
Excel print on each page. As in Excel print headers (names) rows and columns on each page. Repeat column with headers on each printed page

Each table, as a rule, has a header or cap. In the simplest case, the cap is the name of the columns.

If the table does not fit on one sheet of paper, then the hat, as a rule, will be printed only on the first page, only data will be printed on the other pages, which is not always convenient.

Excel allows you to duplicate the table cap on all pages. As an example, the photo shows the type of printed pages with a duplicated cap, which is a string with the name of the table columns.

    In order for the table's cap to be duplicated on each page, you need to perform the following steps:
  • Open page Markup -\u003e Page Settings, make a click on the Print Headers button, as a result, the Page Settings dialog box will be revealed.
  • On the Sheet tab, select the Thrink Lines field (make a click on the mouse button in this field).
  • Then make a click on the line of the sheet line in which the hat is located.

As a result of these actions, the line of the line will be placed in the field, in which the table cap is located.

If in Microsoft Word. You created a table of large sizes, which occupies more than one page, for the convenience of working with it may be needed to make the display of the header on each page of the document. To do this, you will need to configure the automatic transfer of the title (the same cap) for subsequent pages.

So, in our document there is a large table that already occupies or only will take more than one page. Our task is with you - configure this very table so that its cap automatically appears in the top row of the table when switching to it. On how to create a table, you can read in our article.

Note:To transfer a table with a table consisting of two or more rows, it is necessary to highlight the first string.

1. Install the cursor in the first header line (first cell) and select this string or string from which the cap consists.

2. Go to the tab "Layout"which is located in the main section "Working with tables".

3. In the tools section "Data" Select a parameter.

Ready! With the addition of rows in the table that will be transferred to the next page, the cap will first be automatically added, and there are already new lines behind it.

Automatic Transferring Not First Row Table Hat

In some cases, the table hat may consist of several lines, but automatic transfer is required only for one of them. This, for example, may be a string with column numbers, located under a string or rows with basic data.

In this case, you first need to divide the table by making the row with the cap you need, which will be transferred to all subsequent pages of the document. Only after that for this line (already caps) you can activate the parameter "Repeat the headlock strings".

1. Install the cursor in the last row of the table located on the first page of the document.

2. In the tab "Layout" ("Working with tables") and in the group "An association" Select a parameter "Divide the table".

3. Copy the string from the "big", the main header of the table, which will perform the cap on all subsequent pages (in our example it is a string with the names of columns).

    Tip: Use the mouse to highlight the line by moving it from the beginning to the end of the string to copy the key "Ctrl + C".

4. Insert the copied string in the first line of the table on the next page.

    Tip:Use the keys to insert "Ctrl + V".

5. Highlight a new cap using the mouse.

6. In the tab "Layout" Click on the button "Repeat the headlock strings"located in the group "Data".

Ready! Now the main table of a table consisting of several lines will be displayed only on the first page, and the row you added will be automatically transferred to all subsequent pages of the document, starting with the second.

Removing the header on each page

If you need to remove the automatic table with the table on all pages of the document, except first, do the following:

1. Highlight all the lines in the table header on the first page of the document and go to the tab. "Layout".

2. Click on the button "Repeat the headlock strings" (Group "Data").

3. After that, the cap will be displayed only on the first page of the document.

You can finish this, from this article you have learned how to make a table header on each page of the Word document.

Most often a program Microsoft Excel. Used to create tables, since the default sheet is divided into cells, the size of which is easily changing to suitable, and can automatically affect the numbering of rows. In this case, at the top of all the data will be the so-called cap, or column headers. When printing, it will definitely appear on the first page, but what about the rest?

We will understand this article in this article. I will tell you two ways to make it so that when printing the name and headers in the table are repeated on each page in Excel, and how to increase the font for them, size and color.

Using through strings

The first method is the use of end-to-end lines. In this case, you need to add additional rows over the table, one or more, and enter the necessary text in them.

Highlight any cell from the first string and, while on the Home tab, click "Paste". Then select from the list "Rows on a sheet".

Next you need to make one of several blocks. To do this, select those that are above the table, click on the appropriate button and select from the list or simply "merge" or accommodating the center.

You can now print the title for the table.

Then proceed to its formatting. Use for this can be buttons located in the "Font" group. The general name I did more, changed the font and added the background. The names of the columns also made on a gray background and applied to them italic.

After that, open the tab. "Page layout" and click on the button "Print headers".

The window will open. Put it in it in the field "Thrink Lines".

Further click on the first row (where the figure is 1) and stretch to the desired amount down. In the example, the repeated header corresponds to the first, second and third row. At the same time, in a small field it will be shown that you allocate.

Returning to the familiar window and click in it "OK".

To see what we did, at the top click "File" and on the left, select Print.

In the window previewwill be shown what kind will be the printed page. As you can see, there are headlines on the first sheet.

Using footer

The second method is adding footer. Since our hat is already repeated, we did in the previous step, let's now duplicate the common table name on all sheets.

Open "View" and go to mode "Page layout".

At the top of the page will appear the field we need top footerClick on it.

If it does not appear, hover over the line between pages and click on it to show empty space.

The footer is divided into three parts. Type suitable text in one of them. In the example, the table name type in the center. Then select it and, using the buttons on the Home tab, you can enlarge the font, change the color, add fatty or italics.

When finished, go from the markup mode to the usual one.

Let's see what happened. The method described above is moving "File" - "Print". On the first page there is also a header, and the table name.

Here are in such ways, you can make the Table Title Title when printing to each page in Excel. Use the option that is more suitable for solving your task.

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It is often required that when printing a table or other document, the header is repeated on each page. Theoretically, of course, you can determine the boundaries of the pages through the preview area and manually enter the top of each of them. But this option takes a lot of time and will lead to the rupture of the integrity of the table. This is all the more inappropriate, considering that there are tools that are able to solve the task much easier, faster and without unnecessary gaps.

The principle of solving this task tools Excel is that the title will be entered only once in one place of the document, but when printing it will be displayed on each page being printed. You can use one of two options: Use footer or end-to-end rows.

Method 1: Using footers

The footers are the top and bottom fields of the page in Excel, which are invisible with normal operation, but if they add data to them, they will be displayed on the prints on each printed element.

  1. Edit footers can be transferred to mode excel works "Page layout". This can be done by applying several action options. First of all, switching to the mode of operation you need, clasping on the icon "Page layout". It is located on the right side of the status string and is the central of the three to switch the document viewing modes.

    The second option provides for pre-switch to the tab. "View" And, being there, click on the icon "Page layout"which is placed on the ribbon in the tool block "Book viewing modes".

    In addition, there is another option to turn on the screening of footers in electronic book. Go to the tab "Insert" and click on the button "PERSONS" in the settings group "Text".

  2. After we switched to view mode "Page layout"The sheet was divided into elements. These elements will just be on the print to go out as separate pages. At the top and bottom of each such element there are three fields of footers.
  3. For the title table, the top central field is most suitable. Therefore, we install the cursor and simply write the name that we want to assign a tabular array.
  4. If you wish, the name can be formatted by the same tape tools that are designed to format data on the usual sheet range.
  5. Then you can return to normal viewing mode. To do this, it is enough to click on the left icon for switching the viewing modes in the status bar.

    You can also go to the tab "View"Click on the tape button called "Normal"which is located in the block "Book viewing modes".

  6. As you can see, in the usual viewing mode, the name of the table is not displayed at all. Go to the tab "File"To see how it will look like.
  7. Next, move to the section "Print" Through the left vertical menu. On the right side of the window that opened the window is the preview area of \u200b\u200bthe document. As you can see, the table name is displayed on the first page.
  8. Scrolling the vertical scroll bar down, we see that the title when printing will be displayed on the second and subsequent pages of the document. That is, we decided that the task that was in front of us initially.

Method 2: Thrings

In addition, to display a document header on each sheet when printing can be used using cross-cutting strings.

So, we found out that in Excele there are two options to quickly display the header of the table on all printed sheets by attaching to this minimum effort. This can be done using footers or through lines. Each user itself is waited to decide which method is more convenient for it and is best suited to solve the task. But still it should be said that through lines provide more opportunities. First, when applied on the screen, the name can be seen not only in special mode View, but also in the usual one. Secondly, if the header suggests the names of the name only at the very top of the document, then with the help of through lines, the name can be placed in any line of the sheet. In addition, through lines, in contrast to footers, are conceived by the developer specifically for organizing headlines in the document.

Long Tables S. large quantity Lines are very inconvenient because it constantly has to scroll up to see what cell column corresponds to a specific name of the header sections. Of course, it is very uncomfortable, and most importantly, significantly increases the time of working with the tables. But, Microsoft Excel offers the ability to fix the table cap. Let's figure it out how to do it.

If the table's cap is on the top line of the sheet, and is simple, that is, it consists of one line, then, in this case, it is easy to fasten it easily. To do this, go to the "View" tab, click on the "Fasten Area" button, and select the "Secure the upper string" item.

Now, when scrolling the ribbon down, the table hat will always be located in the limit visible screen On the first line.

Fastening a complex hat

But, such a way to fix the caps in the table will not work if the cap is complex, that is, consists of two or more lines. In this case, to fix the header, you need to fix not only the top line, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe table from several lines.

First of all, we highlight the first on the left cell, located under the cap of the table itself.

In the same tab "View", we click on the "Fasten area" button, and in the list that opens, select the item with the same name.

After that, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, which is above the selected cell, will be fixed, and therefore the table hat will be fixed.

Fastening the header using the creation of a smart table

Often, the cap is not located at the very top of the table, but slightly lower, since the table name is located on the first lines. In this case, it is over, you can consolidate the entire caps of the caps along with the name. But, the fixed lines with the name will occupy the location on the screen, that is, to narrow the visible view of the table, which is not every user will find comfortable and rational.

In this case, it will be suitable for creating, the so-called, "smart table". In order to use this methodThe table's hat should consist of no more than from one line. To create a "smart table", while in the Home tab, we allocate the entire range of the values \u200b\u200bthat intend to be included in the table. Further, in the "Styles" tools group we click on the "Format as a table" button, and in the styles that opened the list, choose the one that came more like.

Next, the dialog box opens. It will feature the previously selected range of cells that will be included in the table. If you have been allocated correctly, you do not need to change anything. But below, it is necessary to pay attention to the "Table with Header" parameter stood a check mark. If it is not, then it is required to put it manually, otherwise it will not work correctly correctly. After that, we click on the "OK" button.

An alternative option is to create a table with a fixed cap in the "Insert" tab. To do this, you need to go to the specified tab, select the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, which will become a "smart table", and click on the "Table" button on the left part of the tape.

At the same time, exactly the same dialog box will appear as when using the method described earlier. Actions in this window should be performed exactly the same as in the previous case.

After that, when scrolling down the table, the table hat will move to the panel with letters indicating the address of the columns. Thus, the string where the cap is located is fixed, but, nevertheless, the hat itself will always be before the user's eyes, how it would have been not scrolling the table down.

Fastening the caps on each page when printing

There are cases when the header needs to be fixed on each page of the printed document. Then, when printing a table with a multitude of rows, it will not be necessary to identify the columns filled with data, having merged them with the name in the header, which would only be on the first page.

To secure the header on each page when printing, go to the tab "Page Markup". In the "Leaf Parameters" tool block on the ribbon we click on the icon as an inclined arrow, which is located the lower right corner of this unit.

The page parameter window opens. You need to go to the "Sheet" tab of this window, if you find yourself in another tab. Opposite the "Print on each page of through lines" option, you need to enter the address of the header area. You can make a little easier, and click on the button located to the right of the data entry form.

After that, the page parameter window will come. You will need, with a mouse, click on the table header. Then, again, press the button to the right of the entered data.

By moving back to the page parameter window, click on the "OK" button.

As you can see, visually nothing has changed anything in the Microsoft Excel editor. In order to check how the document will look on printing, go to the File tab. Next, move to the "Print" section. In the right side of the window microsoft programs Excel is the area for the preview of the document.

Scrolling down the document, make sure the table cap is displayed on each page prepared for printing.

As you can see, there are several ways to fasten the header in the table. What of these ways to use depends on the structure of the table, and on why you need to be fixed. When using a simple hat, it is easiest to use the fixation top string Sheet if the cap is multi-level - then you need to fix the area. If there is a table name above the cap, or other lines, then in this case, you can format the range of cells filled with data as a "smart table". In the case when you plan to start a print document, will rationally fasten the header on each sheet of the document using the function thrink line. In each case, the decision to use a specific method of consolidation is made purely individually.

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