
My system time is knocked down. Why after turning off the computer gets off time. Why time on the computer is constantly knocked down - other reasons

Well, what is? Once the computer includes, is it constantly knocked down the date and time? How can?! Tired already correct! Such questions you weden lately everyday? And do not know what to do? Your computer has already been 3-4 years? But it still works great if only not this attack! And at one fine moment you do not start the computer until you fix the date in the Bios itself. And you will correct it every time the system logs. How do you like such a promotion?

Why the computer is knocked down on the computer

Surely you are already thinking about to buy new computer. But if you work only in text editor Word, electronic excel tablesand pair still at all simple programs, playing small office games, go online to chat with friends, check your mailbox, Or write and download your articles on your favorite site, then buy a new computer is not at all necessary.

After all, the fact that you have a date and time, and you will not even attract a malfunction.

This is a malfunction:

And the point of just in a small battery, which is located on your motherboard inside the processor block. Just the term of her life has expired. It is designed only for 3-4 years - no more. Yes, yes you only need to replace the battery in the computer.

Did you really call the wizard because of this or carry a computer in the service?

I don't have anything anywhere else, and no one is not necessary to call! You yourself will greatly handle this problem, and I will help you.

How to replace the battery on the motherboard

I immediately want to warn you that when changing your battery The data is not affected . So that feel free to work for work.

Go to any computer store and buy a battery size with a two-ruble coin for 3 volts. The thickness of her big role does not play, but it is better to take at number CR2032. . The last two digits 32 and denote its thickness.

  • Disconnect the computer from the electrical network;
  • Disconnect all wire connected to it from the processor unit (power cable, mouse, keyboard, monitor, columns, scanner, printer) from the processor unit;
  • Open the side cover;
  • Remove from yourself;

  • Find on the motherboard the same battery (it can be in any place, but more often somewhere at the bottom);

  • Remove it, carefully pulling away, a small silver latch and picker the battery with a knife or flat screwdriver;
  • Install the new battery on its place. Insert it into the socket and slightly press on top. Should be heed by clicking a latch. " + "Must be a" face "to you;
  • Close the side cover of the computer;
  • Connect all the wires from peripheral devices (power cable, monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.);
  • Turn on the computer into the outlet;
  • Turn on the power and processor buttons on the monitor;
  • When you start the system boot, press the keyboard and hold the key. Del. (Delete). This is done to enter the BIOS. On some computer to enter the key must be pressed F10 . When the computer is loaded, it is usually indicated which key must be pressed (here as in this picture);

  • Immediately go to the first tab Standart CMOS Setup. , or Main. (name it depends on the version Bios. ). In any case, it must be first. As in this picture;

Either on it.

  • IN Bios. on the start page Find post SYSTEM DATE. or simply Date. . If the desired parameter is under the parameter Time. (time), then go to the parameter Date. arrow down on keyboard;
  • Install the first digit or name of the month key + (plus) or - (minus);
  • The following parameter Number of month Go the key Tab. (on the keyboard on the left side above the key Caps Lock. );
  • Change in the same way YEAR ;

  • After changing the date, press the key. F10 , Answer a request to save changes YES (press the key Y. );
  • Time we did not change. You can do it after logging into the system. How to do it - described.

So you replaced the battery on your computer's motherboard, and I did not have to ask anyone.

Today we will deal with the problem: why when loading operating system Date and time settings can be shot. Do not worry anything terrible with your computer did not happen and the question is quite possible to solve yourself.

Time Zones

The first reason can be called the wrong time zone. Therefore, when you download the operating system, time is synchronized with the server and, accordingly, is invalid.

To view, what time zone is selected from you, you must click on the right mouse button on the clock located in the tray, and select the item from the context menu "Setting the date and time".

In the next window, look at the time zone set. If it is selected incorrect, click on the button "Change the time zone ..." And set the desired value. Then click on the "Apply" and "OK" button.

Transition to another time

The second reason is an automatic transition to summer / winter time. As you know, since 2014, such a transition has been canceled in Russia. That is why you have a clock on your computer, they can fall behind, then hurry for 1 hour.

To solve this problem, you just need to perform updates for the installed operating system. If, for known reasons, you cannot do this, then consider other ways.

To do this, click on the right mouse button on the clock in the tray and choose from the context menu "Setting the date and time". In the next window, go to the tab "Time on the Internet". Here click on the button "Change parameters". Now you need to remove a tick from the point "Synchronize with the time server on the Internet" and click "OK." Next click "Apply" and "OK". Then just set the correct time.

You can also try to change the time zone. For example, you have set UTC + 03.00, change it to UTC + 02.00.

Battery panel on motherboard

Third reasonWhy the time and date on the computer is confused, there may be a nursing battery on the motherboard. And they are shot down each time when the system unit is turned off.

The thing is that when the computer is disconnected from the network power, the system time and the BIOS settings are not shot down only due to the power obtained from the battery. Therefore, when it sits down, the window can appear when loading the operating system, where you, and then also time with the date is wrong.

In this case, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, deploy it back cover To yourself, unscrew the screws, with the help of the side covers. Then remove the side lid and find a small battery on the motherboard. It has a form of a tablet, provides a voltage of 3 volts and is usually called CR2016, CR2025, CR2032. Gently get it, she attached there with the help of the retainer, and buy the same in the store - they are not expensive. Then install the battery and collect parts of the system unit back.

Now turn on the computer and immediately. You can do this by clicking when booting the operating system F2 or DEL. Customize there right date and time. Then we leave the BIOS and wait for the end of the system loading. Further simply set the right date and time on the computer.


The fourth reason can be called computer viruses. At the same time, they are introduced into system files And because of this, date and time settings can be shot.

Check the computer with antivirus. And it is better to do it not only to those installed on a computer, and also a couple of others. If something is wrong, remove the viruses found. If you are still in doubt, check non-system disks for viruses, format system Disk And on the computer. Read more about whether you can read in a separate article.

I hope that one of the considered methods will help you. And when loading the operating system you will no longer disturb wrong settings Dates and time on the computer.

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Greetings to you, dear readers! Avoid problems with work computer equipment At the stage of its operation is simply impossible. A rather frequent subject of attention from users becomes time trouble on a computer or laptop.

The main reason for the wrong timer testimony is the discharge of the battery in the motherboard. Incorrect time zone settings, erroneous synchronization with the server, a long-time not updated operating system, the use of unsuitable activators and utilities can also lead to a collection of time and dates on the PC.

As you probably guess, we will talk in today's article about why the time is shot on the computer. We will learn the main factors that first contribute to the sudden change in the date and time in a personal computer.

Coming time on a computer

Discharge batteries in the motherboard

For preservation bIOS settings And the correct work of the timer is a personal computer requires an energy source. When connected to the mains on the motherboard, voltage comes. In case of disconnection of the PC from the network, the power supply is becoming a battery placed in the heart of the motherboard. The following signals will be signs of the Sex Battery:

- with a rare or frequent periodicity, the date and time are reset (calendar settings vary depending on the date of the motherboard issue);

- When you turn on the PC, there are messages that prevent error or low battery potential: "CMOS Battery State Low" or "CMOS Checksum Error";

- When starting a computer, the system requires press the F1 keys (continue the PC load) or F2 (set default settings);

- The browser often informs about the overdue certificates of the open sites, due to the big difference between the local time personal computer and dates of the Web resource certificate;

- Antivirus and other user programs are incorrectly working with reference to outdated bases or loss. licensed key (In some cases, they simply do not start).

Most often in modern motherboards used CR series batteries with numbers 2016, 2025 and 2032.

To replace the batteries, you will need to turn off the power of the computer, open the case cover of the system unit, locate the battery in the motherboard, carefully remove the retainer, remove the old battery and insert a similar new one. After that you need to turn on the computer and update current Time in bios PC. By the way about BIOS, you can read this article:

Invalid temporary settings on PC

Despite the abolition of a winter / summer transition, some operating systems still continue to automatically "translate the clock arrows." To avoid such a misunderstanding, you need to turn off automatic translation In the settings of the personal computer. Here is another reason why the time is shot on the computer.

To do this, you must click right-click on the timer, located in the lower right corner of the monitor and select the "Setting date and time setting" position. Next, make changes in the time zone and remove the checkbox in the checkbox "Automatic transition for summer time and back" (Fig. 1).

Sometimes, the default operating systems are updates affecting the current time indicators. When entering the Internet, the OS is automatically synchronized with the server and independently updates the time for the suitable time zone of the PC user. Some servers "on old memory" continue to transfer computers to the "new" time. To achieve real-time show results, you also need to refer to the date and time setting. In the Time on the Internet tab, you must click on the "Change parameters" and remove the checkbox in the checkbox "Synchronize with the time server on the Internet" (Fig. 2).

If the time on the computer is knocked down exactly an hour ahead or back, then you can eliminate this problem using settings and changes in the time zone with an indication of the nearby city.

To do this, you will need to go to the "Center of Updates", update OS packages and set the right date and time (Fig. 3).

Sooner or later, time on any computer begins to get off. Together with the system time, the BIOS settings are reset. Such a computer behavior creates a lot of not amenities, so it is very important to know how to solve this problem. IN this material You will learn why time is confused on the computer and how it can be fixed.

This problem arises due to the battery on the motherboard. This battery is responsible for storing BIOS settings and system hours. Over time, the battery spends its resource and in the end ceases to work. And with a faulty battery, the computer will be the standard date every time you turn off the power.

How to find out what you got a battery on the motherboard:

  • Each time the power is turned off, the time is knocked on the computer. At the same time, the date changes. As a rule, the date is rolled back for several years.
  • Each time a power is disabled, the BIOS settings are knocked down.
  • Each time you turn on the computer asks for F1 or F2.
  • Also, due to the installation of not relevant dates, problems will be observed with the launch softwareThe antivirus will report a surrender license, and the browser will refuse to open some sites due to irrelevant certificates.
  • It should be noted that if you have a lag behind just a few hours, then most likely you have a problem with a battery, but with the operating system settings. Set the correct time zone or disable time synchronization via the Internet.

How to solve a problem with a confusion time on a computer

To solve this problem on the motherboard. This battery is called CR 2032, it can be found in computer stores. But, remember this name is not necessarily. Moreover, not all sellers and consultants know what "CR 2032 Battery" is. Therefore, you can just go to the store and ask if they have "batteries for motherboards". You can also remove the old battery and show it to the seller in the store.

In order to replace the battery on the motherboard, you need:

Step # 1. Fully de-energize the computer. Turn off the power cord from the system unit to be completely sure that the computer is de-energized.

Step # 2. Remove the left side cover of the system unit. Unscrew the two locking screws on the rear panel of the system unit and remove the left side cover of the system unit.

Step # 3. Find and remove the battery from the motherboard. In order to remove the battery you will have to press a small spring with a screwdriver.

Step No. 4. Install a new battery. In order to install a new battery, just stick it to the place of the old battery. When installing, a small click should be heard.

Step number 5. Close the system unit and turn on the computer.

Step number 6. Check the new battery. Configure the date, turn off the computer and completely disconnect it from the power supply. After such a procedure, the date should not be treated.

Good afternoon my dear readers! Today we will talk, why the time is coming on the computer and how to solve this problem. There are only two reasons, and so, about them below.

Time is shot down for an hour

The first, time is knocked down for an hour. You constantly change windows timeBut for some reason it is knocked down ... After the tenth attempt, your hands are descended and you drive it on this trifle. It's much easier here than you think. Now we will allow your ailment together.

Let's drive the cursor to the lower right angle to the clock, click, pops up the calendar and time.

In the pop-up window, remove a tick with . Click OK - approx.

With this problem figured out. And what to do if not only time is shot, but also the date?

Constantly gets off time and date

With the first reason we figured out, let's talk about the second. If in the first case, only time was shot down and only an hour, then in the second case there is a complete reset (zeroing) time and date. Time is reset when it is turned off - turning on the computer. Maybe you don't even guess, but with full reset Time and date, there is also a complete, and together with it there may be different consequences (for example, or at all stopped working, etc.).

Resetting the settings is due to Sorted cMOS batteries. She is on the motherboard, it looks like this:

Pull it out and put a new one. In order not to make a mistake when buying, take the old battery with you. On the motherboards in system blocks A series 2032 is required. In laptops, the series may differ. After replacing, do not forget to set the time and date in conventional method through the desktop. If you have noticed that there are any errors when working related to the BIOS, then you need to configure it. If you do not understand this, do not climb, contact a knowledgeable person.

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