
Parasite is a delayed posting to Instagram. How "black" and "white" promotion on Instagram works: interviews with developers of the delayed posting service Parasite service

Anton Golubev to find out how the promotion market on Instagram works. Experts from Parasite are working on a deferred posting and analytics service, but due to the specifics of the market, they turned out to be well aware of its darker side.

- Tell us what you do and what you are not doing.

Our service relieves a person from the need to publish through the phone by the hour. For any serious brand, this is almost impossible, because the content release schedule is very tight, it should be synchronized, planned, there should be no interruptions. Planning content a month in advance in your daddy on your desktop, and then uploading it manually through the application is frivolous and inconvenient.

At the same time, we are not engaged in direct promotion. "Promotion" usually means the use of services that increase the number of subscribers using actions prohibited by Instagram - automatic likes (ML, "mass-like") and automatic subscriptions (MF, "mass-following"). We do not provide such functions in principle.

We do not so much help promote Instagram accounts as we allow them to be conveniently and efficiently maintained - for this we have tools for deferred posting, publication schedules, analytics, and work with Direct.

How to schedule publications with Parasite

Step 0. If desired, edit the photo in a professional editor (instead of the modest Instagram tools).

Step 1. Go to, click "Add Post" and select or drag and drop a photo or video.

Step 2. If the image is not square, then the service will allow you to crop or post it as a portrait or widescreen photo.

Step 3. We add a signature, select a geolocation, we can add the first comment. And of course, we set the posting date and time.

Everything is ready, the photo is planned.

If there is a lot of content, then you can use a grid with a schedule and create description templates.

The service also allows you to correspond via direct messages (with a full-fledged keyboard it is much more convenient to do this) and collect analytics. For analytics, however, you will have to separately purchase the services of a proxy server provider - in the future, Parasite plans to get rid of this limitation.

- Who is the service focused on? Who is your typical client?

Clients include large, well-known companies and digital publications. We are brand focused, so the features we are going to implement are designed with them in mind. But we also register ordinary bloggers, shop owners, local businesses, and so on.

- Do I understand correctly that from the point of view of a small business, there are two ways: one - well, roughly speaking, to create a "showcase" of nine photos stacked together or a selection of product photos and start MF and ML, the second is to honestly maintain an account with what something interesting and promoted by white methods (for example, through the very same "Instagram")?

Quite right. A normal small business on Instagram operates in white. ML and MF are now actually killing accounts - they give few buyers, but strategically the account becomes spoiled, it has low engagement, it is not shown by tags, its posts in the general feed are low due to the ranking mechanism. In general, the account is specially pessimized and will take the last places in any issue.

Large brands usually do not need promotion in the form of MF and ML, as well as spam (mailing to Direct), but they need a service to organize convenient work, where it is not scary to enter a password. So reputation is very important here.

It often happens that a brand outsource its account management to an SMM agency. And this agency has twenty-five more clients. It is impossible for everyone to post via phone, so the agency simply buys access to our service for many, many accounts and connects them.

It is obvious to us that the market for "black" promotion will die, because it plays against Instagram - it takes away its advertising revenue. Instagram is constantly testing new algorithms for blocking and counteracting these services, from time to time it sends out “letters of happiness” (C&D, cease and desist letter - order prohibiting illegal actions). And most importantly, it introduces mechanics that make such a promotion unprofitable. This evolution has already gone through "Vkontakte", for example, where no one is "catching up" bots in their groups, because it has become meaningless, even though it worked before.

- But there is also another type of customers - those who, roughly speaking, bought a wagon of spinners and would like to sell them before they went out of fashion. Probably, the "black" way is just more profitable for them?

It's true. If you need to quickly sell retail in a limited amount, then the entire standard course "Business Youth" is included - a free landing page, "Instagram" with ML and MF connected, and so on.

If the account costs nothing, then it can be promoted through ML and MF, but this is precisely a short-term project, because over time the account will either become a "shadow" (it will no longer be displayed by hashtags, will not be included in popular and similar ones, posts will go to the most bottom), or it will be blocked. ML and MF are not suitable for normal business, at least because there will always be a risk of blocking the official account. No serious company will do this.

- Popular bloggers and other celebrities - is this also your client or is it too narrow a segment to work with separately?

We do not single them out now as a separate segment. Still, the market for businesses, brands and agencies is much wider. There is also such a moment - if the account is very cool, for example, a famous blogger with more than a million subscribers, then it is usually not connected to any services, because the rates are too high. Such an account costs a lot, the owners do not dare to take risks. Either they post on their own, or the secretary does it manually.

- By the way, one of the promotion opportunities is buying posts from popular bloggers. How does this happen, what are the features here?

Our team has a cool SMM expert. She will tell you about it.

- As far as I know, Instagram does not have external APIs. Accordingly, you somehow bypass this limitation. Does this violate the user agreement?

There really are no external APIs. If we look at the user agreement, it turns out that the posting tools violate the rules by letter, but not by spirit. Instagram rules are aimed at reducing the level of spam and increasing the company's revenue (so that they take ads in the application, and not promotion services through ML and MF). Deferred posting does not contradict Instagram's strategy, and therefore the company has never paid attention to such services. They have almost no risks, and neither do user accounts.

In addition, we have taken all possible steps to ensure maximum user safety. From the Instagram side, everything looks harmless, that is, posting through our service cannot be distinguished from posting through the phone manually.

In fact, end users rarely have problems even after attracting promotion funds through ML and MF, but bans do happen, and we do not go to this market, although the functions themselves are much easier to implement than deferred posting.

- And if the spam service doesn't stop working, will Instagram sue it?

This is a subtle point. With most of the services it is not clear where and how to sue. Some kind of LLC is registered somewhere in the Russian Federation, it is not clear how it is connected with the site. Another thing is services that are registered in the United States, like we are. For us, such a letter is really the end, because we are in the same legal field, and suing Instagram in America is a very bad idea. For our users, this is a guarantee that we are working with the utmost vigilance and care.

- How exactly does your service work? Are Android virtual machines running in the cloud?

We cannot disclose technical details - this is our secret, and it is difficult to develop such a service from scratch. We have many non-trivial solutions that competitors, for example, were unable to implement. They are even engaged in industrial espionage - they wrote to us under the guise of students who supposedly do coursework and want to know the features of the work of some of our modules for her.

- Can you tell us how others get around it? For example, those who are engaged in spam.

Let's just say the hardest part of developing such a product is similar to deferred posting. In general, this is a complete emulation of the official application. And what functions then to implement on its basis - deferred posting or ML, MF, DM - this is the tenth question. By the way, that is why Instagram sends letters to the owners of ML and MF services, and does not block their access. On their part, it is impossible to distinguish the operation of such a service from an ordinary user.

- What needs to be done to run into a "letter of happiness"? How does Instagram make a decision that it's time to punish someone?

Employees monitor the market and send emails individually. At the same time, only large players are now in the field of vision. And we know huge deferred posting services (estimated at millions of dollars in revenue) that have no problem. Instagram is not particularly interested in them, because they do not take money away. They work - and let them work.

- Accounts whose owners use MF and ML are also blocked, right?

Everything is more complicated here. Technically, it is difficult for Instagram to understand whether an account is using automation tools. The hardest thing to figure out is the posting. It is easier with likes, subscriptions and comments, because if, for example, 3000 likes per day fly from an account for a month, then it is clear that this is not done manually by a person.

Nevertheless, if the account is already old (that is, it has been running for a long time, there are many posts in it), Instagram will almost never ban it for ML and MF. For example, if you take my personal account, which is already five years old, and start burning it with spam with all your might, then earning a ban will not be so easy, if at all possible.

But if the account is young, for example, just registered, then yes, Instagram can be shot right after the start of promotion - temporarily or permanently block the profile.

- If old accounts are appreciated, are they bought and sold?

Of course, the older you are, the more expensive. But there is one caveat - it is not the age of the account that is important, but the age of continuous activity in it. That is, if an account is five years old, but the first post was posted yesterday, then it is one day from the point of view of Instagram. Or, for example, there was a post five years ago, and then silence. Or extremely rare posts.

- It turns out that a competent spammer not only sells instant services, but also gradually builds up a stock for himself?

No, it would be too expensive. They need a lot more accounts than they can grow at home. If you look at spam on Instagram, it is mostly sent from relatively new accounts. That is, it is cheaper to buy autoregions in bulk. Blocked - took a new one.

- How much are black market accounts now?

The cost of newly registered accounts is low, now from 2 to 15 rubles. But with multiple registrations, Instagram also began to actively fight.

Often spammers build a pyramid, that is, they leave comments from one account, and a link to the target is left in his profile, in which case the target account is safe.

- But do they sell upgraded accounts too?

Yes of course. They also sell hacked accounts. A completed account (with photos) for 12 months is about 100–150 rubles. If very old, even more. A hacked one can cost several thousand. If it is large, with a huge audience, then potentially the price is not limited by anything.

Let's say someone buys 100 hacked accounts, they have history and activity, accounts won't get banned quickly. Then all accounts are renamed and photos of, for example, hours are loaded into them. Each account starts using ML and puts 1000 likes a day. The efficiency has increased, plus the accounts will live longer than the newly registered ones.

By the way, we are often asked about the function of deleting all photos from the account. This is just for such cases. Of course, we do not have such a function.

- How long ago did the excitement around promotion on Instagram begin? The service itself was launched in 2010. The Android version appeared, it seems, in 2012. Did the first talk about commerce start around 2013? Spam, it seems, became noticeable two years ago, in 2015 ...

We have a person who was one of the first to implement the ML and MF algorithm. So, I think Artyom will be able to answer better by years and dates.

Parasite Technical Director Artyom Antipov on the first implementation of MF and ML

In 2013, I wrote the first script for Instagram. His work was very different from the current methods and allowed me to gain 150 thousand subscribers in a short time with the involvement of 15 thousand likes per photo. We have promoted a lot of such accounts.

At that time, Instagram still had APIs open. There are two types of keys on Instagram: public (which is obtained directly in the browser) and private (which is obtained on the server). I was interested in services that use a public key and have privileges for likes and subscriptions. Then I bought an account for analyzing backlinks and found all the "backlinks" for authorization on Instagram for third-party applications that use browser authorization. I think I got about a hundred keys in one evening - a small hacker victory.

The presence of these keys allowed me to put likes and subscribe on behalf of my account. In fact, this is authorization through a third-party application. Nothing criminal.

Of course, I myself could not register so many applications: even then it was necessary to go through some kind of identification, so, in fact, I received 100 applications. For each account, I used no more than five keys, and each key allowed me to put up to 30 likes per hour. As a result, I could put about 3500 likes per day. Since this type of promotion was not popular at the time, I got crazy activity in response.

After some time, Instagram began to take away the rights for likes and subscriptions from third-party services, and after a while it completely removed authorization with a public key. This is how the story of one of the world's first scripts for automation on Instagram ended.

Now people are accustomed to this, the return is much weaker. Nobody pays attention to another unknown account that has liked you, and then every first one went over and subscribed, liked in response. In those days it was possible to grow a huge network of accounts, but now they can be sold, for example.

There are many auto-posting services, but you will have to choose one for work. If you want it to solve problems and make your work easier, not complicate it, I recommend choosing Parasite as the simplest, cleanest and most intuitive tool for working with Instagram.

The core of Parasite's functionality is deferred posting of photos and videos to Instagram. Unlike most competitors, the service publishes videos out of the box and does not require additional payments. There is a possibility of bulk uploading of images, a convenient schedule of publications, adding proxies, templates, using emoticons, geotags and much more.

He also collects statistics on accounts and presents them in the form of visual graphs. You can connect up to 30 Instagram accounts.

Parasite immediately impresses with its design. The developers put a lot of effort into designing the interface, which resulted in a product that is a pleasure to use. The service is understandable at a subconscious level even for a beginner: you never have to guess what a particular button does.

Another advantage is speed and stability. The site works on the most modern and powerful technologies. For all the time of testing, I have not found a single action that would take more than a second. Everything works with lightning speed.

All in all, a wonderful product.

To get started with Parasite, you need to register, which takes no more than a minute. Then the user enters the office.

This page contains all the controls for the service. The connected Instagram accounts are displayed on the left. When adding a new Instagram account, you can immediately connect a proxy to it:

To add an account, you need to enter your username and password. Parasite is responsible for the safety of users, does not store login data in any form or transfer it to third parties. Your accounts are safe.

The service offers three options: you can transfer the file to the site window, select the file on the device, or download it by pasting the link. You can upload both photos and videos. To upload images in bulk, just drag them to the site window.

In the next step, you can edit the image. Available not only scaling and selection of the image area, but also switching between square and full format.

Finally, the last step is adding a description and choosing the date and time of publication. Here we have a lot of settings and functions available.

For example, the ability to use Emoji is provided.

Sometimes you need to add a geolocation to a publication, for example, if you are developing an institution's account. With Parasite, this is no longer a problem: we click on the "Specify location" button and search for the required location.

The two things I liked the most were the ability to add description templates and the “first comment” feature. They save a lot of time if you do a lot of content work. Let's look at the templates first. To add a new template, you need to go to your account settings and select the templates section:

If you regularly post with the same or at least similar descriptions, this feature is a real godsend for you. You can add multiple templates and then apply them as descriptions in one click, quickly and easily. Let's go back to the window with the description of the publication and click on the templates icon:

The templates added earlier pop up as a list, and you just have to choose the one that suits you. Op - and description added.

Below the field for entering a description there is a button "additional description". Instagram imposes a limit on the length of the description of 2200 characters. To work around this limitation and add more information to the post, you can enter an additional description, which will be posted as the first comment below the post. I know you did it manually, so now everything is automated.

With deferred posting, everything is clear - now let's see what else Parasite can do.

Parasite collects statistics for all connected Instagram accounts and presents them in the form of simple and visual graphs. You can track statistics on followers, likes and comments for all connected accounts. Each of the charts can be displayed by hours, days or weeks: the tool is simple, but at the same time very convenient.

In addition to deferred posting and analytics for Instagram accounts, Parasite offers convenient work with Direct: you can accept correspondence requests, reply and write new messages, receive files, and even send messages to Direct directly from the comments section.

A very convenient function for those who communicate a lot or sell their goods and services in Instagram private messages.

In addition, in Parasite, you can view the feed and your own publications.

To view your own publications, you need to go to the "My" tab, and to view the publications of users to whom you are subscribed - to the "Ribbon" tab.

By going to the tab of your publications, you can not only work with comments, but also delete unnecessary posts from your Instagram account.

You can view your own and other people's photos, put likes, add or remove comments. You no longer have to go back to the Instagram app on your phone to answer subscribers' questions. Everything can be done inside the service.

Another powerful tool for working with Instagram is Parasite's Publishing Schedule.

It works as follows: you select the number of posts for the desired time intervals, and then Parasite automatically distributes the newly uploaded posts in accordance with the configured schedule.

In the example in the screenshot, the schedule is configured as follows: 2 publications from 11:00 to 12:00, 1 publication - from 14:00 to 15:00, 1 publication - from 16:00 to 17:00, and 2 publications - from 19:00 to 20:00.

Now, when uploading new files, Parasite will automatically fill in the time according to this schedule. For example, if you upload 6 images, they will be distributed within one day, and all subsequent posts will be asked to schedule the next day - again, in full accordance with this schedule.

If more than one publication is assigned to one time interval equal to one hour, they will be evenly distributed within it in a random way.

Unfortunately, everything comes at a price. Fortunately, Parasite is very affordable. The initial rate will cost only 299 ₽ / month. The service offers a choice of three plans:

The tariff plans differ only in the number of Instagram accounts that can be connected. The rest of the functionality is unchanged.

The initial tariff plan for 299 ₽ / month, which is suitable for most users, includes deferred posting of photos and videos, bulk upload, analytics, the use of geotags and emoticons, adding a proxy and publication schedule, viewing profiles and feed. Everything you need to work with Instagram for the price of a few cups of coffee.

Using the service can be even more profitable if you pay for a long-term subscription. When you buy a subscription for a year, you will receive a 14% discount, and you can use Parasite for only 260 ₽ / month.

You can pay using a bank card or Yandex.Money system. After payment, access to the service is activated instantly.

Technical support is carried out in the chat on the service website. Parasite's support is the best on the market, with an average response time of 5 minutes. Service technicians live in different time zones and are ready to answer questions and help with a problem at any time - even late at night.

Parasite is a real must-have among SMM services for working with Instagram. You can try the service for free with a 7-day trial period.

To start your trial, click "Try Free" on

Parasite is a cloud-based delayed posting service on Instagram. The service allows you to upload and schedule posts on Instagram from your computer: you just need to schedule the posts for a month in advance, and you can no longer have to manually fill your account. This is convenient if you have an active account or several pages at the same time.

Parasite allows you to upload photos, videos and gifs. Bulk upload is available - for this you need to transfer images to the site window in a stack.

The service stands out for its modern, minimalist design, and ease of use is one of the main advantages of Parasite. Along with powerful Instagram tools, of course.

From the service capabilities, we highlight:

- Delayed posting of photos and videos accurate to the minute;

- Schedule of publications;

- Proxy support;

- Description of publications, geotags, smilies and templates;

- Analytics for Instagram accounts;

- View feed and gallery, work with likes and comments;

- Connecting up to 30 accounts;

- Instant technical support right on the site.

Autoposting with Parasite

To start working with the service, you need to link your Instagram account. At the minimum tariff (Lite), the user can add 3 accounts, at the maximum (Premium) - up to 30. Press the button "Add account"

To connect your Instagram account, you need to enter your username and password. Some may be intimidated by this, as people are afraid of losing their accounts. However, in the case of Parasite, you shouldn't worry for the following reasons:

- The service asks for a username and password only in order to establish a connection with the Instagram servers;

- The service does not store login data for user accounts, does not use or transfer them to third parties;

- Connection to the site is carried out using the secure HTTPS protocol, the world standard in the field of data security;

- Parasite is one of the most famous and respected deferred posting services that values ​​its reputation and, accordingly, the safety of its users.

In general, we calmly enter the account data and click the "Add" button.

Once the account is added to Parasite, you can proceed to work with content. The main feature of the service is auto-posting on Instagram. We select a photo, video or GIF on the computer, and the files are uploaded to the service. After that, you need to add a description, select the date and time of publication - ready, the post will be released on your Instagram account at the specified time.

The service offers a wide range of functions for editing and styling posts. The user can not only set a description, but also edit the image, add a geotag and even set the first comment.

After uploading posts, they are displayed on a separate page - "Scheduled". By the way, posts can be deleted at any time, changed their description, or scheduled for a different time.

One of the main features of Parasite is a convenient publishing schedule. The schedule works as follows: the user configures at what time to publish a particular number of posts, and saves the schedule. Subsequently, the service automatically distributes all new posts according to this schedule.

For example, in the screenshot below, the following schedule is selected:

- 1 post from 10:00 to 11:00

- 1 post between 12:00 and 13:00

- 2 posts between 20:00 and 21:00

- 1 post between 00:00 and 01:00

Thus, the schedule assumes the publication of 5 posts per day. If we upload 10 images, they will be automatically scheduled two days in advance - in full accordance with the configured schedule. Cool and very comfortable.

But even cooler "trick" is the joint work of bulk downloads with a publication schedule. In Parasite, this bundle is implemented at the highest level - simple and convenient. Let's say you need to quickly download and schedule 20, 30, or even 100 posts at once. What are you doing?

You no longer manually schedule each post. You just transfer all the images to the site window at once - and thus the bulk loading is triggered. Once the images are uploaded, you can automatically distribute them according to the previously set schedule. Loading and scheduling hundreds of posts takes one minute and 2-3 mouse clicks.

Analytics with Parasite

In addition to the main functionality, Parasite offers many additional SMM tools for working with Instagram. The most useful of these is analytics. This is a separate section on the site that is responsible for collecting and providing detailed statistics for each account.

For example, you can track the dynamics of followers or likes and thus understand how your account is developing.

You do not need to pay for the analytics function separately - it is included in all service plans by default.


In addition to deferred posting and account analytics, Parasite allows you to work with Direct: you can accept correspondence requests, reply and write new messages, receive files, and even send messages to Direct directly from the comments section. Working with Direct is a very convenient function for those who communicate a lot or sell their goods and services in private Instagram messages.

Feed and comments with Parasite

Another useful additional feature is the ability to view the feed, gallery, comments, and so on. Parasite is designed in such a way that you can complete all your account management tasks without leaving the site.

Parasite rates

Of course, the service is not free - you always have to pay for convenience and automation in our world. But if you are a real specialist who values ​​your time, using Parasite will be profitable for you, because the saved time can be spent on much more important tasks than the routine filling of accounts with content, right?

There is also good news - the service is very affordable. For example, the minimum tariff, which includes all the functionality of the service and allows you to connect up to 3 Instagram accounts, costs only 299 rubles per month - the cost of one cup of coffee in Moscow.

The complete tariff grid is as follows:

Whether you run a personal account or a large network of customer accounts, you will find a suitable plan anyway. Of course, you don't need to pay right away - you can try the service for free to see if it fully solves your tasks. For this, a free 7-day trial is provided.

To start free use, register using the link:

The cloud-based deferred posting service Parasite is a real must-have among SMM platforms, which offers to simplify the work with accounts on the social network on Instagram. Collaborates with the owners of personal accounts, as well as with SMM specialists. The site's functionality does not have unnecessary details. All the necessary buttons are in front of the webmaster, who can plan the posting on his page as quickly as possible by setting the exact system settings.


1. The cloud service offers not only the publication of text posts, but also a hassle-free download of audio and video format files. You can do this from any device available to you.
2. The minimum restrictions on the number of accounts. The allowed number is 30 pages. Settings are made from one tab, re-login is optional.
3. All notifications by accounts can be tracked in the analytical section "Statistics"
4. Availability of a convenient "Bulk image upload" function. To do this, transfer the existing files to the service window.
5. Automation of posts. The functionality of the service will allow you to use ready-made templates and the "First Comment" function.
6. Minimal risk of hacking for your Instagram pages. The resource uses only HTTPS connection and does not store your username and password to log into your account.
7. Excellent support team is ready to answer your question within 1 minute. Administrators work even late at night.

How to get started in the service

To set up automated posting on Instagram, register at

Having filled in the information about the mail and came up with a password to enter the service, we proceed to add our account.

We register the username and password and click the "Add account" button.

We add our first posts in the "Publications" section.

The next step is to edit the added file by dragging the images to select an area.

We come up with a description and set the date when we want the post to be published. We press the button "Add publication".

Go to the "Scheduled" section and see your post, which will appear in the feed at 11:30.

We track the statistics of publications in the "Analytics" section. For this unforgettable set up a proxy in the "Settings" section. Here we form a schedule schedule for the publication of posts.

Among other features of the Parasite profile is editing published material by removing irrelevant information. Plus viewing the feed of publications of friends and personal posts.


Parasite offers all new users to take advantage of the free Lite tariff. You don't need to pay for it. Valid for 7 days from the date of registration. Deferred posting for three accounts.

After the expiration of the line, the tariff plan can be extended by activating the "Pay" button. The cost is 299 rubles per month.

Also, webmasters can switch to Standard and Premium tariffs with wider functionality.



Every year Russian Instagrammers go through a serious test - New Year's holidays! On the one hand, if you are a true blogger, then the holidays are not a reason to disappear from the air. On the other hand, Olivier basins and vacations in hot countries greatly interfere with regular posting.

Fortunately, progress does not stand still and there are services that will post for you while you are relaxing. One such service is Parasite .

What is delayed posting on Instagram

Deferred posting is when you are resting, and posts on Instagram still appear. Vkontakte has a built-in deferred posting function. You write a post on the social network, as usual, and in the post settings set the date and time when this post will be published.

Instagram does not have such a built-in function, so you have to use third-party services. You log in to the service through your instagram account, add a post to the service, specify the date and time of publication, and the service publishes this post in your account automatically.

Deferred posting service overviewParasite

If everything is ok with the photo, click "Next" and proceed to creating the post itself. Here we can write the text we need, select the geotag that will be displayed in the post and add the first comment. In the first comment, hashtags are usually added so as not to take up space in the post.

And most importantly, we set the date and time when this post will be published on the Instagram account.

We save the post and now it appears in our plan.

If for some reason you publish posts with the same text, you can create a template so as not to manually write the same thing.

To create a template, you need to go to the settings.

When creating a new post, you can select the desired template and the text from it will automatically be added to the post.

Also in the settings you can create a schedule. In this case, the service will automatically distribute new posts in the schedule that you have set.

Through your personal account, you can also get access to the Instagram direct. All existing dialogs will be available to you in the "Direct" section. In the Inbox tab You can view and reply to messages.

It is especially convenient to answer in a direct from a computer if you have a selling account and you need to give a detailed answer to a potential buyer and explain why you need to make a purchase in your store, and preferably right now. Typing long texts from a computer is much more convenient and there is less risk of making a typo by missing a key or becoming a victim of autocorrect.

In the "Requests" tab, you will see all incoming correspondence requests. Requests are displayed immediately with text and here, right from your computer, you can accept or reject the request.

When registering in the service Parasite you can use it for free for 7 days. Then you will need to buy one of the tariffs, their cost from 299 to 1199 rubles, depending on the functionality.

That's all. Now your account will be updated even when you are resting. but it is important to remember one more thing:

  • Even if posts are published automatically, it would still be nice to track comments and answer questions under posts.
  • Be careful when using delayed posting and massliking / massfollowing services at the same time.
  • Remember that the use of third-party services is not permitted by the Instagram user agreement, you do so at your own risk. Be especially careful when connecting services to newly created accounts.

Video instruction on working with the Parasite service:

I hope that now everything has become quite simple and understandable. Happy work!

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