
Excel how to display a header on each page. Print through lines in Excel. Repeat column with headings on every printed page

Long tables with large quantity rows are very inconvenient in that you constantly have to scroll up the sheet to see which column of the cell corresponds to a specific title of the header section. Of course, this is very inconvenient, and most importantly, it significantly increases the time of working with tables. But, the program Microsoft Excel offers the ability to pin the table header. Let's see how to do this.

If the table heading is on the top line of the sheet, and is simple, that is, it consists of one line, then, in this case, it is elementary to fix it. To do this, go to the "View" tab, click on the "Freeze Areas" button, and select the "Freeze Top Row" item.

Now, when scrolling down the feed, the table header will always be positioned in the limit visible screen on the first line.

Securing a complex header

But, this way of fixing the header in the table will not work if the header is complex, that is, it consists of two or more lines. In this case, to fix the header, you need to fix not only the top line, but the table area of ​​several lines.

First of all, select the first cell on the left, located under the very head of the table.

In the same "View" tab, again click on the "Fix areas" button, and in the list that opens, select the item with the same name.

After that, the entire area of ​​the sheet, located above the selected cell, will be fixed, which means that the table header will also be fixed.

Pinning a header by creating a smart table

Often, the header is located not at the very top of the table, but slightly below, since the name of the table is located on the first lines. In this case, of course, you can fix the entire header area along with the name. But, the fixed lines with the name will take up space on the screen, that is, they will narrow the visible overview of the table, which not every user will find convenient and rational.

In this case, the creation of a so-called "smart table" is suitable. In order to use this way, the table header must consist of no more than one line. To create a "smart table", while in the "Home" tab, select, together with the header, the entire range of values ​​that we intend to include in the table. Further, in the "Styles" tool group, click on the "Format as Table" button, and in the list of styles that opens, select the one that you like more.

Next, a dialog box will open. It will indicate the range of cells you selected earlier, which will be included in the table. If you have selected correctly, then nothing needs to be changed here. But below, you should definitely pay attention that there is a check mark next to the "Table with headers" parameter. If it is not there, then you need to put it manually, otherwise it will not be possible to fix the cap correctly. After that, click on the "OK" button.

An alternative option is to create a table with a fixed header in the "Insert" tab. To do this, you need to go to the indicated tab, select the area of ​​the sheet, which will become a "smart table", and click on the "Table" button on the left side of the ribbon.

In this case, exactly the same dialog box will open as when using the previously described method. Actions in this window must be performed exactly the same as in the previous case.

After that, when scrolling down, the table header will move to the panel with letters indicating the address of the columns. Thus, the line where the header is located will not be fixed, but, nevertheless, the header itself will always be in front of the user's eyes, no matter how far he scrolls down the table.

Attaching a header to every page when printing

There are times when a header needs to be fixed on every page of a printed document. Then, when printing a table with many rows, it will not be necessary to identify the columns filled with data, comparing them with the name in the header, which would be located only on the first page.

To fix the header on each page when printing, go to the "Page Layout" tab. In the "Sheet Options" toolbar on the ribbon, click on the oblique arrow icon located in the lower right corner of this block.

The page setup window opens. You need to go to the "Sheet" tab of this window if you find yourself in another tab. Opposite the parameter "Print continuous lines on each page", you need to enter the address of the header area. You can make it a little easier and click on the button located to the right of the data entry form.

After that, the page parameters window will be minimized. You will need to use the mouse to click on the table header with the cursor. Then, again click on the button to the right of the entered data.

Having moved back to the page parameters window, click on the "OK" button.

As you can see, nothing has changed visually in the Microsoft Excel editor. In order to check how the document will look on print, go to the "File" tab. Next, we move to the "Print" section. In the right part of the Microsoft Excel window there is an area for document preview.

Scrolling down the document, we make sure that the table header is displayed on each page prepared for printing.

As you can see, there are several ways to fix a header in a table. Which of these methods to use depends on the structure of the table and why you need pinning. When using a simple header, it is easiest to use pinning of the top line of the sheet, if the header is multi-level, then you need to pin the area. If there is a table name or other lines above the header, then in this case, you can format the range of cells filled with data as a "smart table". In the case when you plan to print a document, it will be rational to fix the header on each sheet of the document using the line-through function. In each case, the decision to use a specific method of fastening is made purely individually.

Today I want to tell you about a small but important function that is hidden from the eyes of Excel users. This article will show you how to enable printing of row and column headings on every page.

I am sure that many who have to print large and complex Excel documents encounter this problem as often as I do. You can pin a row with headings and flip through a document on your computer screen without losing sight of the column names. However, when the same document is sent to the printer, the top line only prints on the first page. If you are tired of turning the printed pages back and forth, trying to figure out what kind of data is contained in this line or in that column, read this article carefully and very soon you will find out the solution to the problem.

Repeat the heading line on each printed page

So, Excel document is very long and needs to be printed. Opening the preview before sending to the printer, we find that the row with the column headings is only present on the first page. Don't worry! We'll use page settings in Excel to customize the output of titles on each printed page.

Note: The mouse pointer changes to a black arrow. Now, with one click, the whole row will be selected.

Comment: To select several lines, move the mouse pointer over the first of them, click and, keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag to the last line.

Comment: You can skip steps 6-8 and enter the range reference using the keyboard. However, be careful when entering - you need to use an absolute reference (with a $ sign). For example, to display the first line on each printed page, the link should be written like this: $1:$1 .

Done! It will now be very clear what the columns on each page mean.

Repeat column with headings on every printed page

If the worksheet is too wide, then the header column will only print on the first page. To make the document easier to read, follow these steps and place a column of headings on the left side of each page sent to the printer.

Now we don't have to flip the pages back and forth to understand what kind of data is in each line.

Printing line numbers and column letters

When writing cell references in Excel, columns are usually denoted by letters (A, B, C) and rows by numbers (1, 2, 3). These letters and numbers are called the row and column headings of the worksheet. Unlike cells with headers, which by default only print on the first page, the row and column headers of a sheet are not printed at all by default. If you want these letters and numbers to be visible when printing, you need to do the following:

Comment: If a dialog box is open Page settings(Page Setup), then on the tab Sheet(Sheet) check the box Printing(Print) in line Row and Column Headings(Row and column headings). Now the row and column headers Excel worksheet will also be visible on every printed page.

That's better?

Printing headings makes it much easier to work with paper copies of an Excel sheet. Row and column headings printed on each page make the information in the document easier to read. It is much easier not to get confused among the printed pages of the document if the names of the rows and columns are visible on each of them. Try it yourself and you will see how convenient it is!

Microsoft programs are popular because they are convenient both for working with office documents and for personal purposes. Exel is a program that has a large number of different functions, which allows you to work with large and massive tables, even on weak computers... In order to deal with all the functionality, you need to spend a lot of time, therefore, further we will talk about how it is possible to fix the cap in the Excel.

How to fix a hat in Excel

This can be done both with the help of a special tool that will allow you to print it on each page, and with the help of another one that allows you to fasten the top line, and when scrolling, the line will be displayed constantly at the top. The leftmost column can be attached in the same way. How can you do this?

In exel 2003/2007/2010

To fix the header in Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010, you need to follow a few simple steps:

In exel 2013/2016

In Excel 2016, everything is done in a fairly similar way. Here step-by-step instruction by pinning in a new exel:

With this pinning, the row or column will always be visible, which is quite convenient when working with large tables, since scrolling down when standard mode the cap is hidden.

How do I attach a header to every printable page?

In the case when you need to print such a line on each page, you need to do the following:

After these operations, when printing, the header will be displayed on each of the printed sheets, you can print the entire table.

Based on this, pinning in excel is actually elementary simple, for which you just need to remember the sequence and what operations need to be performed, and then working in Microsoft Excel will bring you only one pleasure.

Video: How to fix a cap in Excel?

If in Microsoft Word you have created a large table that occupies more than one page; for the convenience of working with it, you may need to display the header on each page of the document. To do this, you need to configure the automatic transfer of the title (the same header) to subsequent pages.

So, in our document there is a large table that already takes up or will only take up more than one page. Our task with you is to configure this very table so that its header automatically appears in top line tables when switching to it. You can read about how to create a table in our article.

Note: To transfer the header of a table consisting of two or more lines, it is imperative to select the first line as well.

1. Position the cursor on the first line of the header (first cell) and select that line or lines that make up the header.

2. Go to the tab "Layout" which is in the main section "Working with tables".

3. In the tools section "Data" select an option.

Done! With the addition of rows in the table that will transfer it to the next page, a header will be automatically added first, followed by new lines.

Automatic wrap of not the first line of the table header

In some cases, the table header may consist of several lines, but automatic wrapping needs to be done only for one of them. This, for example, can be a row with column numbers located below the row or rows with basic data.

In this case, you first need to split the table, making the line we need as a header, which will be carried over to all subsequent pages of the document. Only after that, for this line (already the header), it will be possible to activate the parameter Repeat Title Lines.

1. Position the cursor on the last line of the table on the first page of the document.

2. In the tab "Layout" ("Working with tables") and in the group "An association" select an option "Split Table".

3. Copy that line from the "big", main heading of the table, which will act as the header on all subsequent pages (in our example, this is the line with the names of the columns).

    Advice: To select a line, use the mouse, moving it from the beginning to the end of the line, to copy - the keys "CTRL + C".

4. Paste the copied row into the first row of the table on the next page.

    Advice: Use the keys to insert "CTRL + V".

5. Select the new header with the mouse.

6. In the tab "Layout" click on the button Repeat Title Lines located in the group "Data".

Done! Now the main table header, consisting of several lines, will be displayed only on the first page, and the line you added will be automatically wrapped on all subsequent pages of the document, starting from the second.

Removing a header on every page

If you need to remove the automatic table header on all pages of the document except the first, do the following:

1. Select all the lines in the table header on the first page of the document and go to the tab "Layout".

2. Click the button Repeat Title Lines(Group "Data").

3. After that, the header will be displayed only on the first page of the document.

You can end there, from this article you learned how to make a table header on each page of a Word document.

Most often Microsoft program Excel is used to create tables, since the sheet is divided into cells by default, the size of which can be easily changed to a suitable one, and you can automatically set row numbering. In this case, at the top of all data there will be a so-called header, or column headers. When printed, it will definitely appear on the first page, but what about the rest?

We will deal with this in this article. I will tell you two ways how to make the title and headings in the table repeat on every page in Excel when printing, and how to increase the font, size and color for them.

Using loop-through lines

The first way is to use loop through. In this case, it is necessary to add additional rows above the table, one or several, and enter the necessary text in them.

Select any cell from the first row and, while on the "Home" tab, click "Insert". Then select from the list "Lines per sheet".

Next, you need to make one of several blocks. To do this, select those that are exactly above the table, click on the appropriate button and select from the list either simply "Combine", or with placement in the center.

Now you can print the title for the table.

Then move on to formatting it. You can use the buttons located in the "Font" group for this. I made the general name bigger, changed the font and added a background. I also renamed the columns on a gray background and applied italics to them.

Then open the tab "Page layout" and click on the button "Print headers".

This window will open. Put it in italics in the box "Through lines".

Then click on the first row (where the number 1 is) and drag down the required amount. In the example, the duplicate heading corresponds to the first, second, and third row. In this case, a small field will show what you are highlighting.

We return to the familiar window and click "OK" in it.

To see what we have done, at the top, click "File" and then on the left, select "Print".

In the window preview, it will show you how the printed page will look. As you can see, there are headings on the first sheet.

Using headers and footers

The second way is to add headers and footers. Since the header is already repeated for us, we did this in the previous step, let's now duplicate the general name of the table on all sheets.

Open the "View" at the top and switch to the mode "Page layout".

The field we need will appear at the top of the page. header, click on it.

If it doesn't appear, place italics on the line between the pages and click on it to show blank space.

The footer is divided into three parts. Enter the appropriate text in one of them. In the example, I will print the table name in the center. Then select it and, using the buttons on the "Home" tab, you can increase the font, change the color, add boldness or italics.

When done, switch from layout mode to normal.

Let's see what we got. Using the method described above, go to "File" - "Print". The first page contains both the title and the title of the table.

In these ways, you can make the table header when printing is added to each page in Excel. Use the option that is more suitable for solving your problem.

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