
Download program for programming Arduino Uno. Installing and configuring ARDUINO IDE under Windows. Linux and Mac version

By default, the core of the program is supported only AVR.- pay Arduino.. Some Arduino boards require use additional featuresthat must be installed in the core of the program.

One example is Arduino Due.that uses ARM / SAM. Microcontrollers. In order to be able to use Arduino IDEprogram Arduino Due., you need to install SAM-YadRO with help Boards Manager..

In this example, we install the kernel necessary for the board Arduino Due..

Select the Tools → Fee → Boards Manager

The Board Manager window will open in which you will see a list of installed and available boards. Choose kernel Samrequired version (as in the case of only one version can be available, so the drop-down list with the list of available versions may not be) and click Install.

Upon completion of the installation process (which may take quite a long time) the status of the kernel Sam will be Installed. Now the Arduino Due board will be available in the Tools → Fee menu.

Manual installation of plants

It is also possible to add boards to manual mode. This method works on and on. For version IDE 1.6.2 The method is not operational (the bug is corrected in release 1.6.3). About versions Earlier 1.6.1 I can not say anything.

I'll tell you on the example of the company's boards Adafruit..

First download the description files for boards with Github.-Prost Adafruit. or by reference below (on Github.maybe there will be a more recent version of this archive).

Category: Programs.
Date: 06.04.2015

If you downloaded the archive with Github., then unpack the archive and change the resulting folder from AdaFruit_arduino_boards-Master in Adafruit_arduino_boards.

Inside this folder, you will find two subfolders:

  • hardware, also containing subfolders AdaFruit and Tools
  • drivers in which the Flora drivers are located for Windows

IN Mac Os. The folder is hidden inside the application package. In order to find it make the right click on the application Arduino IDE and choose to show the contents of the package

Go inside the subfolders of Contents → Java and find the Hardware folder there.

Now you need to carefully combine the contents of the Hardware folder with a similar folder from the previously downloaded and unpacked archive with the description of the boards from the site. Adafruit.. It is necessary to make sure that you rewrote conflicting files (in this case avrDe.conf.). After all operations folder Hardware Applications Arduino IDE will have the following structure:

If you work in WindowsYou will need to rewrite the Drivers folder.

If everything is done correctly, new boards will appear in the Tools menu → Fee into Arduino IDE.

Attiny microcontrollers board boards

One of my readers - Pavel Paschenko kindly shared files descriptions to Microcontrollers ATTINY series. Thanks, Paul!

Category: Programs.
Date: 08.04.2015

Installation is similar to those described above.

Resulting from Paul the result in Windows:

ATMEGA8 microcontroller boards

For ATMEGA8 microcontrollers with external quartz for 8 MHz and without bootloader, the following lines must add to the Boards.txt file:

################################################## ############ \u003d atmega8 (no bootloader 8mhz ext) atmega8.upload.protocol \u003d arduino atmega8.upload.tool \u003d USBASP ATMEGA8.upload.maximum_size \u003d 7680 atmega8.upload.speed \u003d 115200 atmega8.bootloader.low_fuses \u003d 0xFF atmega8.bootloader.high_fuses \u003d 0xD9 atmega8.bootloader.unlock_bits \u003d 0x3F atmega8.bootloader.lock_bits \u003d 0x0F \u003d atmega8 \u003d 8000000L \u003d arduino \u003d Standard.


aTMEGA8. Name \u003d ATMEGA8 (No Bootloader 8MHz EXT)

aTMEGA8. Upload. Protocol \u003d Arduino.

aTMEGA8. Upload. Tool \u003d USBASP

aTMEGA8. Upload. Maximum_Size \u003d 7680.

aTMEGA8. Upload. Speed \u200b\u200b\u003d 115200.

aTMEGA8. bootloader. Low_Fuses \u003d 0xff

aTMEGA8. bootloader. High_fuses \u003d 0xd9

aTMEGA8. bootloader. unlock_bits \u003d 0x3f.

aTMEGA8. bootloader. lock_bits \u003d 0x0f.


aTMEGA8. BUILD. F_CPU \u003d 8000000L

Develop household electronic devices Now much easier thanks to projects like Arduino. This company develops and manufactures hardware cards to create digital and interactive devices using other attached add-ons. And all this thanks to the fact that it is distributed as an open source project.

Well, if you have already plunged into an exciting world of efficient use of the possibilities provided by these small and basic computers, you should download your Arduino IDE (development environment).

Start programming open source microcontroller cards

We are talking about IDE, which simplifies programming these boards, and here we will find everything related to the Hardware ARDUINO, which can be found in any similar program. That is, the editor for writing and compiling code. A good thing is that it also offers the user with various means that go beyond simple manuals to start cope with these boards from scratch: and also comes with examples, as for codes for various functions and devices.

She was conceived so that anyone could start using it without much knowledge. In any case, youtube have thousands of video tutorials with different projects that are perfectly explained.

Consider the start of working with Arduino IDE in the Windows operating system on the example of Arduino Uno. For other boards, the difference is minimal - these features are listed on the pages of describing specific boards.

1. Installing Arduino IDE under Windows

Step 1

Select the version of the environment depending on the operating system.

Step 2.

Click on the "Just Download" button for free download Arduino IDE.

2. Launch Arduino IDE

Run the environment programming Arduino. IDE.

Arduino IDE does not start?

Most likely, the computer is incorrectly installed by JVA Runtime Environment. To solve the problem

3. Connect Arduino Board to Computer

The operating system recognized arduino fee As a COM port and assigned number 2. If you connect another Arduino card to the computer, the operating system will assign another number to it. If you have several Arduino boards, it is very important not to get confused in the rooms of the COM ports.

Something went wrong?

After connecting Arduino to a computer, new devices do not appear in the device manager? This may be a consequence of the following reasons:

    Faulty USB Cable or Port

    Blocking from the operating system

    Faulty Arduino board

4. Setting up Arduino IDE

For the ARDUINO IDE environment with a specific Arduino platform - you need to select the name of the Arduino model and the number assigned the COM port board.

In the example considered, we chose the Arduino Uno fee. In your case, choose the ARDUINO model specifically.

Congratulations, ARDUINO IDE environment is configured for the Arduino boards.

Something went wrong?

Wednesday is configured, the board is connected. It's time to flash the platform.

Arduino IDE contains a large list of ready-made examples in which you can quickly score a solution to any task. Choose the most common example - "blink".

Slightly modify the code to see the difference with the factory blinking of the LED.

Replace the line:

Delay (1000);

Delay (100);

Full version of code:

void setup () ( // Configure PIN 13 in the output mode Pinmode (13, Output); ) void loop () ( // Fee at PIN 13 "High Signal" DigitalWrite (13, High); // We are waiting for 100 milliseconds Delay (100); // Fee at PIN 13 "Low Signal" DigitalWrite (13, Low); // We are waiting for 100 milliseconds Delay (100); )

Now the LED "L" should light up and go out every 100 milliseconds - 10 times faster than the original version. Load the Skatch in Arduino and check.
After loading the LED will flash faster. Everything worked out.

Something went wrong?

As a result of the download, the type error appears: AvrDude: STK500_GET SYNC (): Not in Sync: Resp \u003d 0x00? So Arduino is configured incorrectly. Return to previous items and make sure that the device was correctly recognized by the operating system, and in Arduino IDE installed correct settings COM port and fee models.

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Arduino IDE is a Windows operating system software that allows you to write your programs (sketches) for the Arduino platform. This platform is primarily focused on fans designers who use Arduino to build simple automation systems and robotics. However, sometimes, on the basis of Arduino, more or less serious projects were created.

But if you are aimed to make a large-scale project of an industrial level or manage important high-tech projects, then you should not risk using Arduino. The program, although it has a flexible system, allowing to realize the ideas of professionals of your business, but from the very beginning it was created for training.

Arduino IDE consists of a simple enough text editor Code, project manager, compiler and module for loading the firmware into a microcontroller. This integrated environment is written on Java and based on Processing and friend. software from open source. Unlike the online version of the Code Editor (Arduino Web Editor), the desktop version can be used in the absence of the Internet.

Arduino programming language is standard C ++ (AVR-GCC compiler is used) with some features that facilitate writing programs for beginners in this matter.

Advantages of Arduino IDE

  • availability;
  • convenient for use and understanding interface;
  • the program is compatible with all versions. operating systems Windows;
  • the presence of the necessary tools to work;
  • several variants of programming languages;
  • the ability to deepen the knowledge of C ++;
  • built-in set of program examples;
  • functions for saving, exports, checks, searching, replacement of the sketches.

Disadvantages of Arduino IDE

  • the program is not designed to work with complex systems;
  • the work of individual versions, according to users, is characterized by instability.

Installing Arduino IDE for Windows

For Windows, it is possible to download the archive and installer (file.exe). Archive can be used as portable version. If you install Arduino development environment to your permanent workplace, it is better to choose Windows Installer.

Installation of the program does not require complex manipulations. Upload Arduino IDE through the link you suggested, open the downloaded file and follow the special instructions specified in the installation window.

Changes in the latest version ()

  • New goal! Arm64 boards are now fully supported (NVIDIA JETSON and RASPBERRYPI3 with a 64-bit operating system).
  • Fixed errors associated with UTF8 in Windows.
  • Fixed: Now you can compile again using OpenJDK (dependency on JavaFX).
  • Fixed: Use only TouchBar on OSX 10.12 or higher.
  • PluggableDiscovery: Easy to add your own discoverer and make it available in the Boards / Port menu (thanks @paulstoffregen for the idea and initial implementation).
  • LibManager: Reduced deceleration when searching.
  • Fixed: Make sure the sketch line is visible if it contains an error and must be highlighted.
  • Linux: The installer is now trying to install a symbolic / usr / local / bin link (this does not affect the usual installation outside the system) Thanks @ 2e0pgs.
  • Fixed firmware update, inaccessible for third-party WinC boards.
  • Use the lexicographic distance as the last chance to find the desired library (if any other technique failed).
  • Fixed some prototypes inserted in the middle of the function.

Sophisticated systems are inherent using the original software - ARDUINO. It is created to interact with the output card manufactured under the same name, has 2 components: development environment (with primitive code editor, compiler, module for firmware downloads) and fee (compatible with USB cable). The simple interface of the ARDUINO is equipped with the "File", "Edit", "Sketch", "Service", "Help" on the top panel. For them are located function keys With understandable even for a novice user "speaking" icons.

Algorithm application

Start using this software standard:
  • users download publicly available and reliable complimentary software in Russian. (Difficulties with its loading and further use were not detected);
  • be sure to acquire a special fee to which light bulbs, motors, sensors, speakers and other technical parts are connected during use. It is important to understand that the board begins to function only in tandem with the previously installed prog. Without buying a board, it is pointless to install in - only time will be lost in vain;
  • the role of the controller - the creation unique program In the C ++ programming language, controlled from lamps and sensors "Designer".

Individual characteristics

  • the main purpose of the program-controller is the creation of robotic devices and their further full-fledged management;
  • According to and invented on its basis, robots are available in maintaining even novice programmers;
  • ARDUINO Easily connect to a personal device without program compatibility conflict (such as PUR DATA, Macromedia Flash., Super Collider);
  • the software installed on the computer requires the purchase of additional equipment - USB boards and cable;
  • when writing programs, it requires a C ++ programming language from a person, since the creation of firmware occurs exclusively on the "plus" signs;
  • easily interacts with some software installed on PCs, including supports all versions of Windows for today;
  • in Arsenal Arduino - compiler, tools for testing, detecting and correcting errors and inaccuracies in software, practical, laconic graphic shell.

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