
Why is the VKontakte user not displayed in the search. How to get a group in contact to the top in search engines, with minimal effort, almost free. What type of group to choose

Searching for a VKontakte community or group usually does not present any problems for the user. However, this situation can change radically due to several factors. For example, in the absence of a personal registered page.

Of course, no one bothers absolutely any person, go to the site of the social network VKontakte and with the help of getting access to the full functionality of the site. At the same time, nevertheless, there are especially problematic cases when the user simply does not have the opportunity to register his own page or use the standard search interface.

You can find a VKontakte group in several ways. In most cases, registration is required from the user to access this functionality of the social network.

The community selection interface works equally well both on a computer, through any browser, and from mobile devices.

Please note that registering VKontakte is an integral part of your ability to interact with other users. Thus, it is recommended that you create your own page without fail.

Method 1: search for communities without registration

Despite the fact that most of modern society actively uses various social networks, including VKontakte, many people still do not have their own page. It is recommended to solve this problem, and then start searching for a group or community.

If you do not have the opportunity to register on VKontakte, then there is a way for you to find the communities you need.

This option for selecting VKontakte communities and groups will suit absolutely any user of the most common browsers. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether you are registered or not.

Method 2: standard search for VKontakte communities

This method of searching for VKontakte communities is suitable only for those users who already have their own page on this social network. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to go to the desired section of the main menu.

This search option for the groups and communities you are interested in is the best by all parameters. Even if you do not use the VKontakte social network for communication, it is still recommended to register, at least to gain access to such a search.

Method 3: search through Google

In this case, we will resort to the help of the whole system from Google. Although this search option is not comfortable, it is still possible.

To begin with, it should be said that VKontakte is one of the most popular networks in the world, which means it is in close contact with search engines. This allows you to find some of the most popular groups and communities without going to the social networking site VKontakte.

It is also possible to do a more in-depth search using the selection functionality within a specific address.

This method of material selection is the most difficult and least convenient.

With this search, matches with the VKontakte site will be only at the beginning. Moreover, if a community is not popular, closed, etc., then it will not be displayed at all.

Good luck finding the groups and communities that interest you!

Created a community (group or public) on VKontakte, but it is not displayed in the search, it is impossible to find it by name. What is the reason? When will it appear there? What needs to be fixed?

The main reason

Perhaps, in the settings of your group or public, the age limit is 16+ or 18+, although there is no "adult" content there. Later, it turns out that the group is not displayed in the safe search VKontakte, and in the iPhone application it does not even open from the link - the message is displayed:

The community probably contains inappropriate content and is not viewable.

The fact is that Apple (the manufacturer of iPhones) strictly treats "adult" materials and requires them to be hidden in applications regardless of the user's age. Therefore, VKontakte developers are forced to do this in their application. And in the search on the VK site, such a group can be found only by unchecking the box "Safe search"- not everyone will notice it, since it is located at the very end of the search parameters.

If you put an age limit in a group, you voluntarily inform that your group needs to be hidden. Without fully understanding what exactly you are doing, you will not close the group from adolescents, but only prevent all normal people from entering it.

How to remove the age limit in a group

If there is no adult content in the group, go to the community management (via the button with three dots -) and in the Additional Information section click "Specify age restrictions":

Then choose an option "Under 16", to remove the restriction, and click "Save".

This should fix the problem. But keep in mind that in the search, the group may not appear immediately, but after some time.

When will the group appear in the search?

Why is there no VKontakte group in search engines - Yandex, Google?

Because it does not get into the search engines (indexed) immediately, but after a while, sometimes quite long - two weeks, a month. It depends on how quickly the search engines find the group (i.e. on the availability of links to it on the Internet), its content and other factors. In addition, Yandex or Google may decide not to show the group at all in the search results - for their own reasons.

There is a belief that if you leave a link to your group here below in the comments, it will appear in the search. However, it is not. In fact, you need to carefully read this article again and now actually follow the recommendations.

How to bring a VKontakte group to the top 10 of Yandex and Google

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Do you want to know how to promote a VKontakte group in Yandex and Google to the top, as I do? It is easier to bring the VK community to the first places than to drag the site there. True, if you know a few tricks.

Hello to the regular readers of this blog, and to those who are here for the first time!
In this article I will tell you how to bring a VKontakte group to the top of Yandex and Google.
I just adore seo (promote sites in search engines), promoting a public in contact in search engines is not much different from bringing a site to the top.

As I have seen many times. Not only VK users, but also experienced webmasters (site owners) are not able to display communities.

Therefore, I think this article will be useful to all those who want to promote a VKontakte group in search engines, on their own, almost free of charge, without draining tons of money, in a company engaged in promotion.

How to bring a group in contact to the top in search engines, with minimal effort, almost free

Why is it easier to bring a group on VK to the top than your website?
Look, the VKontakte community is not a separate site. This is a page of a site called Vkontakte.
This social network is very reputable for Yandex and Google.
Here you can not be afraid to promote links or use small shenanigans).
Bring the public to the top, if you do what I say, you will succeed in 2 weeks - 2 months.

What are the disadvantages of promoting your site?
You can start unwinding it after 6 months - 1 year.
Imagine, earlier than this time about any tops, you may not even dream.
You see, a young resource is not an authority for a yasha or a gosha; for a minor offense, he can easily get a filter from them. If you transfer these concepts to a person, imagine that you are sent to prison.

While, social. VK network is a mega cool portal for search engines. Even for the most gross offense to your community and VK in general, nothing will happen. He's just an authority for them and that says it all.
Imagine a man, a dollar billionaire, who doesn't care about rules and laws.

Coming up with the name of the Vk group

The beginning is the name of the public.

Decide on the topic. That you will have an entertainment group or commercial.
Funny pictures, aphorisms, anecdotes, jokes, making money on the Internet and so on are entertaining, not focused on direct sales of the community.
Selling anything, no matter what it is, condoms or cars, whatever. This is a commercial topic.

The first, it will be easier to promote by subscribers, the second is more profitable, both from the point of sale and advertisers, are more willing to apply for advertising, but it is more difficult to promote 10 times.

The beginning, or a fatal mistake.
Guys, first - first of all, remember that the success of the promotion will depend on his name. As you name the boat, so it will float).
You have to come up with a word or words, not what you like, but what people are looking for in yandex and google.
It is by the name that it will be shown in Yasha and Gosh. We will analyze it in more detail later.
I was invited to one community on VK. I copy its name. I go to Wordstat.
I check how many times a month users use this phrase.

We get 34 impressions. Per day, you will receive 1 visitor from Yandex search, about the same from Google, in total 2 per day.
Not a camilfo at all, do you agree?
I see no point in wasting time promoting it.
Here's another option that I picked up.

There are 1544 requests for Yandex + Google, for a total of about 3100 the number of visitors per month, about 100 people per day.
You can do this for such a request.
I wrote about how to use this tool in the article:

Yes, there is one more feature.
It will be easier to pull out a name in yandex where the phrase Vkontakte is present.
This is a vital site. That is, if you drive in any phrases along with the name of this social network, search engines believe that you are looking for VKontakte. The search will show his records.

Contact pages include everything that is in it, accounts, groups, applications.
It is not necessary to write this phrase in the name, it will be added automatically.
As if, "how to make money in contact," is much easier to promote than "how to make money."

After choosing a name, you must definitely! Check it for competition.
More on this later.

Find out the competitiveness of the request for promotion

What is query concurrency?
To do this, imagine the following picture.
You are at the clinic sitting in line to see the dentist. Your task is to get to him as quickly as possible.
Figuratively speaking, if there are 5 people in front of you, you will get into the office in an hour, if in front of you there are 25, then after 5 hours, 50, you will not get to him at all.

So here, if there are 10 blogs with the same name as yours, you can easily get into the top 10, if there are 1000 of them, draw your own conclusions.
We will check
This portal shows the competition on request from 1st to 25th.
Where, 1 minimum competition.
25 is the maximum value.

The service itself recommends selecting no higher than 5, but this is for young blogs, and you have an old one).
I advise you to search up to 15.
10 checks a day on it for free. The next 30 kopecks - 1 check.
Not a single webmaster now writes articles without it). I am one of them).

Seo group optimization in contact for search engines

Unlike your blog, the VK community is much easier, simpler and more understandable to set up a newbie for promotion.
With the name, you should already decide.
Let me remind you of the basic requirements for a public name for successful promotion.
1. Normal frequency.
2. Low competition.
3. It is desirable in the request that there is his name, that is, in the contact.
Go ahead.

I'll show you with this example. I'll explain later what is good about this name.
1. Everything is clear here. I have this, you have yours.
2. An important point! In the description, you can simply repeat the name of the promoted project, but there is a possibility that the search engine will mistake it for spam - it will be bad. Therefore, I recommend making a description with a direct key.
The direct key is the exact name of her.

In my example.
... add everyone as a friend ...
Yes, guys, do not think to cover the description with a picture - this is very bad!
The positions will drop sharply.
The project should look like this.

3. An important feature.
Url - these are words, when you type them into a search engine, you get to a page with such a name.
I advise you to translate Russian words into the Latin alphabet, that is, spell out its name in English letters.
If busy, add numbers, underscore, in short experiment). What is it for?
With this name it is easier to promote on demand.
Why do I have such a name for the public?
It can be promoted by 3 - 5 keys.
In my case, it will be.

Making the community unique

In order for the search engines to notice the community, it is important to show them that the most unique and nothing like this on the Internet!
How is it done, I wrote
Then, with each photo, place the text including his words in the name.
Publish at least 5-10 posts to start.
More than 10, search robots still do not see, that is, they will always see only the first 10, starting from the top.
The next step. Indexing the VKontakte group in Yandex and Google.

Update from 05/07/19
If you look at communities that have a lot of traffic (traffic) from search engines, you can find a general trend for everyone. The whole trick lies in articles, yes, yes, just like that, not in pictures taken from the Internet and not in quotes; love is not sighs on the bench of mulienne first rewritten, but in unique, once again UNIQUE! texts. What will happen if you just take an article from some site, or a group, and post it to yourself?
And nothing good will be nichrome for you. Search engines know the source very well and they won't give you a position in the search for such articles.

I recently conducted an experiment.
Initial data: 2 groups.
The first on copy-paste (articles are taken from other sites)
The second was filled with completely unique articles.
The second entered the Yandex index after 2 days, and already has keys for super low-frequency queries.
The first is still not in the index, although more than a month has passed.

The conclusion is obvious: write articles yourself, or order them on copywriting exchanges.
I personally order
Do not forget to check the texts (uniqueness should be 90-95%).

Add a group to the index

What is Indexing?
In order for a site to be found in search engines, search robots must enter it, index it and add it there.
Blog readers sometimes write to me and ask.
Why can't Yandex find the VKontakte group?
Guys, all because the robots didn't find her.
If you don't add it there yourself, it can take a long time.
To speed up this process, we will ask them to come to us.

How to do it?
There is Yandex webmaster for this
Google addurilka

Just copy the address and paste it into them, click "send request."
Gosha, indexes relatively quickly in 3-7 days. Yasha, longer.
Do the same with each of your posts, uniqueness is required!

The next step.
We need search engines to pay attention to our contact page.
For this we need links to it from sites.
What is the principle?

Imagine you want to get a cool job, but there are more than enough applicants for this place.
An employee who has been working there for a long time comes up to the director and asks for you, they say, a good guy, I vouch for him ... and if another one comes up for you, do you think the chances of employment will grow?
So it is here. Linking to you is a recommendation.
Next, how to buy links at the lowest price.

Buying links

There are many portals for buying links.
We will do it
Why did I choose this exchange?
It is the easiest for beginners.

It works in automatic mode, that is, you will be offered phrases by which you can promote the public and the price.
The exchange itself sets the url automatically.
Unlike many others, there is no need to choose a donor, as I said, this is good contact.

1. Register there.
2. Enter url.
3. The system will scan and give you the price of promotion for each phrase (price for 1 day and month).
I advise you not to look at the recommended price, put your own, 200-500 rubles per month for the phrase, it will be enough.
It will take a month or two for search robots to see the links.
Then you can take them off (just don't pay).

Yes, guys, take a closer look.
We will add the system not to your page, but to the whole domain, that is, ""
The system will display the most relevant posts (communities that the system considers it will be easier and cheaper to promote in the search). We must put our own. Set your own price.

After the links are put down, the system will show you where they are.
Go to every page where the url is for you.
Copy the address and add it to the webmaster.
This will speed up indexing.

For a time, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, it should come out on the 20-50 place in the search.
Further, the final, most important point, this is exactly what many do not know).

We put links from thematic contact groups to our

This is the main point.
After the public VK appears in the top 20-50, it will be extremely difficult to pull it higher.
Links will help us here again.
Only this time from the contact's public, accounts will work too.

Many webmasters promote with external links. This is really not a bad option, but for your blog! Social networks have different rules.
This is where internal links work.

What's the trick?
Each page, in our case, a community or account, has its own weight.
By placing a link from other pages on her own, she gives her part of the weight.
As if the search engines see that from other pages they link to yours and thinks, if this happens, then you have an interesting community and it should be shown in the search above.

Where to get them and which ones?
Only with thematic! They work, others hardly.
What are thematic?
If you make money on the Internet, bet only on similar ones.
Immediately after publication, be sure to add Yandex and Google to the addurilka.
How many do you need?
Pieces 100-200.
I do not recommend placing more than 10-20 per day.
They can knock on you.
Anchorless ones work better, just links without words.

If you really value your small group, you can buy advertising, here or here, just be sure to agree that the links are eternal (not deleted after 24 hours).
After all these actions, 2-4 weeks and you are in the top.

Update on: 05/09/19

Due to the fact that now there is no way to add a VK group for indexing in search engines (it was previously). At the moment, you can only add your own sites for indexing or reindexing, and the VKontakte group, as you understand, is not your site, but only the page of this site, many people began to come in to index their group. I can help everyone who wants to for 100 rubles. Indexation period in Yandex and Google is from 2 days to 7 days.

How am I going to do it and why am I being so bad for it?
A link to your group will be posted on one of my sites and immediately Karl! I will IMMEDIATELY send for indexing to Yandex webmaster and Google search console.

Why is it paid?
Money was paid for articles on the sites (on average, it is 500 rubles per article). If we talk about the blog, knowledge was posted there and time was spent, which I consider even more than 500 rubles an article.
Outbound links (articles to your public or group) not only kill the article, but the site as a whole.
What does a link mean for search engines? This is a recommendation. Some of the authority of the article goes to your community ... from the page and from the site as a whole, authority goes away, etc.

What should be done?

1. My wallet yandex: 410014848662023
2. Leave a message under this article (your wallet number and group VK (url), your email).

I guarantee that your group will be indexed by search engines, provided: at least a few unique articles in the community.

I do not guarantee, if they are not there, I will throw off a report on the work done (get screenshots and links from me from the site and Yandex webmaster).

That's it, guys, that's all for me. For anyone that is not clear, write in the comments.
Good luck!

Post publication date: 16-07-2015

Safe search on VKontakte is a long-standing feature that was only available when searching for videos. More recently, safe search has also begun to work in community searches.

Thanks to such innovations, some publics and groups have noticed a drop in traffic coming from search in VK. I tried to figure out why some groups were unreasonably given the “unsafe” status.

It should be noted that the search has become "safe" by default. However, not all quality groups show up in this search. For example, in the search for VKontakte, I will look for communities on the request "Food delivery"

The paradox of secure community search on Vkontakte

If you look closely at the fact that there is no such public in the safe issue ““. It should be noted that the community is thematic, there is no non-targeted content, no propaganda and prohibited advertising, but the group is not shown in safe search. This is the paradox - the community is good, and VK considers it unsafe.

To figure it out, I contacted those. VKontakte support, where they gave me a not very intelligible answer to the question: which communities are unsafe? Got the following answer:

After a short conversation with the agent, I was able to find out why the community will not show in safe search:

  1. publishing materials for adults;
  2. publication of photos and videos of terrible accidents, disasters, deaths, etc.;
  3. setting an age limit by the administrator of the group in the community settings.

However, if you checked that you did not publish any similar materials (no one spammed them), you did not set age restrictions, but the community is not in safe search, then write to those. support, they will personally verify your community and it will become available in the default search.

Another effective method of promoting Vkontakte groups is Group Optimization for Vkontakte search.

Optimizing your group for search in contact is a truly incredibly important method that will bring as much attention to your group as possible. After all, the social network is growing, people are increasingly turning to looking for a contact. Millions of people are looking for something on this social network, maybe the next thing they find is your group?

If a person enters any key phrase in the search in a contact and sees your group in the first positions there, then he will definitely go into it and see what your group offers him.

It is an incredible source of attention that will give you a good influx of new followers and customers.

- this is generally a key point in promoting groups in contact, not using this method and flourishing is quite difficult.

At the same time, you can use search in a contact not only by groups, but also by audio recordings, videos, pictures - just use key phrases.


Constant influx of new target users

No cash costs

Group optimization for search in contact - strategy

What should be done to get to the first position in the search for a contact?

The answer is simple - to have more subscribers than the group in the first position right now, with the same key request as yours.

Additionally: do not forget this - the clearer the keyword, the faster you will get to the first position. That is, if, for example, you are doing "design of avatars" do not write "damn attractive design of avatars" - this will work against you, any additional word will complicate the process of getting to the 1st search position in a contact. Just write "Avatar Design"!

So, to get to 1 position, you just need to have several subscribers more than a group that is already in 1 position. If this group has 1700 subscribers, then you will need 1701 subscribers and after that you will be in 1st place.

Strive to get exactly 1 place, because the first place receives about 2 times more attention than 2 and 3, and 5 times more than 4 and 5. All other places are slag, you do not need to strive to get the 14th place, no one wants to enter the group standing at 14 place, no one likes such groups, everyone wants to get exactly in 1.

How to get 1701 subscribers is a different story. Use any available methods that you know: black, white, secret knowledge - whatever you want, the main thing is to gain 1 more subscriber to become the first search in contact.

After gaining primacy, the influx of new people will be endless. Everyone who sees your group in the search for a contact will come in and see what you have interesting.

Let's see how I did it. In just 2 days, I optimized the group for search in contact, although it could have been even faster.

First, a group called "Avatar Design" was created, then I went into the search, entered the keyword "avatar design" and found a group with 1738 subscribers on the 1st position, which means that I just need to dial 1739 and I will be on the 1st place.

This is how I got them:

The first thing I did was arrange with one person to give me his group, which had 1200 subscribers, he gave it to me easily. Because he didn't need her. You know, there are groups that you create, and then you don't do them - and they just turn into trash. So I got 1200 subscribers in 5 minutes.

Further, in 1 day, our team clocked another 600 subscribers through different programs. Like ViKing Botovod and VkDuty. This completes the optimization of the group for search in contact, and my group now looks great in the first place. Another victory.

This is how you can easily optimize a group for search in a contact.

I wish you to be the first!

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