
Tiu company. How to enter the personal account of tiu ru. Service problems

Registered on the portal for 6 years. The whole saga with the website began a year and a half ago, when for the first time scammers broke into our office. Then we were able to win it back and the moderators provided us with access upon written request. After a year and a half, history repeated itself again and the office of our company was stolen, moreover, the scammers paid for our office (of course, preference is given to the one who pays, more on this later in history). Thanks to the moderators, they restored it again, but the truth this time not for long, just for a couple of days, and so it was repeated 2 more times, and after the first time we were promised that access to outsiders would not be provided, despite their payment for OUR cabinet, but it is clear how much moderators on the board, so many opinions, one will not give access, the other will. After that, the fun began. The moderators' favorite pastime is to blame everything on the fact that the e-mail to which the account was hacked, the board does not provide access, etc. and so on, well, we make new mail, just a day, and again the same story, I explain to the moderators: I have about 700 message boards, more than half have personal accounts, do you really think that hacking mail would not take everything the rest, look for holes in the system of granting access to your portal. It is useless, the same mail is hacked, the site does not provide access. Then they refused to communicate with me at all, sent 8 letters to [email protected] are silent. They answered only after I complained about the contents of the stolen office, and that was nonsense, firstly, the impression that they did not know Russian, and secondly, they began to send them to law enforcement agencies. Guys from the support service, tell me what the law enforcement agencies have to do with it, are they paid for your work? But this is not the funniest thing yet, our company was offered to ask for access from those, I will not express in bad words "people" who stole our office, are you in general adequate to offer such moderators there? Right now they scattered and gave away the stolen goods. And the most unpleasant thing is that on any, even a small portal, there is a history of changes in the data about the enterprise, and that one too, I am sure of this, and you can easily prove who it originally belonged to, but they do not want to bother with free clients, they would rather give the account to scammers who paid for it. Yesterday they called those. support and asked to connect us with the management, the girl on the phone first said that they did not have this (cool, the admins are ownerless, by themselves), then after persuasion she still promised to transfer the information to some of her boss, and wait for a call within a couple hours. In the end, of course, no one called back and apparently was not going to, or the information was not betrayed. In general, draw conclusions gentlemen tiu users. ru, no one needs us on the portal, the wrong one is already tiu, got drunk, and your office can be given to any crook who paid money for it.
P.S. I look forward to when this govonoportal will be closed !!!

Differs from anything we've seen before. This is not just one of the website builders, but a marketplace that combines a product catalog with the functionality of a constructor.

Today the system has more than 500 thousand sites, and the catalog has more than 5 million products. In general, the promises of the service sound impracticable - "a finished site in just 20 minutes."


Templates in are divided into professional and basic. The first ones are available only 25 - five for each area of ​​activity: auto and logistics, beauty and health, clothing, industry, construction and repair. The templates do not represent anything special, but they frighten off with a cost - 5,000 rubles for any.

As for the usual templates, the choice here is incomparably greater - on the order of several hundred for dozens of areas of activity. The design of such templates, however, inevitably reminds of the early 2000s.

Functionality can hardly be called a multifunctional platform. Still, it provides a fairly general set of features:

  • Filling the site with content;
  • Very limited functionality for changing the appearance of the site, which includes professional templates, menu settings (navigation sections), managing the main page (text on the main page and displaying news blocks, articles and products);
  • A number of additional options, including settings for displaying groups and positions, loading your own site header, its height, site language and other little things.

The store has a significantly large number of settings. You can fine-tune your shopping cart, payment and delivery of goods, delivery regions, reviews of goods and services, etc.

Domains. does not provide registrar services, but it allows you to delegate your existing domains, as well as create third-level domain names. Of course, the former is only available to paid users.

Price policy

If we consider precisely as a website builder, then the pricing policy is one of its most painful points. The minimum price for using the service is 10 thousand rubles per year. In general, the tariff line is as follows:

  • Image(RUB 10 / year) - corporate website, store with 25 positions, mobile version of the website and automated SEO settings;
  • Classic(RUB 14 / year) - an online store with 500 items, automated SEO settings and 30 thousand product informers (advertising of goods and services in the service catalog);
  • Optimum(40 tr / year) - a store with 3000 items, original design, 100 thousand informers, priority in the catalog;
  • Maximum(140 tr / year) - 20 thousand positions, the highest priority in the service catalog, 200 thousand informers, original design, a block in the mailing list.


In fact, the website builder cannot be considered in isolation from another service focus - the catalog of goods and services. As part of the service, these areas of activity are intertwined in everything.

If we try to characterize the functionality of the tiu builder, then it is simply not sufficient for comparison with other site builders. In general, the situation looks like this:

If your goal is to create a beautiful corporate site or a business card site, and even more so a personal site or blog, then is not for you.

If you need an online store whose products and services will be automatically presented in one of the largest catalogs, and you are interested in promoting within this catalog, then is for you. is a really interesting service. Interesting for its uniqueness and even innovation, non-standard approach and combination of seemingly completely different areas of activity. But the website builder here pursues goals completely different from the perfect design, effective design and convenient navigation. In Tiu's case, it is more of a way of adding products and services to the service catalog.

Constructors analogs of Tiu

Tiu alternatives can be listed for a long time. All of these systems are different, but any of them will be a much better choice than Tiu.

The Seller Cabinet application will allow you to easily manage your online store at any convenient time! You will no longer be tied to your work computer or place, but you will be able to sell and earn literally "on the go" :)

Just install the application and log in using your username and password to enter your store on After that, you can always check the basic indicators of your store in order to understand how your business is doing or to see the orders that require your attention at this very moment.

Create products directly from your phone using the camera, or respond to customer comments about your store and products in real time. Push notifications allow you to instantly know about new orders or messages, and a widget helps you always have a list of the latest updates from your customers at hand.

With a mobile account from, it is now convenient and easy to develop your business from anywhere in the world.

View your daily income, orders received and fulfilled, visitors or pages viewed
Track your business trends by easily comparing data from previous weeks or months
Customize the types of orders that you consider completed

View the list of your orders and each type of order separately
Look for orders as it suits you - by order number or even by customer name
Easily recognize unprocessed orders marked with a blue circle
Have the ability to quickly evaluate basic order data - who is the buyer, which city the order is from, which product, etc. directly from the order list
If necessary, you can create an order yourself or edit existing ones.
Process your order instantly in 1 click
Send details or bill of lading to your customers directly from the order via SMS or email
Contact your customers directly from their order screen by phone or email

View messages from clients and correspondence with them;
Form orders directly from the message

Find the right customers by name or email
Quickly view customer information such as phone, email and order history
Just touch the phone number or email to contact the client
Leave a review or rate the client in the rating so that other companies have an idea of ​​this client
Create an order directly from the customer profile, if the need arises
Import the contacts you want directly from your phone book

View the list of your products and update them in 1 click
Create products at any time using your phone's camera
Easily find the product you need by name or SKU
Edit existing products is the largest Internet platform with a wide range of diverse products and services in Russia.
If you decide to start promoting your product on the Internet or open your own online store, the platform will provide you with all the help you need.
By registering on our portal, you have the opportunity to promote and develop your site much faster and more efficiently.
We provide services for filling the site with unique content, creating an individual design, adding product items and services to the site, setting site statistics counters.

Registration on the portal

For then, in order to register on the portal, you need to Press the "Register" button, select the "As a seller" option.
Further at the bottom of the page appears a field in which you enter "email" and "Password". Then click on the "Try for free" button.

Next, in the fields that appear, you enter "Mobile phone number", "Company name" and "You are already selling goods or services." Then you press the button "Enter the Company Cabinet" and get to the website of your company.

Congratulations, you have successfully registered on the portal!

Login to your personal account

If you are already registered on our portal, then to enter your Personal Account you need to:
Select the "Login to the cabinet" button, then enter your email / phone number and password in the appropriate fields, then click the "Login" button.

Password recovery

If you have forgotten your password, follow the "Forgot your password" link, enter your email / phone number in the field that appears and click the "Continue" button.
An e-mail will be sent to you with a link to change your password.

In the field that appears, enter your new password and click on the "Change password" button. after which you will be redirected to the Personal Account of your company.

Earlier, about 5 years ago, it was very good.

TIU platform is a Ukrainian company. They don't give a damn about the interests of Russian business. Work with clients (those who purchase sites) is not properly conducted. Blocking a site is generally a trifle, they block it for any reason.

09.01.19 15:41 SamaraAndrey dronki,

Competent approach of the leader to his subordinates, respect, which is a very important part of the work. If you have questions, they try to answer. They regularly conduct trainings, which has a positive effect on working with clients. Friendly and helpful team. Always ready to help. During my work, I almost regretted that I got a job in this company. And what to complain about, you are sitting in a comfortable office, warm, ...

The location is quite far from the house.

17.02.18 21:20 SamaraFormer employee,

Firing is the happiest day.

The leadership of the tiu is God and the king, all the rest are slaves and should be glad that they had a chance to work here. Given the turnover in this office, they do not prepare for interviews, applicants come every day and are invited to fill out a questionnaire that resembles an autobiography. The promised comfortable seats are cabins in which you will sit with your face against ...

16.02.18 10:09 MoscowTatyana,

the product is interesting, the portal is developing, although the search engine on the portal is often simply not convenient for the buyer, it gives out a lot off topic. hence there are a lot of questions and doubts among potential clients for placement, excellent CPM. ip-telephony is paid for, communication with colleagues and management via chat and Skype.

At the first contact with the recruiter, they describe everything beautifully, but they warn that the work is intense, the break between calls is 6 minutes. full time work. the salary for the first month is 12 thousand, and they describe what percentage when different levels are reached according to the plan. Nobody says anything about fines. training supposedly takes place in three days, but there have been cases that in 1 day. pass. Rave! Such quantity ...

15.11.16 15:26 MoscowAlexander,

Passed a humiliating father-in-law in this bucket, after which some scum-manager pozovonila. Waste ta ta tra ta ta - one water and a cheap enticement to work for them for free. She did not answer a specific question, she just spun like a snake in a frying pan ... ugh disgusting ... only spoiled the mood, and the portal itself is complete shit, I could never find the end seller through them ... some dead ...

05.08.16 11:37 MoscowAnna,

None in the last 6 years

Registered on the portal for 6 years. The whole saga with the website began a year and a half ago, when for the first time scammers broke into our office. Then we were able to win it back and the moderators provided us with access upon written request. After a year and a half, history repeated itself again and the office of our company was stolen, moreover, the scammers paid for our office (of course, the preference is ...

08.06.16 08:54 KalugaMarina,

young, friendly team. Breaks, an hour for lunch, five days

2 weeks free internship, full time. Education is given, the study is independent. As for me, very stretched. Of course, when hiring personnel, the company does not lose anything, moreover, it gains through free slave labor. It is still a big question whether customers will buy something or not (the field of activity is telephone sales). After 2 weeks, they may say "you don’t ...

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