
SSL connection error in Google Chrome Ubuntu. Computer help. Check the system for viruses

Error sSL checks It occurs in the Opera web browser, if your computer could not check the certificate of this site. Perhaps this resource belongs to fraudsters, and the browser warns you of danger. But if the error began to occur when you try to connect to already familiar websites - you need to look for a problem inside the system. This article describes that it may be caused by such faults, and what to do to eliminate them.

There are many reasons why the SSL error pops up in Opera. This may be caused by the work of any applications, features of the setup windows systems, challenges with the network and so on. IN this list Presented the most frequent reasons occurrence:

  1. No connection to the server. Users are powerless here. It is necessary to wait until the problem with the equipment is solved.
  2. Firewall, firewall or antivirus program blocks connecting to this resource. You can try to disable these services to check whether they are the source of the problem. If yes - you need to set them correctly.
  3. Viral attack - some viruses and malicious scripts may interfere with the server surfing. There is such an error with banal scanning operating system antivirus program.
  4. Incorrect time and date on your personal Computer. During the test, SSL Opera looks, whether the shelf life has expired. If yours system time Hurry up - the browser may think that the certificate is already invalid.
  5. SSL validity period on the website really expired. Think maybe you should not go to this resource. It can belong to fraudsters, and change your OS to embedded scripts.

Disable firewall and antivirus

To check if the error is caused by the testing mechanisms of the operating system, their work must be temporarily suspended. Antivirus program interfaces There are many, it will not be possible to describe them. Most likely, you can turn off the antivirus by clicking the PCM by its tray icon, and choosing the "Press" or "Turn off".

Firewall is a special protective windows service. It blocks specific Internet access programs. To disable it, follow the instructions provided:

Setting up system protection

If after the actions described above the error disappeared - it means that these programs need to be set up. First, you will need to add an Opera web browser to exclude antivirus. How to do this, you can read in the instructions for your specific distribution of the program.

In order to allow network access for Opera in its firewall, do the following:

Changing computer time

If you find that your system clock is lagging behind or rush, you need to configure them. It is best to run automatic synchronization with some server so that they do not get back again:

What is ssl

SSL Special Protocol to create a secure Internet connection. Along with HTTPS, it allows you to ensure the security of personal data of users. If you work with the site through HTTPS - this means that all the data with which your computer exchanges with the server is encrypted. No bots and third parties will be able to intercept the packages and capture confidential information.

SSL is the certificate system. There are several certification centers - inspired by the company's confidence that test various Internet resources. If the website meets all safety requirements - it receives a certificate for a while. When the validity period of the secure connection is suitable for an end - a new check is carried out.

If you visited a new, unknown to you, and saw a warning - it is worth being careful. Perhaps this site is dangerous for your computer. Look at the network reviews about him, look at how high it is located in the deserts search results Yandex and Google.

HTTPS is a protocol of a protected Internet connection, uses the encryption system to prevent theft and decrypt data. Based on secure connection In Yandex, the browser uses an SSL socket, which implies asymmetric cryptographic authentication to exchange information between the server and the client. In practice, the presence of SSL is a guarantee of user security on a particular site, but not all resources provide protection due to the complexity of obtaining a certificate.

Without any special knowledge in safety technologies, the user could not determine the safety of the resource, and with SSL it is easy to find out if you can enter confidential data or better refrain. Yandex Browser displays the presence of an SSL connection with a gray lock in a "smart string", as defined icons easily visually determine the connection type.

Important! In fact, the SSL standard is already outdated and practically not used, back in 2014, the US vulnerabilities declared and obliged resources to switch to the modern protocol of protected communication - TLS. It is also released by Netscape and is an ideological continuation of SSL. TLS is still conventionally called the "SIL."

Determine the type of connection will help the lock icon:

Why do you need ssl in Yandex Browser?

The task of this security standard is reduced to the four spheres:

  1. Authentication, Provides user identification and web server on the network. The function is important for improving the site security system, users are able to prove their own authenticity and can check the authenticity of the second party. Through the Internet, there are communication between users from different parts of the world, from which the identification is complicated to avoid deception, the HTTPS connection via an SSL socket is used.
  2. Guarantee of data secrecy. The cryptographic module provides a guarantee that the information will be obtained exclusively target audience (by a user or group, server, etc.). During data transfer, there is a risk of their interception, but SSL will secure similar problemsAlthough it does not protect 100%. Especially high risk of interception in places with public Wi-Fi.
  3. 128-bit encryption system. Upon receipt of all information by a third party, it will seem in an encrypted form and will not be suitable for reading. The keys to decrypt data are only on the side of the sender and the recipient. We cannot say that the data cannot be decrypted, since modern ASIC systems are able to sort to 50 billion combinations every second. Even with like computing power Password selection will need to spend days, months or even years.
  4. Creature digital signatures . Allows you to guarantee the integrity of messages and their authorship. With the EDS it is easy to prove the origin of any data, it is a convincing and reliable proof of the signing of the document, the authenticity of the element or user identification. Especially important feature on commercial sites and resources performing foreign exchange operations.

How to enable SSL in Yandex browser

In the standard assembly of the browser, protected access is used on all sites that support it. If you have previously changed the parameters or a third-party assembly is installed, the function may not work on the client side.

How to activate HTTPS / SSL support:

Not every site can open using the encryption system, as an SSL Yandex browser appears. Usually faults are easy to solve independently.

How to remove problems with ssl in Yandex Browser?

Often a message appears with an error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. In Yandex browser, it is relatively simply eliminated, but there is one difficulty - the message does not provide specifics. We will have to sort out themselves possible reasons Failure and appearance of unprotected access.

What can provoke a problem:

  1. Defeat system malicious code. Viruses bring the most unexpected problems, including malfunctions when surfing on the network. Free to restore performance will help Dr. Web Cureit. Or Kaspersky Rescue Disc.
  2. Time failure or date. To download a secure resource, you will need to set the correct time with the date. If there is essential differences between the server and the computer, access will be interrupted. The only exception is the differences in time zones, they do not interfere with the download of the site. To restore work, set time correctly:
  3. Installed too high level Security in the browser. As practice shows, excessive security is capable of harming the comfort of the surfing. Install the appropriate level of security:
  4. Antivirus blocks the connection. In terms of anti-virus programs, "Scan / HTTPS Check" is installed, which leads to periodic failures in working with protected sites. For example, in ESET NOD32 (ESET Internet Security), the parameter is in the "Protection of the Internet" - "Web Protocols". Turn off the function and verify the troubleshooting.

There is another useful way to restore access to sites - Clear Certificate Storage.

How to Clean SSL in Yandex Browser?

In fact, there are three methods to help Clean SSL in Yandex Browser:

  1. From the network section. The fastest and easiest way to clean the SSL in Yandex Browser. Algorithm of actions:
  2. Manually through the browser window. The method is interesting in that it allows you to remove only individual certificates, and not all of their list.
  3. Manually through the system. The advantage of the procedure - we can reset the certificates simultaneously in all browsers. What to do:

Reset the SSL repository to the Yandex browser is useful when the partition is littered or in case of errors that often disappear, if you release the partition and erase the part or all SSL certificates. We recommend that you always keep the section up to date (periodically erase data) and activate the HTTPS operation in the browser to protect the content.

One of the problems with which the user can meet by performing the surfing on the Internet through the operator's browser is an SSL connection error. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that is used when checking for web resources certificates when moving to them. Let's find out how the ssl error may be due to browser Opera.And in which way it is possible to solve this problem.

First of all, the reason for such an error may be, indeed, an overdue certificate on the side of the web resource, or its absence. In this case, it is not even an error, but the provision of real information browser. Modern browser Opera in this case issues the following message: "This site cannot provide safe connection. The site sent an invalid answer. "

In this case, it is impossible to do nothing, as the wines are completely on the side of the site.

It should be noted that such episodes are single characters, and if you have a similar error, it appears when you try to go to other sites, then you need to look for a source of reasons in another.

Invalid system time

One of the most common causes of error SSL compound It is incorrectly exhibited time in the system. The browser is checked by a certificate of the site certificate with the system time. Naturally, if it is invalid, even a valid certificate will be a rejected opera, as an overdue, which will cause the above error. Therefore, when an SSL error occurs, be sure to check the date installed in the system in the system tray in the lower right corner of the computer monitor. If the date differs from the real one, it should be changed to the correct one.

Click on the left mouse button on the clock, and then click on the inscription "Changing the date and time settings".

It is best to synchronize the date and time with the server on the Internet. Therefore, go to the "Time on the Internet" tab.

Then, press the "Change Parameters ..." button.

But if the date break, which is installed in the system, and the real, very large, then this way it will not be possible to synchronize the data. You have to set the date manually.

To do this, we return to the Date and Time tab, and click on the "Change Date and Time" button.

We will open a calendar, where, by pressing the arrows, we can navigate for months, and select the desired date. After the date is selected, press the "OK" button.

Thus, the changes in the date will take effect, and the user will be able to get rid of the SSL connection error.

Antivirus blocking

One of the causes of an SSL error connectivity can be an antivirus or firewall. To check this, disable the antivirus program installed on the computer.

If the error is repeated, then look for the reason in the other. If it disappeared, then you should, or change the antivirus, or change its settings so that the error does not occur anymore. But, this is an individual question of each antivirus program.


Also, an SSL connection error may result in the system malicious programs. Scan your computer to viruses. It is desirable to do it from another unreleased device, or at least from the flash drive.

As you can see, the causes of the SSL connection error may be different. This may be caused as a real delay in the certificate that the user cannot affect and incorrect settings operating system, and installed programs.

SSL - safe ProtocolUsed when visiting resources whose address starts with HTTPS. The data is transmitted in encrypted form, and you can not worry about privacy. But if the validity period of the certificate has expired, or it is made in improperly, the web browser when trying to open the site will show the SSL connection error.

Causes of occurrence

A failure can be called by the server from which the site information is requested, or a computer on which the browser is running. Usually, the error appears in the Browsers based on Chromium: Google Chrome, Yandex.Bauzer, Opera, Comoda Dragon.

IN Mozilla Firefox. A similar failure is defined as "this connection is incorrect."

If the certificate is appropriate, then when you click on the lock next to the address, you will see such a picture:

When an error occurs in the definition sSL protocol part of the address will be crossed (https //), and in for more information You will read that the identification data of the site is not verified, the connection is encrypted with outdated technologies.

Such a situation will be repeated on all sites that you try to open.

Important: If the SSL connection error appears only on one web resource, the cause of the failure is on the site side, that is, the page has real problems with encryption.

Apply the connection error correcting the connection error follows only if there is no site using the HTTPS protocol on the computer.

Error correction

If, when you open additional information about the connection, you see a message that the certificate is still / is not valid, then check the date on the computer. If it is seriously different from reality forward or backward, the protocol will not work, respectively, an error will appear when accessing the site.

Typically, time and date are shot down due to the seed cMOS batteries. You can still replace yourself by purchasing a new power source in the store. But before changing the battery, see which is installed now in system block or laptop. If you have a battery with a wiring, then you need to purchase a similar power source.

Browser check

If the date on the computer is installed correctly, but the connection failure still appears, pay attention to the state of the browser. You must have latest version web browser. If you use Google Chrome, go to the settings and open the "About Program" section. In other browsers, the verification of the version is carried out similarly.

Usually web browsers are updated without user participation. But, for example, on XP and Vista are not supported by new chrome version. Accordingly, when working with old OS, you can not get into some sites.

Another reason for the connection error may be the effect of extensions. They will not necessarily have malicious: quite legal additions can also conflict with sites.

To check this hypothesis:

  1. Open the settings, go to the list of extensions.
  2. Disconnect all extensions for a while, and then try to enter the site again.

If the problem persists, reset the proxy server settings. They can be confused due to the fact that you have connected to the Internet through a proxy, or due to the actions of other applications. To reset proxy settings in Chrome:

If in other browsers, sites open normally, and the connection error appears only in one browser, reset its settings. This will delete all data, but will help solve the problem.

Setting up Antivirus

In addition to the wrong date and problems in the work of the browser, the connection error may cause excessive curiosity of antivirus and firewall. Protective software checks the SSL connection. Some sites can determine such an inspection as an intervention attempt and close access to information.

To check whether the antivirus or firewall is guilty in the appearance of an error, disconnect the computer protection for time. It should be done only if you are confident of the site security, which is trying to get.

If when the webpage is disabled via a web page, you open without fails, configure the HTTPS check mode in the antivirus.

In Avast, for example, you need to go to the settings, open the "Active Protection" section, click "Settings" and remove the mark from the "Enable HTTPS scan" item.

In Kaspersky Internet Security The same settings are located in the "Network" section of additional settings.

Such options are in all antiviruses, so you only need to find them and disable HTTPS check.

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Almost every user faced a variety of problems in the browser. One of such problems is SSL connections that does not allow you to view the desired pages. Let's figure out with all ways to eliminate such a problem.

First stage

So, first, you need to decide what is for a problem where it is taken from, and only then look for ways to eliminate it. If an SSL connection error appears on your computer when trying to connect to any page on the Internet via the browser, it suggests that the problem is caused by inconsistency in the system. Therefore, it needs to be corrected, but, as practice shows, it is not so easy to do this, as it may seem at first glance.

Often, everything is refused to work installed browsers. The only output is to use standard IE, which in 90% of cases does not issue such an error. This browser can be used until the solution is found. Simple wordsThe SSL error indicates that it is impossible to establish a connection to the server for some reason. Let's figure out why this kind of problem appears.

Causes of SSL error

So, often there are only a few ways to find out what exactly it bothers the Internet. So, first of all, you need to check the settings of your antivirus, since it can block connections, which is why all problems arise. You may need to add a browser to exceptions and set the less strict control of incoming and outgoing traffic. It is also recommended to check if necessary to reduce the level of protection.

Also in Google Error SSL connections may occur when you have no antivirus program and the system is infected. In principle, it is solved or reinstalling OS, or scanning the system to search for infected files. Also pay attention to the fact that you may have a time setting confused. Therefore, a mismatch is detected on the server, and the connection is defined as unreliable or unprotected. Another typical reason is an outdated browser.

SSL Origin Connection Error

If you like to play in good games On the computer and buy them through the Internet, then most often this product requires activation. Despite the fact that this is a minute process, for you it can become a real headache due to the failure of the SSL protocol. In this case, the detailed text of the error may look different. For example: "Certificate of client authentication" or "SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL". It is possible to fix everything as follows.

We go to the antivirus, if, of course, it is available. Next, we go to the settings, if more precisely, we need a string "HTTPS protocol". Here it is necessary to remove a tick, that is, turn off. Reboot your computer and try to install Origin. If everything went successfully, if not, it is advisable to install the game from the disk and try to just update it. What else can help is the use of another browser, for example, not chrome, and Opera.

SSL connection error: eliminate the problem

Let's deal with what to do if there is a similar problem. First of all, you do not need to panic. Everything is not scary and solved in a few minutes. The main reason for the error is that, as noted above, it happens for several reasons. One of them is a biast battery in BIOS. It can be changed, it costs 40-50 rubles.

We also pay attention to the antivirus and a list of programs in the blacklist. Connecting these applications it will block. It is worth noting that a broken register can be somewhat the cause of the problem. Most users break their head over the problem solving, but sometimes it happens that this is not an error at all. The fact is that most browsers allow you to enable and disable support for SSL files. It is enough to find in the settings the desired parameter and put a tick, after that the problem should be solved.

Turn on SSL and Cookie in the browser

In some cases, availability this protocol not required. But when you want to use Adsense pages, this parameter must be enabled. The same applies to cookies. In principle, for normal operation and display information, incl. and ads, you need a working SSL. So, go to the configuration of the browser. First of all, you need to go to the menu, and then select the settings.

There you must see the tab " Additional settings"She needs us. The next step is the selection of the "Content Settings" item, and then you need to go to "Personal Data". Before us will be a menu called " Cookies files" We go there and install the checkbox opposite the "Saving Local Data" item. Close the tab and go to HTTPS / SSL. Here you need to do a similar job. Install the check mark opposite the line "Check, is not the certificate from the server". If the checkbox is not worth, then the SSL will be incorrect. That's all, reboot the browser and proceed to work.

A few more simple ways to solve the problem

If you do not have time to deal with the browser settings or scan the system, you can try several times in a row to which you need to go. It is likely that after that the information will be partially displayed. However, in the future you will need to do everything according to the instructions. Another output is to reset the browser settings on Default, that is, standard. This will enable / disable all the necessary plugins and scripts. It is also recommended to clean the cache that sometimes gives a positive result. You can still go to windows folder, then System 32, after which - in Drivers to find the "etc" file there. The last line should look like this: All that is below this inscription, you need to remove. After that, the SSL connection error will disappear in Google.

Several important points

Please note that sometimes sites without reliable or overdue certificates are a kind of viruses. In this case, it is normal to see the window with the inscription "SSL connection error".

What to do, if you still need to visit the resource, you ask. To do this, it is necessary to continue the connection by confirming its solution. In this case, you can get a virus to your computer that is not good. Although if you have installed, it will give you the appropriate message and automatically blocks the work with a malicious site.

Now you know what the SSL connection error is. How to fix it, we also figured out. You need to say a couple of words that you need to periodically clean the cookie in your browser. This will allow not only to speed up the download of the pages, but also will save you from the problem described. It is desirable to at least sometimes perform a full scanning system for viruses and suspicious files.


You must understand that if you have a similar kind of error, then something is wrong with the computer. First of all, check time. If the year, month or time of the day does not correspond to reality, you need to fix everything. To do this, in the tray of the desktop of your operating system, click several times by hours and set real values. As a rule, it immediately solves the problem. If this happens, we go to and see whether the support for the SSL protocol is enabled. If everything is as it should be, then most likely things in antivirus program Or a malicious file that blocks the connection. Deleting or moving to quarantine should help.

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