its simplicity that it uses well-deserved popularity in certain circles of people who sometimes need to write an optical disc, ...

Nero 9 FREE is a lightweight version of the popular package for writing a CD, which is a free program. Unfortunately, almost all additional featureswhich are presented in the paid version of this package to work with optical disks, removed. Meanwhile, in it ...

With the help of the free program Infrarecorder, you will be able to replace standard remedy To record CD / DVD windows Windows for more powerful and modern, which will give the user a lot useful features, wherein this program able to fully integrate into the shell operating system.

Free FinalBurner Free program can boast of functionality that can satisfy almost any requests for computer users, because it knows how to create disks with multi-sessions, boot discs, work with ISO images and record on HD DVD, Blu-ray, CD, ...

Free Easy CD DVD Burner Another representative of free programs designed to record the SD and DVD disks in most available formats. This program has been released by Koyote Soft Developer Profile and is designed to enhance the convenience of recording disks, and it is designed ...

Another pretty powerful program for recording DeepBurner Free disks, which is a free program when used for personal purposes and gives the user a fairly wide opportunity to record optical disks. This program can be called Combine, which solves most of the tasks ...

Download programs for recording disks in Russian for free.
The best free MP3 music recording programs and disk images.
Download a program for copying and writing a CD for Windows XP, 7, 8.10.

Version: 12.2 dated April 05, 2019

BURNAWARE FREE EDITION is a program for recording CD, DVD, Blu-Ray disks. Also with it, you can create boot and multisession disks or ISO images.

We present you one of the best free disc recitors - Burnaware Free. Its functionality serves as one goal - quickly and high quality disk. In this case, you will not encounter an overloaded interface with a multitude of additional options and settings, which is often found in popular analogues.

Version: from March 28, 2019

CDBURNERXP - Program for recording disks, install and use it users of any version of Windows. And let him not introduce you, so to speak, its name is delisting - it perfectly shows itself not only on XP, but also on versions of 7, 8 and Vista.

It works perfectly with CD, HD-DVD, DVD, Blu-Ray and popular in lately Two-layer media, and also involves creating ISO images.

Version: dated 27 August 2018

The program for writing media with data and boot disks to reinstall the operating system. This application is characterized by a "easy" interface with the support of the skins.
AstroBERN can be used for burning all types of optical containers - CD, Blu-Ray, DVD. As source data, conventional files or images in CCD, NRG, ISO, IMG and Others may appear. The program allows you to erase rewritable "blanks" and can check the integrity of the information after the end of the transfer of objects to the disk. The utility supports all modern types of carriers - DVD, Blu-ray, as well as CD.

Version: 1.14.5 dated June 13, 2014

Free app To work with discs, which is delivered from frills, but in return contains all the important and main functions, such as burning on different speeds, creation of audio-CD and backup Data on disk.

Are you tired of intricate and incomprehensible applications to record disks? Download AShampoo Burning Studio for free in Russian and forget about the problems of familiarization with the program. You do not need instructions for Ashampoo Burning Studio, as the interface is not enough that in Russian, it is also intuitively understood. The application "leads" to a successful record, because the entire process is divided into sequential steps: add files, set the speed of burning, press "Start".

Version: 9.4 from April 18, 2014

Nero Free is free version Test time program for working with discs. Thanks to the lightweight functionality, it instantly starts and does not affect the work of other applications.

The program allows you to record any data on the disk, as well as copy information from CD, Blu-Ray or DVD. But it will not be possible to create with its help DVD-Video or ISO image. And if only standard features are enough for you, then the best option is not found.

Version: dated June 17, 2013

ImgBurn is a free program for recording disks that supports a wide range of file images (BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG, PDI).

Can write audio CDs from any type of files supported via DirectShow / ACM (including AAC, APE, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4, MPC, OGG, PCM, WAV, WMA, WV). You can also use IMGBURN for creating DVD. Video discs (from the Video_TS folder), HD DVD video disks (from the HVDVD_TS folder) and Blu-ray video disks (from BDAV / BDMV folder) with ease.

Programs for recording DVD video discs are designed to create digital video disks that can be played on any DVD player. If you have a video of birthdays, various holidays, New Year's events, dances, your pants and any other pleasant memories captured on video cameras and stored on mini-disks, VHS-cassettes and other specific media, then a good idea will be recorded and structuring them on DVD. DVDs can be stored long enough and, today, they can be opened almost anywhere where there is a digital technology.

Using this class of programs, you will not need to edit each video separately and try to dock them. You can create and record video with an interactive menu in various templates, divide the video to the chapters to facilitate navigation, add subtitles and additional audio tracks, cut the scenes from the video and even create a slide show from photos. And all this is done quickly and easily.

Note: You absolutely do not necessarily edit the video only by programs for recording video on DVD. You can use any video editor for mounting and correction. And this class of programs only for importing and creating a menu before recording on DVD.

Overview of free programs for recording DVD video discs

DVD Flick Convenient and Powerful DVD Video Record

It is a fairly simple program, but at the same time with powerful tools for mounting and writing video to DVD. Using this program, you can quickly turn video reports stored by different folders, in a full-fledged DVD video disc, which will be opened not only on your computer, but also on any other digital players, including home cinemas. At the same time, you can add additional audio tracks, for example, to clarify some important events. Insert explanations in the form of subtitles. And structure video as a separate menu for quick and convenient navigation.

The following advantages are noted on the developer's website:

  • Record almost any video file on DVD
  • Support more than 45 file formats
  • Support more than 60 video codecs
  • Support for more than 40 audio codecs
  • Easy to add a menu
  • Ability to add your own subtitles
  • Simple and use interface
  • Completely free, without advertising software, spyware And any restrictions.

DVD Flick will allow the novice user surprisingly to quickly create its own DVD video.

Other programs for recording DVD video

  • Bombono DVD - cross-platform program supporting MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI and other video formats. With the ability to create a different kind of menu. Linux version is free. Windows version divided into commercial and limited to the possibilities are free.
  • DVD Author Plus (Unfortunately, the program has become trial) allows you to create a DVD video video, read and convert the most common video formats. Includes a lot of useful features such as disk copying, creating ISO images and their subsequent record to the disk.
  • Devede is Linux program with open source codeDesigned to record video on DVDs and CDs (VCD, SVCD, CVD) any number and format of video files, including MPEG, MPEG4, AVI, ASF, Youtube, Google Flash Video, WMV, OGG, etc.
  • Koyote Video to DVD - you will be pleasantly surprised by the number of the capabilities that this program provides. You can, almost from scratch to build a menu, choose a background, rename individual chapters of an existing video and much more.
  • - Cross-platform program for creating professionally looking DVDs. Allows not only to record record video on the DVD, which will be played on any DVD player, but also create individually decorated menus. Note: Be careful, the installer tries to establish unnecessary programs. Better use portable versionin which there is nothing superfluous.

Quick Selection Guide (Links to download programs for recording DVD video discs)

DVD Flick.

Simple but powerful video recording program on DVD. Supports many file formats and audio-video codecs. Easy to add a menu. Own subtitles. And much more.
13 MB OPEN SOURCE FREEWARE Windows 2000 - 7
Support 64-bit OS

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