
Attracting customers to a car dealership. Car dealership and car service promotion Full list of targeted actions in the sales funnel

With the advent of the Internet, the main advertising activity of car companies, car dealerships and car services moved towards the online sphere: marketing in the auto business began to use numerous thematic sites to advertise cars. Promotion of thematic sites in this matter plays an important role, since many motorists really follow the proposed links Berg D., Berer M. "Cool" always remain "cool": Branding for Generation Y. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. S. 143.

Often, to increase sales, dealers and car service owners use tools such as promoting cars on the Internet, advertising a car service on banners, in magazines and television.

Often, in order to increase the sale of cars, not only the promotion of a brand is used, but also the promotion of a car dealership, the promotion of dealers who offer buyers the most favorable terms of purchase and a large selection of brands and models of cars. A car is a complex mechanism and can often break down, so the promotion of a car service also occupies a significant niche in car advertising.

According to many global car manufacturers, the Russian market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Naturally, these sayings are supported not only by words and numbers, but also by actions. Some of the manufacturers have already indicated their presence in Russia. A striking example is Ford, which has built its plant near St. Petersburg; BMW and Hummer are being assembled at a plant in Kaliningrad.

Many analysts predicted a drop in growth rates in 2006, it was believed that the market was "overheated". However, the summed up results of 2006 prove the opposite and provide a basis for making long-term forecasts.

In Russia, the growth rate of sales in 2006 against the level of a year ago was 68.5% (in 2005 - 49.4%). Thus, the slowdown that most analysts expected did not happen.

In 2006, the turnover of the automotive market in Russia in value terms was estimated at $ 32 billion, including for new imported foreign cars - $ 18.2 billion, for foreign cars assembled in Russia - $ 4.4 billion. At the same time, the segment of Russian-made foreign cars grew in value terms in 2006 by 100%, and new imported cars - by 78% (in quantitative terms - by 149% and 56%, respectively). In addition, sales of premium cars increased by about 70% in 2006 (in value terms - by 78%).

An ambiguous situation has developed in the Russian automotive market: the queues for foreign cars in many showrooms reach several months, but foreign automakers and their dealers continue to increase advertising budgets, as they are afraid that even a short-term absence of the company in front of the buyer will lead to the fact that the consumer will forget them.

Automakers and dealers have confirmed that their companies' advertising budgets have increased, but the exact numbers have not been given. Budgets are increasing both because of the constantly rising advertising prices and because of the growth in sales. Usually, the amount of the advertising budget is a certain derivative of the volume of sales of cars and services. The turnover is growing - the budgets, respectively, too. And even with a decrease in specific advertising costs per unit of product sold, which is now observed in some car manufacturers, the absolute volume of advertising is increasing.

Another factor that provokes companies to increase their advertising activity, and, consequently, advertising budgets is the constantly growing number of new models that need to be introduced to the market.

The advertising budget of CJSC "Rolf Holding" increased by 40% in comparison with the previous year, since 2007 became the year of launching several new products on the market in different market segments. For a similar reason, the advertising budget for the Nissan brand has also increased. In addition, a stratified approach to the client is now relevant in the automotive market: it is more profitable to offer not one car for a huge number of people, but several models, each of which is aimed at a narrower group of buyers.

It is this logic that forces an increasing number of manufacturers to expand their model lines and enter the segments where they were not present before, for example, in addition to traditional passenger cars, produce minivans and SUVs. The development period for new models in the last decade has been reduced by almost half - now cars are changed every 4-5 years, and in the middle of their cycle they also undergo restyling. Hence, there is a significant increase in advertising reasons. In addition, new car brands are emerging on the market. All this increases the amount of funds in the total advertising costs.

The traditional cooperation scheme used by car manufacturers and dealers today has two main principles:

compliance with corporate standards;

The manufacturer dictates both the standards and the media pool recommended to dealers for advertising placement. It is for the fulfillment of these rules that the dealer is paid the so-called financial compensation: the manufacturer usually assumes 50% of the cost of advertising in approved publications, the remaining half is paid by the dealer. Often, compensation is paid to the seller only for compliance with corporate standards, and in which media the advertisement is placed - approved or not, is not so important.

In recent years, there has been a redistribution of advertising funds between representative offices and dealers in favor of the first Mazilkina E.A. Branding. Moscow: Dashkov and Co, BiznesVolga, 2011, pp. 121. Previously, not all producers could afford television advertising, but now, with the growth of sales, it has become possible for many. This is, of course, insane money, but the CPT indicator, due to the large coverage of television, is one of the best. In addition, TV is the only media outlet that provides 100% coverage of the territory of Russia.

Meanwhile, most dealers are diversifying their budgets in favor of the so-called operational media - outdoor advertising, the Internet, and from the press, instead of car gloss, they increasingly prefer sales publications.

Experts explain the fact that manufacturers and dealers use different advertising media by the existence of two opposite tendencies: manufacturers, increasing their share in the total amount of advertising costs and increasing advertising activity on TV, focus their efforts on image advertising. Manufacturers strive to expand dealer networks, maximize the mention of their brands, fight for market share, and rely on the future. Dealers with the help of advertising primarily maintain the level of their operational sales, hence the increased interest in street billboards, banners, websites and newspaper ads.

Taking into account the growth of budgets and the multidirectional advertising strategies of manufacturers and sellers, market experts agree that if anyone should adjust the advertising policy in connection with queues for popular models of foreign cars, it will be dealers. It is inappropriate for representative offices and distributors to reduce advertising activity. The brand must constantly be present on the market, regardless of whether there are queues for certain configurations in certain regions or not.

Marketing Director of Ford Russia Irina Sharovatova believes that dealers should react to the conjuncture in their advertising policy. Advertising for them is a sales tool, and you need to sell what you have. Accordingly, if the seller does not have a model in stock, it does not need to be advertised.

Market trends indicate that the reaction of dealers to the shortage of foreign cars should be more complex and constructive. While sales stimulation is not required, and cars are bought in those showrooms where they are simply available, the time has come for dealers to invest advertising funds not in promoting the manufacturer's brand, but in developing their own brand. Sellers shouldn't be limited to online media only. You need to experiment, look for your individual positioning on the market, different from other sellers of a particular brand, use BTL, direct-mail, create an interactive environment.

But there are few such examples on the market. While the manufacturer is fighting for market share, the dealer advertises on the basis of the established advertising cost rate of 1-2% of the total turnover. Turnover is growing, followed by advertising costs.

Meanwhile, according to Alfa-Bank Research Group, in the rating of the main criteria that Russians are guided by when choosing a car, the reputation of the salon is in second place (43% of respondents), second only to such a factor as the price of a car (56%). The salon's popularity is in eighth place (17%), ahead of such criteria as the recommendations of friends (10%) and the level of service (6%).

Soon, when the main foreign automobile concerns open their production facilities in Russia and the offers on the market in the price-quality ratio will level out, and the dealer networks continue to expand, the image of a particular salon will become a determining factor when choosing a car. Branding. Moscow: Dashkov and Co, Business Volga, 2011, pp. 165.

Here, too, the difference in approach between European countries and Russia becomes obvious. Despite the obvious success of Ford in Russia, not all promotion technologies are used in our country. In part, this fact can be explained by the fact that the advertising campaign often depends on the dealers themselves, and not on the manufacturer.

In 2007, Ford decided to revive the tradition of putting toy cars in cereal boxes. This time, 600,000 miniature Ford Fusion will end up in Kellogg's breakfast boxes. But this is not a simple advertising campaign for Ford. The company hopes in this way to kill two birds with one stone: while children will have fun with new toys, adults can read the information on the boxes about real Ford cars and, perhaps, this will motivate someone to purchase a real Ford Fusion.

In Russia, traditional methods are more popular, such as outdoor advertising, advertising in the press and on television. Inkom-Avto (one of the Ford dealers), which pays special attention to the development of original concepts to attract customers, is rightfully considered one of the progressive steps of dealers.

The service called "Personal Wizard" means that all buyers of Hyundai, Kia, Daewoo, Renault, Chery, Ssang-Yong and Fiat automatically receive a personal wizard for their car. This employee of the "Inkom-Auto" company, starting from the first day of purchase, will service your car. To do this, you need to choose one of the 11 technical centers "Inkom-Auto", where your car will be serviced, and get a business card from the salon manager. A personal wizard will make the registration procedure for service quick and convenient; inspect the car with you and take into account all your wishes before repair; will repair the car on time, and in case of a change in the timing, will promptly inform about it; provide you with a written report on the work done; finally, only a personal foreman is always responsible for the quality of the work performed.

Inkom-Avto also provides favorable conditions for obtaining express installments, which for some people may become a key factor when buying a car. According to Abarus Market Research, in 2006 about 36-38% of the purchased new machines fell on the share of "credit" Mazilkina EA. Branding. Moscow: Dashkov and Co, Business Volga, 2011, pp. 176. For foreign cars this figure is higher - about 45%. Also, the company has developed its own trade-in system: when using the car exchange service, the client receives more favorable conditions for purchasing a car at Inkom-Auto. Thus, "Inkom-Avto" is at the highest stage of development, as it runs its own advertising campaign aimed at attracting customers to their showrooms, where each buyer can take advantage of a set of unique offers, regardless of the chosen automaker.

Summarizing the above in the first chapter, we can note:

1. Consumers are the central target of marketing.

2. Should be considered marketing communications as the management of the process of movement of goods at all stages - before the sale, at the time of purchase, during and after the consumption process.

3. Marketing communications are used to demonstrate important characteristics of the other three elements of the marketing mix in order to increase consumer interest in purchasing a product.

4. The main means of product promotion are advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal sales, direct marketing. Promotion tools can be used jointly or separately from each other depending on the product, promotion goals and budget.

5. Promotion goals can be to stimulate demand, improve the company's image.

6. Promotion plan includes promotion goals, structure and budget.

7. Promotion of a product must necessarily end with an analysis of the results. The method of measuring results depends on the specifics of the product, on the availability of methods and methods for analyzing the results.

The car dealership business has a huge number of competitors. It is very difficult to make your showroom recognizable, to distinguish it from the mass of other similar showrooms. In order to successfully advertise a car dealership, an integrated approach is simply necessary. It should be a large-scale advertising campaign that will use methods of various types and directions of advertising.

Most likely, you cannot do without the help of an advertising specialist to promote a car dealership. An advertising specialist must closely study the market, consumer demand, study the pricing policy of competitors, select a group of people who will be targeted for advertising. Advertising of expensive foreign cars will differ significantly from advertising of cheap or used cars. A competent specialist will be able to squeeze the maximum of useful information from the location of the salon, from the visual image of your potential customers, as well as the services that you will offer. Using the collected information, the analyst will be able to put together a good advertising campaign for you.

Publication of advertising for a car dealership in the media

It is very effective to advertise a car dealership in print media. This applies to elite and men's magazines, whose audience is predominantly male. With the help of informative photos, you will be able to demonstrate the assortment of the store, indicating the current prices. Buying a car is not easy, and such purchases are not impulsive. Therefore, one should not expect a quick return on advertising in print, radio and television. However, it is worth making sure that information about your salon is deposited in the memory of a person, and he returned to it after a while.

To further stimulate sales, you can carry out various promotions, discounts, offer customers free diagnostics and service, good warranty periods for cars, as well as for original and non-original spare parts.

Car dealership outdoor advertising

Pay special attention to advertising of elite car brands, the choice of a "point of contact" in this segment is very important, advertising should not only inform a potential buyer about the product, but also increase the brand's importance in his eyes, the following options should be chosen for placement:

1) golf clubs

2) horse clubs

3) restaurants in the city center and on the Moscow Ring Road

4) cottage settlements

Online car dealership promotion

The showroom can be promoted via the internet. Organize a forum where experts can help customers choose a car, or help with advice in difficult situations.

Place banner ads on major automotive portals, as well as on men's forums, where these ads will find the maximum response. Create an electronic showcase for a car dealership so that every potential visitor to your center can remotely view the range of cars on offer, and offer them all the most interesting information about each car sold.

You can post advertisements for the sale of cars and free message boards. As practice shows, such ads are also readable and interest some of the customers. In addition to free ads, there are also contextual advertising systems Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords.

Direct requests related to the sale of cars may be too expensive to use them directly, but there is an option to search for a buyer through queries in the YAN (advertising partner system), not in search, but on popular sites where a potential buyer looks at reviews on cars and selects a specific model for its characteristics.

Promotion of a car dealership on the Internet is a very specific task, which involves the use of a whole range of tools. Choosing a car on the Internet, the user usually faces many difficulties, so the main task of specialists is to make the advertising mechanisms work, first of all, on the client's trust. This allows you to remove those barriers that a potential buyer may face when making a choice. Advertising Agency SOTNIKOV provides a full range of services for the promotion of car showrooms.

Our studio is ready to start promoting the car dealership on the Internet at the most affordable prices. In just a few months, we will improve the position of your website in major car brands, increase traffic, and build a reputation as a reliable partner.

Promotion of a car dealership from our studio consists of many stages. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

Website preparation and optimization

The first stage includes compiling a semantic core from various variations of key queries. After optimization, filling the site with content and indexing by search engines, you will begin to receive your first applications from customers.

SEO works allow you to attract natural links from other resources of a similar subject to your portal. Search robots will definitely notice this, after which they will increase the ranking of your site. The result of our work can be assessed not only by the dynamics of the resource position growth and the increase in its attendance, but also by the number of incoming applications.

  • Promotion of the car dealership in social networks

The right social marketing demonstrates how effective social media can be in promoting a brand. In addition, product visualization plays an important role in promotion, and social networks allow you to actively use this tool. Our specialists will create groups in the most popular social networks, fill them with real paying subscribers and regularly fill them with interesting content (text information + photo / video).

  • Local promotion of a car dealership, taking into account its location

Local promotion of a car showroom by its location is one of the most effective, quick and cheap ways to take top positions in search results and win the attention of the target audience. As you know, many consumers who are planning to purchase a particular product quite often take into account the proximity of the store when making a final decision. However, competition can be enormous even in one particular area of ​​the city, since dozens of different companies have been working almost everywhere for several years. The task of our specialists is to bring your portal to the leading positions in local search, so that the user, when asked, for example, "car dealership on the Arbat", finds exactly your Internet resource.

Our specialists carry out a set of measures for targeted promotion according to the unique name of the salon. Due to this, a user who queries Yandex for certain variations of thematic key queries sees in the search results also other options that are in special tooltips, which are sorted (ranked) not only by relevance and popularity, but also by their importance. ...

For example, most of the options are displayed together with such well-known representatives of the automotive segment in Russia as "Hermes Auto Show", "Avilon Auto Show" and others.

The purpose of SEO promotion of a car dealership and getting the company's brand in the search results is to motivate Internet users to request exactly such phrases and phrases when searching, which will be shown along with the name of your company.

The result of this work will be an increase in trust in your business from potential buyers, since they will understand that if Yandex shows it, it means that the company is really reputable and reliable. As a result, you will receive a noticeable increase in sales, an excellent reputation, as well as an increase in your brand awareness.

Have not yet decided who to entrust the promotion of a car dealership in order to quickly attract new customers and not go beyond the minimum budget? Just ask us for help!

In any case, you will need your own online representation, because for any car showroom this is one of the most effective ways to quickly start earning money by attracting customers. Another way is local outdoor advertising at the location of the center. We are ready to start promoting your website.

In just a few months, you will be able to register an increase in sales and an increase in targeted applications. Therefore, the problem with the issue of promoting a project from scratch will disappear by itself.

Competition among car dealerships and dealerships is constantly growing, because there are more and more cars, and fewer and fewer people without personal transport. In addition, the tendency to buy "what is cheaper" is becoming a thing of the past, and our compatriots are trying to get the best possible service for the same money.

In this regard, dealers have to look for more and more new ways to attract customers to a car dealership, and one of them is promotion on the Internet.

Car dealership website promotion

One of the most effective ways to attract customers is to create a website for a car dealership or an auto parts website. But do not forget that this is only the first step to success. - a more important and complex procedure than creating a quality resource.

The set of measures for promotion is aimed at ensuring that even after a short visit to the site, the user thinks about purchasing a car and decides to contact this salon directly by visiting it personally.

Promotion is a large list of various actions that can lead to an increase in the position of a site for keywords in search engines, an increase in its target traffic and an increase in the company's sales.

Working with regional and thematic sites

Work with regional and thematic platforms is no less important for attracting customers to a car dealership. The success of this work is due to the nature of the business and its regional focus.

Today, there are many regional resources on which users not only get acquainted with local news, but also look for profitable offers of goods and services in their city, region or district. In addition, themed sites, forums and blogs are very popular, where motorists share their impressions of their cars and places of purchase.

It is on such resources that the most complete information about the car dealership, its range, services and profitable offers should be present.


To promote a car dealership, promoting its website on the Internet is not enough. In order to attract customers to a car dealership as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to deal with it. Today the overwhelming number of users are registered in one or several social networks at once.

Moreover, they use social networks not only to communicate and obtain information, but also to search for goods and services. Creating a car dealership group in the most suitable networks allows you to inform about goods and services, promotions and great offers, attract the target audience and communicate directly with potential customers.

At the same time, information about the salon should be presented in such a way that the user understands how this car dealership differs from others and why it is profitable to buy a car there.

Free help

Marketing research shows that in any business there is a significant proportion of potential customers, the decisive argument for which is the availability of discounts and other lucrative offers. Promotions that can be organized with leading coupon services, all kinds of promotions and sales at reduced prices will help such buyers to draw attention to the car dealership.

Small gifts for car buyers, free consultations, discounts on visiting an auto parts store or car wash will be of no less interest.

By and large, there are a great many ideas, and their implementation depends only on the capabilities of the car dealership. However, in order to attract customers to a car dealership to be really effective, specialists should be involved in the implementation of these ideas.

To promote a car dealership, you need to use the Internet. After all, any person who wants to buy a car will certainly study all the information on the network.

Features of promoting a car dealership using the Internet site

The positive effect of promotion depends primarily on a properly designed site... He must give complete and reliable information about the car dealership and the services provided. The full assortment, including new items, related products, must be present on the site.
Also, the car dealership website should provide such information.

  • Lending terms
  • Car dealership services
  • Partner offers
  • Reviews about the work of the salon
  • Mark on the map - how to get there
  • Test drives

It will help to stand out among competitors unique service- calculator, planner, assistant for choosing a brand or a complete set of cars.

Be sure to do fast and convenient process of communication with the manager... This will be helped by: a button for ordering a call back, contacts in the header of the site in a prominent place, online chat.



A lot will depend on the segment that the car dealership occupies in this business. There are several options:

  1. official dealer;
  2. auto importer;
  3. multi-brand salon.

If the salon is an official dealer, then it is advisable to focus on the image of the brand that you represent. The site must definitely stand out against the background of competitors' sites.
If the car dealership is an auto importer, then the website should include detailed information. It should contain information about the model range, places of sale of cars, promotions. The assortment should have detailed descriptions and characteristics.
For a multi-brand salon, it is very important to sell the currently valid special offer. Therefore, detailed information about the promotion on the main page is required.

Organization of advertising for a car dealership in the network

After creating the site, you should go to. Precisely active, because this niche is very highly competitive. And promotion of a car dealership will be an expensive process.

The specific methods of advertising a car dealership can be considered

  • Articles with test drives - future car owners will definitely look for such information before buying
  • Banner advertising on portals, forums of car enthusiasts, on portals for car sales
  • Also on the forums you can buy links to your site in the signatures and messages of users. Such "hidden" recommendations can have a good effect!
  • Contextual advertising on request of a specific car brand and model + city
  • Registration of a car dealership in large online catalogs of enterprises in a city, country
  • If you have an offer for the owners of a car of a certain brand, then you can set up a target advertising in social networks according to the brand criterion, which is indicated in the user profile. Not all of them indicate, of course, but it will be an accurate target, advertising will be shown to a narrow circle of users and you will not waste your advertising budget.
  • For very specific requests, you can create landing pages with a detailed and attractive description of your salon's offer and set up contextual advertising on these pages.
  • Be sure to place yourself on Yandex and Google maps - this information is visible in the search, and people always like to see how to get to the car dealership.
  • For solidity, you can create a mobile application that the user can download to his phone and view all the offers of the company in a convenient form. And also receive news.

Of course, the methods of promotion, promotion and advertising are not limited to this, but for each car dealership you need

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