
How to make multiplication in exile. As in Excele to make a multiplication formula. Multication of numbers in different cells using the formula

Also articles about formulas in Extel:

Multiplication in Excel is made in the same way as any other operation, mainly through the formula. But besides the formulas there are other options, and how to multiply in Excele different ways We will consider in this article.

For multiplication of numbers in Excele, it is necessary in the cell after entering the sign to transfer to the variable values, between which the asterisk icon set «*» . It is necessary to remember that the priority of performing operations is the same as in mathematics and to properly perform operations with numbers, it is better to use brackets.

The multiplication of the cell on the cell in the excel is made by installing between the variable cells of the character of the asterisk «*» .

How to multiply the column on the column?

To multiply the column, the column in Excele needs to record the correct formula, and stretch it on the entire range of variable values. To do this, we introduce a formula for multiplication of the two first values \u200b\u200bin the column, and we apply the formula to all cells at the entire height of the variable values.

How to multiply a column in Excel for a number?

To multiply the column in Excele, you can create a formula, indicating the multiplication coefficient in it, and it is possible to multiply the entire selected range of values \u200b\u200bto any number without any formulas through the menu.

If the number to multiply the cells is located in the table cell, then the link to this cell in the formula will need to be made absolute so that it does not change when the formula is applied to other cells.

Also in Excel there is the ability to multiply the range of values \u200b\u200bto a number using a special insert with the replacement of source values. To do this, we need to copy our number the coefficient to the clipboard, select the range of cells for multiplication, and on the tab "The main" on the menu "Paste" choose "Special insert ...". Or choose the same item in the menu after clicking on the allocated range with the right mouse button.

In the window that appears in the graph "Operation" Choose "Multiply".

In the future, the number of the coefficient can not be changed and all values \u200b\u200bremain unchanged.

There is a function in Excel Productionwhich produces multiplies all the arguments specified in it. The required parameter is only the first in which you can specify the range of cells. You can also selectively list the cells through a separator separator.

How to multiply in "Excele" cells among themselves?

Nowadays, one of the most popular funds for complex computing is the program. Microsoft Excel.. Its wide functionality allows you to simplify the solution of a plurality of tasks, which earlier had to spend a lot of time. Today we will look at how to multiply in the "exile" cells among themselves in large quantities.

Before you figure out how to multiply in the "Excel" number, it is worth noting the wide functionality of a program that allows you to work with a clear setting of numbers and using cells containing and the numbers themselves, and the formulas that determine them. In order to multiply one or more cells to the number or other cells, it is necessary in the formula row after the equality sign specify the data of the sheet elements or write the value yourself.

Then it is worth understanding the principle, as in "Excele" multiply the cell on the cell and with what problems can be found in the process. To multiply the values \u200b\u200bof the two cells, it is necessary in the formula string to register the following structure: "\u003d a * in", where "a" and "in" - references to the corresponding elements of the leaf "Excel", that is, cells.

Having received the result, it may be necessary to create a copy of it, and often users without thinking simply copy the value of this cell, inserting it to another. However, with this approach, there will be a change in the corresponding references that indicated multipliers. In order to avoid such an error, you should either in the cell where you need to copy the result, enter the link to the copy of the cell, or "fix" the address of its multipliers using the "$" sign. The dollar sign retains the value of the reference to the parameter following it - that is, the reference $ A4 will always relate to the column A, A $ 4 to the fourth line, and $ A $ 4 - only to the A4 cell. In other words, the location of the cell is to create an absolute link to it.

Using the algorithm for fixing the address of the cell, you can go directly to how to multiply in the "exile" column on a column or string to a string. In order not to lose time on writing a huge formula, you can simply use the property of changing the link to the cell when transferring to a new pointer address. That is, if you need to multiply in pairs in two columns, it is enough to write down the multiplication formula for the first pair of cells, after which, holding the "Black Plus" sign, which appeared in the lower right corner, stretch the result down, along all the values \u200b\u200bof the multipliers' columns.

In order to achieve a similar result for strings, it is only necessary to stretch the result along the corresponding rows. It is worth noting: In order to avoid shift to further copy the results, you need to fix the specified column or string in the formula - then it will be possible to avoid errors when calculating.

Multiplication of a string or column on a cell

Understanding how to multiply in the "Excele" column on a column or string on a string, it is worth staying on one specific operation - multiplying the cell on a string or column. If you have multiplying a similar algorithm of actions, as in the case of multiplied columns, then the result will be multiplied by the only value of the first line of this column, since the cell's address will vary with each silent cell per position.

To avoid this, you need to fix either the number of the multiply cell line, or its entirely - in this case it will be possible to use its value for several columns. In the case of multiplying a string to some cell, it is sufficient to fix the letter of the column in which it is located, or make both cell addresses permanent parameters.

How to multiply all numbers in a string or column

Sometimes "Excele" requires an operation similar to the total amount, only by performing the action of multiplication. However, there is no special automatic procedure for this, so many, not knowing how in "Excele" multiply the number of one column or strings between themselves, do it explicitly, recording the action for each cell. In fact, the program has an operation capable of helping to solve the question of how to multiply in the "Excele" of the number several times faster.

In order to multiply some range of cells among themselves, it is enough to select an operation with the name "Production" in the "Insert function" menu. As arguments of this feature, you must specify the cells that must be multiplied by each other, it can be both columns, rows, cells and whole arrays. It is worth noting that if there is an empty cell in a given range, the result of multiplication will not be zero - in this case the program ignores this cell, that is, equates empty value to one.

Having understood how to multiply in "Excele", you can implement enough difficult documents, including economic reports and estimates. Most arithmetic actions can be performed by a similar scheme, but for some it is worth considering the specifics of their execution, as well as the cell format. For example, when dividing a cell on a cell, in the absence of a value in one of them, the result will be a division error on zero.

Regardless of how well you know the multiplication table, allow Excel Online to become your calculator. Multipate the numbers using a simple formula using the "asterisk" symbol (*) as a multiplication operator.

Highlight an empty cell and enter the equal sign ( = ). Remember that all formulas begin with a sign of equality.

Enter the numbers by adding a "asterisk" between each pair ( * ).

Press the ENTER key to obtain the result of the formula.

For example, for multiplication of the number 54 to 89, your formula should look like this:

If you enter this formula in the C1 cell, it will be displayed in it (4806). The same formula, but with reference to cells (for example, A1 and B1 in the formula \u003d A1 * B1) Instead of numbers, it will return the same result (4806).

The advantage of using references to cells is that Excel Online automatically updates the result of the formula.

If you prefer to use a function for multiplication, it can be a function.

Multiplication of numbers using a function in the formula

The function has also multiplies the numbers and most effective when multiplying large number numbers or ranges of numbers. If you try to multiply the ranges of numbers using the "Star" sign, for example \u003d A1: A3 * C1: C3The function will return the error # mean!. This is where the function is really indispensable: it multiplies the ranges without using the "star".

In this table, multiply the numbers in columns A and C.

Enter the sign of equality, then the product, and then in brackets, enter numbers, cells or ranges that you need to multiply. Separate numbers or links to sew cells, and to set the ranges, use a colon, for example: A1: A3. In this example, the formula will look like this:

The result is 18 164 250. It will not change if you enter the formula in this form:

In one formula, you can simultaneously use numbers and links to cells, and the number of arguments (data items that the function processes) is not limited. If multiplying data from our example is 2, the result will be equal to 36,255 500. The formula will look like this:

Excel - an indispensable program To work with digital data. It has a variety of features. In this article, let's stop in more detail on how to multiply in Excel.

Multiplication of numbers in Excel: options

  • Multiplication of numbers in one cell. To do this, simply change the necessary numbers in the cell using the Multiply icon (*). For example, \u003d 3 * 5, the cell will reflect value 15.
  • Multiplying the number of numbers for a certain number. You may have a question about how to multiply the column in Excel. For example, you need to increase each cell column 3 times. To do this, you will need to multiply each cell on 3, how to do it fast? The answer is simple - copy the cell with a number 3 and follow the following operation: Highlight the desired column and call the menu with the right mouse button. IN this menu You choose the "Special Insert", and in the window that appears, choose insert formulas, the operation is to multiply.
  • Multiplication of numbers in different cells. In this case, you can apply the "Production" function, or simply use the multiplication sign. When using the multiplication sign, writing formulas differ from the first case only using instead of numbers of cells of cells, for example, \u003d C6 * D6. When using the facility function, it is necessary to write through:
    1. comma (if you multiply individual cells), Example: \u003d Production (B2; B4; B6; 2)
    2. colon (if multiple the range of numbers), example: \u003d Production (A2: A4)

In this case, the names of the cells can not write, but simply choose a cell using a cursor, in addition, a multiplier may not only be a cell, but also a number.

You have learned about how to multiply in Excel. Learn the program, and it will facilitate the calculations.

We continue the topic of simple formulas and calculations. How to multiply one number in Excel?

  • enter Numbers in Cells
  • in the cell in which you need to get the result, put the cursor and sign \u003d
  • click on the first cell, put a sign *, click on the second cell
  • either - enter manually addresses of cells and between them *
  • press

It can consist of addresses of cells, numbers and look like this:

How to multiply in Excel

Kak in Excel multiply column

To multiply the column to the number to multiply, it is enough to multiply the first cell and with the help of autofill to copy the formula for the entire column:

How to multiply the column for the number

A small video tutorial about how to make multiplication in Excel

If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments to write :)

Multiplication B. microsoft program Excel

Among the set of arithmetic actions that are capable of performing Microsoft Excel, naturally present and multiplication. But, unfortunately, not all users know how to fully and fully use this opportunity. Let's figure it out how to perform a multiplication procedure in Microsoft Excel.

Like any other arithmetic effect in excel programMultiplication is performed using special formulas. Multiplication Actions are recorded using the sign - "*".

The Microsoft Excel program can be used as a calculator, and simply multiply different numbers.

In order to multiply one number to another, enter into any cell on the sheet, or in the formula string, the sign is equal to (\u003d). Next, specify the first factor (number). Then, put the sign to multiply (*). Then, write the second factor (number). Thus, the general multiplication pattern will look like this: "\u003d (Number) * (number)".

The example shows the multiplication of 564 to 25. The action is written by the following formula: "\u003d 564 * 25".

To view the result of the calculations, you need to click on the key ENTER.

During calculations, you need to remember that the priority of arithmetic action in Excel, the same as in conventional mathematics. But, the multiplication sign needs to be added anyway. If when writing an expression on paper is allowed to lower the sign of multiplication in front of the brackets, then in Excel, for the correct counting, it is required. For example, expression 45 + 12 (2 + 4), in Excel need to be recorded as follows: "\u003d 45 + 12 * (2 + 4)".

The multiplication procedure of the cell on the cell is reduced to the same principle as the multiplication procedure for the number. First of all, you need to decide on which cell the result will be displayed. In it put the sign equal to (\u003d). Next, alternately click on cells, the contents of which you need to multiply. After selecting each cell, we set the multiplication sign (*).

In order to multiply the column on the column, immediately need to multiply the very upper cells of these columns, as shown in the example above. Then, we become on the bottom left corner of the filled cell. The filling marker appears. Thinking it down with the left mouse button squeezed. Thus, the multiplication formula is copied to all cells of the column.

After that, the columns will be multiplied.

Similarly, you can multiply three or more columns.

In order to multiply the cell by the number, as in the above examples, first of all, put the sign equal to (\u003d) into the cell that you intend to display an answer of arithmetic action. Next, you need to record a numeric multiplier, put a multiplication sign (*), and click on the cell that you want to multiply.

In order to output the result on the screen, click on the button ENTER.

However, you can perform actions and in a different order: immediately after the sign is equal to click on the cell that you need to multiply, and then, after the multiplication sign, write a number. After all, as you know, the work is not changing from the permutation of multipliers.

In the same way, you can, if necessary, multiply several cells and several numbers at once.

In order to multiply a column on a certain number, you need to immediately multiply by the cell, as described above. Then, using the filling marker, copy the formula to the lower cells, and we obtain the result.

If a number is located in a certain cell to multiply a column, for example, there is a certain coefficient, the above method is not suitable. This is due to the fact that when copying will be shifted by the range of both multipliers, and we need one of the multipliers permanent.

First, multiply by the usual way the first cell of the column on the cell, which contains the coefficient. Further, in the formula, we put the dollar sign in front of the coordinates of the column and the lines of reference to the cell with the coefficient. In this way, we have turned the relative reference to the absolute, the coordinates of which will not be changed when copying.

Now, it remains in the usual way, using the filling marker, copy the formula to other cells. As you can see, a ready-made result immediately appears.

Besides conventional way multiplications in the Excel program there is an opportunity to use for these purposes special function Production. You can call it all the same ways as any other function.

  1. Using a wizard of functions that can be run by pressing the button. "Insert a function".

Then you need to find a function Production, in the opened window wizard window, and click the button Ok.

  • Through the tab "Formulas". Being in it, you need to click on the button "Mathematical"which is located on the ribbon in the tool block "Function Library". Then, in the list that appears should be selected "Production".

  • Dial the name function Production, and its arguments, manually, after the sign equal to (\u003d) in the desired cell, or in the formula string.
  • Function template for manual input Next: "\u003d Production (or link to cell); number (or link to cell); ...)". That is, if for example we need 77 multiply by 55, and multiply by 23, then write the following formula: "\u003d Production (77; 55; 23)". To display the result, click on the button ENTER.

    When using the first two options for use of the function (using the Master of Functions or tabs "Formulas") The arguments window will open to enter arguments in the form of numbers, or cell addresses. This can be done by simply clicking on the desired cells. After entering the arguments, click on the button Ok

    Powerful Microsoft Excel's table processor with ease to multiply any of your numbers and ranges. When can he be really useful in this regard? Mass options:

    • There is no calculator at hand.
    • Large ranges are multiplied, and it is necessary to see which numbers are involved, and maybe it is necessary to replace some of them (in the usual calculator without the function of storing the line you will have to start the calculation of the reinstate).
    • Multiplication is only part of the complex formula.

    As you can see, multiplication in Excel - the thing is absolutely not superfluous. Without a multiplication operation, there is not almost a single formula.

    Multiplication options in "Excel"

    "Excel" allows you to multiply to each other:

    • Specific numbers (positive, negative, integer, fractional).
    • Numbers from the specified cells.
    • Ranges of numbers.
    • Logic values

    How is multiplication? The multiplication formula in Excel begins with the sign "equal" (\u003d). As in any formula, then one after another number (or references to cells containing them) connected by the "Star" sign (*). Such a formula will look as follows: "\u003d 0.22 * - 16" (when specific numbers are multiplied), or "\u003d g i5" (when references to cells are indicated as arguments). This is the first variant of multiplication.

    The multiplication formula in Excel can be recorded using the built-in "Production" function:

    The advantage of using this function to perform multiplication in Excel - as multiplying to each other not only numbers, but also ranges.

    Let us turn to the consideration of specific examples.

    Multiplication with "Star"

    Try on the work list of the book "Excel" to perform the following examples:

    Value 1.

    Meaning 2.



    With the help of them, you make sure to produce multiplication in Excel is very simple. Note that the result of multiplying logical values \u200b\u200bof steel 0 (lies) or 1 (truth).

    The only flaw this method Multiplication is that the range of numbers as an argument cannot receive. Surely the maximum for which there is enough of any user, it is decided somewhere on the outcome of the second tens of numbers or cells, which are proceeded in order and alternating "asterisk" signs.

    The only way to bypass this drawback is to use the "Production" function.

    Multiplication using the "Production" function

    Consider how to make multiplication in Excel using a built-in function.

    In the Working Book "Excel", create a similar tablet and check for examples. In one column, make several values, to another column also make several values. Try to apply the "Warm" function to your ranges, as well as multiply manually through the star sign.

    Range of values \u200b\u200b1.

    Range of values \u200b\u200b2.



    Production (H12: H16; I12: I16)

    Production (H12: I16)

    H12 * H13 * H1 H1 H16 * I12 * i13 * i1 i1 i16

    In the "Formula" column of this table, it is clearly shown that if the ranges of values \u200b\u200bare nearby, they can be used as one range. And on the table, it can be seen that the "Production" function varied all the numbers of the specified ranges, and the result turned out similar to how if we manually multiply the values \u200b\u200bfrom the cell data. As you can see, multiplication in Excel is quite simple.

    Interesting fact! Try now to remove one value from any cell included in the range, let the cell be completely empty. You will see that the function has performed the calculation, simply by releasing an empty cell. But the result of "manual" multiplication appealed to zero. This is another obvious advantage of the built-in function before the multiplication option "asterisk" - it does not perceive empty cells as zero, it simply produces them at the rate.

    There are situations where calculations are carried out on several working sheets of the book, and a formula is entered into the final sheet, which includes the product of values \u200b\u200bfrom other sheets. If at least one of them turns out to be empty, simple multiplication of the "asterisk" will pay all your results in zero.

    From this we can conclude that when conducting complex calculations on several sheets it is better to use the "Production" function as a priority.

    Multiplication table

    Let's look at how to create a multiplication table in Excel. It is quite simple.

    In the traditions of standard multiplication tables, we enter one set of numbers into the column, in the line - another. To be able to copy formulas, you need to use mixed links - to fix with the "dollar" sign ($) number of the column with vertically rendered data and lines with horizontally disposed of data: "\u003d $ A2 * at $ 1".

    Creating mathematical formulas In Excel, we specify what actions need to be done and where the result should be displayed. Using the use of formulas in Excel, you can produce various calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as complex combined calculations. Drawing up the formulas in Excel is performed manually and consists of addresses of specific cells or from a number of cells or cell columns.

    Have some secrets Excel Formula

    You can record formulas in Excel directly in the cell or in the formula row, and you can also record the formula directly in the cell using functions. With the introduction of formulas in Excel also calculate dates, time and interest. Denote by B. Excel columns Letters as a, B. c and so on, and the numbering of strings in Excel is made by numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on. When crossing the column and string, you get the cell's address to Excel that is denoted by the letter of the column and the line for example the very first cell will be denoted by A1.

    To work in Excel you need to know the names of the cells

    Any formulas in the exile for calculation begins with the sign of equality \u003d. The number of characters in the Excel cell of the formula may contain no more than 1024. Doing some calculation in Excel in the final cell the result will be displayed and if you bring the cursor to this cell with the result and press the left mouse button, you will see in the formulas line the resulting formula that was calculated In this cell.

    Addition and subtraction

    If you need to fold the cells in Excel, then you need to bring the cursor to an empty cell in which the result should be displayed and click the left mouse button. Then press the key on the keyboard \u003d. Then look at the cursor on the first cell that we will summarize with others, press the left mouse button. On the keyboard, press the + key. Press the cursor to the second cell that you will summarize with others, press the left mouse button. If it is necessary to add numbers from any cells in Excel, then add them to the formula by pressing +, and then on the cell that you want to add. When all cells are recorded in excel Formula You need to press the Enter key on the keyboard and the result will immediately appear in the cell.

    Very easy in Excele make the formula of addition

    In the same way, the formula is created in Excel to subtract numbers. Only in Excel to make subtraction need to be on the keyboard instead of pressing minus. At the same time, the method is not important in which column and in which line there are summable and subtracted cells.

    Example How to calculate the amount in Excele in the column

    If you need to calculate in Excele the amount of the column or string, then you need to hover the cursor on the first cell, press the left button on the mouse and not releasing the buttons to bring the cursor to the last cell. Then let go of the mouse button and click the Motor Summon button that is on the Excel toolbar.


    The multiplication formula in Excel is compiled as follows. For example, you need to multiply in Excel cells A1 and A2, and the result to be displayed in the A3 cell.

    Easy to make an Excel to make a multiplication formula

    First you need to hover the cursor on the A3 cell and click the left mouse button. On the keyboard press the key \u003d. Press the cursor to the A1 cell and press the left mouse button. Then, on the keyboard, press the multiplication sign in Excel * which is located on the left side of the keyboard or on the figure 8. To display a multiplication sign in Excele * You must first click on the keyboard shift button And holding it to press on * on the figure 8. Then look at the cursor on the A2 cell and press the left mouse button. At the end, press the Enter key on the keyboard and the result will immediately appear.


    The division formula in Excel is drawn up as follows. For example, you need to divide into Excel cell A1 on cell A2 and that the result is displayed in the A3 cell.

    Easy to introduce a division formula in Excel

    First you need to hover the cursor on the A3 cell and click the left mouse button. On the keyboard press the key \u003d. Press the cursor to the A1 cell and press the left mouse button. Then on the keyboard, press the division sign in Excele / which is located on the left side of the keyboard or on the key with a question mark. To put a division sign in Excel which is on the key with a question mark, you must first translate the keyboard to English layout and only then press this key. Then look at the cursor on the A2 cell and press the left mouse button. At the end, press the Enter key on the keyboard and get the result of the division.

    Complex formulas

    Writing complex formulas in Excel needs exactly the same as in mathematics. For example, you are filled with data cells and it is necessary that the result appears in the A4 cell on the basis of formula \u003d A1 + A2 / (A3-A2) * A1.

    You can write formulas in Excel or insert ready-made

    First of all, copy this formula to the clipboard to then insert the formula in Excel. Purge the cursor on the A4 cell and press the left mouse button. Purge the cursor on the formula line in Excel and press the left mouse button. Then you need to insert a formula from the clipboard in Excel in Excel, and for this press the Ctrl key on the keyboard and hold it press the V key. The formula is cut in the formula row, and by pressing the Enter key immediately appears the result of the calculation for this formula immediately.
    To remove the formula from the cell in Excel, it is enough to bring the cursor to the cell, press the left mouse button and remove the formula in the formula row.

    The Microsoft Excel table editor has a very wide range of opportunities for solving problems of various complexity in various fields of activity. It is thanks to this, Excel became such popular among users around the world. One of the basic skills of working with the program is to conduct the simplest computing and mathematical operations. In this article we will analyze in detail how to make addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Excel. Let's start! Go!

    Mathematical operations are performed without using a calculator

    All calculations in Excele are based on the construction of simple formulas, with which the program will make calculations. First you need to create a table with values. Please note that each table cell has its own address that is determined by the letter and digit. Each letter corresponds to the column, and each digit is a string.

    Let's start with the simplest operations - addition and subtraction. To add numbers, you can use the so-called autosumma function. It is convenient to use in cases where it is necessary to calculate the sum of the numbers that stand in a row in one line, column or in the area you have selected. To take advantage of this tool, go to the "Formula" tab. There you will find the "Avosumn" button. Having selecting the table of the table with the values \u200b\u200byou want to fold, click on the "Autosumn" button. After that, a separate cell appears containing the result of the calculation. It was the first approach.

    The second approach lies in the fact that the formula for calculation is entered manually. Suppose you are faced with the task to calculate the sum of the numbers scattered along the table. To do this, make an active (click on it with the left mouse button) the cell in which you want to place the result of the calculation. Then put the sign "\u003d" and in turn enter the address of each cell, the contents of which you want to sum up, not forgetting to sign "+" between them. For example, you should turn out: "\u003d A1 + B7 + C2 + B3 + E5". After the address of the last cell is entered, press the "Enter" keyboard and you will receive the amount of all marked numbers. You do not need to enter each address manually. It is enough to click on a specific cell and its address will immediately appear in the formula box, place after it "+" and go to the next one.

    There is another approach - the use of the "Special Insert" function. This method is convenient because it allows you to summarize data from several individual tables, provided that all their graphs are the same. To start, create summary tablewhere you will insert the copied data. Select the numbers of one table and insert them into the consolidated, then do the same with the values \u200b\u200bof the second table, only this time click on the location of the right mouse button and select "Special Insert". In the window that opens, in the "Insert" section, check "Values", and in the "Operation" section, select Lay. As a result, all data are summed up.

    Subtraction in Excel is performed in the same way as the addition. You will need to enter the formula, specifying the necessary cells, only instead of the "+" sign between addresses is set "-".

    To multiply the numbers in Excele, write the formula, noting the necessary data and setting the "*" sign between them. The formula will have the following form: "\u003d A3 * A7 * B2".

    The division is made in the same way, only the "/" sign is used. You can also perform several arithmetic operations at once. Formulas are built in mathematical rules. For example: "\u003d (B2-B4) * E8 / (A1 + D1) * D4". The formula you built may be any complexity, the main thing, do not forget the basic mathematical rules so that the calculation is done correctly.

    Owning the skills of simple arithmetic calculations in Microsoft Excel, you can already simplify the process of solving some tasks and save time. Excel allows you to solve complex equations, carry out engineering and statistical analysis. Gradually, mastered the basic functions and program tools, you will learn more and more operations in the Excel editor. Write in the comments. Whether you helped the article to deal with the issues that have arisen and share your experience with other users.

    Excel - a program for working with tables, so multiplication operations are the basic basics of working with it

    - This is a tabular processor that has a fairly powerful functionality to work with spreadsheets. Among the numerous functions in this program, it is worth noting the simplest - the ability to work with numbers. Tabular processor can perform both simple operations (addition, multiplication) and more complex: the solution of transport tasks, the selection of the parameter, the search for the optimal solution, etc. To familiarize yourself with the program on initial level It will be enough to learn to perform simple operations like multiplication of numbers.

    How in exile multiplying numbers?

    To begin with, you should remember that any calculations, and all of them always begin with a sign equal. That is, you need to choose any empty cell and enter the sign equal. Only after that you can enter some data. For example, you can write like this: \u003d 5 * 5 (the characteristic of the asterisk is a multiplication sign). The program will immediately understand what the result is required from it - 25.

    If you select the field where the result is output, you can see the formula itself that is in the formula field (it is located just above, above the worker sheet Excel). Here it can be edited. For example, you can add this: \u003d 5 * 5 * 10 (after this, the result will change immediately).

    But this method of multiplying numbers is very simple, besides, it is non-degenerate. Suppose that the user with 2 columns and in front of it is a task to multiply them. You can, of course, prescribe everything manually, but it will take too much time. And even values \u200b\u200bcan change periodically, and you will have to constantly edit formulas. In general, all this can not be done because Excel can perform operations with numbers and in another way. For example, multiplying values \u200b\u200bin cells.

    Video in Excel multiplication operations

    How to multiply cells in Excel?

    First you need to fill 2 any fields in data. For example, in the A1 field, you can enter the number 10, and in the B1 field - 5. After that, the following steps:

    • select the C1 field and enter the equal sign;
    • click the left mouse button on the A1 cell and write an asterisk;
    • click the B1 mouse and press ENTER.

    After that, the number 50 will be displayed in the C1 cell. If you click on the C1 cell and look at the formula string, you can see the following: \u003d A1 * B1. This means that now Excel multiplies not specific numbers, and the values \u200b\u200bin these fields. If you change them, the result will also change. For example, in the A1 field, you can write a figure 3, and the result will immediately display the result - 15. This method of multiplying numbers is classic. As a rule, nobody prescribes the numbers manually, the cells always multipliate

    There is another small trick - copying formulas. As an example, you can take a small table (5 lines and 2 columns). The goal is to multiply the values \u200b\u200bin each row (i.e. A1 multiply to B1, A2 on B2, ..., A5 on B5). In order not to write the same formula every time, it is enough to write it only for the first line, and then highlight the cell with the result (C1) and pull down the little black square, which is in the lower right corner. The formula "Pull up" down, and the result will be counted for all lines.

    This simple way can be multiplied into Excel and numbers, and cells. In addition, the same principle acts for other mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, division). In such situations, you just need to specify another arithmetic sign, and all operations with numbers (or fields) are carried out in the same way.

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