
How to sell home internet traffic. Earning money on traffic on the Internet: step by step instructions. Where to Sell Highly Traffic: Banner Advertising


Hello! In this article, we will talk about making money on traffic.

  • How much can you earn: from 1,000 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: knowledge about traffic.
  • Is it worth doing: if you have free time and money .

General information about making money from selling traffic

Before moving on to the features of monetization, let's figure out what selling traffic is and how to make money on it.

Traffic - unique visitors to the portal. Any site can act as a traffic source.

Earnings on traffic appeared along with the start of the first sites. Initially, it was used to attract visitors to various Internet resources. But over time, large companies came into the game, which are also ready to pay for advertising, and already now this type of earnings is becoming more interesting, profitable and in demand.

Almost everyone can make money selling traffic. Even without your own source, you can buy traffic and sell it to partners, winning on the price difference. This is a complex, multifaceted, but quite profitable and attractive way.

How to make money on traffic

Both people who have their own sources and those who do not have them can make money on the sale of Internet traffic. A website, a group on social networks, etc. can act as a source of traffic. Let's first talk about making money selling traffic with a source, since it is much easier to make money on your own traffic.

With traffic source

Once you have your own traffic source, it's pretty simple. You register on sites that buy traffic, publish their advertisements on your website, blog or group and earn money on this. You can make money on site traffic in the following ways:

  • Teasers.

Banners and teasers are suitable for beginners and who don't have a lot of visitors to their traffic source. Banners can float on top of the main window, redirect a visitor to the site when he wants to close an ad, etc. This monetization method is suitable when your site has relatively few visitors, but you already want to receive funds. This is a more standard approach to monetizing your own traffic.

In addition to working with services for buying the number of visits, you can independently work with. This is a more complex, but at the same time, profitable way to monetize your traffic. You create your own creatives, attract your own visitors and get a fixed fee for this, which depends on the offer.

The most valuable traffic is business. Business websites, communities and blogs attract a paying audience, which, with the proper skill, can be perfectly monetized. Selling something to them is much easier, because they have money. The main thing is to interest.

The least cost is traffic from the entertainment category. On average, this is an insolvent audience that is difficult to attract to sales. Most often, such traffic is monetized either on a gaming theme, or by conventional means without affiliate programs.

No traffic source

If you do not have your own source of traffic, then all you have to do is earn money by reselling traffic - buying in one place and reselling in another. It is called .

True, resale can be called a stretch. In fact, everything happens a little differently. You create ad creatives, use a specific channel, and drive traffic to the affiliate program. If you guessed right with the creatives and did everything right, you will get a good income based on the difference between the funds spent and received.

There are several sources of traffic:

  • Contextual advertising (s).
  • Social media.
  • Teaser networks.

Contextual advertising - paid impressions on the first page of search results. You yourself have noticed such paid ads more than once. Competent affiliate marketers know how to create high-quality and interesting ads for the desired search queries.

In this way, it is good to work with large companies as well. They pay a percentage of the deal, and you attract customers. Over time, you will be able to attract more and more people, increase your click-through rates and, with less money, convert regular website visitors into customers.

Social media is a great source of topical traffic. Here you can work either with communities or with. Working with communities is easier - you look for a suitable public with a lot of your target audience, and publish there. How attractive your post will be depends on how many clients you get.

Targeted advertising is a little more complicated. You run advertisements directly to your target audience. Your best bet is to launch several of these creatives, test them, select the ones that give you the highest conversions, and constantly come up with something new.

Email marketing is slowly becoming a thing of the past, but some companies and affiliates are using it. The main task here is to collect the mail of warm customers who will not click on deleting the sales letter right away. It is important to interest the user with the letter, keep him on the site and motivate him to make a purchase.

Teaser networks are the most controversial method of earning money. Teasers are pictures that you see on most sites. Often these are garbage materials that are published on "leftist" sites with a lot of advertising. They bring minimal benefit, but they are not so expensive.

Competent work with teaser networks can make any affiliate marketer rich. But unlike other methods, when working with teasers, you will have to spend a decent budget to make a black list of sites and portals that provide low-quality traffic. And at the beginning of work, you will have to focus exclusively on your experience, which means that the result will be poured money.

Remember, traffic arbitrage is a full-fledged business. He needs to study for a long time and constantly hone his skills. And the most important:

With a budget of less than 10-15 thousand rubles, there is nothing to do there. If you can do everything yourself with your portal, then arbitration is a business, and you won't be able to make money on traffic without a website with a small budget.

Who is suitable for making money on the sale of traffic?

If you have your own source of traffic, then sooner or later you will still come to earn money selling ad space. That is why this way of making money is ideal for people who create and promote blogs or groups on social networks.

Working with traffic without your own source is quite difficult. You have to come up with creatives, constantly update them, look for lucrative offers in affiliate programs and maximize profits from everything that comes across. That is why for beginners this way of making money will seem difficult. Many even say that there is no money in arbitration. This is not so, just with budgets of less than 20-30 thousand, this way of earning turns into roulette "Will he fire or not."

How much can you earn from selling traffic?

Let's divide the earnings figures into two parts: website owners and affiliates. Depending on how many people visit your resource, your earnings will also change.

According to the average data, one unique visitor per day brings you 10 - 15 kopecks. If there are 1000 such visitors, your earnings will be 100 rubles per day. The more visitors, the more earnings. It's simple.

With affiliates, everything is a little more complicated. In the ru segment, private affiliate marketers can earn from their own creatives from $ 1,000 per month. Arbitrage teams can reach the figure of 4-5 thousand dollars. These are average specialists who have been working in this field for a long time and know how to attract customers.

Large customer acquisition companies make tens of thousands of dollars a day. They work not with the Russian market segment, but with the foreign one. There, one lead can pay up to $ 1,000. But newcomers should not work with foreign markets if they are not already full of bumps here, in the ru-segment.


Making money selling traffic is one of the most difficult ways to make a profit on the Internet. Here you work independently, exclusively for yourself, and the financial result depends on your actions and mistakes. That is why, before doing this, you need to study the information, draw up a rough plan and only after that start work. There is also nothing to do without investing in traffic reselling.

First, let's understand what traffic is.

Traffic is the number of unique visitors to your Internet portal for a certain period, which is usually calculated for 24 hours, i.e. day.

Therefore, all site owners are interested in the target audience of their Internet brainchild. But where to get such visitors? Of course, some of it will come from search engines. But what if the site is new, and even badly promoted?

And now I will describe the most famous services for buying and selling traffic.

Tak. ru- the most popular service for buying and selling traffic. You can get your first earnings from this site in almost 10-15 minutes. Here's what is indicated in the description of earnings on the site itself:

On my own I will add: an excellent site, I have been working with it for a long time, it pays regularly, payments on webmoney. Registration by link $$$ for webmasters

WMLink. ru - also not a bad service for buying and selling traffic. Works with webmoney, pays regularly. Description from the site: is a unique tool that allows you to convert your audience into money.

  • To make money in our system, you need to place our block with paid links on your website. After clicking on the link, a reward will be credited to your balance.
  • Possibility of creating whitelist
  • We pay 75% of the link value specified by the advertiser.
  • There is no minimum payout amount
  • Instant payments
  • We do not advertise scams
Registration by link$$$ for webmasters $$$

Links- wm. ru - another service for selling and buying traffic.

links-wm.rua unique tool to convert your audience into money.

* To make money in our system, you need to place our block with paid links on your website. After clicking on the link, a reward will be credited to your balance

* There is no minimum payout amount

Nolix. ru is another exchange for buying and selling traffic.

  • You get from 80.5% before 92.5% from the cost of advertising placement.
  • Your site gets additional system-wide advertisers all the time.
  • In the absence of direct advertisers, your site earns on pay-per-click advertising
  • Minimum amount payable only 10 $, payout frequency unlimited.
  • Responsive Support service will answer all your questions.
  • From you not required the presence of a personal passport Webmoney and any additional knowledge of programming languages.

Earnings from traffic sales. How to make money on traffic even without your own website? How and where you can profitably sell traffic.

Good day, dear reader of the Istok Blag blog. We will continue today. And I will show you 4 main methods that I use. Where you can sell traffic and make good money on it. To:

First. You have an economic benefit in your head.
- Second. So that you can dive into how:
a) organize a collection of subscribers
b) spend with them.

To the question. How can you make money selling traffic without your own website?

The answer is simple, you should have your own capture page, and collect your subscriber base. And the ability to drive traffic to your pages.

How to create your own capture page without a site?

To do this, you can purchase a high-quality capture page builder once. With these builders, you can create capture pages without your blog.

Here are two options for constructors.

So how to make money on internet traffic?

The first way to make money by selling traffic out of four.

First, let's pretend that you already have a subscription base. And the fact that when you send each letter from the subscription base, you have 2000 transitions.

The highest conversion rate was 46% per trend of the year for cryptocurrencies per activated subscriber from all clicks on the link from the letter.

In the average version, I get it in the range from 18% to 28%. Proceeding from the fact that I have a lot of databases and they are all different in capacity and topics. So let's count what comes out.

When you need a lot of subscribers on the application, then I can send a mailing letter to all databases at once. In a day, I can do another Broadcast (before sending it to the databases). If it is not enough, then I can give as many letters to different bases as I need.

Since I know about how much traffic I need to give in order to work out the maximum application.

If your base or bases give out 2000 clicks, then taking into account the average low conversion of 15%, you manage to ship 300 subscriptions to the reseller. And by simple counting from one or two mailings, earnings from the sale of traffic is 12,000 rubles.

If taking into account the average normal conversion of 24%. Then you ship 480 subscribers and already earn 19,200 rubles. And this is in one week, and for one base or the same subscribers.

It is also worth saying that on the same subscribers, without critical damage. You can run from 1 to 2 different advertising issues. Of course, provided that you send useful content through the database during the week.

Where to get customers to sell traffic?

making money on traffic over the Internet

In fact, there are always a lot of orders. And if you have a database, then you will always find whom to sell traffic to. Because, as I said earlier, everyone needs traffic, traffic, and again traffic. Traffic is the most liquid commodity on the Internet and never stays stale.

Also, besides this intermediary, there are other intermediaries and customers. With which you can work directly at higher prices. Which is already more profitable for two reasons:

Therefore, the economy is simple! If you have 2000 transitions from
letters on the base (bases). Then you can safely earn from 12,000 to 38,400 rubles only by reselling traffic to intermediaries.

Provided that you can first line up with them.

It was the first, the fastest and easiest, but not the most profitable way to make money by selling traffic. In the next articles, we will consider three more ways to make money on traffic, which are more profitable and profitable ways.

Well, I wish you all the best and prosperity.
Best regards, Natalia Butenko.

Do you want to make money from the comfort of your home? Of course it's real. One of these opportunities is making money on Internet traffic. This is possible with or without creating your own website or blog. Moreover, your resource is more desirable. How can you make money online?

Monetize your website with CPC or CPM ads

One of the most common ways to make money is to advertise on your website. There are two popular types of ads:

  1. CPC / PPC Pay Per Click Ads. They are usually banners that you place in your content or on the sidebar of your site. Every time a reader clicks on your ad, you get paid for that click.
  2. CPM ads are CPM ads where your customer pays you a fixed amount based on the number of views.

Perhaps the most popular network for these types of ads is Google Adsense. With this program, you do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers. You simply place a banner on your site, Google selects ads that are relevant to your content, and your visitors click on the ads.

There are many similar programs out there if you find that Adsense is irrelevant to you. These include Yandex.Direct, Chitika, Infolinks and This is a proven and reliable income on Internet traffic.

Post private ads

Working with ad networks isn't your only option when it comes to selling ads. If you have enough unique visitors, advertisers can contact you directly and ask you to place an ad on your site. You can also contact advertisers yourself. The biggest difference from the above option is that there are no middlemen, which means that you can set your own rates and increase your traffic earnings.

In this case, the payment may be different. For example, you can charge a one-time fee for a sponsored link in a post. If you run banner ads, you can charge your affiliate monthly.

Private ads can be placed in the form of banners, buttons or links. You can even make money by writing promotional articles that provide an overview of the advertiser's product or service. Such income from traffic is possible without your own website. You can place advertisements both on your Youtube channel and in the social network community, if it is popular and visited.

Use affiliate links

Affiliate marketing is another great tool for monetizing your website or just making money online. How does affiliate marketing work?

The advertiser has a product that he wants to sell. He agrees to give you a commission on every sale if a buyer comes from your site or on your recommendation and gives you a unique link that tracks your affiliate code. This way, the advertiser knows when a customer has used your link to make a purchase.

You add it to your site. This can be done directly in the content or through banner ads. If a reader clicks on it and buys a product you recommended, you get a percentage of what they bought.

For such earnings, having your own website is desirable, but not at all necessary. You can use various advertising networks to distribute affiliate links, as well as post them on social networks and on other sites where it is allowed. Using affiliate programs will make it easy to make money on traffic arbitrage.

In this case, the step-by-step instructions are as follows - you place ads on various networks and get clicks on links. At its core, traffic arbitration is redirecting it from one resource to another.

Digital products

  • eBooks;
  • online courses / seminars;
  • images, videos, or music that people can use in their own content;
  • apps, plugins or themes.

Just remember that if you are going to choose one of these options, you must make it relevant and useful to your users. Many people make the mistake of assuming they are developing a product that many need. First, study the demand and only then create objects that will be in demand. Such earnings on traffic only work in case of high promotion.

Online sales

You can also sell physical products on your website or through social media and make money from it. The possibilities are almost endless. You could sell handicrafts, books, manufactured goods, and more. This is especially true for those who are already engaged in any kind of trade or provision of services offline.

For example, you upgrade and resell used smartphones in your city. You can use a social media page or your own blog to attract as many buyers as possible. On the Internet, you can post descriptions of all phones available for sale. Your blog or page at the same time may contain articles on the repair and customization of smartphones.

While this seems controversial (because you want people to buy your phones, not repair them themselves), it will help you get ahead and make a profit. This is also a kind of earnings on free traffic.

Earnings on contextual advertising without a website

If you can successfully conduct keyword research and understand the essence of PPC advertising, you can take advantage of this and make money online and without your own resource. Affiliate marketing through pay per click makes this possible.

How to make money selling traffic without a website - the concept of arbitrage + its advantages. Filtering traffic + 5 sources of its purchase + 4 directions for selling traffic.

Making money on the Internet is not difficult - we are told by hundreds of ads on the network, the owners of which want to implement their own training course or some kind of software. There is some truth in their words, but for the results to be truly tangible, motivation alone is not enough.

Of course, you can turn to publicly available methods that will bring small stable profits, but what if we want to get more?

Today in the article we will analyze the question of whether it is possible to make money selling traffic without a website.

Having your own resource under management, you devote the lion's share of your time to popularizing it, because for advertisers the main parameter of success is unique views. Making money without your own website is more difficult, since the "hole", which is the lack of a traffic source, needs to be filled with something.

What is traffic selling?

Selling traffic - draining traffic from one source to another.

If we talk about webmasters, it is considered the provision of space on their own resources for the services of advertisers, but if we are talking about working without a website, then this implies the sale of traffic, which is purchased in advance at a lower price than sold.

How the traffic selling system works:

    Special marketing agencies turn to traffic exchanges or other similar services, with a request to provide a target audience for the distribution of advertising products.

    Banners, teasers, commercials, discount coupons and the like can act as an agitator.

    Webmaster's offer.

    The person who sells traffic from the site registers in the service distribution system and puts up his own offer.

    The product is the webmaster's personal website, or traffic from other resources that was purchased earlier.

    Both parties conclude a contract for the placement of advertising materials, after which for each action / viewing of advertising products on the site of the traffic owner, he receives a financial reward.

    The details and method of payment are discussed separately and depend on the terms of delivery of the service package from the customer.

Regardless of the way you work with traffic, the result is one model: product + buyers + product advertising = money to sell traffic... Whether or not there is a website is another question that only affects the organization of sales of the products themselves.

The method of making money selling traffic without your own website is called arbitrage. It acts as a tool in the work of CPA marketing, which is a component of a more global concept - affiliate marketing.

Advantages of selling traffic without a website:

  • no expenses for logistics and promotion of your own web resource;
  • there is only one starting goal - to attract traffic;
  • the role of direct communication with suppliers and customers is minimized;
  • low requirements for getting started - anyone with a slightly above average PC user level can afford to make money on arbitration; it does not require a lot of money to start + there is no need to create and promote a personal website.

Cons are also indispensable. Selling traffic without a website, you will face its main negative side - the instability of earnings. The amount of money that can be earned will directly depend on the situation in the traffic sales market itself.

Also, due to the high competition within the market, be prepared for constant stressful situations. If you are heavily influenced by external factors, then traffic arbitrage may not be for you.

Equivalent arbitration- a method that allows you to make money on the sale of traffic without a site by purchasing bulk impressions on resources, with the aim of further draining them on a retail basis.

Roughly speaking, this is a market in which an affiliate marketer acts as a reseller who buys products at a lower price and sells at a higher one. Thus, a person can make money on the difference that he gets through this type of traffic drain.

Typification of traffic sales through arbitrage:

    Direct sale.

    To make money on this method, you need to merge the purchased traffic directly into, without using additional links in the chain.

    Selling through a one-page site.

    Purchased traffic is located on a special website. Here, a reseller can earn money from referral links, or arrange the sale of traffic through CPA, receiving money for actions.

    Sale through a one-page site with registration.

    To make money in this way, you will not have to fuss over the presentation, but if everything goes well, a person will be able to get 5-6 times more money than he invested initially.

    In addition to the traffic itself, you will receive a client database with mailboxes, and you can also make good money on it.

For a novice user, the best option for sales will be the first option - direct drain. You won't be able to make a lot here, but you can get into this industry and figure out what's what without unnecessary problems and with a moderate level of competition.

Step-by-step scheme of how to make money selling traffic without a website

We have figured out the terminological basis for traffic drain. Now let's talk about the algorithm of work and the stages that each affiliate goes through in order to earn their first money selling traffic on the network.

To make money from arbitrage, answer 3 questions:

  1. Where to buy traffic?
  2. How to filter quality traffic?
  3. Where to merge traffic to make the most of it?

a) Where to buy traffic?

The hardest part of this job is finding cheap traffic. If you do not have your own website with a stable audience, you will have to think about how to make money at the expense of others. And, as you know, few people want to sell cheap traffic, which they got with sweat and blood.

The wholesale market price is 20-30% lower than direct retail purchases, but if you want to buy profitably, be prepared for constant monitoring. As soon as a new webmaster appears, ready to sell traffic, other affiliates attack him like piranhas from all sides, wanting to buy traffic at minimal cost.

There are only 5 full-fledged sources for buying traffic. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Source # 1. Forums and bulletin boards.

Newbie webmasters, who have only recently begun to spin in this area and still do not really know how to make money on their resource, have their traffic here.

Pricing largely depends on the subjective assessment of the seller, therefore, you can find both highly inflated prices and very low ones. It is necessary to hunt for the latter, since you can earn more only with a worthwhile difference in the purchase / sale price.

Consider the best forums for buying traffic.


A forum that works like a club. Both affiliates and owners of personal sites can make money here.

The resource is positioned as a trusted forum with a high degree of filtration - only every 4th application for membership is approved. Inside the system there is a huge knowledge base on arbitration + the possibility of cooperation with more than 20 CPA affiliates - this moment will come in handy when draining the already purchased traffic, of which there is a lot.


A private forum where even a beginner can make money on traffic, since the site sells advertising space for a webmaster with more than 100,000 unique visitors daily.

The only disadvantage of the forum is the paid registration, which will cost you $ 500, which in our country can become an unaffordable amount for a novice arbitrage specialist. An exception may be cases when you are sure that work in this area will drag you out for more than one year.

You will often apply for cheap traffic to this forum, we are 100% sure of this.


A foreign forum for affiliates who want to earn a lot on foreign traffic. Registration is paid, but the price is small (at the time of this writing, only $ 30) and is adjusted by the administration itself.

A friendly atmosphere and a large number of professionals will help you understand the intricacies of the work. However, good communication requires knowledge of English.


A forum with a lot of educational information and a separate section where 3-5 offers to sell traffic from personal sites appear every day.

There is an opportunity to sign up for a paid training course in arbitration, where you will be taught how to make a lot and in a relatively short period of time. At the end of the training, all participants receive certificates.


Forum with a bright name about business and its intricacies. There is a separate section for arbitrage - here you can both buy traffic from webmasters and make money on its sale. To work with the site, no registration is required - all materials are available absolutely free.


Another Russian-language forum where both parties can easily make money. Traffic prices are adequate, but offers with lower prices are very rare. Selected topics contain information on arbitration and advice on working in this field of activity.

Bulletin boards can be both specialized (although there are very few of them), and general purpose. It is enough to go to the desired section and make a search query for the phrase "Traffic Sales". The number of offers may be small. But, as a rule, the prices for traffic are much lower here than on thematic forums.

Source # 2. Contextual advertising systems.

Contextual advertising is a means of promoting goods on the network, which is text ads with pictures that are shown on sites. The peculiarity of contextual advertising is that the content subject must coincide with the advertising subject.

1. Yandex.Direct.

A contextual advertising service on which both affiliates and ordinary webmasters can make money. Yandex search engine is used by 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 people every day. When buying traffic, the cost of 1 click is from 0.3 rubles, and the minimum amount for a purchase starts from 1,000 rubles.

All traffic within the system is carefully selected, therefore, when "packing" you can not be afraid of fraud on the part of the resource.

Advertising is displayed either on the pages of the search engine itself, or on the sites of the system's partners, the list of which is updated every day. This also includes all related services of the system - Yandex. Market, Yandex.Maps and so on.

2. "Runner".

The second most popular system for buying traffic on the Runet. Those who are focused on Google can also make money here - "Begun" has been broadcasting contextual advertising through this site for more than 3 years + there are advertising positions in Rambler, which further increases the reach of the target audience.

The cost per click is more expensive here - from 1 ruble, but the minimum purchase cost is the same as that of Yandex - from 1000 rubles. On sites such as,, and the like, payment is made for views - 10 rubles per 1000 impressions from the site.

Here you can immediately make money selling traffic without using intermediaries, since there is a section of cooperation with product affiliate programs. The cost for the transition is much higher here - from 3 to 6 rubles. But, if your product is in demand, these expenses will pay off in full in a short period of time.

It is possible to purchase traffic for mobile versions of sites, but the price for such advertising is the highest - from 7 rubles for clicking on the advertiser's link.

3. Google AdWords.

Well, where can we go without a market giant that has been working in this area for the longest time than any other competitor? The system is aimed at more experienced users, but beginners can also do it here, although it will take a couple of days to a week to analyze the nuances of the service. The minimum cost of ordering traffic is from 400 rubles, and the price for 1 click is only 11 kopecks.

Ads are displayed on partner sites of the search engine, including mobile versions + display networks. For especially demanding affiliates, there is a fine-tuning option - impressions for the target audience by any criterion (gender, age, etc.) or depending on the language of the user interface.

Working with contextual advertising is one of the simplest ways for a novice affiliate to make money. A person can not only buy traffic cheaply, but also establish an affiliate program there. Fortunately, the personal accounts of such systems are equipped with all the necessary tools for tracking changes and maintaining complete statistics with the calculation of income / expenses from sales.

Source # 3. Social media.

A rapidly developing source of traffic that combines low cost and average quality of promotion.

If you plan to make money selling goods, then it is advisable to advertise products that are in demand among young people. Although the older generation makes purchases via the Internet, their percentage is extremely small, therefore, it is likely that the clicks you bought will simply go nowhere.

Let's take a look at the best sites for generating social traffic in 2018.


The largest website on the Runet, where you can make money by promoting products to your target audience on social networks. The project team collaborates with such social networks as Vkontakte, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Google Plus.

There is no minimum order amount as such. You just look for the right offer and close the deal with the social content owner directly. Bulk traffic purchases have more favorable prices, discounts reach 30%.


The site has been offering to make money on advertising for 6 years. For customers, there are profitable package solutions with discounts up to 40%. Among the most common services are posts with hidden ads, ads on the pages of popular personalities on social networks, and, of course, displaying ads in the most popular communities.

The site is working according to the CPA-model - the customer will pay only for clicks on the link. The personal account contains dozens of tools for tracking statistics + responsive support answers questions no later than 30 minutes from the moment the application was sent.


A specialized SMO promotion system that offers website owners and affiliates to earn money by promoting affiliate products on the network. The site works with more than 10 social networks, including the most popular on the Runet - VK, Instagram, and more recently Twitter.

Bulk purchases are the most profitable solution, since the discount can be up to 30%, depending on the conditions for displaying advertising and the type of target audience. The minimum order is from 1,000 rubles.

If you want to earn more and not spend money on buying ads from other people's communities, you can go the way of more resistance, namely, create a community and promote it using one of the services discussed above.

This process will take a little longer, but the result will pleasantly surprise you - you can not limit yourself to one thing, but combine product promotion through an affiliate program with the placement of advertisements from other advertisers. Thus, you will move away from pure arbitrage and will be able to diversify your risks.

Source # 4. Banner networks.

This is the name of the sites that seek to make money selling advertisements through bright ads on the world wide web.

For an affiliate marketer, such a source of buying traffic is the most controversial - the number of injections is the largest, and the payback occurs in 60-80% of cases, which increases the risk of burnout, even if you work with an advanced affiliate program.

Consider the best banner networks of 2018 for buying traffic on the Runet.


A classic banner network that allows you to earn money by selling traffic to thousands of affiliates. A feature of the site is direct deals with webmasters. The resource acts as an intermediary that simply unites the links in the chain for a small commission.

The site offers rotation of several banners in the 1st place, thereby reducing the cost of advertising by 2-3 times. System commission - 15%. You can send money to buy traffic both through payment systems and through VISA cards.

2. RTB.Sape.

Simple intuitive interface + democratic attitude towards webmasters - these 2 factors can significantly affect the amount of money that can be earned from selling traffic in the future.

If a person has a highly targeted site with a small amount of views, the price for traffic will be low, but for an affiliate marketer this is just a plus. All that remains is to find an affiliate program for the target audience and earn 5-10 more than it was originally invested.

The disadvantage of the site is the auction system of work. It is almost impossible to determine the exact amount of money spent in advance.


One of the most expensive banner networks for buying traffic, but if your affiliate program is focused on expensive goods (watches, cars), then there is no point in spending money on low-quality advertising.

The site has the ability to fine-tune the target audience, since the number of webmasters with whom the service cooperates exceeds 40,000 - from which it will definitely be chosen. All sites are moderated twice, so the chances of getting on the "bred" are just scanty.

Banner networks allow you to make money on the sale of traffic only when you are going to promote products on a product affiliate program with a wide target audience.

In terms of price / quality ratio, this type of promotion is the most expensive, therefore, select sites for cooperation with great care, so as not to become a victim of the usual pumping out of money for low-quality traffic.

Source # 5. Traffic exchanges.

Here you can buy very cheap traffic, but its quality will be below average. The average cost across the Runet is from $ 7 per 1,000 impressions.

Here, affiliates who are guided by the sale of traffic from one wholesale source to another will be able to earn money. If you use a retail drain, the probability of getting a lot of money is reduced by 20-30%, since a large amount of traffic on low quality exchanges.

The best exchanges in 2018 for buying cheap traffic will be discussed further.


The site says that the total daily number of clicks from users exceeds 5,000,000. But whether this is true or not is very difficult to verify.

Many newbie webmasters come here who want to make quick money on selling traffic from their own sites, but due to poor moderation, most resources deliver advertising opportunities of very low quality.


UK Traffic Exchange, which opened in 2011. The site specializes in selling high quality traffic across multiple platforms.

A rather tough policy is being pursued with regard to webmasters. To make money on the site, you need more than 3,000 unique visitors per day, and the quality of traffic is monitored in real time according to the reviews of the exchange clients.

The company supports 3 models of work - CPC, CPA and CPM. There is a possibility of wholesale purchase of mobile and desktop traffic. Among ad formats, there are both traditional banners and mobile versions. There is high-quality support for popunder advertising and IMS.


A site with the broadest possibilities for targeting traffic in various directions. It is possible to drive the promotion of goods even within the framework of one city or by a list of IP addresses.

Only conscientious webmasters can make money selling traffic here - cheating and bots lead to immediate account blocking, which means that the quality of traffic here is above average.

To access all the site's tools, you must register and verify via SMS verification. There is no minimum purchase amount, the affiliate chooses the necessary offers by himself, filtering them using a well-thought-out filter.

Exchanges are the resource where the affiliate marketer can find the cheapest traffic, although not the highest quality. As elsewhere, there are also exceptions on exchanges - by choosing trusted sites, you can reduce the likelihood of purchasing low-quality traffic by 30-40%.

b) How to filter traffic?

Having dealt with the sources of traffic purchases, we can move on to the second important part - filtering.

Not every site provides high quality traffic. However, in arbitration it is impossible to determine such a purchase by eye, therefore a one-page (landing) page comes to the rescue, through which all traffic from different systems will pass.

How to set up traffic quality analysis - action algorithm:

    Create Landing page.

    For these purposes, you don't even need to use paid hosting. The simplest design will be enough, where potential buyers will stay for 5-10 seconds - the site will become an intermediate link between the source of referral and the final goal, in our case, the affiliate program.

    Add Google Analytics statistics to the site.

    To do this, you must first register in the service system and receive an embed code on the site.

    Set up goals within the system.

    For an affiliate marketer, an important point is real transitions to partner sites, therefore, when setting up, take this parameter into account first.

    The traffic owner now has the ability to view the percentage of productivity from each ad source. The higher the percentage of clicks, the higher the likelihood of making money on selling through affiliate programs from a site that has become a leader.

It is also possible to track statistics through the services of third-party sites, but why spend extra money if everything is done by hand on a completely free basis? If a person is engaged in arbitration, then he will be able to deal with a one-page unambiguously.

c) Where to send traffic?

How much you can earn from selling traffic without a website depends only on you. We have described the way to screen out low-quality sites, and now let's look at the resources that a person will encounter on their way in the 3rd stage of arbitration.

More than 90% of affiliate marketers drain traffic through affiliate programs.

There are 4 main directions in affiliate programs that should be considered in order to derive benefits on an ongoing basis.

Direction number 1. Product affiliate programs.

In 2018, more than half of the traffic is merged into affiliate programs for the sale of goods. People are no longer afraid to make purchases through the world wide web, and cashless payments have become the order of things for most citizens of our country.

It is very easy to make money selling goods through purchased traffic, just place the received promotional materials on the pages of the sites where you purchased advertising space and receive a percentage of profit from each product.

We will consider the best product affiliate programs of 2018 below.


The site has been operating since 2012. This is a product affiliate program that allows you to earn on sales from 1,800 rubles per 1000 views. The result is averaged and compiled on the basis of calculating the percentage of sales from visits - for one sold product, from 300 to 600 rubles are issued.

The functionality includes viewing information from your personal account on clicks and hits, EPC and CR indicators. There is filtering by landing pages, dates, geolocation and the like.

Pay attention to geotargeting to earn more. You can find out more about the nuances on the pages of the site itself. The minimum wage for withdrawal is from 3000 rubles on Webmoney. There is a referral program - 5% of attracted partners within 6 months, with a further reduction in the rate to 1%.


Friendly affiliate program that allows you to earn up to 1000 rubles from the sale of 1 unit of goods. The site was launched in 2016. More than 2,000 affiliate marketers pour their traffic into the affiliate program, who cooperate with the company on an ongoing basis.

The resource also offers an alternative method of crediting funds - a percentage of the sale. The value fluctuates in the range of 7-10% from each product. It has its own landing page, which simplifies statistics for the affiliate marketer.

The money is paid to the wallet of the Webmoney payment system, which is indicated in the application form during registration. The minimum withdrawal amount is from 1000 rubles.


A unique, of its kind, affiliate program that allows you to make money on the sale of traffic not only within the CIS countries, but also across Europe. From one sale, the partner receives from $ 10 to $ 30.

The essence of working on the site is to achieve local conversion goals. Offers are accompanied by professional landing pages that can handle up to 15% conversion.

A separate currency is charged by the site for each conversion - "T-coin". In the future, it can be exchanged for site products in a separate section.

Payments are possible to a VISA card in USD currency. There is no minimum amount, but one transaction should not exceed $ 100. Payments are made in manual mode and are processed within 3-7 days.

Product affiliate programs are a treasure for an affiliate marketer. But in order for the traffic to be used with maximum efficiency, you need to be careful about targeting, in particular, the geography of distribution and the type of target audience.

Direction number 2. Financial affiliate programs.

The financial niche is teeming with great deals. If a person wants to make big money by selling traffic, then the choice should be stopped in this direction.

Loans, loans - the minimum amount with such variations exceeds 30,000-60,000 rubles, so even with meager interest rates of the affiliate program, you will still receive a very tangible income.

Let's take a look at the best financial affiliate programs of 2018.


A financial affiliate program that allows an affiliate marketer to earn on traffic from 800 rubles per 1000 user views. If the traffic is of high quality and thematic, then the number of views is reduced to 400-600. The personal account is very simple and informative at the same time.

To make money, you need to attract users to make the leads - this can be either a microcredit or a full-fledged mortgage. The more money the customer makes, the more you get. The fee for one lead is 200-6000 rubles.

Automatic payments - to Webmoney or Yandex.Money. Working as a legal entity, it is possible to withdraw money from the sale of traffic through a bank card / account. The minimum withdrawal amount in both the first and second cases is from 1,000 rubles.


Due to the great popularity of options, we could not bypass one of these affiliate programs. The site has been operating since 2015 and allows you to make money on the sale of services by draining traffic from other sources up to 70% of the deposits of clients of a financial company.

The resource supports two models of work - CPA and CPL. Withdrawal fees are not charged. Payments are made weekly in automatic mode. There is an affiliate program offering to earn up to 5% of the profits of attracted publishers.

To increase conversion, before starting work, we advise you to consult the platform's support system.


Affiliate program for microcredit through the US and UK. Feature - wide audience coverage. Leads are served according to the auction type, which means that you can earn much more from selling services here.

Another plus of the site is the lead filter. Even if the loan was canceled, the payment to the partner will still be paid in full. The peak price per action reaches $ 200.

In the presence of a referral program with 5% of the earnings of the listed partners. Payments go through EPESE, ePaymenyts, ePayService, Webmoney and Wire Transfer.

When working with financial affiliates, you will always have a chance to earn more. The main thing is to choose a program that is conscientious with its customers + has a positive reputation on the network in relation to withdrawing money.

Source # 3. Affiliate programs for info goods.

It is always more difficult to promote info products online, but if you choose the right target audience, then making good money for the affiliate marketer will not be a problem.

Practical exercises and courses are among the most popular varieties of such products. The material is in electronic form, which allows it to be sold as often as you like, thereby increasing earnings from the product literally endlessly.

We will consider the best affiliate programs for info products of 2018 below.


There are few people on the network who have not heard about Popov's affiliate program. Some users compromise these courses in every possible way, while others prove their usefulness. But one fact remains - you can make money on this product.

Thanks to the massive promotion over the course of several years, Popov's henchmen in site building are becoming more and more. According to the statistics of the affiliate program, from 1000 views an affiliate marketer receives up to 800 rubles of net income.

One disc pays 30-45% of its cost. There is a 3-level referral program - 5% -3% -2%. Withdrawal of money takes place on the 1st and 15th day of each month.


The affiliate program has been working since 2012 and allows you to make money on the sale of traffic for info products from 30% from each purchase. In terms of 1000 views, it comes out to 1,800 rubles, but for thematic sites this figure is 50% -75% higher and can reach 4,000 rubles.

In your personal account, there are convenient statistics that display changes in the online mode. If you are just starting to drain traffic to affiliate programs, the site has training videos + online mentor.

There is a referral program, but to activate it, you need to buy a PRO account. Then you will be credited with 30% of all partners involved in the network. Money is withdrawn to the card in rubles or through the payment systems Webmoney and Yandex.Money.

When working with information products, some companies provide access to the site's courses for free. You will be able not only to make money, but also to improve yourself.

Source # 4. Loading traffic.

This is the name of the traffic that merges into the so-called download affiliate programs, which allow you to earn money from downloading from file hosting services and sites similar in principle of operation.

This method of monetization is very popular among publishers, but there will also be a place for an affiliate marketer to profit from it - just offer your advertising services and set a double price for the sale. At the exit, the price will consist of 2 parameters - 50% for the owner, 10% for the affiliate program.

If you are too lazy to puzzle over profitable strategies, then you can simply drive traffic and get your 1000-2000 rubles from 1000 impressions.

We will consider the best download affiliate programs of 2018 below.


The site allows you to make money selling traffic from 1,500 rubles per 1000 views. He started working back in 2014, and during the entire existence of negative feedback on the work of the affiliate program, there have been no observed.

The resource pays for the installation of "left" software on users' computers - from 5 rubles per download. Given the high demand for the network in some programs, it will not be difficult to get a minimum wage of 100 rubles.

Payments are made to Webmoney in automatic mode.


Download traffic affiliate program that gives affiliates up to 1,400 rubles from 1,000 ad views. The average cost of one installation is from 3.2 to 5.3 rubles.

To make money on this affiliate program, you only need Russian traffic, the site is very reluctant to cooperate with foreign resources. The minimum amount for payments is from 100 rubles to payment systems popular in Russia.

Frequency of payments - 2 times in 7 days or at the request of the user.

Earnings on traffic for beginners.

How to make money online? Selling traffic.


A relatively young affiliate program that has been operating since 2016. The main stream of funds comes from - installing the Amigo browser, visualizing bookmarks and setting the default search engine. The price for one installation is from 2 rubles.

It gives you the opportunity to earn up to 5% from each attracted partner. Withdrawals are made in foreign currency or rubles, and there is no minimum wage.

Monetizing through download traffic is one of the easiest ways to make money for both a webmaster and an affiliate marketer. Due to the general demand for software, there is simply no need to pay much attention to targeting.

The sources considered are the most publicized on the Internet, but do not forget about online stores, entertainment and travel sites, which also need to promote their products / services.

Arbitration can become a full-fledged link between the end consumer and the supplier. Therefore, the wider the spectrum of your influence in the network, the more earnings in your pocket.

What knowledge base is required for successful arbitration:

  • generalized knowledge in site building;
  • knowledge of the Google Analytics service;
  • ability to understand primitive page layout - HTML + CSS;
  • understand how arbitration works;
  • ability to properly target traffic for affiliate programs.

And, of course, to be aware of the risk that the affiliate marketer is always exposed to, since the return on investment does not come so quickly and far from 100% of the time.

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