
Can I install windows 10. Ways to get a free license. What do you need

If you want to know how to make the transition to Windows 10, then we can only congratulate you - here you will find the answer to your question, as well as detailed instructions... So, before starting the story, I would like to note that it is quite difficult to install a completely legal “top ten” on your computer after 07/29/2016 (when Microsoft stopped its free distribution). Numerous tearful "I can not switch to Win 10 for free, what should I do ??" have already appeared on the network. Of course you can't if you use legacy methods. But read our website and understand that not all is lost.

How to switch to the official 10 Windu now

So is it still possible to upgrade to Windows 10 for free? After all, the messages “update me, I’m all yours” do not come ten times a day, even on the official website it is no longer possible to download for free and the license for the top ten is sold with might and main. Yes, all of the above is true, but Microsoft has left the last loophole. It is still working, so we use it until we shut it down:

  1. Conditions for the transition to Windows 10: you must have a licensed OS 7, 8 or 8.1
  2. You need to go to one of the pages of the official Microsoft website. There is a dozen for people with disabilities... It has such special abilities, how virtual keyboard or a magnifying glass (you do not need to turn it on). For the rest, Windows is completely ordinary;
  3. Click "Update now" - it is downloaded to your computer setup file(search on the desktop);
  4. Click on the file - it starts - follow the instructions.
  5. After rebooting, we get a new ten for use.

How could you go ten earlier?

Method number 1: update

So, if you needed to know how to completely switch to Windows 10 from a licensed "seven" or "eight", then the answer was quite simple:

  • check if you have enabled automatic update and, if so, just wait;
  • sooner or later, an offer to update would appear on your screen, after which you had to download a couple of gigabytes of files (all this would have happened without your intervention);
  • then it is corny to press the "Next" button until the new OS would greet you from the PC screen.

To check the operation of the update service, you had to do the following:

Step # 1

Open Start - Control Panel.

Step # 2

Double-click the Update Center icon.

Step # 3

Open the "Parameter settings" section on the left side of the window.

Step # 4

Switch the installation mode by selecting Install updates automatically.

Step # 5

Click OK.

Method number 2: insider

The second answer to the question of how it was possible to make the transition from Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 to Windows 10 for free was suitable for those who at one time spared money for a license. In this case, you needed an account Microsoft entry, which had access to the insider Microsoft program... Then it only remained to download one of the insider assemblies (fortunately, they are still lying around on torrents), and then wait until it is updated to the latest build.

True, it should be borne in mind that in the second case you will act as a test subject, since you will receive all the new features and updates earlier than other users. This has both pros and cons, for example, you may well end up with "raw" software that has several bugs. However, they are quickly corrected ...

That's all. Now you can share how to enable Windows 10 migration to your friends.

No matter how hard they try in Russia to promote various alternative operating systems for computers Linux type or MacOS, none of them has become more popular than Windows yet. To date, the most modern version of the OS from Microsoft is Windows 10. It has a convenient user interface, excellent functionality and ample opportunities... In my opinion, this version has every chance to jump over the legendary "seven" in popularity.

Despite the very, very friendly interface, even for an unprepared person, users still have questions. One of the most common is how to install Windows 10 on clean computer from scratch. Let's take a look at it in more detail!

Preparing to install Windows 10

Before doing anything, you need to thoroughly prepare! The first thing you need is installation disc or bootable USB drive with Windows image ten! The easiest way to do it is a proprietary utility from Microsoft.

Despite the fact that outdated DVDs are often used to install Windows 10 on a computer, it is much easier and faster to use an installation flash drive. The only condition is that the capacity of the USB drive must be at least 4 Gigabytes.

It is also worth taking care of the drivers for the main components of the PC - motherboard, video adapter, sound card, WiFi adapter, etc. You can separately download the software for each device on the website of its manufacturer, or use the tool automatic installation drivers. For example, DriversPack Solution.

After the installation flash drive is ready, we plug it into the USB port. Now you need to force the computer or laptop to boot from it. To do this, when switching on, you must press the "Del" key. For laptops, the "F2" button is most often used for this.

In BIOS, you need to go to the advanced settings "Advanced Settings" and find the item "First Boot Device". Here you need to select the item "USB-HDD" in the list - this is the flash drive.

Note: On laptops, as a rule, the BIOS has separate section"Boot", dedicated to booting the device:

Everything is the same here - we find the first boot device "1st Boot Priority" and put the installation media there, from which Windows will be installed on the PC.

Installing an operating system on a computer

The preparation is complete, now we proceed directly to the installation. If you did everything correctly, then after the next reboot the language selection will appear:

You will now be required to enter your product key. Without it, further actions will be unavailable.

If you don't have license key, then you can always use free installation keys for dozens, which can be found here -. They allow you to easily install Windows 10 on a computer or laptop, but then you still have to look for a licensed one somewhere or use alternative options.
The next step is the license agreement that no one ever reads:

The next stage is very important. If you are trying to install Windows 10 on absolutely new hard HDD disk or SSD, then first you need to mark it.

We press the button "Create" and below we get the following menu:

Here you need to specify the size of the system disk to be created. After you click the "Apply" button, the following window will pop up:

We agree by clicking on "Yes" and we see the following picture:

The installer created system partition by 500 megabytes, reserved by the system and the main installer for the operating system.

Note: If you have a large hard disk, then it is more optimal to create several partitions than one, but huge.

If HDD The HDD or SSD is already marked up, then the partition selected for installing Windows 10 should simply be formatted by clicking on the corresponding button.

During this, at least one computer restart will occur.

Average, Windows installation 10 per computer or laptop takes from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the specifications of the device.

When the "Increase work speed" window appears, it is best to select the "Use standard parameters" option.

Again, we are waiting for the installer to perform a series of operations.

We click on the line "This computer belongs to me" and on the button "Next". Then you need to skip the step of entering your Microsoft account information.

Pay attention - are there lines with exclamation mark? These are unidentified components or devices that Windows 10 does not have standard driver... If everything is clean, then in principle the system can be used. Although I would still advise as soon as the installation of Windows 10 is completed, be sure to run the utility DriverPack Solution and automatically update all drivers to the latest versions.

The point is that the standard universal drivers are used to turn on the computer, start up and work more or less normally. They are not always suitable for user tasks and therefore such an update is urgently needed.

Secondly, be sure to go to the "Tens" options and open the "Update and Security" section, where you start the process of searching for and installing system updates.

The developers of Windows 10 have done a great deal of work to correct the identified shortcomings and inconveniences that were inherent in the G8. And about the number of innovations, you can write a voluminous article, which we will not do now, but we will begin to fulfill the task set in today's review - Windows installation 10 from scratch.

In the vastness of the network, there are a lot of instructions explaining to the user how to install the top ten, but almost all are limited to the same content and the absence of some important features.

How much does a new operating system cost

Oddly enough, but non-commercial using windows 10 absolutely free. Computers on which the licensed "seven" and "eight" are installed can also be updated without requiring a penny from their owners, but only an hour or two of free time and access to the Internet.

If you are satisfied with the unlicensed "dozen", no one forbids downloading one of several dozen author's assemblies common on torrent trackers with preliminary configuration (garbage removal, integration of system components), since the purchase of software licenses in our country is not very popular.

What's new in the top ten

Before installing Windows 10, you need to familiarize yourself with its features in order to conclude about the need to update the operating system. Let's briefly go over the main changes that the "ten" has acquired.

  • The presence of the new Edge browser, in contrast to the next edition of the buggy and impractical IE. The new Internet browser is noticeably beating Internet Explorer in most key indicators, although it is not popular with users.
  • During the life of Windows 10, it was possible to fix most of the serious bugs and shortcomings, which Microsoft has been doing for almost a year of running its system on user computers... Almost all problems with drivers and software compatibility have also been resolved, so even old applications should work fine in the new environment using compatible launch tools.

  • DirectX12 support. Although no one has switched to the new API yet, it's only a matter of time. Availability itself new version technology points to prospects in 3D modeling and the gaming industry.

  • New tool - ported from mobile operating systems in Windows 10. It provides the ability to perform quick actions like on a smartphone, notifies you of new events and reminds you of planned things. Moreover, you can turn off any notifications so that they do not interfere with the workflow.

  • visualize dynamically updated information about applications, and not only serve as shortcuts to launch them.

  • With advanced functionality, you can copy and select any text fragments and use new hotkey combinations. It supports word wrap while the window is being zoomed.

  • like in Linux. The user can create several desktops with icons and parameters for various purposes (games, work, surfing the Internet, entertainment).

  • New design, animation, themes, sound accompaniment, the ability to change the color of windows and other functions for customizing the interface, which were not there before. Along with these and other no less significant innovations, new problems have appeared:
    • mandatory updates - the user has no right to refuse to install any update, but only to postpone its installation;
    • total control and - this can also be combated using the methods given by enthusiasts on the network, but even their combination cannot guarantee a high degree of protection against sending personal information to Microsoft servers;
    • problems with the support of some old applications and the possible lack of drivers for the sank into oblivion, but still sometimes functioning devices, such as outdated printers, TV tuners.

How to download the top ten

Get the image new system can be done in many ways, one of which, prohibited by law, is to download assemblies activated windows 10. The second, no less common way to install the "top ten" is to download a system image from the Microsoft website.

After installing all available updates for the "seven" or "eight" in any of them will appear in the tray icon, offering to update the operating system.

With its help, it is easy to book a download of files in order to later install the "top ten" on your computer, saving all the applications on it (with rare exceptions) and their configuration parameters. From the moment you receive all the files to Windows boot 10 usually takes about 10-15 minutes, which is quite a bit for OS installation.

  • We call "Recovery Options" using the search box "Start".
  • Under the first heading "Return the computer ..." click on the "Start" button.

Windows.old folder

For those who decided to stay on the top ten or a month has passed since the day of its installation, to remove it by standard means impossible, and the space occupied by the directory is sometimes right. The directory contains files related to your old system... If there is no need or need to restore it, Windows.old should be removed.

  • We write "cleanmgr" in the line execute "Win + R" and press "Enter".

  • Select the drive where the file folder is located old windows, and click "OK".

  • We click "Clean up system files".

  • Check the boxes next to the items colored in the screenshot and click "OK".

They take up the maximum amount of disk space.

As a result of the action, the directory will be deleted, clearing on your system disk several gigabytes.

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Let's do it together.

2. Installation and Use Rights.
c. Restrictions. The manufacturer or installer and Microsoft retain all rights (such as those under intellectual property laws) not expressly granted under this agreement. For example, this license does not give you the right:
(iii) hand over software (except as provided in this agreement);
transfer Windows 10 to the person who asked me about it

then the off-top asked for it. what if a person asks you to jump off the roof?

I read it, but I'm not sure that everything is clear to me, for example, for what reasons, at the request of another person, I cannot download and install Windows 10 so that he becomes a full-fledged user of Microsoft products.

I explain again:
- You are entitled to Windows download 10 from the official Microsoft sources (this applies not only to MS, otherwise no one would have ever downloaded, for example, Linux).
- You have the right to install a computer program on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (if you live in Russia), which guarantees you the right to work.
- the most important thing: for the user to become a full user of MS products - he or you owe these products buy!

What is the cost of the license in question? Windows version 10 which is transmitted has the status not activated.

well, bad. You must activate it (read EULA):

5. Authorized software and activation. You have the right to use this software, if only you have the appropriate license and software has been properly activated using a genuine product key or other approved method. When connected to the Internet while in use software it automatically contacts Microsoft or a Microsoft affiliate to activate and associate with a specific device. You can also manually activate the software over the Internet or by telephone. In any of these cases, some data will be transmitted, therefore Internet services, telephone connection or SMS messaging may apply. During activation (or reactivation which may be required after device changes have been made), the software may determine that the installed instance is counterfeit, not legally licensed, or contains unauthorized modifications. If activation fails, the software will attempt to patch by replacing the tampered Microsoft software with genuine Microsoft software. In addition, you may receive reminders to purchase an official software license. Successful activation does not constitute evidence that the software is genuine or properly licensed. It is prohibited to bypass the activation procedure in any way. Visit the web page ( to verify that your software is genuine and properly licensed. Certain updates, support, and other services are offered only to users of genuine Microsoft software.
There is some kind of download license, there is such a phrase on the site ..
So what will be the basis for the MS for the court if there is no damage?

The foundation will not be with the MC, but with the one to whom you are " handed over"Windows. But there will already be claims from the MC.

The PC was given for temporary use and is subject to return, the client keeps his Windows 10 for himself or if he wants to give it to me, where are the violations in front of the MC in such a relationship?
counter question: if the client gives you Windows license 10 - how do you prove the license is genuine? If you do not prove it, there will be claims from the MS. The same applies to the client if he keeps the license for himself.

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